Разработчик: niceplay games
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Уникальный визуальный стиль, вдохновленный средневековыми манускриптами и медицинскими книгами.
Невероятно детализированное и приятное взаимодействие с ингредиентами и оборудованием для варки зелий: почувствуйте сопротивление размалываемых компонентов в ступке, контролируйте каждое движение ложки в котле или в буквальном смысле добавьте еще одну капельку воды!
Игра-песочница, где вы сами решаете каким путем идти к своей цели.
Станьте благородным ремесленником, скупым торгашом или мастером темных искусств! Только от вас зависит, каким алхимиком вы будете!
Работайте с различными ингредиентами
В вашей ступке окажутся цветы, листья, ягоды, коренья, фрукты, минералы и целое множество различных грибов. Старательно размалывайте их для своего зелья, чтобы усилить эффект!
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Составьте план приготовления зелья. Начните с основы: вода, масло или... что-то еще. Измельчите ингредиенты, тщательно перемешайте их в котле, разогрев угли, и варите до готовности. Поздравляем с первым зельем! Было легко, правда? А теперь попробуйте приготовить что-нибудь посложнее!
Экспериментируйте и изобретайте новые рецепты
Тщательно спланируйте свой маршрут по Алхимической карте, и вы сможете сварить зелье с комбинацией из различных эффектов. Но не забывайте о здравом смысле: вряд ли найдется покупатель на ядовитое целебное зелье... верно? Или все же найдется?
Продавайте зелья
Каждый день в вашу лавку будут приходить покупатели в поисках решения своих проблем. Только от вас зависит, как вы будете помогать им, и все ваши решения будут иметь последствия. Сотрудничайте с гильдиями, дружите с известными личностями (или враждуйте с ними), получайте богатство и влияние – и тогда однажды, возможно, вы решите судьбу всего города.
Покупайте ингредиенты или выращивайте свои собственные
Каждому алхимику нужны ингредиенты, и получить их можно разными способами! Ингредиенты продаются у бродячих торговцев: это недешево, но можно поторговаться и немного сбить цену. Вы также можете взять дело в свои руки и создать собственный зачарованный сад. Выращивайте самые разные ингредиенты, от ярких трав до экзотических грибов и магических кристаллов — все они необходимы для ваших уникальных зелий!
Творите в собственном стиле
Хотите, чтобы ваши лучшие зелья были сразу заметны на полке? Дерзайте! Меняйте форму бутылочки, тип ярлыка, значок и цвета. Вы даже можете придумать для зелья уникальное название и описание. Подумайте, как лучше расставить зелья на столах и полках вашей лавки... или поменяйте обстановку так, как вам захочется! Подберите мебель и полки, которые отражают ваш стиль и придают лавке нужный характер. Мы не будем говорить вам, что именно нужно делать: творите и веселитесь!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, czech, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, thai, turkish, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel i3-6100 or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 670 / Radeon HD 7970
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
Отзывы пользователей
The 2.0 update was a massive improvement an the game is a lot of fun! However, my major complaint is the organization of the journal. there needs to be a better way to organize it. It gets harder and harder to see the tabs and I like to be organized. If we could have chapters we can customize, that'll be nice. My second complaint is the infrequent shop keeps. It took forever for the crystal mage to stop by and I FINALLY got some crystal seeds. Third complaint is more garden space. The game does teach you to swap out your ingredients, but I would like more cave and crystal space. Fourth complaint is room customization. This is minor, but I wish we could recolor the bed or other items.
Play time: 87.9 hrs
Been waiting for this game ever since early access. Took a few years to reach 1.0 and took a year with minimum responses from devs to reach 2.0. So yeah this game was very interesting and I loved the graphics a lot but still it was a mixed feeling for me. Anyway at least now the game was kinda complete and the overall experience should be wonderful for new players if this is your type of game.
This game surprises with its simple yet deep mechanics, offering a lot of possibilities and exploration. It's a perfect blend of cozy gameplay and innovative design. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a relaxing yet engaging experience.
Cozy game with a decent chunk of gameplay value.
Though it does get grindy and some customer hints are not very straight forward adding some thinking to the seller loop.
Get it on a sale.
Its a good game! Definitely one you could get tired of, but even if your playtime is a couple hours, its well worth the money.
this game was really great. there were a few things i didnt like but the majority of it is fantastic and im missing playing it, unfortunately i have completed it so i have no more to do
Perfect game to play longer or just one in game day at a time, love making silly little potions and just giving explosives to solve every byers broblems, would reccomend.
What Potion Craft has managed to capture very well is the fantasy of being an alchemist and the precision required for this profession. Every single ingredient, movement of the spoon, mortar and pestle can be critical. The metaphor of a slowly mapped labyrinth representing all the possible outcomes works very well here.
What Potion Craft lacks is a better idea for the endgame. Chapters IX and X are especially egregious - you just get thrown this giant ball of tedious tasks at you, with no real new content. And I played on default difficulty, whereas higher difficulty levels said in their descriptions that it's going to be even grindier - I can't imagine how tedious it would be playing these. By the end, even the garden, which I previously found chill and relaxing, had me wishing we had something like a sprinkler upgrade for auto-watering.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed most of my time spent with Potion Craft and if the fantasy appeals to you, I'd recommend you give it a try as well!
Such a fun game, the mechanics are simple, but the solution to each potion can be challenging depending on what ingredients you have in your inventory. Highly recommend <3
i loved this before the update but the newest update has added so much more whimsy to the game and i dont know how some are saying they completed it in less than 15 hours cause i am nowhere near done any of the maps and this is not a game to speed run! i just figured out i can place shelves in the shop and i love the morality system . awesome game i love this game
Look, maybe im just obsessed with potions and alchemy, but i've beaten this game twice and gotten every achievement. It's rly good, the potion crafting system is the best in any game i've ever played and i have played many games with various crafting systems, this one's the best
Soooooooooo, this game is realy fucking awsome. it's realy relaxing and fun, you just make potions and fill peoples orders
Extremely boring. Same short and generic game play loop with nothing to really look forward too. You make and sell potions so you can make and sell more potions with different ingredients. Grinding ingredients and stirring the pot is the most exhilarating feature this game has to offer
It starts out fun, but it gets boring very quickly. The mystical allure of potions is bogged down by the slow gameplay and the absolute tedium of the 'legendary recipes', some of which require you to make potions with up to 5 different effects on opposite sides of the maps. When the entire ordeal is completed, you get salts that don't enhance your gameplay much at all -- especially because by the time you've gotten the salt, you've already figured out a better way to do what it does with mundane ingredients or better technique.
Good for a few hours. Not good for a full game experience.
a very calm, repetitive game. visual style is very pleasant, and small interactions with the characters add some kind of "homeyness" to the whole process.
it helps me to unload my head, and it was purchased for this purpose, so I have no complaints about the looping gameplay of "grow up, figure out a path, create a potion, sell a potion." I like it and that's all.
If you want a non-standard puzzle game, this is it. The puzzle portion is figuring out what combination of ingredients will make the potions you want to create, and/or the potions that your customers ask for. The 2.0 update with the garden is a great improvement over the previous version where you had to purchase all your ingredients because now I can build standard recipes based on what I have in the garden rather than what I manage to find for purchase.
This game makes me come back to the zen garden like experience at least once a week. Potion Seller 5 Big Boom Potions. Garden Update was game changing and would love to see some more potion label customization options. Other than that 20/5 best potion game.
Great game. Gave me carpal tunnel syndrome. Also was super micromanage-y, especially when you needed to create 3-star potions as you have to make them close to pixel perfect. I was thoroughly entertained.
Really fun it's like cooking magic meth.
A very cozy and relaxed game for when you just want an easy and fun experience. I love all the character cameos from other franchises. very fun
It's definitely for the people who are interested in witchcraft or Alchemy, it's just really fun! I've played for 11 hours now, it's worth it.
Although some bugs persist and no updates that they originally promised, the game is amazing and fun. Simple to master. Totally recommended it.
A fun somewhat cozy management game. I love the progress this game has made so far and look forward to future updates.
New updates really is a fresh breath into the game, the first version still feel rather like an early access.
amazing game that's even better with the MAJOR 2.0 update that is such a huge overhaul of the gardens (yeah it's plural now) and talent tree. if the game had been 8/10 pre-2.0 it's now 12/10 imo. the expansion of your customer pool is also a really nice touch, especially the ones who are references to other games.
if you are into this genre of games, it's very much worth it's price (and I RARELY think that about games in the current market).
if you go in blind, this game can take around a month or 2 to reach what I call the end of the game where you've finished all the chapters/milestones (not that there's anything to keep you from continuing on endlessly though). with guides, you can get there in 2 weeks or less. Now, for those who like a challenge, perfecting your potions and optimizing their recipes, then you can easily add another several months of gameplay. It's the bonus requests your customers will add to their order that will truly allow for some challenged induced creativity to flow, especially the red ones that force you to make a whole new recipe for that potion.
flawed: is probably a good way to describe this.
i dont want to give it a negative bc the good outweighs the bad but
after 12 hours I think im just done with this game and fed up.
it has interesting mechanics and the style carries it hard
but its a job
a day job
its repetetive and a chore. making potions day in day out, exploring new ones.
upgrades cost a fortune and dont really do anything. sure you can get a cave for your shrooms but you can place them in the garden just fine.
customers keep asking for stuff i dont have and never heard of
but theres parts of the map that are just inaccessable to me. the game jumps way far ahead of what it demands and it's way too repetetive to grind.
the gameplay loop is simply not very satisfying.
then why DO i recommend it? bc i had fun in the start, bc the game looks good and plays well. and frankly theres mechanics here that should not be ignored.
for a short rump this is great.
but (at least for me) it outstays its welcome.
an incredible mashup of resource management, exploration, and puzzles, paired with a beatiful art style, funny characters, and progression system.
A really artistically beautiful and deceptively intricate simulation game. I 100%'d the achievements in about 30 hours of game-play in the normal mode, and I'll probably come back and do it again in the harder game modes at some point. I rarely skipped dialogue and read most of what the customers said. Druidisms are 10/10.
Pleasant Crafting game. Not too hard, not too easy in my opinion.
Great game if you need something to chill out. I got this game as a break from all of my action games. I will say it's not great if you're in to min-maxing like I am, and it gets pretty slow the deeper you get into it.
Very cozy game, if you want something to chill with and kind of turn off your brain for, try this. I like to just have this game available to play as to preoccupy myself and do something with my hands while doing something else with my mind or mouth.
Soothing and meditative, with the ability to choose upgrades that promote your own preferred play style. Pleasant progression, although it would be nice if the gated purchases appeared slightly more frequently.
Looking forward to finishing this one!
This is the second time I've tried to play through this game.
The first time I enjoyed it a lot but gave up quite early due to the grind in getting legendary recipes done. Now with the update 2, this game has been a much more enjoyable experience, and the new characters and seeds are great.
The only thing I found weird is that I made the 'magnum opus' by about level 8, and so I feel like there's not much point in continuing. This is largely because most of the salts don't add any real value to the game and just add to the grind.
Overall it's worth a go and is a relaxing bit of fun.
Probably one of the most chill back games I've ever played in a long time. With the recent update, it makes it even more chill.
Love the gardening aspect! My little cousins love to watch me play, and dictate all decisions (especially the watering can). It's a very interesting game without too much stress, and provides for a good cozy experience. Would recommend if you're looking for a chill game without too much going on.
while a great game inviting strategic use of resources and a constant puzzle to manage your shop and potions you brew, it is made all the better by the recent major update adding honestly like a whole sequel's worth of content. This is the premier potion making game. I have tried other like potion craft but it does not strike me with the same investment in the gameplay loop or the world as this does. This is a game for those who appreciate the true alchemy of it all.
Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator
---{ Graphics }---
☐ Microsoft Flight Simulator
☐ GTA 5
☐ Mechwarrior 5
☑ Mindustry
☐ Dwarf Fortress
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Skyrim
☐ Mount and Blade
☐ Bloons TD
☑ Factorio
☐ Left 4 Dead 2
---{ Audio }---
☐ F-Zero
☐ Bayonetta
☐ Diablo 2
☑ Project Zomboid
☐ Call of Duty
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Smash Bros
☐ Dead by Daylight
☐ League of Legends
☐ Fortnite
☑ Pokemon Go
---{ Grind }---
☑ X4: Foundations
☐ Dyson Sphere Program
☐ Eurotruck Simulator 2
☐ Emily is Away
---{ Story }---
☐ Kingdom Come: Deliverance
☐ Metal Gear Solid
☐ Fallout
☐ Shenmue
☑ Death Stranding
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Fallout 76
☐ The Sims
☐ Super Mario 64
☑ Goat Simulator
☐ Myst
---{ Overall }---
☐ Satisfactory
☐ State of Decay
☑ Final Fantasy
☐ Civilization
☐ Assassin’s Creed
Fantastic game. Cozy, relaxing, and easy to pick up and take a break from. Highly recommend and hope they come out with more dlc or future games similar to this
This game is good, But the end game boils down to waiting for ONE NPC to spawn to sell you a recipe so you can make the recipe to continue the plot. Waiting ten days for one guy to show up, with nothing to do but sell potions and make more money than you can ever use is not fun. Up until the end game though, this game was great!
The game is fun and really awesome and the new update added a lot of cool and neat features I'm currently enjoying trying out, however...I don't love some of the new music added in the update. It very much sounds like sims music, it takes me out of a medieval style basement chambers making potions to a suburban neighborhood starting my trendy new life in vibes. That is however a small issue and you can mute the music but it would be nice to have more music to choose from or the option to just hear the original music, new music doesn't match the vibes at all. I love this game so much, it's so fun and relaxing!
fantastic game, great art, fun to play, but they're supporting AI in their fanart contest. get real bro
A cute little game, with a couple interesting mechanics. Not everything is explained in-game (you'll need to check up on reddit and google, to find anwsers to a couple questions that are just not -here-), but overall an enjoyable experience :)
I just love this game so much. the art, the music, the ambiance & everything in between. You make potions, plant your gardens, discover new potions on a map & sell your potions but you can also personalize your potion & your shop to fit your imagination! The progression is also really really well made. I keep coming back and discovering new things, I am not sure when I'll be finish and when the time comes I'll just keep going and push the limit of my shop to see how efficient my shop can be!
Potion Craft is a cozy game that allows you to live out your dream of being an alchemist, herbalist, or shopkeeper. You can enjoy everyday life by tending to your garden and crafting potions without any time limits, completing quests at your own pace.
The visuals remind me of Wytchwood; they are nice and simple. I particularly love the glimmers of the stones—they're beautiful! The crafting system is unique and becomes very easy once you get the hang of it. The stories of the customers are also interesting, and some of the dialogues had me laughing (yes, I'm looking at you, Enlargement and Shrinking potions).
I recommend this game for players who enjoy crafting, shop management, and a touch of witchy vibes.
A very chill game that has cute graphics and the ingredients are fun to move around on the screen.
Absolutely recommend, especially now with the new garden update! There are many different ways to "solve" each customer request, and the customization of your shop/garden is very fun. The music and sound effects are also very relaxing, making for a calming atmosphere. The art is also unique and gorgeous as well!
Overall I would recommend this game if you're interested in potion crafting. You get quite a lot of freedom, and there's no time limit as to when to fulfill the customers' needs. The only thing I dislike is the color of the overall UI.
Amazing game. Had me completely hooked for 25 hours.
Some games, when I finish them I'm glad for it to be over so I can move on to something else and it might have felt like a chore to see it through but this game was the opposite, I wanted more after I had "Completed it".
I would love love some DLC or extra content but unfortunately that is very unlikely..
For the money it's an absolute bargain
Very good. Some potions are a bit hard to get but once Salts are gotten, all's easier. Complete control of potion making, letting you experiment however you please.
First game I have played on Steam. Don't know If other Alchemy simulators exist but I have enjoyed this one very much.
Great game to play while listening/watching something else. It's engaging but at no point do you need to get sweaty and there is no rush. (Hint: Don't forget to use the ability to dilute your potion. It is very important to tweak where your position to make strong potions.)
Игры похожие на Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | niceplay games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 92% положительных (13382) |