Hidden Object - Sweet Home

Hidden Object - Sweet Home

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Steam Store

Разработчик: Sabrina Aridi

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Можете ли вы найти все скрытые объекты в своем доме?

Помогите красивой женщине найти все потерянные объекты в ее доме в этой игре для поиска предметов.

Для поиска нет ограничений по времени, и вы можете использовать подсказку, чтобы найти инструменты, необходимые для завершения каждой главы.

Помогите красивой женщине найти предметы в свое время, она запуталась во многих вещах в своем доме.

Вы можете увеличивать и уменьшать масштаб, чтобы получить лучший обзор во всех сценах. Сдвиньте палец, чтобы переместить экран, чтобы упростить поиск.

В разных средах есть много отсутствующих гаджетов, таких как кухня, задний двор, гостиная, спальня и детская комната. Нет лучшего места, чем чистый дом, найти все, что потеряно в вашем доме.

Если вам нравятся игры с скрытыми объектами, загрузите эту игру сейчас и введите приключение в этот день.


- легко играть
- Функция масштабирования - увеличение и уменьшение масштаба
- Без ограничения по времени

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows XP SP3
  • Процессор: Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Intel HD 3000
  • Место на диске: 400 MB
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система


  • ОС: Mac OS 10.9
  • Процессор: Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 400 MB


    • Процессор: Core 2 Duo
    • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ

      Отзывы пользователей

      Не рекомендую 27.01.2025 20:28
      0 0

      Quite possibly the worst HOG I've played.

      Время в игре: 12 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 03.12.2024 22:37
      0 0


      Время в игре: 60 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 27.05.2024 01:41
      4 0

      I'm shy, so I'll make this brief:


      Время в игре: 62 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 29.02.2024 00:19
      0 0

      Steam needs neutral reviews.
      I hated every second I played this game and two specific items to find were hard due to the transaction I believe. They weren't what they are stated to be.

      But I literally only got this game for the easy 100% (Finish the all the levels: 15-20 mins, then idle for an hour.)
      So I got what I paid for.

      Время в игре: 67 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 01.03.2023 19:01
      0 0

      Terrible quality and repetitive. The photoshop isn't even good and you can play while she still talks and without it telling you what to find.

      Время в игре: 9 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 22.09.2022 01:59
      0 0

      I got what I deserve.

      First time playthrough: 13 minutes
      100% Completion time: 1 hour

      Время в игре: 61 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 29.08.2022 20:31
      0 0

      fun easy game to 100% except the play for 1 hour to finish. sexy redhead is a nice touch. over all buy it when it is on sale.

      Время в игре: 30 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 01.02.2022 04:50
      0 0

      Very quick playtime. 20 minutes in, got 3/4 achievements. The one I'm missing is "play this game for one hour," which I will go without. Maybe good for children, but if they are old enough to be able to read the words, they may be too old to enjoy this game.

      Время в игре: 17 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 31.01.2022 09:23
      0 0

      Quick easy and cheap 100% achievements. No other reason to get this game hahaha.

      Время в игре: 71 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 13.10.2021 23:39
      0 0

      Recommended only on sale and only if you like to 100%-achievement games in an hour. As a HO game, it is very short with no story and only about 5 HO scenes.

      Время в игре: 30 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 08.10.2021 22:48
      0 0

      If you are expecting.... fun, then don't get this. If you want to add easy achievements to your profile, well that's all this really has going for it, but I still can't recommend it. It's a painful experience.


      Время в игре: 62 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 15.07.2021 16:16
      0 0

      An absurdist masterpiece!
      Possibly the funniest game on Steam.

      Время в игре: 65 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 15.07.2021 02:23
      1 0

      If you are just getting achievements it is not bad, if you are looking for a good time, this is not it.

      Время в игре: 491 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 11.03.2021 09:25
      0 0

      Poor little story line the levels repeat on difficulty and it crashed on me twice.
      On the plus side easy achievements

      Время в игре: 574 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 24.01.2021 03:07
      2 1

      I'm 50/50 on whether to recommend this game or not. I'm going to opt for thumbs up because it was on a massive discount and I really like hidden object games in general. Although this was too easy and simple, I did enjoy the bright scenery. The downside was the yellow text on blue background speech bubbles from the girl kind of hurt my eyes - and this little game was far too short! I would've liked to have seen more areas to find objects. It was also way too easy - even the "hard" modes where insanely easy so it would've been better if objects were more hidden and the areas more cluttered so you'd have to look a bit harder to seek out the objects.

      Время в игре: 65 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 07.09.2020 15:50
      0 0

      Bought it during the sales, because it reminded me of when I was a little kid. It did give me those vibes back, but I had some trouble with the language barrier (English isn't my native language). Had some fun in the end, but it's not worth your money for what you're getting. There only are like 5 levels, which each have 3 difficulties, but always have the same items you need to search. Game is missing content for sure!

      + Nostalgia
      + Learned some new words in English xd

      - 10-20 minutes of gameplay isn't worth money, game should be free imo

      Worth grinding for the achievements?:
      It is, you'll complete it in no time (but please don't buy it at full price)

      Price: €0.39 (Sales)
      Worth it's money?: No
      Overall: 4/10

      Время в игре: 30 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 10.09.2018 22:09
      1 0

      Worst HOG I've played (so far). Which is saying something, since it is an easy target audience, I guess. Too bad. This category of games don't have to be bad at all, it's a relaxing type of game. But yes, this is idiotic & very simplistic in design. But for easy 100% game completion, go for it.

      Время в игре: 67 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 31.03.2018 10:52
      2 0

      I own Shower with Your Dad Simulator 2015 and I'm ashamed I bought this garbage.

      15 minutes to complete the entire thing, and that's only because I didn't know what the heck a cornice was. Turns out the dev didn't either, or just used a really awful translation website.

      Время в игре: 15 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 02.03.2018 05:02
      9 1

      This game is dreadfully lazy. There's a total of 5 levels. You have to find objects in each level. Sounds simple enough. But here's the catch: the items never change. Yes, it might ask you to find DIFFERENT items, but the items are all in the same spot. You can memorize the layout of each level and find every object in each of the 'difficulty' settings in less than a minute each.

      You have to play the Easy, Normal and Hard difficulty settings to complete the game. This requires you to play each of these boring and repetitive levels three times each. Difficulty is misleading, since there's no challenge. It just asks you to find different items each time. But again.... the items will ALWAYS be in the same spot.

      This game took me about 25 minutes to complete fully. It's not even worth a dollar.

      Время в игре: 76 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 17.01.2018 00:21
      3 0

      Let me preface this by saying that I play a lot of drivel on Steam. In fact, that's about all I do on Steam. But this, this is drivel in its purest form.

      I love me some HOGs, but this isn't one. It's just an object game, and it's barely that. I completed this game in 0.2 hours with no difficulty at all except that a couple of the words were so hard-translated that they were unintelligible (cornice, by which the dev means "curtain rod", and ornament, by which the dev means "decorative insignia on an object"). Oh, and there's absolutely no window dressing. Oh, and there's exactly one song that plays on repeat the whole time and it is about one-fourth of the length of the Mario theme song.

      There is nothing of value in this game, not even as a mindless timewaster. There's not even much else to say.

      Время в игре: 11 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 06.01.2018 04:37
      6 0

      Well some Brazilian Developer just bought himself a new Casio keyboard. Unfortunately for us though he only knows one song.

      This HOS game is simply a taunt as it shows you 5 scenes to a house that you’re hard earned money is helping the developer pay for. Your sneak peek of the mansion comes with aid of a drawing of a 'Gilmore Girl' who at some point entices you up to the bedroom so she can fall asleep on you, once you've cleared the bed.

      This female stiff requests that you clean up after one of her parties by going through the same 5 rooms and collect first 5 items, then 10, then at last 15. Once this is done you’re greeted with the words you've completed the game and the option to restart. Instead like me you will probably just leave the game running for an hour so you can get the last achievement.

      Simply put a vagrant crudely put together asset cash grab, of which this developer unmasked here - https://twitter.com/fabiogcunha should know better.

      The only part of the house I was interested in ... was her back door.

      Below is a sample of someone else’s play through…


      If you enjoyed reading this review please subscribe to my curator page. Thanks...


      Время в игре: 62 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Не рекомендую 01.01.2018 17:46
      6 0

      15 minutes to finished the game and then leave it running for an hour to get the last achievement. There's hardly anything here even for a dollar.

      Время в игре: 16 ч. Куплено в Steam
      Рекомендую 01.01.2018 15:31
      16 4

      Ok, I am an historian (at least I should be one) and I admit I'm really not accustomed that much to computer programming or game developing, but this game - which has the usual settings window before launching it, in which you can choose to play windowed or full screen, the resolution and the graphics quality - when put in tray or in the ctrl+alt+canc window (ok sorry readers, my PC interfaces are all in Italian or in French and I don't remember now its name ahah) it's called "Woman House".
      Quite different from the game title on the Steam store..
      But anyways it fits the game - there's a woman, and you're in a house xD
      Anyways, before going into the actual game, I saw that this is an indie developed game by a single guy who has published other games on Steam, but I don't own them so I can't say anything about him, I just recognize that he's like me a non-English native speaker and if you play the game in English (you can choose also Spanish, Russian and French even if the game hub page doesn't say anything about this!) the dialogues/instructions that the woman (which looks like an actress or something taken directly from Google) will give you aren't really that polished, useful or interesting.
      She'll just pop up in every single level and she'll tell herself some questions like "where I put the.." or "where's the other object". Or "the party was awesome". Well, yeah, it's quite nonsense xD
      The game consists of multiple levels (by the way the background music isn't that bad, it's just quite repetitive), consecutive, in which you're provided with a background that looks somehow differently designed in regard of the objects; you'll have always five objects' name on the lower part of the screen and well, you've got to find them. Overall, it's an hidden object game xD
      I think it's really suitable and funny for kids, since the game is very linear and doesn't have a story; it shows some nice background arts of the various parts of a big house and well, lots of small and big objects among which you have to find the five you're told to individuate. The later levels will ask you to find ten items, but it's always of course in the same setting so it will be nothing new, just an added difficulty somehow :)
      Well, as a non-native English speaker who has never studied English, when it comes to terms like these (they're almost all items related to a house, a garden or something like this, decorations, statues, cooking items and such) I had some problems 'cos since I don't speak English in my everyday life I never have to deal with daily-use objects!
      So, in the end, it's a game suitable for kids that poses no challenges at all to an experienced player, even because you don't have to deal with time limits or click limits at all. Anyways, it's relaxing and pleasing. And as childish it can be, it's still funny to me since you have the option to learn and search for items in multiple languages (English alone isn't a breeze here for some kitchen items for instance ahahah) and also well, all the scenarios are filled with items so you can make a challenge with yourself and try to find every single hidden object without making any mistake. Plus, after having beat a level, you can always replay it with five different items to find so it has got some replaying value :)
      There are some bugs, though. The game's made with Unity and some screen options make in some levels disappear the bottom row, so that you'll read only four items.. so try and adjust the options in the settings screen, being a game so smooth, fast and light at least it allows you to go in and out at every time; when you log in again, of course, your saved level will be back so that you won't have to replay the previous ones!
      The other downside is that well, the game's linear so you've got to follow all the rooms and the scenarios before replaying the former ones :)
      What can I say? It comes for 0,99€ and on discount or with a coupon it's easily buyable with some €/$ cents, and if you've got kids or if you like relaxing hidden object games (I definitely love them, and have been playing them since the arcade ones in which there were, in the late '90s I think, touch screens in which you had to point your fingers to the differences between the two screens or to the hidden objects - I don't remember a single title from those years XD) well, to me it isn't an heresy (is this only an Italian stock phrase?! XD), I mean, for some cents it's funny and for kids it's definitely entertaining, well-made, without any obscenity or such things. It's really for all ages.
      I completely get the complaints of other players that say this is a short game and an easy one too, but if you take into account everything I said I think it can be a nice indie hidden object addition to your library :)
      I was also told that this game had no achievements before (still no trading cards, but at least some achievements!) and that it had an hint button and well, maybe this would have been a nice thing to keep - there's no hint button as of the end of 2017 - but as I said there are no timers and no penalties so I think it's ok, it will just stimulate your seeing capabilities and well, if you really can't find the last item you just can click everywhere :)
      Oh, I forgot to say that you can also somehow zoom in and out with the mouse wheel and drag a little bit the screen with the left mouse button, but it's all here I think xD
      Summarizing everything up, every negative comment you'll see it's true and reliable but if you take into account the positive points I tried to explain, if you've kids of if you just want some relaxing hidden object game with no story or anything apart from the purpose of testing your language and seeing skills, it's nice to have to me. Maybe not for 1€, but on sale or with a coupon it's ok, I'd put it in your wishlist if you find yourself suitable on something I tried to explain, hoping to have been useful :)
      I'd just had suggested to put "for kids" in the tags for the game, and to well.. remove that awful Italian translation that the game hub offers. As always, it's unreadable and completely wrong; I appreciate that someone (I don't know who, or if thanks to a machine translation without checks) wants to put everything into other languages but really, as a graduate in history and as a long-time student of liberal arts it's painful to see my Italian destroyed by impossible-to-read translations.
      But take into account what I said before, not the game hub Steam store but the in-game thing: you can choose also Russian, Spanish and French and fortunately even Google Transalte doesn't make mistakes in translating "shovel", "clock" or "porcelain vase" xD So you can also use this in order to learn some useful words - too bad that Italian isn't there, but at least my fellow neolatin languages are present :)
      Have fun!

      Время в игре: 61 ч. Куплено в Steam

      Дополнительная информация

      Разработчик Sabrina Aridi
      Платформы Windows
      Ограничение возраста Нет
      Дата релиза 07.03.2025
      Отзывы пользователей 28% положительных (36)

      Отзывы пользователей

      10 положительных и 26 отрицательных отзывов
      Обновлено: 22.02.2025 23:45


      Casual Indie Adventure Simulation


      Single-player Steam Achievements Family Sharing