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Разработчик: Arcen Games, LLC

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Tidalis — это новая головоломка с кубиками. У этой игры есть казуальная привлекательность, хардкорная глубина и затягивающая механика «потоков». Геймплей просто бурлит от вариантов реализации основной концепции: 20 режимов игры, десятки особых кубиков и предметов, 115 уровней в одном только сюжетном режиме. Основные правила игры просты: на поле падают кубики, у каждого кубика есть свой цвет и на каждом нарисована стрелка. Если кубики заполнят поле до верха, то игра считается проигранной. Чтобы удалять кубики нужно просто зажать правую кнопку мыши и составить из стрелок на кубиках одного цвета цепочку подлиннее.
Звучит просто? Так оно и есть на самом деле. Через считанные минуты вы поймете как составлять цепочки очень приличной длины. Но немного попозже вы поймете, как трудно при этом придумать комбо из нескольких цепочек. В режиме головоломки некоторые задачки могут бросить вам нешуточный вызов. Кроме того, в Tidalis есть многопользовательские режимы: кооперативный и игра друг против друга (оба режима доступны как в игре по Интернету, так и на одном компьютере). Еще есть динамичный режим на время и, наоборот, лишенный таймера режим головоломки. Очень большой и приятный сюжетный режим. И это далеко не всё. В игре 20 режимов, некоторые из которых переворачивают базовую механику с ног на голову. Десятки особенных кубиков и предметов. Больше 50 минут прекрасной музыки и отличная графика.
Проще говоря, на основной механике мы сделали столько всего, что этого бы хватило сразу на несколько игр.

Ключевые особенности:

  • Головоломка с казуальной привлекательностью, хардкорной глубиной и затягивающей механикой.
  • Кооперативный и соревновательный режимы на двух игроков (как по сети, так и за одним компьютером).
  • Режимы на любой вкус — от самых динамичных до самых мозголомных.
  • Любителям казуальных игр наверняка понравится сюжетный режим, а хардкорные игроки смогут испытать себя в дополнительных режимах и многопользовательской игре.
  • Больше 20 стилей игры, десятки предметов и особенных кубиков.
  • Насыщенная стильная графика и прекрасная музыка.
  • Игроки сами могу создавать и выкладывать в сети стили оформления, уровни и целые сюжеты.
  • Настройки, дружелюбные к игрокам, плохо различающим цвета, к игрокам, которые плохо переносят слишком интенсивные цвета и движение. Специальные настройки для не самых производительных старых компьютеров.

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • ОС: Windows 2000 или новее
  • Процессор: 1,4 ГГц (минимум), 1,8 ГГц (рекомендуется для нормальной фоновой анимации и многопользовательской игры)
  • Оперативная память: 512 МБ (рекомендуется 1 ГБ)
  • Видеокарта: поддерживающая разрешение экрана 800x600 или выше (рекомендуется 1280x720 с 32-битным цветом)
  • DirectX®: любой
  • Жесткий диск: 600 МБ свободного места
  • Другие требования: для игры по сети требуется соединение с Интернетом или соединение по локальной сети.


  • ОС: Mac OS X 10.5.8 или новее
  • Процессор: 1,4 ГГц (минимум) , 1,8 ГГц (рекомендуется для нормальной фоновой анимации и многопользовательской игры)
  • Оперативная память: 512 МБ (рекомендуется 1 ГБ)
  • Видеокарта: поддерживающая разрешение экрана 800x600 или выше (рекомендуется 1280x720 в 32-битном цвете)
  • Жесткий диск: 600 МБ свободного места
  • Другие требования: Для игры по сети требуется соединение с Интернетом или соединение по локальной сети.


  • OS: Ubuntu 10.10 or later, although other unsupported distros may very well work
  • Processor: 1.4Ghz CPU minimum, 1.8 Ghz recommended for background animation or multiplayer
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
  • Graphics: 800x600 or greater screen resolution (32 bit color, 1280x720 recommended)
  • Hard Drive: 600 MB
  • Other Requirements: Internet Connection or LAN required for networked multiplayer. Single-computer multiplayer is also available.

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 25.09.2024 02:28
0 0

It has forced resolution of the 90s which will not maximums and the game is weird

Время в игре: 8 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.03.2022 22:48
0 0

More than just a simple match-3 clone, this is one of the finest puzzle games of all time. That's anything but faint praise but it's really that good. The core gameplay is smooth and has that easy-to-learn-hard-to-master hook that so many good puzzler games have. Really activates those almonds.
The game has immaculate sound design so repeated noises are never grating. The adventure mode level design is fantastic in its level variety and the chain mechanic looks and feels satisfying.

With all that praise, I'll make one point of criticism. While the adventure mode has great puzzle design, the actual story is awful. It is a menial chore to slog through and the characters are ugly and annoying. Thankfully you can skip the cutscenes to get to the puzzling action, which I highly recommend you do. A small blemish on an otherwise stunning puzzle game.

Время в игре: 1070 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.07.2021 22:03
0 0

There is some fun to be had here. The gameplay is worth mastering even if the interface is a little dated. However if these sort of games don't match your preferences then I would skip this one. 6/10

Время в игре: 2232 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.01.2021 15:49
7 1

Soundtrack saved the game. But the game turns out to be repetitive every time you progress with barely no visible change, making player rush through end before we doze off. Plus, concept of making a stream with the arrows and combo chains to break the blocks is a bit obfuscated and beyond my mental grasp of what the game wants. Cut scenes and characters in the middle of the level were still cute, but why do we even care for these external attractions. What matters is game play. And nope, quite boring and dull.

Время в игре: 1242 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 06.06.2020 02:56
2 0

I wanted to like the game but the more I played it more I had some issues with it.

The biggest issue is that if you went to full screen mode it didn't resize the game, it just put larger black boarders around the play area. I tried it in windowed mode but the same thing happened. Thought it may be the computer so I tried it on another and tried different resolutions but had the same issue hence, the setting is useless. Trying to play it this way is eye straining.

The other issue (not really the game's fault) is that if your colour blind then your not going to get too far. I know that if you press the right mouse button over a tile that it will highlight same coloured tiles but this is useless in the more speed oriented sections. The only reason I played it for as long as I did was mostly luck in making things match.

I didn't get very far so I can't really recommend a game I paid for yet can't play.

Время в игре: 255 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.01.2020 00:01
1 0

Pretty creative puzzle game with some interesting game modes and a lot of variants. The basic "streams" mechanic to connect and remove blocks is novel and adds more challenge than typical match-3, but on the other hand it makes combos rather hard to visualize and achieve, especially when trying to chain several ones.

The "casual-friendly adventure mode" claim isn't exactly true, the campaign can get extremely difficult at times, in random spikes. Thankfully you can skip levels if you so desire, but it feels bad. The story is also badly written to the point of being cringeworthy.

In typical Arcen Games fashion you have a lot of options to set up a game but it feels like it lacks good casual defaults that still present some amount of challenge.

Despite the defects and confused presentation, the game has a lot to offer if you're willing to dig into the various modes proposed and "find your fun", so I'm cautiously recommending it on that basis.

Be aware that the game graphics don't scale to modern screen resolutions (it seems to be targeting 1280x720?), they just get smaller.

Время в игре: 496 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.09.2019 13:46
1 0

This is a puzzle game reminiscent of match-3 or tetris, but it is a genuinely innovative game. It has a huge number and variety of puzzles, giving new spins to the mechanics or using them in different contexts.

A great game for a very low price, I see no reason to not get it.

Время в игре: 929 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.10.2018 15:34
1 0

DISCLAIMER: This is a first impressions review, and NOT a full review

Tidalis is a game developed and published by Arcen Games, LLC

The game offers some pleasant graphics and graphical style, although some ugly glitches here and there, it is pleasant all the same

However, the gameplay is generic. This game is almost all generic...

Tidalis is a generic game but fun nonetheless and is extremely cheap especially during a sale


[*] None

Время в игре: 193 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 31.03.2018 22:13
4 0

The basic mechanics of this game are already somewhat complex for a block puzzle game, but once it starts adding more mechanics and requires doing combos of several levels, I can't keep up. I guess to that you could say "get good", but that's not why I play casual games which is what I was expecting from buying this. I guess I'm too casual for this or something. Point being, if you're a super casual gamer who checked this game out looking for something chill, easy, and fun to kick back and play for a bit, I would steer clear.

Время в игре: 185 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.11.2017 14:26
1 0

I have never been a fan of casual puzzles --I was okay with them, and I might play one from time to time, but always as a timesink.

Tidalis, however, is something else. It might not make you love the genre if you hated it in the first place, but it's pretty good at its thing. The mechanics are original and fresh, the objectives go beyond the typical "clear the level" or "score xxx points" and the game is chock-full with content. It provides a VERY powerful editor that lets you design your own levels --and it's pretty much required to clear some achievements.

And I liked the story! Some people thought it terrible but I think it's quite funny and daft in a good way. It even goes meta!

Verdict: B+

Время в игре: 9128 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 10.08.2017 23:26
3 1

Imagine Tetris, but each block is one square, and the square has one or more arrows on it. You cannot move the blocks around and drop them where you want like you can in Tetris. They just fall and mix things up. If it reaches the top, you lose, just like in Tetris. The game consists of clicking on a square, and a light pops out and goes up to three spaces away, lighting up any other blocks of the same color, following those blocks' arrows as well. If you light up three or more blocks, they each disappear, and the other blocks fall lower, Tetris style.

The problem is that sometimes you just can't find a match. Tetris is always engaging, even when it's moving slow, in my opinion. However, with Tidalis, there were periods of 60 seconds or so, where I was just staring, without 3 blocks that I could match, waiting on more to fall, and it could take a while. I believe you can speed it up, a bit, but I think the lack of things to do at times in this game is a fundamental flaw. I don't like Tetris better because of nostalgia. I will sell the original Super Mario Bros out to any game I think is better, and same with Tetris. However, Tidalis is not superior to Tetris, or even on the same playing field. It's kinda like rebooting a film when the original was great. Reboot something that is garbage and make it better.

Tidalis should have been a spin on a game that needed improvements; not on a fairly perfectly-designed game, at least in my opinion.

Время в игре: 57 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.07.2016 21:29
1 0

Curator Review:

Tidalis takes place on a remote island where your goal is to solve puzzles and make your way through the story. Involving both brainteasers and an adventure mode, Tidalis is an innovative and relaxing puzzle game allowing the player to move at their own pace and encouraging creative thinking. Absolutely worth the dollar per hour 7/10


Время в игре: 555 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.04.2016 10:13
1 0

In my opinion, one of the most underrated games on Steam. It's a hard one to review though... I love it, but friends I've shared it with haven't been blown away by it. It has a very niche appeal (but thankfully at least has a demo)

The way I see it, it's a casual game for those who don't do casual games - partly why I think it's not been a big winner in the review department. It's too silly and looks too simplistic for the more "hard-core" gamer (or those who wish to avoid the likes of Candy Crush at all costs... and rightly so) but is too complicated and difficult for those wanting said Candy Crush style

It's match 3, but with a considerably refreshing edge. Instead of shuffling blocks so they're adjacent - The game is all about "streams". Basically, when a block is clicked, it will fire out a stream of its colour. If the stream hits another block of the same colour, the chain will continue... and so forth until 3 or more blocks have made the chain. Cue points, disappeared blocks and a little 'woop'. The really cool bit is that the blocks have directional arrows, which dictate the direction a stream will fire... and you can rotate them.

So not only are you looking for combos, but you're also having to redirect the blocks on the fly, often in a frantic rush to keep a chain going. It's considerably engaging and very fast paced for its nature - Particularly as you're often in a race to make combos to ensure the board doesn't fill up.

Adventure mode is where the fun really sits. 115 levels that make use of all sorts of game mechanics - you get a brilliant range objectives from clearing a certain colour, not clearing a certain colour; aiming for large combos, keeping tiny combos... The variety is superb and means each level really feels quite fresh and unique - instead of just grinding the same objective over inreasingly harder levels. It gets ruthlessly difficult later on, leading to some weirdly intense levels, thunderous victories and profuse sweating for such a "casual" title (ok, maybe the last one's just me...)

Despite this, the game has an utterly gorgeous, relaxing backdrop. The music is exceptional (especially the title music) and, whilst some complain of the cartoony graphics, I find them to be very pleasing. The story is silly, but adds to the informal charm - it's all very "lovely" and the humour's dry and inoffensive. Think Spongebob: Light hearted, silly and a very ridiculous. If hearing "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" makes you want to gauge your eyes out - this game will probably have you doing the same. If you started singing along - you should be fine.

The only downside is that, beyond the adventure mode (and the puzzles hidden within it), there isn't a huge amount else. You can create your own levels and there's multiplayer - but none have really seemed to stand out or show much in the way of replayability. Adventure mode has a decent longevity to it though (think mine took about 19 hours, excluding puzzles)

To me - It makes for one of those feel-good games you go to when you want to shut everything off for a while, but still find yourself challenged. It's zen and it's intense - which appears to have been both its blessing and its curse

Время в игре: 1935 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.03.2016 17:27
13 0

Kind of a mess.

It's a little misleading when people compare this game to Bejeweled or Tetris in any sense that suggests it might be a "clone" of one of those games. Yes, blocks drop in from the top of the screen and are arranged in a grid, but that just sets it in the same genre as those other games. Several people have referred to the game as "Match-3" and that's an extremely far-reaching interpretation of the term.

To be honest, I thought that the core mechanic of this game was actually pretty interesting at first: Clicking a block fires a little energy stream, and the energy will travel to like-colored blocks a short distance away, continuing in a chain and redirecting based on the direction of the arrows on the blocks as the energy arrives. If a chain includes 3 or more blocks, those blocks are destroyed, points are scored, and there is potential for cascades. The player must manually rotate individual blocks in order to specify the path of the energy stream; doing so before beginning the stream makes it easier to manage.

The problem is that it gets boring very quickly - or, more accurately, it fails to hold interest. It's not so much that it's boring to play, but it's chaotic and it starts to feel very arbitrary . You scan the board, looking to determine which color of block has the best potential for a big combo, then you start arranging your combo; all the while more blocks are being dropped in from the top of the board. You fire off your stream, and it travels around over so much of the board that you can't really do much to set up another color while this one is in progress, and you just hope that the rest of the blocks are already arranged in a way that will give you a lucky cascade. As you get used to the game, you may get more adept at planning out deeper combos in advance, which I suppose is what they refer to when they call this game "casual appeal, hardcore depth", but even if you're good, there's an inherent clumsiness in clicking and dragging to change the direction of the arrows on these little tiles.

The game does offer a wide variety of variant modes and special blocks. I don't particularly enjoy most of them, but I appreciate the work that went into adding them, and I like the fact that they can be used in conjunction with one another. Unfortunately, it's very easy to make the game exponentially more chaotic in this way, especially considering the game has a "randomizer" option that switches on any number of modes and special blocks.

Music and SFX are okay, but they get a little grating after a while. Many of the sounds that play are little jingles, and they can be dissonant with the music depending on when they play. It's especially unpleasant when you set off several combos at once, as it plays a separate instance of the SFX for each combo, all layering on top of each other along with the music. It's a bit much. The art is okay, though the characters and creatures are a little on the grotesque side. Some of the background images are very nice, but you don't really get a chance to pay attention to them while you're playing the game. One of the more jarring visual elements comes when a level ends. A high-saturation color overlay is placed over the screen, either in green (for winning) or red (for losing), along with some screenshake and little firework effects.

If you are at all concerned about your Steam achievement average, then I would skip this game entirely. You're almost guaranteed an achievement your first session (there's one for winning and one for losing), and there are LOTS of achievements that deal in long grinding and super high scores (100 million points in a single combo?). It's possible to set up a custom stage that will just generate nonstop combos, if you don't want to play for hundreds of hours. Also be aware that even if you earn an achievement, it won't be awarded to you until the level ends.

It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it's strong enough to stand on its own All the modifiers and custimization may add a little novelty, but not enough to save it.

Время в игре: 283 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.03.2015 21:09
3 0

Got a friend? No well maybe give this a pass.
Otherwise this game may just be the best experience you'll ever have.
You'll rotate blocks, fires beams, and rotate some more blocks, then yell at your friend for not rotating enough blocks.
8/10 would play again.

Время в игре: 1252 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.02.2015 18:14
7 0

Tidalis is a 2D puzzle game that is kinda a cross of match-3 and Tetris. Blocks of various colors drop from the top of the board, and the player can click any block to cause a stream to move in the direction(s) the arrrow on the block points. If it hits one of the same color, it's redirected in the way ITS arrow points, up to 3 blocks each step. It's a simple premise, but Tidalis contains an almost limitless number of spins on this basic format with special modes, block types, speeds, gravity, and any number of other ways to mix up the formula. for the price which this game frequently goes for, it's absolutely worth the price.

My one negative aspect to this game is the adventure mode - it's very long, and a large number of the levels rely too heavily upon luck of what the board looks like in its initial state: many levels are only rarely winnable, so it can be frustrating to try to work your way through the campaign and have to restart a level repeatedly just to get favorable conditions.

At any rate, it's unique among match 3 games, so if you're looking for something that feels both familiar and unique, you should give this a look.

Время в игре: 771 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2014 22:18
6 0

Tidalis is a simple puzzle game based around destroying blocks by use of energy beams! Which sounds a lot more exciting than it is. Essentially you point blocks that drop down in tetris-like fashion in a specific direction and attempt to create a laser-path that passes through 3 or more blocks of the same colour. It leads to the occasional brain-teaser, and is nicely done.

The music to the game is nice and restful, and the graphics are… well, it’s a tetris/bejeweled hybrid. Do NOT expect high end graphics. The background artwork is at turns nice and creepy though. Seriously, those weird mutated animal things in the background are deeply disturbing.

Doesn’t get a huge score, given its derivative nature and lack of ability to completely addict (see Candy Crush Saga or Bejeweled), but fun enough for some casual game-time.


Время в игре: 31 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.09.2014 07:26
1 0

Very relaxing - until the challenge level ramps up. Then it gets something else entirely.
Don't be fooled! This game is a hardcore puzzler at heart despite its cute appearance.

The streams mechanic is fairly unique and makes for interesting puzzles, both of the twitchy and the thoughtful kind.
Definitely a game I plan to go back to.

Also it's a steal. So if you have some interest in puzzle games, do yourself a favor and give this gem a shot (there is a demo). You might be pleasantly surprised.

Also: Very good soundtrack!

Время в игре: 566 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.12.2013 04:10
21 0

An interesting casual puzzle game. A little like Tetris but much deeper. Its basic rule is to eliminate 3 blocks of the same colors. The difference is that the block is directional. Player have to adjust the direction of every block to chain the stream through as more blocks as possible. When a set of blocks is eliminated, one or more new streams appear to connect more blocks of different colors. The more sets of blocks are eliminated continuously, the more the combos are. This mechanics makes this game deep, complicated and engrossing. This game uses many different conditions to limit player's move, thus making it much more challenging. Finally, the background music is beautiful. Recommend if you just wanna relax peacefully.

Время в игре: 151 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.06.2011 23:54
3 0

Another one of those 'match 3 colors' games. In this one you have to guide a stream across the colored blocks using arrows which you can turn using your mouse. It's ok I guess, it entertained me enough to write a little review about it. If you can get it cheap, it's worth a try.

[quote]If you enjoyed this review please consider following me: curator page [/quote]

Время в игре: 46 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2010 04:11
3 0

A really great game which, on the outside, may look like a match-3 game but is much more innovative than that. Blocks have arrows on them and matching three of them will send a stream in the direction of those arrows. You change the arrow's direction on each block in order to chain matches and keep combos going. There's heaps of variation, too, with each story level having win conditions and lose conditions. Lots of modifying blocks and environments like stone and glass blocks and water which is continuously pushing blocks upwards. There are some co-op modes and competitive multiplayer which I didn't really take a look at but there's more than enough in here in terms of singleplayer.

Время в игре: 1031 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Arcen Games, LLC
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 14.01.2025
Metacritic 75
Отзывы пользователей 70% положительных (77)

Отзывы пользователей

54 положительных и 23 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 12.01.2025 19:58


Casual Indie


Single-player Multi-player Co-op Online Co-op LAN Co-op Shared/Split Screen Cross-Platform Multiplayer Steam Achievements Includes level editor Remote Play Together Family Sharing