World Keepers: Last Resort

World Keepers: Last Resort

Steam Store

Разработчик: Alawar Stargaze

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Гениальный изобретатель Итан Браун получил тревожное письмо от сына, находящегося на далеком острове: загадочная эпидемия опустошила город за считанные минуты, и лишь чудом ему удалось спастись. Капитан изобретенного Итаном механизированного корабля «Морская звезда» Элизабет Робинсон решает помочь своему старому другу, и они вместе отправляются в путь.

На подступах к острову «Морскую звезду» подвергается серии загадочных атак, в результате которых Итан погибает, а Элизабет становится обладателем невероятной тайны! Много веков назад Древнее Зло было заточено под замок и запечатано при помощи кукол, в которых живут Дух Льда, Дух Огня, Дух Электричества, Дух Времени и Дух Знаний. Благодаря вмешательству обезумевшего злодея, частица Древнего Зла вырвалась на свободу и творит свои темные дела, и если негодяю удастся собрать всех кукол воедино, он сможет открыть врата и выпустить в наш мир настоящий Апокалипсис!

Отправляйтесь в удивительное путешествие, в котором вас ждут опасности, загадки и захватывающие дух приключения на пути к магическим вратам, удерживающим Древнее Зло!

Найденные вам куклы будут помогать вам справится с проявлениями Зла благодаря духам, заключенным в них. Они могут заморозить врага, обдать его пламенем, пронзить электричеством, а если потребуется, то повернут время вспять!

Во всяком путешествии, тем более морском, не обойтись без судового журнала и карты, которые помогут вам сохранить важную информацию и выбрать правильную дорогу к цели. Заглядывайте в них чаще, и вы точно не собьетесь с пути! А запутаться есть где – вас ждет невероятное количество пейзажей, интерьеров и мест действия, насыщенных искусно проработанными деталями и огромным количеством объектов.

Будьте отважны, наблюдательны и находчивы! Не дайте Древнем Злу выбраться на свободу и спасите наш мир от невероятной катастрофы!

Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, korean, dutch, polish, portuguese - portugal, czech

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows XP or later
  • Процессор: 1.5 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 1024 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 256 MB
  • DirectX: версии 9.0
  • Место на диске: 700 MB
  • ОС *: Windows XP or later
  • Процессор: 3 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 2048 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 512 MB
  • DirectX: версии 9.0c
  • Место на диске: 700 MB


  • ОС: 10.6 or higher
  • Процессор: 1.5 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 1024 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 256 MB
  • Место на диске: 700 MB
  • ОС: 10.6 or higher
  • Процессор: 3 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 2048 MB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 512 MB
  • Место на диске: 700 MB

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 05.10.2024 10:23
0 0

Время в игре: 243 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.01.2022 20:26
0 0

this was ok..i like the spirits and story .was short couple hours and puzzles were not to bad.

Время в игре: 252 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.12.2021 02:18
0 0

Decent and short HO game

What this game is: A hidden objects and point & click game with a story with a fantasy bent.

How does it work? You will get the usual hidden object scenes with a few puzzles and a coherent storyline where your main character (a female pirate and adventurer) gets to save the world. It is not exceptional, but an effort has been made to have a decent storyline.

How does it perform? Easy to play, it has all the usual mechanics of a HO game. It is not too repetitive, the variety of puzzles is ok.

The good points: Simple, efficient and relaxing game. Getting the achievements is easy, but I had to complete the game another time in order to get all of them. I did not observe any significant bug. Takes up to 850 MB on your HD, and will run on a 10 years old PC.

The bad points: The game is quite short and not really distinguishable from other games of the same type. About 5 or 6 hours are enough to play it through.

My take on this: If you like imaginative puzzle games, you might end up being a bit disappointed by this one. The price is ok, but you should get it when at a significative discount.

Время в игре: 664 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 21.11.2021 06:10
0 0

The devs or artists put the hint button too far out into the screen, so I accidentally clicked it twice and that ruins one or two of the paltry eight achievements in that play and/or player. I suggest you backup your saves frequently so it does not happen to you. Decently long HoG - far too few achievements.

Время в игре: 171 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.11.2021 13:56
0 0

Nice story and enjoyable game, although the graphics are outdated, some names in HO are wrong, even to a puzzle there is a clue wrong, there is no voice acting and music is a bit annoying.

Время в игре: 278 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.05.2021 23:21
0 0

Decent HOG with achievements. Please note the clock puzzle on the last area is glitched. I had to skip it to move forward. I looked at a walk though to see what I was doing wrong and apparently this is a known glitch. Still a decent game. Story is ok if you like this sort of thing. I recommend it but you might want to wait for a sale unless your a super fan.

Время в игре: 169 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.02.2021 14:48
0 0

Не могу однозначно ее рекомендовать, т.к. в ней достаточно недостатков, но все же она вполне неплоха, особенно за свою цену. Управление кривоватое, но багов не было - уже хорошо. Графика симпатичная, история занятная.

Время в игре: 174 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 24.10.2020 12:31
3 0

The map button is INSIDE the task book - really inconvenient to get to, and a waste of game play time to access it!

Время в игре: 303 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.08.2020 06:04
12 0

This get a half-thumbs up. If this were a movie, that would be a 2 out of 5. Not low enough to be a 1, a thumbs down, but this is by far the weakest HOG I have ever played. It's also terrible as a first person shooter and as a tower defense game. It's not even good as a collectible card game or a time management game. Really, there is no genre of game that this game excels at. But it slides just at par because all achievements are easily obtainable and except for a few typos, there were no technical issues-- the game didn't crash. And it took me almost 9 hours to finish, so you're getting your money's worth as far as graphic adventure game. Which is really what this is: it is one of those HOGs where you are mostly playing scavenger hunt. There are 7 chapters and there was one chapter with no HOG or puzzles scenes at all, just scavenger hunting: find the scissors to untie the key that opens the door.

I don't usually complain about plot-lines in adventure games, because by definition they usually just exist to justify the scavenger hunting, but this game violates a cardinal rule of logic which completely destroys suspension of disbelief. And no, I'm not talking about the talking muppets: everyone from John Crichton of Farscape to David Bowie of Labyrinth has interacted with Kermit the Frog and his friends, so no, that's fine. The usual nonsense of Sealed-Evil-in-a-can, the Muppets with super-powers, the usual Indian shaman magic, etc. etc.... none of it is new for a HOG, but none of it is terrible. Instead, the cardinal rule that most HOGs follow is that you're a stranger in a strange land, a fish out of water, a Bonnie searching for her Clyde exploring a gothic mansion. You're learning about the new area same as the character you're playing. But here in World Keepers, you start the game in your own bedroom and you need to figure out how to get into your own safe and then into the room next to yours, a place you have presumably visited dozens of times as it's occupied by your father's best friend. You see you're the Captain of the ship, and even if your pirates booby-trapped it and stuck puzzles everywhere, you'd still know all the bypass codes and shortcuts. Except you don't. So the game accidentally gives you the sense that you're playing either an idiot or a figurehead that's completely out of touch with her own ship and crew.

Many of my fellow reviewers have knocked the first chapter without really articulating why. Well, this is why: if you like HOGs and puzzles and adventure games, you're the clever sort who favors guile and using wits and wiles. Unless it's a comedy and you're playing inept pirate Guybrush Threepwood, you don't expect to be lost in your own bedroom. That's just bad plotting and it completely breaks the immersion of the game.

In fact, this game suffers from bad plotting all around, and not just in the story. The design of the GUI is terrible. Your muppets ring the hint-button, so you have to be careful not to touch it when using them. And the bad design doesn't stop there-- one object in a HOG scene is buried behind the list of words that you're looking for. They don't call me Eagle-Eyed Aglet Green, OBE for nothing. I pay them quarters. But anyway, I'm good at spotting stuff and rarely need walkthroughs or hints, but this time I had to find out why I was stuck in an otherwise very simple HOG scene. To find out that the object I needed was accidentally hidden behind the list of words!

So yeah, by around Chapter 6 I was just grinding my teeth and waiting for the game to be over. In fact, I'm going to lower my rating to only one quarter thumbs up. Maybe even just a knuckle. And that's only if it's on sale or part of a bundle.

What saves this game from just pure thumbs down is the map letting you both instant travel and letting you know where you could or should do stuff. That, and the fact that each chapter was only 3 or 4 rooms, so there wasn't any tedious back-tracking: you never get stuck in the scavenger hunting (well, except that one time when some plant insecticide was just above the hint button) and at single-digit hours, the game didn't totally wear out its welcome; chapter 7 is mercifully very short.

Время в игре: 510 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.01.2020 22:43
0 0

It started out a little tricky to figure out, but then I really started to enjoy it and was quite disappointed when it ended. The worst part, for me, is that there are no other World Keepers games out there and tbh, there should be.

Время в игре: 242 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.11.2019 00:24
3 0

A cute and easy game, with rather simple puzzles and hidden object scenes. The art is nice, the music is mostly non-intrusive, and the dolls are really cute. Yes, I know I said 'cute' twice. (shrug) The first segment of the game is definitely the best part, and the most interesting. The over-reliance on First Nations / North American Indian mysticism, and then alien mysticism is par for the course for these games, but still not great.

There are many better HOPA games out there. This one should be bought on sale and played when you just need something light for ye olde brain cells. There are one or two frustrating moments, but nothing terrible.

I'm giving this a Recommend because I don't mind simple games that are family friendly and generally available at a steep discount. I do find it odd that out of much better games out there, this one has trading cards and Steam achievements. I assume this is due to the age of the game. Bottom line: if you read this review, you'll know what you're getting, and it may be the right game for you.

Время в игре: 383 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.11.2019 23:19
0 0

Graphics: 8/10
Artwork: 8/10
Map: navigable, with hints
HOS: classic
Puzzles: nice

Время в игре: 2740 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.06.2019 12:53
1 0

I picked up World Keepers: Last Resort as part of a HOG bundle deal and I cannot recommend this game simply because I didn't like it. I think this was because I saw the pirate theme and was expecting something more nautical or on the seas.

Adventurous female pirate main character? Awesome!
Great art? Sure!
Clear hidden-object scenes? Yes!
Little to no bugs? Thank you! (in my experience anyway - see other reviews or discussions for potential problems)

The story was okay and separating it into chapters helped a lot with navigation. The world keepers were an interesting aspect to use in both the story and in obtaining items. However, I found it incredibly frustrating... it was one of those HOG where my logic didn't line up with the game and so searching for that thing to set off the next event got really annoying. I did appreciate being able to switch between regular and hard difficulty mode at anytime throughout the game, which came in handy towards the end with one mini game being very difficult compared to the earlier mini games until I switched to regular mode on the advice of a guide.

Pick it up on sale if you're interested in giving it a go.

Время в игре: 319 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.01.2019 18:44
1 0

I love HOG. Got a big collection in a lot of diffrent genres and I like most of them and give them a thumbs up with the right reasons but this time meeeeh.

  1. Story
    It started interesting with a character that could have an intersting backstory or interesting relationship with the people around her but like a lot of HOG make the same mistake:
    WHY would the enemy let you live? I have seen it in a lot of HOG. Yeah of course you are the main character but come on. I let you live to see the end of the world blabla. In a lot of games you get a reason like you are the only one to open a door and the enemy want it or what do I know. But this game made the same mistake as a few no reason to let the main character live trough a lot of dangerous situations.
  2. The watchers/dolls
    An interesting thing to add to the story. I saw a lot of similar things in other HOG with potions and so on but with the elements was also nice but like in a lot of situations WHY can you melt ice but not snow for example? Some situations dont make sense when you have the element dolls on your side why wouldnt you use them? (low energy ok but sometimes it is ok and than not?) It is a little wasteful of them. Could have been intersting with a few more situations or a combo with them. I also wanted a backstory of them in the end you have to give them back their real bodies? ok intersting idea i really liked it but you didnt really use them well. You could have let them interact with the main character or give them atleast a little screentime. You had a long journey with them and then goodbye and no further interaction if they are alive or dead now. (maybe I just love stories where this happens)
  3. Music/Speakers
    this was sadly another example without spoken lines and no music variation. At the beginning I didnt even know sometimes who said what and in some other movies (if you can call them "movies") it was the same situation. Also the sound effects wernt that variable and often used sadly could have used them more often.
  4. Characters
    As I said in a point above the main character got briefly named but no further development. No real backstory and same with the other characters. You got your dolls (where you dont really have a chance to get a deep connection except probably the knowledge doll) and yoou meet Adam. No real connection with him either and it was even hyped a little. Why did he have to hide the dolls? Why where they even made into dolls (only cause of the big bad "wolf"?) Why couldnt they fight in their true form which we dont really get to see. So overall I missed the character improvement you have in a lot of HOG even if the time you play in them is short.
  5. Riddles/Minigames
    I normaly enjoy them and they really differ depending on the difficulty you choose (you can switch it while playing) but a few were buggy (the clock one for example). Sadly cause of this I didnt manage to get the no minigames skip achievment. I want to do riddles/minigames cause I want to solve them with thinking or with hints not with random clicking or moving around. So this also is a minuspoints for me.
  6. NO MAP. I reaaaaally hate game where you dont have a map and you really need it. In a lot of HOG you dont need it cause you have a clear way trough the story and knew cause of it where to got and so on. But this wasnt one of this games. Many times i just randomly ran back and forth and clicked everywhere if I can do there something. Or is the HOP now ready.
  7. Hints. I am glad to have a Hint function (like in 99% of the HOG) but sadly the radius of the doll/button is way to big. I clicked on it 1-2 times on accident and again bye Achievment. Please make it a little smaller.
  8. HOP The main reason I buy and play this games. Many were really beautiful and well made. With thinking what to use to get the red written ones. But I hated that you have to move the screen a little to get a few things (the spoon for example) and you dont have an indicator that you have to do that. Only up and down no right or left. It cost me a lot of time to find this mechanic out.
  9. Achievments! I am one of these people that love to collect them. I feel proud if I manage to get them even more in a HOG. They feel like a badge for me. But this was one of the few HOG where I couldnt get a few of them. (Found in the points above).
  10. [*]The END. Many good or even great HOG make the same mistake. Good story, nice puzzles overall great but the end is just trash. Sadly this game also falls into this category. I dont want to spoil to much (Found in a few spoilers in my points above) but it was a HUH that was it? Oh great you make the ultimate weapon with 2 clicks (not even a hard to think puzzle... what a let down) and it just kills the enemy without anythign to do like doing a minigame bliocking attacks using a spells something where you can mess up

    Overall a game with potential but sadly it was wasted. I am glad I got it on discount in a big bundle but without it I wouldnt buy it. So sadly this also is one of the few HOG I wont recommend. Would love if you could improve the game it is way worth it.

Время в игре: 157 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 12.08.2018 18:25
0 0

This is ridiculous. If you want to change this games language you have to change the language of your computer! Any other game that has multiple languages allows you to simply change the language in the steam library or inside the game, but no, not this one. Had the same problem with Sacra Terra Kiss of Death, also from Alawar.
The game itself is not too bad, very easy even in the hardest mode (except one of the last mini-games where you have to rotate gems), but for the simple fact that I lost over an hour with the whole language garbage I give it a thumbs down.

Время в игре: 218 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.06.2018 23:45
0 0

I bought this game for $1.39. I got to the end of chapter 3 and it says thanks for playing the demo version. There was no mention of $1.39 being a demo version. I want the full game! Who do I send a complaint to?

Nevermind. I reopened the game. it started at the end of chapter 3 and allowed me to play the entire game.

After that irritating glitch, The game was great. A tad easy to get through. but good entertainment.

Время в игре: 223 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.03.2018 10:11
1 0

In my opinion “World Keepers” is one of the better HOGs from Alawar, with nicely drawn sceneries, good puzzles (complemented with little helpers that you need to use in certain situations) and controls. The story has a certain steampunk/pirates flavor, but otherwise it’s the usual “save the world” stuff. Audio is somewhat average, the dialogs are supposed to be dubbed, but I couldn’t make it work (though that was probably for the better). Graphics is definitely a plus, I really liked the sceneries and how they were themed. Overall a good game, slightly above average HOG.

Время в игре: 304 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 30.06.2017 15:05
0 0

first the game is realy nice, but i finished the whole game, all the mini games except de last one, fix this bug, it wont trigger even when putting on the right way,
so its broken in the end

Время в игре: 221 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 26.06.2017 16:41
15 0

Sadly this is the worst HOG that I own. There is no dialogue, the story is so random that it's very time consuming to try to find out what steps you are suppossed to do next. Most of the time, especially in part 4, you are following instructions written on pieces of paper and just collect things to assemble something greater. It's really and I mean really tedious and boring - I miss the joy in exploring. On top of all this, you have these extra doll characaters that are meant to help you and have "superpowers" to quote "fight evil", however they are inconsistent - for instance a fire doll will melt ice over a pot for you, but will not light a fire, because he is only used to "fight evil". The logic is beyond me. I cannot recommend this game.

Время в игре: 334 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.05.2017 18:53
1 0

This casual point-and-click adventure is not great, but is enjoyable. There are only a handful of easy hidden-object scenes, and the puzzles are for the most part trivial -- expect one that is brutally difficult in “hard” mode (I had to switch to easy for that one).

The good things going for it are some adorable characters (no voice acting, just written dialog) and a pleasant narrative flow. Unfortunately the graphics are rather mediocre, and there is a weird resolution glitch: the scenes are all too big for the screen, so you have to scroll up and down with a mouse click. It's very easy to click and drag by mistake and create a nausea-inducing effect. There is nothing hidden up or down, so this annoying “feature” provides no gameplay value.

There are better games in this genre, but this one is nice enough.

Время в игре: 339 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.03.2017 18:47
0 0

Nice hidden-object game.
Good graphics, some originality here.
Story is typical but, scenes and art is good enough and, puzzles are ok.

Время в игре: 166 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Alawar Stargaze
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 01.02.2025
Отзывы пользователей 66% положительных (29)

Отзывы пользователей

19 положительных и 10 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 23.01.2025 00:35


Casual Adventure


Single-player Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards Family Sharing