Разработчик: Bungie
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Захватывающий сюжет
Вы – Страж, защитник Последнего города человечества в Солнечной системе, осажденного бесчисленными врагами. Вглядитесь в звездное небо и дайте отпор силам тьмы. Ваша легенда начинается сейчас.
Классы Стражей
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Совместная игра
Вас ждут увлекательные совместные приключения с редкими и мощными наградами. Погрузитесь в сюжет, полный миссий, поручений и патрулей. Соберите небольшую боевую группу, чтобы отправиться в быстрый налет и захватить сундук. Или отправьтесь в рейд на несколько часов – главное испытание для любой боевой группы. Вам решать, с чего начнется ваша легенда.
Состязательная игра
Каждый может принять участие в сражениях с другими игроками в динамичных схватках без правил, в командных поединках на аренах, а также в смешанных состязаниях, сочетающих элементы PvE и PvP. Не пропускайте появления в игре особых соревновательных режимов, таких как Железное знамя, чтобы успеть заполучить награды, пока они не исчезли.
Экзотическое оружие и броня
Тысячи видов оружия, миллионы вариантов. Открывайте новые комбинации снаряжения и создавайте свой неповторимый стиль. Охота на идеальный арсенал объявляется открытой.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - latin america, traditional chinese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows® 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
- Процессор: Intel® Core™ i3 3250 3.5 GHz or Intel Pentium G4560 3.5 GHz / AMD FX-4350 4.2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 660 2GB or GTX 1050 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 105 GB
- Дополнительно: Beginning on June 4, 2024, Destiny 2 is ending support for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 operating systems.
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows® 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
- Процессор: Processor Intel® Core™ i5 2400 3.4 GHz or i5 7400 3.5 GHz / AMD Ryzen R5 1600X 3.6 GHz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 970 4GB or GTX 1060 6GB / AMD R9 390 8GB Memory 8 GB RAM
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 105 GB
- Дополнительно: Beginning on June 4, 2024, Destiny 2 is ending support for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 operating systems.
Отзывы пользователей
This game used to be a good way to spend some time. All those hours were spent years ago. Now I try to play and get booted back to Orbit losing all progress. Its happening constantly and quite frankly im done. They have let the glitches and bad net code ruin this game.
Bungie really really really really needs to trim down their monetisation for this game and put a ton more focus on refining the content that they do release so that it is actually playable. Right now playing the game feels like goku powering up to fight freeza in OG dragon ball Z, but not nearly as a cool and not nearly as "You're a monster, Frisbie!" as you'd think it is.
Go be invited to someone else's birthday party. This one sucks and some kid shit himself in the kitchen.
There are too many bugs that have been in the game for years at this point. Also, the cheaters are emboldened because the reporting system in the game is absolute garbage for PvP. No wonder so many people are quitting this game even though new players are coming to the game. Since the release of Final Shape I have come to the conclusion that the devs do not actually care about the community and that Destiny 2 has purely turned into a vanity project that they only want to have work for their little clique of people including streamers because streamers get the attention for Destiny 2. I have also come to the conclusion that I will no longer be giving Bungie any more of my money for Destiny content since they don't seem to care about the community as a whole and only care about a small vocal subset.
This game is just unplayable. Server issues plague this game, and have done so for half a decade now with no response or improvement from bungie. Every event seems to break the game in some way. Mismanagement and incompetent network coders have turned this game into an unplayable mess where you'll spend more time fighting the servers than actually fighting enemies. I used to love this game. Save your time, mental health and money and play something else, this game is in its death phase.
Grinch company, Stole Christmas from us. All jokes aside, we had a super bugged for 2 months and they did nothing about it but when the store is bugged they fixed it in 2 hours.
This game feels like I bought a controller but none of the primary uses of the controller function, just the weird not so important features. However you can rest assured that when you notice the issues, they won't get fixed unless they are completely irrelevant to the games overall health. Example: This specific game mechanic that has to be done to complete something doesn't function at all (Bungie doesn't care) Vs. hey guys did you see that you can do a little more damage with this super than intended (Bungie disable everything related to that super and while you are at it nerf the servers so players get kicked more)
Played back when it first came out, and since then all the choices of removing content that people payed for and all the predatory monetization turned me away from ever trying it again.
Long overdue review, I haven't played a couple DLCs but I played enough. This has been the Sci-fi FPS to play since Halo, it's the only one that scratches that itch, and it does an amazing job. It's a ton of fun alone, has great multiplayer (PvP and PVE), raids for groups, and it has rotating events, and holidays.
They have done a great job with releasing loads of equipment and weaponry with custom animations and thoughtful utilities, enough options to fit a variety of play-styles and give you that elusive unique player feeling.
They also have all kinds of in-game achievements and objectives you can work towards - building up a portfolio of accomplishments - and they are challenging to get, titles are typically pretty fairly earned, not really given out willy-nilly. The merit-based system is real.
And the whole game scales to an extent so you can still enjoy dlc and get scaled rewards anytime, though meta equipment does happen you can be competitive with a wide variety of equipment and build to suit your playstyle mostly.
Usually, there are plenty of players on to jump in with and so you don;t get stuck waiting around.
Overall, I highly recommend this game as long as there is a player base so you can jump in on games and find groups to run missions.
I WISH this game could've been good. I stopped playing right before final shape, and for all I know it could've been better than what I played. But this game is a grind fest, and if you wanna have a life outside of games, then do not play this. The new player experience is awful, and I could never get my friends to even try it because of it. While no other game provided this kind of gameplay and feeling for me, the absolute grind needed to get a good feeling build and character was miserable. They made strides to put more story into the game, but you have to go so out of your way to figure out the story going on, which sucks because it is one of my favorite sci-fi stories (I own all the physical grimoire books, that's how good I think it is). I made some awesome, lifelong friends through playing this game (shoutout to Jesus is King [Ω], frigging awesome clan), but we have all stopped playing and moved on. I may come back in the future, but the state I stopped playing in was so bad that it'll take something massive to get me to play again.
No Linux support. It actually works in Linux, but you'll get banned. Also, the magic is gone and playing Destiny is just an addiction.
I have really enjoyed destiny 1 and Destiny 2 over the years, and the Final shape was a great end to the Main story, all the side content has felt lacking and the constent issues for a product which costs £90 each year with the battle pass is a big disapointment
When i first started playing this game, i was with a simple fireteam and we only knew how to run basic pve and followed the story missions. I really started getting into pvp around the time of Forsaken and then latched onto Destiny for about 5 years. Thanks to this game i managed to make everlasting memories and some new friends throughout the time playing. Unfortunately due to the constant money-grubbing hands of the people in charge and the story seeming to now be spiraling out of control, this game is not worth starting up unless you just want a good looter shooter to pass the time with.
All of the dlc is pay to play, the best events and story arcs are over and done with, the memes have grown stale, and all of the best ideas are being shoved into a mobile game that no one asked for. Destiny is on its way out and not worth playing if you're looking for an "endless" looter shooter.
Come for the weapons, stay for gambit.
I've played this game on and off for years and it never fails to disappoint me in the long run. As soon as Bungie has the game in a good state, they revert things, things are bugged, or they just make horrible decisions that put the game in a horrible spot. This game is here to suck as much money out of the D2 community as possible so they can finish Marathon.
Absolutlely great game, has a bit of a hard entry barrier but if your a dedicated new player the long term payoff is definately worth it.
They removed the original campaign of the game and a lot of dlc campaigns. was never able to replay the campaigns.
pve a blast to do but the pvp is still the hottest trash and completely ruins the game when they throw so much loot for it
This game gives me PTSD
Great Gunplay
Great Story (if you understand it)
Great Cinematics
Great Community Vibes
Great PVP
Fucking shitty RNG tho
Good vibes though #Degenerates
the state of the game is deplorable, it's a bug ridden game from a company that keeps favoring quick earnings over doing a good game that people would love to recommend
if you're a new player, better bring a lot of patience
Very grindy, but the gunplay is really good, so I always find my way back between "the new hotness".
You can tell the game is no longer the main focus of Bungie, it has reached it's EOL. If you think about stepping in right now, you're simply too late. The player pool has dried up and so did the Bungie staff.
They refuse to balance the game and let specific meta too long which has killed off the PVP community. PVE is nice, and fresh, for 1 season, then it's just a repeat of the content you had, with the same chores in a different skin.
Time to close the door on this, Destiny isn't what it once was, and never will be again because the mystique is gone, and Bungie changed. Things done changed chooms.
I have not played in weeks and decided to give a try this weekend since the Iron Banner had new armor sets. Played about 5 minutes and and got an error that crashed the game. Restarted my PC and an updated started installing for Destiny. Launched game and got a server error and was told a full reinstall of the game was required. I had just installed it 15 minutes ago! Other reviews are correct, you should avoid Destiny since Bungie got rid of their entire QA team. Their focus no longer on this game and highly recommend you find something else to spend your time. It tried to give it one more try and this confirmed what I've been hearing about the game's constant issues since Bungie got rid of all the employees that made it great in the first place. RIP Destiny. Sony does a great job of purchasing a studio and killing it off if is not making them a lot of money.
I would not recommend anyone new starting this game. This comes from a person with over 10k hours in it. This game is a great AAA space magic shooter that is grossly mismanaged by a train wreck of a company. The new player experience is terrible. Many of the systems are not explained. Content you paid for gets removed all the time. There is very little actual new content coming. PVP is questionably balanced. And, this isn't a shooter. Guns are not the main source of damage. Ability spam is. Do not recommend for new players.
Game crashes every time I try to install it, I can't get it to run and Steam won't give me a refund because it shows I've been playing it for 6 hours even though I've never even gotten it to start.
Bell curve, Destiny goes up and down. When new content drops, play it. When your done with it and you've gotten all what you wanted form it, put it down and play other games. Rinse and repeat (optional - may be different for all of y'all). Once you accept that this is how it is, you'd enjoy D2. =)
If you love fast-paced action, rich lore, and a community-driven experience, Destiny 2 is a must-play. From the very first mission, I was hooked by its stunning visuals, epic game play, and deep storytelling. The game has come a long way since its initial release, and each expansion has added more content, refining the experience and giving me even more reasons to keep playing.
The gun-play in Destiny 2 is unmatched. Every weapon feels unique, and the different sub-classes and abilities give you tons of options to tailor your Guardian to your preferred play style. Whether you're running through strikes, teaming up for raids, or simply exploring the vast planets, there's always something fun to do. The new seasonal content keeps things fresh, and the sense of progression, with tons of loot to chase, is incredibly satisfying.
One of my favorite aspects is the community. The game has one of the most welcoming and helpful player bases I've ever encountered. If you're new to the game or need help with a tough activity, there's always someone willing to team up and show you the ropes. Plus, Bungie’s commitment to keeping the game updated with new content and improvements shows how much they care about their players.
The raids are some of the best in any FPS, requiring teamwork, strategy, and coordination. Even after dozens of hours, I'm still discovering new ways to approach the game. Whether you're playing solo or with friends, there’s a constant stream of things to do and ways to improve.
Sure, the game has had its ups and downs with certain expansions or balancing changes, but I can confidently say that Destiny 2 is one of the most engaging, rewarding games I’ve ever played. If you're looking for a game with endless replay value, amazing visuals, and a passionate community, you can’t go wrong with Destiny 2.
Highly recommend!
Pvp is dead. Developers are extremely slow to balance obvious PvE balance issues.
Focus has moved away from raid/dungeon (endgame) updates and towards trying to save story system which has been subpar for years now.
Super fun with beautiful locations and dynamic gameplay
It used to be a good-ish game but management decisions have crippled the once great potential of the franchise; I expect it to be on somewhat of a life support for a time, unless they pull a Helldivers 2 but after such a long time that is unlikely.
If you're wondering why the story doesn't make sense when just starting out,
Its because they vaulted the first 4 campaigns.
Among other neat content.
I will forever love, The Red War.
Its still alive after all the years, Bad thing is made trials easier extra L. And removed light level from Iron banner. (coming from someone who is always under light. And its negative change). Fun game sometimes, cool events.
Story is unreal, so is gameplay. seasonal events can sometimes get boring. But you will always have something to do and there is little fomo
I played this game for over 5 years from the beta all the way through to just before the lightfall expansion came out. I immensely enjoyed my time playing the game and even completed a lot of solo dungeon challenges and completed a large number of raid challenges and collected badges. The game was great up until the witch queen expansion after which it went downhill as Bungie become more interested in profits at all costs with cheap and dirty monetisation tactics of items that were previously free (e.g. buying the season pass only got you 75% of the season content from witch queen onwards and the rest was behind another premium paywall).
This pursuit of profit came not long after they split from Activision/Blizzard and became independent but prior to being bought by Sony. They kept adding more things into the store for people to spend money on rather than fix the bugs, balance and other problems in the game with some bugs being well known and persisting for up to 12 months or more. Also the physics in the game have sucked the entire time and the architects (killed by the environment) are the biggest killers in the game.
In the past for many years I would highly recommend this game but it has drifted far from where it started. Just squeeze out the free version for everything you can if you must play but otherwise just play something else like warframe.
Stunning and mechanically polished looter-shooter that has evolved significantly since its 2017 launch. Its expansions, such as Forsaken and The Witch Queen, showcase Bungie’s ability to craft compelling stories and innovative gameplay, with memorable campaigns and challenging Raids. However, others like Curse of Osiris and Lightfall suffer from rushed storytelling and uneven execution. The game’s gunplay is unmatched, and its diverse modes like PvE Raids and PvP Crucible keep it engaging for veterans. Yet, its reliance on seasonal grinds, microtransactions, and controversial content vaulting alienates some players. While newcomers may find the complexity overwhelming, long-time fans will enjoy the rich lore and evolving content.
Stopped playing for a while but came back recently and really enjoying the game again
After all these years and Destiny is STILL amazing.
Don't let the complainers tell you otherwise.
Worth every single penny.
Welp, nearly 1400 hours on steam and another 600-1000 on Xbox of nearly utter disappointment I finally draw the line... Multi BILLION dollar company and they give us a Septum Piercing hunter helmet... THE SECOND WORST facial piercing acceptable by modern standards, only behind gauges... My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. -Nice touch on the warlock thigh highs tho.
This is the most addictive game I have ever played. For the love of god if you have anything important in your life don't start destiny
I have a friend who played this game for a few thousand hours, he was able to break away for 6 months...
I streamed 10 SECONDS of me farming the DOGSHIT Halloween "Event Candy" TM for a fomo shader I thought would be nice in case the game ever gets better (<------The Fool), he relapses on the sight of me complaining about the event...
You think there might be something to do but there isn't, you think there is something to hope for but there is not, you might even believe they are improving, they are just hitting a mark, a number. Everything is a chore, time gate, or bait. After playing this game you too will feel nice, you too will hope, you too will pay exhortation amounts of money on content that vanishes after a few weeks..........
and you too will relapse.
AVOID THIS GAME AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was able to recommend this game before, but those times are long gone. I've been around since D1 and Played since the Launch of D2 with on and off phases in between. And honestly, it's been going down a horrible Spiral for years. From removed content, broken promises and absolutely horrid new content, Bungie just made the Destiny experience get worse and worse to the point where giving up on the game really wasn't hard anymore. Sadly just not worth getting into anymore.
Very hard to get started as a new player because it has horrible tutorials (or sometimes none at all), but it's a pretty good game, everything considered.
Honestly this game has my heart. It's been rough recently with the layoffs and questionable development decisions, but I've had so much fun with destiny over the years as a casual player, and that can't be taken away. Even though things have been really frustrating as of late, I do love this game with every bone in my body. It may not be the best time to get into the game if you're just starting out or returning from a long break. But I hope everything balances out again so more people can experience the best of this game that I love so much. Even with everything that's happened, I honestly can't recommend against this game, I've had too many good times playing it. I personally have had to take a step back from it due to the frustration it has caused in light of recent events, but I have every intention of going back.
So many hours in this game. Only complaint was It became so big it was difficult to pull friends in because they were lost. If you have the time for it, its one of the greats. Story is epic. If you like working on builds this is the game for you. So many options its easy to get obsessed hunting for that OP setup.
what can I say? when i made new purchases for this game, i say to myself it is the last time! but here we are, making another purchase.
Great story fun game but definitely google in what order to play as questing is a mess and the game spoils it own plotlines like as soon as you enter the game
the game has gone to crap and is full of bugs that bungie refuses to fix.
Extremely confusing menu, quests, timelines, npcs in stories are alive and dead at the same time. Can't tell what you should be after. What are our weekly and daily quests? Most parts of the game are locked and seems each part is locked behind another 50ish euros "old" content. Gearing system is a mess, since leveling your weapons and armor is not explained. Sometimes your gear level matters and sometimes you get lowered to match some activities. Could be some system behind it but there are NO INSTRUCTIONS for anything in this game. Some quests are open, some locked but cant tell what is what, since the menu is a mess. Is there a main quest line? An efficient way to level? Will neven know. Most confusing game so far on steam
Forgot to mention i bought the latest "expansion" The final shape. Waste of 50 euros
It has skitter box stuff bad. And it has cut out most of the impactful and important story stuff out of it. I'm still playing do to sunk cost fallacy. But this game is nearing the end of it life and joining now is a terrible idea.
Great gunplay, satisfying abilities, terrible pvp. I hate this game so much but it's too addicting.
After being addicted to this game for years (since Forsaken), I would recommend this game. A peak first person shooter experience, but the monotony has finally destroyed my interest after 4000+ hours. Definitely pick up if you have friends to play with.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Bungie |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 21.12.2024 |
Metacritic | 83 |
Отзывы пользователей | 82% положительных (73416) |