Coral Island

Coral Island

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Разработчик: Stairway Games

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Об игре

Пора покинуть большой город Покио и начать новую жизнь на Коралловом острове!

Будьте кем хотите и обустройте идиллическую ферму мечты: растите урожай, заботьтесь о животных и наладьте связь с окружающим миром. Помогите оживить близлежащий городок и окружающие его коралловые рифы и наладьте отношения с разношёрстным сообществом из более чем 70 островитян.

Работайте на ферме, украшайте её, изготавливайте предметы, исследуйте остров и отдыхайте. Будущее вас и Кораллового острова в ваших руках.

Постройте ферму мечты
Превратите заросший участок земли на Коралловом острове в пышный процветающий сад: вам решать, что строить, что растить и каких завести животных.

Слагайте свою историю
На Коралловом острове сюжет меняется с каждым сезоном, но жизнь продолжает идти своим чередом. Проводите дни за исследованием острова или найдите в городке кого-то особенного и общайтесь с ним. Спасайте море, ходите в жуткие, полные чудовищ пещеры или сосредоточьтесь на обустройстве фермы — выбор за вами.

Будьте собой
В игре полно нарядов, аксессуаров и обликов — самовыражайтесь как угодно, найдите свой стиль и станьте тем, кем хотите.

Подружитесь с островитянами
На Коралловом острове живёт более 70 персонажей с разными историями: общайтесь с жителями, узнавайте об их интересах и пробуйте впечатлить их нужными подарками.

Найдите вторую половинку
На острове 25 одиноких жителей, которые не прочь познакомиться! Стойте отношения, кружите головы, найдите того самого человека, а когда будете готовы, начните совместную главу жизни на ферме.

Восстановите некогда райский остров
Улучшите Коралловый остров для всех! Участвуйте в общественных проектах по благоустройству города, расширяйте местный музей и узнайте, как восстановить исторические памятники. Повысьте рейтинг города, и сообщество начнёт процветать!

Добыча дня
Живя на острове, можно в любое время развлечься ловлей насекомых или рыбы.

Ныряйте в океан и копайте в пещерах
Ныряя, можно восстанавливать коралловый риф, а в пещерах можно добыть драгоценных камней. Чем бы вы ни занялись, обязательно найдёте что-то для улучшения инструментов, животных и растений.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, japanese, simplified chinese, indonesian, korean, portuguese - brazil, thai

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 64 bit
  • Процессор: Intel i3 Processor
  • Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB
  • DirectX: версии 10
  • Место на диске: 8 GB
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 64 bit
  • Процессор: Intel i7 Processor/Ryzen 1700+
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX960+
  • DirectX: версии 10
  • Место на диске: 8 GB





          Отзывы пользователей

          Рекомендую 02.03.2025 13:42
          0 0

          In love with this game. It's so pretty, it's so fun, and Mark exists.

          Время в игре: 3956 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 23.02.2025 01:45
          3 0

          I really love this game, but I can't recommend it. The constant crashes make it currently unplayable. I kept pushing through, trying to find ways to mitigate crashing, but nothing helped. In a game that only saves at the end of every day, a poorly timed crash can make you lose a frustrating amount of progress. But I pushed through, because that's how much I love the game. Until now. I really hope they fix the constant crashes so I can come back to the game I enjoy so much. But for now, all I can do is wait and tell you to do the same.

          Время в игре: 2337 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 19.02.2025 03:30
          6 0

          As you can see, I have poured many hours into this game. For a good part of the hours that I've spent, I had minimal issues. I loved the game, experienced no bugs, and laughed about the people reporting that this game is buggy - maybe their computers weren't the best? Then as I got further into the game (around year 3), I started experiencing multiple bugs. Such as grinding to gain access to the Savannah only for their to be an invisible wall blocking me from it or getting a black screen every time I advance in the Cave of Memories which forces me to restart and waste an entire in-game day.

          One of the bugs was fixed not too long after I experienced it (invisible wall), I will give them that, but at this point - it is unplayable for me. I do love the game and will not give up on it but I will have to shelf it until the bugs are fixed. While I can't in good conscience recommend purchasing this game right now, I would recommend putting it on your wishlist and keeping an eye out for updates. Once they are fixed, and I do feel confident that they will be fixed eventually, I would definitely suggest checking it out if you like games like Stardew Valley. I hope to revisit this review soon.

          Время в игре: 16914 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 19.02.2025 03:22
          1 1

          Stardew, with better graphics and tropical. I can dig it

          Время в игре: 3401 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 16.02.2025 20:20
          3 0

          As much as I loved this game in the first hours of playing the atmosphere was so beautiful the tropical feel I loved it so much and the crops and the decorating of my farm and exploring the island and getting to know the characters something was causing me much sorrow as I felt the game was lacking.

          This game could become one of the best farming games ever made but in it's current unfinished state it's just sad. I feel the developers tried to do too much in the time they had to release this game and it shows either in characters with no dialogue or just code which is horrible as a gamer to see in a game that is released. The bugs so far I have had no game breaking bugs but there is definitely issues as some of the characters heart events will not play no matter how many times i go to the certain area they want me to go to at the certain time. That is also annoying. I am finding after my first year that the characters just are too perfect have no real drama except for Ben no spoilers but the one time I thought something big was going to happen it even brought me to tears than the developers ruined it by making it work out perfectly, I was frustrated and let down. I understand this is a fantasy game but at least give it some drama or real life situations. Everything is too happy all the time and everyone is smiling all the time, remember how your parents told you don't trust someone who is smiling all the time that is just not normal behaviour.

          The npcs are too perfect and all seem to want to be your best friend they don't have drama among themselves and some of them are so boring I felt like I was talking to a rock. It all felt like one person wrote all their personalities and yet they all were kind of given the same kind of emotions and character it felt robotic.

          I also don't like some of the characters reactions they were just so bizarre. One of the npcs Rapheal looks like a zombie with one of his reactions or being possessed you can see the whites of his eyes, and than Antonio who was given a reaction that makes him look insane think Clockwork Orange it's traumatising to see I do not even talk to him for that reason it's just creepy lol. The chests of the men also why does it look like the merman has boobs. It's just weird the anatomy of their naked chests some of the characters of the men are unnatural and unsettling too much steroids?

          The bad guy doesn't seem like a part of the story at all nor can you interact with the so called bad people they have no personality either but say the same things over and over again nor can you befriend them it seems even though there is heart events for the bad protagonist when you do eventually clean the ocean there is no huge epic cut scene I am left hanging on what really happened, the climax is like opening a bottle of pop and realising it's flat. It just feel rushed and was a huge let down. You can't really choose if you can be a part of the bad guy like Stardew Valley either which is kind of a bummer for more immersion.

          I can't seem to play now that I am in year two it just feels stale. And two of the best looking characters ever in the game in my opinion, Axel you stole my heart with just your drop dead gorgeous face and sultry words yet you can't even romance, ugh. Another thing would have given the characters more life spoken words to their dialogue or at least some of it with voices.

          Festivals some of the games are impossible to complete I don't know maybe I am just dumb or slow witted but I can't finish the games or even win. Clearly we could have a winner of a game winner winner chicken dinner but right now it's rice and beans kind of game it maybe satisfying but still bland. Hopefully we can see a finished game that the developers promised with all the elements added. I don't see why games are allowed to released that are not finished it just really disappoints people who pay their hard earned money to receive something that is missing pieces. It's like nearly finishing a huge puzzle and than missing one piece, or eating all the cereal you hate to get that prize at the bottom of the box to come to the realization your box of cereal is actually missing the prize.

          Время в игре: 8543 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 16.02.2025 20:20
          4 0

          Great foundation, but unfortunately the game gets severely buggy. Without investing significant time into cheating, the game is uncompletable. Really a shame, because there's a lot of creativity and fantastic art that's going to waste because of bad code.

          Время в игре: 3633 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 16.02.2025 06:01
          3 0

          I haven't put so many hours into a game so quickly in a long time!

          Definitely a great game.

          However I just don't feel it's 'complete' yet. I would have kept it in early access for a little while longer. There are still some pretty bad bugs as well. Nothing game breaking, but they are there.

          Время в игре: 3642 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 14.02.2025 18:46
          0 0

          A fun little game with a lot of areas to explore. I haven't played it for long but it's been fun and charming. I can't say for sure how I feel about the characters and heart events since I haven't gotten far, so far it is very charming. I'd recommend it if you like games like Stardew Valley or the My time at Series. Also please let me romance Axel please.

          Время в игре: 1247 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 14.02.2025 00:05
          0 0

          Coral Island takes the farming sim genre to a whole new level. There are SO many characters, and they still manage to all be well written and have plenty of unique dialogue. The game includes dozens of cutscenes for character interaction, as well as romantic events. They have also implemented an amazingly detailed hangout/date feature. This game takes its place as one of the iconic additions to the genre and I have no doubt that you will enjoy it too!

          Время в игре: 4653 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 12.02.2025 22:57
          3 0

          I've got a lot of mixed feelings about this game. I feel this is a passion project for the devs, they've put a lot of heart into it, it's their ode to their love of stardew valley and farm sims. There are aspects of the game which I've enjoyed, hence why I've got to 100hrs...

          But then the gameplay and progression just make me so frustrated that I often find myself wanting to quit...yes there are frame drops and bugs (a bad one in the harvest festival means I can't get my display items back!) and some backward mechanics I can't fathom why the devs added (don't charge money and a day to move farm buildings when it's free and instant in Stardew!)...

          but above all: the grind. THE GRIND. it's not fun, it's boring, it's repetitive and even worse...there's MORE of it! There's no sense of achievement for reaching the end of the mines or getting to the merfolk kingdom, there's only...more of the same to do...

          I've had to take extended breaks from the game just to avoid burnout but...I'm done....

          What have I enjoyed in my 100hrs? The community (although there is too many NPCs, so I just focused on like 10 of them) but I enjoyed their stories, events and romances. The game is beautiful (except the mines, just more of the same, and the merfolk kingdom is kinda meh). Decorating your farm is fun (until you have to move your buildings!!!!). And I know some people don't like the fishing, I actually enjoyed it. The minigame to reel in and give slack to tire out the fish felt like actual fishing to me.

          Overall though, this games ranks way below other farm sims that I love and enjoy more.

          Время в игре: 6482 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 11.02.2025 16:06
          4 0

          enjoy so much, but lately there's so many bugs that so annoying. Like get blanked after jump into next floor, cannot move after digging treasure in savannah. Often get Unreal Engine Crash. Please fix this.

          Время в игре: 28701 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 11.02.2025 10:24
          2 0

          Bought it, several crashes later, making me restart the same day over and over again, I refunded it.

          Nice concept, nice characters, but unplayable unless they fix all the problems.

          Время в игре: 57 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 11.02.2025 08:41
          1 0

          so, so grindy. i really want to like this game because of its amazing character design and cool themes, but i'm putting it down until its 1. actually finished (what's with those empty trash caves? I was so excited to explore them before i realised there was nothing to them) and 2. i can download mods to ease the pain of the early game. it feels like you can only do 5 things before you run out of energy, and the map is so large that i felt like i was running in between places for the majority of my play time.

          Время в игре: 1639 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.02.2025 20:54
          0 0

          I really like this game, it is beautiful and it has so many things to do!
          I have put many hours into it, it is really fun, specially at the beginning.

          There are a few issues (playing on Steam Deck):
          - I've had four crashes that wiped my day's progress away (not the worst though) as it was only around 15 min of play time lost for each and they didn't happen again.
          - This game really drains the power of the deck
          -Some animations are a bit wonky but that is just taste.

          The only issue I have with the game so far:
          It doesn't hook me as much as Stardew Valley does, I wasn't expecting it to, I was just surprised, as I really loved it at the beginning. I am starting to get bored. As soon as I finished the caves, started automating everything, got a partner and became a mermaid-> suddenly I had to start again for the underwater farm- and I don't know, doesn't seem to progress at this point fast enough to have something to do- I have been doing the same thing for 3 seasons now, which is trying to upgrade my nutrients rod thingy, and getting one fish that is meant to spawn in winter (I guess if I hadn't missed that the previous year it would have been fine, but there should be other things going on anyway?)

          Время в игре: 3107 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 09.02.2025 09:13
          4 1

          I've encountered so many crashes/bugs, bugs that cause you to restart the game or waste an entire day's progress, which is irritating. It is indeed an addicting and beautiful farm sim game, but in its current state, I can't recommend it. Optimization is required.


          Время в игре: 4392 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 08.02.2025 22:49
          2 0

          I really want to like this game; it's cute and I've played through a lot of Stardew clones. I can't recommend this one because of how utterly tedious the base aspect of it is: Farming. It needs a separate click for every hoeing, watering, and seeding action. Hoeing and watering have an animation and if you click before the animation is completely done, it doesn't work; click again. Clicking and holding, as you can in Stardew and every other clone I've played, just "charges" your action, to no result when you have basic tools. Extremely, extremely annoying. I keep checking back every once in a while to see if they've fixed this in a QOL update, but not so far.

          Время в игре: 1542 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 08.02.2025 19:50
          4 1

          This is a great game, with great potential, but its not ready. I want to love this game so bad but I can't. There are way too many loose ends on this game that need to be implemented that they advertised, but by the looks of things, that might be a few years away before this game is actually in it's complete and final form. A lot of what they pushed and shared on kickstarter, which exposed me to this game first, still has a long way to go before we see in the game, such as the kids and generations growing up. I might try to start over and see how I feel but a lot of the bugs hopefully got worked out as well.

          Время в игре: 630 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 08.02.2025 13:54
          9 1

          There are two points I want to preface this review. (1) Coral Island is a beautiful game that has a ton of potential. (2) Coral Island is a bug infested game that feels unpolished and unfinished. People have excused the bugs and unfinished content by saying that it’s a small dev company or there were issues with support suddenly being pulled out. These are all understandable but, at the end of the day, the typical consumer does not care and should not even be required to care. They purchased a product that was advertised as complete (no longer in Early Access) and should receive a complete product.

          With that in mind, I would advise waiting a year or two before buying and playing this game. Hopefully, the major game-breaking, enjoyment-shattering bugs are squashed by then. I really am looking forward to these issues being resolved because without them, Coral Island is fun and addicting.

          I’ll start my specific points with the biggest negative:

          - As mentioned, the game is incredibly buggy. In my first ten hours or so playing the game, I already encountered bugs ranging from minor visual annoyances to bugs that made me want to stop playing. Some major bugs include not receiving rewards from some minigames in festivals, inability to do certain things using controller that are fine when using the mouse and crashes such as after participating in a festival. These major bugs will significantly impact your enjoyment of the game since it feels like your efforts are worthless (and in some cases they really will be because if you get a crash in the evening, you lose everything you’ve done so far for that day). There have been many times when I’ve had to stop playing because of how horrible the bugs were.

          + One of the biggest draws of the game is the art style and it is absolutely beautiful. The characters, especially the dateables, have really nice designs and the island looks incredible.

          + There are a lot of quality of life options offered that I really enjoy. These include easy fast travel, easy chest/inventory options, global storage system for crafting, option to find where NPCs are in the map, auto backup saves and the option to change how fast time progresses in game.

          + The addition of tourists and non-’essential’ NPCs that wander around every now and then (with some of them that you can talk to and some that you can’t) makes the world feel more alive. It makes sense that it’s not just these people that live in this island and that there are tourists who will come visit.

          + The develops are active and approachable when reporting issues and they are making an effort to fix the bugs and implement the promised features.

          = The game doesn’t feel optimised. There’s a lot of lag for a cozy farm simulation game. This gets worse the farther you get into the game.

          = The dateables are kind of ‘one note’ but that’s pretty typical with games like this. There is some character development in the heart scenes but if you’re looking for something like Haley’s growth in Stardew Valley… maybe temper your expectations. Still, I have enjoyed the heart scenes I’ve seen so far. They’re more slice of life and sometimes don’t even involve you at all, which is fine. I do really appreciate that they included Suki as a dateable because I love her and MILF.

          = I do feel disappointed that there’s not really any edgy or asshole character. It’s not really required but it just feels like everyone is too nice. Even characters like Leah and Mark (who are supposed to be the gruff/rude characters) are just less nice than the others. Even Leah’s insults about my wardrobe feels watered down. There is an evil corporation that you’re supposed to root against but for the first half of your gameplay, they don’t really do anything after setting up their building. Worse, they made the evil corporation characters hot.

          = The fishing animation is so ass. Every time I see it, I feel so disappointed. The fishing minigame itself is fine. Nothing really challenging but not too easy either.

          - The game uses the typical farm sim saving system of only saving by sleeping for the day. This would be an annoyance at best in other games (as really, this is archaic by now) but it is devastating in this game due to the bugs and crashes. It would feel better if there was a quick save system (maybe one similar to Dark Souls where you only get one temporary save slot if they really want to maintain the sleep-save system) until ALL major bugs/crashes are fixed.

          - If you enjoy playing these kinds of games on controller, prepare to encounter issues. I’ve been unable to speak to some townies or select a specific hangout spot while playing on controller. I think it’s also important to mention that the game didn’t really launch with controller support, which was why I didn’t play it before.

          - NPC dialogue is repeated a lot. And it’s not just the typical repeated dialogue because we can’t really ask for a novel-length script for each character. By this I mean characters reference certain things that have happened so long ago. For example, you reach Town Rank C but they’re still talking about how the town is now Town Rank E. Or how you’ve now unlocked the second mine when you’ve already unlocked the fourth.

          Время в игре: 5727 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 08.02.2025 12:28
          4 1

          i have got this game when they announced their so called "full release", only to realise the game was more like 60% percent complete, and they weren't even hiding it, literal "tba" (to be added) in the description of items, incomplete storylines that are just left there unfinished, and actual unobtainable achievements since the requirements to complete them werent even IN THE DAMN GAME (for example the achivement to slay all monsters type was impossible since a lot of monsters could not spawn in 1.0 version without bugs). and after over a year later, even though they seemingly release patches and updates constantly, the game is still full of buggy systems, cluncky mechanics, non optimised code, and bugs that should have been patched in playtesting. the game does do some good things however: it has a diverse cast of npcs from various background which should match everyone's tastes, and a rather intresting twist on the genre of farming sims, with the addition of the diving, and for those that like a Collectathon of plenty of items and creatures and the ability to display them this is the game for them, it also shows it's message in a good way, though it can get anoying sometimes, and it has got a nice veriaty in it's festivals. but if your'e looking for a polished game with polished farming mechanics, just play stardew valley. so until a later date i would not recommend this game

          Время в игре: 6551 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.02.2025 07:58
          0 0

          This game has too many buys to make it worth buying. I'd refund if I could. It's fun, but I would have had just as much fun playing Stardew. This is the 3rd time I've had to quit my day due to a bug, Y1S16, and I can only imagine I will encounter more bugs the more I progress. There's a lot of hotfixes yes, but for a full release game you can save once a day in, it should not have so many bugs this far along.

          Время в игре: 672 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.02.2025 04:26
          1 0

          Great game.. A lot of content. buying earlier but playing late

          Время в игре: 286 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.02.2025 01:38
          0 0

          This would be a great game if you can survive the bugs. I love this game, so it breaks my heart that I could not survive the bugs. I've poured many hours into this game and for the first time, I was working my way toward the end game goals, but the further along I went toward those goal, the bigger the bugs got and the more frequent they became. I had my final straw today, and it's with a heavy heart that I close the game for the last time until there's another large update and they finally fix what's broken. Would I recommend this game? I would. I would, but with a warning. Buyer beware. It's incomplete.

          Время в игре: 46345 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.02.2025 00:46
          0 0

          So, this game is absolutely amazing. As someone who's family is Filipino, having a game that showcases the South Pacific & Asian culture more is so nice. I love the mechanics, farming and ranching doesn't feel like a huge grind, and the sheer variety of animals and plants you can have is so nice (I recently learned what Luwak Coffee is and I'm tickle I can make it). Also, with the challenges/temple packages, it's nice to be able to track them, and have the items in-game tell you if you've already offered them up, and if they're even offerable to begin with; the less I have to run back and forth to check, the better.
          Overall, whole heartedly recommend this game.
          Pros: It's a solid cozy/farming game, with a ton to explore, tons of people to see, and a lot of ability to customize yourself, your home, and your relationships. Lots of cool events and little bits to learn about the story. Especially after the recent updates, tons of context to explore & grow.

          Cons: It's a cozy/farming game. You don't HAVE to be committed to some grinding, but if you want to really enjoy all the game has to offer, you do have to put in the work/be a little focused in your first two years, to make sure you've got what you need.

          If I had one major request/critique, it's that you can't explore the big-city/travel there for a change. Some of their residents come to visit for different events, but it would be cool to be able to go there/visit the mainland a little.
          At any rate, if you're looking for a well-animated, well put together, cozy slice of island life, 10/10, would recommend!

          Время в игре: 9851 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.02.2025 00:45
          0 0

          Coral Island is fun, immersive and engaging! I started playing on a Friday and a few days later I don't want to stop playing. The imagery in the game is amazing with wonderful characters, tasks, and various different treats that make Coral Island an absolute standout game! I really enjoy this game, and I would highly recommend it to others.

          Время в игре: 2395 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.02.2025 23:24
          0 0

          I good game that my partner and I have been playing a lot over the last 2 weeks. I like the story and the cast of characters. I am about half way through the goddess bundles at the point of writing this and really enjoying the challenge.

          Время в игре: 5617 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.02.2025 21:41
          0 0

          Cute and peaceful game! Draws inspiration from Stardew - but has its own story and tweaked mechanics.
          Love how there's so many characters to talk to, much more involved.

          Время в игре: 981 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 05.02.2025 18:42
          1 0

          I wish there was a "not yet" button. It's a great game so far, but it struggles with a ton of major bugs (and yes I know there was a patch today, same major bugs are still not fixed) and it seems like 90% effort goes to new content and 10% to fixing what is already there (poorly implemented). Lots of events, especially heart events are totally broken in winter, items inside structures disappear forever if the structure is moved, invisible obstacles in the middle of pathways underwater, etc the list goes on. When they fix the core gameplay issues I'll happily recommend this game. There are also gameplay design elements and story design elements that do not make sense. Most of the romances don't feel like romances at all, because the player is just standing there silently observing drama. You often don't get to know the NPC beyond their problems. You can really only come up with a story for how player / LI got together with a headcanon, because what's ingame leaves a lot to be desired.

          Время в игре: 3795 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 05.02.2025 15:51
          1 0

          Too many bugs and crash

          Время в игре: 13438 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.02.2025 18:07
          1 0

          I’ve spent almost 90h in this game and decided it's time to write a review for it. To make it very short: I definitely recommend it!

          A few more details:

          First and foremost, the game is a lot of fun and the huge amount of content makes it feel endless. The devs put a lot of effort into it, and it shows. I'm a huge fan of the art style and I also love getting to know all the characters.

          There are quite some similarities to Stardew Valley, but if you're a fan of farming simulators, this won't bother you. Besides that, the game does manage to find its own identity as you progress through it.

          I know some people complained about it, but I didn't encounter a lot of bugs in my 90h of playing. I also really love the message this game is sending.

          So, that's that, now back to playing, cause I still have a lot to to on my farm 💪

          Время в игре: 5289 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.02.2025 06:37
          1 0

          longest game i grinded out of all the games i have right now. boyfriend said im addicted, just like how he's addicted to dragon ball z. there's always more to discover the more you explore. 10/10. <3 love u coral island. oh yes, hope our farm land will be able to turn green instead of just brown dirt. and i wish we could save normally instead of having to sleep and skipping a whole day TT

          Время в игре: 2889 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 01.02.2025 18:48
          1 0

          It's hard to recommend then you played day that you did a lot of things and then the game freezes or crashes, and you need to repeat everything again.
          Plus a lot of cut content, bugs, bad design choisses.

          Время в игре: 12268 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 31.01.2025 12:26
          1 0

          I am really sorry to give this game a negative review. But the devs are well aware of some bugs and other issues and still don't fix them for a couple of months now. Some achievements still don't trigger for a lot of people.

          Время в игре: 8655 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 29.01.2025 04:46
          1 0

          This is a difficult review to write and I've been holding off on it, but finally decided to pull the trigger after almost 100 hours of gameplay and still not knowing if I actually like it or not. So I think that means I don't.

          *Good music
          *Beautiful character design (not always in-game models)
          *Diverse array of NPCs
          *Familiar farming-sim formula that works (a-la Harvest Moon & Stardew)

          *You are bigger than everyone else...think Fiona & are like Gandalf walking amongst the hobbits--this may seem trivial but it bothered me the entire time, particularly when I'm on a date and my girl's frame is engulfing one of the male NPCs who has the build of an American offensive lineman.
          *The game remains unfinished. One of the glaring examples is if you speak to a sea creature you read "You do not understand what they are saying" Then WHY is the option there to talk to them in the first place?? And then when you get your gift from them, you actually see the game source code in the dialogue box. It's not a good look. I actually felt second-hand embarrassment for the developers and for me for playing a game this unfinished.
          *NPCs lack individuality. Almost all personalities blend into one another, making them indistinguishable from each other and extremely forgettable. This is a particular let down with such beautifully designed characters.
          *You can walk through everyone. Literally...nothing is solid except you, weeds, and walls. Every person and animal has the form and solidity of a ghost.
          *Combat is crap, you just slice through everything. I personally am OK with this but it feels lazy.

          There are many more cons which other reviewers have discussed at length. I won't go into them here, I just wanted to focus on what killed the game for me personally.

          I did get 100 hours of gameplay so that's not nothing, but would I recommend someone buy it who hasn't already? Unfortunately that's going to be a strong NO.

          Время в игре: 5600 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 29.01.2025 01:54
          0 0

          A super adorable farming sim with incredibly engaging stories and characters. The world of Coral Island is so beautifully executed from the soft graphic style to the character portraits and conversations. I love the farming progression and expansion, such a fun variety of crops to unlock with a fun take on the winter cycle. Animals are pretty basic but adorably designed and fun to interact with, and the expansion into more interesting livestock further builds the Coral Island world. The festivals in town are very cute and engaging but my favorite has to be the tree planting festival! Definitely would recommend to any cozy gamer, farming sim fan, or seeker of a multifaceted story!

          Время в игре: 9876 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.01.2025 22:24
          1 0

          i love every update of this game.its a great value for this price.if you can endure the early game,this game will be the best of your life.recommended

          Время в игре: 12654 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.01.2025 20:27
          1 0

          Good graphics and story line. Played for over 510 hours so far and still not done! Lots of things to do so you aren't just stuck on repeat.

          Время в игре: 24982 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 28.01.2025 11:53
          2 0

          I've played this game since early access and have really enjoyed it. However, given that the game has been out of early access for some time and that it still has bugs and crashes, I would not recommend it. The last crash I experienced was at the winter festival which takes place at night so I've lost an entire day of progress since the game can only be saved upon waking up in the morning. From reviews and discussions I've read, I see that crashes are not uncommon. If the game would only allow the players to save whenever we want, at the very least we could save after a major event or accomplishment. That isn't an ideal fix for a game that still has bugs and crashes after full release but it would help. I will continue to play since I've put in so much time in the game but I will, unfortunately, not participate in game crashing festival activities, which is a shame. It's a great game in dire need of someone who knows how to fix it.

          Время в игре: 5875 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.01.2025 01:47
          1 0

          This is actually my favourite farming sim game I have played. I have hundreds of hours on Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley across multiple platforms and Coral Island blows them both out the water. There are many different quality of life features that make this game much more enjoyable and so many more NPCs that give this game such a personal touch. A reason I fell out of love with Stardew was that I did not feel like I was making progress in game, with Coral Island the different mechanics make it feel much more enjoyable.

          I have been searching for a cozy game that I could really invest in and this really feels like the one,

          Время в игре: 1256 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 27.01.2025 04:12
          0 0

          Over 100 hours into the game and I'm still running around to complete the main story line. If you played Stardew Valley than you should find this game easy to start up. I love the detail that was put into the town and characters. Seasonal Holidays have such cute mini games and are well done/decorated. I love the branching side stories and mini quests opening new locations and characters along the way.

          Even the ever changing dialogue really makes you feel part of the town. Makes talking to characters worth while as they always comment on events that just happened in game such as when you adopt a pet. Plus their seasonal outfit changes are cute!! <3 <3 <3

          There are some glitches in the game that the creators are working on so keep that in mind. If you don't mind redoing a day or two than all well ends well. The game is Playable regardless of what other comments say's. In 100 hours I've only game across 3 glitches that made me restart the day.

          Safe to say 9/10 would recommend to any one that love's cozy farm games. This is for you. It's simply a better graphic and design Stardew Valley with twist and tricks. Under water/mermaids, Village with Giants and Bug catching fun.
          Tips - You can slow down the day in the settings if you find the days passing to fast.
          - You don't need to gain the recipes to cook them only need the utensil and Ingredients.
          - Buy the dam computer if you want to %100 the game... Make life so much easier.

          Since I've chosen to buy - Can't say I've regretted my purchase as I'm living my simple farm life. <3
          Hats off to the creators - Love your game. <3

          Время в игре: 6678 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.01.2025 23:21
          1 0

          I really, really, REALLY want to love this game. There are so many good things about it.

          With that being said, the overly repetitive stage gates that are hard to surpass, bugs, and inability to save at any time make this not worth vesting your time into.

          I hope this changes in the future, but for the time being, I would not recommend.

          Время в игре: 3062 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.01.2025 19:18
          0 0

          The game, even in it's present state is well worth the $30 asking price. If anything, its greatest fault is that it has so much that you *can* do, that it may be a bit intimidating to people who aren't already very familiar to Coral Island's main inspirations - namely Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing.

          So for example, it starts out very similar to Stardew Valley... but then quickly introduces new activities that you need to do to build up your farm, potentially splitting your priorities.

          Another change from Stardew Valley is that there isn't the challenge of earning your grandfather's approval by year 3. Instead, they steered more toward Animal Crossing, in that you want to get the island's rating up, with no particular deadline.

          There are still a few minor issues, here and there, that'll probably get stamped out sooner or later - at least for the Steam version. There is some controversy involving the publisher's "restructuring" months ago (as of writing this), where the developers apparently cannot access the backend to apply updates to console versions. Some other fans of the game suspect that said publisher may also be the reason why version 1.0 was pushed out a tad early.

          Время в игре: 2938 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.01.2025 05:47
          0 0

          A fun and engaging farm sim with a cast of interesting characters.

          Время в игре: 1854 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.01.2025 00:54
          0 0

          Bought this game since early 2023 during pre-release, and just got time to play this game on January 2025. So far I haven't encounter any bug (maybe because I started new from version 1,1). The graphics and story lines are outstanding, a lot of things to do in the game, and yet I don't feel the urge to complete it as soon as possible. Just enjoy the pace, the story, the moment. GG from Indonesia :3

          Время в игре: 4040 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 25.01.2025 13:18
          0 0

          Story: Love it.

          Combat & Control: Nice and easy to understand.

          Graphics and Sound: The visuals look nice and even lovely.

          I started with Stardew first, but I fell in love with the mermaid feature in this game. I knew I'd love it after seeing the mermaid and undersea territory. The game is similar to others in its genre, but with nicer graphics and more story to discover. I'd rate it as the best in its genre since I'm a sucker for the visuals.

          Время в игре: 17761 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 24.01.2025 15:32
          0 0

          The character design is the best thing about this game, and everything else is really great too.

          Время в игре: 1499 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 23.01.2025 19:43
          0 0

          I love the game so far, there are a few glitches like the townies saying the same thing over and over about the mines or my pet or anything new i do, but the amount of automation can make up for it. I love the universal chest pull and thr new conveyor belts. However i do hope they fix Scott constantly mentioning the fire mine or Semeru saying something other then the surface being different to what he imagined.

          Время в игре: 10124 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 22.01.2025 23:16
          0 0

          it very good game love art and mechanic an the characters as well so much fun and little word so nice and pretty

          Время в игре: 2132 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
          Не рекомендую 22.01.2025 20:36
          1 0

          Coral Island is a beautiful game with a great concept, but sadly, I don’t think I would recommend it. What bothers me the most is the excessive grinding. Most farming games encourage you to collect everything, and Coral Island is no exception—in fact, it might be the worst of them all in this regard. You have to do everything to get the story going.

          I was really drawn to the ocean storyline and wish they had focused on it more. There’s this huge underwater biome that you have to clean up. Long before one of the updates that was about it. You would just slowly swim around underwater and get rid of all the junk.

          This and all the other grinding you know from other farming games (like mining) was extremely tedious.

          This, combined with all the other grinding mechanics typical of farming games (like mining), felt incredibly tedious.

          If you’re truly obsessed with farming, it might still be worth playing, but honestly, you could spend your time on more rewarding games.

          Время в игре: 5364 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 22.01.2025 00:45
          1 0

          I've loved the progression in Coral Island. Upgrading everything and making the best farm possible has been so fun. It's got all the QoL I ever wanted from a farming sim. Highly recommend.

          Время в игре: 1106 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 21.01.2025 22:23
          0 0

          Got this game, and I was a little unsure of it at first. I'm Actually very happy with this game!
          Love the story so far, love the characters, love the mini games. Whole game is a 9/10 for me. Only reason it's not a 10/10, is because of the glitches, but they don't happen that often. I can usually fix them by pressing ESC twice.

          100% worth my time and money.

          Время в игре: 2589 ч. Куплено в Steam

          Дополнительная информация

          Разработчик Stairway Games
          Платформы Windows
          Ограничение возраста Нет
          Дата релиза 09.03.2025
          Отзывы пользователей 89% положительных (11012)

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          Обновлено: 02.03.2025 16:34


          Strategy RPG Casual Indie Adventure Simulation


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