Разработчик: Big Cheese Studio

На вашей кухне есть все, что может понадобиться шефу: гридли, газовые плиты, духовки и кухонные комбайны. Кроме того, там полно кухонной утвари: всевозможных кастрюль, сковородок, тарелок, ножей и лопаток! Экспериментируйте с более чем 140 ингредиентами из кладовой: мясом и рыбой, фруктами и овощами, молочными продуктами и жидкостями. Также к вашим услугам большой набор трав и специй, чтобы сделать вкус еще ярче!

Незабываемый кулинарный опыт! Все ингредиенты реагируют на ваши действия и меняют температуру, внешний вид и вкус. Всякий раз, когда вы нарезаете картофель, переворачиваете стейки или кипятите суп, это происходит по законам физики реального мира. Как только вы освоитесь с основными операциями и начнете создавать блюда, ваше кулинарное мастерство начнет расти с каждой тарелкой.

Режим карьеры – это путь из поваренка в звезды кулинарии, на котором вам нужно будет зарабатывать славу для себя и для ресторана. Вы начнете с основ и постепенно будете открывать все более сложные рецепты. По мере набора опыта и славы вы сможете обслуживать больше посетителей. Познакомившись с рецептами и методами готовки, вы сможете разблокировать разные перки и навыки.

Если играть по правилам – это не для вас, вам точно понравится режим Песочницы. Получите доступ ко всем рецептам и ингредиентам и готовьте все, что пожелаете, без напряжения. Можно вообще ничего не готовить! Физика игры дает вам неограниченные возможности. Метайте ножи, как дротики, выставляйте разделочные доски, как домино, подожгите кухню, взорвите духовку и спасите все огнетушителем!

Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, polish, russian, french, italian, korean, turkish, portuguese - brazil, japanese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 x64
- Процессор: i5 3550 / FX-8350
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GTX 660Ti 3GB / R9 270X 4GB
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- ОС: Windows 10 x64
- Процессор: i5 4570 / Ryzen 7 1700x
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GTX 1060 6GB / RX 480 GB 8GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 6 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Damn, I'm just as bad at cooking here as in real life
this game is so buggy and the controls make no sense
Cooking Simulator:
I got the cookie and a pizza DLC for free. I don’t know how I got it. My friends didn’t get it for me. I didn’t buy it, but I’m not complaining.
Still a bugged and unfixed mess, dreadful quality of life decisions that are unrelated to any "funny jank" that Big Cheese Studio was going for. The fact that you have to cut precisely, somehow managing to cut pieces of meat into 5 exact pieces or that you're supposed to drizzle ingredients in a certain amount on liquid, but the game then complains about the wrong amount is weak. parts still fall through plates when you pick them up or you're required to Alt + F4 in career mode because you're stuck in the loading screen.
The kitchen is on fire.
it has potential but it's mostly frustrating trying to get the right amounts of ingredients, the accidental spillings, some of the controls and needing to buy some of the basic tools right at the start. the game also has some glitches but it's playable.
good get the dlc tho
I'ts fun and hard at the same time
I put a propane tank in a deep fryer.
LET HIM COOK :fire::fire::fire::fire:
put a gas can on the lit stove its gonna be a fire time
Cooking simulator is a nice and relaxing cooking simulator (who would've guessed). some people might find it stressful which if you're playing on the chaos gamemode (where you have all menu items active at all times). but there's casual gamemodes and you can even turn off the meal timers so it's even more stress free. overall a good game.
Cooking Simulator Review: 4/5
Cooking Simulator offers a deeply immersive culinary experience that stands out for its incredible complexity and attention to detail. The game's intricate mechanics, from the precise physics of chopping vegetables to the nuances of seasoning dishes just right, make it a true delight for those who love a challenge. The realism and depth add a lot to the overall experience, making you feel like you're in a real kitchen.
However, this attention to detail can sometimes be a bit of a double-edged sword. While it adds to the game's authenticity, it can also make things feel tedious and, at times, overwhelming. Tasks such as meticulously preparing ingredients, managing multiple dishes at once, and cleaning up can occasionally take away from the fun. The game's demanding nature means it requires a significant time investment to fully appreciate its intricacies.
Despite this, Cooking Simulator remains an engaging and rewarding game for those who appreciate the finer points of cooking. Its realistic approach and complex mechanics are sure to captivate dedicated virtual chefs, even if it means embracing the chaos that comes with a bustling kitchen.
i love feeding people poisonous substances to people in this game lol
not made for new bees. cool graphics but hard
Apparently adding like 50000 eggs to the deep fryer with explosives crashes the game, I love this game
i have not played this game in about 2 years the game was bad when i played it and the dlc were way to expensive for the price its not a good game
I have played this game for 3 days so far and haven't stopped playing it. It has been that fun for me.
Spent 5 hours trying to make something easy. I ended up setting the whole kitchen on fire. Game froze for the whole time. I left as soon as possible. Never came back.
w game love making a mess and making random stuff
i realised that i had this game previously
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS GAME. It is such a good comfort and cozy game to play alone. I do wish that there was multiplayer version, but I do believe that Cooking Simulator 2 is going to be so I am super excited! This game is just so good and it feels mostly realistic with the cooking in general. This game is amazing!
I put firecrackers in the oven and my meat got insta cooked 10/10 would do it again
i love this game and got every different cooking station dlcs. and i would love another dlc to be released.and actually i thought about a china based station where the main food is making hot pots and serving them with different liquid bases,and different noodle types and different toppings.
i fried both my computer and pizza on ultra graphics (computer is fine (kinda))
nice game
It's great and all to play once in a while, but even on high specs PC, game lags and bug out too much. Game came out 5 years ago and players are basically just living with the bugs at this point in time. Pots fly everywhere at times, stains that cannot be removed forever, perks not unlocking, getting weird sounds when zooming in on chopping boards, honestly, the bugs can go on and on.
Great Game, takes a little bit to catch on, I definitely recremend feeling confident with your cooking BEFORE career mode but it is an overall solid game, bout a 9/10. You also HAVE to get a chaos tool, it's free.
I feel like a real chef without the blood and burns. Tip: don't ever pour from the pots like the game tells you, use a ladle like a civilized person.
this game makes me mad, I kept breaking plates by barely touching something while I walked by and having to start all over again. It would probably be more fun on VR
The game concept is fun and the controls may be a bit cumbersome but it adds to the overall chaos that can be made. But the game still has some silly bugs that aren't sorted after so many years.
Biggest annoyance, you can get your food measurements PRECISELY right and yet critics still slam you for putting too much in a recipe. Errr you asked for 80g Parsley Root, i put in 80g of Parsley Root, how is it too much? It's stupid when the game screws you over when you haven't made a mistake.
Cooking sim is just so fun in general. I love how you can cause chaos but you can also take it seriously and make decent food. The game really does let you get away with doing all sorts of silly stuff and it really feels like you have full control. Super fun!!
A lot of bugs still, after all these years. And not the fun bugs
People say the game is buggy and I guess it is, but I find it rather funny as it makes the game chaotic and funny. Like doors would just randomly get off or a spatula would start flying somewhere. Depends on the person but I like the game, it's fun!
Used to be good. Lags so bad now.
I have a pc that is able to run any game on ultra graphics with zero issues. I'm getting 1-5fps with this game.
Didn't used to be like this, I used to enjoy this game but now it sucks.
This game is very good. It's a bit challenging and it gets more and more fun overtime. It's perfect for when you don't have hours and hours to sit down and just bang out a game, but you can bang it out as well when you DO have time. I recommend it, especially if it's on offer. I got it for £4.33
While the base game doesn't allow for much creativity I would suggest getting the cakes and cookies DLC. It doesn't add much to the price and lets you flex your creativity much more, and I particularly like the special orders, because they give you a more specific goal but still allow for a lot of creativity.
not bad n radio internet stream feature is cool but pls fix the ui for steamdeck. you cant type a single 'e' in the settings without suddenly being on another tab like pls just capture the software keyboard, it gets rly annoying if i have to type in every stream link outside the software bc i cant type 'e's...
only buy if ur planning on buying some on the dlcs, otherwise, the main game is kinda hard, but thats probably just a skill issue
Bought this game to feel relaxed and try some actual recipes,
at the end had so many rage quits.
How can You make cooking even more complicated than in real life?!
absolutely amazing. frame rate pretty much 10, fov to the max, crappy computer from amazon on its last leg. beautiful
I mean like its good but the amount of bugs for a game that has been out for this long is crazy.
Yes I would recommend this game to all food lovers, I mean all I do is make pizza but it's still food. Although I can't say that it simulates working at a real pizzeria as food and items tend go flying with the slightest touch and disappear into the floor. But on the bright side I've dropped glass into the customers pizza dozens of times, and they have yet to shut me down.
thsi game is awesome but only one problem it dousin't show footstep sound and camera movements so i'm giving this to you that you would understand so make me proud and add footstep sounds and camera movement when running or walking...
Cooking Simulator is not just a game; it’s a fever dream wrapped in a kitchen full of chaos. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to run a professional kitchen while simultaneously forgetting how physics works, this game has you covered. It’s equal parts a culinary masterclass and a demolition derby, and honestly, I can’t tell which one it’s supposed to be most of the time.
You start in a sleek, state-of-the-art kitchen, filled with the finest cooking tools and ingredients. Everything is shiny, clean, and orderly, like a kitchen straight out of a Michelin-starred restaurant. For about five seconds, you think, “I can do this. I’m going to make masterpieces.” Oh, sweet summer child, how wrong you are.
The first recipe seems simple enough: tomato soup. You grab your ingredients, throw them into a pot, and think, “I’m basically Gordon Ramsay.” But then, the madness begins. Maybe you knock over the pot, spilling scalding hot soup everywhere. Maybe you misclick and accidentally launch a whole tomato across the room. Maybe you forget to turn the stove off, and now there’s smoke billowing everywhere. Suddenly, your dreams of fine dining are replaced with the grim reality of a grease fire.
Cooking Simulator gives you incredible control over every tiny aspect of the cooking process. You can pick up a knife, slice a carrot into thin, even pieces, and feel like a culinary genius. Alternatively, you can accidentally grab the knife by the blade, send it flying into the oven, and then panic as your carrot somehow catches fire. The controls demand precision, but they also seem hellbent on reminding you that you have none.
Want to delicately season your steak with just the right amount of pepper? Too bad! The seasoning shaker works like a salt waterfall, and before you know it, your steak is 90% pepper, 10% tears. Trying to pour oil into a frying pan? Good luck aiming—you’ll probably end up with half the bottle on the stove and the other half on the floor. It’s like performing brain surgery with oven mitts.
The physics in Cooking Simulator deserve an award for Best Comedy. Drop a plate? It shatters into approximately 12,000 pieces, scattering like shrapnel across your pristine kitchen. Place a pot too close to the edge of the counter? It’ll tumble to the floor, spilling its contents in the most infuriatingly dramatic way possible. Try to transfer soup into a bowl? Congratulations, you just poured half of it onto the cutting board instead.
And don’t even get me started on the blender. In theory, it’s a straightforward tool. In practice, it’s a vortex of destruction that will send liquids flying to every corner of the kitchen. One time, I tried blending soup and ended up painting the ceiling with tomato puree. I’m still not sure how it happened.
As the orders roll in, the pressure mounts. You’re juggling multiple dishes, trying to remember which steak gets what seasoning, and then BAM—you accidentally grab a hot pan without oven mitts. While you’re hopping around in pain, the chicken you were frying burns to a crisp. The smoke alarm goes off, adding to the already deafening sound of pans clanging and timers beeping. Customers start complaining about the wait time, and you’re pretty sure the inspector who just walked in saw you drop a spatula into the fryer.
But that’s part of the charm. The game isn’t about perfection; it’s about surviving the culinary apocalypse you’ve created. Sure, your steak might be overcooked, your potatoes might be underseasoned, and your kitchen might look like it’s been hit by a hurricane, but hey, the customer gave you 3 stars, and that’s a win in my book.
Cooking Simulator gives you access to all sorts of handy tools and gadgets. You’ve got knives, spatulas, ladles, and even a blowtorch for those fancy creme brulees. Unfortunately, these tools are more likely to betray you than help you. The tongs, for example, are a menace. They’re supposed to make flipping food easier, but they’re really just an advanced method of throwing food onto the floor.
Microwaves? Great for reheating soup. Also great for accidentally exploding said soup when you forget to cover it. The fire extinguisher? A lifesaver—if you can figure out how to aim it properly. It’s like the game is daring you to screw up at every turn.
If the structured chaos of career mode isn’t your style, there’s always sandbox mode. Here, you can unleash your inner mad scientist without the pesky constraints of customer orders or health inspections. Want to see what happens when you throw a whole turkey into a blender? Go for it. Curious about whether you can deep-fry a pizza? The fryer’s right there. I once spent an hour building a tower out of baked potatoes, only to knock it over with a rogue ladle. It was the most satisfying moment of my life.
Visually, Cooking Simulator is stunning. The food looks so realistic that it’s almost painful to watch it go to waste. Every steak has perfect grill marks, every vegetable gleams under the kitchen lights, and every plate of food looks like it belongs in a gourmet magazine. It’s a shame that most of it ends up burned, spilled, or shattered.
Cooking Simulator isn’t just a game; it’s a test of patience, creativity, and your ability to laugh at your own failures. It’s a place where dreams of culinary excellence are replaced with the harsh reality of broken plates, burnt soup, and flying carrots. It’s frustrating, chaotic, and completely ridiculous—and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Whether you’re a seasoned chef or someone who burns water, Cooking Simulator is guaranteed to provide hours of hilarious, soul-crushing fun. Just don’t play it on an empty stomach. 10/10, would burn my kitchen down again.
Summary: This review is for the base game. I got it on sale, and I like to play this game because I've gotten good at it. Plus, since they've added some QOL updates to the original, it's much easier to play than it used to be. I'm sort of waffling about the rating, but have decided this game has too much jank and too many bugs to recommend. If you're still interested in it, get it on sale.
Most sessions I play on career mode last about four hours. In that time, the game has at least one completely game-breaking bug that forces me to reload. Oftentimes things will fall into the floor and be irretrievable. A bowl will tip one degree and spill half it's contents. Sometimes you'll bump an ingredient and the physics will bork and it'll fly away. More often than not, something will stop cooking on the already-lit burner, and then it's a guessing game of trying to figure out how to get it working again. Sometimes you have to turn the burner off and turn on another unoccupied burner without moving the item, sometimes you have to move the item to a different, already-off burner altogether. And sometimes when that happens, the game just crashes.
Recipes: All recipes are not created equal. Some recipes require a lot of steps, a lot of spices, adding ingredients before or after cooking, and even when following these recipes seemingly to the letter, you will only net three stars and the customer will find fault. I've found the easiest way to get through this fuss is to not follow the recipes exactly as written, because the game doesn't necessarily keep track of when you added a spice or blended a soup. However, this isn't a foolproof method, and it would be so much more intuitive to streamline recipes or their language in order to help the player succeed.
Using the knife is one of the worst parts of gameplay, in my opinion, because if you cut something incorrectly, you instantly waste time and money. The issue is, you can almost never tell if you're cutting the correct amounts. I've worked with the knife in sandbox mode to help perfect my skills, but the game would certainly benefit from some kind of perk that allowed you to see how much you're actually cutting with the knife, BEFORE you cut. If the game had a heavy focus on realism, I might understand the lack of help with the knife, but that doesn't seem to be a priority for this game. I mean, food never spoils, and there's a perk for picking up fresh-out-the-oven fish with your bare hands. Not to mention you're already grabbing metal pans out of the oven with presumably no hand protection. So why can't they do anything to help the player with the knife?
Customers will often find fault with the tiniest of problems. 1 gram too much of salt. You sliced a potato a few grams too much/little. You added too many grams of oil, or didn't distribute it enough, so the potatoes you sliced and then coated with oil, not enough potatoes received oil, even though you were following the recipe. Am I feeding robots? The margin of error is exceptionally slim. Sometimes when you receive your score there will be a little left out of the fifth star, and when you try to see why, the game will not tell you what you did wrong.
Graphics: This is a bit of a nitpick, but often once the meals are plated they will look like dogs**t. You have to buy a skewer to make your hamburgers look any good, and the recipe doesn't tell you that either. Customers will eat it all anyway, no matter how it looks, but if it matters to you, just know that whatever you see in the recipe viewer is almost never what the final product will look like.
Final thoughts: This game is, once you get around the jank, a lot of fun. The feeling of perfecting the steps of a recipe and serving it at 5 stars is unparalleled, especially amidst the frustration of other gameplay issues. I really enjoy prepping food, especially soups, and not having to wash dishes or worry about spoilage. The issue is that the jank often overwhelms the game. I like playing it, but I wouldn't recommend it to my friends. I wouldn't call it a cozy game or anything like that, it's a simulator. But if you play simulators to unwind, I think you should pass on this one. That being said, if nothing I've written deters you, you should go for it, especially when it's on sale.
Good brain shut off game. I just get to relax and cook. Nothing more nothing less. Very calming. Very demure.
I'd prefer it if they would make a VR version of the pizza and bakery DLC's, but that's just me.
If you buy this game to actually cook edible food , then theres something wrong with you
Love this game so much! This is my favorite cooking simulator game by far. I found out you can cheapen out on the dishes if you're short on time, and the customer will still accept it LOL. But if you cheapen it too much, you'll have to give the customer a refund. Also, finding shortcuts that make cooking certain meals easier is fun. Paying attention to the ingredient measurements is crucial if you want the customer to give a good review. Love the DLCs as well because they add new games to the base game. I'm having a lot of fun with the Cakes and Cookies DLC because I love baking irl, and it's given me ideas.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Big Cheese Studio |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 64 |
Отзывы пользователей | 86% положительных (8068) |