Разработчик: Desertkun
Brain / Out — это многопользовательский шутер в духе пост-советского пространства! Вас ждут динамические сражения с внушительным выбором оружия и спец. средств для уничтожения противника! Экипируйтесь и Вступайте в бой прямо сейчас!
Убивай по контракту или грабь, чтобы выжить. Наемники и Мародеры сражаются не за идеалы своей страны или идеи общества. Сейчас людьми движет только жажда наживы. Остаться в живых и заработать крупную сумму - единственная цель этого конфликта, который проходит на территории пост-советского пространства.
Независимо от того, как экипирован ваш противник, победить в бою может только профессионал в своем деле. Любой боец способен повлиять на итог сражения даже не имея при себе ни единого патрона. Бери в руки нож и бейся до последней капли крови!
Большой выбор оружия для локальных сражений! Наборы винтовок натовского и российского образца, а так же редкие и уникальные предметы, которые достанутся только самым удачливым солдатам.
Легкая система вооружения в которой каждый может выбрать то, что ему по душе! Улучшайте характеристики оружия, прокачивайте навык владения любимого ствола, собирайте и разбирайте найденные трофеи на запчасти, чтобы повысить уровень Техника.
Используй дополнительные спец. средства! Бронежилеты, шумовые и осколочные гранаты, подствольные гранатометы, каски, мины и многое другое. Используйте все эти преимущества для выполения Боевых задач!
Чем лучше Вы сражаетесь, тем больше вооружения будет доступно! Самые лучшие бойцы будут представлены к награде! Старайся попасть в списки выдающихся и отличившихся!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, polish, russian, french, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - portugal, italian, dutch, ukrainian, romanian, turkish, korean, traditional chinese, czech
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows Xp, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
- Процессор: 2.0 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 128mb Video Memory, capable of Shader Model 2.0+
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 250 MB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10
- Процессор: Dual Core 3.0 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 1000 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256mb Video Memory, capable of Shader Model 2.0+
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 250 MB
- ОС: OSX 10.9.5 - 10.11.6
- Процессор: 2.0 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 128mb Video Memory, capable of OpenGL 3.0+ support (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 250 MB
- ОС: OSX 10.9.5 - 10.11.6
- Процессор: Dual Core 3.0 Ghz
- Видеокарта: 256mb Video Memory, capable of OpenGL 3.0+ support (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
Отзывы пользователей
Ever played any shooter flash game growing up in school or whatever? This is literally that except it has steamworks enabled.
In a game where everything is OP, is anything TRULY OP? Yes. The drill. My god the drill trolling.
This game is rough around the edges, probably made entirely of rough edges, but it's short, sweet, violent, and kinda fun. Free too, so try it!
Surprisingly fun shooter. The progression system is very nice and there are a wide selection of guns and gear.
Great F2P too, Microtransactions are very reasonably priced and seem to be mainly cosmetics. You actually have to earn all the guns for free, unless I'm missing something. You can also get free crates by winning rounds and participating in daily challenges.
Never seen noticable lag even on 100+ ping servers.
Really solid movement and shooting mechanics, super low TTK. Sadly can make the game a bit campy but campers are easily dealt with.
Some maps don't have the best layout but overall most of them are nice. They look really easy to make so hopefully we'll get a lot or be able to make our own.
A little rough but with some polish this could really be a gem.
you know those old shooter flash games you used to play on like internet explorer or whatever? this is basically that only but, its runs on steam, it has a detection system which means you can't see everybody unless they are shooting/running or you can actually see them, and it can literally run on a microwave lol.
the guns may seem to be unbalenced but seriously, its just skill(most of the time*cough ak 47 *cough*) and there is no spawn protection whatsoever, you could spawn in and immedietely get killed, or vice versa, their is loot boxs but only for cosmetics(i assume?) and you have a green line as your indicator. overall i think this is a great game that brings back memories from those flash games such as strike force heroes, raze etc.
A lot like a more realistic version of Soldat. Less silly stuff like jetpacks and health kits, and more fast kills and stealth. If you liked Soldat, you'll like BRAIN / OUT.
There's polishing work to do and balancing would be great for the weapon. Deathmatch is god awful.. that being said i enjoy the line of sight physics and being able to use allies line of sight. If the Devs realize what they have here and maybe get a little more help to work on the game they could really turn this into something big. The maps leave room for some great capture the point games which in my opinion is the shining star of the game.
I definately recommend the game as its free, and addicting to open skin crates. (the skins are actually very well done for a 2d sidescrolling shooter)
Their is a weapon durability system that inputs weapon lock into the game. i think weapon lock is the most stupid rng possibly to add into what is a great skillshooter team game. PLEASE REMOVE WEAPON JAMS .
game is good despite all the flaws ive attempted to point out.
It is a great 2D shooter that is not P2W in anyway at all.
About like 4 years back i used to play this game called TDP4 and it was a fun 2D shooter and i could actualy run it with my bad laptop but sadly the game was extremely P2W and there never was a good 2D shooter back then that was not P2W or atleast i didn't find one...
My point is that this is like the dream come true if i still had that bad laptop.
The game has bunch of guns and there is even modifications for the guns, There is perks, There is flashes, nades, claymores, c4, ammo boxes, medkits, your gun can get stuck.
I mean you are probably on the F2P section just to find something to play for a bit and not pay for it and this is a great option... the game size is small and its just great fun with no pay this or you will be at a disadvantage.
It is just a great game
tremendous people
absolutely great.
Jesus no.
Feels like it never been tested and just pumped out to the public.
-Collision: You'll clip through terrain 24/7 for no reason, covers, ground just about anything you land on you'll phase through it as if it doesn't exist and then get auto killed by the world.
-Cheese: Who cares what gun you have, you die either before you see your enemy or before you have time to aim at them.
-Dumb default hotkeys: Re-bindable hotkeys might be a thing but hear me on this. [T] Is used to... listen carefully, freaking un-load your gun. Yes UNLOAD YOUR GUN LOSING ALL THE AMMO THAT'S IN IT, at what point did anyone wanted this?
-Chat: [ Y ] and [ U ] for chat, pretty standard but if you die while you're typing it resets everything you've written down not only that you cannot cancel the chat meaning that you have to type in atleast one character in order to leave the chat.
-Poor gameplay: It's Call of Duty in "2D" except you take everything frustrating about CoD and put it in a blender shove a 2D onto it and bam, this is what this game is.
-Loot boxes: That's right ladies and gentlemen, your favourite loot system is here too, if you ever want gear upgrade or useless cosmetic just go on ahead and get some loot boxes, hell If I didn't know better this game might had been made just for that.
-Okay looks: The game looks okay at best, it's no ground breaker but it's not painful to look at, meaning that yeah it's serviceable.
-Ammo: Two clips, is the average you'll get, on in the gun and one on the side, nothing else, you run out of ammo and it's all over.
-Making me have to summit a review: I never review anything unless I have to and with this game, I just have to, it is that bad.
------But how about some possitive ?
-Guns: Although gun are just as terrible as any shooter game they do look pretty good.
-Matchmaking: It seems quick from what I can tell and the ping never failed me.
-It's free: No need to ask for refunds.
-Hitmarkers: You know when you hit your foe, even if you can't see them.
-Rapid respawn: You died? Yeah of course you did but you don't have to wait long to get back into actions.
-It runs on Vista/XP: As a Vista user I'm glad that it works on this machine flawlessly can't say about XP but I'd guess it works well too.
I started the game, got my objective explained by "Team run out tickets will loose". Told the other players ingame "hello" and got replied to with "stfu obama u play rusia game" before the game crashed.
Very good for being free to play and it just came out, but there is some big bugs here and there but the devs will probably fix it so good game and i would play it 100%
Alright buckle up kiddies, and before you start complaining about the "bullsh*t invisible enemies" git gud and learn the game
An amazing combo of progression and fair gunplay, your enemy might be level 169, but bullet's in the head don't care what level you are.
Ok developers, here is how you make this game even greater
Seperate community games who can be personal server run and moddable (even a higher player cap!) and competitive, which is where you get your progression and competetive play, but until then add some more gamemodes and maps.
This game is a plesant suprise.
I played with a few friends for almost an entire day and we had an aboslute blast.
It's balanced pretty well (Except for the fucking sniper shotgun that is the TOZ)
and the gameplay is satisfying. Jumping off a roof and headshotting someone is legitimatly fun.
I thought that the game would be dead and it's not really alive because its in a >1000 player range.
I'd say grab it and Grab some buddies.
TOZ nerf pls.
It is suprisingly fun and balanced, no p2w, you can buy boxes with loot but you can also get them for free.
It still needs some work but i highly recommend trying it out since it is free and alot of fun.
Not pay-2-win and is all about skill, explosives are OP as they should be in real life, it's like a real life 2D Pixel FPS.
Worth a shot but not for all people.
Great game after 4 hours of play im not tired of playing !!! Maybe add a '' competitive elimination '' mode like CSGO similar and also be able to make , create clans and do clan wars im sure it would bring alot of players !!!!
fun 10 on 10 great little game for everyone
It's pretty fun and truly free, but these cons combined guaranteed it's a bad review.
- All footsteps are loud af, includings yours and your teammate's
- Stealth mechanic is bullshit and everyone seems to have it.
When I 1st started playing this game I was suprised it was:
*Not Dead
*Hacker Free
*A Fun TDP4
*Not Boring
*Lag Free
*Not P2W
Just playing this game is satisfying and there is NO reason why you should not be playing it
Con:Too easy for me to dominate the kids
Its not bad for what it is.
only thing i hate is how op the damn TOZ is and its a fucking starter gun
like jesus christ
Edit: they "nerfed" The TOZ but i see no change...
A long time ago, i played a game similar to this but i stopped playing as it got infested by the "mobile gaming style" pay to win system.
So far im having a lot of fun with this and i hope it stays like that.
Easy to pick up
Weapons unlock throught levelling
You own a microwave? Then you can run it!
No stuff is OP, it all depends on skill
No automatic respawn, you have to click it (or i have not yet found it)
No clear indicator on walls, shot to check
Might need a small tutorial
Could use a quick key for throwable stuff
Brain/Out is a 2D screen scrolling shooter where you can play a small selection of game modes with and against other players. If you remember the days of 'Pawn', you'll recognise a very similar game here. Featured within the game is a decent arsenal of weapons, from the AS VAL and AK12 to the M1911 and SPAS-12, as well as various options for equipment including C4 and a Barricade Tool/Builder, and a choice of perks, from running faster to carrying a little more ammo.
Today being the game's debut, it somewhat lacks in variety of maps and gamemodes, although this is understandable. You have your standard Deathmatch (Free For All), Team Deathmatch, and a mode similar to CoD's Domination, or Battlefield's Conquest where you must hold three points and beat the other team for points. The maps are interesting, with some breakable windows and plenty of ladders, but nothing too extravagant. What stands out however is that the game is a lot harder than it looks on the surface. You won't be able to see any enemies until they are in your line of sight, or if you have just recently seen them. So be careful descending that ladder, or you could suddenly bump into a couple of angry foes. As well as this, guns are very lethal, and you'll only be able to survive a couple of hits at most. This keeps things interesting and challenging, as you could be returning fire on the shooter across the screen, to run for cover, then you'll be ambushed by another enemy and killed very quickly. It's a game which punishes you for not thinking before you act.
The weapons are nicely varied and you have a selection of firearms to choose from, but from the start you'll have unlocked the Makarov Pistol, TOZ-34 Shotgun, AKS-74U Carbine, and the MP5 SMG. They allow for a bit of experimentation at the start which is great, since you don't want to be stuck at the start of a multiplayer experience with maybe two useless weapons. All the weapons I've used so far have played very well and realistically, with the sole exception of the TOZ-34. This shotgun is not treated like any of the other shotguns which fire pellets. This one fires slugs, and so it fires one accurate projectile at a time. It's horrendously accurate at that, so it's an early game AWP essentially. I cannot say if this is due to unbalance or keeping in the hardcore nature of the game. Otherwise the gunplay is good and really what makes the game.
You also have your equipment selection which lets you bring in gear like a Flashbang, or two Grenades, or maybe even an Ammo Box or Medkit. You also have a kind of building tool, which lets you place sandbags. They are affected by gravity and won't stand still in midair, but they can be stuck to walls to be used as a ladder. You can also create an improvised bunker from them. It's an interesting feature I've seen in a few games, but it has high potential for exploitation. You also have a slot for perks, which are rather run-of-the-mill in any shooter - run faster, shoot better, more ammo, tougher, etc. Nothing unusual but it allows for a bit more options in combat.
The weapons themselves can be upgraded with several attachments, but they are preset and unique for that weapon, so there's not a huge range for customisation. Along with this you can upgrade the base stats of the weapon, so you can shoot more accurately, reload faster, and such. You can unlock more for your weapon by using it more, and some weapons can only be unlocked by using others, ie. 120 M4A1 kills gets you the SCAR. It's a good way of encouraging the player to try other weapons out instead of sticking to the same one forever. Weapon skins are also available, but must be unlocked through a crate drop.
Now this is the part that might turn some people off - but the game will drop a few crates at the end of the match. They can be opened for free and can contain things like bonus XP and Scrap for repairing and upgrading weapons you use a lot, but you can also get Golden Crates for real money. THANKFULLY, they only tend to drop stuff in the Standard crate, with a high chance for better items such as player and weapon skins. It's not a game breaker by any means, but if you enjoy the game enough and want to try and get a fancy new character skin (STALKER's Cheeki Breeki tracksuit Bandit and Jacket from Hotline Miami are two of the several skins), then I would suggest it's worth the $0.99 (£0.79).
Lastly you have a trophy system where you can pick up enemy weapons and it will add them to your trophy collection - this is cool since it's also very similar to the Battlefield Tag collecting idea, and you can scrap trophies you don't want to keep in your collection for more scrap, useful for weapon upgrades and repairs. Trophies will also include the name of the player they belong to so it works as a bragging rights table if you have a lot of trophies.
Other than this I think I have covered most of what I have experienced in my first day of playing this game. I would recommend it to people who enjoy side-scrolling shooters and are looking for a challenging F2P multiplayer game. Currently free of P2W and hopefully it stays like that, as it is definitely a fun game to kill some time.
It's a really fun game. There isn't to big of a learning curve so it makes it pretty easy but at the same time it's still pretty hard. Definitley a good little game. And hey it's free!
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Desertkun |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 02.02.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 71% положительных (123) |