

Steam Store

Разработчик: Monte Cristo

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Silverfall, когда-то славный город, находится в волшебном Королевстве Nelwë, где силы Технологии и Природы упорно противостоят друг другу. Признаки этого жуткого конфликта начали проявляться в слиянии кибербиологических организмов и живых роботов на паровом ходу.
Проведите вашего героя из низов этого мира и превратите в могучего чемпиона, который сможет противостоять Системе Небытия, душащей планету. Вам предоставлена свобода развиваться по технологическому или духовному пути. Вам стоит мудро выбирать компаньонов, чтобы предоставить вашим усилиям баланс и выгоду — но будьте внимательны, любой уклон в ваших решениях либо испортит, либо улучшит растущий вокруг вас мир.
  • Создавайте и изменяйте вашего героя (лицо, пол, кожа, волосы...) из четырёх рас Nelwë (люди, эльфы, гоблины и тролли).
  • Ваш герой совершенствуется без лимитов классов и в его распоряжении имеются более чем 130 умений и магических заклинаний.
  • Свободно исследуйте великолепный и необозримый фэнтезийный мир!
  • От парящего города Cloudworks, до вулканических пейзажей города Blazis.
  • Революционные исполнения света и тени сочетаются с реалистичным физическим движком, который обеспечивает невиданную детализацию атмосферы и специальные эффекты.
  • Возможность игры до 8 игроков в многопользовательском режиме через локальную сеть, либо по сети интернет, возможность командной или дуэльной игры.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, italian, spanish - spain

Системные требования


  • Windows® XP
  • Intel Pentium 4 2.8 ГГц или AMD Athlon XP +2800 или выше
  • 512 МБ ОЗУ
  • ATI Radeon 9800 256 МБ видеопамяти или Nvidia 6600 GT с 256 МБ видеопамяти или лучше
  • Звуковая карта, совместимая с DirectX 9.0c
  • DirectX® 9.0c
  • Сетевое подключение (только для сетевых игр)
  • 10 ГБ свободного пространства на жестком диске
  • Intel Pentium 4 3 ГГц или AMD Athlon XP +3000
  • 1 ГБ ОЗУ
  • 256 МБ ATI Radeon X850 или Nvidia GeForce 6800GT

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 09.11.2024 18:01
0 0

Short review after finishing the game. Sadly i cannot recommend this game as its simply bad and there are far better options out there, even older games.

- Beatiful hub cities/camps, like clockwork city
- 2 sides of proggression nature or technology, you cant have both and you get a skill tree and specific weapons and armors pursuing one of the sides which gives you some customization and replayability
- Decent skill system allowing you different playstyles

- Horrible maps, basicly oversized empty maps with 3 to 4 sized group of monsters with not much variety
- Monsters lv up with you to a certain extent making proggresion seem empty
- Bad loot system, when loot drops its only indicated by a smoke, when you kill a big monsters beacuse of its big corpse you cant see your loot unless you scan every pixel at that location or wait for it to despawn
- Horrible main story and sidequests, looks like someone mashed different child plots togheter without proper tone or story proggresion
- If you die your companions also magicly die even if full health...

Can only recommend to bizzare rpg enjoyers.

Время в игре: 975 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 22.10.2024 06:11
2 0

[quote]Warning: Broken Game!
This game has design/implementation defects that will render this unplayable for many gamers. The game doesn't work on modern builds of Windows 10/11, requiring dependencies like legacy versions of PhysX and other components the developer refuses to supply with the game, despite knowing the game doesn't work without them, by design.[/quote]

Silverfall is an ancient and broken game from 2007. It's a whopping 17 years old at the time of this review. The game lacks support for any modern gaming display resolutions (or widescreen monitors), hasn't been modernised or updated to run smoothly on modern gaming PCs. Despite this lack of modernisation, it carries a pretty high price tag for such an ancient game. This seems to have been put on Steam as a nostalgia gouge, or just a cash grab to try profit from abandonware.

The game itself is broken, and if you could get it to work, you'd find it's just a mediocre ripoff of successful ARPGs like Diablo/Path of Exile/Torchlight. The key difference is that those games work properly and this one doesn't. The game was highly derivative, clunky, and repetitive... not even close to being a good representative of the genre. And now, it's abandoned by the developer who refuses to maintain their software, and yet has no qualms about trying to get gamers to pay them for it anyway.

On the upside, the game does feature customisable controls and resolution, so at least some of the basic, minimum requirements have been met. Unfortunately there's a number of other technical defects and shortcomings which contribute to the game being difficult to recommend to gamers.

These technical defects push this game below acceptable standards for any modern PC game.

The game never really caught on with the millions of gamers on Steam, with a very low peak player count close to launch, and then just a handful of players launching this game every couple of days. This is undoubtedly caused by factors such as those raised in this review. It's always helpful with buying decisions to consider how popular and successful the product is, and unfortunately while this did accumulate a few participation trophy reviews, overall, people just aren't using it.

Unethically, the developers have left this on the Steam store in an unplayable and broken state. It's the responsibility of the developer to maintain their product, ensure it runs on all modern PCs, or if they determine there's defects and the game doesn't work, they should remove it from sale instead of misleadingly trying to scam gamers into buying knowingly defective products.

This is harmful to Steam and to gamers, not just because it's a direct and intentional attempt to scam people, but because it takes a share of the marketing space and visibility away from other games. It's polluting Steam and making it harder for gamers to find genuine games and for genuine indie developers who put months or years into making proper games find an audience.

So, should you buy this game? Is this one of the best of the 100,000+ games on Steam?

The developer is deliberately and unethically trying to scam gamers into paying them the utterly unrealistic price of $5 USD for a game they know is broken. Don't give it to them.

For comparison, the $5 asking price for this game could get you games like "Warhammer: Vermintide 2", "Mass Effect 3" or "Left 4 Dead 2". Quality, professionally made games like those are frequently on sale cheaper than this.

Время в игре: 115 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 15.10.2024 16:55
0 0

dont do it

Время в игре: 85 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 15.08.2024 00:26
1 1


Время в игре: 1325 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.06.2024 22:10
3 3

6 out of 5 stars! Recommend! Packed full of flavor and easy to digest. I ate mine in less than 30 hours, then I pooped out this review.

Время в игре: 275 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Monte Cristo
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 13.03.2025
Metacritic 62
Отзывы пользователей 47% положительных (70)

Отзывы пользователей

33 положительных и 37 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 10.03.2025 08:45




Single-player Family Sharing