Разработчик: SNK Games
Выбирайте космический корабль и отправляйтесь в путь. Вам предстоит исследовать природу новой угрозы и защитить органическую жизнь. Но не ждите, что вас будут носить на руках - жизнь рейнджера полна опасностей и угроз. Зарабатывать на жизнь придется тяжким трудом, выполняя грязную и временами нелегальную работу. Но если вы наскребете на космические карты, то перед вами откроется целая галактика, полная возможностей!
Разумные и слишком разумные расы, сражения с пиратами, голограммы и галлюцинации, боевые пилотируемые роботы! Ни от чего не зарекайтесь, просто будьте осторожны.
- КЛАССИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕКСТОВЫЕ КВЕСТЫ. Классическая как по форме, так и по содержанию научно-фантастическая сага лично для вас, написанная легко и с юмором.
- ОСТРОУМНЫЕ ГОЛОВОЛОМКИ. Чтобы выйти из затруднительных ситуаций рейнджеру потребуется смекалка и хорошее чутье. Десятки неповторимых ситуаций - от боевых до исключительно сложных загадок.
- КОСМИЧЕСКИЕ СРАЖЕНИЯ. Глупо вылетать из дока без оружия - гигантские космические чудовища, может, и не нападут, а вот пиратов полно в каждой системе. Щиты приготовили?
- РАЗВЕТВЛЕННАЯ РОЛЕВАЯ СОСТАВЛЯЮЩАЯ. Выполняя задания, можно заработать кредитов не только на топливо и починку корабля, но и на различные апгрейды. Потратить все сейчас или же положить на депозит под выгодные проценты? Выбирайте с умом!
- СЛУЧАЙНЫЕ СОБЫТИЯ. Каждая система это всегда новая встреча. Но трудно сказать заранее, что она принесет.
- НЕИЗВЕСТНЫЕ ПОДРОБНОСТИ КАЗАЛОСЬ БЫ ДАВНО ЗНАКОМЫХ СОБЫТИЙ – Внимательный рейнджер сможет узнать много нового о том, что обычно умалчивалось в галановостях.
- ПОЛНОСТЬЮ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. Ну а какой еще может быть игра от русских разработчиков?
Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows XP SP3
- Процессор: Intel Pentium 4 2.5 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 3200+ (2200 MHz)
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 7800 GT 512 Mb / Radeon 1800 Pro 512 Mb or similar
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- ОС *: Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 / Windows 8
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ 2.4 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 8600 GT 512 Mb / Radeon X3550 Pro 512 Mb
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 500 MB
Отзывы пользователей
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I did not like. There were very good quests, but overall not my kind of content. Sometimes there is a bug that you almost completed the quest, and then there is no dialogue and you need to replay it, but with a completely similar choice, dialogue appears - for example, escaping from judges with prisoners. The achievements are not fun and count strangely, so you need to grind.
Rigged luck-based waste of time wrapped in a thin layer of bs plot. Not worth the bother even for free.
This game has more in common with those solo roleplaying game books from the 80's and 90's than a modern computer game. If you want to play something like Lone Wolf in outer space, you can't really do any better than this.
I own the Space Rangers games, but I haven't played them very much. So, unlike some of the negative reviews I'm not comparing this to those games. But I think this one is good for what it's trying to do. If there were some changes I would make, it would be to port the turn based space combat from the other game to the space combat here. Having that be all text is a bit disappointing. And also, it has kind of an odd premise where although what you're doing has importance to the real world, the game takes place in a virtual reality environment and that makes me care less about the choices I make beyond how they affect me, because the other people in the quests aren't real...
There is another issue I have with the game: it's hard to read the text when its stretched out across your entire computer screen. It would be a LOT more playable if the you could adjust the width of the text window to your liking. Even better still would be if this were ported to Android.
First and foremost, if you don't enjoy text adventure games, this game is not for you. Even if you're a fan of Space Rangers.
Watching science fiction shows as a kid, I always dreamt of being aboard a starship "to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations". Despite its low production value, the Space Rangers series does an amazing job at approximating that, immersing me in the role of this galactic vagabond, contracting with these massive alien civilizations in order to scrape up a living.
Critically, Quest is simply A War Apart stripped of everything except the text-based side-quests. For that reason, some seasoned players may see this as a cash-grab, a cheap repackaging. Although they are entitled to that opinion, I don't find it fair to assume all players who enjoy the Space Rangers are there for the same reason.
The writing in Quest is quirky, with some imperfect translations from Russian. The main character comes off as a cavalier stoic of the Slavic persuasion. Missions are varied and memorable, asking you to battle mechs, win a fishing competition, or even run for president. They are self-contained and rely partly on RNG, encouraging you to try again without affecting the main plot.
All in all, if you enjoy text adventures and aren't expecting a self-important space opera, fun may be had here.
Unue kaj ĉefe, se vi ne ĝuas tekstajn aventurludojn, ĉi tiu ludo ne estas por vi. Eĉ se vi estas ŝatanto de Space Rangers.
Rigardante sciencfikciajn spektaklojn kiel infano, mi ĉiam revis esti sur stelŝipo "por esplori strangajn novajn mondojn, serĉi novan vivon kaj novajn civilizaciojn". Malgraŭ ĝia malalta produktadvaloro, la serio Space Rangers faras mirindan laboron proksimigante tion, mergante min en la rolon de ĉi tiu galaksia vagabondo, kontraktante kun ĉi tiuj masivaj eksterteraj civilizacioj por skrapi porvivaĵon.
Kritike, Quest estas simple A War Apart senigita de ĉio krom la tekst-bazitaj flankserĉoj. Tial, iuj spertaj ludantoj vidos ĉi tion kiel kontantpreno, malmultekosta repakado. Kvankam ili rajtas tiun opinion, mi ne trovas ĝuste supozi, ke ĉiuj ludantoj, kiuj ĝuas la Space Rangers, ludas pro la sama kialo.
La skribo en Quest estas kurioza, kun kelkaj neperfektaj tradukoj el la rusa. La ĉeffiguro aperas kiel kavalira stoiko de la slava persvado. Misioj estas diversaj kaj memorindaj, petante vin batali kontraŭ meĥoj, gajni fiŝkaptan konkurson, aŭ eĉ kandidati por prezidanto. Ili estas memstaraj kaj dependas parte de hazardo, instigante vin provi denove sen tuŝi la ĉefan intrigon.
Entute, se vi ĝuas tekstajn aventurojn kaj ne atendas memgravan kosman operon, amuzon vi povus trovi ĉi tie.
That was a bad idea.
Totally recommended.
This is a text based quest game, sort of an extract of the games side quests. Honestly, just like the games side quests, it is somewhat terrible. Nonsense quests that are there just to fill the time and most of it insanely hard. In the main game its ok because you can ignore it. But when it's a standalone, it's terrible. I was expecting better but it's just the same old trash.
Very Funny. Better than I expected.
Nowhere near as good as the absolutely brilliant Space Rangers HD: A War Apart.
The developers of this game took out all of the great open world parts of the first game and replaced it with a dumbed down version that does the first game no justice whatsoever. It took about ten minutes of playing for me to realise this, but I was hoping for some kind of improvement after the tutorial section.
Alas - no.
For some reason, SR Quest has made the worse part of the SR:AWA (the ever frustrating and frankly at times quite boring) - the text based watered down choose your own adventure part of A War Apart, the main style of quest in this version. The same thankfully very rare kind of quest that the first game threw at us players sometimes. The kind of test quest that made me groan every time they appeared.
I repeat - the developers have taken out most of the good stuff from the first game, and made the worst part of it the main style of play here.
YAWN please.
Don't bother with this game. Stick to the original.
Painfully unfunny humour ruins an otherwise unplayable game.
EDIT: I loved the previous games.. If i had read description i would know this was not for me as it is only text quests.. I recomend this for people who want to play that kind of game
Long time since i was so disapointed in a game..
Buy "Space rangers HD a war apart" instead.. This is far from what you expect after playing that..
Seriously the biggest letdown in gaming i have ever experienced...
Im going to try to force myself to play it some more.. Hopefully there is somthing good about it further inn...
Its only text quests...
Ill leave the recomendation because i like the franchise, but this is not a good game...
EDIT: I expected a different game.. This is probably a good game if you enjoyed that part of the old games..
Игры похожие на Space Rangers: Quest
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | SNK Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 31.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 50% положительных (12) |