Star Conflict

Star Conflict

Steam Store

Разработчик: Star Gem Inc.

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Пилоты, событие “Забытые звезды” будет проходить в два этапа. В каждом этапе — 40 уровней. Открыть все уровни смогут только обладатели специального Пропуска, но первый и каждый пятый уровень будет доступен всем пилотам.

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Об игре

Star Conflict — это динамичный MMO экшн-симулятор, позволяющий сесть за штурвал космического звездолета и принять участие в массовых битвах звездных флотилий.

Целый мир для любителей PVP и PVE!

  • PVP сражения на десятках звездных карт
  • PVE миссии и квесты для групп или одиноких волков
  • Уникальный sandbox режим c обширными PVP и PVE возможностями
  • Бои корпораций за сферы влияния
  • Более сотни кораблей разного вида и назначения
  • 9 тактических ролей, сотни модулей и возможности модификации
  • Производство модулей и кораблей!

Ключевые особенности

  • Флотилия под вашим командованием
    В вашем распоряжении десятки различных кораблей, от стремительных разведчиков, до тяжелых фрегатов, до зубов вооруженных пушками и ракетами. Со временем вы сможете собрать свою собственную флотилию.

  • Выживание в открытом космосе
    Вы можете покинуть станцию и совершить путешествие по далеким космическим колониям, захваченным древней расой пришельцев. Вас ждут миссии, поиск ценных предметов, крафт модулей и кораблей, сражения между игроками, пиратами и пришельцами из глубокого космоса.

  • Выбери свой путь
    Каждый корабль может быть подготовлен для выполнения конкретных задач: скрытая разведка, охота за головами, надежная поддержка союзников. Внушительный арсенал оружия и гаджетов, а так же возможность крафта предметов и кораблей поможет в этом.

  • Кто не с нами, тот против нас!
    Объединитесь с друзьями в смертельную эскадрилью элитных пилотов. Сражайтесь с другими игроками, выполняйте PVE миссии. Создайте корпорацию, участвуйте в боях за контроль территорий. Впишите свое имя в летописи Вселенной!

  • Получайте опыт и развивайте умения
    Улучшайте свои способности, устанавливайте редкие импланты, оттачивайте тактику. Можно идти напролом, действовать с дистанции, а если захочется, то подойти незаметно и нанести сокрушительный удар с тыла. Выбор за вами!


Минуло три тысячелетия после того, как первые колонисты навсегда покинули Землю. Ныне Галактика разделена между звездными империями и независимыми группировками. На окраине галактики, в Секторе 1337, была обнаружена область мертвых покинутых миров — руины великой цивилизации пришельцев. Огромные заводы и цветущие города, застывшие в запустении. Обломками кораблей усеяны поля, на которых когда-то происходили кровопролитные сражения. Ни одной живой души. Все было уничтожено таинственным Катаклизмом — пульсирующей аномалией, которая выжгла всё живое в этом секторе.

Но это не остановило человечество, новых «хозяев» вселенной. Наемники и искатели приключений ринулись на поиски артефактов, не взирая на подстерегающую опасность. Многие сгинули, включая хорошо вооруженные экспедиции — но немало и тех, кто вернулся с неслыханным богатством. Так что мародеры продолжают сюда наведываться в поисках потерянных сокровищ пришельцев — и неизбежно сражаются за право обладания ими.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, french, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - portugal, polish, hungarian, czech, ukrainian, simplified chinese

Системные требования


  • ОС: Windows 7
  • Процессор: 2.5 ГГц, AMD A6-9220 / 2.3 ГГц, Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 6 ГБ RAM
  • Видеокарта: 512 МБ, NVidia / AMD Radeon / Intel (HD 3000, HD 4000) с поддержкой Pixel Shader 3.0 (кроме AMD Radeon серии X1000)
  • Жесткий диск: 8.5 ГБ свободного места
  • Другие требования: широкополосное подключение к Интернету
  • ОС: Windows 7/8/10
  • Процессор: 2.5 ГГц, AMD A6-9220 / 2.3 ГГц, Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 6 ГБ RAM
  • Видеокарта: 1024 МБ, NVidia GeForce 650 / AMD Radeon HD 5750
  • Жесткий диск: 8.5 ГБ свободного места
  • Другие требования: широкополосное подключение к Интернету


  • ОС: Snow Leopard
  • Процессор: 2.5 ГГц, AMD A6-9220 / 2.3 ГГц, Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 6 ГБ RAM
  • Видеокарта: 512 МБ, NVidia / AMD Radeon / Intel HD 3000, HD 4000
  • Жесткий диск: 8.5 ГБ свободного места
  • Другие требования: широкополосное подключение к Интернету
  • Дополнительно: не рекомендуется для систем с интегрированной графикой Intel, Mac Mini или ранних серий MacBook
  • ОС: Mavericks
  • Процессор: 2.5 ГГц, AMD A6-9220 / 2.3 ГГц, Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 6 ГБ RAM
  • Видеокарта: 1024 МБ, NVidia GeForce 650 / AMD Radeon HD 5750
  • Жесткий диск: 8.5 ГБ свободного места
  • Другие требования: широкополосное подключение к Интернету
  • Дополнительно: не рекомендуется для систем с интегрированной графикой Intel, Mac Mini или ранних серий MacBook


  • ОС: Современные дистрибутивы Ubuntu 13.04 и старше, SteamOS
  • Процессор: 2.5 ГГц, AMD A6-9220 / 2.3 ГГц, Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 6 ГБ RAM
  • Видеокарта: 512 МБ, NVidia / AMD Radeon / Intel (HD 3000, HD 4000) с поддержкой Pixel Shader 3.0 (кроме AMD Radeon серии X1000)
  • Жесткий диск: 8.5 ГБ свободного места
  • Другие требования: широкополосное подключение к Интернету
  • ОС: Ubuntu 14.04, SteamOS
  • Процессор: 2.5 ГГц, AMD A6-9220 / 2.3 ГГц, Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 6 ГБ RAM
  • Видеокарта: 1024 МБ, NVidia GeForce 650 / AMD Radeon HD 5750
  • Жесткий диск: 8.5 ГБ свободного места
  • Другие требования: широкополосное подключение к Интернету

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 05.09.2019 18:27
37 1

I can only recommend this game if you like to spend hundreds of Euros (unless you are Russian because then you probably can get GS dirt cheap) with every update or like to grind for hundreds of hours just make a little progress (or no progress because the developer likes to rework the game often wiping out your progress).
Patch 1.6.3c is so far the worst update as increased the xenochip required for each step in phase 3 of the moonrace event to 150 while the curve for gaining them remained the same which means you will have to play/grind twice as much as in the previous phase just to get the extra 30 chips (you have to factor in that Open Space missions are refreshed every few hours so if you complete them early on you may have to wait hours for them to spawn again)
But the updates didn't stop there they introduced "amazing" quality of life things like:
-You cannot use your duplicators anymore to respawn in Open Space or missions but have to shell out credits (up to 5 or 6 figures depending on your ship) and will cost you more with every revive which makes missions even less profitable than before (yeah they nerfed the credit gain to the ground a few months back). The increase is 20% in missions and doubles in OS.
-You can sell your old duplicators for peanuts (500 creds) when a rank 12 Ze'Ta revive costs 70k for the first time in Open Space)
-You can buy 10 xenochips for just 15k GS which is just 39,99€ or you can get 50 for just the low price of 67,5k GS (the biggest GS pack you can buy is 99,99€ which will give you 42500 GS) and you will need 4500 xenochips to complete all 30 steps (oh and you have to pay for the phase 3 pass as well to get all rewards too)

Время в игре: 52231 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.04.2018 04:35
1 0

As someone who has played this since the early beginning and revisited it to see what has happened since my haitus. I like this game cause it reminds me of things like Space Cowboy/Ace Online; an arcadey space game.

Still a fun game, but it is in a pretty dead state with the community. There are people playing, but you'd need to allow connection to all regions in your settings and you may still have to wait to get into matches. They have attempted to remedy this low pop problem by making all players from Scrub to MLG match together. The catch is that everyone is given a buff or debuff to balance things out. Still doesn't balance out experience and access to weapons/skills beginners can't get.

The open world PVE stuff was a neat idea, but it is mostly pointless if there is nothing to really do in it. To force it to be relevant, they put access to equipment and upgrades behind the open world as a content barrier. You'll find a lot of players camping spawn points to farm what they need instead of playing the game like they wish they could be doing. To make things worse, space is now divided up requiring clearances to reach certain regions and space stations.

As I've been relearning some of the new things, I noticed that they have added repeatable tasks that do make getting alien ships much easier to craft. There is now a trade function, but it seems to be mainly for trading blueprints and crafting materials for them. Destroyers are still very much a time consuming investment. I actually find it sad that they've done a lot of good things only to introduce a clearance system that ruins a lot of it to me. I'd probably recommend this game if they simply got rid of it. The game is in a better spot in a lot of ways than when it first launched, but the community has taken some hits in the process and the servers still don't seem all that great at times.

I hate making long reviews, but I had noticed that with forums being almost entirely abandoned for star conflict all over the internet that there may be people wondering what has happened and where the game is currently at without being able to find answers.

Checking out the game again to see what has changed. The game still has a low population, but they’ve been trying to really make it a better experience for new players.

Время в игре: 19243 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.02.2017 20:03
9 0

Hi, I came back to this game and noticed some epic new content only to see that they are practically impossible to achieve without paying real money for them (Unless you are ready to grind a month for 1 of MANY epic things), I cannot recommedn this game to anybody due it is simply.. fustruating. I thought I was finally going to get something nice as I had lots of resources from playing this game so long, only to see that I was wrong. Oh boy how wrong I was able to be.. There are tons of currency that basicly requires you to buy them (Unless you grind that one month for one item).

If I had to estimate the dollar per hour (Usually on f2p games around 1$ per hour of gameplay) but in this game it is like 0.3$ per hour. I have played many f2p games with joy in my face without paying but in this game, my face is .. bored.. due the massive grind.

Otherwise this game is awesome, but this aspect of the game really destroys it.

Время в игре: 11741 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.02.2017 17:47
3 0

you can pay 477,87€ 1 185,64€ for ingame content


* 3 factions (each with unique bonuses)
* New alien faction
* lots of different ship classes
* ship levels
* 3 different damage types (thermal,electro magnetic, kinetic)
* craftable equipment (modules (engine, shild,and more) / ships
* Missions pvp/pve/ And open world
* an open world galaxy (sectors connection via warp gates)
*ship fuel in open world
*Repair and ammo costs
*3 hangars for active ships (1 additional premium hangar)

And much more its worth a try and I realy enjoy the game even without paying anything

Время в игре: 3849 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.02.2017 03:53
2 0

This game have HIGH DEFINITION that you would stay longer because of the adrenaline rush you will get to your body you will not get stress about this game because its so easy to play this with a good control easy to handle.And have fun.I hope they will add the star destroyer ships :)!

Время в игре: 1162 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.02.2017 04:57
11 1

Regarding VR support

Once this game worked with Oculus DK2 like a charm. It was one of our favorites. Then Oculus CV1 and Vive got released! And the devs stopped supporting this!!! Why? Who knows but them only! Since then they are stalling the community and telling us occasionally they will bring VR someday. That’s it!

I have waited almost for a year now, to get back something which was perfectly functional and fun with DK2. Looking every Update message if the VR support is back!! No more! Waiting time is over! Congratulations Developers – you won and I’m officially p.i.s.s.e.d! No more waiting for me. Today I will uninstall and get over with it!

A very nice game, but I will give you a thumbs down, just in hope others like me, who are waiting for VR support to come back, give this review a push!

Farewell beloved game!

Время в игре: 1158 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.02.2017 11:06
45 1

This is not simply a Pay2Win game. This is a Keep Paying 2 Win.
The concept is the next. Make everything available for free but hide it behind a huge grindwall.


- Add new unbalanced OP content
- Make it available immediately for money and put it behind a huge grindwall for free users
- Until the average user get the content balance it
- Add new OP content and repeate the process

The game had an awesome concept during the beta. After the devs implemented all their good ideas, they started to impelent the bad ideas as well.

I don't say the game is not enjoyable sometime, but some of the content is seriously unbalanced, all the new ingame content cost crazy expensive and you have no option to buy it on a fixed price. (Some ships cost 2-300 EUR if you want to get it from the lottery packages whats the only way to get it.)

Even if the devs made some good steps to support teamplay (again), its still far from the version what they had 4exampel in 2014.

The new OP alien ship is comming. Brace your wallet!

Время в игре: 196726 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.02.2017 07:47
16 0

Note to self: Take a pass on this for a while. Tried, put a couple hours into it, didn't really like the gameplay or P2W features. Lots of recent reviews blasting pay-to-win and I have to agree. Hoped that it would snag my attention, but I just never got there.

Время в игре: 71 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.02.2017 13:16
10 1

I can't personally recommend this game to play. It's not F2P as u can read in description
40$ for one ship bundle (i mean Tharg'a, 15k GS price, not even fully 'perk'd') is way too much. Sure, u can play at default ships. But don't forget about 'unique' modules at premium ships :D
Devs took wrong way to 'dance' with community making everything as awfull as hardkuk-grind without any donuts. This grind is even harder when u don't own special scanner to find good items in open space.
Open space is dead. Until it won't be as alive as in EVE and PvP would be normal game mode (not when one 'pro' which donated over 1k$ oneshots 10 normal players; one team gets premade of 3 guys, other gets noone; 7 Tharga's cancer' in enemy team, 1 in yours and they farm your spawn).
Most of reviews are with thumbs up from those 'devs-friendly' corps&pilots.
I don't whine about destro's, devs must understand that chances to win for both teams must be equal. Do they even tried to make new account and try to play on lvl 1-3? When u meet lvl 6-9 ships in enemy team?
The dev will say, they are nearly equal at stats&eff. And that's all.
Thx god they boosted ranks of Gargoyle and other cancer ship to lvl 11.

P.S And btw, some retarded guy which was working on achievements thought that adding Achievement which goal is to kill over million of AI controlled units or pirates (which will rekt u on top-tier ships faster than u) in open space to get karma lvl 5 is very fun and adds 'replay-ability'.

Время в игре: 640 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 18.02.2017 14:07
23 0

Can't recommend this game.

It's a shame really, because although it has great art design, amazing combat and flight mechanics and some really enjoyable game modes, it's clearly pay-to-win, very expensive in that and the new ship types, weapons and modules - wich are pretty hard to obtain for newer and F2P pilots - are ridiculously overpowered and can ruin the overall experience with this game very quickly.

If you are a skilled pilot, can hook up with a successful corporation and don't mind to invest a considerable amount of money and time into this game, you might end up enjoying it.

But personally, I don't think it's worth it.

Время в игре: 29449 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 15.02.2017 09:45
37 2

Well, I decided to buck the disturbing trend in reviews, talking about this game as overly money-hungry, pay-to-win, and overly poor in the balance department. I even plopped down over $100 for myself and my family for premium accounts, since progress without premium is incredibly, mind-numbingly slow, and the game is really fun and flows smoothly at first. Plus, I like War Thunder (though I've hit a steep increase in the grind curve and haven't played it for quite a while), and so decided to give it a chance because Gaijin did at least some things very well.

Well hoo hoo. What a fool am I. Everything they said is true. And I feel like an idiot for giving the devs my money.

A quick aside. I used to play Warframe for quite a while. I eventually left it in disgust for what became more and more clear -- the devs' focus on the exploitative aspects of the game, rather than improving the experience for the players and developing the depth of the game, and disrespect of the playerbase -- particularly their time. And, most of all, its terrible grind that makes the game end up feeling like a job -- it progresses nicely and evenly at first, but then, even with a premium account, it takes forever. And then there are time-limited goodies to get, but the gambling/loot system is rigged to screw you over so much that you have to put in an inordinate amount of time to get the time-limited goal/goodie fair and square by legitimate gameplay... so why don't you just pay for it already and skip the grind, hmm?

I got sick and tired of it. Quit after a long enough time that I'm embarrassed to say it. But I'm a lot quicker to spot this kind of game this time around -- after a couple of weeks, I'm already done with Star Conflict. Had enough of grinding fights against players who you can't damage but who demolish you in seconds every time you pop your head up (because the matchmaking system pits you against players with ships far more powerful than yours).

The straw that broke the camel's back was and then spending real money on gambling chests that promise all sorts of interesting things, though 5 of the items they can provide -- hardly noticeable in that impressive list of cool things -- are just small amounts of mundane resources that you get at the end of every mission and are sick of by the time you've played a week. But that's 5 out of 40 items, surely I'd get at least one or two good things.

Nope. Bought a pack of 5 of these chests and got nothing but the mundane resources and a few crystals. Really? I guess they want you to buy chests, get nothing interesting, then keep buying more. It's a mechanism used in a lot of exploitative games.

The game has a lot of promise, and is fun, until you hit about rank 6 or 7, and then suddenly the grind increases a LOT to progress just a little, and you find it necessary to play PvP, where skill matters little and your equipment is massively underleveled. You watch your hits ever so slightly decrement their shields, then suddenly you get rapid-fire 5-shotted in a matter of 1-2 seconds. Not so fun anymore -- your job is now to be farmed, while you grind away, hoping some day to progress to the point where you are competitive, or at least can hold your own. Or... why don't you just buy the premium ships and pay for a ship that can win already?

Just pay to win and stop complaining.

Screw that. No thanks.

Not recommended, at all. This business model and the mentality it encourages completely poisons every aspect of the game.

Время в игре: 4767 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.02.2017 20:19
89 3

You would think with almost 1500 hours and at least a third of that being money invested I'd rabidly defend this game, but I am not happy with the development direction. I'll probably still play for as long as I can considering what I've invested already, but . . . This game has long deviated from what made me fall in love with it. Remnants are there but I can't help but comparing. What I really take issue with is how I see customers getting treated. Not me specifically, I am the way I am and I've just learned to accept any incoming consequences as a fact of life, to brush them off, and just keep going, but other people who go into things with a certain set of assumptions about their investment both time and money wise . .

The latest example would have to be the transition from destroyers to alien ships. I am not a person who likes the idea of destroyers in the game as it has been put into practice. On paper great, but initially they were very strong. Yes they had events to get these ships easily, but now they are difficult to get and have a sort of air of exclusivity.

On this basis you would think that at the very least, customers are rewarded with a strong ship for investing real money. But now they've been nerfed into the ground. They needed it to be honest, but it coincidentally happened the same time they moved to the new faction with the alien ships. The starter kit for which costs 40$ USD if you want to "convenience" your way to them and they are quite powerful. Maybe not so much in the hands of a new player but they can easily vs a whole team.

Right now there is a broker mission and some grinding you can to do to get there for free, but I imagine by the time the general community finally gets to them they could be nerfed as the new ship is released, with a new 40$ starter kit. I've seen this sort of game balance strategy before and it ruined the community of a game I cared very much about. MWO is now dead because of this sort of economic model. Maybe I'm wrong. That would be nice. I get very passionate about things I care about and trust me I would love to be wrong on this.

So no, at this time I don't want to recommend this game because of my own opinion, but I will say:

It's free, so it's not like you have to spend money to try it out. If you really like space games A negative review isn't going to stop you and If you feel you're having enough fun to spend money on it, that's great, there are a few DLC that have quite a bit of utility value especially when on sale. If I see you asking in game I'll probably even tell you which ones to get. I'm sure that if you like this game when you try it you'll leave a great positive review to offset this salty vet, but I still believe that if you feel like you need to spend money to have fun, then the game is playing you.

Время в игре: 85190 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.02.2017 03:09
7 0

Star Conflict survives because it is one of the few games that does what it does.

Nice, quality graphics that are at the right level of detail
Large-scale, small-ship battles. If anoyne knows another game that does that (and isn't 10 years old with a dead playerbase), let me know.
Interesting world with an evolving (if very hidden storyline).
Relatively decent assymetric balance outside noted below.

PAY TO WIN. This game is about as pay to win as you can get. TECHNICALLY you can get everything in the game with sufficient grind. But sufficient grind for the latest and greatest items is measured in months or even a year, by which time it's been nerfed, and the cycle has started again. And the latest items ARE the greatest. If you've got a gaming wallet with thousands (Not an exaggeration, by the way), then this game might be for you.
Awful developers. Extremely sensitive to feedback, any post on the official forums that is slightly critical gets deleted rapidly by moderators. If you don't have a direct line (pay to feedback maybe?) to the developers, you aren't getting heard unless it's sunshine and roses.
Awful server availability. This depends a little on where you are, but over half of the games will be played on Russian servers, and ping matters for true competitiveness. If you live in Europe then this isn't as much of a consideration.

The community is about average for a free, competitive game, at least the English-speaking part is. No more toxic than most, but no less.
Overall, there is plenty in the game to enjoy but it's spoilt by terrible balance towards extreme wallet warriors and devs that focus on short term cash decisions.

Время в игре: 23806 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 13.02.2017 23:10
8 0

At the beginnig, it was a great game, quite balanced, depend on player's skills. I quit fot a while in the time, they add DLC imba ships (it was the origin of p2win and I was dissapointed of it). Two years later, I just felt a little nostalgy and turn it on. Destroyers, good idea but very imbalanced game. Still, gameplay against destroyers isn't too impossible to win. But now, the event with aliens ships and need to play or pay for xenocrystals, to obtain very imbalanced alien gunship plus their equpment, it is for noob children with parent's wallet. Now, it is impossible stand in battle with ordinary ship, even if your modules are maximized at lvl15. Team with more Thar'Ga gunsips will win every battle. I spent several money for this game, but no more. In a moment, the battles will be only Thar'Gas and destroyers against Thar'Gas and destroyers. Good bye Star Conflict.

Время в игре: 39160 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 13.02.2017 17:00
30 0

Until level 6 ships - it's an epic space-battle game

But from 6 level ships you would face 2 most ragefull problems

1) Grind (it's everywhere, even quests on grind)

2) Thar'Ga

To be fair, you can live with grind and have fun
But Thar'Ga would ruin everything
You plaing lvl 6 with bad ship? Meet Thar'Ga 9 lvl
You died from one-second burst from main cannon? Meet Thar'Ga
You trying to dog-fight this bullshit abomination - it would just stop, heal itself and kill you in a moment

Guess devs thinking just about MOAR money and less fun for normal players

Время в игре: 619 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.02.2017 23:10
6 0

i played this game on my other account witch i sold for lot of money because i had many games and also many ships in this game, awhile as passed and i tried to play this now, it has changed so much and i can clearly tell its no longer fun if you dont pay to win, It was so fun back in the day and even if you didnt want to pay it was still lots of fun, this is no longer the case. still looks very beautiful visually.

Время в игре: 7 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 10.02.2017 13:08
6 0

I started Playing this game about 2 months ago. In the beginning it was pretty easy to play it, but then in time i was hitting aginst a wall with my progress. The graphics are nice but the gameplay...
The first moment i realized since the update with the alien fraction was that the game started to change. My rewards got less and less and the time I used in every playmode has gotten much more, sometimes i thought my gaming skills were lacking. After the news caught my attention, I knew: dis shiet is PAY TO WIN!!
Star onflict has gotten more and more boring and the devs focused on making players pay money for everything that gave a good progress.
The ressources needed to manufacture for example a Destroyer were too hard to get, and the biggest problem of all, the clan NASA (server: EU) has kind of taken over the gameplay.
I despise this game and abandon it forever, because it reminds me of Daybreak. Daybreak is likely focusing only on gaining money, so is Gaijin.

My advice: don't waste your time on this game,it's the worst you will ever find.

Время в игре: 402 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.02.2017 18:35
6 0

I read the description of this game hoping for it to be a space flight and CoOp Mission game, but four it to be much greater and complicated than that! I enjoy flying fighters, customizing things, and CoOp games. This game had all of that, plus more things that I like. My first few missions where awesome. I was just flying around, admiring the graphics and getting used to the controls and how to play. Soon, I quickly mastered it and was admiring at how my scores were always triple the second best player, who had ship masteries. Though not much of an achievement, I dicided that this game was worth the high 150 ping in CS GO for the download!

Время в игре: 490 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 02.02.2017 18:42
43 6

Mmmmmmmmmmm no.

This Pay to Win situation has got to stop for the free to play bullshit.
If you are going to do that shit in a free to play game then make it to where the players who dont want to spend money dont get over ran by people who do.


Just straight up make your whole game $60 for everything then, boom magic -- everyones fucking happy.

-1000/10. Nice graphics, and gameplay though.

Время в игре: 624 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.01.2017 16:34
9 1

While I do enjoy this game, it's grind is far too tedius. The events aren't fun and the one event I did complete I later learned ment nothing.


If you see people whining about that, it's because there are ships you can buy using in game currency.
You can earn the ingame cash via tourneys, answers questions (When they roll around) and completing a few other tasks. On top of that, any ship you can buy in game is only as good as a max level version of the same ship type. The difference is what Rank they are, that's it.

Don't get me wrong, the balance of the game is shot, it's not that fun, certain weapons need to be removed (Like a gun that locks you pulls you to a point, damages you and makes it so you can't see) or reworked (An ability that locks you down for 6+ seconds or the ability to turn so tightly you literally can't hit them.) and certain classes in the game (Engineering Frigates, Command Fighter and Gunship) can't preform because of the games meta, but down downvote the game for the wrong reason.

Время в игре: 18594 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.11.2014 07:59
308 2

I rate this game negative albeit I intend to play it further a bit and had some fun with it.
It can be fun and is challenging but there are many negative aspects.
- Pay to win. All currently available DLC's cost you 223,94 €. You get 4 or 5 AAA Titles for that.
- There is a short Tutorial but the game is very complex and most things are unexplained. The Wiki is mostly in russian language.
- Grind. All you do is to level up different ships to get a better one with slightly improved stats. rinse and repeat.
- You can loot occassionaly usefull things for a certain module but since there are so many modules you can rarely update the stuff you need right now.
- Balancing. The balancing is NOT for a fun game experience but solely for generating money for the developers. You will see MANY artifical walls which restrict you from progress when you don't want to pay the "incredible" prices for things that should be in there right away. this appears like extortion to me. And this will never end no matter how much you have paid already.
- Long waiting times (1-5 minutes, European Server) when you want to do a battle. Be sure to have something to read for that time.
- Depending on time of day few players so the battles are filled up with "stupid" bots.

I have not done much PvE and been not in a Corp so I cannot rate these aspects. But corps mainly require Voice Coms (Teamspeak) so this only works if you live alone.

Other reviews have mentioned unfair bans. I have none experienced myself but I will certainly NOT pay (waste) hundreds of Euros when the game can restrict me from playing it that easily.

So the game can be fun if you like Grind and are willing to pay many money. Everyone else should be aware that this is a simple cash mashine for the developers where you provide them the content (opponents) and shall even pay for it. The more I think about it the more I dislike this business model.

as reply to TigusVidikis's comment:
>Pay to Win??? why?
Because you can speed up your progress significantly with real money. Faster progress means faster success and an advantage over players who don't do it.

> Premium ships are just different ships. Better in some stats, worse in others.
But they start fully leveled. Non-premium ships are therefore worse from their stats until they are leveled up also. but there is little point in flying a leveled ship any more since you mostly want to level up the next one. so for most of the time the premium ship IS better.

>The only real thing to give you an edge is and indirect bonus, if you go premium you get more XP and more loot.
more xp and more loot (items, upgrades) means better stats than one who doesn't pay. better stats means better chances. better chances means winning more often. winning more often means even faster progress. so from my conclusion this IS pay to win.

from what i have seen you can achieve most things by stupid grind. but it will take you a long while and will certainly not be fun for the most time. the game is purely balanced to annoy you so much until you pay. and the developers are greedy.
for 1 € (euro) i get 300 galactic standards (gs).
one month of premium licence (+50% xp, extra loot) cost you 3000 gs = 10 €
a second set of implants cost you 2000 gs = 6,7 €
a rank 11 ship costs you 6.2 million ingame credits this are around 12000 gs and thus 40 €.
to change ONE visual aspect of ONE ship costs you 150 gs = 0,5 €.
even beeing the mentor of a new character afaik costs you 200 gs = 0,7 €.
so if you want to play it seriously and have fun doing it you have little chance without paying. thats what everyone starting this game must be aware of. if you have plenty of real money to spend play it. but don't let you fool by the "free to play" tag because this is a lie.

I see that the developers must eat and want to be payed for their work. but the payment scheme applied in this game is obviously greedy and reminds me of extortion. and this is not only my opinion i have heard several other people mentioning this as the most annoying aspect of the game.

update #2
I have now spend lots of time in the game (and also few euros) and want to explain my long term experiences.
Corp/buddies is important to have for flying together and get some tips.
PVE is quite boring and repetitive.
IDIOTS. I can't describe how frustrating this game is because of the idiots in it. there are many bad players who don't contribute to winning, refuse to help their teammates etc.. Its very frustrating when you constanly loose a match because of such people. And there are the players which have spent many time in game already (you are too late!) and have top (premium) ships, best equipment and experience. If you have those in enemy team you have mostly lost already before the fight even starts. So if you are a "medium" or average player like me you will recive constant frustration.
The matchmaking system seriously SUCKS. If you want to team up with someone you have significantly increased waiting times (you spent half of the time in this game waiting for a match anyway). So if you want to play together (its multiplayer, right?) you will actually have less fun.
And the teams are often very unbalanced with one side having a clear advantage over the other. The balanced and fair (=the fun) fights are 1/3 approximately.

So with the greedy developers, the idtiot community and the crappy matchmaking system I CANNOT recommend this game to anyone. I'm sure there are better gaming experiences out there. Once my licence epxires i will leave the game for these reasons. Gaming should be fair fun and not unfair frustration.

Время в игре: 252 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Star Gem Inc.
Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 09.03.2025
Metacritic 75
Отзывы пользователей 63% положительных (84)

Отзывы пользователей

53 положительных и 31 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 02.03.2025 12:58


Action RPG Adventure Simulation Massively Multiplayer Free to Play


Multi-player MMO Co-op Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards VR Support Partial Controller Support