Разработчик: Submersivo Game Studio
Ключевые особенности:
•Лесной лабиринт, в котором Вам необходимо убежать от зверя
•Откройте для себя глубокий сюжет новой ужасной легенды
•Необычное и редко встречающееся в играх эстетическое окружение
•Качественно подобранный хоррор-саундтрек
•Интригующие загадки, требующие не только беготни
•Альтернативные концовки, зависящие от Вашего прохождения
•Секреты и пасхалки
•Несколько отсылок к классическим играм и фильмам ужасов
Игра разработана в качестве выпускной работы по направлению подготовки “Визуальные Искусства” в Федеральном Университете Пиауи (UFPI).
Поддерживаемые языки: english, italian, portuguese - brazil, russian, german, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows XP SP2+
- Процессор: 2GHz (Single Core) or 1,8GHz (Dual Core)
- Оперативная память: 1536 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 2.0 compatible with 256 MB RAM
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 380 MB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.8+
- Процессор: 2 GHz (Dual Core) Intel
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 380 MB
Отзывы пользователей
Neat point & click game. Check it out. Not that scary but it's story is good, while it's short, it was fun to go through.
This feels like a random flash game you'd find on Newgrounds in the early 2000's, and that's a compliment. The elements of a good game (plot, spookiness, puzzles) are all present, but it's a very minimalist, stripped-down version of the more fleshed-out games you can find elsewhere on Steam. Yeah, it's short. Yeah, it's got plenty of typos/grammar mistakes. But hey, I played it all the way through and had a pretty good time with it, so I got my dollar's worth on this one.
This probably won't be your new favorite game, you'll probably forget it after about a week, but for the 60-90 minutes you're playing it, you'll enjoy yourself.
An interesting little game based on a Brazilian legend. The graphics are well done, and the story is interesting. The maze is annoying but tolerable. I enjoyed unlocking the different endings. Overall not a bad indie.
The lack of polish and finesse make the game frustrating and tiring to play. Things are generally not well visually communicated, which, combined with the rather flat art style, makes for a lot of just clicking around with little expectation or feed back. If the art was especially or compelling or the story immediately striking, I might have stuck through past the jank, but as it was, it just didn't seem worth it.
This game is short and not very creepy but it's good. Navigating through the maze is a huge pain in the $$$.
There are multiple endings and exploring each ending was entertaining. Worth killing some time.
Short point and click adventure, where you end up in a maze (which is not that big at all) while being chased by a monster you can easily outrun. Finding some itmes and solving one minor puzzle.
And that is all there to it, there is some replay value (achievements and endings).
So at a low price you could kill some time with it.
The Last NightMary is a horror point and click adventure where you try to escape a beast trying to kill you.
You play as Maria. She is back in her hometown to visit her ill mother, but finds herself at the center of a local curse, where a mythical beast Crispim is trying to kill 7 virgins by the name of Mary.
The story itself is rather interesting and the notes you find throughout the game give fairly nice depth for the story, but it doesn't explore the mythology as much as I wanted it to, so it's definitely pretty disappointing.
The game is hand drawn and I love the art style. The environments are well drawn, even though most of it looks the same. You mostly go through tall grass fields and rarely see any other environments. The two other places you visit is a river side and an abandoned house.
I liked the hand drawn art style, but I wish there was more variety in the environments, cause going through the tall grass mazes constantly gets rather tedious, because as I said, all of it looks pretty much the same.
This is where my biggest gripe with the game begins. The music in the game is royalty free and is pretty much used in every low budget indie horror game I've played and every time I hear it, I instantly roll my eyes, because of how much it's overused.
Other sound effects at least help build a nice atmosphere, like the river running, crickets chirping from time to the time. Also the game has voice acting, but it's in portuguese so I can't comment on how good it is, but from the people I talk to say the voice acting is pretty bad.
The Last NightMary is a point and click adventure game, where you go around collect items and use them somewhere else to solve puzzles. It's all really basic stuff and there's nothing really special about this game.
But the puzzle and overall game design is a mixed bag. First the puzzles range in difficulty from really easy, to kind of stupid. Most of the puzzles basically give you the answer on what you have to do, like coming across a hole and the main character will say something like ''I need a shovel''. But a few other puzzles are kind of hard to understand and become slightly difficult.
Another problem is the before mentioned tall grass maze. You begin the game in this maze and all of it looks the same and you have to go around and click on it wildly to navigate it. It's possible to learn the routes to the different locations, but it takes some time because there's a lot of ground to cover.
Also let's talk about the main guy Crispim. He sometimes pops up randomly and tries to kill you, but it's so easy to avoid him, he becomes more of an annoyance because he sometimes forces you off the trail you wanted to take.
The Last NightMary is ok at best. There's nothing really special about this game and a lot of is actually pretty bland. The puzzles aren't well designed and the grass maze is annoying. But the story is interesting and there's multiple endings to get and the atmosphere is pretty decent. Overall on a sale, I suggest giving this game a shot.
+ Atmosphere is pretty good
+ Story is pretty decent
- The grass maze is annoying
- Puzzles aren't really well designed
Final Rating:
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I wanted to like this more than I did. The game is based on a Brazilan myth and you play Mary, a woman trying to escape a monster who is out to kill 7 virgins named Mary. You have to solve a couple inventory puzzles and listen to some journal entries to try to figure out how to escape or defeat the monster. There are multiple endings that you can experience.
Sadly, the majority of the gameplay consists of wandering around a maze where everything looks pretty much the same. There's no map or anything to help you out, and if you stay in one place too long the monster will come for you. Being lost or not knowing where to go is my least favourite thing in games, so unfortunately I can't recommend this one.
It was creepy, yes. However, it was only worth the 51 cents I paid for it. The storyline was disjointed and blah. The translation was horrible. The ending was confusing and disappointing. Also, there was no ability to save progress. Thank goodness it was a ridiculously short game. Bottom line: not impressed.
So, from a professional perspective, is the game good? Not quite, the puzzles are non-intuitive, the mechanics are basic and most of the game is "click around till you find that little hitbox you can't see, yet need". However, when reviewing the game for what it is, a graduate project, it's quite good.
Art is nicely done, even if main antagonist is not that scary, but that might be overexposure to horror from our end. Story is well executed and even if translation is not spot on 100% of the time, the fact they bothered to translate to so many languages at all is on itself, remarkable.
Worth the full price, and certainly worth it with the 85% discount I got it, would play another game from these guys, that had more budget.
The LastNightMary is less-than-great horror point-and-click, its major flaw being the unintentional (I guess) aesthetical similarity of most areas in the game. Still, it manages to create a ghastly atmosphere in which one never feels entirely safe; a surprising achievement for such a low-budgeted indie game.
Positive aspects include carefully crafted close-up screens and local folklore elements, all working together to make this short game an unique experience. Some Brazilian players may also find the voice acting a little exotic, as Piauí's accent (from the same province where the Cabeça de Cuia legend originated) is not often heard on mainstream media - an aspect that helps to enhance the overall mood.
All in all, this videogame may be compared to Zé do Caixão (Coffin Joe)’s movies: technical limitations are part of its DNA, and otherwise it wouldn’t be half as interesting as it is. I'm glad to hear that a new game from the same developers is already on the way.
It's a seemingly simple point 'n' click, but you realize that it has enough content. It's the kind of game you want to play multiple times to be able to unlock all the secrets.
I enjoyed it.
I always get excited when we get horror from unexpected places. Zombies and vampires and long-haired Asian girls have pretty well run their course, but when was the last time you encountered a creature from Brazilian myth? The Last NightMary is just such a tale, pitting you against a bulbous, scampering thing in a deadly race against time. And just like a lot of races, it'll be over before you know it.
You play a young woman named Mary, fresh off a troubled past and now stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time. The entire game takes place in fields of tall grass by a river and the one dilapidated shack out there, all of which factor into the story of the thing chasing you. I'll keep it vague but there's a thing you need to do to keep it from killing you, and it's steeped in mysticism you'll need to collect a handful of notes to understand.
The Last NightMary plays like a first-person adventure game. Each scene can have elements to look at, items to take, and points to use those items on. However, much of your time is going to be spent scrambling around the fields, which form a maze of very samey clearings with the occasional point of interest. The one structure in the game is only four rooms as well, so in the end you're not going to be finding much to puzzle out. As a matter of fact I think there's only 10 or so items in the whole game. Also, I'm going to avoid spoiling anything about the monster but its effectiveness is short-lived once you puzzle out the simple mechanics behind it.
You might be thinking this doesn't sound all that great, and indeed I was on the fence about recommending this game. The Last NightMary was the product of a game jam and it shows, being easily beatable in 20 minutes even on your first attempt. And yet I stuck with it for longer, poking into the details and corners and finding little secrets there. There are a mess of endings depending on what you find on your way to the conclusion, and a secret ending that takes plenty of effort to get but will please the Silent Hill fans in the audience.
The art is perfectly serviceable for a game of this scope, especially the monster which manages to unsettle in his aggressive loping. The sound design helps with the proper horror moments, thanks to some clever tracks and well-placed stingers. Again, it's an incredibly short game with few hurdles to clear, but I enjoyed my time with it. There's more to unpack if you start delving into the many achievements, and even if you don't it's a fun, sometimes tense ride the first time through. Any horror fan looking for something new will get some mileage out of this lean little tale.
Did you enjoy this review? I certainly hope so, and I certainly hope you'll check out more of them at https://goldplatedgames.com/ or on my curation page!
I really wanted to like this game, but just felt disappointed by it.
The pros;
Very pretty
Interesting story
The 'pick up' icon is too similar to the normal icon.
Can't skip dialogue during game (annoying for repeat plays)
Can't skip opening dialogue/ makers icons etc (again, annoying when playing more than once)
Too short
Didn't feel the story was in depth enough for the set up, i.e it was so promising, but it just kind of fizzled out.
If this game is on sale, it's worth look, but it feels like a teaser for a much longer game.
Hey everyone and this is my review about the game!
This is a Point and click survival game.
There are some different screen resolution sizes.
You can play fullscreen or windowed mode.
There is no Sound volume slidebar.
There is no background volume slidebar.
The game has some different languages.
About the game.
You click and click to different locations. From point A to B. The game doesn't give you alot of clues and to be honest it's not providing alot of entertaining aswell. The game is not super scary even if you have to escape from a "beast, Aka mushroom man". If you click to a different location and then you go back again. He is gone from that area. He will only show up if you are standing too long on 1 location. There are multiple endings. The game has an option for english subtitles but the voice over is totally in a different language.
The game is really boring.
Okay graphics.
Okay sound.
Not scary.
No jumpscares.
Not a super long game.
Multiple different endings.
Even with a discount i haven't enjoyed the game at all.
Other things.
I havent enjoyed it at all and other "horror point and click games" were alot better. 90% of the time you stare at your computer while having a zombie face impression.
I Give this game a 3/10
I'm recommending this game, but only because I'm biased. I like short, minimalist narrative games, and I like Brazilian culture, so I appreciate this game more than most people. If you don't like either of those things, this game won't change your mind.
The Last NightMary: a Lenda do Cabeça de Cuia (literally: the legend of gourd head) is a short narrative game based on folklore famous in the Northeast Region of Brazil. Cabeça de Cuia is an undead monster, and he's out to kill the protagonist, who has been hallucinating about him for some time. The goal is to avoid capture, and find a way to put him to rest.
Most of the gameplay is split between two sections, wandering a grassland maze, and light inventory puzzles. The maze is not very fun; there aren't many landmarks leading you to your destination, so its easy to get lost. There is no map screen, and if you pause to get your bearings, the monster is likely to come out of the bushes and attack you, giving you a few seconds to click to another part of the maze, or die. A map screen would have made it a lot more manageable, especially a real-time one to make it more tense with the monster chasing you.
The inventory puzzles are easy, but fine. At first the puzzles are only in places where the protagonist is safe, but there are a small number in the maze later on. Interestingly, around 90% of the "puzzles" are simply looking for objects located in places around the environment. It's not quite a hidden object game, but it's reminiscent of them. Most of the true puzzles are thankfully straightforward. Match to lamp, knife to rope, battery to radio, etc. The last puzzle was very challenging, so much that I needed some hints to solve it. It wasn't something that I thought I would figure out in my own, but there was a type of logic to it that made it less frustrating than other adventure games.
The art is very good. Many of the puzzle screens remind me of impressionist paintings, albeit morbid ones. The river in particular would make a great computer background. The way Cabeça de Cuia's previous victims are portrayed is very sad. It makes it easy to be sympathetic towards them, despite them not having any dialogue or any real interaction with you. Drowned Mary is particularly effective, I cringed when I saw what had happened to her.
The sound design is decent as well. The sound effects do a good job of building tension, especially with the monster and other sudden sounds. There is occasionally music, which isn't bad, but isn't something I found particularly memorable. There is a surprising amount of voice acting as well. It's mostly fine, but the delivery leaves a bit to be desired. I'm not fluent in Portuguese (yet), but it feels like the actress was reading from a script and not in any actual danger.
In summary, this game is actually not bad. It's a bit barebones, but shows high enough production value to be worth the price. I would for sure recommend it on a sale, and will be hoping for a new game from this developer.
Game was very good. Liked the setting and the fact that it was in a different language with subtitles. The sound effects were very well done and made my heart race a few times. Not difficult at all. Can easily be passed in under and hour. Very nicely done. Easy point and click game.
This game is a very short and sweet point and click with nice puzzle solving skills for the attentive. Although I'm not so sure on the horror aspect of it, it did have a nice, almost mythical, backstory to explain the plot better.
In my one play through of the game, I did NOT encounter the monster 1 time, all though the game tells me I had 2 close encounters. Just keep moving between areas FAST and the monster should NOT be able to catch you.
The Last NightMary, developed by Submersivo Game Studio, doesn’t bring anything groundbreaking to the point-and-click genera, but it makes up for this with its narrative and intrigue.
Most of the player’s time is spent wandering through misty marshlands, hunting for different clue items scattered throughout the maze. Oddly, despite looking quite nice, the maze’s layout isn’t very distinct, which resulted in me walking in a circle five times before getting anywhere. But the satisfaction I felt when stumbling across a rotten fishing dock, or the aging ruins of a forsaken hut, made up for it.
The puzzles are nothing to write home about. They don’t break from the norm, but they get the job done. Sometimes quantity surpasses quality. They’re simple, fun and they don’t hold your hand.
The monster, again, is nothing special. He will occasionally present himself in random areas of the maze, sometimes through a guttural cry of agony, or a sudden leap from the tall grass. He isn’t too scary, per say, but knowing that he may appear at any moment forced me into an uneasy haste.
I managed to beat The Last Nightmary in a little under an hour, BUT there is still a large majority of content I haven’t discovered yet. In fact, the game itself encourages players to run through it multiple times. I ended up with the ‘GOOD’ ending, but I’m definitely gonna give the game a few more tries.
Lastly, the English translation isn’t the best. Anyone who’s grasped the language will spot a fair amount of mistranslations in the game’s text. But, seeing as this was developed by a group of college kids from Brazil, I’m still satisfied with the outcome.
To sum it all up, The Last Nightmary is a fun, simple horror experience that should keep you interested from beginning to end. I assume you can soak up 3 to 4 hours of this game if you attempt to unlock all the endings and secrets. For its asking price, I’d say it’s worth a buy.
Might be a little tame by most horror fans standpoint. I personally found it very creepy and disturbing. The puzzles aren't all that complicated, it's more of a run around and collect things kind of game.
The biggest knock against the game is how long it is. It took me just under an hour to complete it and get the "Good" ending. There is some replay value in multiple endings as well as a new secret to uncover (No spoilers! :D) during the second playthrough.
Altogether I'd say it was worth it and it gets my recommend, but beware that it is somewhat of a short adventure!
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Submersivo Game Studio |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 69% положительных (115) |