Разработчик: Gaming Minds Studios
Список возможностей
- Извлекайте выгоду из огромного экономического потенциала Соединенных Штатов, шаг за шагом продвигаясь от одного побережья до другого.
- Приведите свою железнодорожную империю к процветанию путем создания развитой эффективной сети и оптимизации транспортных потоков.
- Докажите свою эффективность, попробовав один из предложенных сценариев, или создайте железнодорожную сеть своей мечты в режиме свободного строительства.
- Более 40 детально воссозданных локомотивов и более 30 различных вагонов. Умело используйте их преимущества и недостатки для достижения цели.
- В течение пяти эпох вам предстоит освоить и внедрить более 300 технологических нововведений, способствующих развитию железных дорог.
- Боритесь за выживание и устраняйте соперников по бизнесу. Вам будут противостоять три конкурирующие компании. Саботируйте их работу при помощи налетчиков и шпионов.
- Функция «Ride Along» позволяет исследовать вашу железнодорожную сеть и красивые пейзажи из кабины водителя с точки зрения первого лица.
Об игре
Соединенные Штаты Америки, 1830 год. Усиливается влияние Нового Света – индустрия на подъеме, обостряется борьба за контроль над транспортными артериями Северной Америки. Настало время решительных действий – превзойти и одолеть конкурентов в нелегкой борьбе, создать разветвленную сеть железных дорог и обеспечить блестящее будущее своей компании в грядущем ХХ веке.
В Railway Empire игрокам предстоит построить тщательно продуманную и слаженную железнодорожную систему, закупать подвижной состав (более 40 детально воссозданных поездов), приобретать существующие или строить новые станции, ремонтные мастерские, фабрики и туристические достопримечательности. Эффективно функционирующая и конкурентоспособная железнодорожная сеть требует также кропотливой работы с персоналом и внедрения инноваций, которых в игре более 300. В течение пяти эпох игрокам предстоит не только технологически улучшать подвижной состав, но и развивать объекты инфраструктуры.

Однако следует помнить, что одно лишь эффективное управление и постоянные нововведения вряд ли смогут обеспечить безоблачное существование и процветание компании. Соперники не сидят сложа руки. Представители конкурирующих железнодорожных сетей сделают все, чтобы помешать вам. В подобной борьбе хороши все средства – от саботажа до промышленного шпионажа.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, russian, simplified chinese, italian, spanish - spain, polish, korean, japanese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (64bit versions)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 @ 3.2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce GTX460 or AMD Radeon HD5870 (1024MB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0)
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 or Windows 10(64bit versions)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 2400s @ 2.5 GHz or AMD FX 4100 @ 3.6
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD7970 or better (2048MB VRAM or more, with Shader Model 5.0)
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
- ОС: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS + SteamOS (latest)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 @ 3.2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce GTX460 or AMD Radeon HD5870 (1024MB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0)
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
- ОС: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS + SteamOS (latest)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 2400s @ 2.5 GHz or AMD FX 4100 @ 3.6
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD7970 or better (2048MB VRAM or more, with Shader Model 5.0)
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
Отзывы пользователей
Disappointing is the main way to describe this game. The track building is clunky, the signals are a bit of a mess, the economics are a bit outlandish. It's a shame really, because the game runs really well and has a really fun cartoonish aesthetic to it, similar to older Risk like games. It has most of the ingredients necessary to be an addictive and relaxing train game, but it lacks fundamentally on the basics of track laying, gameplay, and UI.
Great game. I would like to see the commodities changed up a bit more for freight movement. too much of same business in each city such as meat and beer
Great game
Great game with many hours of strategy fun
i just love this game
Poor design, AI is to fast and not adjustable, so if you enjoy doing it over and over and over just to not really have much fun, have at it. Little to no instructions for how to make the tracks work,, no instructions on really anything, sorta a go figure it out if you have the time......
I like the game. I know what to do in the game, but I experienced crashes and not just soft ones either. I honestly don't know which game I should play no more without experiencing crashes.
I think I really need to move away from the laptop. I think it is my laptop that just can't handle it, because it is raggedy. Oh it has the right specs, and it would fit, but my laptop has been though a lot. I kinda want to step over to Desktop.
I have played the second part on Game pass. I enjoyed the second part also! Great game!
Train goes choo choo
good challenges plus graphics are excellent
It's ok...
Honestly not even sure what to say. It's literally just ok lol. Makes me want to play a better train game though.
Fun and engaging gameplay, challenging scenarios. A step up from RRT2P, which is still iconic to me but this game here is more modern.
Railway Empire is my only Tycoon-Esq game I play, so I can't give a comparison, however, headline takeaway is that RE is a fun, rewarding game that gets better the more you play.
There is a learning curve in the game, what kind of track layouts work and what don't, the best way to buy and adjust trains to get the most growth, etc etc. It does have to be said their is a little jank within the system where the game simply refuses to let you place track despite it looking perfectly good.
This however is worth the price of admission as the more you play and the more you understand the game, the more you will be able to begin the process of using the complexity of the game. For example you can keep adding new rail lines and shipping more goods directly on single trains, but when you use the slightly more complex systems of warehousing to get over the flow of goods this becomes a better experience. I am by no means a master of all this at time of writing but once you get to grip with a mechanic it becomes second nature and the game rewards you for that.
The campaign missions are tough but manageable. To progress you will have to start delving into the functionality of the game rather than doing only the most basic play. This challenge is great if you like that element of gaming, however there is a 'Free Mode' that allows you to sandbox on various maps to create and experiment at the same time. So if you just want to make trains go choo-choo, you're golden.
The game is also quiet stable, and tabbing in and out is something the game lets you do no problem. Graphically, I think Railway Empire straddles the pretty enough vs taxing live very well for this type of game. It's by no means ugly.
So should you get RE? If you are looking for a good game in this genre, then I would absolutely recommend it. Especially if you are going to concentrate on this title or only have one game of this type. As I say, the game becomes better the more you play. It's also great as a casual player to jump in and out of a game, you can put this game down and jump back in with relative ease.
So, go live out you Hornby dreams without the mortgage and converted attics lads, just play this instead.
One of the mist addicting experiences I've ever had. Make sure you get the DLCs as well if you like the main game. Lots of fun.
Very Good game
This is the absolute worst UI I have EVER seen. Utter trash. Hey morons, there is something called "Play Testing" where you get random gamers to play your game for two hours to see if they can figure it out or not.
OMG Fail Fail Fail.....
Greate railroad stratagy
I was having some fun with it but bugs in the track signaling started ruining it. Game is just broken and trying to get anything setup is a royal pain to figure out. The in-game help videos are wrong and what they show doesn't work. There are better transport games out there. I wasn't even that impressed with the graphics and the UI is cumbersome to work with.
Some of you may figure it out and enjoy it, but I'd beware.
Este juego es muy entretenido, he pasado horas en los escenarios que te mantienen pensando como lograr las metas de la lista.
Like to play in realistic mode for HO-like track designs.
Most regions of the world, and eras of the railroad age are available.
Animations work well, and look/sound good.
Economic and business modeling add strategy to the game.
Railroad employee personality characteristics don't matter much, and it takes time to pair up compatible employees.
Economic model can get pretty complex/tedious in longer scenarios.
very good!
This is a great game to sink time into if you love city/town/civ building games, and its got trains. It's about trains, but you can do more than just choo choo around a map. you can develop markets and towns, with trains. I love the game as a whole, 100% recommend it, bugs and defects all the same. (not that any come to mind to begin with)
Ugly boring arcade trash. You want rail yards? Too bad, cars just appear and disappear from/into thin air, no need for railyards. You want realistic signals? Too bad, we've invented our own signaling scheme that doesn't make sense. And so on. And it's ugly, to boot.
There are a couple of things that make for a really good game. Pitched at everyday players as well as nubes means that it will enjoy a wide player base. Secondly is the amount of involvement required to maintain game pace or achieve game goals. With constant effort required this, game scores highly on both fronts. My one regret regarding this game is that there could be more levels as the transition from medium to hard is quite severe and even medium level is pitched a little too high. Nevertheless, with superb graphics, sandbox option and appropriately themed, enjoyable background music, plenty of options for players of differing skill levels.
Good game
As a long time lover of Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon series, I have never found a game as yet that lives up to that classic with some modern twists - Railway Empire (and Railway Empire 2) are definitely in that category. Keeps to the requirements without expanding too far away from the main reason for the game.
Transport Fever 2 is very similar but lacks in the railroad aspects, which this has in abundance.
The DLC makes the original game that bit better, and in some areas I prefer Railway Empire to its successor. I highly recommend both games, even more so if you can catch them on discount.
It's quite a simple game (Usually I like strategy games from paradox so this is much simpler.) But I quite like that as it means I can dip in and out. So far I'm just working my way through the scenarios on default difficulty so am sure it will/can get harder.
Fun game
Ya usé 11 horas de mi vida para intentar que me guste porque el concepto de juego me encanta y soy fan de Railroad Tycoon por ejemplo, pero no voy a gastar mucho más tiempo en entender porque no me termina de gustar. Será el ritmo, o algunas situaciones poco intuitivas pero lo cierto es que a pesar de que no es un mal juego, tampoco lo puedo recomendar.
Oversimplified and thus buggy. I am returning to Railroad Tycoon now, kthxbye
Meditative, simple enough and addictive
gimme a whoooooooo whoooooooooo!!!
Nice and not too complicate tycoon
Railway Empire.
As one of new players that just started playing this game, I can say that it's worth to buy next time it's on sale.
Game is on sale at least 2-3 times a year and it's not that expensive.
Price: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gameplay is super satisfying. Buying those rails, stations and trains is too fun.
I'm not a strategic player, but this game makes me feel comfortable between too hard and too easy.
Gameplay: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Art is very nice in the game, but launcher menu and menu sucks.
Too many other game ads that makes art unsatisfying.
Game is really bright, so get ready for a flashbang.
Art: ⭐⭐
Story is very interesting. First, it seemed like there is no story, but after playing 30 min I realized that onece I beat this game.
Story: ⭐⭐⭐
Overall: ⭐⭐⭐ And 🦜
just mostly sucks
Awesome Game if this is Your Genre
Great train game
Very enjoyable game. Brings be back to the railroad tycoon days when I was a kid.
This is a fun, challenging game.
Not an easy game to master, but a lot of fun. Takes a little time to learn the ropes, but once you're in you will be begging for more.. especially if you dream of building trains.
I have never been fascinated with trains but I liked this game.
I just finished the campaign and I want to return and play sandbox. I normally get bored with games quickly. Though the campaign requires you to fulfill tasks within a certain time, they are easily attainable. I did 3 of 5 campaigns on "realistic" train tracks. This adds a huge challenge as you cannot have multiple trains on the same track. I recommend this mode if you're looking for something more challenging and less arcade-like. However, there were some bugs with the tracks and train stations so I switched to 'normal' mode.
What I probably liked most about this game is the challenge of building an affordable track and choosing which area to progress in first. Do you pump your capital into trains, manufacturing, opponent stock, rural business sites? You have some control of which cities you want to connect, and how you want to dominate the map. It is a nice balance of fine tuning and set-it-and-forget-it.
trains are dope
absolutely terrible. not even worth the $8 I paid for it. just get railroad corporation, which is actually fun, instead of this, which is bad. you don't have enough control where you need it, but need to micro stuff that is boring and counterintuitive. your trains can't change tracks at stations, you have to manually set all switches with signals or they won't be used, but then you can't set what cargo you want a specific line to carry. all your time is spent figuring out how to set up your tracks to avoid gridlock (which can absolutely force you to restart a mission), instead of actually managing a railway empire and trying to turn a solid profit.
just all around unfun garbage.
"Railway Empire" is a fantastic simulation game that beautifully blends strategy and management. Set in the 19th century, it allows players to build and expand their own railway company across North America. The graphics are stunning, with detailed landscapes that change as you progress through the eras.
The gameplay is engaging, featuring a mix of resource management, route planning, and competition against rival companies. The economic mechanics are intricate, offering plenty of depth for players who enjoy strategic planning. Each decision, from choosing trains to managing finances, has a meaningful impact on your empire’s success.
The game's challenge ramps up nicely, keeping you on your toes with various objectives and historical events. Plus, the inclusion of famous locomotives and technologies adds an educational layer that enhances the experience.
Overall, "Railway Empire" is a must-play for fans of simulation games. It’s a rewarding blend of creativity, strategy, and historical immersion that will keep you entertained for hours. Whether you're a seasoned tycoon or new to the genre, this game offers plenty of opportunities to build your railway legacy!
good and solid gameplay for the genre
A complete headache is the menu. Even though I know the basics, it all seems so confusing, where something is. How to see what factory I bought if I didn't link it to the railroad. How to see how useful my workers are or where they are and what they are doing now. Deleting the railway is also annoying. Otherwise, good content but all this useful information is there somewhere, so you have to look around to find it. Nerve wracking
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Gaming Minds Studios |
Платформы | Windows, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 14.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 74 |
Отзывы пользователей | 80% положительных (3639) |