Разработчик: Obsidian Entertainment

The Outer Worlds – это отмеченная наградами научно-фантастическая ролевая игра для одного игрока с видом от первого лица, выпущенная Obsidian Entertainment и Private Division.
В The Outer Worlds вы пробуждаетесь после гибернации на корабле поселенцев, пропавшем по пути к Альциону — самой дальней земной колонии на краю галактики. Вы оказываетесь в центре масштабного заговора, который угрожает существованию всей колонии. Созданный вами персонаж сможет повлиять на ход этой истории, исследуя глубины космоса и встречая многочисленные группировки, которые сражаются за власть. В системе уравнений корпоративной колонии возникает новая непредсказуемая переменная — это вы.
Ролевая игра, где игрок определяет развитие сюжета
Студия Obsidian верна своим традициям, поэтому события в The Outer Worlds зависят от вас. Ваши решения влияют не только на сюжет, но и на развитие персонажа, судьбы спутников и финал игры.
Хорошие новости: вы не безупречны
В The Outer Worlds действует уникальная система недостатков. Они формируют характер любого яркого героя. Игра анализирует ваши действия и определяет, что вы делаете хуже всего. Вас постоянно атакуют раптидоны? Выберите недостаток «раптифобия», и вы станете слабее перед этими жуткими тварями, но получите за это дополнительную способность. Благодаря такому выбору вы сможете создать уникального персонажа во время путешествий по Альциону.
Управляйте своими спутниками
Исследуя далекую колонию, вы встретите немало персонажей, готовых вступить в вашу команду. У них уникальные способности, задачи, мотивы и идеалы. Вы можете помочь каждому спутнику в достижении заветной цели или же использовать его ради своей выгоды.
Исследуйте корпоративную колонию
Альцион — колония на краю галактики, которой владеет и управляет корпоративный совет директоров. В его власти всё… кроме инопланетных чудовищ, которые появились после неудачной попытки провести терраформирование двух планет колонии. Добудьте корабль, соберите команду и отправляйтесь исследовать поселения, космические станции и другие уголки Альциона, полные загадок.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, polish, russian, portuguese - brazil, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 (SP1) 64bit
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-3225 or AMD Phenom II X6 1100T
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 650 Ti or AMD HD 7850
- Место на диске: 40 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64bit
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-7700K or Ryzen 5 1600
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB or Radeon RX 470
- Место на диске: 40 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Excellent game, if a bit short.
Got about 20 hours of content in it, a bit easy, but companions are fun, and the story is good.
Gunplay isn't anything unique, and I like the freedom.
Want to massacre a village? Yes you can .
Want to save it? Yes you can.
In addition, all builds are viable even on harder difficulties.
I've actually installed a mod to make the game a bit harder.
Glad I bought this during one of the Steam annual sales without DLC rather than paying full price for it including an expansion pass. I would feel ripped off otherwise. Very disappointed in Obsidian on this one as they should have done better. I can describe The Outer Worlds in one word- lackluster. It's a mashup of steampunk meets the wild west sci-fi style with a handful of corporations scheming away behind the scenes. Sounds good on paper and could have been great, but the whole thing falls flat. There is an ungodly amount of NPC yapping in this game, mediocre gunplay, and dull exploration on small to medium-sized maps.
I just didn't find a reason to care about any character or event in this game. It's too satirical, it's too on the nose, and the relationships feel less than empty.
A pretty fun RPG experience. But know ahead that it's no New Vegas. This game definitely had a smaller budget, and it shows.
That's actually my biggest problem with this game, there's not enough. Not enough weapons, armor, quests, it needs more depth. I really hope the sequel is able to build on this world and make a bigger/deeper RPG experience.
It's a good game, but I recommend getting it when it's on sale.
So, I bought this when it was an exclusive on a different platform (I'm sure Spacer's Choice had something to do with that decision!), and played through it about 8,298 times. But with the sequel coming out, I decided to get it on Steam and go through a couple more runs to get ready!
Still as fun as I remember. If you love Firefly and sarcastic, satirical humor, this is fantastic! A few little glitches all around, but nothing too bad. I got soft-locked once on some geometry - which would have sucked in supernova mode, but I was able to load an autosave and continue.
Lots of choices on how to complete each mission. You can burn the world down, or try to negotiate peace between groups. It's fun to run with different companions to get different dialog options as well.
Anyhoo, still a great game, and I can't wait for part 2: Auntie Cleo's Revenge, or whatever it's going to be.
The only things I don't like about this game is my inability to romance anyone and the fact that I didn't get to kill more capitalists. Beyond that It's a really fun, funny romp that lets me live out my dream of actually making money in a capitalistic hellscape. 10/10
Glad I gave this game another chance. The amount of detail and options that are in this game is incredible. The outcomes actually feel like they matter and effect the game world. I feel like there is so much replay value.
this is good on sale. The story is mostly pretty enjoyable. The writing can be pretty funny but doesnt know when to stop beating a dead horse.
Ultimately tho it can be pretty boring, especially the combat. For all the different endings and options, I had a hard time getting through this a second time, having already beaten it on console. Which is bad for an RPG game like this with multiple endings.
On the surface, a very good game, there is limited playlength - the 17 hours I've done is all but the very endgame apparently, and I've also gone back over and redone missions when I didn't like the outcome. In addition, I've had regular crashes, none of which repeat, even under the same circumstances. All in all, it's an ok game with some great mechanics - worth getting on sale pehaps?
I tried to force myself to finish it but I couldn't with how mediocre or bad everything is.
Story is boring and companions are uninteresting.
Weapons lack variety and with how gear levels are tied to weapon damage and armor amount there's no point in sticking to specific unique as you will be constantly swapping out armor and weapons as higher level gear becomes available that make older gear completely useless. Upgrading gear for some reason gets ridiculously expensive.
Perks are boring and have uninteresting basic bonuses.
Combat sucks and enemies lack variety. Sometimes enemies are bullet spongy with how enemy and gear levels work.
Solid 4/10.
The Outer Worlds
Rating: 5/10 – Mediocre
The Outer Worlds looks Great, I simply love its art style and the setting is one with huge potential. But this game simply doesn’t really manage to offer anything special to the player. Too much of the dialogue feels like parody, but it simply stops being funny after the first time. On top of that much of the gameplay feels a bit clunky, there are too many loading screens, and not a single quest – main and side quests included – that really felt more than just Mediocre.
Overall the gameplay feels clunky and a little awkward, gunplay feels like it’s lacking something – the sound design is Fine overall, it has more something to do with how guns “feel” when you use them. Melee combat isn’t much better, there is a distinct lack of impact from what I’ve seen. All this is bogged down even more by an arbitrary durability system that should’ve either been restricted to the Supernove difficulty, or been left out of The Outer Worlds entirely.
The other side of the gameplay is the stealth system, which works. During combat you sneak around as you do in many similar games – it’s nothing special and from what I’ve seen it doesn’t really do anything special. Outside of combat you have stealth through the disguise system, which is possibly one of the worst systems in The Outer Worlds. It is far too forgiving, has no downsides. The entire final dungeon can be simply walked through without any consequences just with the disguise system. It’s Bad for the game overall and takes away from what could’ve been interesting situations. It feels more like someone suggested it, they added it to the game and by the time they noticed how dumb the system was the deadline was already too close and too many sections of the game relied on it being there.
But since this is an RPG Mediocre gameplay can easily be overlooked if the story and side content is Good. The story has some Fine moments, but nothing that would “wow” anyone. The same can be said for pretty much every single side quest in The Outer Worlds. If you’ve played even a single RPG you’ll probably have already played through a better version of whatever side quest you’re about to undertake in The Outer Worlds. None of it is at all Good enough to distract from the Mediocre gameplay.
Another point of disappointment in the game is the progression. It’s just not satisfying. Perks are kind of Bad. There are too few that actually feel useful and there is a distinct lack of actual new cool things you can unlock. The skills aren’t much better. While they do allow you to specialize your character and give you a decent amount of dialogue choices, it just kind of stops being all that useful after a while – especially once you notice that using skills in dialogue rarely has a satisfying outcome, often you might even skip most of a quest by using those dialogue choices. You also reach the max level of 36 too fast, especially if you have the DLCs, which just makes a lot of the content in the game feel useless since side quests simply don’t offer stories worth experiencing once the EXP reward is removed.
Overall The Outer Worlds is simply a Mediocre game. It’s disappointing overall since this game is teeming with potential, it’s just that none of it was realized in this game. While I did have fun with this game, I also sadly have to say that there is pretty much not a single thing they don’t have to improve on for the sequel, except for maybe the art style. But worst of all, The Outer Worlds is just… boring.
Did I enjoy this game? YES!
Would I recommend it? ehhhh...
This game is good, but it is VERY easy to feel underwhelmed and unimpressed
A fair warning before you play...
Everything in this game is a step down from what we're used to in AAA games. The combat, the maps, the enemy variety, the weapon & armour variety, the upgrade system, it all lacks the depth, detail and the breath of content we've come to expect with modern games. There are a lot of aspects of this game that will NOT impress you...
The content that does exist feels very intentional. You can tell the game is built by a passionate studio doing what they can with the resources they have, and no aspect of the game reflects this more than the writing. Seriously, the story is good, the characters are compelling, and the jokes are legitimately funny. This alone is what got me to the end of the game, and is in my opinion its biggest selling point
Although, despite how good the writing is, the biggest piece of praise I would give to this game is that the game respects your time. Every choice feels meaningful, every line of dialog feels like it has a point, and you can easily max out your character without doing every side quest. This was extremely refreshing, and i wish more games would focus on quality over quantity
In summary...
If you can look past the limited scope of the game, and go in knowing that this won't be up to par with most modern games, then what you'll find is a well crafted, solid experience, built by a seriously passionate team of talent people.
_ Blurry first person shooter with few rpg elements that lack depth. Some dialogue choices are fun but ultimately meaningless, with strangers you only meet once. The game is short (and/or skills take too long to grind), so the majority of skills are useless. You really only need to max science and lock picking so that you can upgrade guns, have some pocket money and keep dashing forward. If you don't do science with lock picking, then, I guess, you will be stuck grinding the same map until you gear up. I do not recommend the grind route. And the rest of skill points you'll likely dump into dialog skills.
_ All guns have about the same dps (say hello to dumb RPG balancing) which makes pistols and sniper rifles meta here. Actual assault type weapons that are designed for active combat are a low damage joke that only waste all ammo here. Despite maxing science and maxing assault rifle damage I still ran out of rifle ammo all the time and end up with sniper rifles and pistols.
_ Since there is little rpg and the main fun is in speedrunning this as fps, the minimum system requirements do not make sense to me. The action part run well only with the recommended system requirements. Also, consider that I have recent m.2 PCIe 5.0 and 4.0 SSDs that still take extra loading time after loading into map before stutters stop, lol. Tbh, this feels like a poor console port shoved out before it was polished. And cherry on the top is weird graphics settings. For example, the texture quality setting doesn't change textures, it is anisotropic filtering, lol. There is no harm in keeping it ultra, but, if I wouldn't tell you, you would likely decrease it to improve performance and end up with more blurry game, lol.
_ I decided to post this review because Outer Worlds 2 is coming and I have a bad feeling about it. I will definitely hold back from purchase until, at least, youtubers make graphics settings guides.
"The Outer Worlds" is a fun space romp that draws a lot from the Fallout series but still holds its own with unique characters, stories, settings, and game mechanics. It took me about 50 hours to complete a leisurely full playthrough with all DLC, and I enjoyed every hour. It's not highly replayable, but I think the price point is fair, plus the game is often discounted. If you like the idea of "Fallout New Vegas" in space, albeit with less freedom and customization, I definitely recommend giving it a try.
Honestly a really really good game! Very Fallout-like, obviously, but I think I might like this game more than Fallout? I'll have to see over time, as I have no idea how the re-playability of this game is at the moment; I'm slightly concerned on that aspect truthfully since, on one hand, the main quest seems very tied to the general progress and location access; on the other hand, the different types of builds seem to play *extremely* differently. Regardless, it's a very fun game.
Great aesthetics, looks beautiful, the humour is good and doesn't feel like it's trying too hard, voice acting is great all around and the world-building is fantastic (though maybe a bit too close to reality in this year of 2025...). The combat feels great, I'll take this over Fallout's combat system any day, it's really smooth and if you're not a fan of the "Time Dilation" mechanic you don't feel forced to use it.
The companions are all great in their own way (except Vicar, didn't care for him) and it's really nice to go through their personal questlines and see them grow emotionally. At first I was bummed that you couldn't romance anyone, but as the game progressed I didn't really care about that, I was just invested in seeing where their individual stories would go. I would die for any of those companions (except Vicar) I love them so much!
DLCs are amazing as well, their stories are really interesting.
One of my minor complaints is that you can spend a fair amount of time in character creation, as there are a good deal of options, only to never see your character ever (except in the equipment screen menu). I expected to see my character in the dialogue cutscenes or something, but no, it alternates between the NPC and your companions, but you never get to see your character. Also, I guess it doesn't matter, but there is a barber that you encounter in Emerald Vale, but you can't ask them to modify your appearance/hairstyle which feels like a missed opportunity.
Another small gripe is that once you get to Byzantium, as you do quests, your reputation with the board is likely to go down, which can turn all the guards hostile and make the experience of wandering the city quite bothersome. Some quest NPCs will also turn hostile if they see a guard do so, though I found that killing the nearby guards, running from the NPC, leaving the planet and coming back later turns those quest NPCs back to neutral. Just make sure that your companions are set to “passive” if you want to avoid accidentally killing quest NPCs in Byzantium.
Third minor issue: sometimes I'd get confused by the different colours of armours, from different factions/corporation, that had the same name & style, it felt a bit like a hassle to try and match the colours at times, not sure why they didn't add the faction/corporation name to the different versions, or even just the logo in the background like they do for consumables, to make it easier to differentiate.
Tinkering is, for me, the biggest issue with the game. Otherwise, adding mods like scopes, muzzles & mags feels good, so does the breakdown & repair mechanics, but tinkering often felt unnecessary in the early game, and frustrating in the late game. For example I could spend a fair amount of bits to tinker a weapon, only to find the exact same weapon, but slightly better, out in the wild, making it feel like I wasted money; and tinkering can be *very* expensive, even with the right skills. Honestly tinkering cost should have a cap, through the Science skill, for all equipment, not just Science Weapons; the cost of tinkering becomes insane and renders early-obtained unique weapons & armours completely useless in the late game. In some cases it's fine, some weapons you can find up to level 36 in the wild, tinkering 5 levels up to 41 is very reasonable (items can only be up to 5 levels above your character level); but I found that if an item is lower than 32 base item level it's pretty much impossible to tinker to it's full potential, so weapons like the Flamethrower 2.0, Heavy Machine Gun II or Vermin II (all base level 28) become non-viable when you reach max level, which really sucks. That being said, all the weapons feel incredibly good to use, they all have their own uniqueness to them and it makes every build feel very different.
tl;dr: Incredibly fun RPG, but the tinkering mechanic doesn’t feel great.
This game is ok. It's honestly forgettable and I do actually forget that it's in my library. Maybe pick it up on sale?
With a recent crunch for a decent RPG these days, and with the fact of being an old fan of the Fallout 4 and New Vegas games, I gave Outer Worlds a try, and it didn't disappoint.
A lovely story and rich dialogue with various outcomes kept me going, even if I have to admit the combat in this game isn't the best.
Characters are hardly forgettable and each one of them has a role to play at the end of the tale.
Graphically, the game looks good, but a bit too many colors for my taste. As long as I can differentiate between the various planets' themes.
Performance wise, no complaints.
A nice and quick RPG which is quite shorter than its former Obsidian titles, but well-balanced.
Let's see how Outer Worlds 2 goes !
The more I play this game the more I realize how little it has to offer when compared to other titles this developer has released which are closest to it in terms of gameplay (obviously FO3 and FONV). I think I MIGHT be half way through the game and it just feels like a slog where I'm just trying to get through the game just to see it through. It's like the aforementioned games except less developed in pretty much all ways. Story, gameplay mechanics, character build options, quest outcomes, and just the variety overall.
Fallout New Vegas was not directly created by Bethesda. They let another studio make it using the engine from Fallout 3. THIS game is from that other studio, and it shows. Only it is in an ultra-capitalist space dystopia instead of nuclear wasteland. It is vault tech, if vault tech was still alive and saying those stupid ideas directly to your face.
The guts are a fallout game- durability, looting, wandering, skill points, base stats. The game is not a single map, and instead various smaller maps across the solar system. So things are more fenced in than NV. This might turn some people off. They replace VATs with a bullettime mechanic.
While the game has the same companions and "lone wolf" perk mechanics, there is a third option- you can just turn your companions "off". They can be passive- they don't attack, they can't be targeted. They just sit there, providing banter, passive skill bonuses, and maybe a quest interaction or two. Perfect for those that want to do all the content themselves, but miss hearing the assholes in your party bickering.
The upgrade system is a bit of a pain. You have typical mods for small bonuses. But the raw damage is determined by item level. It costs money to raise an item's level, and it scales exponentially based off of how many levels you raise it. Higher tier weapons are not qualitatively different from regular weapons- they just start off at a higher level, so you need less steps to raise it.
As a result, unique weapons are a bit of a flop- no reason to raise that nice sniper pistol from the starting a full +30 levels. However, unique armor is great, since you are getting it for skill bonuses to pass checks. yes- you will be changing into your persuasion suit before you talk to anyone.
Edition note- "Spacer's choice" edition is not compatible with saves from the base game. It is mostly a graphics update that also removes the level cap. DLC unlocks content in both versions of the game. So it is best to start off with Spacer's choice if you feel you are ever going to go for that.
It’s a decent game, the aesthetics and the heart is there, but the actual overall mechanics and plot and immersion is just kinda eh. It gets very boring and it’s just missing SOMETHING. Maybe it’s the lackluster NPCs AI and town settings that just don’t feel right. Nothing feels real or lived in. I don’t know. It’s uncanny.
Alright gameplay, fun satirical universe but only worth it on sale.
Everything that fallout should be, brought to you by the studio that made the best fallout game, Obsidian. Even if I did not like the game, which I do, I would support them because their company practices are admirable. Hearty recommendation, cant wait for Outer Worlds 2
Fun game! Humor and action. Great combination!
Honestly a fun first-person RPG. Whilst it doesn't match the scale of Fallout: New Vegas, it is mechanically superior and it's great to see Obsidian building a proper framework to make their own FPRPGs that is vastly superior to Bethesda's Oblivion engine. It bodes well for their upcoming Avowed. I recommend TOW with the DLC.
+Combat is fun, especially melee builds.
+Reasonable length encourages replayability.
+Beautiful visuals, with lots of variation, since you visit multiple different planets, asteroids, space stations etc. They all look great.
+Voice acting and writing are top notch, as we'd expect from Obsidian.
+Love the satirical corporatist, neo-western frontier setting. It's really cool.
+Tons of options to build your character how you want, and everything is viable.
+There's a ton of backstory and world-building if you want to delve into that. It's clear Obsidian have fleshed out their universe here before they even started building the game set in it. Much like they did with Pillars of Eternity too. Once again proving that Obsidian are the best RPG developers out there today.
+Performance is spot on. Game runs very smoothly and has very little (if any) jank.
-Whilst a few areas are quite big with plenty to explore, it never comes close to the sense of scale and freedom of Fallout: New Vegas. The planet-hopping nature of The Outer Worlds means we don't get a single huge open world, but a series of separate fairly big areas to explore. This is the game's biggest weakness IMO, but is forgivable given how much they've achieved here, and how fun the game is. However, I must say Murder on Eridanos does a lot to address this by giving us a huge open area to explore.
-Ending is kind of abrupt and ends on a huge cliffhanger, but the journey is great and I'm looking forward to the sequel.
-Harder difficulties can be a bit too brutal and are not particularly fun beyond Hard mode.
As a fan of Fallout this game feels very familiar and is pretty easy to pick up the mechanics. At a lot of points it feels like you are playing in the Firefly universe but has it's own identity. Some of the combat starts to feel a bit repetitive especially later in the game but I enjoyed it from start to finish.
its fine. but it hurts seeing all its missed potential. but there is still heart in it...in places. just replayed for the sequel coming
This game is the definition of that one friend who peaked in high school who wants a redemption arc but completely fails in every way. 6/10 Not New Vegas.
Can't really compete with similar games in the genre that got a larger budget, and I have to say that for a game frequently touted for "anticapitalist" themes it was disappointingly moderate, but worth at least one playthrough. Parvati is the best asexual character I've seen in ANY video game and her side mission is adorable.
I played this game to completion a few years ago on console. Did not enjoy it then and thought I'd give it another chance. Sadly I still just don't think it's great. It's not bad, maybe worthwhile at a deep discount, but ultimately it's just pretty boring and flat. The world feels lifeless and static, the combat is way too easy after just a few hours, skill checks are so generous that they don't feel satisfying to use. I just didn't find it very fun at all. I do appreciate what it's trying to do as an RPG, but it just doesn't hit the mark.
The writing is decent, but far from Obsidian's best work. It's also kind of funny but it's core themes are not very interesting and it doesn't have much of substance to say.
Overall, it's a pretty average game. Not bad, but your time is probably better spent elsewhere. If you haven't played Obsidian's other games, I'd recommend to try those instead (games like Fallout New Vegas, KOTOR 2, Pillars of Eternity etc.). I think there is some promise here though with the world they built for it. I still look forward to what they can do with the sequel.
I played every single scenario in this game, I just love it.
very interesting characters, awesome weapons, very nice story, DLCs worth the money, Highly recommend.
I was expecting more from the developers of Fallout 3: New Vegas. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of the game is the storyline, as the ending was not particularly engaging, to say the least.
I would not describe The Outer Worlds as an open-world game, as it is more of a collection of static locations that the player navigates between through the loading screen. While players can complete different quests in any order, each quest is still linear in nature.
Very few decisions made by the player have a significant impact on the game world, with only the scenes before the end credits being affected.
Many characters in the game are portrayed in a manner that is similar to real-life, which can lead to a sense of realism, but also limits the player's freedom of choice and instead feels more like a questionnaire about their attitudes towards certain characters.
The game's graphics are interesting and subtly resemble those of Borderlands, adding a touch of humor and a sense of cartoonishness that is generally fun and more of a positive than a negative aspect.
Man, I bought this game and played it for 20 minutes, then it put it down for like a year and I feel like an idiot.
This is such a fun Fallout clone that I don't know where the begin. The story is great and hilarious, the gameplay is solid, and the technical performance is great on Steam Deck!
+Story - it's funny, charming, and it's take on a hyper capitalist society is fascinating.
+Gunplay - Guns feel and shoot properly, and sound good too. Not the best on the planet -Starfield I think is a bit better- but pretty darn solid.
+Graphics - I played the regular edition and it still looks gorgeous. Save you're money if you're considering upgrading to the Spacer's Choice edition for graphics alone.
+Voice acting - I liked the voice acting for all of the characters and felt the conveyed drama when it was needed and humor when the scene called for it.
-For the gametype, it feels a bit short. The game sort of climaxes and that's it
-Music - I wasn't a fan. I wish that there was a radio of sorts like in Fallout, but I get the game was still trying to be distinct enough from the FO series to not be out-and-out called a clone.
-Enemy variety - There weren't enough enemy types. I guess it helps that the game is short, but I wish there were one or two more groups.
-Weapon variety - Same deal, just wish there were more guns. The ones that are there are nice, but by the time I was level 20 (out of 30), I had already settled on what worked best for me and based on the equipment I got, I wasn't missing out.
Overall: 8.5/10 - Really close to what I think will be remembered as a cult classic. Better than Starfield for sure, and up there with the mainline Fallout series in terms of quality, if not quantity.
I really wanted to like this game but I just felt very bored and couldn't bring myself to play past the second second planet. It is going for the old new vegas gameplay style which isn't very exciting but has alot of narrative freedom, lore, fun characters etc. And this game is just not it. I had one meaningful choice, there isn't one character whose name I remember, and all I know is that there is a big bad company called the board that controls almost everything. As much as I want to take the anger generated on corporate greed out in a video game... I just don't really care.
That isn't to say these things i complain about are bad ... its just... very mid and uninspiring for what I hoped it would be and would rather play other games.
Great game especially if you like titles like fallout series.
I can appreciate what they were going for, I simply did not like it. It felt like Fallout: New Vegas in a bad way. New Vegas came out 10 years before this game. That is all I will say on the matter.
Loving how serious the unseriousness is this game could be. Still kinda pissed about the locked planets though. Looking forward to the sequel.
i loved this game. I was initially drawn to it for no other reason than the stylised art work. But it is so much more than that. You, with your crew, fly around the solar system sorting out situations. There's a healthy layer of sarcasm in there too.
I enjoyed the game play and the combat.
I have just completed the DLCs and the main game. Now I am sad and don't know what to play next. This one, I just wanted to come back to again and again
Love the game put about 10 hours on my xbox then switched to pc been sitting in my library for a minute and decided to pick it up. I love the characters, settings, and humor but for the love of everything my 1 critique is for the second game to have some sort of romance for the main character fell in love with so many personalities in the game just to never see the again once their mission was over or even my companions. I would love more interaction with them, I kept interacting with them thinking they would have something to say about the current predicament just for the majority of the time them say the same lines about themselves. But it is to be expected from a game I'm sure Bethesda didn't think it would do as well as it did. Can't wait for #2 and I still love this game.
I played this years ago on console but never got far. Seen the trailer for The Outer worlds 2 and decided to give the first a second shot. At first I was a little bored but I kept on pushing and ended up enjoying the game. I was hooked on it everyday till I beat it. I recommend getting it and playing it yourself. I'm looking forward to the second game.
Unfortunately this game is spread way too thin.
Quests are boring, and repeat the same fetch this do that formula. Rarely do the side missions ever grip you or keep you engaged longer than is absolutely necessary.
Ammo scarcity is quite dope in the first half of the game, you feel more connected to the game because of it.
But after a while it just gets tedious.
Gunplay is pretty dope tho.
A solid effort. Really great environments and a good sense of humor make this one stand out from other RPGs. You will do a lot of talking and making dialogue choices. The combat is fine but I think what stands out in this game are the environments and the sense of humor.
I give it a 7/10.
Reasons for its downfall: Dialog doesn't really matter what you choose, just makes conversations go your way. Also, to add to this problem. When you want to read the character's lines you can only read two lines at a time. Might not be a problem if you're enjoying the voice acting, but I'd prefer an option to read through more dialogue and let the voice lines play out.
Champion abilities animations are one animation over used. I'd prefer it if it only was used if they got a crit or something as it can take you out of the moment of a gun fight.
Story wise for DLC: Its pretty run of the mill for both of them. I won't spoil anything, but I'd say play Murder first then Peril.
Overall, games fun! I think New Vegas is still the golden child, but this had a lot of New Vegas salted in to make it its own great experience!
it's not fallout: new vegas good but it is good. play this if you like dialogue and well-developed characters and are fine with mid combat.
Pretty Decent Game, Honestly the story didn't really make sense to me, but that could just be a me thing. The story can be long and the character customization isn't that fun. But i love the open world and how the game looks and feels!!
Okay so now imagine all the good parts of FNV, now get rid of the bugs and gambling and make the shooting part slightly more fun. And put it in space. Obsidian dev Is printing money.
Its a great, kinda short game, would recommend you get it on sale though.
Screw Starfeild
It's a great game and with no high end graphics card requirements...Hurray !
Very Fallout. Great story, combat it challenging and fun. Can't wait to see where it takes me
this is the most boring game i've ever played, i got bored as soon as i entered the first town and started doing the endless fetch quests, i litteraly had to force myself to play through the game. the game isnt bad but it isnt good either but obsidian really fell off if this is the best they can do
TLDR: A familiar yet new experience from the makers of Fallout New Vegas that, while deeper than most FPS games, disappoints when compared to the studio's prior works.
- Great fast-paced combat with partner abilities/commands, a bullet time system, and effective ammo-types.
- Fun variety of weapons to experiment with
- The story is initially very captivating
- Some beautiful and creatively designed environments
- Enemy variety. You'll fight the same 'native species' on multiple planets
- Clunky inventory UI is a LEAP backwards from FONV
- Some characters are too whacky to be 'funny'. Some dialogue is written like it was poorly translated or written by an overly enthusiastic thesaurus-user
- Upgrade scaling of weapons and abilities is lazily implemented
- The story ends on a whimper
- Truly last-gen character design and animation
The Outer Worlds is essentially just Fallout: New Vegas in space. It had a ton of good going for it: interesting setting, talented development team, competent writing, deep role playing opportunities. By all means, it should have been an absolutely amazing game. However, it innovated surprisingly little on a formula established 10 years prior.
The opening scenes and scenarios to Outer Worlds showed so much promise. Well-voiced characters with expressive movement, dancing around a room while holding conversation with you? It was a dream come true that didn't last. After a short introduction, all dialogue takes place EXACTLY like every Bethesda game: zoomed in on the face with some procedural mouth movements.
I really enjoyed the simplified resources and clutter systems. It made inventory management much more streamlined. Companion outfitting and contributions towards your skills also felt good, and opened the way for some stellar roleplaying opportunities. At the same time, however, companion and outfit management to pass skill checks was annoying. I had to go through menus A LOT just to make sure I was equipping the right combination of outfits, hats, and companions. Most combat skills are used extremely sparingly in conversation, or not at all. None of this was a huge problem, however, because the game is just laughably easy on the hardest difficulty setting. Nothing ever really posed a challenge, so my display of power never quite felt satisfying.
The two DLC's offer minor improvements on the formula:
Peril on Gorgon had much more expressive characters, and some fantastic voice acting to boot. The was more music variety, more opportunities to use skills, comments on my outfits and previous ventures, and companion interactions were littered throughout.
Murder on Eridanos didn't live up to its full potential as a murder mystery. The unraveling of the mystery was mostly prescribed, but there were a few optional clues to find that let you discover the murderer early. This offered no real gameplay or plot change, but was a neat touch. Some of the new science weapons were neat, but still, just as the base game, science weapons felt underutilized. There's so much room for interesting weapon design that was untapped in this game.
I'd recommend this to someone looking for more Fallout, but there wasn't anything remarkable or particularly memorable about my 60+ hour playthrough. I don't feel attached to the companions or their struggles, and barely cared about the mroal quandaries the game presents you with.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Obsidian Entertainment |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 82 |
Отзывы пользователей | 83% положительных (15527) |