Разработчик: Pyro Studios
- Вы контролируете 6 оригинальных коммандос, каждый из которых обладает уникальным набором навыков.
- Мешайте немецкой военной машине с помощью саботажа и тактического гения.
- Позволяющая менять масштаб изометрическая камера допускает одновременно до 6 ракурсов.
- 20 миссий в Европе и Северной Африке.
- Кооперативный многопользовательский режим через LAN или интернет.
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- IBM PC или 100%-совместимый
- Windows 9X/ME
- Pentium II 300 МГц (или эквивалент)
- 64 МБ ОЗУ
- 100%-совместимая с DirectX® 8 карта 3D-ускорителя с минимум 12 МБ ВОЗУ
- 100%-совместимая с DirectX® 8 (или выше) звуковая карта
- DirectX® 8 (DirectX 8.0a прилагается)
- 2 ГБ несжатого пространства на жестком диске
- 100%-совместимые с Windows 95/98 клавиатура и мышь
- Pentium II 450 МГц
- Windows 98SE/ME
- 128 МБ ОЗУ
- 100%-совместимая с DirectX® 8 карта 3D-ускорения с 32 МБ ВОЗУ
- 3 ГБ несжатого пространства на жестком диске
Отзывы пользователей
Imo opinion this one is the best Commandos, and like Hotline Miami it generated a subgenre. It's expansion was also great, including tobacco packages to trick them.
20 screens where sabotage their purposes, until we arrive to a main base.
Destroying a bridge or avoiding it to be destroyed would be some examples.
As anecdote, I was waiting one year until it was released, and then I got over it, but it was popular for being hard, and at my town people were congratulating me for it xdxd.
At Steam it was released by a bad no always functional port, but it seems fine right now. I must add that it only includes English language (easy to solve though).
A new Commandos is coming, pretending to come back to its origins, so perhaps it's a right time to check this one out.
Still a good time after so many years
This game is beyond time. Played it as a kid, and now once again as an adult.
full of freezing bugs....
anoying freezing shit
It doesn't run on modern PCs well and crashes often. Even then, it is really playable on the 800x600 resolution size and if you even try to play it on windowed mode to accommodate this limitation, the game freezes and becomes unplayable.
massive glitches on the maps when the load preventing actual attempts at complete the mission. particular left-to-right scrolling. glad i only paid 2.50 for this because its unplayable - i played this a long time ago on PC and love it as a strategy game where i could take my time with each mission and relax into it. this doesnt work so... its a mess
very good game
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines is the first installment of the same series, developed by Pyro Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. The game puts you in charge of a elite group of soldiers during World War 2 called the Commandos. Here's a brief description of each of them:
The Green Beret (Jack O'Hara) is the strongest and most resillient member of the Commandos, he is able to take down soldiers on his own without much effort using his mere strength or stealth tactics. He's equiped with several weapons, among them the most important are a Knife and a Decoy, used to lure enemy soldiers and kill them, then, he can carry their bodies to dispatch them and avoid being detected. He can also bury himself in snow to take cover. He's the fastest member of the team, tied with the Driver.
The Sniper (Francis Woolridge) is a experimented marksman who relies on his weapon of choice to slain enemies from the distance. When out of ammo for the Sniper Rifle he has to rely on the Pistol, which makes him vulnerable. He's the team Medic when the Driver is not available.
The Diver/Marine (James Blackwood) is a really multifacetic soldier that's good at melee range with his Harpoon and Knife (which in this game, he cannot throw) as well as in water, where he can survive for long periods of time thanks to his Oxygen Tank and deploy a ver convenient Inflatable Boat that can hold several allies at once. He's mostly seen in missions where travelling across water is required.
The Sapper (Thomas Hancock) is an expert in explosives, carrying Remote Bombs, Bombs, Grenades and even a Booby Trap, designed to caught distracted enemies and kill them silently. While he's the loudest of the commandos in terms of weaponry he still has a few ways to dispatch enemies rather silently. He, however, just like the Sniper, becomes quite vulnerable when out of explosives, as he has to rely on the Pistol. He's mostly seen in missions where destroying a certain building or landmark is required.
The Driver (Samuel Brooklyn) is the team vehicle expert. He is capable of driving basically every vehicle available in the game, which makes a really valuable member given most mission you'll require to grab a vehicle to either steal it or escape. He also carries a submachine gun that he can use to quickly dispatch groups of enemies. In this game (and Beyond the Call of Duty) he is as fast as the Green Beret, so he's able to do quick runaways. He is also the Team Medic for most of the game.
The Spy (Rene Duchamp) is probably the stealthiest member of the team, as well as the deadliest when unnoticed. He can disguise himself as the enemy to get through certain parts where his allies might struggle to go through or when discretion is required. When disguised he can distract enemy soldiers, giving the others a chance to run through or slain them. On top of that he carries around a vial of poison that he can use to dispatch enemies silently, and when dealt with, he can carry around their bodies to hide them in order to avoid being detected just like the Green Beret. He can drive any vehicle when he's on uniform and the Driver is not present (Only in "Stop Wildfire"). He's also the team Medic when neither the Sniper nor the Driver are available.
Now, about the game itself, well its an unconventional strategy game where instead of managing an entire army you manage anywhere from 3 to all 6 commandos in a series of mission, ranging from slaining certain enemies, to destroying certain buildings or landmarks to just robbing a vehicle, there's a lot of variety from mission to mission and if that wasn't enough, the variety of the Commandos themselves really helps to make the game loop less repetitive. Also, most of the mission are partially based on historical events, which is really neat, so if you're a WW2 aficionado, you might want to grab this game just for that fact alone.
Overall, a great game, with a good storyline and varied gameplay. However, be aware that if you want to play this game in Spanish you'll need to patch the game, since ironically, the original translation is not available on Steam.
Score: 8/10
It stands the test of time. A masterpiece of a game. Patience is required because rushing will only cause mistakes. Save your progress often to avoid restarts. The care and thoughtfulness put into this game is so impressive. Games like this need to make a comeback.
Commandos - Behind Enemy Lines, what can I say about this game that marked my childhood (I still have the original CD)?
It's simply fascinating...
With a group of elite soldiers in your hands, you help the Allied forces defeat the Nazi Germans in World War II!
Now for a game from 1998, the graphics, even though they are isometric...
It's acceptable
Each elite soldier has his role, which I think is very good
The gameplay is ok... But you have to know what you're going to do by clicking to avoid dying
And don't expect a game with this theme to be easy, because it's not...
The game is extremely difficult and you have to create a lot of strategy
Nowadays with Windows 7, 8.1, 10 and 11... the game has some very low fps outside of the standard, but it's playable if you have patience
It's a shame that this franchise was put on ice and only remained in the memories of many who played it! If you are a gamer who likes games of this theme, you might like Commandos 1 there
I like the strategy of the game and the historical value. Easy to play.
Вернул свой 1998-й.
Pure Nostalgia.
Love the series, grew up with it. This game crashes and/or freezes constantly.
This is my type of games, i love tactical aspects!!!
I played this game when it originally came out WAY back. It was awesome then and it's awesome now. If you like strategy and are not looking for a first person shooter then this is awesome. Your decisions have consequences, so use the Quick Save feature often. Highly, highly recommended.
Great strategy game Very Good and challing old classic from 90's, when games still reguired use of the head!
I might be little biased cause i grew up with games like this but:
+You actually have to think hard, what to and how to do it
+Very challinging even in easy difficulty
+Limited resources
+Contains actual WW2 footage
請將相容性換成WINDOWS 95
If someone can't save the game
it is a classic game, of course i would like to advice this game whois interesting 90s classic games
very addictive..
brings you back in time
Great game
cant shoot
Granddaddy of isometric tactical squad sneak games. I also think that 2D graphics aged better than it's successor's 3D early type of 3D graphics.
This game is not easy and makes you think at every twist and turn.
It may be very old but it's very fun!
Nostalgia hits like a truck, lovely game!
I played this game back in the 90s and early 00s. It was a favorite back then and this version on Steam still holds up. It doesn't feel as robust as Commandos 2 or as polished as the masterpieces from Mimimi (Desperados 3 or Shadow Tactics) but it's still solid and worth the few bucks!
It's also a FAR cry better than trying to play Commandos 3 on Xbox. That was rough!
Great classic! Deserve a remake!
Oh childhood, great old game. The gameplay is still as great as ever.
this game was extremely innovative but it doesnt really live up to modern standards. It has extremely clunky controls and its not super readable.
Great old game! If you like stealth and planning this is a game you will want to add to your collection. I think of every mission as a puzzle that can be solved if you proceed in the correct order. You will need to save constantly, as there is no autosave feature. It took me 12 hours to finish on my latest playthrough,
great game
The one and original stealth tactics game.
One of my all time favorites, ever since i got a 2 mission demo with pc gamer magazine when it released.
Bit archaic by today's standards, but this will never get old for me.
Must try for anyone into the current genre revival
Mechanics are maybe old, but the logic is too hard for modern generations...
Excellent game even to this day. Just remember quicksave and quick load are your best friends
Hard as hell tactics based game that requires accurate timing and planning. It's a great game of it's time, but game design has moved on a lot since this was made. While the general gameplay is good, too many issues with the design make you fail the mission time and time again. No synchronizing actions between characters, slow change between characters and actions, enemies seeing where the vision cone doesn't show, a toe in view sounds the alarm, having to use a bizarre array of random hoykeys (not changeble).
I loved when it went right, but was often more frustrated when I was denied a victory because something happened that I couldn't have predicted. The lack of an ability to queue up actions makes the flow of action very stilted; plan, act, stop to plan the next bit. I'd love to have been able to make multiple things happen but more often it's just a stop-start gameplay.
Quick load was absolutely my best friend in this game, followed closely by the green beret who you will use 90% of the time.
A little more freedom, some more up to date design, and less difficulty spikes would make this worthy of playing these days. In it's current state, it's a fun relic that many will remember fondly, but it's best left as something to be remembered, not played.
Come for the nostalgia, stay for the masochistic design, quit when a perfectly laid play fails because a guard happens to look through a small crevice he didn't look through for the last 2 minutes.
Love this game. Although the graphics are basic by today's standards, it's still an attractive game visually and doesn't detract from the outstanding gameplay. Highly recommended.
Liked this game, gives me nostalgia
Game crash while playing. all saves mission missing
Better than you remember
True classic
Awesome old game. As a child I thought it was impossible. Now as an Adult, I find it very challenging but doable. I definitely recommend it.
In the simple world of the games of yester-year, this was a classic. There was focus on game-play, and graphics came a distant second. Enjoyed it very much.
I've been playing this game for years and it still holds up today. Great strategy game that does not hold your hand in the slightest. I have had no issues running this steam version and it has converted fine to widescreen. Enjoy!
I bought it just for the sake of old days. I had so much fun with these series. Not for everyone's taste, though. If you feel nostalgic, give it a try; otherwise, this game has nothing going on.
This was my childhood game, although I cracked it back then. I didn’t dare to play it at the time, just sat and watched my dad play. Back then, I was like his biggest fan. Now I can afford to buy the full version of this game and confidently play it, but unfortunately, he’s no longer here to see it. I bought this game to play again and to keep some memories of my childhood. Dad, I miss you <3
Classic game! It is delightfully dated.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Pyro Studios |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 90% положительных (1145) |