Разработчик: Gaslamp Games, Inc.
But be wary - every colonist is a unique simulated individual with their own personality, motivation, secrets, and peculiar desires which must be satisfied lest they invite Terrible Consequences ranging from occult rituals to delicious cannibalism.
- Colonists are simulated with individual personalities, memories, and will be happy or miserable depending on your management.
- Free-form building: Design your own floorplans & arrange machines, furniture, and decorations as you see fit. (Or stuff everyone into dire bunkhouses.)
- Mine ore, chop trees, farm cabbage, brew beer, tin weird caviar and try to keep your people from eating one another!
- Beware weird horrible things: Menacing Fishpeople, cults, cannibalism, and more await your colonists.
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows 7, Operating System of The Lower Classes
- Processor: Intel i5 Processor or Equivalent ("The Little Scrapper" model)
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA or AMD card capable of supporting OpenGL 3.2 Core or Above. INTEL HD3000 AND HD4000 GRAPHICS CARDS ARE NOT SUPPORTED.
- DirectX: Version 9.0
- Storage: 4 GB available space
- Sound Card: Lord Palmerstoke's Sound-Reproducing "Old-Timey" Wax Cylinder Driver
- Additional Notes: INTEL HD3000 AND HD4000 GRAPHICS CARDS ARE NOT SUPPORTED. The Ministry for Video Game Drivers would like to remind you: true Patriots of the Empire always install their latest Graphics Card Drivers before Enjoying A Bracing Video Game, lest the Blackness Consume Us All.
- OS *: Windows 7, 64-Bit Version (By Appointment to Her Majesty)
- Processor: Intel i7 or above, fashioned of Stout Empire Tin and Burnished of Solid Pewter
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: A Big, Shiny NVIDIA or AMD Graphics Card With Lots of Fans Stuck to It. (Remember: More Fans Means More Steampunk!)
- DirectX: Version 9.0
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 8 GB available space
- Sound Card: "His Masters' Voice" Novorusian All-Wailing Gramaphone Module and Borscht Dispensary
- Additional Notes: The Ministry for Growth and Monitoring encourages you to buy a Really Big Monitor.
- OS: OS X 10.9 ("Mavericks") or above
- Processor: 2013 Generation Macbook Pro or iMac or Mac Pro
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: We're still trying to figure this out. Stay tuned.
- OS: OS X 10.... what number *is* Yosemite anyway?
- Processor: 2014 Generation Macbook Pro or iMac or Mac Pro
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: NVIDIA or AMD Integrated Graphics Parts
- Additional Notes: Note: some GeForce cards (700m series) are currently experiencing peculiar slowdowns. We are trying to figure this out. Stay tuned!
Отзывы пользователей
I believe this game is 100% GONE! Since the release date - Oct 25, 2016. And this is the year 2025...
Thank you for this wonderful game while it lasted.
I wanted to love this game. I remember the fluff piece PCGamer wrote about it when it was first announced. Colony management, Lovecraftian terrors, steampunk gear. It was enough to make me buy into the early access. Things seemed great at first. The alphas were showing promise, and the game while paced slow, was enjoyable enough for it's early state. I figured in a year or three I'd revisit and enjoy the finished product. As evident from other reviews, I'm sure you know by now that will not come to pass. This is unfinished abandonware. And it's a damn shame, because it would have been a great game.
If you set the game to expermential beta in settings, you can get the newest patch which by my understanding was mostly community authored. This fixes some of the most game breaking bugs, but far from all of them. For example, I just quit out of a game because for whatever reason, my colony decided it could no longer use coal for any recipe. I had plenty of coal. I was continuing to mine more coal, and could see the coal and coal amount in my storage depot. But any recipe that made use of coal, would not even start. No smelting, no gunpowder... you get the idea.
I don't mind loosing a game, especially when I'm learning the ropes in a trial by fire. But to loose, or be forced to quit an otherwise thriving game is infuriating. I can not in good conscience recommend this game, when such other fine examples of colony management exist. I would not even touch this again if it was on sale, why pay to be fustrated? Save your money and go pick up Rimworld or Oxygen Not Included. Same things, different flavor, better execution.
It's a damn shame.
I want to start off saying that this game IS incomplete. The devs went bankrupt making it and the company's dissolved. It has some bugs, and it's generally a little bit janky especially when you push the pop counts up past 50. The community has banded together to create CECOMPATCH, which alleviates some of the game breaking jankiness and put hidden engine systems that weren't fully implemented in the last official release to the fore. You can look up how to download CECOMPATCH, I highly recommend it.
With all that out of the way, the game's a delightful colony survival builder. You're a Colonial Junior Bureaucrat in the service Her Majestys mighy Clockwork Empire, charged with overseeing a colonial expedition. The game leans heavily on Victorian Steampunk themes. Replete with Lovecraftian Eldritch horror lurking in the colonial hinterlands.
The art style is all very cohesive. It sticks to the steampunk victorian theme. If you're familiar with Gaslamp Games, it's dripping with their sense of humor, And even if you aren't familiar, the quippy tooltips are a flavor goldmine.
It's a good buy on sale, but I wouldn't recommend it fully priced. IDK where the money is going either, because Gaslamp Games is defunct (Yet paradoxically their website's still up...). Perhaps they sold off the IP to some holding company, but only they know, and there's been no statement.
In short, buy this game if you're into colony builder/survival titles and want something with a fun unique setting, and it's on sale.
Tl;dr version of what is going on:
Gaslamp Games is gone and won't be able to continue the development but the community has come togheter and is working on completing the game with projects like the CECOMMPATCH (which is at the time of this writting currently at version 0.9.5) which can be found at the "CE Community Patch" steam group and the official Clockwork Empires forums. Now the community would really love to get their hands on the in-game engine access which would make their job a hell of a lot easier (since it would reduce the risk of legal problems) so if anyone on the team reads this then please get in touch with the CECOMMPATCH team.
As for the review:
It's obvious that the game isn't finished, but it's still a hell of a lot of fun!
This game had (emphasis on HAD) a ton of potential, and looked like it would end up an amazing, and hilarious city building/rpg type game.
It was a nod to H.P. Lovecraft and Tropico 5, with its humorous, and cultist elements, in-depth characters with canned 'personality traits', and balancing of needs as a community (happiness, saftety, etc).
But the game was abandoned by the developers, its been almost a year (at the point that I wrote this review) since any bug fixes were done, and there are PLENTY of game breaking bugs. Unless another company picks this back up and finishes it, I cannot recommend it.
I wish steam would hold funds for Early Access games, and only release chunks of the funds once the game passes milestones, That way users who invest can get partial refunds for unfinished games, and the devs are held more responsible for being unable to deliver.
Many loyal steam users are sick of these shady devs getting our hopes up and promising the world, only to have wasted 20-30 $ on a game, that didn't even make it past what most of us would consider an ALPHA release (beta would be at least playable).
As far as I can tell, Gaslamp Studios has been closed and this game is therefore abandoned. I really think they gave this game their all, and I respected them as an indie studio, however at this point I think they are being deliberately unclear that this game is abandoned and are trying to scam an extra 30 bucks from people who aren't aware of it. Not as bad as towns or DF9, but the end result here is basically the same. RIP gaslamp.
Fantastic and atmospheric city builder, unfortunately riddled by bugs and abandoned shortly after hitting Early Access.
If the game was still under development and had any hope of being completed, I'd thoroughly recommend it; as it stands the developer has folded and the outline of what might have been a great game is all that we will ever see.
Still gave me 30 hours of fun, which is more than many AAA games offer.
Game has gotten much better since a community member took it over and created the CECOMMPATCH. With the community patch I would definitely recommend it since it fixes the plethora of problems that plagued the game including all the weird AI and production nuances.
This game had so much potential, but released too early with game breaking bugs. The development team went under, but earlier builds of this game were more enjoyable and balanced than what we got in final release. Truly heart breaking to see a game which the developers clearly care for be left incomplete.
Devs went bankrupt and nobody picked up the code. Game is dead. Shame had potential, but bankruptcy is bankruptcy.
Wonderful game that's been abandoned unfinished.
It -is- playable but it has serious problems with omissions/bugs that make some features unusable (or require manual patching to fix them) and SERIOUS slowdown/optimization problems that hit you around mid-game.
Devs have been in communications silence since December 2016 - most of them have confirmed that they are no longer affiliated with the studio, Gaslamp Games, but NOBODY HAS COME FORWARD TO EXPLAIN. No 'sorry guys, we're bankrupt' or... well, or anything!
The game still has great character and is playable to an extent, but sooner or later, you will bog down to unplayable levels of lag, or realize that features for late-game management and expansion are missing.
Buy it on a deep sale to experience it, then mourn what could have been.
Well, this is disappointing.
I'd been following the development of this game on the Gaslamp Games blog for ages, and bought it as soon as it went Early Access. Kept testing almost every version, and still reading the (genuinely well written) blog of the game development process. Liked the early access stuff, and was quite happy with how new stuff was being added and bugs were slowly being fixed.
Then suddenly 1.0 came out, and... there were still a lot of bugs everywhere and many features felt half-finished at best. I guess they ran out of money or something?
One more blog post about them working on a bugfix patch, plus some more features.
Then the devs disappeared.
I'll change my recommendation if the devs actually ever re-emerge and patch this game to a state it deserves to be in. Until then, thumbs down from me.
I honestly thought Gaslamp Games wouldnt abandon this game after its lackluster launch. I was wrong. Even with the success of Dungeons of dredmor behind them, they still took the easy way out. I doubt they made a lot of money from the game. But they simply dissapeared a few months ago. Last time one of the developers was logged into the game forum was on December 6th...
Edit : There is strong evidence that Gaslamp Games actually no longer exists. Dbaumgart has moved on to differnt projects( linkedin.com/in/david-baumgart-02560320 (Gaslamp Games Juli 2008 - November 2016)) , Nicholas Vinning twitter bio has changed to "I once made games, it was awful." ( https://twitter.com/nvining ) Thats two out of three founders presumably already gone. The only one that might be still with the company is Daniel Jacobsen. ( https://twitter.com/citizen_daniel ) But he would be by himself.
They all couldnt be bothered to tell the supporting community at Gaslampgames.com forums about this. Thats just bad form and poor treatment of loyal customers who supported them throughout the journey.
Clockwork Empires is one of those games that I really really wanted to be good. The basic setting, the fundamental idea behind it, is nice. But as is often the case with these Early Access titles, the actual execution crashes miles away from the intended target and then slowly sinks into the ocean.
Let's get the good out of the way first, because honestly, there is less pro than con in this case.
Settlements do feel sprawly, once (and if) you manage to grow them. You are quite capable of building a very nice looking settlement with some planning. The very basic presentation is also done okay. There's occult events, fish people running around and the ocassional cult going on. House design is up to you, meaning that you get to customize how your places look. It gets fidgety and micro intensive from time to time, especially in larger settlements. But at least you can make the houses you build look somewhat neat.
And then we get to the bad. And boy, where to begin.
Let's start with the difficulty. Now, what you WANT from a game like this, is balancing growth, people's needs, and safety. Basically, the guy in charge should need to juggle the three to slowly, but surely, expand his little backwater Innsmouth to a decent settlement. The game stumbles over the first one, ignores the second and finally descends, maybe even fittingly, completey into madness at the last one.
On easy embarks, the game lacks any sort of challenge and is basically just "My little Lovecraft". Enemies are barely present, and if they do deem your citizens worthy of getting buggered, they will get obliterated even by the most basic of militaries. As an introduction, that would be fine. Gives you a little playground to learn the ropes in.
Then you go up to medium, and suddenly you are getting OBLITERATED by countless bandit raids. The very first attack on your settlement might be done by more Bandits than you have Dudes to start out with. It's also completely possible to spawn with a couple big animals nearby, that kill some of your folks before you even build your first house.
After a couple tries, I realized the best way to actually defeat those odds is just to spam housing. Basically, get as many disposable scrubs in your settlement as possible, and then just drown the enemy in bodies. Yes, the game literally FORCES you, to build a big, shitty, low quality settlement with as many people as possible, just to survive. It's the only strategy that really works, and it turns the early game into a tedious, boring nightmare.
This COULD be remedied, if Defenses did anything and actually offered a strategy to your security. But you can not give your military orders beyond "Go there" and then praying that at least half of them survive. And dont count on it, the AI has the survival instinct of a suicidal sloth.
So the combat part of the game is a total wash. What about the economy then? Well, the path finding and stockpiling mechanics are awful. People will sometimes pick up random things and carry them into the woods, possibly as a distraction for the invading bandits. They will stack items in a way that could NOT be any more inefficient. With some items being picked up and dropped multiple times, which is especially infuriating for food and raw materials. Your workers also have set schedules and working hours. Working hours that start out minimal, until you make your populace happier. As we established, since the only way to survive on anything but easy is to spam unhappy dudes, your guys will do a MINIMAL amount of work, accentuated by the fact that the inefficient pathfinding and buggy mechanics will sometimes mean your guys will literally do almost NOTHING troughout an entire day.
And this applies to everyone. The baber is supposed to be the guy that heals your wounded citizens. Now, for that to work, he needs to be in his workplace and the guy that needs patchin' needs to be there as well, of course. I stopped counting how many times the barber stopped working the moment a very wounded soldier stepped into his place. Or the other way around, people doing unimportant busywork at low hp, while the barber stands in his shop doing nothing.
Same goes for workshops. Stockpile management is barely present. And if those ressources are too far away, it's completely possible for a craftsman to spend his entire shift carrying three pieces of wood to a workbench, producing one chair, and then stop working again.
Finally, the Overseers being asigned Labourers thing is a cute idea, but ultimately utterly meaningless if not an outright hindrance. In my mind, you should obviously have more labourers than Overseers, and they should be easier to get in large quantities. But firstly, there is very little reason to actually have a large labourer force, as most workshops require one or two at most, and second, the amount of work required to build labourer housing is only minimaly less demanding than just getting more Overseers.
It would've been better to just not assign labourers at all and just have them help out wherever they are needed. It would have made stockpiling less of a pain and reduce the general amount of micromanaging motherf**ery you have to deal with every single moment. Maybe stuff would actually get done that way.
Then we have nonsensical restrictions on Workshop buildings, increased by getting more Overseers. Making the early game even more frustrating since you cant build all the critical buildings you need, unless, you guessed it, you spam even more unhappy people into your crappy town.
I could go on, but why bother. The game should not have left Early Access. it's plain and simply not fun in it's current state. I'd guess it would need a couple weeks of constant patches, adjusting and even some changes on very basic levels to be even considered "Okay". And there has not been an update in over a month. Honestly, skip this one and check back in a couple months, to see if anything changed.
Short review:
A basebuilding game with a fun theme, cool events and a great squad system. Unfortunately, monitoring inventory and building stuff is a huge pain in the ass due to a very unhelpful UI.
I would not recommend this game unless you are a huge fan of basebuilding games and you are very sure the UI won't be a dealbreaker.
Long Review:
- Events that pop up are really fun and make you feel like you're in a Lovecraftean world.
- You really feel like you're building up a town
- Overseers + laborers squad-based system is a great way to manage your population
- Dev is actively working on patches to add content and fix bugs
- Right clicking moves the camera around instead of bringing up a context menu.
- Huge gunfights in town and everyone just shoots like the buildings' walls aren't there. Kinda breaks the illusion.
- Minor bugs like two guys trying to level one terrain spot get stuck in an up/down loop, or animals getting stuck in a building and making it hard to click stuff, lots of little stuff like that
- (edited) Feels like you can negate most dangers by using tech to "solve" events and becoming friendly with all factions, game could use something to add pressure/tension at that point. Harder biomes / expeditions don't really change how the game plays.
- (edited) If you are building something and missing mats, about 20% of the time it either tells you the wrong mats or pretends you do have the mats and just doesn't build it.
- Can't see resources without clicking into a submenu and clicking filters. And you have to check this constantly to see how your colony is doing, for example to catch when your supply chain is generating a given resource too slowly.
- (edited) Serious performance issues as your colony size scales up, starts around 40 colonists and gets real bad by about 75 (removed crashing complaint, 3 crashes in 44 hours isn't that bad imo)
- The UI does a very poor job guiding you through the process of building objects. There are multiple issues here:
--- When you choose something to build, the UI only tells you what workshop makes the item. Each workshop can have 4 or more workbenches that each produce a subset of items, so you still have to figure out which bench to use.
--- Figuring out which bench is a pain in the ass. To see what each bench can make, you have to click on each one and scroll through their list. And if you haven't built every bench and you can't find what you want, you have to keep building benches trying to find it.
--- Items you can't build because you need to research them look exactly the same as stuff you can actually build. So you might build every bench and scroll through every item and still not find what you want.
Suggestions on how to fix some of the major issues:
- Instead of having tooltips say "Made in Metalworks" have them say "Made in Metalworks Smelter". Just saying the bench would make everything so much more clear and save a ton of time and frustration.
- Make it obvious when something can't be built because it hasn't been researched. Put a red X over it, make it a different color, put it in the tooltip, anything!
- (edited) When I'm missing a component to build something, make sure the UI tells me the right thing.
- Maybe this one isn't so simple, but it would be really nice to be able to toggle resources or categories to show permanently in the UI ala Gnomoria, especially when the full submenu does such a poor job of filtering things.
I really enjoyed the world and the gameplay elements. But games like this revolve around building stuff and monitoring your inventory, and it is disappointing that the UI handles those tasks so poorly. Between that and the slowdown (you can hit 40 population quite quickly) I've decided to set this aside until some of these issues are patched.
As stated above, I would not recommend this game unless you are a huge fan of the genre and you are very sure the UI won't be a dealbreaker.
[edited 4 sections for accuracy after playing a bit more]
This game has a good concept with some very nice theming, but the execution just isn't there. Anyone familiar with Dwarf Fortress will recognize a lot in this game, and you will hear "Dwarf Fortress" here a lot because this game is heavily derived from it. Persistent "characters" with their own traits that influence and are influenced by the world around them. Material harvesting and workshop orders predicated on a limiting factor of work hours available, with those work hours being influenced by worker happiness. All good concepts that make the base for an engaging little game.
It falls short in how it tries to turn these things into a fun game. It tries very hard to be Dwarf Fortress with a nicely animated graphics package, but it is chained to an all too linear progression system that makes the game drag along at a miserable pace. You must build a workshop to make another workshop. You must make planks to make bric-a-brac to make decorations to make better habitations to make it possible to get more workers. It does this with a very unintuitive set of menus (almost as bad a learning curve as Dwarf Fortress) and a wretched UI that makes Fallout 4 look like Master of Orion 2.
It tries to do all of the ultra-complicated Dwarf Fortress interactions, but it just doesn't have the complexity right or the coding to make it all work together. Granted, in Dwarf Fortress any system seems to lag when the computer has to take into account the wetness of each toe and finger of 100 dwarves when it starts to rain, but CE doesn't even get a fraction of these things running at once.
All of the random or sort of random events that take place require you to have certain buildings built and functional to avoid a horrible outcome. But by the time these events pop up, there is no way you can have such a thing in place unless you have ignored all of the other needs of the colony. You can't prevent X from happening because you need building Y, which must be supplied with good A and B to function, and thes goods can only be made with ingredients C and D in workshops G and F. And if you can get that stuff up and running, it's because you've neglected to build a kitchen and all of your colonists have already starved to death. It's a flow chart of damnation.
The micromanagement of keeping the settlers fed/sane/protected/happy is unpleasant and cumbersome and prevents you from doing the exploration, discovery, building and horrible death stuff that is interesting.
The take home is that it just isn't fun to play as it stands now. With massive changes to pacing, UI, and such it could be an enjoyable little game. It's not there yet and it will take a lot more work to get there. It needed a LOT more playtesting (ask your gaming parents what that was if you don't know) before being released for money. I paid retail and feel burned by it. Not "No Man's Sky" burned, but I got suckered by the DF aspects mixed with the victoriana theming.
It's a game and games are supposed to be fun to play. It is not fun to play.
This is unfinished.
I bought it and gave it a good try but its rubbish.
Many, minor glitches. Graphics of items being carried dissapears and reapears.
The toons are supposed to fulfill tasks based on the oder they were added. But they don't.
the system to transport goods from palce to place is broken. << the game revolves around goods being carried around >>
lots of little things that just dissapoint.
Not worth the 30$ i paid.
Ok, straight off let me say I really really like this game. I love the concept, love the art, just really love this game. What i don't love is the game breaking bugs and glitches, however there is great news, its in Early Access, so these will eventually get ironed out.
Now this isn't my first Early Access rodeo, I've gotten burned by some games on here, and I've found some real gems as well. This I really believe will end up being a big hit for the type of game that it is. They just need to get past the usual issues that come with developing a game. And considering the regualr updates I've seen this team roll out, I can say that this won't be one of those cut and run type titles we all have heard about or worse. So know that if you are considering investing in Clockwork Empires you won't be wasting your money.
Other than that I'm sure you have already looked at other reviews, pics and vids, and already have a good idea of what kind of game this is. What you may not have gathered is the awesome sense of humor and just the odd otherworldly attitude that this game offers. Which, if its indictive of the story, will just be awesome. Even if your not sure about purchasing it yet, put it in your wish list and keep an eye on it. I have a feeling that this will be a must have game in the near future.
A game that puts you in charge of establishing a colony for a steampunk British Empire in a world full of Lovecraftian horrors? Despite my first thought of "Mwahahaha! Thank you, Great Cthulhu! Take my money!," I decided to show a little restraint and kept an eye on Clockwork Empires for a while before making another Early Access impulse buy. At $30.00 I found it rather pricey for an Early Access game as other reviews have commented, but I finally decided to give it a try. Clockwork Empires is still very much a work in progress, it's features a mix of the impressively well done (production chains function far more smoothly than in games from bigger developers, yes, Tropico franchise, I'm looking at you) and desperatly in need of attention (the Load function appears to be a placeholder and it's just plain ugly). One thing I found particularly interesting is the colonists personality traits and observing how they influence behavior. Those with the "Morbid" trait, for example, seem more likely to eat "Long Pork" (it's people, yes, your colonitsts can engage in cannibalism) even if there is other food available. Based on the regular update history and developer responsiveness in the forums, I believe that this game will get finished - although it may take some time given the features that haven't been implemented yet - and when it does it will be a great game. It is most definatley playable in it's current state, which I'd estimate at about 40% if the developer ultimately implements all the features they've hinted at. A lot of the other 60% is going to be polish. If you're interested and can afford it, I'd go make the $30.00 investment in supporting developement. The game as it stands is already capable of providing hours of delightfully twisted fun, but then again I'm the kind of person who laughts while I watch the local wildlife maul my colonists.
UPDATE POST RELEASE 2: It is with Great sadness that I am updating this review to tell the tale of CE's collapse. Due to reasons unknown to an extent, the developers have had what we could say as an "internal fallout" and as a result has caused the development to cease in it's entirety. The game was definitely not a hoax and so on from day 1 and had good promise. As an EA title you could say it was one of the great projects on their way to success that got caught by unforseen circumstances. Not like the many devs that take money and run and other idiotic problems.
It really is a shame as the game had so much potential, a great community and backing as well as plenty of interaction with the developers and the project itself. To that end, the community has adopted the game under one gentleman who is currently heading the "Community Project" which addresses the majority of bugs and un-finished things to make the game as complete as it will ever be. The game itself is stable, working and what I would now call a "concept" in working and a damn good one too to not see it progress.
To that end, I WOULD NOT BUY the game as there is no future at all for it any longer. The Community definitely have unaswered questions, many feel let down, and of course some projects unfortunately can come to this conclusion unexpectedly.
UPDATED POST RELEASE: Significant improvement to game overall. Hardly any bugs remaining and the game is functioning as I would have expected. Of course this is not the end of CE. There is still much more content to come! Really pleased with Devs.
UPDATED REV 42E: The Devs have been focusing on bug fixing and mainly changes within the User Interface and Farming area of the game. The U.I has had an overhaul in terms of the character selection menu and information panels. They tell you more about each character, their mood, emotion and progress towards desires. Each character's current effects now show bars as to how it affects their mood within these panels.
The Farming and Kitchen has been addressed in a sense that instead of mass lists of recipes, the vast majority of standard food you can find, gain from hunting and farming has been condensed into a simple "Make food" job where the colonists will use any standard type of food they can find. I much prefer this because it is at the end of the day what you order anyway, all food you can.
Militarily, the barracks function and NCO has been fixed so they now properly train into Regular troops from militia.
Overall, not a bad update at all however as I have previously stated, the game is very much playable and more of the game "content" in that regard, new items, clothing etc, should be coming in the near future because it would seem most systems are now functioning as intended and have been fixed.
UPDATED REV 41D: Constantly changing and evolving, CE is more stable than ever. So many changes in the latest builds from REV 38. The majority of issues have been addressed to the state that you can pretty much play for however long you like. Once you start getting larger populations however you may still encounter the odd bug or issue. On that note the Devs are reaching what I call the last loose ends. Fixing the remaining issues that people encounter and adding in the systems left.
The UI has been updated massively and there are various new systems in place such as the events which are now much more refined. There is a starting property ownership system in place which is going to be built on to eventually include owning clothing, various objects and so on. The workshops have been overhauled and recently just added in is the new Military Barracks which replaces the old system of training. You assign a Military Officer or Militia NCO to the Barracks and he/she will start to train troops into Regulars.
The favour system has also been recently amended. For example you can now recieve a prisoner work group which will assist your colony doing various tasks for 3 days. Many now have a time frame. The squad of Regulars led by an NCO also assist for 3 days (or is it 5?) for example.
All in all a lot has changed to list, including minor changes but the game has made substancial progress certainly.
Original Review:
While this is Early Access.......very very early. I have to say that this game has huge potential. The developers are keen and very open and the game itself is the perfect management game for those who loved traditional city builder games crossed with a bit more things to do such as combat, defence etc.
It is based during the Colonial-Early Industrial period and already the developers have nice features set out. The game itself does have a sense of humor thrown in and the like such as having to fight off Fish people and all sorts of creatures. In future they plan to add bandits and all manners of factions and allow you to ally, trade and conduct diplomacy for your newly starting colony. There is also a map set out what looks like it will be a sort of campaign style base in which you choose where you would like to set out your next adventure for the Empire and start to form new colonies.
The artstyle in my view fits perfectly along with the current mechanics which are currently implemented it really does look and function well. If you play it you will see just exactly what this game could offer in the near future and even now.
The game is one of a kind and unique in so many ways. If you don't mind investing in such games then by all means take it into account but if you want a finished product then you will have to wait. I would say another month or so and this game will get better and better......hopefully :) It really is up to yourself but I can say this certainly. If you decide to invest your money in this EA game.
You will not loose out. The Devs are like PA Devs in that sense but even better. They are constanly interacting with community to fix things, release experimental build updates pretty much from 2 days-1 week. Really are making significant progress and fast.
EDIT: And I was correct when i said a month or 2. Saves are practically on the table with loading now as are basic defences. Many fixes and performance improvements to allow smooth running of the game and ruled out majority of crashes. Now they can finally give it a few weeks, start working on the games mechanics and content more rather than bug fixing. For now anyway :D
On that note: The team plan to adopt a monthly update schedule which will release major build updates to the public. If you would like to assist in testing or just mess around with it early then they have an opt in "experimental branch" which as it suggests is "experimental" but enough to keep you playing. I can see the team relating to Prison Architect in that sense as they always keep the community interested and up to date and these guys are constantly fixing and addressing issues with their game so very active :D
As I am constanly testing the Experimental builds which are updated regularly with new things to check out and suggest, I will be updating this throughout each build, or when I can :)
I'm voting this up only because the gameplay is actually really good. But I have to stress this game is bugged to hell. It crashes every 10 - 15 minutes, you can't save, so you basically always lose your progress, and if you pause sometimes the workers don't recover from it. A long way to go before we can call this a working game. I've logged a few tickets, but the game is good in terms of gameplay.
Игры похожие на Clockwork Empires
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Gaslamp Games, Inc. |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 58 |
Отзывы пользователей | 43% положительных (509) |