Thief: Deadly Shadows

Thief: Deadly Shadows

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Разработчик: Ion Storm

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Вы Гарретт, искусный вор. Редко встречаемый и ни разу не пойманный, Гарретт - лучший из всех. Способен прокрасться мимо любого охранника, взломать любой замок и пробраться даже в самые защищенные дома. Гарретт грабит богатых и отдает самому себе, зарабатывая на жизнь в темном, мрачном Городе. Здесь преступность и коррупция - обычное дело, богатая знать наживается на бедных и себе подобных, а магия и механизмы беспокойно сосуществуют. Мир утомителен и циничен, Гарретт хочет только одного - остаться одному, чтобы заниматься любимым делом. Но так никогда не бывает.
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  • Продвинутый искусственный интеллект - Охранники, которые видят и слышат, учитывают улики и подозрения, ищут незваных гостей, сражаются, преследуют, шевелят губами в соответствии с текстом, меняют выражение лица и используют сотни строк диалога в реальном времени.
  • Система динамического освещения и теней - Каждый персонаж и объект отбрасывают реалистичную, динамическую тень, влияющую на геймплей хитрости.

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


Минимальные: IBM PC или 100% совместимый, Windows 2000 или Windows XP, Intel Pentium IV 1.5 ГГц (или эквивалент AMD Athlon XP), системная память 256 МБ, видеопамяти 64 МБ, Direct3D 9.0 и Pixel Shader 1.1, 100% совместимая с DirectSound 9 звуковая карта, свободное пространство на жестком диске 3.000 МБ, Клавиатура и мышь
Рекомендуемые: Intel Pentium IV 2.0 ГГц (или эквивалент AMD Athlon XP), системная память 512 МБ, видеопамять 128 МБ, Direct3D 9.0 и Pixel Shader 1.1
Thief: Deadly Shadows не поддерживает игру на переносных компьютерах.

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 19.01.2025 15:15
0 0

Thief Series are the best!!! 1 and 2 are my favourite of course! All time classics! 3 and 4 are not great but I wanted to have entire collection. Purchasing them from STEAM seemed a good idea, but 3 has a lot of bugs... 1-2 are not with HD textures... and I had to customise them... these 20 y.o. games yet nobody did the needful to make them playable. This particular episode "deadly shadows" stucks, crashes and even have bugs that Garret is not able to move properly... you have to save/load each time to debug... I don't mind paying for the games, but when I do pay I expect the team to remove some of the bugs and make my experience better!

Время в игре: 460 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.01.2025 01:33
0 0


Время в игре: 37 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.01.2025 12:20
0 1

I just finished the game and here's my review of Thief: Deadly Shadows. I'll rant about this game without cursing. This game was awful for me to play. Since the game mechanics in their original state have a mind of their own whether or not they want to work. There are game mechanics you need to use to beat levels in this game. The number of hours I played in this game showed how much I struggled to play it. I hate the fact when you start a mission the game doesn't even restore all your health which is cheap right there. The game doesn't show where you are directly in the minimap which is stupid since the old Theif games while I had trouble with we're able to show where you are directly in the map. I know it's a stealth game, but I liked this one. If you're going to play this game patch the game since it will make the experience much better compared to mine. I give this game a 7 out of 10 because of the version I played on. I'm never playing this game ever again.

Время в игре: 851 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.01.2025 09:43
0 0

The pinnacle of the original classic Thief trilogy.
This game differs from its predecessors. Mainly because it uses a newer engine which enables better light's and shadows.
Compared to the older games this games looks way nicer but as always, where's light, there's also shadow.
The gameplay feels alright but I often encountered problems with "floating" which happens to trigger when I jump too often and when the ingame physics glitches out. It can be fixed ingame but it's an annoyance still. Also in some locations you can see that the level creators still were "new" to this engine. I found 3 locations where textures were missing or the level geometry left a glitchy void.
But I think most people won't even notice those, so they're neglectable.

Gameplay wise one notices that this game was created with consoles in mind, it oozes the classic 2000's console era. It's still well playable with KB/M but if you're used to the older games it takes you some time to get used to. Other things like sneaking and crawling up behind foes works better, though.
One major difference compared to the older games, is the semi-open world (well, more like a hub-design).
While being nice to have a little more freedom, it'll grow old on you really fast. Also the small "sidequests" that you can do in the city are merely a small "bonus". I wouldn't have minded if they stuck to the old formula where you just play one mission after another but okay, it didn't really bother me.

Storywise I'd say the game delivered. Sure, it's not top-notch but it includes stuff from the older games and this is really cool.

Well well...
one last thing... this game is really old and I'd suggest playing it with fan patches (look for Sneaky upgrade).
It'll smoothen out the whole experience and gives the player lots of options to tweak stuff like AI.

It's time for Thief 5 ^^

Время в игре: 226 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.01.2025 23:49
1 0

The gameplay of Deadly Shadows doesn't really ever reach the heights of the first two games, but it's still a fun time and worth playing as a Thief fan. To start with the flaws, the movement is pretty janky as everyone says. It's kinda buggy too, particularly with jumping and climbing up ledges. You get used to it fairly quickly, but it's really jarring coming off of the buttery smooth controls of Thief 1 and 2. I think the game would probably be better off without third person too. It's kinda cool to see Garrett, but it just doesn't add much to the experience and also cheapens leaning around corners when you can just switch camera. As for other gameplay aspects, you can feel that Deadly Shadows was held back by being released on Xbox because of how every area has to be split up into zones. Even added together, the zones are just not that big. It's most disappointing with the City streets, which are really small. The game feels a bit easier than the first two as a result, compounded by never really being at risk of running out of money and ammo since those persist between missions due to City exploration.
However, getting past the numerous flaws that came with being made by a different studio on a new engine for both PC and Xbox, I still found Deadly Shadows a pretty fun and memorable experience. I don't think the gameplay ever reaches the same deep thrills as The Dark Project or The Metal Age, but it still has that same Thief feeling. It's always fun to sneak around guards and get as many valuables as possible. The tools are all still fun to use too. I love the new use of moss arrows in particular if you shoot someone with them. Atmosphere is still fantastic, aided by the higher fidelity visuals and sound. There's the one everybody talks about for good reason, but my favorite has to be Moira's Overlook Mansion. It's just brimming with atmosphere and emotion and has a great soundtrack. Every mission has a distinct feel that sets it apart and sticks with you.
The story is great too. I think it's a little rocky which makes me still prefer Thief 2's, but the story of Deadly Shadows is pretty intriguing and exciting all around once it really kicks off. Learning more about the Keepers after learning so much about the Pagans and Hammers is fun, and there's a lot of interesting mysteries and new lore throughout the game. It all culminates in a really satisfying end to the trilogy and Garrett's character arc. I really love the final note, and while it's open enough to allow a Thief 4 to happen, I'm perfectly satisfied with the series ending there.
Overall, while Deadly Shadows might be easily the weakest and most flawed of the trilogy, I still found it incredibly memorable and a great end to Thief trilogy. Good game.

Время в игре: 1824 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.01.2025 06:53
1 0

welcome back kevin macleod

Время в игре: 412 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.01.2025 04:49
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This game takes me waaay back. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and this game gives me an overdose.

Время в игре: 360 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.01.2025 15:16
0 0

BEST ..Felling Nostlagic

Время в игре: 524 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 02.01.2025 23:45
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Время в игре: 127 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.01.2025 21:26
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This is supposed to be Thief 3, but was made by a new studio and made it's debut originally on the XBox. Unfortunately, as much as I love Thief 1 & 2 on the dark engine, this Thief is at least slightly worse in almost every way compared to the originals (minus the updated graphics). I still love the game, but I just don't come back to it like I do Thief 1 & 2, it may be that I'm just unshakably faithful to the Thief series that I'm not THAT harsh on it. That said, the controls, story and game-play are just OKAY. The camera is particularly bad though, as it is both 1st AND 3rd person, and the controls and environment were made for neither. (Get the Sneaky Upgrade, it'll help.) Everything else is still pretty good, especially The Cradle mission, peak Thief. If you get this game on sale, it's still a steal or a deal (pun intended).

Время в игре: 106 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 31.12.2024 13:08
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I really tried to love this game, but it was impossible, at least for me.

Characters often get stuck in walls and doors because the spaces are too narrow. The settings are very simple and repetitive as are colors and textures. Many of the game's limitations are due to the console's hardware limitations, but the overall result is disappointing. I mean, this game was released just a few months before Half-Life 2, so that's no excuse for such a poor implementation.

The unofficial patch called The Sneaky Update limits these issues, but not entirely.

Время в игре: 435 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.12.2024 14:30
0 0

EPIC! A nostalgic game I grew up watching my Dad play, the narrative is incredible. Can't say enough how much I love this game.

Время в игре: 1328 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.12.2024 07:11
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This isn't a horrid game, it's just not for me. This is worth it if you wanna hit up all Thief games to completion but don't get repulsed by the engine like I have.
Coming off of Thief 1 and 2, I'll pass on this one -- I've already completed an Ion Storm xbox jankification via Invisible War, and although this is less of a butchering than that, I still just could not get into it. If it were a few years earlier I probably would've just sucked it up and completed it anyway. I do understand that LGS went under, and a lot of employees were relocated to texas to help make this game. The engine feels like liquid ass coming off of TFix 1-2. Yes, the sneaky upgrade does help a lot with this game, and you can numerically tailor some aspects about it. There's a timeline where I could've finished this game, but I really don't think I would've enjoyed most of it besides just finding out what happens next -- which I have read what happens anyway. It did seem like it had a cooler story than usual.

It's unfortunate that I couldn't get T2x working for me, but thankfully I still have The Black Parade for more classic thief. Have not heard good things about the reboot, but I'll at least give it a try like I did for this game.

Время в игре: 140 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2024 18:36
0 0

Well I finally got around to finishing this game after years and years and years, it crashes a lot, the open source patch for the game helps a TON, you should absolutely play this if you like games like dishonoured or any games with sneaky elements, the game is very much a product of its time but this gives it a certain sense of charm and atmosphere, I feel ive done the game some justice by finally playing through to the end! Good story, murky atmosphere and just a good fun game really!
Not much in the way of help guides so some stuff i really had to figure out on my own which was a good challenge!
(the patch is essential, there are still random crashes but much less so with the unofficial patch so be sure to hit F10 a lot to auto save!)

Время в игре: 1437 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2024 07:13
7 0

My Favorite All Time Genre Stealth Games


Время в игре: 26 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2024 02:39
1 0

Reviewing every game I've played in my Steam Library. Game 27

I hated this game upon release but over time I've managed to grow my appreciation for it.

I loved Thief: The Dark Project and Thief 2: The Metal Age this changed a bunch of well loved mechanics from the prior games and it just took me years to get over my over hyped expectations for this game.

Ultimately my own hype made this a disappointment for me, the city was small and the levels were split into loading zones and they changed Garrett's weapons and items (mainly the removal of the sword).

Now I can see how it was visually and technically a great game (for its time), obviously its extremely dated and some mods are needed to get widescreen and better graphics, the story finally hooked me for a while and I've enjoyed the game.

There are lots of different ways to traverse the levels and the objectives and level design (although not really open like the first two games) was still well put together.

There is also a really fun play-style called 'ghosting' (not the "official" type of ghosting where you literally touch nothing, no doors, lights etc) where you rapidly move around the levels with NPC's just barely getting a glimpse of you.

They become alerted/suspicious and probably would swear they saw something, but by the time they come to investigate you're long gone and have only left a door open, stuff missing and the lights out.

I've not finished it yet and perhaps I will find the inspiration to complete it one day.


P.S I have many hours more outside steam.

Время в игре: 46 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.12.2024 11:26
2 0

If you do not have nostalgia for this game, you will not like it.

Время в игре: 37 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.12.2024 00:06
1 1

i blackjacking innocent townsfolk 👍 gg 👍

Время в игре: 187 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.12.2024 05:22
1 0

Thief 1 and 2 are amazing games, really underrated too so going into Deadly Shadows i was positive, though left underwhelmed.

It's a pretty underwhelming and incredibly janky experience, it's filled with unresponsive controls, strange hitboxs, getting stuck on objects, for some reason it has third person which makes the controls/camera janky, the levels have loading zones which really disconnects the immersive experience, tutorial is really hand holding which doesn't fit the style of the Thief series etc the engine just feels unpolished and unfinished.

Sneaky Upgrade Mod makes the game playable which i appreciate, sadly i don't feel it's enough to save the game but i do feel the creator deserves all the credit for making the game atleast playable as without it then it's an even worse experience.

Время в игре: 187 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.12.2024 19:42
1 0

Broken without further work, I.E downloading patches. Controllers "work" in that you can use the sticks, nothing else, again you must go download patches.

So...No i don't recommend this at all.

Does steam even bother to check if games work before they host them? Can i post a broken game for sale and then hide behind steam when the lynch mob comes?

Время в игре: 30 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.12.2024 16:37
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The developers responsible for creating and approving the movement system should never be allowed to as much as look at a video game again. It's the most embarassing movement system I have ever seen anywhere. QWOP and Getting Over It are at least intentionally trying to be a pain in the ass.

Время в игре: 93 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 12.12.2024 08:56
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I was feeling nostalgic for the Thief games and have been slowly replaying the whole trilogy.

I actually really enjoyed Thief Gold and Thief 2 when I replayed them. I could see the flaws and jank in a product that was really showing it's age, but I could also see the creativity and passion and fun.

Deadly Shadows on the other hand is not only janky as heck, but also honestly pretty buggy and awful, with really stiff controls and at least, in my instance, a lot of physics and clipping glitches. It was so terrible as to be nearly unplayable. Can not recommend.

Время в игре: 40 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.12.2024 14:37
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Время в игре: 80 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.12.2024 22:02
1 0

Guys I have worked out a way around the lock picking bug, all you have to do is press the "print screen" button, along with the "e" button or whatever button you use to interact. This seems to work on a lot of old games for some reason, but it's the "print screen" button as well as the interact button to get the lock picking wheel to appear.

Время в игре: 65 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.12.2024 00:11
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Worth a play, but honestly worse than 1 and 2 in pretty much every way. The hub world and town guard makes me want to blow my brains out, can't believe nobody has made a mod to remove town guard from the game.

Время в игре: 1962 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.12.2024 16:57
1 0

My fav thief game

Время в игре: 2601 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.12.2024 20:08
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Время в игре: 431 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 09:35
1 0

Not nearly as good as the first 2 games but still an extremely enjoyable experience.
"Sneaky Upgrade" fan made patch is practically a requirement though but it's simple to install.

Время в игре: 2244 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 26.11.2024 08:58
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Unbelievably janky.
But not the good, enjoyable kind of janky.

Not very enjoyable, even with the Sneaky upgrade.

Время в игре: 18 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 12.11.2024 08:35
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What a way to kill a series. Add horrible controls, movement TIED to animation, remove mechanics, dumb down kept ones, worse maps, worse difficulty, janky physics, and for what? for a few extra polygons? This is like demo version of the previous games with better graphics which is a shame because it still has the vibes of a Thief game.

Время в игре: 589 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.11.2024 04:05
2 0

The first two are much better (yes, even in 2024 stop crying about the pre-historic graphics you baby), but this is unfortunately probably the last true thief game we will get. The reboot in 2016 was an abomination that should've been taken behind the chemical sheds and disposed of. Do yourself a favor and play the first two on GOG with the Tfix patches (just google required thief Gold / 2 mods) and install. After those try the Black Parade Mod and experience some of the best immersive sim levels I've ever seen in a video game and in a lot of ways blows the original levels out of the water. They are extremley large tho so you deff do want to start with the 2 original games first, or at least the first one before jumping in. Then try this game. You really don't want to enter here imo. Still it's a great stealth game, just not a great thief game.

Время в игре: 147 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.11.2024 13:33
0 0

Playing Thief: Deadly Shadows after the first two games brought a mix of fresh and familiar elements. The developers managed to preserve the core spirit, with its dark atmosphere, eerie soundscapes, and suspenseful vibe, all amplified by the new engine. The graphics update was refreshing, even if the engine came with some occasional glitches.

However, this third installment marked the first shift toward artificially increasing difficulty—a departure from the natural challenge found in the earlier games. Unlike the first two titles, which avoided making NPCs overly sensitive and detection mechanics unnecessarily punishing, Deadly Shadows amps up these elements in ways that feel contrived. Where previous games focused on skillful stealth and expanding mission objectives to challenge players, this installment introduces obstacles that can feel less rewarding.

The addition of factions and relationship-building mechanics also felt unnecessary and somewhat out of place. Garrett has always been a lone wolf with a personal code, forming alliances only when situationally advantageous. By pushing these faction elements, the game strays from his established, independent character and muddies the lone-wolf persona that made him such an iconic figure.

The attempt to broaden the game’s world by letting players explore the streets was innovative for its time, but in 2024, this feature doesn’t hold up as well. The open-world feel can get repetitive, detracting from the focused tension that made the earlier games unforgettable.

Despite these missteps, Deadly Shadows stands out favorably in 2024’s gaming landscape, which is rife with shallow characters and formulaic narratives aimed at a non-existent “modern” audience. In comparison, Thief: Deadly Shadows is refreshing, with a rich, dark fantasy world that respects the player’s intelligence and tries to stay true to the source. Even with its flaws, it offers a much-needed escape from today’s homogenized, watered-down offerings and remains a worthy installment in the Thief series.

Время в игре: 1948 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 31.10.2024 21:36
0 0

I wanted to try this game, but got stuck on tutorial because lockpicking is bugged and nothing happens. As I was trying to get a solution on the internet, I got fed up and couldn't bother to try anymore. If they don't bother to make the port playable, why should I bother doing it myself? This is not even worth a dollar.

Время в игре: 29 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.10.2024 23:32
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I remember when I first tried it right after release, when I saw the highlighted footsteps as part of a tutorial on the map, the world fell for me. I was a bitter little monster about it and I hated it so I uninstalled. Then years passed (a decade I think) and I tried it again, and realized how stupid I was back then. It's a really good continuation of the Thief series, and the last one too. Enjoyed playing it and would reccomend it to anyone who plays stealth games and isn't after the latest graphics and mechanics. GG

Время в игре: 1690 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.10.2024 22:01
0 0

Thief is a good and funny game but i'm not a good thief ha ha ^^

Время в игре: 90 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.10.2024 21:41
1 0

One of my all times favorite game. It isn't that optimized for modern PCs/Laptops but with The Sneaky Upgrade Community Patch, you will linger for more content, it's so goddamn good. I wished it was longer and had an open world + the graphics and the atmosphere are just pure perfectness. The sound effects, the music, everything is awesome. 10/10 , I would recommend you to play it with the patch for the best experience.

Время в игре: 157 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.10.2024 01:50
1 0

Thief: Deadly Shadows stands as a hallmark of stealth gaming, expertly blending atmospheric storytelling, intricate level design, and a compelling gameplay experience that captivates players from start to finish. Released by Ion Storm in 2004, this third installment in the acclaimed Thief series not only honors its predecessors but also sets a high bar for future stealth titles. With its richly crafted world and engaging mechanics, Deadly Shadows is a must-play for fans of immersive gameplay.

Immersive World and Atmosphere
At the heart of Thief: Deadly Shadows is its atmospheric setting, a beautifully realized city inspired by Gothic and Victorian aesthetics. The game’s environments are meticulously designed, from the shadowy alleyways of the city to the opulent interiors of noble estates. Each location is teeming with detail, creating a living, breathing world that players can lose themselves in.

The dynamic day-night cycle adds an extra layer of immersion, influencing gameplay and strategy. Players must adapt their tactics depending on the time of day, with darkness serving as both a cover and a crucial element for stealth. This design choice enhances the overall experience, making every mission feel unique and tailored to the player’s approach.

Engaging Stealth Mechanics
Thief: Deadly Shadows excels in its stealth mechanics, offering players a variety of tools and abilities to navigate challenges. The game encourages a thoughtful approach to gameplay, allowing for multiple solutions to problems. Players can choose to sneak past guards, pickpocket valuable items, or engage in creative distractions to manipulate their environment.

The addition of the “focus” system allows players to slow down time, granting them a strategic advantage in tense situations. This feature complements the game's emphasis on stealth, enabling players to plan their moves carefully and execute their strategies with precision.

Rich Narrative and Character Development
The narrative of Thief: Deadly Shadows is compelling, weaving a tale of betrayal, intrigue, and heists that keeps players invested throughout. Players step into the shoes of Garrett, a master thief with a complex backstory and moral dilemmas that add depth to his character. The story unfolds through well-crafted missions that balance action and exploration with moments of character reflection.

Supporting characters are equally well-developed, enriching the narrative and providing context for Garrett’s actions. The interplay between characters, along with the game’s overarching themes of power and corruption, creates an engaging storyline that resonates with players.

Impressive Audio Design
The audio design in Thief: Deadly Shadows is outstanding, enhancing the immersive experience. The atmospheric soundtrack perfectly complements the game’s tone, evoking a sense of tension and suspense during key moments. Ambient sounds, such as the whispers of NPCs or the creaking of floorboards, further immerse players in the world, heightening the stakes during stealth sequences.

Voice acting is also noteworthy, with strong performances that breathe life into the characters. The dialogue feels authentic and adds emotional weight to the narrative, making players more invested in the unfolding story.

Areas for Improvement
While Thief: Deadly Shadows is a remarkable title, it does have some minor flaws. Some players may find the AI behavior to be occasionally inconsistent, leading to moments that break immersion. Additionally, a few of the later missions can feel a bit more linear compared to the expansive early levels. However, these issues do little to detract from the overall experience.

In summary, Thief: Deadly Shadows is a triumph in stealth gaming, showcasing a perfect blend of immersive world-building, engaging mechanics, and a rich narrative. Its atmospheric design, thoughtful gameplay, and character-driven story make it a standout title that resonates with players long after the experience ends.

For fans of the stealth genre or anyone looking for a deeply immersive experience, Thief: Deadly Shadows is an essential journey into a world of shadows and intrigue. It not only honors the legacy of the Thief series but also stands as a testament to the potential of video games as a medium for storytelling and engagement.

Время в игре: 103 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.10.2024 18:49
0 0

taffer is my new favorite word and no i didn't play the cradle mission.

Время в игре: 16 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.10.2024 00:06
0 0

Awesome atmosphere, but the controls are clunky. Shalebridge cradle is one of the best level ever designed.

Время в игре: 1206 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.10.2024 02:27
0 0


Время в игре: 706 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.10.2024 03:17
0 0

Very good. Goes for game itself, story and sound design. The maps are smaller, but offer a couple of options...

Fights between your allies and your enemies are real dramas - something to be watched- like even ... the world is alive ! Its funny.

Shows where Thief 4 really failed - making a cohesive thief-extraordinaire/exploration experience, where you find notes, listen to conversations and partake of some meaningful extra-curricular exploration; in order to yield the bounty.

Recommend Sneaky upgrade. Seems good thus far. FMVs for a start (but need to compare it to the original); the game works well and looks good at least.

Maybe the game looking quite rich and allows some good scripting , thanks to the game engine, but...

Unreal engine (2) is a total joke... walking/jumping on many objects will make the character bug out, leaving him in a T pose, this means you cant run, crouch or walk normally... This happens ALOT! It's clearly a limitation in the engine as it happens in Deus Ex 2 as well! Totally ruins the immersion! It is worse on here, as you really must fix it. Often reloading makes your character skip, alerting all enemies around; so this is not
a good thing (yes sure just save often - still Utterly shockingly - jaw dropping-ly bad). *face palm*

Not completed yet, will update review later. really invested thus far.

Время в игре: 2246 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 13.10.2024 23:01
0 2

The missing map makes it next to unplayable.

Время в игре: 177 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.10.2024 14:36
0 0

It didn't turn out to be what I thought it would be. It's very cool when it did come out but I am not playing this anymore

Время в игре: 20 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.10.2024 19:21
0 0

I love the sound effects with this game!

Время в игре: 4422 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.09.2024 08:33
0 0

I played this game as a kid on the original Xbox and it both amazed and scared me. I've replayed it again as of typing this out and all I can say is this is one of the few "true" stealth games. Hiding in the dark, making the least noise that you can, and trying to leave everything as it was so enemies don't notice a difference, these are all crucial in making sure that you're not detected.

It's definitely showing its age now and you'll notice but I highly recommend this game if you love immersive stealth.

Время в игре: 720 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.09.2024 19:58
0 0

Pretty watered down compared to the first two but there's no good reason to skip it if you're a Thief fan.

Время в игре: 2004 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.09.2024 19:50
0 0

I played this game pirated,geforce 6600gt bundled,retail purchased and steam purchased one.
I probably finished this game close to 10 times. And i still like the myst from this gem of a game.

Время в игре: 709 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.09.2024 04:05
0 0

I've bought this game for my Xbox twice and have played it tons of times to the point where both discs "Crashed out". Great game, was really wild for the time.

Время в игре: 420 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.09.2024 05:51
0 0

All the Thief games are top notch, still hard to beat the level of creativity these games have and immersive ancient fantasy vibes imbued with a medieval world. 1 was a true creative piece, and by 3 they really added positively in ways unexpected adding more depth, like the groups of Hammerites and Pagans etc, the whole freaky assylum then the mystical cthulu like underworld.

This game is up there with MediEvil, Alice (the original, not offered on steam), Skyrim....
there are mods to modernize the textures, like Sneakys upgrade.
I play with an xb cntroler, easier to sink back and play Garrets role as a sneak, the vibrations and spinning dongles make it so much more immersive picking locks etc, and it's what I originally played on so is what I recommend.

Not many games like it in my opinion, would love for another release but honestly feel it'd be leave it be.

Something is buggy with the steam release unrelated to the og dev's. Play it on xbox if you can dont buy it on here

Время в игре: 416 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.09.2024 06:13
0 0

"Thief: Deadly Shadows" Storywise, it's a brilliant denouement to the franchise. The movement mayhap be a little janky if not downright bizarre at times, and the levels are smaller and less creatively designed compared to the first two games. The ambience and sound in this game are still phenemomal though, and there are levels full of atmosphere. Despite it being the weakest installment in the trilogy, it's still full of charm and interesting new additions, and I would consider it among one of the best stealth games of all time. 

sounds of a torch being doused "You turn the lights off when I still need them. Truly, these are...dark times."

Время в игре: 1977 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Ion Storm
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 17.02.2025
Metacritic 85
Отзывы пользователей 81% положительных (1452)

Отзывы пользователей

1,177 положительных и 275 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 23.01.2025 08:11




Single-player Full controller support Family Sharing