Dungeons 2

Dungeons 2

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Steam Store

Разработчик: Realmforge Studios

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Лорд Подземелья возвращается — и на этот раз все серьезно! В Dungeons 2 вам придется уступить ненасытной жажде мести Лорда Подземелья и собрать страшных новых монстров со всех уголков подземного мира, чтобы выполнить его злую волю. В этот раз покорить подземный мир недостаточно — сейчас Лорд Подземелья распространит свое влияние на жалких людишек и попытается завоевать верхний мир!

Возьмите под свой контроль могущественного Лорда Подземелья и создайте паутину уникальных и ужасных подземелий, соберите армию грозных созданий и командуйте двумя новыми фракциями. Приготовьтесь защищать свое королевство от этих надоедливых героев, поднимитесь на землю, чтобы пойти войной на их человеческие города и используйте Длань ужаса, чтобы взять под свой контроль приспешников, командуйте и раздавайте пощечины, чтобы держать их в повиновении.

Расширенный режим исторической кампании наполнен до краев тем самым черным юмором, который сделал хитом оригинальную версию Dungeons, и изобилует многочисленными ссылками на различные фэнтези-романы, фильмы и телешоу. Кроме того, вы сможете проверить свои силы в четырех различных режимах игры в многопользовательском режиме до четырех игроков, сразившись с другими Лордами Подземелья по локальной сети или через Интернет.

  • Благодаря захватывающей одиночной кампании с 2 игровыми фракциями, 26 уникальными существами, несколькими типами героев и режимов игры, Dungeons 2 — это тот самый симулятор управления подземельем, которого вы так долго ждали.
  • Dungeons 2 предлагает уникальный игровой процесс: симулятор подземелья в подземном мире и тактическую стратегию в реальном времени на поверхности.
  • Используя Длань ужаса, вы всегда сможете сохранить контроль над подчиненными и отдавать индивидуальные команды.
  • Оставьте тьму подземного царства и совершите вылазку в верхний мир, обратив в руины красивейшие человеческие города.
  • Четыре конкурентных многопользовательских режима — до четырех игроков по локальной сети и через Интернет.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, french, italian, spanish - spain, russian, polish, czech, simplified chinese, japanese

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows Vista (SP2) 32bit
  • Процессор: AMD or Intel, 3GHz Dual-Core or 2.6 GHz Quad-Core
  • Оперативная память: 3 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Intel HD4400, NVIDIA GeForce GT 440/GT 650M, AMD Radeon HD 7750/R5 255M
  • Место на диске: 5 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
  • ОС *: Windows 7 x64 (SP1)
  • Процессор: AMD Quad-Core @ 3.8 GHz or Intel Quad-Core @ 3.2 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: AMD Radeon R7 265 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650
  • Место на диске: 5 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible


  • ОС: MAC OS X 10.9.5 (Mountain Lion), 10.9.5 (Mavericks) and 10.10.2 (Yosemite)
  • Процессор: Intel Quad-Core @ 3.1 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GT 440/GT 650M, AMD Radeon HD 7750/6970M with at least 512 MB of dedicated VRAM, Shader Model 5 support
  • Место на диске: 5 GB
  • ОС: MAC OS X 10.9.5 (Mountain Lion), 10.9.5 (Mavericks) and 10.10.2 (Yosemite)
  • Процессор: Intel Quad-Core @ 3.2 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GT 440/GT 650M, AMD Radeon HD 7750/6970M with at least 1024 MB of dedicated VRAM, Shader Model 5 support
  • Место на диске: 5 GB


  • ОС: x64-Versions of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS & Ubuntu 14.10
  • Процессор: AMD or Intel Dual-Core @ 2.6 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or similar with 1 GB or dedicated VRAM, Shader Model 5 support
  • Место на диске: 5 GB
  • ОС: x64-Versions of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS & Ubuntu 14.10
  • Процессор: Intel i5 Quad-Core @ 3.2 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or similar with 2 GB of dedicated VRAM, Shader Model 5 support
  • Место на диске: 5 GB

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 24.02.2025 17:30
0 0

new Dungeon keeper 2

Время в игре: 3489 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2025 10:21
0 0

Fun grind. Easy to spend a few "casual" hours of gameplay

Время в игре: 3033 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.02.2025 22:34
0 0

The learning curve is high but the challenge is fun

Время в игре: 4453 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.02.2025 21:41
0 0

Fun twist on the dugeon crawler game. It's not great, but its worth the $20 it's at currently.

Время в игре: 95 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.01.2025 21:19
0 0

good game

Время в игре: 330 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.01.2025 16:49
0 0

Simple but fun

Время в игре: 1505 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.01.2025 15:58
0 0

I like the story ,the joks and way it relax my brain in good way

Art work is good , like the building and other parts that are new comparison to D1 nad D2
Btw dlc are hard espc the GOT ones

Время в игре: 2112 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.01.2025 17:15
0 0

7 hours in and I'm really enjoying the game. Highly recommended.

Время в игре: 439 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.01.2025 06:17
0 0

Yet another rip-off of Dungeon Keeper, except unlike the first game, this one is very blatant. As expected of rip-offs, it's like playing a 'remaster' made by a totally different dev team. And, even if you disregard the fact that it's just not a good clone, by itself it's just a bad game.

Once again, most of the game is spent underground. You have your workers, which you use to build things, dig out walls, and so on. Here's where the game starts to stink. You have an unit limit shared across both worker, and military units, which means you won't be able to have many workers. This would be fine, if the devs adjusted their work efficiency accordingly, which they certainly DO NOT. They both take forever to work, and to also traverse your dungeon. Right away, in the first few maps, you'll spend most of the time waiting. Waiting for them to travel your dungeon at grandpa pace, waiting for them to slowly dig out a single wall, and so on.

There is a new gimmick, where you occasionally have to travel to the surface to do objectives there, when you can actually fully control your characters, like in an RTS, as opposed to having extremely limited control over your units, while they're in your dungeon. The back-and-forth between being able to fully control your units, and basically not being able to control them, is as jarring as it sounds. They were really intent on keeping Dungeon Keeper controls, even though it's not really what that series is praised for. This is what happens when you're obtuse, and have no idea why the thing you're copying is successful.

Here are some other cons I don't feel like elaborating:

- Extremely irritating narrator! Literally Reddit incarnate, and he just WON'T SHUT UP, especially if you take too long to do an objective that is by no means urgent, which could be something as simple as setting up a room. Once again, they tried copying DK's sarcastic and dry narrator, but failed miserably, to say the least
- Bland, simplistic combat, even when on the surface
- Clunky controls
- Just a general feeling of 'uninspiredness'; it feels like the game is a lower quality version of a mashup between other much better games (one of them obviously being Dungeon Keeper)
- Also, for whatever reason the game crashed A LOT for me, but that might be because I was alt-tabbing like crazy out of boredom. Or not, who knows. Still worth considering

As for pros, the game is admittedly pretty, and the graphics have aged pretty well. Too bad looks aren't everything.

Время в игре: 127 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 18.12.2024 14:08
0 0

One of the worst games in the history of gaming. Uninstalled after 3 agonizing hours of gameplay. The humor is so bad that it made my IQ drop by 5 points every time a cringe joke attempt was made.

Время в игре: 200 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.12.2024 13:24
0 0

I decided to play this game after completing Dungeons III.

Время в игре: 1837 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.12.2024 06:53
0 0

I've always loved the concept of Dungeon Keeper, but it is an elusive concept that tends to tease without satisfying and usually ends up being a novelty.

For me, the Dungeons series are the only games that have managed to make the Dungeon Keeper concept satisfying.

I love Dungeons II's mix of overworld and dungeon gameplay. The story is actually engaging. The art is gorgeous. The humor is silly but effective. The game mechanics are excellent.

Unlike most other Dungeon Keeper games, Dungeons II contains distinct upgrade paths and strategies to focus on, instead of the "just get a little bit of everything" that most Dungeon Keeper-like games gravitate toward. (Dungeons 3 did sacrifice some of the diverse upgrade options in favor of other equitable features, but that's another review for another day.)

One minor downside to Dungeons 2 is traps take a back seat to troops. Troops gain experience with use and are useful both above and below ground. Traps do not gain experience, are only useful below ground, and their usefulness decreases as the overworld is conquered and invading forces dwindle.

As it is, traps are occasionally useful, and that may repulse some players.

Время в игре: 2147 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.11.2024 12:08
0 0

Dungeons 2 takes a turn from the gameplay of Dungeons and Dungeons: The Dark Lord to be a bit more like Dungeon Keeper with a twist. The narration is greatly improved and the humor is..........humorous.

I quickly fell in love with the quirky take on being an evildoer.

I bought this game with all the DLC and also really enjoyed the Game of Winter expansion. The other DLCs were a bit of a let down as they only appear to be skirmish maps without actual stories and narration. More maps and different enemies are still worthwhile though.

Время в игре: 4414 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.11.2024 03:05
0 0

Fun game! But, 1 minor drawback. I've already played Dungeons 3 and 4. In Dungeons 2, there is no way to "select all creatures" in the dungeon. Only way is to select each creature 1 by 1. Slow. Minus that, same as Dungeons 3 and 4. Very fun. ONLY buy on sale, though. Not worth 20$ (On sale for 5$ yes!). Final mission is slow as it reverts to you square 1, unlike previous missions.

Время в игре: 1052 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.10.2024 14:29
0 0

Best game of the series by far only thing i dislike is that you dont play with all the factions at one time like dungeon keeper and that there is no co-op which both are in the 3rd and 4th installments but they dont have the same amount of units 38 vs 17.... now 3 of the 38 is worker units so lets put that down to 36 but still which is way this one is the best where even just one of the factions have 13 units vs. 17 but at least here you use all of your units

Время в игре: 1238 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.10.2024 08:15
0 0

Extremely funny story. If you like the other Dungeons games, you will like this one too.

Время в игре: 2530 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.10.2024 23:33
0 0

A pretty fun game if you are looking for something to replace Dungeon Keeper, and try and fill in that old nostalgia hole. Even ten years later it holds up graphically, it sounds good, and it plays decently well. I also didn't encounter any bugs.

Unfortunately I made my way through the game pretty quickly. There is a lot of incentive in the later levels to quickly get military forces up and running, rather than traps. Traps become useless rather fast, and so with a large military to protect your dungeon, you might as well just go out and smash some heads. I didn't really need any unit upgrades from the Chaos forge, and just one upgraded Orc for their battle cry and a couple upgraded Naga for their healing. After that what ever you pick, you are pretty much set. Very simple, very fun, but like I said, very short.

Unless you want to sit there and grind the 250,000 mana and a million+ gold achievements. If you do, then you will get a lot more hours played out of this game, but that was just way too much for me. A side note, I liked the narrator. He was pretty funny, but eventually he kind of got on my nerves. It all just ended up being too silly. You do kind of feel evil after some time, and then he talks making a reference to Warcraft or Twilight, and the atmosphere quickly dissolves.

I would recommend this game, but it is old. Too old, and short, to be $22.80 CAD. Get it on sale.

Время в игре: 1117 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.09.2024 07:00
0 0

It's fun story, but damn does it feel clunky after playing dungeon 3.

Время в игре: 1657 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.09.2024 17:00
0 0


Время в игре: 5189 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.09.2024 23:44
0 0

I really wanted to like this game, but I could only describe it as slow, clunky, and uninspired. It did not excite the parts of my mind that can sink hundreds of hours into a management simulation. Also, the audio mixing was of extremely poor quality in a way that I honestly found genuinely bewildering.

I recommend giving this game a pass and looking for alternate titles in the genre; this is probably not what you're hoping for.

Время в игре: 67 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.09.2024 16:55
2 0

This is kinda the first one in the series. That or it is more of the turning point. First game is a different beast and this one is more or less what the other games are like. I suggest you try 3 first, however can't go wrong here. Unless you played the first one. This is not like that, that was more serious and this is where they started to be light hearted. However a good bridge between the 2 games.

Время в игре: 3048 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Realmforge Studios
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 14.03.2025
Metacritic 70
Отзывы пользователей 76% положительных (1032)

Отзывы пользователей

781 положительных и 251 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 05.03.2025 07:58


Strategy RPG Simulation


Single-player Multi-player Cross-Platform Multiplayer Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards Partial Controller Support Steam Cloud Family Sharing