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Разработчик: Shield Break Studios

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You are dead. What happens next? Drinking and fighting, of course! As a reward for your brave deeds in Midgard (or, in the case of the Drunkard, his extreme alcohol tolerance), the gods have let you ascend to Brewhalla, where you get to do your favorite things for eternity: boozing and brawling. Have a brew, grab a weapon, and crush, kill, destroy, DRINK!

Set in a vivid, stylised, Norse afterlife, Bierzerkers is a multiplayer melee arena combat for all comers. While quick to pick up and get in some killing, the game has a great deal of depth, both individually and as a team.

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their sheep!

Key Features

  • Team-based, 5v5 online melee combat
  • Fast, arcade-style gameplay
  • Quick matches
  • 5 character classes with unique abilities (and more to come!)
  • Easy to pick up, but hundreds of different class, ability, and environmental interactions make mastery elusive
  • Gorgeous mythical environments full of color and majesty
  • Join Early Access to shape the development and future of the game

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • OS *: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX11 Compatible GPU with 1 GB Video RAM
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 6 GB available space

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 26.01.2025 00:11
0 0

Vikings, Death Matches, Sheep Races, Beer, and Huntress babes with nice asses. This is a fun multiplayer experience.

Время в игре: 66 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.04.2018 16:25
0 0

i bought this back in 2015 and only played for a lil over an hour since it was always only bots (besides 1 other player) and iv yet to try it again since, i just looked at its current player base and there was literally no one playing and its average player base is 0.1% giving it a 90% something more players on steamcharts. this game looked like it would be really fun but over the years checking in every now and then its just not stuck with a theme past the vikings gameplay wise i mean and its a shame.

even going free to play wouldnt save this game in my opinion since well..... no one that has bought it even plays it hehe

Время в игре: 72 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 22.11.2016 04:51
54 3

It's like Smite except Capture the Flag (sheep) except the controls are poor and only 5 characters

I don't just want to leave a negative review here without some real feedback as it's clear the devs worked very hard on the game and is still some potential I see for a game like this to be successful. I think the game should be offline with LAN / Dedicated servers instead of trying to do the same online model. Since we've gotten rid of the offline bit and the game is made with Unreal, it could easily support modding and let people make their own classes / abilities / skins and such, and these mods could run on the dedicated servers. The mods could be distributed through steam workshop.

That's what I would have done if I had to build a project like this from scratch. I'm not sure if the devs for this game will stick with this game or maybe just try again with a better plan in mind, but the team has potential and I think they managed to learn a great deal from the mistakes made in this game. I'm interested in seeing if they come up with anything cool for the future.

Время в игре: 25 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.03.2016 22:02
21 4

I've been playing Bierzerkers off and on since early Alpha - I bought into early access all the way back in July. Adding features to what was almost a perfect vanilla game has been a struggle for the devs, and it looks like they may have had some internal setbacks and personnel changes. BUT it's still a very very fun game (think TF2 with drunk vikings).

If/when they bring back the "Domination" (cap and hold) mode back, I can easily see myself playing this *a lot*. The current flagship mode, which is basically a slightly more entertaining version of American football, is especially hard to balance and features some ridiculously small maps.

But this initial release does show you more or less how the class design works, which is the hallmark of the game. The characters are remarkeably unique and varied (akin to a MOBA) and each one can feel incredibly strong in skilled hands.

Be aware that the game is very much in development and has a long way to go; the devs are friendly and open to suggestions, and the community is small but active.

If you can deal with all those caveats, please join us to Crush, Kill, Destroy, and most importantly, Drink!

Время в игре: 2129 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.01.2016 08:39
9 0

I like the idea of this game very much, but the lack of players makes it impossible to play. Maybe the game would benefit from a little bit of advertising or even some giveaways of gamekeys or anything like that. Fortunately i bought this game in a steam-sale.
So, recommended but yet still not really playable :(

Время в игре: 116 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 06.01.2016 04:17
0 0

I am excited to see what may happen with this game. As of now, I would say it is definitely an alpha state project. The game looks goreous, and there is obvious potential.

I feel compelled to point out a few things.

1. There is no controller support. (Made a more than adequate steam controller profile, however)
2. Single player mode is.... lacking content. Would love a story mode here, or more cut scenes/plot.
3. So far as i can tell, you can only train with a single character, a situation that would love a remedy, imho.

I have a definite aversion to early access games, the possiblity that the game will never be finished has always prevented me from taking the plunge.

I did here because that game looks so damn cool. I tend to be a single player game sort of gamer, so I am kleeping my fingers crossed that they will hold up their end of the unspoken social contract and finish the game. As is currently stands I am not sure it is fair to a consumer to have a "single player" tag associated with the game... or the "partial controller support tag.

I am cheering you on, dev team.

Update 08/2026

They promised single player, and did not deliver. This is why I am hesitant about early access. There is nothing in the original trailer that is actually in the game. After they have your money, there is no need for the dev's to keep their promises.

Время в игре: 51 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.12.2015 21:24
12 2

This game is fun to play, the graphics look great, one problem though. at its current stage in production there simply arent enough players. If only this game had more hype. Bierzerkers has serious potential. if anyone wants to play message me and i will play with them

Время в игре: 14 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.08.2015 04:44
18 0

I admit, I'm entirely biased; I've watched this project from very early stages and want to see these guys destroy the planet. But it was from this privilege of getting to see and play this game in its pre-Steam state that I really got to appreciate the project as a whole for what it is at its essential core: a game made by gamers for gamers. The Shield Break guys would constantly show their progress, good and bad, to the community via Twitch, and during that time their goal was – and still is- to take direct community feedback and implement it into the game. No ego, no “our way or the highway” mentality, just the embracing of the notion that if it’s cool, let’s make it happen.

Get in on this, buy the game, watch it continue to unfold and most importantly: HAVE FUN!

Время в игре: 94 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.08.2015 14:54
9 0

I haven't had this much fun with an arena game in a long time. Right now it lacks a bigger community and some more content but if the Game will leave alpha/beta status, it will definitely my no. 1 choice for fast-paced arena action.

Время в игре: 341 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.08.2015 14:15
6 0

I have only played this game for about half an hour and I gotta say... I LOVE IT! It's great fun and all the classes are great balanced and different. The only con is that not that many players have discovered this game :/ So the lobbys are often empty but I still recommend this game :)

Время в игре: 146 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.08.2015 22:47
8 0

What can i say this game is just a great and fun game, its one of those games where you play for hours with friends or just fool around and have fun, with the Glimpse i took of the game when i bought it i can say that this game is going to come with many fun fetures and classes that are yet to be unlocked. if you like bloody games or the type of tf2 art stayle games this game is for you, this will no doubt be one of the gratest games on steam this game continues to bring more to the table in the future. 8.5/10

Время в игре: 110 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.07.2015 04:00
6 0

Hi guys!

Let me start out by saying that I'd never gotten into games like this one before; it never really was my type. With that being said, I really like this game, and I see it having a promising future. I hope Shield Break continues to work on this game, upgrade/improve it, and continue to be fan involved (they have a Twitch channel that they stream from and answer questions on).

I'll go the opposite direction of most people this time with a quick list of Cons and Pros real quickly. I really hope that you all who are interested, and especially the developers, will take time to read this review in full. If not: It's good. get it.

-No one seems to play it much right now. I tried playing online earlier today around 1ish EST and then tonight at about 11 EST, and half of both teams, in the only server with players, were bots. I know it's only in Early Access, but they really need to try to find a way to advertise/promote this game, and YOU ALL TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT, because this game has high potential and will be A LOT of fun with more people playing.
-Drunkard is OP. The healing ability for himself and others is OP. It is difficult to aim, but you can easily regenerate yourself and your whole team in a heated battle with full health; and it's annoying.
-Not worth $10 (imo).... yet. A lot of us can play exciting MMOs with the same concept, just different gameplay for free. It's in Early Access mode, and I agree with supporting the devs because I really want this game to launch.. but I fear that unless they do a significant price drop to just a couple bucks, or honestly right now.. free.. they're going to have a hard time gaining new followers. Servers are empty. You're paying $10 right now to play with maybe a few other guys who are all archers or drunkards, and bots. That's it. I want this game to take off. But in my opinion, I REALLY think it needs to be F2P right now, or maybe just $2-5. At least to build up the community. And maybe Shield Break can try to raise fundings in other ways (without making it Pay 2 Win, plz!).

-It's fun! Simple as that.
-It's funny. The tutorial is quirky. The characters are funny.
-Gameplay is smooth and simple. Easy to learn.
-Graphics are nice, and the art is fun and cartoonish.
-Many, many more.. I've just spent too much time on the Cons and now I'm out of time lol.

All in all, I love this game. I'm excited for this game. I have my fingers crossed that this game fullfills it's potential and takes off! But for now, I think the three major Cons need to be addressed and fixed.

Hope you enjoy this review, and fight on you Bierzerkers! Enjoy it like I do :)


Время в игре: 74 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.07.2015 19:38
8 0

I absolutely LOVE This game. It is pretty repetitive, but if you just want a smooth, fun, and funny game get this! It's like a mashup of Chivalry, Super Smash Brothers, and a MOBA game all in one, but with the graphics of WoW.

I don't buy many indie games, but this one is a must for the price!

Время в игре: 201 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.07.2015 19:30
9 0

This game is pretty solid but it is missing some things for now because it is early access. The gameplay is fun it's like I'm playing a TF2 MOBA and the controls are pretty solid. The only problem I have and that's been annoying me ever since I got it is that there is no way of reading what your abilities do or what passive things they have like the scoundrell with his stacks. I still don't know how to proc them. But it is early access so I will wait and see what they do with it.

EDIT: They came out with the new 0.5.1 update and now it looks even less like an early access game with ability descriptions, less item lag on your character, and keybindings. Glad I spent my money on this game.

Edit: So I looked at the twitch stream for sheildbreak from whenever they did their stream and it turns out they have yet to find a buisness model. Plz no f2p or paid points.

Время в игре: 784 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.07.2015 17:20
9 0

This game is tons of fun, and in its current state already well worth £6.99

Its really easy to get into and play but also has a potential huge skill cap, and ive only played 10 hours.
The combat is fun, the classes are interesting and unique and the game is just a ball.

Also mixes in comedy which is a bonus.

Время в игре: 897 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.07.2015 02:59
11 0

This game has a lot of potential. It plays like fantasy TF2 with a couple different maps with two (maybe more, have only played a few matches) different game styles. The first is your basic capture the flag game and the second is a deathmatch where each team as a certain number of deaths before they loose the match. Combat is fun and fast paced but the hit boxes may need a little tweaking. Still I'm glad they erred on the side of more reach for melee combat rather than less. It's definitely playable as is, though more players would be nice to fill out some of the matches with mostly bots. There are a lot of features that havne't been released yet, but I will be following this one closely.

Время в игре: 84 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.07.2015 02:15
9 0

TF2 + Vikings!!!!!!

I only have 30min of play time but this game is hilarious and in a good way. I love the character classes available and coming soon. There is some server lag but this is early access so theres bound to be something to fix or update. But I like what I see so far!! great art style, crazy melee combat with special abilities, viking-esque character classes, tong and cheek character dialogue.... kudos to shieldbreak studios

Время в игре: 35 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.07.2015 18:40
22 2

Bierzerkers, a fun little multiplayer third person melee/shooter game where you murder other vikings and laugh while doing so. Brilliant art, funny (internet meme based) dialogue, interesting abilities and a possible bright future in store if enough people pick it up and keep playing. It's currently in its early days of Early Access so there's no customization yet, but this will all be added in due time. Had a talk with one of the developers ingame and it's great that they play with the community, chat and talk passionately about their game.

Next content patch is supposed to add party support, which I really hope it does, so I can play with my friends a lot easier ( you can join each other's games now via Steam, but no strict party matchmaking just yet).

-Gorgeous, silly art style.
-Fast paced and bloody action
-Possible bright future

-Not enough players yet, JOIN US!
-Unfamiliar with the developers update speed.

Время в игре: 195 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.07.2015 00:54
13 1

Loving it!, funny addictive , simple and easy to learn, a blast to play , bring your friends to Bierhalla! and fight and drink to your hearts content. 5 Classes each with there unique abilities to rek havok on all who stand before you or aid your allies with some of the supportive classes or just crush people with the aggressive classes.Its a all out brawl and i love it!

Время в игре: 258 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.07.2015 00:05
10 0

I love this game. I wasn't sure what to expect seeing it was early access but played it for 3 hours and so far, it's awesome! I know there is more to come with new classes, customization and the in-game store but I have high hopes for this game and it's progress. :)

Время в игре: 273 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.07.2015 17:50
55 2

For fans of: Nosgoth, TF2, Loadout, and anything else within those genres. (Not referring to gameplay mechanics, etc. Simply if you're a fan of those games, you'll most likely enjoy this.)

Even in its early state I feel like there is a lot of promise with Bierzerkers. The competitive and coopertive gameplay is there, nothing feels TOO OP from what I've experienced thus far, and overall it's just really enjoyable. I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing what's done with customization and other classes. The latest build is very stable which is very promising, and I feel like there's enough content to warrant a $10 price. If you're not a fan of Early Access games at least keep this on your radar because it's definitely worth your time.

Время в игре: 40 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Shield Break Studios
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 68% положительных (93)

Отзывы пользователей

63 положительных и 30 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 20.02.2025 16:05


Action Indie


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