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Бушует четвертая Великая война ниндзя.NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 обновлена и готова к ВЗРЫВНОМУ возвращению! Кроме всего прочего, в игру добавлен бой Саске и Итачи с Кабуто. Теперь в HD!
Key Features
- Признанные возможности Storm 3…
- Легендарная сюжетная линия: ведите 4-ую великую войну ниндзя в самой зрелищной игре из серии NARUTO
- Экстремальное погружение: поправ смерть и время, сражайтесь в легендарных боях с могущественными боссами, среди которых будут и гигантские Хвостатые звери
- Совершенная игровая механика: откройте для себя мир динамических сражений NARUTO Storm с участием самых популярных персонажей - Наруто (режим хвостатого зверя), Мадары или "Джинчурики".
…И даже больше! (Новые материалы Full Burst)
- Дополнительная глава: освободившись от влияния Кабуто, Итачи пытается изучить запретную технику реанимации. Сможет ли беспрецедентный союз Учихи и Саске остановить его?
- Новый персонаж: Кабуто достиг всемогущества в режиме отшельника и теперь доступен для выбора в режиме противостояния. Познайте его силу и сражайтесь с противниками в онлайновых и оффлайновых играх.
- Режиссерская версия: откройте для себя полностью обновленную анимацию Storm 3 и посмотрите, насколько зрелищней стали сражения в мире ниндзя.
- 100 новых заданий: отправляйтесь на выполнение целой серии новых заданий, во многих из которых перед вами встанут совершенно новые задачи.
- 38 дополнительных костюмов: оденьте своих персонажей в один из 38 костюмов из дополнительных материалов NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, spanish - spain, italian, german, portuguese - brazil, russian, traditional chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows (64bit) 7 or higher up to date
- Процессор: Intel Core2 Duo, 3.0GHz - AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6400+ 3.2GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 1024 MB video card
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 23 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX sound device
Отзывы пользователей
I'm sure 99% of people don't read reviews. That's why I confess that I love young, beautiful women.
awsome noruto sipiddin
loved it
The fact that the second part was badly rated by the community due to the 2d perspective and that nothing has changed for this game is even more disappointing, but the story is well done
peak game
This game is fucking good
I consider this the worst part of the series, the ending of the game is not only drawn out, it is also indecently difficult, and this was done only because of the short time to complete the plot. So besides this, for all your efforts in the end you get the most sucking ending where they even forgot about Sasuke as if he wasn’t even in the plot!
The gameplay looks better than the second one, of course, but that's all the game offers, optimization problems still interfere, and the plot looks good for an hour and a half maximum, based on this, I do not recommend either purchasing or playing through it, go straight to part 4, it’s great, unlike this stinking piece of code with good animations
"For now, just move forward. Even if it means you walk a path of carnage" - Uchiha Itachi
This game is a retelling of the fouth great ninja war.
ban deidara
Cheap Price with vast content ( I know i get it late heheh)
hawk tuah
Mostly into these games for the multiplayer fights and have not followed the anime/manga since 2007. The combat is pretty simple but flashy and fast so it looks really cool even though you're basically just hitting the same button for everything. Character selection is sparse at first but if you play the main story you unlock most of the other characters...that being said... The main story is a SLOG...so so so many cutscenes and like maybe if I still followed the series it'd be cool to me but I don't and it wasn't so I spammed the skip button A LOT. I still don't know what the main story was and don't care to, I got all the characters unlocked so that's all I needed it to do. Also, spoilers for the story ahead, fuck that kaiju fight nonsense with the tailed beast at the end. wtf was that? why does the camera suck so bad in those fights specifically? f that s to the most severe extreme that s can be f-ed.
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst is a contender for best Storm game IMO. The storytelling and voice acting in this game is at it's best. The actual content that they go through in this game in my opinion isn't as interesting as much of Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, but it is told better with the pacing being much better. The music is also still great, and there are a lot of cool characters added in this game. The boss battles are still really good as well, and I think that the content that this game has is on par with Storm 2 as well. Overall, I'd rate Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst a 9/10. Worth playing.
the game is awasome throwback memory chilhood
really fun game absolutely loved it. The keybinds are strange tho..... luckily you can change them
amazing games!!!!!
Naruto if it was a visual novel game also the tailed beast fight was so cancer lmao
I cry. This is the 3rd anime that made me cry.
The uchiha bros arc, the baby naruto arc and zabuza's arc.
thankyou Kishimoto. Godspeed..
Please add sex with Big Tiddy Goth Chicks
when i want to play this it didnt work after i press play
you could recommend this game to someone who doesnt like naruto or fighting games and they would still enjoy it, plus fun 100%
Last fight ruined the game for me. Super clunky with camera, AI spamming.
Minha opinião continua a mesma, eu amo esse jogo e esse anime demais, não me arrependo <3
real good
Haven't beaten yet. On chapter 3. So far I do think its way better than the first 2 Storm games. I gave those bad reviews as I thought were fun but had way much filler and loading screens. I loved the first one but it took a long time to unlock missions. In Storm 3, its just one fight after another with good variety of characters. The game does start out tough so Its not really a game for beginners. This one starts right after Pain is defeated.
As far as I can tell, the fighting mechanics are very similar for the trilogy. I was hoping they spiced things up in the third one but still a fun game either way. Overall it does feel like Storm 2 dlc as the two games are so similar. Still recommend if your into this sorta thing. All the cutscenes are well done and faithful to the series. As much fun and pretty the game is to look at, I was kinda hoping for more like game modes or something special like that.
Not sure how informative this is, but this game is pretty damn good.
This game is ok. In some ways great the level of detail & the story on a whole is insanely long & in depth.
Normally I would recommend this game & in a way if the below doesn’t bother you should but these issues were too much for me to be honest.
Firstly there’s the menu at first I thought the supersampling & vsync were the only graphical options only 1/4 of the way in did I actually find an additional options menu hidden at the start that doesn’t appear until 5 seconds later. Why you’d put it there is beyond me & why not in the other options menu?
Then there’s dialogue I love dialogue, but asking me to continuously press A to go to the next part is annoying & tiring especially when in other scenes you’ve got voices & lines that play all the way through without me having to press A why didn’t you just do that for everything?
The roads with the shop were a kinda cool idea but fell short in what was actually possible.
The shops confusing words like ATK or NUMB ATK sure is attack but specifically what is ATK damage per hit? Ninjutsu damage? LIKE EXPLAIN!
Secret Actions this one had me puzzled I read there’s an indicator & when you are in the right position the action occurs so I thought the indicator was a rador with the white outline pointing to the place I need to be in nope. Turns out it was an icon hinting at what to use ability wise but it doesn’t tell you so you have to guess. Btw I couldn’t find any info on what each icon mean & it’s pretty difficult to look at an icons when the AI is chasing & spamming you with shurikan.
There’s also the fact that there’s just no labelling anywhere in this game e.g. how do I use a rasengan? How do I use amaterasu? What buttons? I’m told there’s a basic one on the loading screen but newsflash can’t read loading pages with an ssd lol.
And so every fight was at first just figuring out how players worked & what jutsu they used.
I eventually learned by trial and error it’s Y & then your attack button for me it’s X & double Y + X for ultimate but still where’s the tutorial for that? Also where’s the chakara dash what is a chakara dash?
Another thing that annoyed the hell out of me is that some characters ultimate jutsu requires the player to be grabbed right in front of you others can hit from a distance while others are just stupidly slow/clunky or seem to phase through character's cough cough shikamaru.
To be honest naruto was the only one that felt solid in all animations.
In some cases naruto has sage mode others he’s normal & his ultimate keeps changing which confused me am I able to switch forms kinda like dragon ball z? Doesn’t look like it the only way is to be at low health.
By far the thing that annoyed me the most & made me unable to recommend this game is the sheer ridiculous AI & battles at the end. Lets start with the 5 kage final stage fight you’re in the air attacking at first it’s ok but at the final stage it’s ridiculous not because it’s hard but because I CANNOT SEE A DAMN THING! My screen is just littered with fireballs to the point where I can’t see my own player it’s not hard it’s just ridiculous & stupid. What also annoyed me was that some battles had multiple stages and so you’d start the next stage with health from how you ended the previous stage which again isn’t a problem it isn’t hard it’s just annoying & stupid because if I had known I wouldn’t have played recklessly having fun experimenting & seeing low health forms for each character. Both the 5 kage fight & Naruto final battles have multiple stages where you’re not told when you get health back & when you don’t like I said it isn’t hard I can just go back & add health elixirs problem solved it just the fact you wasted my time trying to be clever with this stupid dumb trick. For these devs it seems like to them tricks & difficulty = fun. If I wanted that I’d have played Tekken.
What makes this worse is the save system you can’t save when you want & so going having to go back because you didn’t know your hp carried over meant doing other battles again.
All in all this game story wise is amazing although not everything was canon the expansion of emotion was amazing but a lot of dumb things in this game made me pretty annoyed I won’t lie. Oh and last thing just like the 5 kage fight the tailed beast fight is just as bad it’s not hard it’s not difficult it’s simply the fact I CANNOT SEE A DAMN THING HALF THE TIME!
What also sets me off is the power scaling you have AI with infinite substitutions & an extra health bar while you only have 2 make it make sense? Then there’s the attacks e.g the 9 tails itself had the most pathetic attacks I’ve seen slow & clunky bar the tailed beast bomb which you can rarely use since it takes forever to get chakara.
But what also sets me off is the fact damage makes zero sense in this game naruto in the end has a tailed beast bomb as his ultimate jutsu but it does less damage than other characters/abilities like rasen shurikan or the tsuchikage or kakashis mangekyo sharingan it’s the most powerful jutsu to exist at that point in time & other players do more damage? Make it make sense. Saskues thunder clap does little damage but chojis ultimate does way more or shikamarus when it’s way more powerful also why does it use chakara!!?? Its nothing supposed to.
Lastly its the stupid jinchuriki fight with bee being useless its you vs 6 others what makes this fight ridiculous is the basic targeting system can’t keep up. Visual spam everywhere I can’t see a thing between bubbles, lava rocks, smoke to substitutions again it’s not hard I JUST CANT SEE! and my player doesn’t target who I want. What also makes it annoying is when each jinchuriki does their special animation I CANT SEE & I’m STILL VULNERABLE TO ATTACKS!? WHY? Why does it zoome away from me & if it is zoomed WHY AM I VULNERABLE WHEN I CANNOT SEE ME OR THE OTHERS ATTACKING ME?
My god you can tell the game was made by greats devs but designed by morons with simple thinking.
Not that good like Storm 2 for me, but it can pass
One of the best naruto games !!!
This game was so good it did take me awhile to finished but it was a 10/10 for a 2013 game.
this game is even funner then i remember i used to play this and i was terrible you can only play on controller the keybinds are all similar but hard to pick which one you want to use
Banger juego with simple combat mechanics. Playing this game's akin to a round of chess, in that if you're playing against someone, you're really playing two games: the actual game and the mind game.
You're given a set of surface-level tools (basic combo inputs, ninja tools with different effects, character supports and two jutsu) and it's up to you to cook the most devious, battle-shattering beatdowns known throughout the Land of Fire.
Played through the story and it was touching. Anime and manga tend to have these long, drawn out thought roads and monologues so it may not be for everyone, but in the long run it's a spectacle of a journey. When these characters talk there's intention and when they fight, there's double.
And needless to say:
If Naruto can't Talk no Jutsu a villain into an ally you better believe he's coming in hot with a spiralling Rasengan.
And that's a pleasure to see.
Other reviewers have already appropriately gassed the storyline, so I'll talk more on the online space. The band for band arena. The rowdy ring.
Online is a great feature for any fighting game. The multiplayer mode is easy to understand and most of the people you'll meet have no fights under their belt, so you're more likely to be on equal footing if you're just starting out.
If you're crazy patient and don't mind the occasional shuriken masher, online's a fun jive. It'll take some time for you to actually run into someone online, so if you really want that shinobi scuffle, you'll have to do something else while you wait.
Tip: Don't focus too much on your win-to-loss ratio and don't take it too serious. Make sure you learn some good taijutsu/ninja tool combinations, how to substitute and how to activate an instant/health-sensitive awakening. A lot of beginners I've met are unaware and it makes it harder for them to pack some of their own punches.
As a side note, the card system is a pretty good personalisation feature for the multiplayer space. You're able to choose some picture and title combinations that look sleek as silk and honey.
8/10. Needs more Dattebayo.
goated char
The best Storm I've ever played!
Fighting mechanics are good, fun, and packed with epic moments, and the best part is the amazing storyline, especially in Chapter 4.
It's enough to make a grown man cry
I think out of all the naruto storm series, this one is the best due to the fighting mechanics!
really good animations great projection of thr story line
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | CyberConnect2 Co. Ltd. |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 80 |
Отзывы пользователей | 89% положительных (3369) |