Разработчик: Kite Games
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Впервые в серии Sudden Strike вы можете выбрать одного из девяти военачальников, например, Джорджа Паттона или Бернарда Монтгомери. Каждый из них позволит вам по-своему подойти к бою и использовать уникальные способности.

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Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, russian, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, polish, traditional chinese, korean, japanese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7, 8, 10
- Процессор: AMD or Intel, 3 GHz Dual-Core or 2.6 GHz Quad-Core
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon HD 7850, NVIDIA GeForce 660 series
- Место на диске: 12 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7, 8, 10
- Процессор: AMD Quad-Core @ 3.8 GHz or Intel Quad-Core @ 3.2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon RX 470 or NVIDIA GeForce 1050 Ti series and above
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 12 GB
- Процессор: AMD or Intel, 3 GHz Dual-Core or 2.6 GHz Quad-Core
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon HD 7850, NVIDIA GeForce 660 series
- Место на диске: 12 GB
- ОС: MacOS 10
- Процессор: AMD Quad-Core @ 3.8 GHz or Intel Quad-Core @ 3.2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon RX 470 or NVIDIA GeForce 1050 Ti series and above
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 12 GB
- ОС: SteamOS, Ubuntu 15.10
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon HD 7850, NVIDIA GeForce 660 series
- Место на диске: 12 GB
- ОС: SteamOS, Ubuntu 15.10
- Процессор: AMD Quad-Core @ 3.8 GHz or Intel Quad-Core @ 3.2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon RX 470 or NVIDIA GeForce 1050 Ti series and above
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 12 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Very enjoyable game, good amount of variety with the scenarios. Hope for V 5 in the future.
i am general
good game. Good story
history buff
This game is amazing, being able to control units and plan invasions and defense
nice game
Highly strategic and engaging game. I only wish they had a skirmish, base builder type mode but other than that was well worth the purchase.
It's very buggy. Like, even during the tutorial the unit I was controlling just stopped moving and wouldn't respond to commands. I had to restart the game. I tried playing the German Campaign and the game crashed as I was just starting to move my tanks forward.
My biggest dissappointment about this game is not absence of tactics and stategy, not kindergarden difficulty, not tiny maps, not absence of variaty... but YOU, players, who post positive reviews. It is so sad! Please, hear me out, and thats not "oldfart compleining" - you have no idea, how WWII strategies been degraded and simplified, if you post positive review, If you admire this maps ang campaighns. I have no problem, if you have fun in this game, I just want you to understand - you having fun NOT in strategy game.. its... its something else.
For years I was desparetly looking for strategy, that will substitute old isometric(!) Sudden Strikes and Blitzkrieg games, and when I have read reviews on SS4 I had so much hope... And I nearly cried after Barbarrossa mission in German campaign, when I just dropped my tanks in frontal attack and with nearly non strategic decisions won. I thought first mission was just tutorial... Then I thought sencond mission is just next to tutorial, so its quite easy and primitive... But when I saw THAT Barbarossa mission, I just desided to make refund, but unfortunatly, because I was giving this game chanse for to long, there was no possibility to bring my money back. It is so bad, that its first game, I wished to make refund... So, in the name or real strategy games - don`t buy it.
Найбільше моє розчарування в цій грі полягає не у відсутності тактики та стратегії, не в дитячій складності, не у крихітних картах, не у відсутності різноманітності... а в ВАС, гравцях, які публікують позитивні відгуки. Це так сумно! Будь ласка, вислухайте мене, і це не "бурчання старпера" - ви не маєте уявлення про те, як WWII стратегії погіршилися та примітизувалися, якщо ви опублікуєте позитивний відгуки та якщо ви захоплюєтеся цими картами та кампаніями. У мене немає проблем, якщо ви кайфуєте в цій грі, я просто хочу щоб ви зрозуміли - ви кайфуєте НЕ в стратегії.. це... це щось інше.
Протягом багатьох років я відчайдушно шукав стратегію, яка б замінила старі ізометричні (!) ігри Sudden Strikes і Blitzkrieg, і коли я прочитав відгуки про SS4, я мав стільки надії... І я ледь не заплакав після місії Барбарросса в німецькій кампанії, коли я просто кинув свої танки у фронтальній атаці та з мінімальними стратегічними рішеннями переміг. Я думав, що перша місія — це просто навчальна місія... Потім я подумав, що друга місія — лише наступна після навчальної, тому вона досить проста і примітивна... Але коли я побачив ТУ САМУ місію «Барбаросса», я вирішив повернути гроші, але, на жаль, через те, що я давай цій грі шанс занадто довго, вже не було можливості повернути свої гроші. Вона настільки погана, що це перша гра, за яку я хотів повернути гроші... Тож, в ім'я реальних стратегічних ігор - не купуйте...
Going to explain why this game sucks ass.
1) Fog of War + Line of Sight - AI doesn't follow your own LoS or FoW
You have to be ontop of the enemy in campaign mode to spot and attack enemies. Falaise Pocket & last section of it. Enemies can shoot from FoW making you have to move your units within 5-20 feet of them to fire. Or use arty and guess.
If unfamiliar the dark area is FoW mixed with line of sight which is a small radius.
The only reason the rest is lit if because of a recon airplane thats rarely given to the player.
https://imgur.com/a/86FW9ZF - Screenshot
Artillery will have no enemy units nearby but perfectly know where my units are as well.
2) Sudden Scripted Events - Every RTS has the Uh-Oh! Surprise!
"You suddenly have a surprise attack"
"Someone is in danger"
"Quickly reroute to point B and help them!"
All can be forgiven if the game gives you just enough time to adjust except in Battle of Moscow as soon as you take the airfield only to see 6 tanks trying to counter you + armored convoy leaving that you HAVE to destroy.
My entire strategy for it was to deal with the 6 tanks asap without taking the airfield so don't kill everyone yet and set up a defensive line with 99% of my forces to wait after the script runs as the convoy is on meth to move that fast. Oh and FoW plays a factor.. AGAIN
I can accept when I just suck but when FoW + LoS gives the finger too often.
3) No Strategy - Scout with infantry
In a nushell one infantry man can scout enough before dying to arty everything or to give you and idea where to flank as AT guns don't move from their sandbag positions.Runs on 64bit. highly advised!
A mostly fun WW2 tactical game (an RTS it is not). I played only the single player. Worth giving it a shot if you liked Company of Heroes or the previous Sudden Strike games.
+ Some tactical thinking required , due to limited unit availability
+ Good vision and damage mechanics (matters which side tank is facing)
+ Storyline is a great touch with mission before/after journal entries and also cinematics
+ Decent graphics
- Pretty much only one optimal way to play every mission (to get 3 stars), tends to get grindy
- Not being able to build new units can get annoying really quickly
- Some inbalanced Commanders (e.g. Armored commander seems useless for single player, lacking tank HP replenish).
- No coop
GACORLAHHH!!!!!! ig @di.ngemilkuyy
maen game ditemenin cemilan pedas gurih gacorsihh
Have enjoyed this greatly, in the lineage of Sudden Strike as well as my beloved Codename Panzers and Rush for Berlin series. Rewards careful, often try-and-try again (save often) tactical play and managing LOS.
Game doesnt work.
You start game with your buddy and after 1 min you playing diffrent games. Game somhow splits in two singleplayers. This is retarded nonworking game.
its best stratgy games
Controls super wonky.
Great. Company of Heroes, but much better.
Hands down one of the best RTS out there, it's not like your average RTS in which you brainlessly sending all your troops into one location just like COH,Dawn of war,AOE etc, you need to act strategically on this one. each mission is challenging and realism on fuel and ammos. This what I like about it.
Outstanding game!
Utter disappointment to it's predecessors
This the best World War 2 RTS on the market.
so accurate ans the gameplay and graphics are top notch
The Game Is Great, i would recommend this to People who like Challenges and like Strategy Games, as you're sometimes facing off Stronger tanks, so you need to Move ye' tanks to more strategic Areas to take them on. Or needing to protect Powerful, yet weak units. The One thing that the devs should add is the Rocket-Artillery from the campaigns to Skirmish Battles, it would be good because they're balanced, unlike the single shot ones, they fire, more, a lot more, but they're weak, so it adds uniqueness to the battles.
looking for someone to try the multyplayer game
I paid $8 for this and all the DLC and it's still not worth it
I've been playing the game since its release on xbox for a long time. I keep coming back and replaying the campaign. This is one of the most fun games I have and i hope there will be more DLCs or an SS5 soon.
this is the best dang WW2 strategy game ive ever played. the graphics are gorgeous, sound is excellent, effects are excellent, voices, missions, units etc etc. i bought 2 of the dlc but ill prolly end up getting the rest too
Lovely game! Addictive and fun.
It's the best ww2 game
aside the fact you wont get to command army group size units like in ss1 and ss2, its pretty much the same core thing. its fun and entertaining. play it
Very bad optimization. The units get stuck a lot, refusing to move or do anything, and the game crashes to desktop every now and then.
Do not buy this game if you liked the original Sudden Strike (2000) or Blitzkrieg (2003), for it is only a shadow of its former self.
If you are a zoomer and have no idea what I'm talking about then I guess you will be fine with it.
Game is not about reality, but a lot of details.
Anyway it gives ways to perform different real battle tactics.
Great game, endless possibililties
Bit like CoH2.
was looking forward to play it after a while from last game but its same as it was u have tanks running through enemy infantry without damage and single soviet truck killed 5 stukas in matter seconds dunno why its call sudden strike if any of u remember sudden strike 2 and then play this will understand
This game isn't worthy of the name Sudden Strike.
Don't buy this game if you are looking for a modern Sudden Strike.
Infantry are bullet sponges. Artillery cannons can move by themselves unrealistically fast around the map. What is worse is that a cannon attacked from the rear still suffers from the infantry men manning them to be bullet sponges.
Corpses and wreckage disappears from the battlefield, leaving a clean lush green field where you had a medium sized battle mere minutes ago.
Number of units is reduced compared to previous games.
It isn't all bad, tanks can become immobile (for instance when tracks are damage) or suffer different types of damage.
Nothing about this game screams strategy however.
Outgunning your enemy seems all the strategy that's required.
In the original Sudden Strike driving a tank over enemy infantry meant killing them. I suppose it was too hard to implement?
i like the game, i played before all the SS 1 and , and really appreciate the same feeling like in the firsts two version, and the graphics are ok. I will see after a moment if i will have the same opinion, but for the moment i like it
Good fun and worth the price.
Very realistic.
great game wish their was more mission maybe do a Korea one !
sieg heil!
there was a lot of sudden striking involved
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Kite Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 14.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 70 |
Отзывы пользователей | 79% положительных (1492) |