Разработчик: WMY Studio
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Об игре

Используйте своё сердце и мудрость, чтобы помочь нуждающимся.
Есть одна городская легенда...
Запишите все ваши проблемы на листе бумаги. В полночь возьмите его в руки и помолитесь: "Боже, помоги мне...". Тогда Бог обязательно услышит ваши мольбы – и изменит вашу судьбу. Однако это всего-навсего легенда... Которая даже не обрела особую известность.
Маленькая девочка просыпается в незнакомой комнате. Она ничего не помнит о себе, даже собственного имени. Перед ней появляется странная говорящая собака, которая открывает ей удивительную правду: они – боги, и их обязанность – изменять судьбы людей, что просят о помощи.
Новые письма наполняют почтовый ящик, и с пером в руке маленькая богиня начинает свою работу.
К ней обращаются самые разные люди (и не только люди!):
Тихий геймер, увязший в безнадёжной неразделённой любви.
Нищий художник, что потерял всякое желание жить.
Молодой офицер полиции, в чьём сердце горит огонь справедливости. Он полон надежд на новое крупное дело.
Юная девушка, что отчаянно гонится за своими мечтами несмотря ни на что.
Родственники, которые никак не могут встретиться.
Бездомный кот. Он будет рад даже сушёной рыбке.
Говорят, что Бог справедлив и делает всё ради высшего блага. Но действительно ли все эти решения так хороши?
Обретя возможность изменить судьбы людей, погрузитесь в историю и узнайте о жаждущих вашей помощи. Но помните: одно изменение может повлечь за собой и другие, даже если на первый взгляд эти люди никак не связаны. Может быть, по мере прочтения писем память богини начнёт возвращаться, но что она узнает о себе и своём предназначении?
Игровой процесс

Получайте письма от нуждающихся в вашей помощи, ознакомьтесь с ситуацией и измените судьбу.
Истории людей раскрываются в письмах, которые они пишут вам. Так вы сможете узнать об их жизни и помочь справиться с проблемами. Может, вы и не подружитесь, но они всегда будут благодарны за всё, что вы для них сделали.

Используйте свои способности, чтобы изменить события – и наблюдайте, как история идёт по новому курсу!

Но будьте осторожны, ведь изменение в жизни одного может повлиять на другого.

“В жизни нет случайностей”
Прежде чем принимать решения, вживитесь в роль детектива. Под напором вашей внимательности и дедукции будущее персонажей может перевернуться с ног на голову. Жизнь полна сюрпризов. Порой благодаря нестандартным решениям можно найти настоящие самородки. Будьте смелыми, будьте храбрыми – и создайте самые лучшие воспоминания вместе с героями!

Особенности игры:
- Прочтите письма и используйте дедукцию, чтобы понять, как лучше изменить жизнь героев.
- Каждое решение позволяет продолжить историю и может повлиять на других персонажей.
- Двигайтесь по сюжету, чтобы узнать как можно больше о двух богах – таинственной девочке и её спутнике.
Поддерживаемые языки: simplified chinese, english, japanese, traditional chinese, russian, spanish - spain, french
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Intel Core i3 2.00 GHz or AMD equivalent
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel® HD Graphics 3000
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- ОС: OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
- Процессор: Intel Core i3 2.00 GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel Iris Graphics
- Место на диске: 3 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Okay,so, this game is... interesting to say the least. I'm personally liking it ...mostly, but I can't in good faith recommend it. Do note this comes from someone who has not finished the game though, but most of my complaints are big enough to still need mentioning.
First of all, the content warnings gives this game a disservice, to not spoil much, if you can think of an awful thing that can happen, it's probably in the game in some way or another, on its most extreme version as well most times. The game is almost torture porn with it's writing,sometimes even if you don't try to go for all the "puzzle endings" like I'm doing (curse you completionism). I personally liked the writing most times, and the puzzles are good even if sometimes you just have to guess, but to be fair I'm not a very picky person.
I can also say that a lot of the sensitive topics aren't really handled well, I'm hoping it gets better, but reading other's reviews I dont have much hope.
In short, I think more people would benefit from not playing this game than playing it considering the kind of contents it contains, if you are sensitive to... Basically any of the cruelties that can happen in the world, I'd recommend skipping this.
I think the one cw I haven't found yet is homophobia which is honestly impresive for everything that is in the game.
*warning* game talks about: rape; child abuse*
Overall Recommended: ✅
Gameplay: ❤️❤️🤍
Graphics: ❤️❤️❤️
Story: ❤️❤️❤️
Music/Sounds: ❤️❤️🤍
Bugs: 🚫
Total: ❤️❤️❤️🤍
While some of the story is a bit hard for me to read, the entire game's story is pretty good. The gameplay is pretty unique and neat, although I would prefer a better skip feature.
*there's more but those are the major ones
WILL: A Wonderful World is a visual novel/narrative driven type of game. The main premise: the protagonist is a god who is tasked with receiving prayers from people in the form of letters, on which they should strive to help the sender on their troubles. The way to do this is by re-arranging key parts of the letter that will quite literally re-write the events that happened and create a new outcome.
The game follows the stories of several different characters across different countries and even across time, letters will sometimes be linked to one and other, at times because they're parallel events from two perspectives, but others simply from certain similar factors on their content. With the gameplay mechanic in place, you should change up the order of events or facts between the letters to allow the different characters to continue their own stories. As you progress you'll also unveil more of the story behind the gods handling these prayers.
I had zero knowledge of the game before playing, but the description of "become a god and change the outcome of events" caught my attention completely. I really enjoyed the creativity that went into the letters, even when adding something that didn't quite fit into a scenario, the story would then present a twist of the ongoing events to make fit of whatever you added. There are many ends that can be discovered depending on how you order letters, some of which will even add different branches of how a story develops.
On top of just re-arranging letters, some are even puzzles that you must solve by correctly arranging the options provided, i fount it pretty clever given how restrictive the presentation is.
The story itself takes several turns, it can get quite dark with heavy topics at times, so its not your average one where every single trouble gets fixed in the end. Certain outcomes on characters can end up affecting other characters stories, though it doesn't happen a whole lot. It reminded me a bit of 428 Shibuya Scramble, but on a much, much toned down level. Either way I was very satisfied with the game, it took me a bit over 20 hours to complete so it is not that massive, and the flow of individual letters can help you divide playing through it with good places to stop for a session, I really recommended trying it out if you enjoy narrative games.
Very unique game mechanics and designs, but unfortunately not the best story. Sometimes it does take a bit of trial and error, and it's not always perfectly logical. Moreover, some stories got highly unrealistic and is just purely dramatic (or unethical). The plot also contains some micro-aggression here and there. I still really enjoyed solving the puzzles etc. but it could've been so much better with better stories.
Great experience. Truly one of a kind, you'll never find anything of the likes.
You can tell the amount of work they've put in this game, especially in the storyline: the unique characters, their stories, their different endings and everything that puts everything together...
This is so detailed, so delicately made. You won't like everything that unfolds... Despite that, this stays wonderful, as the title says.
Will definitely recommend to VN players, you might get bored around the middle part but do not stop there, because the last part is surely worth your time.
I love this game and truly wish there was more of it, despite loving the ending.
traurik :(
Excellent game, though despite the title this world is NOT wonderful and if you're sensitive to topics like murder, suicide, child rape, etc. then I would suggest not playing this game. I will also warn anyone expecting this to be a puzzle game, because while some letters in the game do follow logic, many of them (especially later on in the game) I just randomly shuffled things around until it worked. However, if you want a good (and usually sad) set of short-stories of multiple people's fates intertwining, I highly recommend giving WILL a shot.
The puzzles are not at all logical. They're complete guesswork. If you choose "the gun went off", for example, you have no idea whose gun is going to go off. Often times it will change randomly. It's not an interesting mechanic because it involves brute-forcing your way through with guesses. I mainly got this for the story puzzles and this really sucked.
Also according to other reviewers, there is illustrated child rape. And a romance between a high schooler and a 35 year old. That's a nah from me dog.
I love this game. I rarely finish visual novels, but I finished this one (don't look at the time played, I pirated it and then bought after completing). Usually it's too hard for me to do nothing than read the novel, but this one has a good mini-game that makes it much more fun to actually play. Also it's really beautiful, stylish and has a good script. This is what all visual novels should be nowadays.
Игры похожие на WILL: A Wonderful World / WILL:美好世界
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | WMY Studio |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 85% положительных (238) |