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Разработчик: Krita Team

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Krita — это мощное приложение для цифровой живописи и анимации, предназначенное для иллюстраторов, дизайнеров, создателей комиксов, аниматоров, игровых художников и многих других. Оно используется во всем мире художниками любого уровня: от абсолютных новичков до опытных профессионалов.

Krita отличается тем, что у нее полностью открытый исходный код и она совершенствуется при поддержке самих пользователей. Это означает, что она разрабатывается прозрачно, совместно с глобальным сообществом художников-волонтеров и программистов, которые работают вместе над созданием отличного инструмента для всех. Здесь нет кодов активации, нет обязательной платы за подписку или других способов монетизации, ограничивающих функционал программы, потому что Krita принадлежит всем нам, членам сообщества цифрового искусства, и мы можем свободно использовать и модифицировать её.

Уникальная модель разработки Krita стала возможной только благодаря поддержке наших пользователей, и совершая покупку через Steam, вы будете напрямую поддерживать дальнейшую разработку Krita. Более того, покупка Krita через Steam также предоставляет удобство простой установки на все поддерживаемые устройства и автоматическое обновление при каждом выпуске новой версии.

Наконец, поскольку Krita — это проект с открытым исходным кодом, управляемый сообществом, у вас всегда будет полный доступ и права на загрузку и изменение исходного кода Krita; независимо от того, хотите ли вы изменить его для личного использования или сотрудничать с сообществом, чтобы сделать Krita лучше для всех. Вы также можете бесплатно скачать Krita с веб-сайта Krita Foundation (разумеется, без каких-либо преимуществ владения через Steam). Мы считаем, что для создания мощного инструмента для художников во всём мире, он должен быть не только с открытым исходным кодом, но и доступен как можно большему числу людей, независимо от их положения и ресурсов. Если Вы не можете позволить себе Krita или всё ещё не уверены в покупке, мы рекомендуем вам сначала попробовать её, а затем поддержать нас, если сможете, и только потому, что вы этого хотите.

Действительно, нет предела тому, чем может стать Krita, если мы будем работать сообща!

Основные характеристики

Мощные движки для работы с кистями
Более десятка различных движков для кистей, поддерживающих чувствительность к нажатию, наклону, вращению и другие функции современных графических планшетов. Стандартные кисти, кисти с маскировкой текстур, кисти для смешивания цветов, кисти-клоны, кисти-фильтры и многое другое! Каждую из них можно превратить в ластик или использовать любой из различных режимов наложения. В Krita входит более сотни стандартных кистей, тщательно разработанных профессиональными художниками, и еще больше кистей доступно в онлайн-сообществе.

(Original artwork provided by Emmet O'Neill. All rights reserved by owner.)

Рисование с эффектом погружения
Уникальная всплывающая палитра Krita и режим “отображать только холст” позволяют скрыть практически весь пользовательский интерфейс и погрузиться в работу с картинками, используя выбранный набор кистей, возможность менять цвета мазков, настройку холста и кистей прямо на кнопке вашего пера.

(Original artwork provided by Ramón Miranda. All rights reserved by owner.)

Рисование на слоях
Панель слоев Krita поддерживает огромное количество различных слоев и масок, а также различные режимы наложения и эффекты, позволяющие объединить их все вместе.

- Слои рисования, групповые слои, слои фильтров, векторные слои, слои-клоны, слои-файлы и слои заливки (с несколькими типами заливки, включая программируемые шаблоны с использованием SeExpr).
- Маски прозрачности, маски фильтров, маски преобразования, маски раскрашивания (которые автоматически заполняют линейное изображение плоскими цветами) и маски локального выделения.
- Эффекты слоев.
- Режим альфа-наследование для послойной работы без выхода за рамки изображения.
- Сквозной режим для групповых слоев для совместимости с другим программным обеспечением.
- Неразрушающее редактирование изображения и неограниченная вложенность слоев.

(Original artwork provided by Ramón Miranda. All rights reserved by owner.)

Инструменты трансформирования

Инструменты трансформации Krita поддерживают всё - от стандартного перемещения, масштабирования и поворота до расширенных преобразований перспективы, деформации, пластики и преобразования сетки.

(Modification of original artwork by David Revoy, licensed under CC-BY.)

Создание анимации

Krita также поставляется с множеством полезных инструментов для традиционной покадровой 2D-анимации и раскадровки с временной шкалой и световым столом (полупрозрачной калькой предыдущего кадра).

(Original artwork and animation provided by Emmet O'Neill. All rights reserved by owner.)

Инструмент с различными линейками

Инструмент с различными линейками поможет вам рисовать даже самые сложные объекты, используя линейки для линейной перспективы, кривых, эллипсов и различных видов прямых линий.

Настраиваемый “магнетизм” кисти сохранит аккуратность ваших рисунков, а встроенный стабилизатор кисти Krita сделает ваши мазки гладкими и уверенными.

(Modification of original artwork by David Revoy, licensed under CC-BY.)

И даже больше!

- Мощный инструмент заливки.
- Режим мгновенного наложения для облегчения создания бесшовных текстур и композиций с повторяющимися картинками.
- Галерея фильтров с возможностью просмотра в режиме реального времени. Вы можете использовать любой фильтр в качестве слоя эффекта или маски для неразрушающих рабочих процессов.
- Инструмент мульти-кисть с различными настройками, позволяющий рисовать любой кистью с идеальной радиальной симметрией.
- Редактор градиентов.
- Расширенное управление настройками кистей, градиентов, скриптов SeExpr, масок гаммы, палитр, стилей слоев и многого другого.
- Множество вариантов выбора цвета, включая встроенные градиенты и маски гаммы.
- Несколько типов слоев заливки, включая сплошной цвет, шум, узор, градиент, тон экрана, геометрические фигуры в многосеточном режиме и даже программируемые узоры с использованием языка сценариев SeExpr.
- Стабилизатор для инструмента “Кисть” и несколько типов инструментов рисования, таких как инструмент “Контур от руки” или инструмент “Динамическая кисть” для удобного рисования.
- Более пятиста фильтров G’MIC.
- Рабочий процесс с полным управлением цветовых моделей.
- Поддерживает широкий спектр цветовых моделей: RGB, CMYK, YCbCr, L*a*b*, XYZ, Grayscale.
- Поддерживает широкий спектр форматов файлов сторонних производителей: ORA (MyPaint), xcf (GIMP), JPEG, PNG, TGA, TIFF, BMP, PPM, PGM, PBM, XBM, SVG, WMF, GIF, EXR, HEIC, HEIF, WEBP, частичная поддержка PSD (Photoshop).
- Полностью открытый исходный код (C++, с лицензией GPL) и возможность написания скриптов (Python).
- Отличное онлайн-руководство и фантастическое, растущее сообщество.

Если у вас остались вопросы, или понадобилась помощь, не стесняйтесь обращаться в раздел поддержки форума сообщества Krita-Artists за официальной поддержкой и советами сообщества. (И пока вы там, почему бы вам не представиться и не продемонстрировать свои работы?)

Хотите принять участие в проекте Krita? Обязательно загляните на нашу страницу "get involved " на веб-сайте Krita, чтобы узнать с чего начать.

Добро пожаловать в сообщество Krita.

Получайте удовольствие создавая ваши уникальные произведения искусства!

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, arabic, czech, danish, dutch, finnish, greek, hungarian, japanese, korean, norwegian, polish, portuguese - portugal, portuguese - brazil, romanian, russian, simplified chinese, swedish, thai, turkish, traditional chinese

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 8.1
  • Процессор: 1.6 Ghz Dual-core CPU
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 1 GB
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: >4.0 GHz Quad-core CPU
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Modern GPU capable of running latest Vulkan or Direct3D.
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Место на диске: 15 GB
  • Дополнительно: As much system/video memory as possible for large images and animations. Fast CPU and GPU for best performance. Drawing tablet recommended.


  • ОС: macOS 10.14
  • Процессор: 1.6 Ghz Dual-core CPU
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 1 GB
  • Процессор: >4.0 GHz Quad-core CPU
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Modern GPU capable of running latest Vulkan or Direct3D.
  • Место на диске: 15 GB
  • Дополнительно: As much system/video memory as possible for large images and animations. Fast CPU and GPU for best performance. Drawing tablet recommended.


  • Процессор: 1.6 Ghz Dual-core CPU
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 1 GB
  • ОС: A currently supported Linux distribution
  • Процессор: >4.0 GHz Quad-core CPU
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Modern GPU capable of running latest Vulkan or Direct3D.
  • Место на диске: 15 GB
  • Дополнительно: As much system/video memory as possible for large images and animations. Fast CPU and GPU for best performance. Drawing tablet recommended.

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 02.03.2025 18:09
0 0

I can't brush aside that Krita makes me more productive than any other drawing software and I don't even know why. After two decades of the GIMP and Inkscape, a few years of Affinity, a few years of the Adobe suite, a little bit of Corel Paint, and a bunch of other tools, I'm now firmly set on Krita as it is the best compromise between open source (meaning I can open my files years from now - yay?) and a valuable painting/sketching/drawing repertoire with a great usability.

Although Krita is free to download (I'm using Linux currently but used Windows before that - Krita works great together with Wacom on both OS), I'm happily paying this tiny bit to support Krita development. Keep on painting!

Время в игре: 148 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.02.2025 04:25
0 0

great brush engine.

the control's are definietly different from other drawing software, but if you give yourself time to adjust, your workflow will be fast compared to other software.

i bought krita after i tried the free software on their website for a few month, you should give it a shot and see if you like it too

Время в игре: 234056 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.02.2025 22:00
3 0

I only bought it to support the company; I had been using the free one for years. easy-to-use drawing software that has lots of tools for creating art. It's a great choice for both beginners and experienced artists because of its helpful features ♡

Время в игре: 917 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.02.2025 10:30
0 0

it really has that open-source stank (random bugs, overall user unfriendliness), but its pros slightly overweigh its cons for me. hopefully it gets worked on further and it becomes the godot/obs/blender of 2d digital painting/animation

Время в игре: 790 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.02.2025 09:16
0 0

I had used the free version MANY years ago during high school and I'm really glad Im now able to support them as an adult with money. Had to re-learn some of the basics (thank god for the guide) and not too much different from other programs I have used in the past (ibispaint, Photoshop). I've mainly been using this program for "photoshop" purposes and to touch up my art here and there. Pretty simple to use once you get use to where things are.

Время в игре: 950 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.02.2025 21:35
1 0

it's free to use and open source, and has all the features one could ask for 😍

Время в игре: 462 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.02.2025 16:34
2 0

Great program. Nice UI, easy to use, one-time payment, Linux support, nice set of default brushes with tons more you can find online. What more could you want?

I still can't draw worth a damn though. 💀

Время в игре: 3657 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.02.2025 13:42
5 0

1000 hours in and I have yet to know the full potential of the software. Krita is just good, it's highly customisable, be it the dockers you want to edit or create your own custom brushes. I personally like the the small round UI thing when you press right click on your mouse, it pretty handy when you set one of your pen buttons (I am using the Wacom Intuos Medium) to the right click button, in it, you have a built-in colour wheel and brush selection section based on your favourite.

Время в игре: 63684 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.02.2025 05:10
0 0

yes i know it says i've only used it for like 2 minutes at the time of writing, thats because i just recently got around to paying for the software, most of my use time up until now has been through the version downloaded directly from their site and not through steam.

I've used some other programs before but my favorite so far has been krita, its been my drawing software of choice for 3 years now so it was about time i contributed something to it.

in my experience it crashes very little (only about 5 times i remember in my 3 years), its very easy to pick up and has all the things you need and expect from a drawing program in 2025.

Время в игре: 18 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.02.2025 23:18
2 0

Pretty darn good program especially for ten buckaroos

Время в игре: 5 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.02.2025 12:00
2 0

I don't even use the Steam version of Krita. I bought it just as a way to support the Devs. That said, the Steam version gets the same attention that the other main versions of Krita get, so if you want to let Valve keep it fairly up to date for you, by all means do so! Saw it in the software list as I was setting up this new PC and realized I had forgotten to review it.

Usable with a mouse! Some of these applications are *not* and that is worth noting when my used XP Pen monitor was $300 if I recall. But Krita shines when running a graphics tablet, especially those graphics tablets that also serve as secondary displays (such as my XP Pen) or 2-in-1 laptops with Pen support (like basically every laptop I've had over the last decade because I love fragile hinges and hideous battery life :P).

Given this, I've installed this on basically everything. It runs on... well basically everything. That noted, it performs MUCH better on something with a dedicated GPU, you need to keep your whole display in VRAM, plus every visible layer in it's own buffer in VRAM, then manipulate them with shader routines... It is a lot to ask of a used business laptop meant for taking notes. Forgive ANY art software a bit of choppiness on such devices, but Krita is more usable than many apps on modest hardware. Throw a cheap discreet GPU and a basic tablet monitor at it though and it's happy working with 4K canvases.

Linux? yep, native. Windows? Yep, Used both and there's parity there, so if you're a windows user who decides to take the plunge this is one piece of software that'll be identical (more than can be said for your tablet monitor's software itself).

Some art software aims to emulate brush/pen and canvas as closely as possible, some aims to fully embrace digital art being different, Krita sits in the middle and has tools to do either approach. It has most every feature you'd want: Tablet features like pen pressure and angle (if the tablet has those), Multi-point Touch (again, if your tablet has it, mine does not sadly), brushes, layers, paint behavior simulation to some extent, masks, color and blending tools, some alignment/measuring aids and I seem to recall stumbling ino a perspective tool in there too somewhere last time I had a chance to draw something. It's not MEANT for photo-editing, but I've used it for such once or twice because I don't have Photoshop and Gimp is far less user friendly.

All in all, just a REALLY good peice of free software that you have the option to pay for. I suspect half the folks who have it on steam bought it just to help support the project.

Время в игре: 2917 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.02.2025 22:48
0 0

I'm new to drawing but it worked well with my new drawing tablet and I had a good bit of fun with it. Seems feature rich, I have yet to explore much of it but I think it was well worth the price.

Время в игре: 525 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.02.2025 20:00
1 0

my most sincere apologies, trees, know that you havent been felled in vain,
my physical drawings from the before time will be cherished for many moons to come.
but rest assured i now need no more of your sacrifice until the need arises for a coffin of my own.

full send on the recommend.

Время в игре: 3858 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.02.2025 10:33
1 0

I started digital drawing with Krita and so far over the years it has been reliable and accessible. I finally bought it to show my thanks and support and to record my hours. Would definitely recommend to my friends.

Время в игре: 4868 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.02.2025 11:59
1 0

By far the best open source free drawing and painting software in my opinion. I paid for Krita on steam as a way to help support it's development. As a game developer I use this almost every week to do the art for my games and thumbnails. Thank you Krita team for this wonderful tool.

Время в игре: 40271 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.02.2025 18:30
0 0

One of the very few cases of where I wanted to cough up some money for a piece of software that is awailable fully for free. Even then, the price is laughably small, considering the package you're getting.
Before Krita I used CSP and wanted to buy their license, but they decided to switch to the subscription model which is no bueno. Krita has more functions than I know what to do with, it's just as powerful and works great. Please, show your support to the devs, they absolutely deserved it

Время в игре: 9703 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.02.2025 02:20
0 0

i had this for a day or 2 and it crash and i could not reopen it on the the website version and even on the steam is broken. I say it is good but wish they fix the crash.

Время в игре: 8 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2025 11:49
0 0

ive used krita since i started my digital art journey.
i started in 2020 its been 5 years and krita has been special for me. i decided to buy the steam version and i would reccoment krita to everyone even if you dont have money you can downlaod it for free. its beginner friendly but its also advance for more expereinced artis.
krita is truly one of a kind.

Время в игре: 486 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.02.2025 02:06
3 0

I'm still a beginner with digital art at the time of me writing this review, but I've messed around with enough art programs and can confidently say the only one I've felt that really suits me and is easy to use while still being capable of meeting high standards is Krita. I've used the free version for many more hours than my steam profile displays and never once have I thought of using something else. I even like it so much I wanted to pay for it. So if you're considering a digital art software to use, I definitely recommend Krita. And consider supporting the devs! They deserve it.

Время в игре: 611 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.02.2025 01:51
2 0

Best free drawing program you can find so i was happy to pay for it on Steam for the automatic updates. Has all the tools you need for digital painting and drawing and is pretty decent for animating as well. Has been really stable for me and it has an autosave feature even if you do get the rare crash. Only downside is that it doesn't have as many free brushes as something like Clip Studio Paint or Photoshop but i have found ones that I like. Mainly David Revoys (deevad) bundle. I actually use this over the paid programs because some of tools like rotating the canvas simply feels better in Krita (and at this point i'm too used to its hotkeys).

Время в игре: 1050658 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.02.2025 23:38
0 0

One of the best art programs I have ever used. Well worth paying for it via Steam if you can both to support the devs and to get updates automatically when they're available! Love love LOVE this app :)

Время в игре: 19549 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.02.2025 20:09
5 0

I love Krita but you should instead donate on the main website at because Steam takes a 30% cut. However, if you want the latest stable version of Krita this is your best option, on Arch Linux I had two instances of an update corrupting my work (most likely user error, and thankfully I keep backups but I'm not taking chances again).

Время в игре: 405 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.02.2025 14:34
2 0

Best program to make your own first art. Very easy to use, very cheap to buy and I recommended to people who is new to this.

Время в игре: 314 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.01.2025 21:39
0 0

Favorite art software I've ever used, have been messing with it since I first got a drawing tablet. The Steam version is more of a donation to the developers with the added bonus of automatic updates, if you cant afford this wonderful program at the moment or need a taste test before you pay up, go to the official site on your browser of choice and download it from there.

It supports every OS, so if you're crossing over to Linux and need a Clip Studio alternative, I highly recommend Krita to anyone willing to take it for a spin!

The UI will seem a bit confusing at first but once it clicks this software REALLY clicks, if you're going for a specific use out of Krita try checking the preset workspaces the application offers by clicking the "Window" button on the top of your screen and hovering over "Workspaces" and peek the different setups you can use. If you need something more custom, go to "Settings" and hover over "Dockers" and create a workspace that works best for you.

Enjoy! Hopefully this art application can serve you well!

Время в игре: 1054 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.01.2025 19:13
0 0

Probably the best program for the price. It is available for free online, but I opted to buy it years ago when I got my first drawing tablet for the benefit of automatic updates (and supporting the devs). Rebinding hotkeys and arranging your workspace how you want it is kind of a pain, and many of the hotkeys are not intuitive or similar to other programs.

Время в игре: 179865 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.01.2025 16:16
0 0

This is my favorite application for doing art. It's so inexpensive for what it offers! I've used many other drawing/painting/illustration apps including some very expensive ones (for work - I can't afford those), and I've yet to find one I like better than Krita for freehand drawing and painting. There can be some weirdness with different tablets, pen displays, and pens, especially around pressure sensitivity, but the Krita community is huge and helpful - I've always been able to find an answer to fix whatever issue I'm having. And I've used Krita with a Huion, a Veikk, and a Lenovo Yoga. I love this application.

Время в игре: 15870 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.01.2025 11:38
0 0

Does its job and more. Love it to heck and back.
But a tip for new users is that i'ts gonna need a little bit of customization first before you could REALY start to use it.

Время в игре: 2108 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.01.2025 05:21
1 0

People really think of Krita as a low quality option just because it's free. The reality is that it is comparable to professional drawing programs like clip studio paint or photoshop.
I have used both and I prefer krita.

Photoshop beats krita and csp in every way except its price. Let's say photoshop is 10/10 excluding the price.

Clip studio paint has an asset store which is very handy, it has brush compatibility with photoshop and itself (the majority of brushes are made for those two, they aren't compatible with krita).
The brush engine is horrible, it lags a ton compared to photoshop or krita, that is a huge down if you are a painter, but not noticeable if you prefer to do lineart stuff or use low resolutions. Let's say csp is an 8/10.

The most I miss in krita is the brush compatibility, it has everything else the other programs have. The only problem is that it often works in a different way and thus is a harder experience for newcomers or people that migrate from other software. I would give Krita a 7.5/10.

I still prefer krita over clip studio just because its brush engine doesn't suck ass and it allows for more painterly artwork, so krita is an 8 for me.
That's everything I can write, I hope you use krita, since it's free and really good.

Время в игре: 1911 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.01.2025 21:26
2 0

Simply Put

* Supports multiple file formats, including PSD.
* Tools that let you add details and textures.
* Advanced layers, masks, and blending modes for non-destructive editing.
* Automatic updates if you buy it on Steam. It's free on their website without automatic updates.

Время в игре: 153 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.01.2025 19:15
0 0

literally photoshop, this is a steal, well technically its also free but the paid version runs better for various things so buy it trust me it made my life better

Время в игре: 2823 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2025 10:07
0 0

I used the free version for a long time but decided to support developers because it was affordable enough.

In the past i used PS but i never felt comfortable enough with that programm, it never felt like i can build a space that fits my own needs. I started to search for alternatives, and when i first saw Krita i thought "no way a free programm could be better than what i use" so i skipped it. But, fortunately, i ended up cornered and turned to Krita.

Oh how mistaken i was! For me Krita is so much better than PS and SAI, i feel all my needs met there. Diverse brush engines allow me to switch my styles, use different workflows. Three steps in PS can be one and easy step in Krita.

Animation is one more wow for me. Im not an animator but sometimes like to mess around with it, and in Krita it's so easy to set up and start finally doing something rather than tweaking endless settings.

Overall, if you're an artist or maybe an animator, Krita will seem as powerfull and grand as PS, but when you work with it a bit you will find out that this is something that was built exactly for you and has everything you expect.

P.S.: it's open source so you can always make a version of Krita that you like

Время в игре: 1772 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.01.2025 17:59
0 0

Get the free version off their site before getting this, Its the same thing just a dark-mode and sometimes extra brushes :) <3!

Время в игре: 148148 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.01.2025 18:53
0 0

Krita is one of the best tools available for creating art, even though its free i was happy to buy here for auto updates and to support the creators!
Outside of steam i must have 100s of hours, cant wait to get that here as well!

Время в игре: 2118 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.01.2025 16:01
0 0

I tried this as an alternative to other apps I've used, I honestly can't recommend it. The GUI is frankly frustrating and the tools do not work with my drawing tablet despite them working just fine on other apps.

Время в игре: 15 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.01.2025 04:31
0 0

Great, cheap (free actually if you download the non-steam version), and amazing replacement for Photoshop, and even though it's mainly advertised as a "digital painting" program, I find that it also works great for making YouTube thumbnails, album covers for my music, etc. and other forms of photo editing.

Время в игре: 4141 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.01.2025 01:00
0 0

im so use to this that whenever im in mspaint, i try to use it has fucking krita like a fucking idiot.
but this is pretty good, i like blending colors & this gets the job done.

Время в игре: 2612 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.01.2025 20:44
0 0

I've been using krita for 6 years now, decided to buy it to track my hours but also support the devs. I recommend it more than ever if you're into drawing ofc, editing, animation, montage, it's really good.
Krita is not far from Photoshop when it comes to the interface, tools or quality, if you're on a tight budget or need to work on Photoshop for your work but too used to Krita you would never have any issues.

Время в игре: 343 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.01.2025 19:23
1 0

Been using Krita for more than 10 years already. Donated a few times. Bought it here to support the creators - also having it on Steam is neat. Krita is awesome!

Время в игре: 27 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.01.2025 21:01
0 0

There's no difference between the Steam version and the version that's free on Krita's website, but they provide a good product for free, so it's good to support the developers, and they don't do anything scummy or steal your work. Definitely a better option to buy this than to hand Adobe a small fortune just so that they can scrape your art for their scummy AI.

Время в игре: 336 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.01.2025 17:52
0 0

After using Krita for a long time as a free software, I decided to buy it on steam to support the development and developers, Krita is a great software for illustration and has many free resources. 9/10

Время в игре: 1052 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.01.2025 05:46
0 1

I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita. I love krita.

Время в игре: 16 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.01.2025 06:16
7 0

Krita Review – 56 Hours In

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

After 56 hours with Krita on Steam, I can confidently say this is one of the best digital art tools out there—and grabbing it on Steam is a great way to support the team behind this incredible open-source project. For €9.75, you’re not just getting fantastic software; you’re helping the developers continue to refine and expand it.


Interface – Artist-Friendly and Intuitive

The interface is clean, highly customizable, and packed with tools that make it ideal for both beginners and experienced artists. It’s perfect for sketching, digital painting, or even creating animations.


Features – Packed with Possibilities

Krita comes with an impressive array of features: a versatile brush engine, advanced layering options, animation tools, and more. Whether you’re creating concept art, illustrations, or storyboards, Krita has you covered. The Steam version doesn’t add extra features compared to the standalone version, but purchasing it is a great way to give back to the developers.


Highlights – Why It’s Worth Supporting

✔️ A powerful, professional-grade art program that’s beginner-friendly.
✔️ Open-source and constantly updated by a dedicated team.
✔️ Steam Cloud support for syncing settings across devices.
✔️ An affordable price that helps support the developers.


Cons – Small Trade-offs

❌ No added functionality compared to the free standalone version.
❌ The sheer depth of features might feel overwhelming for newcomers.
❌ No Workshop support for easy downloads of brushes and resources.


Final Thoughts – Worth Every Cent

Krita on Steam is a fantastic way to support the team behind this amazing tool while getting all the features of a professional-grade art program. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, Krita is a must-have for digital art enthusiasts.

Recommended for digital artists who want powerful tools at an affordable price and wish to support the continued development of an outstanding project!

Deelt wrote:

If you found this review helpful, please give it a like or an award! Thanks for reading, and happy creating!

Время в игре: 3410 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.01.2025 14:09
2 0

Nice game, waiting more DLC and workshop contents :p

Время в игре: 345 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.01.2025 06:55
7 0

Steam version is buggy, if you want to support the developers just donate and download the free version from their website.

Время в игре: 26 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.01.2025 21:46
1 0

doesn't crash like Photoshop. Animation is pretty easy too.

Время в игре: 5548 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.01.2025 16:46
2 0

After years of using tools like GIMP, this is definitely worth it for all things digital art related!

Время в игре: 199 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.01.2025 08:51
1 0

Best Drawing software you can get UI is easy to remember would recommend the price is worth to have on steam

Время в игре: 114 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.01.2025 08:04
3 5

The community tab provides concrete proof that there are people both more talented, and hornier, than I ever hope to be.

Время в игре: 758 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.01.2025 17:40
7 2

this is a pretty neat art program for what it's got (initially free too, though worth of buying if only to support devs :D)
i personally still have some difficulty transitioning from csp/sai as of now for krita feels somewhat oversaturated (?) in comparison to these two (45hrs in); the only major thing that makes me immensely frustrated at times is the way hotkeys work (weirdly complicated unless you customize them to your liking and you also can't really hold down a key to change the tool temporarily like other programms), it hinders my work speed greatly but you just get used to that kinda stuff over time. variety of brushes and tools just sells it for me (and i also have an unhealthy obsession for tracking my hours spent using any software so owning it here on steam also checks that out lol)
i love drawing albert wesker from hit game franchise malicious citizens getting rammed by my oc every day of the week!

Время в игре: 2727 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.01.2025 06:23
0 0

I love how customized the whole setup is. It feels as if everything can be changed and tempered perfect to my drawing needs. It takes some getting used to, but as someone coming from Clip Studio, I definitely can recommend this software as a fine addition to any artists art-senal.

Время в игре: 167 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Krita Team
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 96% положительных (2240)

Отзывы пользователей

2,155 положительных и 85 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 05.03.2025 07:12


Indie Animation & Modeling Design & Illustration Photo Editing

