Разработчик: Relic Entertainment


Исходная игра Company of Heroes 2 открывает доступ к двум армиям для сетевой игры: Красной Армии и частям вермахта, сражавшимся на Восточном фронте. Кроме того, она включает в себя кампанию для одного игрока, позволяющую ознакомиться с основными принципами серии. Почувствуйте себя советским командиром, ведущим ожесточенные бои за освобождение Родины от немецко-фашистских захватчиков! Меняйте тактику, учитывайте суровые погодные условия и используйте всю мощь Советского народа, чтобы дойти до Берлина!

"Company of Heroes 2: Армии Западного фронта" добавляет в список армий сетевой игры две новые стороны: немецким Главное командование "Запад" и Армию США. Немцы представляют мощную и агрессивную, но сравнительно малочисленную армию с большим количеством специальных и элитных частей, а то время как американцы славятся разнообразием тактики и эффективным взаимодействием войск, но страдают от нехватки тяжелой бронетехники.

"Company of Heroes 2: Наступление в Арденнах" представляет собой динамическую кампанию для одного игрока, посвященную легендарной операции Армии США. Вам предстоит участвовать в 18 сражениях, возглавив одну из трех рот, обладающих уникальными особенностями. Берегите своих бойцов: состав роты сохраняется от эпизода к эпизоду, а пополнение доступно далеко не всегда.

"Company of Heroes 2: Британские войска" - это новейший продукт серии, посвященный одной из самых своеобразных армий Второй мировой. Оцените оригинальное дерево технологий, позволяющее непрерывно балансировать между маневренностью и обороной. Ошеломляйте противников оригинальным выбором пути развития, приводящим к непредсказуемым результатам. Командуйте необычными видами войск, в том числе огнеметными танками "Черчилль-Крокодайл" и десантными планерами Королевских ВВС.

Знаменитая стратегическая игра, удостоенная самых высоких оценок, возвращается с инновационными решениями, меняющими все каноны жанра. - ESSENCE ENGINE 3.0
Такие передовые функции, как система полей зрения TrueSight™, динамическая модель погоды ColdTech™ и разрушаемый ландшафт, не только обогащают графику, но и существенно влияют на ход сражений, делая каждый бой поистине уникальным. - ТАКТИЧЕСКОЕ КОМАНДОВАНИЕ
Разрабатывайте и применяйте собственные схемы ведения боя, основанные на уникальных способностях ваших командиров. Погружайтесь в атмосферу жестоких фронтовых сражений с помощью системы динамической тактики. - СЕТЕВЫЕ БАТАЛИИ
Напряженные бои в сети - динамичные режимы совместной и состязательной игры полностью оправдают ожидания самых взыскательных ценителей сетевых баталий.

Найдите сетевую армию и связанный с ней продукт, наиболее подходящие для вашего стиля игры.
Поддерживаемые языки: czech, english, french, german, italian, polish, russian, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- Memory: 2GB RAM
- Processor: 2Ghz Intel Core2 Duo or equivalent
- Graphics: 512MB Direct3D 10 capable video card (GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD 2900XT)
- OS: 32bit Vista
- Internet: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 30GB free Hard disc space
- Memory: 4GB RAM
- Processor: 3Ghz Intel i5 quad core or equivalent
- Graphics: 1024 MB Direct3D 11 capable video card (GeForce GTX 470 or Radeon HD 5850)
- OS *: 64bit Windows 7 and above
- Internet: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 30GB free Hard disc space
- OS OS X 10.14*
- Processor 1.8Ghz Intel
- Hard Disk 35GB
- Graphics 1GB Nvidia 650M, 2GB AMD Radeon M290, Intel Iris Pro or better (see notes for more details).
- Internet Broadband Internet connection
- Input Keyboard & Mouse
- Additional Notes The game is supported on the following Macs. To check your Mac model and when it was released, select About This Mac from the Apple Menu on your desktop:
- * All 21.5” iMacs released since Late 2013 with a 1.8GHz i3 processor or better
- * All 27” iMacs/iMac Pros released since Late 2013 (Late 2012 models with Nvidia 675 or Nvidia 680 graphics are also supported.)
- * All 27" iMac Pros released since Late 2017
- * All 13” Retina MacBook Pros released since 2016
- * All 15” Retina MacBook Pros released since Mid 2012
- * All 15" MacBook Pros released since Mid 2012 with a 1GB graphics card or better
- * All Mac Pros released since Late 2013
The following Macs are capable of running the game but do not consistently meet the standards required for official support.- * All Mac Minis since Late 2014
- * All MacBooks released since Early 2016
- * All MacBook Airs released since Mid 2013
- * All 13" MacBook Pros released since Late 2013
Pre-10.14 Users:
Users of OS X before 10.13 can access a compatible version of the game. Right-click the game in Steam Library, then Properties > Betas > ‘mac-linux-1.2.8'. This is compatible from 10.10.3 to 10.13.5.
Multiplayer is compatible between Mac and Linux versions only. - * All 21.5” iMacs released since Late 2013 with a 1.8GHz i3 processor or better
- OS Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit) or SteamOS
- Processor 2.6 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent.
- Hard Disk 35GB
- Graphics 1GB NVIDIA 640, Intel Iris Pro 5200 or better
- Internet Broadband Internet connection
- Input Keyboard & Mouse
- Additional Notes
- Intel GPU's require MESA version 10.5.2 or later.
- Nvidia cards require Nvidia driver 352.21 or later.
- Multiplayer is compatible between Mac and Linux versions running the same game version, only.
- OS Ubuntu 18.04 (64bit)
- Processor 3.4 GHz Intel i5 quad core or equivalent.
- Hard Disk 35GB
- Graphics 4GB NVIDIA 760 GB, AMD RX 470 (R9 270 minimum)
- Internet Broadband Internet connection
- Input Keyboard & Mouse
- Additional Notes
- AMD and Intel GPU's require MESA version 18.1.3 or better.
- Nvidia cards require Nvidia driver 396.24.02 or later.
- AMD GPU's are only officially supported in the latest release.
- Multiplayer is compatible between Mac and Linux versions running the same game version, only.
Отзывы пользователей
Game plays well and provides good gaming. Realistic and a fun environment
even though my computer runs slower than my grandma it still works fine the frame rate is not bad it could be worked on and we should be able to have more company's for the Ardennes assault campaign because for people starting out you get the fundamentals easy but it didn't tell you the germans are gonna have crazy strong forces after a little and please if you guys can increase the amount of people you can have so that after one mission your company is 1/3 missing
Good fun game, fun to play with friends with or against them. Want to suffer 4 players versus 4 Expert AIs, they ain't fair, they ain't smart but they'll make your money worth
It is incredibly in-depth, the battles are intense and fun to watch; and the challenge of holding three places at once against overwhelming odds has never felt so good!
10/10 would recommend, plus it doesn't fry your laptop so that's a bonus!
Very Excellent Game, would recommend. However, the name of the game is very misleading. Instead of being called "Company of Heroes 2" the game should be renamed to "Company of Blobbers 2" since this title is an accurate depiction of what most multiplayer matches embody.
Players from both sides regardless of faction, engaging in the art of "Blobbing" where they would produce the same unit over and over again in attempt to overwhelm the enemy in the sheer number of units produced, creating a "Blob" of (mostly) unstoppable force made of a singular unit.
The art of blobbing can be seen in all phases of the game from the start of the match where all players would blob infantry to secure the resource and victory points all the way until the every end of the match where players start to blob armor in an attempt to create an unbreakable wall of steel and armor in an attempt to overwhelm the enemy team's forces and breakthrough to their base.
All in all, I would definitely recommend the game despite its misleading title.
One of the best games ive played (with mods) i didn't think it was gonna be so crazy when my best friend told me about it but we literally leveled an entire city with rockets and trains.
It's fun to play but so frustrating. Something about the controls make them frustrating compared to the first game. Getting soldiers in the position you want is very hard.
There is a lack of tutorials and explanation. You learn more from the first campaign mission than the tutorial mission.
I started with skirmish, you know nothing and it's an overflow of information with all the different units and how to unlock them or their upgrades. Barely any explaning this works against that.
Also too many microtransactions, and pointing you towards it.
A downgrade from the first game.
Visuals: 8/10
Gameplay(feeling): 5/10
Game info: 3/10
Fun: 7/10 (but drops quickly because of the frustration)
Overall: 5,7/10
I dont't reccomend this game. I say play the first one.
I have only played a few hours and its a lot to remember and focus on. My first match I did absolutely horrible. My main issue has been the game crashing. Ill be in a match and the audio will mess up or the game will stop. I'm going to reinstall it to see if it helps. Overall I can watch someone play this game all day long, I love real time strategy games. I'm definitely willing to do the work to learn the mechanics of the game but its just hard when it keeps crashing. You really don't need a powerhouse computer to run this game so its not the issue of my computer. I think its some hiccups within the game itself. My review is only negative for that reason alone, I still intend to keep at trying to get better at this game.
Trash game, game is full of map hack cheater. lots of magic arty into your fog of war units. especially chinese cheater....
It doesn't load up at all. I tried everything to play this game. I was really looking forward to it.
One of the greatest RTS games ever made and significantly better than 3 which is an absolute pos game. My recommendation if you want the dlc for this game is to go online and find a cheap steam key for the "all out war edition" usually around 8$. Gives you every single dlc in the game including all playable factions, so don't waste your money on individual dlc which will cost you a fortune.
company of heroes 1 is much better... this new building system is pure garbage
ITs like a really hard and much better Red Alert. I played the first one back when i was a kid, have owned the second for a while, just started playing recently. ITs hard AF but I love it.
I don't even know where to start. The gameplay can be satisfying at times but almost every other aspect of the game is downright frustrating and/or pathetic. Had I known that the campaign was strictly Russia vs Germany, I wouldn't have bought it. Had I known how greedy the game is with all the microtransactions and extra dlc you have to buy for a complete game, I wouldn't have bothered.
You cannot play as either British or American forces unless you pay extra. Furthermore, you cannot play as any army except for Russia in any of the one-off skirmish maps, unless you pay extra. Also, there are campaign missions that it shows you in-game where you play as the allies, but to play them you have to pay extra. Showing you the other half of what the game should have been with price tags and store page links inside the damn game is so insulting.
I got it relatively cheap on the winter sale, otherwise I would've refunded it. Odds are, you won't have a good time with this game. I hear Coh3 is even worse, so there you go. Another dead franchise swallowed up by corporate greed.
Solid successor to COH1 and much better than COH3.
Graphics, AI, gameplay - still holds up.
Game no longer loads, tried every solution possible, nothing. Hundreds of others having the same issue with no developer support for a fix. Money goneski.
I'm not good at reviews, so I'm just going to say it is a lot of fun. Company of Heroes is a great series. The games really draw you into the gameplay, providing an intense and exciting experience. Make sure to save frequently so you don't have to keep going back to the start or last auto save.
+Fast paced gameplay
+Historically authentic backgrounds
+Requires actual strategy as opposed to simply building up forces and rushing in
+Secondary objectives are worth completing
+Wide range of unit types to use
+Doesn't get dull or boring after a while. There's always elements in the missions to keep you on your toes
-Resource management can be a pain
-Population limit is annoying
-Story is lacking quality
-Player in single-player should be coloured Red to match the Soviet aesthetic
-Some missions require several restarts
This game is timeless. not sure what is it that brings me back to it. it is not perfect especially the campaign, but the multiplayer comes so close to perfection.
Bruh, this game? Straight-up WW2 crack. You’re out here commanding squads like a big-brain general, but also panicking when the enemy sends a Panzer through your front line like it owns the place. It’s chaos, it’s strategy, it’s spicy.
The snow maps? VIBES. Your dudes be freezing their butts off, and you’re like, “Yo, get to the fire before frostbite takes you.” Weather literally tryna kill you and the enemy. Nature said, “Nah, everyone dies here.” Real WW2 struggles.
Combat? Chef’s kiss. Tanks rolling in, artillery booming, dudes screaming—it’s a symphony of destruction. But sometimes, you click for your squad to take cover, and they’re like, “Nah fam, let’s stand in the open.” RIP those guys.
Now, let’s talk about those Soviet troops. Some of them? Straight-up Captain America levels of “I CAN DO THIS ALL DAY.” These dudes don’t care if they’re outgunned or outnumbered, they’re charging straight into the fire like it’s a Saturday stroll. They’ll take a grenade to the face and just keep on going like nothing happened. Absolute madmen, respect.
Multiplayer? Sweaty as heck. You think you’re hot stuff until someone rushes your base with flame tanks and wipes your hopes and dreams off the map. It’s all love and war until your squad gets nuked by a perfectly placed mortar.
The AI? Certified clown energy. Sometimes it’s galaxy-brain, flanking you outta nowhere. Other times it sends its units to dance in front of your MG42 like it’s a party. But hey, keeps things interesting.
Company of Heroes 2 is war on steroids. You’ll love it, hate it, and cry in the same match. If you’re into strategic pain, Soviet immortals, and the sweet sound of victory after 2 hours of suffering, this game’s your jam.
So frustrating with the lack of ability to set new keybinds. There are keys used in this game that don't even exist on a lot of keyboards (e.g. pause/break). There's also no way in game to see what the default keybinds are, so you just have to guess.
Just trash. You cannot beat the PC in skirmish, period. Even cheating they always have more units than you. Period.
Still the best Company of Heroes there is, mainly for the multiplayer. I would say the campaign is good, but personally I prefer CoH 1 with the DLCs. But the multiplayer, great fun, even more with friends. You can sunk lots of hours in to this game. Graphics are dated, but it is RTS so it isn't problem and honestly still looks good. I have only two problems with this game, one is how many things you can buy for real money and how tedious it is to get it through the game. Second is the optimalization, for how old this game is, it is not really running great even on fairly modern PC. Don't even think about it, on integral graphics, playable but not really enjoyable.
But still can only recomend for anyone who is fan of RTS and military settings and the Multiplayer Is still quite lively.
I feel too uncomfortable having to play as the "communists" to enjoy most of this game but the ability to play as the Nazis is much appreciated. Cancel culture and the woke mob will treat you like the spawn of Stalin for just exercising your right to free speech and beliefs when you try to be one nowadays.
That's why it's great to see the culture still going strong as I feared we were going extinct. Thumbs up from me.
Start game, dig in, defend, kill ai, repeat, ive played these games for 15 years. love them both. (We dont talk about coh 3)
Good game, I only play skirmish with some modded maps, DLC is a major cash grab. Should be able to play all countries without paying 19$ each. Special commanders fine okay payed dlc, but the fact you have to pay to do anything new is a major draw back
Bought the game because i missed broken arrow. The game has its own qualities love the mortars.
Really good RTS game, the campaign is excellent set during WW2 on the eastern front, trying to overcome the power of the nazi war machine and struggle with the harsh winters of Russia. With the added bonus of extra single player missions for dlc. Recommend to anyone that enjoys world war games or RTS games in general, hundreds of achievements and hours of fun, death and devastation. The multiplayer section of the game is addictive, allowing you to pit your wits against other players or CPU in 1v1 or 4v4 battles win or lose you will earn in game currency to purchase better doctrines, DLC, skins etc, a really great game to have and play. That been said there are a few flaws with the game, a couple of the achievements are no longer able to be unlocked since the game has change so much since it's release (and it doesn't look like they will fix this any time soon) and compared to the original CoH this fails to meet expectations. However the game is still excellent and well worth your money and your time.
There are many details like I can order my soldiers to shoot wounded enemy who is crawling on the ground. 9/10
But the Soviet Union story is quite dumb, as it fully follow the inaccuracy of Enemy At The Gate, which is inappropriate as a historical ww2 game.
This game sucks.
Yes I have hours logged not bc it is good but bc I do my due diligence bf commenting on any game.
Save your money the Dev should be ashamed of themselves for putting out such trash. Unbalanced mechanics and EASY SHOULD BE EASY some of us our old and like to play game to relax.... So much potential to be flushed down the toilet.
Deleting forever SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!
A poor follow up to a great game. Even 10 years after release this game is unfinished. It might potentially be playable after installing a host of mods and plug ins, but if the developers couldn't be bothered to sort out the basics it probably isn't worth it. For some reason, the camera altitude has been limited to about 15 feet off the ground, so it feels like you are zoomed in on individual units instead of having a general overview of the battlefield. Maybe the intention is that you do all manuevering using the tactical map? Unfortunately, the developers forgot to implement a way to access this map if you dont have a number-pad.
This is one of my favorite games, and I highly recommend it to players interested in World War II history and RTS games.
However, the game has its drawbacks, such as splitting content into numerous DLCs and occasional network instability.
Looking back, I’ve always been fond of World War II-themed games since I was a child, so I took notice of COH2 early on. In my point of view, the game delivers an immersive experience (especially when playing with friends), perfectly fulfilling my childhood fantasy of leading armies into battle. It has given me many wonderful memories.
I highly recommend this game for anyone wanting to play an RTS game! Unfortunetely the rules of the internet dictate I can play this game no further with my present hours of play time.
More than a decade old, still better than the latest piece in the series. All time classic.
much more fun than the first game. more diverse choices for units and commanders.
It's... pretty much more of Company of Heroes 1. Company of Heroes 1 was pretty much a perfect game in my opinion. So... more is good!
no it crashed its old. the new is also bad i have not tried the new. bad
When I originally bought this game and played it I hated it, I enjoyed the original so much more. So it sat for many a year. A friend and I recently polished it off, and started playing it again. I now have 86 hours into it, not sure I would play as much without a friend but its a decent game. Always buy your games onsale.
So, how would I sum up this game. Masterpiece until it isn't. Seriously, my only issue with the game is that it can be pretty unbalanced when you face AI, because of the really obvious AI resource bonus. How the fuck do you already have tanks 10 minutes in, I've not even had time to go to battle phase 2. However, the game is quite easy to learn, difficult to master but that's to be expected with a strategy game. The movement of units is quite smooth and nice, cover actually makes a difference until tanks get involved so that's also a pretty good feature. Would reccomend for someone who's willing to get a headache, just so that they can RP as a SS officer (there is no SS in the game.). Also, be weary that a lot of content is locked behind DLC's, which includes the USA, UK and the OberKommando (I think that's right).
very good RTS game and would 100% recommend this to anyone but i will say the DLCs for this game are quite expensive so get them on sale
COH2 is an isometric RTS game set around WWII. I have played this a few times so I am familiar with the basics. The game's graphics are better than some of the older RTS titles which is its biggest attraction.
COH2 runs fine on my Dell XPS 15 9750 with GTX 1050 Ti graphics. I also played it on my Dell Latitude 5440 with Intel Xe ARC graphics fine.
Every single time i re-download this game I experience issues like I've never seen. Expect troubleshooting just to get the game to launch.
Was in the middle of mission 11. Game crashed out of nowhere. My save game was deleted for some reason. Really pissed me off.
Also, timers do not belong in an RTS game. It is a developer's lazy way of saying, "We don't know how to make a mission challenging in a fun way, so we're just going to tell the game to fail you if you don't do it fast enough." I was really having fun up until these last couple of missions.
For me, the game is so much worse than COH1.
The amount of DLCs is ridiculous. When you buy the game you actually get only 1/4 of it.
Unless you're willing to buy most of the DLCs, I highly don't reccomend this game.
Total trash. Worse than the first one in practically every way imaginable. Skip this one.
I like the concept of these games, but at the end of the day, most of the time, it becomes a repetitive cycle to play and a challenge to play. I do feel like some of the gameplay is a bit too tense, as often I find the enemy can ramp up quickly; you can spend ages building up any army only to run into some tank or large force that basically destroys all that hard work. I find this game dull, but the concept is cool. It hasn't been executed as perfectly as it could have been.
game dont work, just first screen appear, with large "company of heroes II" and that is it,,,,,too bad
If you get stack on loading screen or CoH2 wallpaper after launch of game do next: Leave game ALT+F4 then go to steam, right click on CoH2. Go to Properties and under a General tab on left navigate down under a Launch Option and type this:
-novsync -notriplebuffer -refresh 60 -nomovies .
Enjoy and Have Fun! LiLSaint
better than coh3, more factions, more vehicles, more variety, more active players, and a stronger usf
Happy life, I am completely entombed in a cocoon of bliss playing this blessed piece of software, I genuinely cannot feel any better about my life at this very point in time.
Relic has made something that transcends all language barriers, all spiritual blockades. This game has made me question the deepest thoughts I've ever had, made me feel in ways I've never felt before.
Flowing water will cut through rock, imperceptibly slow over time, but it will cut through regardless. I have achieved a level of mental fluidity held only by Shaolin monks, I have enjoyed playing this game.
dont get me wrong game is good and I like it
but the thing is that when you buy game you buy only 50% of it
rest you have to buy with DLC not cool man
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Relic Entertainment |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 08.02.2025 |
Metacritic | 80 |
Отзывы пользователей | 85% положительных (27132) |