Разработчик: MarineVerse
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Об игре
«VR Regatta» — это популярная игра о парусных судах в виртуальной реальности для HTC Vive. Вас ждет невероятно достоверное погружение в мир захватывающих морских путешествий. Мы приглашаем опытных морских волков и начинающих поклонников парусного спорта исследовать Акаланские острова, где царит покой и умиротворение. Любуйтесь рассветами и закатами, выполняя разнообразные задания и участвуя в парусных гонках. Совершенствуйте свои навыки управления или просто наслаждайтесь лунной дорожкой на глади моря. «VR Regatta» вдохновляет, отвлекает от повседневной суеты и позволяет постичь науку мореходства. Присоединитесь к сообществу игроков, чтобы бороздить бескрайние морские просторы в этом райском уголке Карибского бассейна.

- Исследуйте потрясающие Акаланские острова в Карибском море — встречайте рассветы и закаты, заходите в бухты, любуйтесь открытым морем и доступными для изучения островами
- Освойте основы мореходства — работе со штурвалом и управлением скоростью судна
- Вас ждет режим карьеры, сетевая игра, парусные гонки, испытания и многое другое
- Опробуйте множество моделей судов — от маленьких лодок до яхт, а также самое разнообразное оборудование
- Новичок вы или серьезный профессионал — скучать вам не придется. В игре есть как морская академия для начинающих, так и длительные гонки, которые станут настоящим испытанием ваших навыков!

MarineVerse — это талантливая многонациональная команда поклонников морских путешествий и высоких технологий. Наша задача — дарить вам вдохновение, обучать и знакомить моряков между собой, а также дать каждому человеку возможность испытать те невероятные ощущения, которые дарит парусный спорт! Благодаря технологиям виртуальной реальности в нашем дебютном проекте «VR Regatta — парусный спорт» вы можете научиться новому для себя делу или просто приятно провести время. Наш проект позволяет каждому насладиться парусным спортом и научиться чему-то новому.

«На мой взгляд, виртуальная реальность может здорово помочь в подготовке моряков. Для тех, кто не имеет возможности регулярно ходить под парусом, это прекрасный способ не забывать о своем хобби. Для других же — отличный шанс прикоснуться к совершенно новому для себя миру парусного спорта»
Greg Dziemidowicz, Co-Founder of MarineVerse
«Больше всего в «VR Regatta» меня занимает возможность использовать эту игру для обучения. Если вы никогда до этого не ходили под парусом, то «VR Regatta» — это отличный способ изучить основы мореходства и применить их на практике, не подвергая себя возможным опасностям. Такой подход придаст вам уверенности, и вы сможете безбоязненно перейти к следующему этапу — выйти в море как любитель или заняться серьезным соревновательным спортом»
Stu Gilfillen, Director of Education, US Sailing
«VR Regatta» — это совершенно новый и очень важный этап в развитии парусного спорта. Мы использовали эту технологию на множестве мероприятий в рамках нашей программы «Узнайте больше о парусном спорте» — на Гран-при Австралии, на парусных гонках Volvo Ocean Race, на Днях знакомства с клубом и парусным спортом. И мы можем сказать, что это отличный способ привлекать новых людей к парусному спорту, наряду с настоящими морскими путешествиями»
Gavin Wall, Manager at Australian Sailing
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 970
- Поддержка VR: SteamVR or Oculus PC
Отзывы пользователей
A very nice sailing experience. You can learn the basics and take part in races with multiple maps, some of which require strategic thinking as you would be going against the wind. Especially recommend Arctic dlc
Game is good. I feel like wind system can be more refined, puffs are super obvious and move very fast. Wish they added more boats, maybe something like a 420 or 470 would be nice. Multiple people crewing a boat would also be fun
Its gorgeous but without room tracked controllers its unplayable. There are work arounds but they all break the immersion. I don't blame the dev because your hands do need to be in different areas from where you're looking to make it feel right. Unfortunately Oculus headsets do not have the feature to track different movements outside the range of the headset besides software that assumes what you're doing. But that only works partially and for a second and not when you are swinging your hand back and forth to change the direction of the boat while looking ahead. Oculus should be taken down as a supported headset for this game.
Not impressed. For a total of $32 you get a barebones sailing simulator with imprecise VR controls. The environments are dull. You're constantly sailing on a flat ocean, no waves or weather of any kind. Refunded
Love it, really great game.
The videos and sample photos on Steam match the game perfectly. Watching a beautiful sunset ripple on the water as I sail takes my breath away every time. I find the game incredibly relaxing, and often find myself simply hanging over the side of the boat watching the water slowly ripple by. You can also do racing when you're looking to up the excitement.
I paid full price ($42.95 AUD) a week or so before it came out on special and I have no regrets whatsoever. The current asking price of around $13 AUD is an absolute steal! I usually play on the living room floor, in case I want to move around a bit. I love the immersion when the small boat (dinghy) reacts to your movement which mean you can rock the boat and/or swap sides if you're racing.
I've only sailed a handful of times IRL, that was on dinghy's when I was younger in Scouts. If you have any interest in sailing, this game shouldn't disappoint.
In case it helps anyone, I'm using a Quest 2, via AirLink. I'm on 5.4GHz wifi, about 10m from my router, and the signal is beaming through 2 walls. Graphics, audio, and controller interaction is perfect, with no noticeable lag.
I want to like this game..... So badly... And I can't... I had sound problems, but got them sorted out... Then came the controls... I cannot manage to sit comfortably and control my lil boat. It's very bad on my back if I sit on the floor, horrible in any chair & hopeless if I'm standing up... I figured I'd just deal with it until I could upgrade to a bigger boat that controls differently, but it's kind of disheartening considering the achievements aren't even unlocking properly. I can't recommend this in 2021. These are issues that should have been ironed out way before I bought this. Can't refund it due to actually forgetting I had it, so that time has passed. Oh well.... Maybe a dev can assure me that something is on the horizon to get some of these issues sorted out in the comments... It's open to all..... What's up guys? Is your game just dead?
Sadly my experience with this game wasn't good. Sound wouldn't work despite uninstalling/reinstalling. Also graphics were much lower than what appear in the game previews, with no way to change settings. Had to get this one refunded.
The controls and VR settings make it very hard to recommend this game. If the controls weren't bad, I'd love to play this game more. I might try to play this again to see if I can can get used to the controls, but they're missing so many settings that every VR game should have that I think I'll just end up refunding it.
I'm using the Valve Index and Knuckles. Some of the issues are how it handles grabbing things. I have to grab something to grab it, but then it sticks to my hand until I grab it and let go a second time. There's no way to rotate your yourself in the game, you have to rotate in real life. This is an issue because I have a rectangular play space, and it puts the tiller in my desk. It would be perfectly fine to grab the tiller if I could just rotate 90 degrees. The height is also an issue. When I adjust my height to be correct in the boat, then it puts my head on the ground when I go back on land.
If I'm mistaken about some of these controls and just missed the settings, I'd love to be able to fix it. But I did look at the settings, and didn't see options for these.
IRL I've sailed a 24' boat once before.
I come more from the auto-simulator genre in VR... Not having sailed a boat of this type in many years, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute, thus far! This is def. immersive and teleporting/tacking under more adverse conditions would be a real challenge! I DID find myself leaning back over the side of the faux-Ronstan, as if I was utilizing the strap a couple times, weight transfer is a factor I like about my experience so far. I currently need a better location, to be less inhibited with movements (not hitting real life furniture), but... Catamarans? TRIMIARANS?! TY SIR!
Wonderful work Mr. Greg... I can't devote a ton of time to it ATM, but, without much time thus far, I am a Fan of your sim... I also have to thank you for getting back to me regarding looking at my initial log file! Multihulls would be fabulous someday! TY!
Controls, they are terrible from start.
Hand colliders if they are even using ones are way to small so you end up missing line and tiller a lot.
There are no movement controls, you move in real world or move by pointing and clicking. Did I mentioned that pointing and clicking works only at certain height.
If you tackle and move in real world to other bort, hand tracking for tiller gets broken.
No feedback for hand positions except visual one.
UI gets clipped off in place where you would expect it to be shown.
Water is flat shader, other boats are on rails and wont react for players actions, wind is arrow, boat feels like it had engine.
It feels like desktop game demo poorly adapted for VR. Game has just about filler to push past 2h. Even with all terrible controls, I would have expected at least realistic water and physics, none of that here.
Do not recommend to buy!
Depth? About as much as a toy sailboat in a puddle. You get rudder, a sheet for each sail, and your head position along with wind direction vs sheet adjustment changes the tilt of the boat. That's about it. No angular momentum, weather helm, or main/jib balancing, just faster or slower forward speed. No broaching, no slamming boom on dangerous jibe turns or most anything else you would expect to experience with a novice at the helm. It just is and that's it.
Also parts of the game, like the "yacht", are locked away until you progress through the tutorial.
It was fun for a few minutes, then the VR novelty effect wore off.
I grew up sailing, but haven't been able to go for years now. This game is a nice refresher course on the basics and was fun to hop into. I was a little hesitant at first because i wasn't sure if VR sickness was going to be an issue. I am very sensitive to VR sickness and found that this title was actually pretty comfortable.
I like the experimental section and free sail areas and I like the progression of goals that need to be achieved, but I feel like some of the times needed to progress are a bit too ambitious for a casual player like me.
The only downside I really saw to this game is when I lose tracking on one of my controllers in the middle of steering the rudder on the dinghy, the boat tends to spin out. I wish the boat would just maintain it's heading until tracking is re-established.
Beyond that, fun times!
Thanks to the devs for building this game, and getting me one step closer to sailing again :)
Ok, I came to this game cold from the world of flight sims and got both addons. My nearest real world experience is from kayaking. It's easy to follow the tutorials and do a few tasks with no more than a rudimentary knowledge of sailing, which is great. I can take out the dinghy or the big sailboat and control both fairly precisely using just one VR controller (for the HP Reverb). It does give me a feel for sailing and I imagine I'd enjoy the real thing.
But it feels so flat and underdone. The graphics (which I set to max/high/whatever) are from 2002, the sea is completely flat and looks terrible, with no boat motion apart from forward, left and right, the clouds don't move with the wind, the Northern Lights are in front of the painted-on clouds, I could go on and on.
There are some good touches, like the wind sound changing when you point your head into the wind, the squalls and the yacht club. Apart from those and the things I mentioned above, I know this is the only remotely realistic VR sailing game out there.
But really, it feels so undeveloped that I would not recommend it unless you are desperate for a sailing fix. Please devs, at least give the option of having the boat pitch and heave. I could tolerate the graphics if it had that (for reference see Jet Island. The graphics are 2002 as well, but the physics more than make up for it).
It's just not worth the money, and I got it on sale.
Fantastic game. Very immersive! I have never sailed before but I certainly would like to now.
Few things on my wishlist:
- More wildlife, particularly birds. I guess they could and maybe should be rare but it feels a bit too barren right now. Maybe a dolphin or some fish jumping by the edge of the water.
- Disablable drivers of other boats. It feels so lonely watching the other boats being empty. Feels like I am in some kind of ghost world. Would be awesome to wave a bit to other drivers.
- Slightly better graphics overall, particularly some higher res on the boat. Slightly better water and possible some changes in waves.
- Customizable boats. And more boats!
All those points should not be seen as criticism, merely as ways to make this game even more awesome than it already is. I don't know how much I will play this in the long run, but just being able to sit down, relax, enjoy the sites, maybe do a quick race... it's awesome.
Thanks for making it! It truly shows the potential of VR in bringing completely new old experiences to people who have never experienced it before.
Edit: I was a bit harsh in my initial review below. I still can't quite recommend the purchase, but to be fair, VR Regatta never claims to be a true simulator which I, perhaps unfairly, had expected. The developer has left a very classy response to my bashing of his game. Kudos.
Regatta is an arcadey sailing teaser that will probably satisfy people looking to route a boat's path with their hand on the sheet and tiller, and compete with others in VR for the most efficient course. It does kind of feel like you're sitting/standing on a boat and the basic components of sailing are present. It's just not what I had hoped for in a VR sailing sim. Full nitpicks below.
Only one hour in, so maybe it gets better, but I doubt it. Refund time.
I have a few hours sailing a Sunfish at the local lake, and a few more hours playing the fantastic Sailing Simulator 5 demo, and that's about all I have to compare to this. SS5 is a wonderful sailing sim, with rolling waves and a dynamic sail. In it, you can really feel the boat heel (tip sideways) in response to wind intensity. I can usually intuit the wind direction based on heel and sail shape without a hud indicator. It really feels like the wind simulation is true to life. I'm even able to sail myself into trouble, grabbing so much wind that my boat capsizes.
All of that seems to be missing in VR Regatta. I can't find any advantage to trimming the sail between 'let go' and 'pull hard'. When I enter into a 'gust circle' it feels more like a motor turns on, rocketing the boat forward with no increase in heel. A gust should first threaten to capsize my boat, and then accelerate it. There's no sense of capturing the wind. Never do I let go of the main sheet to keep my deck skyward. And these boats have no momentum, they seem to screech to a halt when facing the wind. Also, steering is completely unaffected by speed (let alone heel). A boat should not be able to turn easily at 0.1 knots. In SS5, a boat can't even steer well when it's heeling considerably (because now the rudder is sideways and acts more like an aileron). Finally, clam cleats are available to lock the main sheet so the player doesn't have to hold it tight while sailing upwind, but they aren't adjustable and lock the sheet into about a 1/2 pulled position, which is only appropriate about 5% of the time.
And there's no sense of water either, it's like everything is skating across a frozen lake. The ripples and wavelets are pretty, but there's no motion on the boat. Maybe that's because in VR, it would induce extreme motion sickness? Idk. In SS5, if you shift the crew's weight, the boat kind of rocks, bobbing left and right a bit as it settles, equalizing to the adjustment. In vrR, moving side to side feels like just adjusting a tilt slider on the hull. There's no sense of simulation in this game. It feels like it belongs in an arcade machine. Holding the tiller and pulling the sheet in VR feels good though, within the limitations. And I do like that I can level the boat by shifting my body.
The tutorial is long winded and linear, it feels like they're burning Steam's 2-hour trial period so that by the time you reach the actual game, it's too late for a refund. For example, they require the player to sail with somebody online, but the online area was empty when I was there. Further, there is a larger boat that I was excited to operate, and it took me an hour to find a tutorial on it's interface. When I finally found it (right next to the regular tutorial, with only a thumbnail of some extra rigging cables to identify it), I found that there was literally no instruction, just some floating labels. I'm still not sure how to pick up the winch or adjust the jib properly, but given the main sail's physics, it probably doesn't matter.
To me, the joy of sailing is balancing between catching all the wind and capsizing. Sailing is dangerous, pulling the main sheet all the way risks tipping over, gybing carelessly will swing that boom around like a trolls club, sometimes breaking masts and skulls or catching the wind too well in its new position, throwing the boat onto it's side (broaching, something that appears to be impossible in this 'simulation'). Without the ability to 'overperform', there's just no balance to find. Just keep the boat out of the no-go zones (zoneS, since apparently running directly with the wind is a no-go zone in this code) and either hold or release the sail, the only thing at risk is a few knots of speed.
SS5 is a far superior sailing experience, even as a demo. Somehow, with it's simple mouse/keyboard interface I can feel the boat, water, and wind better than this "immersive" VR game. It's like comparing Cruis'n USA to Forza: One has a mandatory wheel/pedals/seat setup, the other uses a console controller, but Forza cars are running on a legit physics engine and can be tossed in any manner, while Cruis'n is just pretending. This game is just pretending to sail.
Great Sim, very immersive and relaxing. I played on Oculus Rift with 2 sensors, so I did notice the rare tracking glitch with the tiller behind me, but barely noticeable. Devs are constantly making performance improvements, so other earlier glitches now seem to have disappeared, resulting in a very smooth experience.
Overall I'm very impressed with the responsiveness and feel of the boat, and I'm definitely going to be getting the expansions.
I also love the addition of a menu of experimental features, it'd be great to see some of these developed into future expansions, particularly a multi-crew naval battle with all the sails and rigging of a tall ship would be awesome.
For me VR Regatta has been a mixed bag. First, it stands alone in terms of the visuals. I have never seen a sailing sim take the visuals to this level and that is what originally got me to purchase the game. Racing the dingy was also a blast. And while I am not an avid racer when it comes to sailing, I liked the time and effort that went into creating a very realistic racing dingy. My disappointment came after a good amount of time jumping through the hoops to get to yacht. Such a large and very beautiful boat... but with the functionality of a toy boat. It really became clear to me that much was skipped when I did not even have to turn on the motor, I simply moved the tiller and the boat started sailing. Now granted, I own a Hobie Cat 16 and have also sailed a 23 foot Catalina. So I understand that my expectations might be a bit higher. But really, sailing is about harnessing wind power through the trimming of sails. All you gave was a main sheet and a jib sheet. And since you cannot lower the sail, what is the point of having the motor? I just really think something got skipped here. There are many people looking for a good VR sailing sim that is not all about racing (which I assume is why you kept the Yacht as simple as the dingy. Personally, adding the ability to raise and lower the mail sail, adding a jib furling system, adding a downhaul (and a cunningham) - these are just a few simple changes that would give the sailing enthusiast that ability to change the shape of the mail sail and thus experience the art of sail trimming - a big aspect of sailing. I would pay double the price for this game is I was given some control over how the mail sail is shaped, creating a sense of control that you can take to the races as well as to sailing when the wind is not always blowing the same direction and with the same amount of force. This sim simply makes sailing "too easy", and because of that, you have made many people happy, but please, please, don't forget about those people who "do" sail the real boats and want a simulation that is much closer to what will be seen on a real sailboat. I'm not asking for much, and it can be added, like an extra yacht for when people want more of a challenge from the original yacht. With this, you will also want to give the user the ability to mod the wind. It seems to me that the wind is always blowing in the same direction and for the same speed. Great for beginners, but really, that is not a simulation, that is a game. Have the ability to control the wind, alternating wind directions, alternating speeds, etc. you would really feel what it is like out on the ocean. Thank you for allowing me to give feedback. I really hope you will not see this as a gripe but more a "needs improvement" for sailors like myself.
Having done some sailing when I was a teenager, I was intrigued by the idea of reliving some of that. This is a fun game that does a great job conveying the experience of sailing. Sometimes, especially when the boat's going very quickly, heeled over, it gives me a strong sense of deja vu. The great sound effects help with that.
The first time I played this, I have to admit that I didn't last very long, because of motion sickness. As luck would have it however, not long after buying this game, my PC got a major upgrade. Now that my FPS is better, I have no motion sickness whatsoever.
The game does not work with WMR as stated. You can't steer a ship with your hand behind you and not being tracked. Steering requires you to constantly look back at the tiller in order to regester hand postion and make even the slightest adjustments.
VR Regatta is a excellent sailing simulator.
More importantly Greg (one of the developers) and the whole VR Regatta team are one of the most responsive and communicative gaming companies I've ever experienced in the gaming world. Greg is extreemly responsive to all the questions and requests of the customers ask of him (extreemly rare). He's a great developer and other developers should take notice and emulate his eagerness to interact and listen to his customers.
As far as the development of the game goes, the progress is moving along at a good pace getting better and better with every update. I look forward to future updates with anticipation.
I'm a professional sailor, and i work as a sailmaker. I'm very impressed with the game. it's not very complex (yet, i hope), but the sailing feels very realistic. controls respond well, and you can shift your body weight around the dinghy to flatten the boat out when you're heeling. the speedometer is nice too, it helps fine-tune the boat.
suggestions for improvement
* wind vane at the top of the mast
* the foresail winch should pull in with the handle, but be released by loosening the tail of the line
* the boats point a little higher than is realistic and still move upwind. Usually this is a deadzone it’s typically 20-40 degrees off the wind, depending on if the boat is designed for racing or cruising
* electric winch controls could be added to a binnacle in front of the wheel
* gps and compass, or other instruments could also bo added
* similar displays could be added to the mast under the boom
* the puff mechanic is a little extreme compared to the speed of the boat. the acceleration due to the puff was a little much
* spinnakers. but i see the controls for them, so maybe it's already in the works
I haven't tried multiplayer, but i think it would be really cool to do big boat racing with a couple friends, each taking a station
Overall, I have really high hopes and praise for the game in the future
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | MarineVerse |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 82% положительных (83) |