Разработчик: Lion Shield, LLC
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Королевства и Замки это игра о том как вырастить королевство из маленькой деревушки до процветающего города и великолепного замка.Ваше королевство должно выживать в живом и опасном мири. Уплывут ли шайки викингов с вашими поселенцами в трюмах? Или их утыкают стрелами на подступах к стенам? Спалит ли дракон ваш амбар, а люди вымрут зимой от голода, или вы сможете дать зверю отпор? Успех вашего королевства зависит исключительно от ваших навыков сроить города и замки.
Дизайн города
Стратегически развивайте ваш город чтобы улучшить счастье ваших поселенцев и привлекать новых жителей. Используйте налоги чтобы поддержать ваши расходы. Следите за тем чтобы ваши жители были сыты зимой и не больны чумой. Стройте церкви чтобы уберечь их от отчаяния и таверны чтобы они могли развлекаться. Вы даже можете устроить фестиваль если построите городскую площадь! Отправляйте лесников рубить лес, постройте каменный карьер чтобы строить замок, и обрабатывайте землю эффективно чтобы ваш город мог расти и процветать.
Укрепить и защитить
Земля на которой вы обосновались находится под угрозой набегов викингов. Налётчики мечтают похитить и убить ваших поселенцев, украсть ваши ресурсы, и спалить ваш город до основания. Используйте мощную систему строительства замка с помощью блоков, которые могут быть размещены где угодно. Башни и стены создаются динамически на основании того как вы их составляете и организуете. Башни лучников и других орудий увеличивают радиус поражения в зависимости от высоты башни. Используйте различные подходы дабы лучше защитить своё королевство и проявить свою доблесть как короля или королевы.
И всё это происходит в прекрасном динамическом мире со стилизованной системой генерации облаков и круговорота сезонов от лета к зиме. Реалистичные алгоритмы симулируют рост лесов. В зависимости от ваших потребностей лесники могут срубать или ответственно заботиться о ваших лесах.

Королевства и Замки это первая вышедшая игра проспонсированная на Fig. Её краудфандинговая компания прошла успешно набрав 725% от целевой суммы от 1400 доноров. Те кто поддерживал игру могут одновременно подарить и инвестировать во время кампании на Fig.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, french, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, dutch, portuguese - brazil, italian, japanese, korean, norwegian, polish, romanian, russian, ukrainian, swedish, turkish, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- ОС *: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 (64-bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.0GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+, 2.5GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 256mb or ATI Radeon HD 5670 256mb or Intel HD Graphics 4600
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС *: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 (64-bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-3470, 2.7GHz or AMD FX-6300, 3.2Ghz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, 1gb or AMD Radeon HD 7870, 1gb
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: OS X 10.10 (64-bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.0GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 256mb or ATI Radeon HD 5670 256mb or Intel HD Graphics 4600
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: OS X 10.10 (64-bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-3470, 2.7GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, 1gb or AMD Radeon HD 7870, 1gb
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: Ubuntu 14.10 (64-bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.0GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+, 2.5GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 256mb or ATI Radeon HD 5670 256mb or Intel HD Graphics 4600
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- ОС: Ubuntu 14.10 (64-bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-3470, 2.7GHz or AMD FX-6300, 3.2Ghz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, 1gb or AMD Radeon HD 7870, 1gb
- Место на диске: 1 GB
Отзывы пользователей
This game is a real way of showing creativity its fun and challenging
It's.....nice. I like the simplicity of it which means i can look away for a minute and it doesn't collapse like factorio or cities skylines. But that is a double edged sword which means that late game is basically non existent so by the time you reach 200 pops you just repeat building the same houses or just make an army, completely trash the ai and then cry becouse now you have to control an AI city which looks like a monkey built it with infinite resources and no happiness.
One of the best building strategy games I played. Love how simple it is to learn but there's always more to learn and you can be as creative as you want. Can't wait for Nova Roma!
I really like the concept of this game, and it gets a lot of things right that could definitely give you a few hours of fun. Unfortunately the game just constantly feels incomplete and unpolished. The mechanics for handling moving goods around your kingdom are clunky, as is the trade system. The military control is laughable and if you want to win a war you're going to have cheese your way through it.
I really want to like this game but piles of little problems like my units trying to stand in a line even though there's a wall in the way, builders not picking a new project when they run out of resources, and just general clunkiness to the game make me unable to recommend it.
Its a nice fun city builder but just doesn't get updated enough.
very fun and relaxing to play as well as a great stratagy game
As far as Kingdom Builder type games go, this one was a fun one. I've played it on both Steam and PS4, getting all trophies/achievements for a total time of roughly 56 hours.
The game is simple but wonderful. You have to manage your kingdom with houses, food, beauty, and even defense. I personally loved the combat as it added an extra spice to the game and another purpose to build walls and fortifications.
Distance from resources was a factor, but I found that if you built basically mini-cities it tended to workout fine. You didn't have to worry about the minor details too much, but managing your people and jobs through priority was a nice way to make it easier on your management. But there were plenty of times where I had to pause and make adjustments to job to make sure the things needed the most were being prioritized while still having enough builders to keep expanding.
Graphics were pretty basic, but colorful and helped make it not feel dull. The designing of the kingdom and the various types of food and benefits also added to the thought process and layouts. I found a simple rectangular layout worked perfectly for the housing area most of the time to maximize benefits.
Overall, I loved playing the game (enough I bought and played it on two different systems). If they added a PS5 version, I'd get it and play again.
In the span of a single weekend, I've found myself playing the game till 2 AM, nearly 3 AM.
Even now I am forcing myself to go to bed because such a simple yet addictive Gameplay loop that is Kingdoms and Castles, to which I grow nervous knowing it's Steam Deck verified, as I own one and use it time to time to game while in bed.
To install this game on the Deck, based on my current experience, I may never sleep again.......so I must choose sleep for my own sake.
Great game, I would definitely play countless hours of this game. Great for city builder and RTS fans.
Played since it was Early Access and enjoyed it every step of its development. Looking forward to the sequel. Fun city building and management sim with a great style.
slightly addicting to build your own kingdom lot of great twist and turns not very hard to learn, very relaxing most of the time
Well worth the price very fun and addicting! They also still put out new content out till this day
Very good game. I 100% it and it was very fun to conquer several islands.
Fun city builder game, simple style works and kinda has a cosy vibe too??
A fun kingdom management game that can be quite tricky if you play on higher difficulty settings. It's even suitable for a younger audience. My 6 year old really likes the sandbox mode and he's very excited about the coming Dragon Taming update.
Great Game,
-quick to understand and makes you loose the track of Real time,
-Well balanced
-the enemies are actually a threat which means you have to be strategic.
-Not to complicated, no insignificant minority stats or etc.
-easy controls in every aspect.
I only wish there was some way to make the Viking attacks end with some kind of late game counter attack /Raid.
Great kingdom building game, options, potential, I loved this game from the start. There are a few bugs but not that bad.
It's fun, It's simple, and honestly it's been a game I come to when I just wanna turn my brain off and just enjoy a comfy evening. One of my absolute favourite games <3
Very good game similar to warcraft but very hard to make troops.
Very fun, but can get a little boring after a couple hours. Fun to return to once and a while though, and fun to start from scratch. Overall, good game.
TL:DR, Good entry city builder, lacks consistent content updates because of the new game being developed by the dev or dev's (idk).
A good simple City builder, it's great for wanting to get into the genre. Once you've gotten the hang of the game I'd suggest going to the Workshop and find some mods you'd like to add into your world/worlds. Only gripe with the game is the speed of updates is abysmal. I play project zomboid so I'm used to it but it could be a major turn-off for a lot of people as they aren't used to that.
I joined in late 2017 and from then to end of 2018 there were so many updates it was great. Now it feels like it's semi on life-support because of their new Nova Roma city builder being made by the dev which is off-putting when you can just wait for that game instead of buying this one now.
a fun, relaxing, simple city builder.
good to pass time, just watching your little people do stuff.
Love the animated blocky feel. Great city building that requires you to plan ahead. Warfare could be better but im sure that will come . Overall 9.5/10
its a fun litte city builder, but gets boring quick. after about 2000 people, the arrival rate for newcomers gets about equal too the amount dying and things just get really slow from there.
Cute and calm city builder with the added mechanic of castles, vikings, and dragons that keeps gameplay dynamic compared to others of its genre. However, when trying to achievement hunt, getting to the final achievements was a little tedious of a waiting game, but the rest of the gameplay is great for a small thing to pick up every now and then.
I love the animations an dthe little people that move around, its honestly cute in a way. and it is very un since it has vikings, dragons, other kingdoms to fight, etc! its a good amoutof fun
The game is fun and relaxing, especially early on, and I would definitely recommend it for casual play. However, the late game can become a bit of a slog. The difficulty ramps up significantly with Viking raids, and while they’re fun at first, the constant spam of ogres (massive monsters that destroy your walls) makes it impossible to survive as your city grows. This isn’t a challenge—it’s just frustrating and ultimately leads to unsurmountable difficulty, making late-game progress feel futile. Still worth playing for a while, but don’t expect a satisfying late-game experience.
A nice, easy, and chill game. Playing it does not come with a degree in engineering.
There are a few different difficulties (from peaceful to hard+), and it is possible to add AI players to the game. Players can have diplomatic relationships with the AI (such as trading), or they can be conquered. There is also a creative mode.
While everything works, players don't have much control over transportation or resource production. Mostly it comes down to limiting workers in a field or building more production. At times I wish there were Advanced settings or some such for more fine-grained control, but like said, everything works.
100% is likely doable in around 20 hours, depending a bit on land/map size. I did mine in two different saves a couple of years apart, for a total of 40 hours.
Its a fun and creative game, great for when you need a 3d kingdom building game to play,
Very simple game, but also highly addictive and never gets old. It is like a desktop version of Outlanders 2 on mobile.
ha ha funny colony that wont eat there god damm food that just sits right there as it builds and billions yet your kingdom is starving and has forever even tho they have to much food :(
7.6/10 great colony sim
good game, fun to play. just a learn how to play game and I love it!
Kingdoms and Castles is a city builder with a tiny bit of combat. The game is really simple with not many building options or a difficult management system. Every couple of years you get attacked by dragons or vikings and as long as you have enough arrow towers and a small army they are no problem. Food is simple (not many options), housing is simple (no unlocks or big upgrades just bigger houses that you can build straight away as long as you have the resources) but I guess this does not make the game necessarily boring.
I do think the game is pretty and I do really like the art style so that's a plus.
I would say it's a great beginner game for people starting out with city builders/management games but for people who are more experienced in that genre, this game shows its limits pretty quick.
All in all a decent game but if you're thinking of buying it I would do so when it's on sale.
Awesome game love every aspect, I just wish that the maps were a bit larger scale for more awesome battles, and mainland tribes like nomads. I enjoyed every hour though!
Kingdoms and Castles is a playful and addictive city-building game where you build a medieval kingdom, fend off Viking raids, and fight off dragons! The easy mechanics, vibrant visuals, and mix of strategy and creativity make it a joy to play. While it’s exciting to balance resources and fortify your city, the gameplay can feel repetitive once you've mastered the basics.
Fun, strategic gameplay with lots of charm
Bright, adorable art style
Randomized maps for endless replayability
Can feel repetitive after a while
Limited variety and content as you progress
If you’re into casual city-building with a bit of action, Kingdoms and Castles is a blast – just don’t expect endless complexity!
Good city builder and defence game
Fun game, good game to sit back and relax.
Devs release updates regularly, the game runs smooth, I see bright future in the game's future
While it's fun at first, and I love the artstyle, it is far too easy to exploit, and after 50 hours, it's lost its replayability value. Here are a couple exploits that made the game unplayable for me:
The most important and impactful exploit that tipped me over from a "yes" to a "no" on the recommendation:
Filling in the entire outer perimeter of the shallow water with piers and any wall, making sure as to not having a single tile of shallow ocean accessible from the outside, makes it impossible for vikings to even try to land on your island. The most they can do is throw stones, which is hardly a problem, leaving dragons as the only possible threat. Dragons of course never really being a threat to end your run. That role is supposed to be filled by the vikings which are now irrelevant.
Being at war with one person while having others that are friendly, lets you get paid to end the war with seemingly no punishment for starting another right after. They are willing to pay repeatedly, making them feel like overly simple NPCs rather than someone who deserves respect.
While the game does expect there to be walls around tall walls for support, piers underneath buildings over water and gates underneath walls, nothing is stopping you from deleting these restrictions after the thing has already been built. I always end up with 10 block tall towers scattered around the base with arrows for space efficient defense that the game clearly doesn’t want to take place. I also place them on roads using gates, making the defense take no actual space and allowing me to delete the gate after, leaving the towers floating. Better enforcing of these restrictions should be added.
I hope for the team to fix these exploits, and to maybe also make the diplomat system be more fleshed out.
play this game for a peaceful building experience, its simplicity hides depth. perfect for playing while listening to an audio book or studying.
is good but needs to be better with muiltiplayer
This is one of my favorite games of all time! I love the excitement and feel of the game! I highly recommend this game!
You can build a castle! Its truly an awesome game, I'ts also really cool to be tactical and fight, and now there are DRAGONS??? Absolute masterpiece!
really cute and fun city builder, some features like diplomacy feel a tad lacking but for a more simple city builder it does the job and well. it doesnt have as many resources to manage as others and is rather fun to play, looking forward to their rome version
sad we never got mp tho
A Little Basic But Still Amazing Game
(⌐■_■) Slow Updates But Everything Else That You Can Think Of Is Good
(Good Mods Too) (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑)wow!*✰
fun chill city building game, I like that its simple and pretty easy to understand
very nice game, definitely well polished mechanics and great gameplay
I was looking for a game similar to Banished because I thoroughly enjoyed this game. And boy have I not been deceived. If you enjoy Banished buy this game, it will provide at least 20 hours of intense fun. The micro-management is just enough, not too deep, not too shallow. The planning is the most fun aspect of this game, although it is lacking some basic planning tool (such as measurement)
Good game, very good at simulation. I would get it if you like kingdom games and wanna feel like your actually running a country/kingdom.
This is great. It's a fairly easy city builder. I have played it a few times. I guess I haven't changed the settings to make it too hard, but it was a lot of fun and an easy challenge in between harder games.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Lion Shield, LLC |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 94% положительных (18107) |