Please be aware that if your screen resolution is less than 2560x1440, the images in the program will be scaled down. Even though they will be exported in their original resolution without scaling.
The program is mainly used by role players who would like to illustrate their player and non-player characters, but don't have the resources to create or buy many uniqe characters that fit their needs. The option to save the images as tokens or cards even reduces the work needs to be taken to use the pictures for real.
Utilizing the program as an indie game developer unlocks the possibilities of endless character stream in our users products as well. They are often used for character portraits and to display visually appealing friend and enemy units. With very little effort, complete game scenes can be created.
The generated images are a good source for writers to illustrate their characters, for artists, who compose them in completely unique environment, for designers to represent the characteristics of their ideas, just to mention a couple of good examples where the program is being used.
The program comes with 4 demo packages with limited content for free to start with. If you like the idea and find it useful, you can purchase addition packages later to match your needs.