Kentucky Route Zero: PC Edition

Kentucky Route Zero: PC Edition

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Разработчик: Cardboard Computer

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С приходом сумерек в Кентукки пение птиц сменяется хором лягушек и насекомых, знакомые дороги становятся не такими знакомыми, так что потеряться становится довольно легко. А те, кто уже потерялся, может попасть на тайное шоссе, пролегающее через систему подземных пещер. Люди, живущие и работающие у этой дороги, сначала кажутся немного странными, но вскоре к ним привыкаешь — это стареющий экспедитор, везущий последний заказ закрывающегося антикварного магазина, девушка, чинящая старые телевизоры в окружении призраков, мальчик и его огромный друг-орел, роботы-музыканты, невидимая, но незримо наблюдающая за всем и вся энергетическая компания, а также доживающие свой век маленькие сообщества, из последних сил борющиеся с собственным вымиранием.

KENTUCKY ROUTE ZERO — игра в жанре магический реализм в пяти актах, с запоминающейся электронной музыкой, а также набором гимнов и мелодий в жанре «блюграсс» от группы The Bedquilt Ramblers. Эта история о невыплаченных долгах, несбыточном будущем и людях, ищущих место в обществе. Великолепный визуальный ряд игры вдохновлен театром, фильмами и экспериментальным электронным искусством — в не меньшей мере, чем историей видеоигр.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, russian, spanish - latin america, japanese, arabic, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, simplified chinese, swedish, thai, traditional chinese, turkish

Системные требования


  • OS:Windows
  • Processor:1 GHz
  • Memory:512 MB RAM
  • Graphics:Directx 9.0c compatible video card
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:2.5GB HD space
  • Sound:Sound card
  • OS:Windows
  • Processor:1 GHz
  • Memory:1 GB RAM
  • Graphics:Directx 9.0c compatible video card
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:2.5GB HD space
  • Sound:Sound card


  • OS:OSX
  • Processor:1 GHz CPU
  • Memory:512 MB RAM
  • Graphics:OpenGL 3.0+ compatible video card
  • Hard Drive:2.5GB HD space
  • Sound:Sound card


  • Processor:1 GHz CPU
  • Memory:512 MB RAM
  • Graphics:OpenGL 3.0+ compatible video card
  • Hard Drive:2.5GB HD space
  • Sound:Sound card

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 27.02.2025 20:56
0 0

Do it. Is good.

Время в игре: 399 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.02.2025 13:03
0 0

I was literally forcing myself to finish this unlit I've realized his is not a game, it's an experience. If you treat it this way you might have some fun with it

Время в игре: 1374 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.02.2025 06:37
0 0

I don't know how many types of sadness there are, but here's KRZ inventing all new ones anyway.

Время в игре: 750 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.02.2025 04:35
0 0

This game sucks.
Went in for a good track / walking simulator.
Instead was an annoying read everything simulator.
only 1/3rds through and i really cant be bothered,

wish I could pet the dog more.

im out,

Время в игре: 166 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 18.02.2025 02:22
0 0

This is barely a game. It is a mad lib post modernist story with game like elements. I put in a few hours and decided to drop it after the story ended up with an absurd plot point.
To be clear the only game play is clicking around and advancing text bubbles. It is not clear what any of the multiple choice dialogue leads to and a vast majority of the content just tries to be weird/off putting.

Время в игре: 123 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.02.2025 23:04
0 0

Kentucky Route Zero is an intensely slow appalachian/southern gothic narrative with point and click elements.

The visuals are pleasantly minimalist, and the sound design and music are strong and effective; however the narrative is the game's strongest feature. Despite the narrative being its strongest asset, it is at the same time loose and slow, and the early acts are impenetrable due in part to its surrealist qualities. It picks up and develops in the later acts when the threads begin to form a tapestry, but it does feel as though it could have been tightened up. The slow pace is deliberate and does add value to the themes presented, but can be on the frustrating side before it begins to coalesce.

Kentucky Route Zero is not for everyone. The gameplay is thin and the narrative is fairly sluggish early on, but there is true value in its narrative and it presents a unique look into southern gothic themes, enhanced with a surrealist lens.

I would recommend Kentucky Route Zero to the right audience, much like a book by William Faulkner.

Время в игре: 534 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 13.02.2025 16:58
1 0

If you read other reviews you'll see that they say that KR0 is a piece of modern art, not a game. They are correct, but let me review it as such then. Because if I were to review it as a game the score would be very low. There is no gameplay.It is painfully slow in too many episodes. It would score a bit for stylish looks but boredom and tediousness would earn it something like 2/10.

Now back to reviewing this as an artistic expression. I like modern art. I like things that evoke feelings and don't necessarily require reason to be appreciated. But KR0 is not a modern art picture, its not a white rectangle on white background. KR0 is one of those video or sound installations that modern art museums show looped in separate small "movie theaters". At best they are provocative or thought-producing. At worst nonsensical. KR0 fluctuates between the two. But then again, would you really spend 10 plus hours of your life in one of those "movie theaters"? I chose not to.

So overall even as a form of modern art it lacks some foundation to be interesting. The more grounded parts it has are better than the artistic ones but they are far and between.

4/10. Do not recommend. Go to a modern art museum instead.

Время в игре: 268 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.02.2025 03:22
0 0

An adventure game through and through, just with the sort of engines (item puzzles, navigation, winnable dialogue trees) that generally drive those games replaced with an examination of your own instincts. The main concern of the gameplay is how you respond to the idea of a choice, even when that choice cannot result in a fail state, which in this game, as far as I know, it cannot. As such It's going to ask you to give something over to it, it requires a sense of curiosity about how you can work in tandem with the story and a willingness to Play rather than to Game, if you catch my drift. And if you are willing to give that to it it becomes an incredible work not just about art and how we interface with it (either as artists or audience members) but also debt, community, what there is to do about the rot of capital slowly snuffing out every bit of life America has got. It's one of my favorite games I've ever played.

Время в игре: 566 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.02.2025 02:42
0 0

I had an overall positive experience with this game, but there were major issues with it that are hard to overlook. The vibe was solid, the main underlying story was interesting, and the music was folksy and contemplative. However, both in narrative and mechanics, I felt that this game fell short of the mark it was shooting for.

Mechanically, the game is almost entirely linear and the choices presented to the player seem to have no meaningful impact on the direction of the game at all. There are multiple dialogue options for nearly every interaction in the game but they don't seem to affect anything, leaving me feeling like I was being dragged along with enough of an illusion of choice that it felt interactive when it really wasn't. Maybe this was an attempt at making a point about society, but if so then the essence of the game seems to have been lost within that point.

In substance, the game has significant narrative flaws as well. Multiple major plot points are never resolved, the chronology of certain events is never explained, and characters just appear and disappear at will without explanation or purpose, sometimes in the middle of a scene. If this was intentional, it certainly did not feel like it.

These mechanical and substance issues combine to create an experience that feels simultaneously too linear and too convoluted. Again, I enjoyed the vibe, the music, and the main underlying story of the society itself, but finishing this game I can't help but feel that the narrative and character writing was two or three drafts shy of being complete.

All that being said, I enjoyed it enough to wish that it could have been more enjoyable.

Время в игре: 639 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 10.02.2025 00:13
1 0

What I liked: attractive, spare animation; smart writing about big topics (class, wage slavery, environment); outstanding music. What I didn't like: it felt like my choices had no effect on the story, and I didn't feel connected with the characters. Perhaps rolling out the phases of the game over many years meant that the designers changed their mind over time about some things, but yeah, there were some choices that didn't make sense to me (like Conway's arc). I didn't finish Act V because I lost interest.

Время в игре: 736 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.02.2025 16:20
1 0

I love this game. Surreal, funny, and emotionally resonant. If you like David Lynch, play this game.

Время в игре: 725 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.02.2025 11:15
3 0

An American tragedy. A mystery, you could call it "Entertainment". Objectively a video game, if we were better a naming things we would call it something else.

Время в игре: 2052 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.02.2025 20:36
0 0

Maybe we're all trying to find the zero... I think that. All of us tragic souls, who have known fear and failure in ample portion, are searching for the same thing... Whatever it may be, I pray we all make it there, some day

Время в игре: 485 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.01.2025 20:33
0 0

Its gorgeous. I love it.

Время в игре: 469 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.01.2025 06:15
1 0

got a notes app filled with quotes from this game, insane that we live in a world where a video game says "the computer is no longer the pure domain of language or mathematics but entropy" I'd kill myself if i had to grow up in the 80s.

Время в игре: 228 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.01.2025 17:42
0 0


How can one find words to describe the feeling of community, of pedigree both personal and global, of the unexpected, of the eclectic strangers and folk music that feel as old and permanent as the very hills. There is no one way to write all that, the story of a curious life, a messy life, and life lived with utter precociousness, obsession, and deep love. None that I know of that is, or at least that I knew before I took my journey along the zero.
Because of my profound respect and love for video games, I might have expected, or at least, if inquired upon, guessed that they might be the only chance at showing all that in a single package; but I never was, never even did I pose this question to myself, I simply took them in, I found wonder and tragedy inside the layered storytelling Outer Wilds, and I found glutinous joy in 5 dollar rougelites à la Vampire Survivors, yet never before did I feel so intimate with a videogame experience as did with Kentucky Route Zero.
The arc of KR0, told in five acts, brought me through the full spectrum of emotion, and effortlessly brought me into a curiosity and wonder the likes of which I have not experienced since I was 12 and played my first real game of Dungeons and Dragons. At first glance these things may not seem immediately related, but allow me to explain. On the one hand we have KR0, a visual novel turned point and click adventure game, and D&D, a rules heavy, clunky tabletop game, how could both have stirred within me that same sense of wonder? Simply put: these two experiences, unlike most other things in my life, were truly able to transport me. Often, especially in my young adult life, I feel overwhelmingly centered within my body and my mind, and I seldom feel a connection to the spiritual or the mystical (though I yearn for it). As I travelled in the Mucky Mammoth however, down the echo river, hearing the subtle sounds of the subterranean and gobbling up each storyline like a serving of cold blind eel from Sam & Ida’s, I felt connected to something bigger. It sounds silly, perhaps even contrived for me to say this, but what I felt while playing this game was a sense of community, of true closeness, the likes of which I have not been able to feel in my real life in some time. Drifting down this stream and wondering how it would turn out for Conway, as more and more of him was consumed by his debt to the Hard Times Distillery, thinking about how, and in fact if Ezra would ever again be united with Julian, I felt truly outside of myself, as if I too was drifting down that river, each character I encountered fishing a new piece of me to the surface (no pun intended). I felt seen, and, transcending usual struggles depression often brings to bear on my heart and mind, I was completely enraptured in a world that was so like, yet so unlike my own.
Now of course no experience can be perfect and this one, eclectic as it may be, is, in reality, ‘just another game’. This gamey-ness weighed heavily on my sense of immersion in the first two acts, which take a much more streamlined approach in their storytelling. During this portion, interludes notwithstanding, the camera is centered completely on the games erstwhile protagonist Conway and his straw hat wearing hound, Homer. A rather schlubby, though ponderous fellow, in tune with the sublime energies that hang about this game like the heaviest of perfumes, Conway seeks to complete a delivery of antiques, the final delivery to be made for Lysette and her late husband Ira with whom he shared a deep bond, complicated and troublesome as all bonds of this nature tend to be, but loving too. During this phase of the game I was curious, but I was not yet truly in it, as I would become later around act 2.5 during the interlude ‘the entertainment’. A segment in which the player finally gets a real taste of what is to come as they are placed in the middle of a realism-inspired stage performance about a seedy dive bar called ‘the Lower Depths’. During these first few acts we are introduced to the mannerisms of the game, and it presents us with a dreary, surreal world set firmly in the doldrums of Kentucky. An environment through which the player travels by way of hand written directions in a busted old truck, driving by small towns and past run down casinos, all while hearing ominous whisperings of ‘Consolidated Power’ a burgeoning electric company that seems to have an invisible chokehold on each and every corner of this place.
After the aforementioned interlude, however, things begin to shift, and the grasp that Cardboard Computer, the studio responsible for this masterpiece, has on their world becomes astoundingly clear as they shake the foundations of the avant-gard-warioware-like-visual-novel-point-and-click-adventure-game (or whatever genre I am supposed to define this game with), with each act and each interlude presenting itself in through a unique new spin. It is here that we are introduced to two of my personal favorite characters, a pair of bantering, motorcycle riding, music making, androids. Now I have yet to make a second playthrough of the game (best believe that it is coming), but when I learned that I would be able to travel to previously mentioned dive ‘the Lower Depths’ and see them perform a song, it was with a feverish urgency that I rolled my little tire Icon along the through-way and grabbed myself a barstool. I will not go into too much depth in the following sequence as to leave some mystery and novelty for those who have not yet played the game (though if you are one of those people I urge you to stop reading and go make the journey yourself), but the scene that follows was one of the first major ‘oh shit’ sequences that I experienced in the game, and, much to my elation, I was later able to encourage Junebug and Johnny to join my quest to make the delivery to 5 Dogwood drive.
There Is so much more I could say about this game, and it is a testament to games as an artform that they include an experience such as this, but as mentioned, ages ago at the beginning of this review, no five, ten, or one hundred paragraphs could accurately describe the feeling of playing this game. So I will instead leave you with this, to all my dreamers, my romantics looking to feel again, PLAY THIS GAME. It will make you want to cry, it will make you chuckle, and it will, in the best way, make you think of all the things that you love, hate, fear, and long for in this world. If you are someone who does not play games (I don't know how you found this review but here we are), and chooses instead to take your stories in other ways, be that through film, music, prose, the visual arts, or any other form, the richness of KR0’s literary, and audio-visual style will not disappoint you. After finally completing it, I can say with confidence not only that it is one of my all time favorite games, but one of my all time favorite media experiences, period. So, reader, if you do decide to make your own way through the subterranean highways of the zero, take notes, and for the love of god, feed Homer that little piece of jerky while you have the chance.

Время в игре: 917 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.01.2025 15:10
0 0

Not every game makes me cry.
This is absolutely beautiful.
And I just have to mention the music of Ben Babbitt separately - together with the story, it did so much to me.

Время в игре: 921 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.01.2025 05:48
2 0

Kentucky Route Zero is a "capital A" arthouse game, which makes it a tough sell as a commercial product. I liked its themes of displacement, and the game is at its best when it is moving quickly between stunningly framed tableaux and evocative character vignettes. However, the majority of the experience is brutally slow, and I lost patience well before Kentucky Route Zero was finished introducing its large cast of characters, which muted the overall impact of the story.

I respect what Kentucky Route Zero is trying to do, but ultimately I can't think of anyone that I personally know to whom I could recommend this game.

Время в игре: 610 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.01.2025 20:29
0 0

Kentucky Route Zero takes some patience, but giving it patience rewards one with a truly special experience.

Время в игре: 658 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.01.2025 01:00
0 0

kentucky route zero

Время в игре: 1253 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.01.2025 10:19
0 0

This game might be the most important piece of interactive media since the dawn of computer technology, and its influence will be felt far into the future. It is not a game in the traditional sense but rather a meticulously crafted virtual experience that has defined its own grammar, established a new identity, and attracted a unique type of player. It is a game for musicians, cinema enthusiasts, readers, artists, and even for those who have never played video games before or felt unsure about how to engage with them. It is also for individuals contemplating the artistry of video games or, more profoundly, the idea of games as a form of art.

The game raises profound questions about the impact of interactive media and how it can influence us. It does so in a straightforward manner while delivering a powerful aesthetic and emotional experience.

At times, it may feel slow or uneventful, but it is also frequently beautiful, atmospheric, and impactful. Spending time in the world of Kentucky Route Zero and engaging with its characters can be an immensely rewarding experience that stays with you for years to come.

Время в игре: 1169 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.01.2025 20:50
0 0

atmospheric point-and-click with arresting storytelling and gorgeous visuals.

Время в игре: 519 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.01.2025 03:06
1 0

reminded me of how sometimes people existed so briefly like they were never there

Время в игре: 1248 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.01.2025 12:31
1 0


Время в игре: 641 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.01.2025 21:26
0 0

I still need to figure out where the Zero is

Время в игре: 181 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.12.2024 02:26
0 0

Phenomenal from start to finish

Время в игре: 3010 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.12.2024 13:08
3 0

Disco Elysium for hillbillies. 10/10

Время в игре: 212 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.12.2024 05:59
0 0

I'm glad that I was just barely smart enough to understand most of this game. BARELY. Be warned it is EXTREMELY SLOW, but also very very beautiful and haunting. Pick this up on a slow and quiet day if you want something to ponder.

Время в игре: 631 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.12.2024 20:03
0 0

KR0 is the forerunner and the capstone of the direction of indie in the 2010s. To me, it’s the definitive game of the decade. The game is a thinker, it’s dense and doesn’t always go down easy. But every moment of frustration and confusion I felt momentarily only served to reinforce the beautiful, disquieting atmosphere and the haunting narrative. KR0 is best experienced with a lot of time and thought in between each act.

Some people have accused the game of being dissatisfying and aimless, but I suspect they approached it with the wrong mindset. The game is a work of art, it compels you to stand and study it until your eyes water and your legs hurt. In drifting passively through a gallery with impatient, wandering eyes you will miss the “good part”. Below the stunning scene composition, music, and attention to detail, the truly “good part” of KR0 is the indescribable feeling it pulls out of your heart, one you didn’t know was even there. Disquieting is one (incomplete) way to put it. Its illusory “aimlessness” is the shadow cast by the fact that every single little thing is connected to everything else, in its own way. The game is electric. Like radio and TV static, an infinite web of people, relationships, insecurities, histories, economies, appears as grey noise from afar. KR0 makes the player to listen to this noise, to hear voices in the static, to see ghosts on television, to meet its characters as wavelike perturbations in the electromagnetic field. KR0 is for those willing to read and to linger.

Время в игре: 636 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.12.2024 19:31
1 1

Played for 4.5 hours and have no idea what is going on.

Время в игре: 278 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.12.2024 16:36
0 1

english teacher gaming

Время в игре: 552 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.12.2024 11:35
1 2

Fine i'll play Disco Elysium too.


Время в игре: 1223 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 00:55
0 0

Something is coming
Or maybe it's already gone

Either way, the atmosphere of this game, is unmatched. You'll know exactly what your experiencing in vibe only, save for some moments of clarity. Whether those moments are from you or the game itself is for you to find out.

Время в игре: 367 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.11.2024 20:09
0 0

This game is slow, as some slow dreams where reality, imagination and quirks go together in an apparent logical flow.

Время в игре: 636 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.11.2024 11:12
0 0


Время в игре: 63 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.11.2024 15:46
1 0

The kind of game that leaves you with a lot to think about.

Время в игре: 742 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.11.2024 03:53
0 0

No idea what the &^%$ Im playing, way above my head.

Время в игре: 320 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.11.2024 17:30
0 0

Even though the beginning seemed to be a bit boring to me I kept going and it was awesome, it's truly a real good and unique experience.

Время в игре: 944 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.11.2024 04:21
1 0

i am heartbroken

Время в игре: 2736 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.11.2024 19:15
1 0

a 2010's-ish Appalachian ghost story in a surrealist, point & click, Midwestern adventure.
Anyone who misses &/or grieves the country life in one regard or another, or who's curious about a metaphorical way of storytelling & commentary, will appreciate this game

In case yer wondering, 5 Dogwood Drive, Carlisle, Kentucky, is real, but it's been broken up into about 6 lots, and no telling if it's still on the market or not. Be nice if they'd build what you see at the end of Act V

Время в игре: 658 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.11.2024 20:27
0 0

i mean i don't know what's going on yet but i love the humor of this game so much

Время в игре: 330 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.11.2024 18:29
0 0

If you graduated art school and feel your degree was worth it, this is the game for you.

For all else, don't waste your time. This is a "modern art" piece which makes everything a shallow abstraction so that you can pretend to be smart by mocking the people who "don't get it." In reality, there is nothing to get. But the sycophants will point to the times it touches on alcoholism, addiction, debt, etc. which all sound really deep and mature, but what you get is endless upyourass dialogue with no real decisions to make.

It's not a game, it's not *even* a point and click adventure. And it has nothing to say either. Oh wow the main character mesomorphs into a spooky scary skeleton and floats away how profound.

Время в игре: 78 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.11.2024 22:45
2 0

Kentucky Route Zero is the first game that I wish were a screensaver, and I do not mean that in a disparaging way. Just that it is unendingly gorgeous between its abstract and surreal interpretations of Appalachian landscapes and also suffers the standard "slow gameplay is meaningful gameplay" curse of so many adventure games. Hey, if you are going to have something be eternally ponderous, at least make it a truly passive experience instead of making me feel like I am going to scream because it takes two full minutes for my character to incredibly slowly walk through a screen.

I admit I did appreciate the extra "hahahaha eat shit!" from the designers choosing to give the protagonist a bad leg in Act II and make his already-intolerable movement speed even slower.

But my standard bristling hatred for slow movement in games aside, I have primarily praise for Kentucky Route Zero as the rare "mostly serious" adventure game that is still actually worth checking out. It helps that it infuses its seriousness with a healthy dose of absurdity and dream logic--not in the puzzle design fortunately, but in the environment and characters instead--and that, again, it has some of the best visuals of any pixel art game ever. Honestly its moonlit or flashlightlit segments are up there with just about the best of any game.

But yeah, adventure game fans should all own this one, and people like me who think they like adventure games sometimes and then remember other times that they actually hate them will still find a lot to love here.

Время в игре: 558 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.11.2024 21:53
0 0

KRZ is a combination fever dream and compelling story of people searching for something. The world is fleshed out. Good voice acting.
There a few locations where soliloquies get tiresome if you choose to hear all of them. You can always drop out if you wish.
I'm glad i played this.

Время в игре: 632 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 31.10.2024 03:28
2 0

Don't repeat my mistake: 'Magic realism' is often just code for nonsense. This game showed me just how deep my disdain for hollow pretentiousness runs.

Время в игре: 490 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.10.2024 17:35
0 0

this is boooring

Время в игре: 358 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.10.2024 04:28
1 0

This game was awesome. Deep, atmospheric, and though-provoking, very artistic, with a mystical feel throughout.

Время в игре: 1171 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.10.2024 05:43
1 0

poetic.romantic.aimless. resembled the life itself. loneliness is always the friend of freedom, but a wanderlust would enjoy its company.

Время в игре: 2073 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.10.2024 08:12
2 0

I think this is the most beautiful piece of digital art I have ever consumed. I have such strong emotions about this game and how it portrays emotions, hope, hopelessness and acceptance to such a degree I struggle to put it into words.

I have read a comment on youtube regarding this game that I think says it better than I ever could:

There are no choices, you are simply telling the game who you are.

If I could experience this game for the first time once more in my life , I would do so in a heart beat.

Время в игре: 357 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.10.2024 18:29
1 0

Kentucky Route Zero is something closest to a lyrical narrative in a video game. At times, it doesn't even feel like a video game, but rather a visual novel; sometimes it's a text-based game, sometimes an adventure, and at other times, an animated theatrical performance. The different genres that the game so gracefully and gently employs work very well interwoven, so thinly that they almost break apart, but that never happens, and the game remains consistent in the poetic language it establishes from the beginning until the very end.

I have an incredible urge to share some moments from the game that are so beautiful and striking, but I think that would be a spoiler, and it's important for you to experience them yourself. You’ll want to share them with someone too, because the game is that moving!

Время в игре: 646 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Cardboard Computer
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 09.03.2025
Metacritic 81
Отзывы пользователей 83% положительных (2270)

Отзывы пользователей

1,878 положительных и 392 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 05.03.2025 09:10


Indie Adventure


Single-player Steam Achievements Full controller support Captions available Steam Cloud Remote Play on TV Family Sharing