Разработчик: Eidos Montreal
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7.1SP1 or above (64-bit Operating System Required)
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-2100 or AMD equivalent
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB) or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (2GB)
- Место на диске: 12 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-3770K or AMD FX 8350 Wraith
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon RX 480 - 1920 x 1080 or NVIDIA GTX 970 - 1920 x 1080
- Место на диске: 12 GB
Отзывы пользователей
It is a shame they use the name "Deus Ex" for such a garbage.
The game is boring, repetitive and the only goal is to spend money. And don't even try to find a story.
Compared to this, Invisible War and The Fall were great games o_O
Utterly horrible. I could go no further than tutorial node 3. Also, it feels unfinished. I tried everything to fix it on my end, re-install, computer restart and everything. Nothing worked and because of the reinstall and restart I ruled out that it was my fault at all. Sorry to say but STEAM REMOVE THIS GAME FROM YOUR STORE.
It's a piece of trash that single handedly destroyed Mankind Divided and quite possibly the future of this legendary series.
Hard to believe they used a chunk of Mankind Divided's budget to create this piece of shit which later went f2p on Steam. Sacrificing Breach would have made the main story a lot better and lengthier.
I love this game. It's got every quality of a game worth playing. And it's free. What's not to like. I hardly recomend it to everyone.
Total ripoff of the Deus Ex series. Maybe I would like it with less half forced in app purchases, if you consider to install it just don't do it.
Personally, I don't think the immense amount of negative reviews are warranted for this game. It was free and I saw that it was a part of the Deus Ex universe so I thought I might as well give it a shot. If you can download it, I would highly recommend giving it a shot. I really enjoy it as it has a more arcade-y (?) feel to it than the other deus ex games. Combined with weapon rarities, abilities, and levels gives this game a feel reminiscent of... the arcade mode from Phantasy Star Universe but with stealth and first person. It's honestly a refreshing change from the clonal drivel that constitutes most RPG's these days. And yes, there is a cash component, but I have never needed to buy anything. Additionally, if one hits a wall in progression, one can wait a day and redo easy levels for the daily reward. I would definitely recommend this free game if you like progression and the Deus Ex mechanics.
very good game i got to say some levels will make you rage and its a little confusing but the games is really fun and its free
I really wanted to play Mankind Divided, but I wasnt sure my laptop (from 2011) could handle it. This was a great way to try at least some part of the game.
I was not expecting much, but I must say that I enjoyed some mechanism and I see its potential, although I am not a fan of f2p (actually of any forced grindding)
In summary, it is a nice free game, that it lets you play without much expending (seriosly it is not so bad as compare to other games, and android games). However, Square Enix really screwed it, with some aspects of MK, this game being one of those reason, so the game will have a hard time to overcome this hate.
Still, give it a try, just doht expect a multiplayer deus ex game.
PS: By the way sometimes it reminds me of Omikron: The Nomad Soul. Am I the only one having this feeling?
You know how in Mankind Divided stealth is simplistic, but works? Not here though, enemies sometimes instaalert you from mile away and sometimes you poke at their kneecaps with your newly unPACKed magnum without them noticing.
Melee kills are 50-50 for alert too, even if you do them from behind a cover without enemy seeing you.
But dont worry, you wont see them either since they're colored in bright-af-white on a bright-af-psychodelic colored map.
Speaking of maps, the design is all over the place, with some maps being a size of your mum's basement and other huge vertical skyscrapers. Graphical design looks cool for first 10 minutes, after which you realize that you've been running in circles in a white room with no points for orienteering. There's also no coherency between them, as you choose your next map from a tile board, akin to FF:Dissidia, Mobius FF etc, so don't expect any variety or sense of progress environmentwise.
But hacking was fun in HR and MD, I hear you say... None of it here. To "hack" you simply press E and... wait. Neat, eh?
They also forgot that the weakest point of any Deus Ex game was the gunplay, so instead of trying to improve it, they just shoveled low-polly white guns, all of which you have already seen and used, coloring a couple of pseudopoligons in gold for higher level of drop.
Speaking of drops, there aren't any. Instead they have packs, which you can buy with ingame currency, and which usually grant you shit you never going to use. But you can pay real cash for a pack that grants you two of highest lvl of gear possible... Not pay to win at all ;)
Speaking of p2w, there is no direct multiplayer. Instead you can challenge somebody to beat your highscore, time or % of data extraction. This is ultimately irrelevant, however, not only because of how unbalanced leveling up your Jensen is, but also because people found a way to beat levels in 0.1 secons, proudly displaying it in the highscore board.
In conclusion, this game is almost as bad as "The Fall", whilst not being a mobile bootleg to begin with. You're better off paying 1.99$ for Human Revolution and playing it instead.
P.S. I've never asked for this...
I wasn't sure about Breach, but to my surprise it turned out to be an incredibly fun and challenging arcade game which is also free!
The following review contains some tips to beat Breach without any problems.
1) Fun puzzles with Deus-Ex vibe
2) No microtransactions necessary, I've completed all levels without needing them! Besides, the microtransactions can hardly help you as most of them seem to be purely cosmetic, and all the weapons or ammo you may need (actually, more than you'll need) can be obtained with in-game credits or as rewards.
3) Good non-linear quests (darknet files), which require thinking and true decision making (Imagine Deus Ex where every choice you make is non-replayable and linked to your account forever. Hardcore!)
4) Hardcore gameplay (you'll have to plan your actions carefully and fail multiple times until win).
1) Absolutely terrible optimization. The graphics is very simple and minimalistic, but the game hardly can show 30-35 fps on GTX 750 TI 2 GB!
2) Many levels are created via templates and therefore feel repeatable sometimes (though they still have significant changes).
3) Having some augmentations are 100% necessary to complete the game. I don't see any way to beat the bosses without Focus aug and to complete many of the stealth levels without Cloaking aug.
4) After some time you can't have all you augs at the same time (memory pool "feature").
5) Hardcore gameplay and high demand to the player's patience and strategy thinking may scare the weak and make them whining about "necessary microtransactions" with no real reasons. :)
Key to success in this game is simple - take your time exploring the levels before using expendables like "cheats" and ammo. You WILL fail the first time almost always, and in many cases you'll need multiple attempts to complete a level. Be patient, conserve ammo and cheats items unless you're sure that they can provide necessary boost to complete a level. It's useful to fill all your empty inventory with different guns, because default ammo in them is always replenished for free, so having multiple guns can help you to have enough firepower without spending money on ammo. Upgrade B-grade guns over C-grade (B-grade have more starting damage), buy ammo for AP-ammo guns only to beat the bosses or hard elimination levels. Use Stun rifle + manual takedown to easily destroy the heavy units. Be sure to have Focus aug for the bosses and Cloaking for the stealth levels.
Confusing, graphically sterile, and a desperate cash grab.
Deus Ex: Breach™ is a cash-in/ripoff of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Imagine all the work that was wasted on "The Fall" dialed up, anti-aliased, and made into some abstract meme-puzzle where you have to pay for ammo. Yeah, it's something like that.
The puzzles are boring, the hacking utterly pointless, and the enemy AI borderline non-existent. Previous Deus Ex games affirm the difficulty I've asked for. That is, "I want Deus Ex". This isn't it.
Instead, you get a 10 gig Always-Online F2P mess that shouldn't even be allowed on the Steam Store.
If you don't agree with my sentiment or think it lacks evidence, check out the video "Deus Ex Breach is a Waste of Time", or try "playing" the game yourself. Rest assured, five minutes of Deus Ex: Breach™ will set you straighter than Mike Pence hooking you up to a machine intended for electroconvulsive therapy.
theres a shop where you can buy ammo at reasonable prices and also THERE ARE OTHER WAYS besides just ramming into the face of everything with a machinegun, which 90% of people here seems not to understand or even realize at minimum.
The Good:
-nice to pass the time.
-has end-game unlockables and secret areas.
-missions dont tend to take much time.
-mid-late game missions tend to get your heart pumping real hard as the struggle gets heavier.
-"random rarity" boxes are a pretty good system IMO, since theyre not really THAT random, people is just lazy, if you save up for around 10-15 missions you can easily buy a REALLY GOOD box and get a real nice upgrade on your weapons.
-you can get trough the entire game without buying ammo, just by upgrading your weapons with cartridge(on-clip) capacity and damage.
-the difficulty curve on the enemies "adapting(more like dully buffing themselves up)" is not so big of a deal if you have at least 90IQ yo buy and upgrade your stuff.
-there are several workarounds for each mission besides just mashing your face onto everything with a shotgun.
-humanoid enemies are ridiculously easy as you can just run to them and unleash a finisher in half a second.
The BAD:
-you can get A stuff pretty easily, if you save for it, but S its unreachable unless youre actually lucky.
-the ingame cash shop doesnt work anymore.
-the prices on ingame cash shop are stupid high for what they ACTUALY give you.
-the optimization ITS A FUCKING PIECE OF GARBAGE, ALL maps are small but intrincated, still its NO EXCUSE for these EXCESSIVE requirements.
-not enough options at the time of configuration of the game in case you have a mid-end PC like i do, basically ensuring you WILL have lag and forcing you to get effects and features that are straight up just going to EAT AWAY your PC.
-gives the player ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to keep playing, which makes 95% of people quit in 1-3 hours at best.
-the mission dialogues and interaction is SO RIDICULOUSLY DULL AND SOULLESS that i just skipped trough everything, because seriously, its hard to get ANYONE GIVING A SHIT if theres just dull text, and text, and text, and text, and text and then MORE TEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EAT TEXT! DINNER TEXT! SLEEP IN TEXT! SHIT TEXT! BREATH TEXT!!!!
-despite the missions being able to mildly thrill a midly-hookable player, no one cares if the game feels SO DULL.
-getting those reward boxes again and again and again, being ALL the same and giving no more than crap you could just normally buy without that much effort that you spent getting them and finally being cheaper to had bought them yourself feels like shit, its basically spitting into one's face after so much effort that some of the missions can be to unlock those damn boxes.
give it a try, if you dont like it, leave it, if you like it, tell us your secret, are you human?
is not a "bad" game, yet is not precisely the best game of the year, needs A TON of improvements if its gonna be an actuall game on itself, thank god its free, but like this it has no future whatsoever.
i insist, give it a try, if you have a Mid-end PC it WILL run badly but playable, can be thrilling and fun a lot of times, yet ends up feeling heavy after 10 hours.
Has serious data leaks can only reload a level once or twice before the game has an issue and closes out. Otherwise runs beautifully.
> Start playing
> Liking it so far
> Get super duper awesome golden revolver
> Dont have ammo for it
> Check for ammo on store, ask for real money
> Unistall, wont' play again.
Runs like garbage, can't even get a solid 30 fps
Badly optimized. Can't believe I'm saying this about a Deus Ex game.
Deus Ex: Breach is a stand alone version of the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided game mode of the same name. If you are already a fan of the breach game mode I would recommend it or if you are interested in seeing what combat is like in Mankind Divided. Otherwise It feels pretty niche so im not sure who I would recommend it to overall.
A standalone free-to-play arcade version of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is amazing in concept, yet terrible in execution. Breach mode is one of the weakest parts of the main game, and that is very aparent here. A very slow grind that is very clearly pay-to-advance, Deus Ex: Breach isn't worth your time.
Serious Pay to Win Issues
At its core I like Breach, its essentially an arcade mode version of MD, putting you in short but fun levels. All the strong gameplay from MD is here, just in bite sized packages this time, and Breach offers its additions such as a double/triple jump, overall the gameplay is solid and fun. I'd like to spend more time with it, but this is essentially a Freemium Mobile Game disguised as a PC Game. Its got all the signs, constant online connection neeeded, incredibly scare resources, pitful exp and credit rewards for replaying missions, gameplay driven by loot boxes, and a level select screen straight from any mobile game. The only thing missing is a godawful energy system, which it thankfully lacks.
I managed to get 1 hour into it before I hit my first wall, a mission where you have to take out a tough enemy, unlike the other missions takedowns and sneaking were useless (infinite resources), so I'd have to use ammo to defeat the enemy, unfortunately ammo cannot be looted, it must be brought directly with credits or acquired through loot boxes, in fact everything must be brought, theres no reliable way to get an item without grinding or paying up. This is incredibly bad free to play design worthy of a Supercell Title, there are better ways to do free to play and breach falls into all the traps of bad F2P.
In Conclusion: It 'costs' a 7 gig download, so if you want to give it a try and can spare the bandwidth you'll have some fun within the 1st hour atleast, and maybe more if you're willing to burn through your resources. But if you're time or bandwidth are limited, you'll want to give this one a miss.
first, you're running on limited resource to progress through this game, faming previous levels makes no sense since it only gives you 100 credits while first clear rewards you around 4-5k which is 2% and you have to farm levels for like 50 times to get what you should have for first clear bonus.
second, there's something called "AI status" in this game which raise level difficulties according to your playstyle each time you completed a level, now this sounds fun and all untill you know the only item to lower difficulties is dropped from loot crates. farming levels for xp would simply raise difficulty above and beyond.
third, if you're an stealth enthusiast, your progression is blocked at third zone (network_1B) where you are forced to kill elite units using firearms becuase there's simply not enough explosive barrel placed in the level for you to destory them and your weapon is not even making a dent, there is no real stealth solution in this game! same thing goes for loud build, they would probably stuck at stealth only mission.
of course you can buy loot crates to make things easier but is that a good practice among game industry?
I had some fun in this game, it's a shame it had to be this way.
[WIP review, will finish writing soon]
I've played many hours of this mode in the base game - I'm just here to review this since they released it as a standalone free to play game. I personally disagree with this decision, but I am biased, having bought Mankind Divided on launch with the season pass. So when Eidos starts giving away half the base game for free, as well as the preorder bonuses, it doesn't sit well with me. If this was a multiplayer mode with a dying playerbase, going free to play would make some sense, but breach can be completed completely without any interaction with other players - the only social interaction is by challenging other players to beat your high scores.
The game itself is great and is in my opinion what deus ex needed. Breach mode plays like a cross between Deus Ex and Soloing Payday 2. Because unlike mankind divided, there are no quicksaves. You can't just reset a mistake you have made by loading the last save. Breach is the arcade version of the game - Rewards are given for speedrunning levels and for obtaining the most points. Modifiers can be applied to make levels harder or easier - the former of which will increase the score multiplier. Because this game is fast paced, some of the slower elements of the main game are removed. Bodies of enemies will disintegrate when killed, so you dont need to hide the corpses. But on the other hand, you can't pick up their weapons or ammo to help you out. The social pillar of the game, AKA having conversations with npcs, both with minor ones and major ones, are removed. They just aren't necessary in this mode, and in fact would detract from the main experience. Although, there is a social aspect that is between levels of a Darknet file, where you text chat other Reapers who will help you on your misson, and an enemy reaper who will be pissed at you.
Maps can have different objectives, not including the optional challenges of getting the high score, beating the speedrun requirement, or securing all the data in the map. The most basic is data extraction - where you have to download a certain amount of the data in the map for the exit to open. And when the exit opens you have a limited amount of time to reach it and the alarm automatically goes off (Which doesn't break stealth unless you are detected), etc. There are also missions where you must kill a certain number of enemies, as well as missions where you must kill a "Prime" unit - a boss fight. A more recent objective for some maps has been to make your way to a ball and carry the ball all the way to the exit.
Some missions have modifiers built into them, such as failing on breaking stealth, disabling all your custom augmentations (Character ability upgrades you gain by progressing), having enemies do more damage or you doing less damage, etc.
Despite being arcade-y and not directly related to Adam Jensen's story in the story mode of Mankind Divided, there are narrative mission chains that do have permanent choices you have to make in them.
Items are rewarded by completing the darknet story missions, buying loot drops with ingame currency, and some with real currency. Despite what some say this isn't really pay to win. While you can buy high level loot crates with a currency bought from real cash, you don't need them to beat the game - you can acquire everything you need by completing missions and buying the loot drops with the main ingame currency. These crates will drop several items of varying qualities and types, with some crates having specific types of items such as special ammo for your weapons(Regular ammo can be bought cheaply for each gun without needing random chance, although some special guns only use special ammo such as armor piercing rounds) and the main crate has different versions. buying the more expensive models will give you a higher chance of really good items and at a minimum will give you decent quality.
You earn ingame credits by completing missions as well as their side objectives (speedruns, high scores, and getting all the data), earning booster packs by progressing through the server map, and a special bonus by getting %100 completion on a server. Replaying a mission you've already beaten gives you a small amount of credits if you are replaying them on a day you've already completed them, but if it's your first time on that day, you will get a much larger amount. So farming credits isn't as bad as you might think.
I am surely to recommend this "game". Even as only a clip from original Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, it has its own standalone little story and setting, though all the gameplay mechanics are completely similar to the original's. I liked it very much so far. A good one to "challenge" your skills. And a good promotion, too. And a truly great game to be a free-to-play!
So, it's a stealth game. If you know what Deus Ex is, you won't need an explanation. This game has a lot of short levels, mixed together, repeated many times and beautiful the way TRON was.
Owners of DE:MD might be dissapointed, but I find this fantastic. If you want something quick-paced, pick this, spend some time - you won't regret. Probably.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Eidos Montreal |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 22% положительных (54) |