Разработчик: Stairway Games
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Пора покинуть большой город Покио и начать новую жизнь на Коралловом острове!
Будьте кем хотите и обустройте идиллическую ферму мечты: растите урожай, заботьтесь о животных и наладьте связь с окружающим миром. Помогите оживить близлежащий городок и окружающие его коралловые рифы и наладьте отношения с разношёрстным сообществом из более чем 70 островитян.
Работайте на ферме, украшайте её, изготавливайте предметы, исследуйте остров и отдыхайте. Будущее вас и Кораллового острова в ваших руках.
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На Коралловом острове сюжет меняется с каждым сезоном, но жизнь продолжает идти своим чередом. Проводите дни за исследованием острова или найдите в городке кого-то особенного и общайтесь с ним. Спасайте море, ходите в жуткие, полные чудовищ пещеры или сосредоточьтесь на обустройстве фермы — выбор за вами.
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На Коралловом острове живёт более 70 персонажей с разными историями: общайтесь с жителями, узнавайте об их интересах и пробуйте впечатлить их нужными подарками.
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На острове 25 одиноких жителей, которые не прочь познакомиться! Стойте отношения, кружите головы, найдите того самого человека, а когда будете готовы, начните совместную главу жизни на ферме.
Восстановите некогда райский остров
Улучшите Коралловый остров для всех! Участвуйте в общественных проектах по благоустройству города, расширяйте местный музей и узнайте, как восстановить исторические памятники. Повысьте рейтинг города, и сообщество начнёт процветать!
Добыча дня
Живя на острове, можно в любое время развлечься ловлей насекомых или рыбы.
Ныряйте в океан и копайте в пещерах
Ныряя, можно восстанавливать коралловый риф, а в пещерах можно добыть драгоценных камней. Чем бы вы ни занялись, обязательно найдёте что-то для улучшения инструментов, животных и растений.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, japanese, simplified chinese, indonesian, korean, portuguese - brazil, thai
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64 bit
- Процессор: Intel i3 Processor
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 8 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64 bit
- Процессор: Intel i7 Processor/Ryzen 1700+
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX960+
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 8 GB
Отзывы пользователей
This is a difficult review to write and I've been holding off on it, but finally decided to pull the trigger after almost 100 hours of gameplay and still not knowing if I actually like it or not. So I think that means I don't.
*Good music
*Beautiful character design (not always in-game models)
*Diverse array of NPCs
*Familiar farming-sim formula that works (a-la Harvest Moon & Stardew)
*You are bigger than everyone else...think Fiona & Shrek...you are like Gandalf walking amongst the hobbits--this may seem trivial but it bothered me the entire time, particularly when I'm on a date and my girl's frame is engulfing one of the male NPCs who has the build of an American offensive lineman.
*The game remains unfinished. One of the glaring examples is if you speak to a sea creature you read "You do not understand what they are saying" Then WHY is the option there to talk to them in the first place?? And then when you get your gift from them, you actually see the game source code in the dialogue box. It's not a good look. I actually felt second-hand embarrassment for the developers and for me for playing a game this unfinished.
*NPCs lack individuality. Almost all personalities blend into one another, making them indistinguishable from each other and extremely forgettable. This is a particular let down with such beautifully designed characters.
*You can walk through everyone. Literally...nothing is solid except you, weeds, and walls. Every person and animal has the form and solidity of a ghost.
*Combat is crap, you just slice through everything. I personally am OK with this but it feels lazy.
There are many more cons which other reviewers have discussed at length. I won't go into them here, I just wanted to focus on what killed the game for me personally.
I did get 100 hours of gameplay so that's not nothing, but would I recommend someone buy it who hasn't already? Unfortunately that's going to be a strong NO.
A super adorable farming sim with incredibly engaging stories and characters. The world of Coral Island is so beautifully executed from the soft graphic style to the character portraits and conversations. I love the farming progression and expansion, such a fun variety of crops to unlock with a fun take on the winter cycle. Animals are pretty basic but adorably designed and fun to interact with, and the expansion into more interesting livestock further builds the Coral Island world. The festivals in town are very cute and engaging but my favorite has to be the tree planting festival! Definitely would recommend to any cozy gamer, farming sim fan, or seeker of a multifaceted story!
i love every update of this game.its a great value for this price.if you can endure the early game,this game will be the best of your life.recommended
Good graphics and story line. Played for over 510 hours so far and still not done! Lots of things to do so you aren't just stuck on repeat.
I've played this game since early access and have really enjoyed it. However, given that the game has been out of early access for some time and that it still has bugs and crashes, I would not recommend it. The last crash I experienced was at the winter festival which takes place at night so I've lost an entire day of progress since the game can only be saved upon waking up in the morning. From reviews and discussions I've read, I see that crashes are not uncommon. If the game would only allow the players to save whenever we want, at the very least we could save after a major event or accomplishment. That isn't an ideal fix for a game that still has bugs and crashes after full release but it would help. I will continue to play since I've put in so much time in the game but I will, unfortunately, not participate in game crashing festival activities, which is a shame. It's a great game in dire need of someone who knows how to fix it.
This is actually my favourite farming sim game I have played. I have hundreds of hours on Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley across multiple platforms and Coral Island blows them both out the water. There are many different quality of life features that make this game much more enjoyable and so many more NPCs that give this game such a personal touch. A reason I fell out of love with Stardew was that I did not feel like I was making progress in game, with Coral Island the different mechanics make it feel much more enjoyable.
I have been searching for a cozy game that I could really invest in and this really feels like the one,
Over 100 hours into the game and I'm still running around to complete the main story line. If you played Stardew Valley than you should find this game easy to start up. I love the detail that was put into the town and characters. Seasonal Holidays have such cute mini games and are well done/decorated. I love the branching side stories and mini quests opening new locations and characters along the way.
Even the ever changing dialogue really makes you feel part of the town. Makes talking to characters worth while as they always comment on events that just happened in game such as when you adopt a pet. Plus their seasonal outfit changes are cute!! <3 <3 <3
There are some glitches in the game that the creators are working on so keep that in mind. If you don't mind redoing a day or two than all well ends well. The game is Playable regardless of what other comments say's. In 100 hours I've only game across 3 glitches that made me restart the day.
Safe to say 9/10 would recommend to any one that love's cozy farm games. This is for you. It's simply a better graphic and design Stardew Valley with twist and tricks. Under water/mermaids, Village with Giants and Bug catching fun.
Tips - You can slow down the day in the settings if you find the days passing to fast.
- You don't need to gain the recipes to cook them only need the utensil and Ingredients.
- Buy the dam computer if you want to %100 the game... Make life so much easier.
Since I've chosen to buy - Can't say I've regretted my purchase as I'm living my simple farm life. <3
Hats off to the creators - Love your game. <3
I really, really, REALLY want to love this game. There are so many good things about it.
With that being said, the overly repetitive stage gates that are hard to surpass, bugs, and inability to save at any time make this not worth vesting your time into.
I hope this changes in the future, but for the time being, I would not recommend.
The game, even in it's present state is well worth the $30 asking price. If anything, its greatest fault is that it has so much that you *can* do, that it may be a bit intimidating to people who aren't already very familiar to Coral Island's main inspirations - namely Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing.
So for example, it starts out very similar to Stardew Valley... but then quickly introduces new activities that you need to do to build up your farm, potentially splitting your priorities.
Another change from Stardew Valley is that there isn't the challenge of earning your grandfather's approval by year 3. Instead, they steered more toward Animal Crossing, in that you want to get the island's rating up, with no particular deadline.
There are still a few minor issues, here and there, that'll probably get stamped out sooner or later - at least for the Steam version. There is some controversy involving the publisher's "restructuring" months ago (as of writing this), where the developers apparently cannot access the backend to apply updates to console versions. Some other fans of the game suspect that said publisher may also be the reason why version 1.0 was pushed out a tad early.
A fun and engaging farm sim with a cast of interesting characters.
Bought this game since early 2023 during pre-release, and just got time to play this game on January 2025. So far I haven't encounter any bug (maybe because I started new from version 1,1). The graphics and story lines are outstanding, a lot of things to do in the game, and yet I don't feel the urge to complete it as soon as possible. Just enjoy the pace, the story, the moment. GG from Indonesia :3
Story: Love it.
Combat & Control: Nice and easy to understand.
Graphics and Sound: The visuals look nice and even lovely.
I started with Stardew first, but I fell in love with the mermaid feature in this game. I knew I'd love it after seeing the mermaid and undersea territory. The game is similar to others in its genre, but with nicer graphics and more story to discover. I'd rate it as the best in its genre since I'm a sucker for the visuals.
The character design is the best thing about this game, and everything else is really great too.
I love the game so far, there are a few glitches like the townies saying the same thing over and over about the mines or my pet or anything new i do, but the amount of automation can make up for it. I love the universal chest pull and thr new conveyor belts. However i do hope they fix Scott constantly mentioning the fire mine or Semeru saying something other then the surface being different to what he imagined.
it very good game love art and mechanic an the characters as well so much fun and little word so nice and pretty
Coral Island is a beautiful game with a great concept, but sadly, I don’t think I would recommend it. What bothers me the most is the excessive grinding. Most farming games encourage you to collect everything, and Coral Island is no exception—in fact, it might be the worst of them all in this regard. You have to do everything to get the story going.
I was really drawn to the ocean storyline and wish they had focused on it more. There’s this huge underwater biome that you have to clean up. Long before one of the updates that was about it. You would just slowly swim around underwater and get rid of all the junk.
This and all the other grinding you know from other farming games (like mining) was extremely tedious.
This, combined with all the other grinding mechanics typical of farming games (like mining), felt incredibly tedious.
If you’re truly obsessed with farming, it might still be worth playing, but honestly, you could spend your time on more rewarding games.
I've loved the progression in Coral Island. Upgrading everything and making the best farm possible has been so fun. It's got all the QoL I ever wanted from a farming sim. Highly recommend.
Got this game, and I was a little unsure of it at first. I'm Actually very happy with this game!
Love the story so far, love the characters, love the mini games. Whole game is a 9/10 for me. Only reason it's not a 10/10, is because of the glitches, but they don't happen that often. I can usually fix them by pressing ESC twice.
100% worth my time and money.
It's fun in the beginning, but gets old fast. It takes forever to gain hearts with townspeople and the water exploration ends in a weird dead end I couldn't get around.
Beautiful graphics, very chill gameplay, lots of different things to do. Definitely recommend it for anyone who enjoys this type of game.
I love farming games, so far coral island is one of my top farming games recommendations. But one problem after the full release is the bugs report. I couldn't find a way to report the bugs like others games I played. Currently i stuck with a few bugs after new update. Like the Auto chest stopped working quite often. The underwater seed couldn't be made even though you had all the ingredients. I hope the team could do something about this.
A fun game similar to Stardew Valley or games of that nature. I like the concept of helping save the island!
Very chill and fun with loads of NPCs to learn about. I'm a converted Stardew Valley player and I'll be hard pressed to go back.
Amazing game- super fun and I find it a lot easier than stardew to understand. the emphasis on story is perfect for me!
This game is so addicting, the story is more rich than animal crossing, but it has a similar feel. It also reminds me of Harvest Moon, but i feel i like this game better than both of those.
Comfy game, I do recommend but it gets repetitive after some time.
For example, I didn't finish because I grew tired of it after 50 hours or so.
But in my opinion it's worth it!
It's just like Stardew Valley, but better!
I have had this game for quite some time having initially purchased it early release. I started and stopped it so many times never really getting anywhere and I think it was because I didn't see all the hoopla everyone else was seeing. I picked it up again a few days ago now that it's finished and I can confidently say it's such a great game. It has something for everyone. It's SO well done, the NPC's are all very different and they don't repeat lines. Their diaglog is fresh and revelent to the story unfolding. Such detail and thought was put into designing this game it's really incredible to see. I haven't hit any bugs. And it's just fun.
Super fun, it's a more aesthetically pleasing stardew valley. Be careful not to do much in your day before festivals, because that is when crashes tend to happen. Devs are constantly working on improvements which is greatly appreciated!
Great graphics, fun to play, relaxing, so many activities and a great story line!
This game keeps crashing on me and it is no longer playable. 2nd day of the winter event 1st year
I really love this type of game. It's so enjoyable to play, especially since it has some quests that guide you on what to do. Before I knew it, it was already evening! I absolutely love it!
Everything about it is amazing the amount of Npc's and the stories of everyone so far are great. I really can't wait to uncover more of the story and things as i keep playing.
Game has enough content. But god damn, never had that many bugs in a game since Cyberpunk. Better restart the game every ingame monday before something breaks the game and you have to do the whole day again. Locked in menus, translations bugs, weird combat, weird game flow, start is stressfull with time, energy, money and ressource management. After like 70 hours or so it's getting pretty boring waiting till corps grow and time passes. Maybe good with future updates and multiplayer, but right now only worth if you search for a Stardew Valley alternative.
I don't usually write reviews for games, but to me, seeing Coral Island at such a high rating is frankly, shocking to me considering the sheer magnitude of bugs and crashes in what hasn't been an early access game in quite some time.
I've put in as much time as I have because, honestly, I do enjoy the game quite a bit, the mechanics while grindy are quite a bit of fun, the character art and overall art style is beautiful, and the story while yes, a bit goofy and heavy handed, is coming from a good place and was genuinely enjoyable to play through, and the moments of wonder you get when you do finally complete a heavy grinding task is great! Finishing the fossil holograms and seeing those come to life was awesome.
However, the two things that genuinely ruin this experience for me are twofold: the frequency and severity of bugs, and the overall frankly, shocking lack of polish. I understand the dev's first language isn't English, so they're expected a bit of slack when it comes to poor grammar and misspellings, but frankly with a price tag more than double some of it's contemporaries in the field of farm sims, lack of polish like that stands out like a sore thumb. Little things like misspellings, goofy grammar, and nonsense dialogue are all over the place. Speaking of nonsense dialogue, while I did warm up to a lot of the characters later into my playthrough, a lot of their dialogue is....weird? They seem to "retain" lines, as in for example, after I had built the mural attraction (which is bugged atm, not showing up visibly in the town), I didn't speak to Dippa for several in game weeks, but the next time I spoke to them, they talked about it as if it had just happened the day before.
Another example, shortly after gifting Lily the item to begin dating her, talking to her daily all she ever spoke about was...a tree? Every single day. Another odd choice that I noticed is the heart events for townies many of the time either don't include the farmer at all, or just...happen around them. It's very jarring, especially when there's SO many heart cutscenes for all the townies. I found myself skipping them at times because I simply wasn't interested in watching a group of people I wasn't particularly interested in talk about their holiday.
And the bugs, goodness the bugs, from minor things like incorrect models showing up for artifacts in the museum, my pet periodically just...being a shadow, the game hitching whenever the time of day "swaps" (eg: going from afternoon to evening), to things like the UI for crafting underwater crops sometimes swapping certain button locations mechanically, but not visually, as in you select the crop you have the materials to craft, but it won't let you, because it thinks you have the other one selected. Rescuing the animals underwater when clearing the coral reefs rewards you with an item. What item you ask? Well, if the dialogue box is anything to go by, the item is called [[ITEMNAME]]. All of these little things add up to really sour the entire experience, not to mention the number of times I was barred from progress, or straight up lost progress because a donation didn't properly register, it didn't accept the item for whatever reason, or the game crashed at the end of the day, losing progress for an entire day.
Overall, there's a skeleton of something great here, but it's severely bogged down by an ocean of bugs/crashes and poorly written/translated dialogue, which in a game where interacting with villagers is a big portion, can really deeply negatively effect the experience. And with the high price point compared to other, significantly more polished and clean farming sims on the market, Coral island isn't something I could possibly in good conscience recommend to anyone.
I do hope the devs work to smooth out the rough edges of the game, but in it's current state, especially since, at the time of writing, it's currently in 1.2 and still feels like an unfinished early access game.
Edit: I did want to add a small edit at the end here because I mistakenly said it was 1.2, when in reality the main branch is still 1.1 and not 1.2, which is an upcoming update that I believe is in closed testing, my judgements and experiences are based on the active live steam version.
Coral Island has the bones of a great game. The art is gorgeous and fresh, the island is fun to explore with great festivals and seasonality, and the lore is fun and engaging.
In practice---and in comparison to myriad other options in an oversaturated farming/life sim space---the game feels shallow and unpolished. A few unique concepts aren't enough to spare it from shallow characters and a grind-y gameplay loop that quickly becomes tedious. While recognizing the grinding/repetitive nature of these games can be relaxing, there also needs to feel like an element of progress, and particularly with mining and deep sea regions, achieving a "higher level" requires hours of grinding with the reward often being to unlock a new space with more grinding.
The biggest problem for me is the characters. Something that was, at face value, very attractive about Coral Island was the wide variety of locals to befriend. Upon interacting with them, however, I realized this was style over substance and quanity over quality. For most of the romanceables, their greatest personality trait is their character design. Raj likes coffee. Theo sings. Ben is quirky. Macy takes photos. Rafael is shy. Heart events mostly follow a single storyline that often has nothing to do with the player. Dialogue is heavily repeated and one note. Wherever there is a hint of conflict, it is almost immediately resolved in therapized, sanitized language. Despite 28 romanceable characters, I felt neither interested nor attached to any of them. Some of my favorite characters were non-romanceable characters, mostly because it seems like the writers were willing to take greater risks with their personalities and allowing them to deviate from milquetoast likability. Bree, Kira, Jim, Karen, Raina, etc. were most interesting to interact with because they have edge and flaws.
I really wanted to like this game, but sadly I wouldn't recommend Coral Island. It's entire concept has been done elsewhere and better. I hope the developers invest more time into fleshing out the gameplay and characters because I think Coral Island has a lot of potential. However, right now, the product feels unfinished, and because it's unfinished, it tends to feel shallow, overdone, and worst of all, boring.
I've played this game twice. Once, last year, when 1.0 dropped and everyone collectively realized that it wasn't really 1.0 just EA+. I put about 40 hours into that file but stopped because I kept running into the end of the storyline in various places. Tbh not saying this to criticize the devs; from what I understand, Humble Games pushed them to release an unfinished product. The devs themselves are very active with the community and post pretty much every day on their discord, and have come up with the 1.1 release recently, which has fixed everything about 1.0 that I had issues with. Since then, I've played over 100 hours lol. I started a new save because taking a year break will make you forget mechanics and npcs, and I have not been able to put it down.
Is it perfect? Nope, not really. There are some frustrating bugs right now, like losing enchantments when you upgrade your tools, or the expensive autochests not working properly, etc.I have faith that these things will be fixed eventually with hotfixes.
But is it a good game? Hell yeah it is.
I haven't focused too much on npc relationships really, like I would in other farming sim games, but even having only given out maybe 30 gifts in the whole playthrough, I have everyone at at least 4 hearts, and the relationship cutscenes have happened very organically for me. And a lot of the cutscenes are very, very good. A few stinkers, sure, but they have only gotten better. The hang out mechanic is a very nice touch, too, which sets this game apart from a lot of other games in the genre.
The milestones that the game gives you feel very rewarding for the most part. While you give items to the "community center" of this game, clear the ocean, donate to the museum, etc., the town's rank increases bit by bit. Once you get to rank A, it feels very final, but then the game just continues! More stuff to offer, more things to better the town, and all the while, the npcs will thank you for your commitment, which is very important. I'm so used to npcs acting like things magically happened when I was pulling in hard hours for 2-3 in-game years with no one to show appreciation for it. It really makes you feel part of the community that you moved into.
Alas, I could go on and on about the things I like about the game, but this would very quickly become 3x longer than it already is.
This game is a treat that just keeps getting better with every update. The time I've sunk into this labor of love should be proof of that. If you're wondering whether you should buy it, I hope you see this review.
Imagine an exact copy paste of Stardew Valley, but beach themed, with graphics that are nice to look at, and game mechanics that don't make you want to claw your eyes out. 100000/10.
Close to being the best
Best art style of any Stardew Valley-like that I've played. In terms of content Coral island already has an equivalent amount to Stardew with SVE(Stardew valley expanded) installed, which is shocking. I have 130 hours as of writing this review and I am still not endgame(though I quit my first play-through at 50 hours). I think that Coral island is already a top 3 farming sim with the potential to easily become better than Stardew BUT I can't say it's better right now because...
-Great art style: All the characters are uniquely nice to look at(@ardinaryas is insane)
-Farming/Diving gameplay is repetitive but solid, to put it into comparison I would same its slightly less tedious then Star-dew farming with all the same fun
-Lots of cutscenes: The cutscenes are good but not very interactive, standard for this type of game but just looks nicer
-Long, at least 100 hours of content
-Solid roadmap
-Runs well(with the exception of bugs)
-Tons of well fleshed out romance options(let me romance Raina pls)
-Tons of Characters: More then twice as many as most similar games, and it seems like more are getting fleshed out in the future
-Base game Automation: I could talk about how nice this is for hours but just know that a LOT can be automated in the base game, something that is usually only done by mods.
-Bugs: Mostly minor, before the quality of life update there were more but I have a feeling this game will always have bugs
-Crashes: In my most recent play-through I've only had 1 in 70 hours but since they are at the end of the day they can kill a play session
-To much repeated dialog: A bit nitpicky but can be annoying
-Combat is a bit TOO easy: Health is literally never an issue, it is almost impossible to die and if you do I am worried for you
-Not finished: Just as it sounds the game isn't finished. This can go relatively unnoticed until getting to things like the Halloween festival which is comically unfinished(all the dialog is discussing costumes that none of the characters are wearing lmao). That's the most crazy of the unfinished parts I've noticed but you can find them pretty often after 30 hours if you look hard enough, doesn't ruin the game but breaks immersion.
I love this game and anyone on the fence about it should buy it.
I got this game on winter sale recently after I heard of new 1.1 update, Holy crab I gotta say this is by far my favourite farming game ever, and I've played so many since I was little (harvest moon, rune factories, story of seasons, stardew, etc). I haven't had any crashing playing on PC. I've been using a controller and its super comfy and I've only rarely encountered glitches where I gotta use keyboard, usually to take screenshots haha. Love the colors, art style, the world/animals/plants all look so cute. And of course the main thing, underwater!! Its sooo beautiful and relaxing. I don't want to spoil it, but you can FIN-nally swim around :D I cant wait for multiplayer! Got the games for my siblings too so we can play together. Next update should finish up some things that are missing (halloween costumes, multiplayer, etc) so I cant wait <3 Highly recommend it
This game has its troubles, but the development team are willing to work with you to solve issues and troubleshoot when necessary. You can tell that a lot of love when into this game, and there is still a lot more that is planned for it, and I am happy to be here now to see where it goes.
I have seen a few reviews mention bugs and game ending issues, but from what I have so far, and seen on the discord group, these issues have mostly been resolved. I have played Stardew Valley and can say that this game has honestly absorbed my time more than Stardew ever did.
There is so much to do and see, and a lot of ways to edit your character. I love the style, and the overall premise of the game. I will be playing this game a lot more even after this review and will update it with anything I find. But for now I am loving all this game has to offer and suggest it for people who love watching a game reach its final product!
Only buy on sale. so far I've played 145 ~ hours. Its fun but feels empty and directionless. I've also played games still in Beta with less game breaking bugs. Some they are causing themselves for no reason. Like the Arcana Tail, they added lights to it and it bricked the ocean so you cant use it, even though its one of the major achievements of the game.
Nothing feels connected or of consequence. It feels they they grabbed all the best mechanics from other games but then had no idea how to connect them all and make it so thy feel useful. It very much feels like you're doing stuff just for the sake of it. I managed to make it to level 10 of most of the skill trees without even knowing there were skill points, made it 130 ish hours in without fishing or cooking, why do you even need to fight? nothing attacks you enough to harm you so i just let them attack me while i mine, never done a "job" for a townie cause no point, etc.. There is no point to anything and it makes it feel hollow.
The savannah......just why? It makes no sense for a tropical ocean Island with the theme of cleaning up an oil spill and garbage. Yet again feels like they just grabbed from another game to add more content without thinking if it works. If anything it should have been added as DLC after the game was finished and robust.
I love this game. It's very similar to Stardew Valley in the farming aspect but it also has it's own charm to it. The game is a bit laggy but it stopped once I found out I cant listen to my own music or listen to youtube videos while playing this game lol. I cant wait for multiplayer to come out.
Very addictive and fun game to play. Got it on the winter sale and so glad I bought it!!! Loads to do and very interesting too. FUN!!
I want to start by saying I loved this game.
I did have my reservations before buying it due to some comments talking about the bugs and honestly they aren't all wrong and I can see it being worse for some people than it was for me since I was playing on PC. There are achievements that don't unlock so I gave up on the plan to try to go for 100% for now, my animals spin around some days which is just funny honestly, my character froze a couple of times and I had to restart the day, I lost my boots because I bought new shoes and that is just confusing, but overall it was still a pretty great game.
The art is cute, the NPCs are all unique and some of them you might even want to punch - shout out Scott :) . The story is long, so a lot to play through. You have a few different regions and I liked that I could unlock new places later on. I do think cleaning the ocean should be a smaller part because that was way too long but that is my own complaint. I got to marry Lily which was a hard task on itself because she works in her room and really only leaves to take care of her bonsai which is valid and one of the reasons I love her.
I like the feature to replay cut scenes later on, the fact that it shows you when an item will be needed for the museum or the temple, the computer that you unlock too to see insects/fish, the games at the festivals. All pretty nice new things ( at least for me ).
I also hope there is new content soon. More Savannah, and more of the main story, too. I will be waiting for any new big updates :)
Anyways, all of this to say, if you are thinking of buying this game I would say go ahead. Test it out. Give it a shot. The worst that could happen is you deciding to refund it.
And if you do try it, make sure to tell Lily she is perfect in every way <3
Coral Island has a lot of charm and potential. The visuals are vibrant, the characters are engaging, and there's plenty to do, from farming to exploring the underwater world. I can see myself sinking hours into this game on PC.
However, my experience on the Steam Deck was a bit of a struggle. The controls feel a little off, especially with tools not targeting the block I'm facing most of the time. It made simple tasks like farming and mining more frustrating than they should be.
If you're playing on PC with a mouse and keyboard, this could be a fantastic experience. But if you're hoping to relax with this game on the go with a Steam Deck, be prepared for some challenges. Hopefully, future updates will smooth this out because there's a great game here just waiting to shine!
This game is a combo of stardew valley and animal crossings, and I LOVE IT! It's slowly becoming a game that I am obsessed with
I cannot believe I slept on this game for so long. It is one of the best farm/life sims I think I've ever played. Nothing in this game ever feels like a chore, the story flows so naturally. So far relationship building is straightforward, and I adore the dialogue; all the characters are so unique and different. There is nothing I dislike so far, fishing & mining are even great (usually what bugs me first). Definitely give this game a go, especially because the cultural aspect of it is so deeply moving.
love it. Art is awesome, characters are pretty great. So many romance options and so many characters in general. If I compare it to Stardew I find Coral Island to be far superior. There's just so much more to do, much to unlock, so many characters to date... it's awesome
While i am enjoying myself, there are times where i question A lot of their decisions, several cutscenes make no sense or rather they have no rime or reason, sometimes they're Completely out of sync, or having something explained/introduced Super late into the first year that the player will have already figured out and done a hundred times already.
Choices during conversations seems to hold absolutely no meaning, even if you attempt to be rude, they take it as a joke! Unlike in games like Stardew Valley, Sunhaven or Cornucopia where you'll actively lose affection with them if you're being rude.
It's like in SWTOR after they changed the Affection on Companions, even if you were to always pick the options that your companion dislikes, they'll still love you soon after, choices are meaningless.
And after you've wrapped up the Caverns (which are boring AF by the by) and the Ocean (which has Nothing to do with being good/active, it's simply a time sink) you'll be left with Nothing to do, Especially if you've already unlocked the Sprinkler and the Sprinkler Upgrades which i did before i even hit my first Winter. I suppose i Could go around and try to befriend everyone, but unlike Stardew Valley or Cornucopia...they're not that interesting, in Star and Corn i Wanted to befriend them since they were unique, they had their own quirks, but in Coral Island, they're so similar with minor things keeping them apart, and that minor thing is their Job, the most unique one is Ben, and that's cause he is basically a Stoner.
The only other exception were The Mermaids they were unique, they had a more interesting reaction to everything you said or did or gifted because you're not one of them, so you are Actively interesting to them, and when you get the event where the Princess and her 2 guards go to visit the Surface their reactions to everything was honestly Hilarious, like them trying to walk for the first time ever, or them tasting coffee and one of the guards refused to allow the princess to taste it before him in case it was poisoned, he burns his mouth cause he downed it, thinks it's too bitter, and then he takes another calmer sip and he actually enjoys it, they're great!
But then there are other scenarios that Could've been funny but they messed up is, you visit the Carpenter, and Dinda (the owner) had apparently told her son(?) to fix the Tv because "he is a scientist" but has no real idea what he is doing, and then you get the option to try fixing it yourself, and you just bash it and it now works...Why this Fail is because it would've been 100 times funnier if He did it, "I'm a bit of a Scientist" *smacks Tv* "There, all done" but no, lukewarm comedy instead.
And then we got the Events, the events are fine, you got more stuff to do than Stardew ever had in their own seasonal events...However they also come with their own Minigames, and they are one out of two difficulties, those being being able to absolutely curb stomp while half asleep and Drunk, and you wanting to uninstall the game from how frustrating and bull**** they are, there is no in between, the devs clearly never played their own minigames.
And then we come to the Farming aspect...It's honestly pretty useless, if you've played Stardew Valley you know that crops that regrows is the best bet cause you'll only have to reseed when the season changes, but the worth of those crops are so ridiculously low that they're simply not even worth it, your best money making path for a Very long time is simply to scavenge and sell when you find when Diving, when you reach the last zone of the sea (which Barely takes any time at all, effort is not even a factor, it's Just Time) if you collect All of it and they're of the higher quality (which i have no idea what causes that to happen) you'll leave with over 15-20,000 worth of shells and plants, forget farming crops, just do that until you earned enough money to make your farm fully automatic.
And then we got the bizarre cutscenes, you get to see the towns people talk with eachother, have their own dilemma or just having a morning conversation before moving on with their day...Except it has nothing to do with the player, and a lot of the times, you're not even on Screen or even Near them, for example, i just got done Diving and as i get back on land, i get a cutscene of them preparing a bonfire, they talk they play music they roast s'mores and...The player is nowhere in sight, yet we're seeing this? It's such a weird thing.
And then i came across Another cutscene that seriously made me question what is wrong with my MC's head, i went into the Carpenter's shop to check on some upgrades. and it shows my character, walking into their Bedroom, picks up and Reads a note left by their bed, like...Huh?? What kind of mental case am i playing as???
While i have been enjoying my time, it's not a game i can whole heartedly recommend, i'd rather recommend Cornucopia or Sunhaven (and i did not really care for Sunhaven) they needed more work before leaving EA.
And that's not even mentioning that there are Several things that Should be implimented Before it's release but hasn't been.
If you are interested in the game, i say...Give it another year or so, or at the very least buy it on super sale, this ain't it.
I'll keep playing till i "finish" it, but, that's mostly just to kill time more than anything sadly.
Easily one of my favorite farming RPGs -- smooth UI; lots of romanceable characters; beautiful graphics; cute story; easy to accrue money; plenty of character/clothing customizations; can adjust day length; can choose how you want to spend your days/time without repercussions -- the list honestly goes on and on.
I've seen this game get a lot of hate and I honestly don't understand it. Would definitely recommend to all my cozy gaming friends. I've been hooked since I started playing.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Stairway Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 02.02.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 89% положительных (10863) |