Разработчик: Ubisoft Montreal
«Assassin’s Creed III» вернет вас во времена Войны за независимость, и поведает вам о том, что не написано в учебниках по истории…
Особенности игры:
- В роли коренного американца ассасина, убивайте своих врагов при помощи огнестрельного оружия, луков, томагавков, и многого другого!
- От суетливых улиц, до полей сражений, сыграйте важную роль в легендарных событиях Американской революции, включая битву при Банкер-Хилле и Великий Нью-Йоркский пожар.
- Узнайте правду о самой ужасной войне в истории: Войне за независимость Америки.
- Представляем новый игровой движок от Ubisoft — Anvil Next Engine; это ошеломляющая новая технология, которая наполнит игру потрясающей графикой, реалистичной анимацией персонажей, захватывающими сражениями, и продвинутой физикой.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, czech, danish, dutch, finnish, french, german, hungarian, italian, norwegian, polish, portuguese - portugal, portuguese - brazil, russian, spanish - spain, swedish, traditional chinese, korean, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows Vista® с пакетом обновлений 2 / Windows® 7 с пакетом обновлений 1 / Windows® 8
- Процессор: Intel® Core™2 Duo E8200 или AMD Athlon™ II X4 620 с тактовой частотой 2,6 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 2 ГБ
- Видеокарта: с 512 МБ видеопамяти, совместимая с DirectX® 10 и шейдерной моделью версии 4.0 или новее (см. список поддерживаемых видеокарт ниже)*
- DirectX®: 10
- Жесткий диск: 17 ГБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX 10 (рекомендуется поддержка систем объемного звука 5.1)
- Сетевая игра: скорость соединения 256 кб/с или лучше
- Доп. оборудование: клавиатура, мышь и геймпад (опционально, рекомендуется Xbox 360 Controller for Windows), совместимые с Windows
*Поддерживаемые модели видеокарт (на момент выхода игры):
AMD Radeon™ HD 4850 / 5000 / 6000 / 7000 серии
NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT / 9 / 200 / 400 / 500 / 600 серии
Игра может работать с мобильными версиями этих видеокарт, но они официально не поддерживаются. Игра поддерживает только указанные выше видеокарты. Актуальный список поддерживаемых видеокарт вы можете найти на официальном сайте игры в разделе «Помощь».
Необходимо наличие зарегистрированного аккаунта Uplay
- ОС: Windows Vista® с пакетом обновлений 2 / Windows® 7 с пакетом обновлений 1 / Windows® 8
- Процессор: Intel® Core™2 Quad Q9400 с тактовой частотой 2,6 ГГц или AMD Phenom™ II X4 940 с тактовой частотой 3 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 4 ГБ
- Видеокарта: с 1 ГБ видеопамяти, совместимая с DirectX® 10 и шейдерной моделью версии 5.0 или новее (см. список поддерживаемых видеокарт ниже)*
- DirectX®: 10
- Жесткий диск: 17 ГБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX 10 (рекомендуется поддержка систем объемного звука 5.1)
- Сетевая игра: скорость соединения 256 кб/с или лучше
- Доп. оборудование: клавиатура, мышь и геймпад (опционально, рекомендуется Xbox 360 Controller for Windows), совместимые с Windows
*Поддерживаемые модели видеокарт (на момент выхода игры):
AMD Radeon™ HD 4850 / 5000 / 6000 / 7000 серии
NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT / 9 / 200 / 400 / 500 / 600 серии
Игра может работать с мобильными версиями этих видеокарт, но они официально не поддерживаются. Игра поддерживает только указанные выше видеокарты. Актуальный список поддерживаемых видеокарт вы можете найти на официальном сайте игры в разделе «Помощь».
Необходимо наличие зарегистрированного аккаунта Uplay
Отзывы пользователей
An All-Time Favorite – More Than 108 Hours Played!
Assassin’s Creed III is an absolute masterpiece! The story, the setting, and the combat all come together perfectly to create an unforgettable experience. The American Revolution setting is immersive, and Connor is one of my favorite protagonists in the series. The parkour, stealth, and naval battles are just incredible.
Steam says I have 108 hours recorded, but I know I’ve played way more – and I’d still come back for more! If you love deep storytelling, open-world exploration, and thrilling combat, this game is a must-play. Highly recommended!
👍 Yes
Played this game sooooo much in my childhood. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but i think this and black flag are special specifically because they are so toothless and easy that even 2013 me, a ten your old, can play and enjoy them without getting destroyed. This game may have an omnipotent "you win" button (O) but i think its okay to make an easy cinematic game that is lowkey beautiful and stupid.
Wanted to retry the game years after my first playthrough so I could get 100% achivement on Steam.
What a god awful game that is, the constant white flashing screens when you navigate menus, the time wasted on Desmond and Haytham that you just want to speed through so you can enjoy the Connor gameplay, the sh*tty checkpoint system coupled with your inability to CROUCH BY YOURSELF making you stand in tall grasses like a dumbass while you get spotted.
In short, it is an unpolished port of an unpolished game.
Still the worst Assassin's Creed for me. As a sequel to one of the series' best, this game was really up against it... and it failed on most accounts. While the game has a somewhat interesting premise, its storyline is dragged out for far too long with forced tedious quests (chores) that dance around introducing the game's many useless mechanics. This isn't helped by its overly vast setting and landscape that for the most part has little going on outside of the small town areas and main port. Unfortunately, this couldn't come anywhere close the historic landscapes of Italy or Constantinople from the previous games.
A huge disappointment overall and a huge step in the wrong direction.
Stuck on a gamebreaking bug halfway through the game
Please consider this more of an analytical haiku than a review.
"You look like a Spaniard, so let's name you Connor."
"Call us if you need us." (This is said to prisoner Connor, five meters from the Scaffold. Connor confidently walks onto the scaffold. His plan is to just get hanged, and then kill everyone. He then gets hanged, and goes to kill everyone.)
I love getting flashed by a white screen every tiny loading screen.
Managed to lost my save file due to using Ubsisoft version once and then Steam version.
I have nothing but good memories from playing this game, I'm sure it holds up fine with the remastered version that I am going to play soon hopefully.
8/10 if i remember correctly
not bad
Assassin’s Creed III
- The time period is really cool. It’s great to see a recreation of the American Revolution and the people surrounding it.
- Gameplay feels pretty solid. It feels a bit more refined in some areas, but combat feels too easy.
- The OST is pretty good.
- Solid graphics and art style.
- Some of the missions are pretty cool, especially some of the more historical ones.
- Some side content is surprisingly good considering this is a Ubisoft game. The homestead missions and finding Captain Kidd’s treasure stick out as pretty solid side missions.
- Being able to upgrade the homestead by doing it’s missions is neat.
- The forest areas are pretty immersive and have great sound design.
- Hunting is neat, although very basic.
- The naval combat is pretty cool. It’s much more limited compared to Assassin’s Creed IV though.
- It’s neat to see new environments in the series, but the map isn’t quite as fun to traverse. Lots of this game consists of wide open land, which isn’t ideal for an Assassin’s Creed game.
- Requires a Ubisoft Connect account.
- This version of the game was delisted in favor of the remaster.
- Online services (including multiplayer) were shut down in 2022. This also included blocking new players from activating their DLC, blocking players from content that they paid for.
- The story has some issues. Connor is a boring character with little personality, though this fits in somewhat with his backstory, it’s very jarring compared to Ezio. The Desmond plot in this game is a rushed and disappointing end to his arc, which the series never really recovered from with the modern plot lines in any of the following games. Originally, this game was meant to be the conclusion of the series, but Ubisoft scrapped the original ending in favor of extending the series.
- The opening of the game is a bit long.
- Typical Ubislop collectible spam.
- The lock-picking mini game is a bit annoying.
- The crafting system is convoluted.
- Cutscenes don’t reflect your outfit choices and will always show Connor’s default outfit.
- The game is very buggy. It’s actually one of the buggiest games in the series in my experience. I’ve gotten softlocked by clipping into buildings, gotten stuck and softlocked when exiting hay carts, sometimes Connor will face the wrong direction in side mission cutscenes, waypoints will sometimes place themselves on the map without you actually setting it, sometimes the map will bug when zooming out and show no icons, etc.
-Physics can also glitch when playing above ~80 FPS. Playing the game at a 60 FPS cap is recommended.
- No anisotropic filtering or borderless windowed mode. V-Sync is forced in single player unless you tweak the .ini settings file. Forced mouse acceleration.
- Lots of pop-in and aliasing even on max settings.
Asssassin’s Creed III is a solid game, but it’s one of the weaker links of classic AC. The gameplay and visuals feel refined, but the story and characters are lacking. The ending is disappointing, but overall it’s a game worth playing if you like the franchise.
A disappointing entry into the otherwise riveting Ezio's chronicles that preceded it.
The game is plagued by poor and bland writing, with a flat and uninteresting main character, predictable scripted missions, horrible side objectives, forced plot points and battles to tailor to the American Revolutionary War, and plenty of "chores" and side tasks that do not add much value to the main game. The environment, be it New York, Boston, or the Frontier, offer little to do to the player. A lot of the mechanics were unpolished - such as lockpicking, fast travel, and sailing - which were jarring to learn and master.
Finishing this game felt like completing a homework assignment than the usual exploration, mysteries, and twists that accompany an Assassin's Creed game. AC3 is just not a fun game.
The silver lining was that, thanks to this game, AC4 Black Flag could reach the heights that it had in 2013 with polished sailing, exploration, and world map.
this game in general in very nice but this edition a little bit boring while preveiws ones much exited.
Assassin's Creed 3 was not what I expected, the story was pretty boring.
I expected to see more missions centered around the American Revolution, but you spend very little time exploring that part of the game in my opinion.
and the game has a lot of bugs that make it hard to enjoy,so while there were some good things that were definitely fun, the majority of the game wasn't very entertaining and I can't recommend it.
colonial assassin ye
So I have been trying to beat all the AC games for some time now. I am slowly realizing that everything past Unity isn't worth playing. AC III might just be the apex of the creed games. Really happy that I came back to beat this 9/10
An enjoyable enough game, sadly this version is unplayable.
It's chill
Take simple combat controls, put them in the bin and create something irritably useless.
One of the best ones in the series, but its a shame the series has been rinsed, gutted and buried with newer games
good good
I preferred Ezio's trilogy over Connors story, however Assassins Creed 3 is still a solid game. Naval combat was enjoyable. This also included AC: Liberation Remaster which was a lot shorter of a game(~11hrs to fully complete) which was a nice short instalment of the series but the story did seem a little rushed especially towards the end.
story ok... location is awsome and still have ok stelth time is iteresting with lot of coruption
Assassin's Creed III shifts the series to Colonial America, offering a fresh setting with iconic historical events like the American Revolution. The story is ambitious, and the gameplay introduces naval combat and wilderness exploration. A very pleasant and atmospheric experience overall!
legendary assassins creed game try it
Personally my favorite in the series considering it's the first one i've ever played (not that i'm going to play the other ones because this series is a recycled pile of garbage just like COD) but i did actually like this one the most so i give it a pass.
This is one of the good ones <3
Buggy mess, do not play.
4/5 stars
I feel like this game aged very well all things considered. After all the recent games came out it is super refreshing to replay this masterpiece.
if you play one AC game, you've played them all. I'm glad mine was 3. It was very fun and compelling.
I'm going to be blunt, I hate Assassin's Creed III. I don't like the main Assassin character and I hate a majority of the Modern day sections and I DESPISE its conclusion. I am not going to write a lot here as I don't think the game is worth it so I'll be a short as possible.
The twist with Haytham was great, everything after was god awful. The ship parts where the best part of the game, the main character is an unemotional character who only shows anger and makes really stupid choices through the game. The conclusion of the Modern day story Kills any hope of improvements or continuations of Desmonds story, which ends up ruining the modern day story from this point onwards. The weather effects are nice and climbing trees is fun but it is never used again.
I do not recommend this game at all, it sucks outside of the ship combat.
Overall score: 4/10
Great game
ubisoft game. do not support.
the game is also just pretty bad.
Idk about this one, I just didn't like it as much as the previous games in the series didn't even bother playing the dlc cause I just wasn't into it also the game doesn't have achievements
very epic game
fuck ubisoft
Bland story, empty characters, gameplay with no challenge. Easy, hollow. Unremarkable. Aged poorly. Meh, waste of time.
very nice much tomaawk
Sadly this is the game that started Assassin's Creed decent into mediocrity
-Immersive Historical Setting: Set during the American Revolution, it captures a rich historical period with detailed environments and famous historical figures.
-Naval Combat: The naval missions are highly praised, offering a unique and enjoyable gameplay experience.
-Expansive Open World: Large, open-world environments, including cities and wilderness, provide plenty of exploration and opportunities for side missions.
-Diverse Gameplay Mechanics: Combines stealth, parkour, and combat mechanics with varied mission structures.
-Storyline: Follows a complex narrative with themes of freedom, loyalty, and revolution, adding depth to the experience.
-Graphics Settings Limitations:
Can’t change much in the graphics settings.
Unable to deactivate motion blur, which can be a problem for some players.
Resolution settings are limited and don't offer much flexibility for customization.
-Ubisoft Launcher Issues:
Requires the Ubisoft Launcher, which has been criticized for its intrusive nature and occasional connectivity issues.
-Very Buggy:
The game can be janky at times, with noticeable bugs that can affect immersion.
Occasional performance drops and glitches, particularly during cutscenes or complex sequences.
-Character Development: The protagonist, Connor, isn't as well-received compared to other characters in the franchise. His personality is often described as too stoic or one-dimensional.
-Clunky Controls: Sometimes the movement and parkour mechanics feel less fluid compared to other Assassin’s Creed games, leading to frustration during complex maneuvers.
Rating: 7/10
While Assassin’s Creed III is a solid entry in the series with a strong historical setting and exciting naval combat, its technical issues, limited graphics settings, and Ubisoft launcher requirements hold it back from reaching its full potential. Still, if you're into the American Revolution and can overlook the jank, there's enjoyment to be had.
I feel like I thread the line between should or should not play here. I loved the earlier ACII, Brotherhood, Revelations (though not as much) series, and I was excited to give this game a chance. Diving into the game, here are the good and bad:
The Good
1. Better climbing system - in general, the change in controls from AC2 series meant that you are far less likely to accidentally jump to your death. Though it is still possible, and the climbing system is not perfect, I see it as an overall improvement - just takes some time to get used to.
2. Combat system - being able to counter 2 people at once, having a more complex combat system, having a more complex combat experience (eg hold people as bullet shield) made the combat experience more challenging in a good way. Especially since you can't buy medicine anymore, combat mistakes are less forgiving.
3. Hunting - a new addition of hunting animals and how best to hunt them was pretty cool. Not a game changer but it was new and quite fun when first interacting with different animals
4. Ship missions - brought about a nice change of pace to the usual activity. Generally quite fun to complete, apart from the full-sync requirements which I will mention below.
The Bad
1. Full-sync requirements - In AC2B and AC2R, the purpose of the optional full sync requirements felt like it was making you do the mission according to how it's supposed to be played (as opposed to killing everyone in sight, or using crossbow for an easy win). In AC3 however, it feels like a tedious list of checkboxes to "challenge yourself". Sometimes having to check tutorials on how exactly to fulfill a requirement.
*Whoever came up with "The Giant and the Storm" mission's full-sync requirement should be strung up and shot.
2. Storyline/Character - I personally thought the storyline was uninteresting and quite confusing - unlike in AC2 where the mission felt clear, but I always wanted to know what happened next. Moreover, Connor feels like a very whiny and naive character, and his relationship with his father had a lot of undeveloped potential.
3. Trade/crafting system - basically it just felt unclear and I feel like I wasn't sure what to do about it
4. Overall gameplay - felt like they tried to add too many things at once, like the trade/craft system that I never understood, rather than focusing on the the core gameplay. This introduced issues like the guard detection system (basically it's hella easy to get detected, and once you do, soldiers keep coming you need to defeat the whole damn army), and various bugs that even affected the progress of main quests
As a standalone game I think I would recommend people to play it because despite the challenges, the assassin based game is still a very nice game to play. However I find it hard to recommend it in light of the masterpiece of the AC2 series that I have experienced
This game fails at being fun, has good qualities otherwise, but it does not come together well the way they decided to design the sequences. Sad.
The best game of the Franchise!!!!!
Would highly recommend downloading as save past sequence 4 and just watching the previous story on youtube. That way you at least skip the incredibly gameplay wise boring start. That being said even then their isn't much to look forward.
It's alright, my second fav from the saga. After this game, no other was good.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ubisoft Montreal |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 80 |
Отзывы пользователей | 66% положительных (4976) |