Разработчик: Temple Gates Games

Shards of Infinity is the follow-up to the award winning deckbuilding game, Ascension. Build your armies by recruiting allies and champions from four unique factions. Launch surprise attacks on your foes by instantly deploying mercenaries. Unlock limitless power by mastering the Shard of Infinity.
App Features:
- For 2-4 Players
- 30 minute playing time
- Network multiplayer
- Local pass and play
- Solo play against AI
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows 7 or higher
- Processor: Intel Core i3 2.00 GHz or AMD equivalent
- Memory: 256 MB RAM
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 200 MB available space
Отзывы пользователей
Easy to understand, hard to master.
This game murders base Star Realms (not with SR's expansions though). It's a decent digital version of a physical card game. The mastery mechanic giving extra usefulness to cards later in the game and adding a new win condition is genius.
Unfortunately it would benefit greatly from the expansion, but it seems abandoned.
There is a persistent bug that causes a crash if you join a lobby before the opponent and wait for them to join.
In addition there is no matchmaking so it's quite hard to find people of equal skill to play with.
Needless to say that it's strictly a 2 player game (there are CPU matches, but they are not very interesting)
Good deckbuilder (although I prefer Ascension).
The game is lacking an in-game card library.
Hope the expansion is ported eventually.
Good game but it's always more fun to play this in person with friends. Get on sale as this is just the base shards game without expansions. It gets dull after a while.
It is a decent enough card game. You will probably get something around 2.5 to 4 hours of enjoyment from it. As other people mention the card pool is pretty limited and there really are not any absolute deck building restrictions. That causes there to be not much complexity. I'd say if you go in with the idea that you will only be playing for a single afternoon worth of time, it is probably a 8/10.
Very nice port over of the physical game, currently (for the base game) recommended with a few caveats.
From purely single player experience. the game runs very smoothly and the A.I. is good. There is an essential part of the game strategy that is not explicitly covered in the tutorial, and that is the timing of your actions. Unlike many other games, here you can trigger card purchases, returns from discard, champion abilities etc. out of sequence, until you run out of moves.
For example, You have a Wreath mercenary available for hire, and you have in your hand (1) a card that increases attack power for every Wreath card in your discard pile, and (2) a card that draws a mercenery from the discard pile. In this case, purchasing the mercenary (goes into discard straight), then playing card (1) for boosted attack power, then playing card (2) to draw out said mercenary and THEN playing it as well, maximizes the attack potential for the round. If you had done it in the usual order, playing all your hand cards first, then purchasing the mercenary, your attack might be much less. Timing is a big deal and is what sets this game apart from others.
The only real con I have right now is that there is not enough of Shards of Infinity! Games are already short by design (a good thing!), and the digital medium makes it even shorter because many things like shuffling and counting are automated. What this means is that it is quite easy to see all of the cards within a couple of hours, maybe even tried out a few strategies. After that, the game gets a bit same-y. There are already a couple of expansions released for the physical board game, so here's hoping that Shards of Infinity also gets the expansions soon for the digital release!
Very basic compared to Ascension even though it seems to be touted as a follow up to Ascension.
Art work doesn't seem to have as much effort put into it; system is extremely simple.
Really the best I can think to say about it is... while it may have some broken cards in it the system is so simple you'll probably not notice.
Much better than Ascension. In Ascension there really aren't many interesting decisions to make. Once you've chosen a strategy, it's always clear which cards to take, and the rest of the game is just hoping everything plays out optimally. In Shards, there are always difficult decisions, even in the end game.
The hard AI is very good.
It's fun but honestly it's not near as good as Ascension. There just isn't enough card variety for it really compete a the moment. But it's still pretty enjoyable and hopefully there are additional DLC releases in the works.
This game game has nothing on Ascension( which i cannot recommend either until the low honor pool cap is raised). The game is severely lacking in content and has poor mechanics.
Good game, but not enough replay value
This is a fun deck builder game with some interesting mechanics. It is very similar to Star Realms, another card game I've played a fair deal of. Unfortunately, I am 3 hours into the game and it has already gone a bit stale. Because of this I cannot fully recommend it. That said, I've only been playing vs. the AI. It's possible one might find a bit more replay value with PVP mode.
Below, I'll explore some Pros and Cons that I found in Shards of Infinity:
- Factions/Tribal synergy: There are factions in this game that gives you bonuses if you buy more cards from the same faction. But you don't have to bind yourself to one faction, you can easily mix and match to your liking. This is different from Star Realms, a game where you mostly have to stick with 1 or 2 factions each game to get a optimal deck.
- Gameplay: Plays smoothly, the animations are simple and you can play your hands quickly
- Card art: The art is pretty and colorful. The colors and style of the factions hints at some kind of lore for this game world, which I like. However, it is only hinted at, personally I would have liked a bit more flavor and backstory. Also, the art is a bit low res, and not all the drawings are as good. They could have done more with this, but it's decent.
- Card design: Simple and easy to understand, it didn't take much time for me to grasp the card mechanics and so on, despite a very limited tutorial.
- Not enough cards: There are simply not enough cards in this game. It doesn't take many games before you have seen every card available. When you have played the same cards and combinations over and over again it becomes, dare I say, a bit boring.
- Limited strategy/deck-building options: Although the game has interesting mechanics, some cards are not as much worth buying as others. The reason: The game format, where games are usually over rather quickly. For example, some of the "Wraethe" faction cards let's you thin out your deck/discard cards. Most games are over before you can utilize them that much, so trying to build a whole strategy around these cards is usually pointless. Your deck is also shuffled very frequently, which means if you have one of these cards, you'll often find yourself having no cards to discard. Card draw and aggro seems to be the best option most of the time (AI almost always favor card draw). Buying cards with health gain seem somewhat pointless early on, as you can't exceed 50 health points.
- Factions/Tribal synergy: Yes, I put this as a pro first. But one negative aspect is that certain factions only have a few cards that combo with each other, and the effects can be either very over or under-powered. Trying to get together a deck where cards synergize can be an underwhelming experience, because of the limited amount of each card type.
- The fast-play mechanic: At first, I thought this an interesting mechanic. Fast-play a card for one instant effect, or recruit it to your deck. Why I now consider this a con, is that the mechanic can favor aggro plays, and make games even shorter. The games are already short, therefore I would have preferred more options that favored thoughtful deck-building.
- Balance: Some cards are downright bad, a few are too overpowered. The balancing could do with some fine tuning. Minor con.
- The UI & Overall Game design: The text is too large, card edges are too flashy/annoying to look at, and I disliked the repetitive music so much I turned it off within the first hour of playing. I looked for an option to change the resolution of the game, and no such thing existed. A few more alternative settings would have been good. Not terrible, also not terribly good.
- The Focus mechanic: This mechanic lets you upgrade your "mastery" points, which will make certain cards more powerful. You can choose to use one of your crystals each turn for one focus, or buy cards to gain even more focus. I like this feature a good deal, optional ways to win a game is a fine thing. But it's very unreliable to build a strategy around it. Doable, sure, but it's a bit up to RNG and opportunity each game whether you get to use it much or not.
Overall, I might recommend this game at a later date if more cards are added. Otherwise, I don't see myself playing it for very long, and definitely not the same amount of hours I put into Star Realms when I first discovered that game.
So, I would recommend this to deckbuilder fans, but with a few things to point out. This feels like a more balanced and competitive version of Ascension. But, it also has some drawbacks. The hard AI is genuinely hard, and the way it plays reveals what I would describe as, 'a competitive mode that is not very fun to play'. Meanwhile, I find Medium a bit too easy. I guess what I'm saying is, it's probably best if you buy a copy along with a friend, as I feel like it's best against humans. The implementation of the game is fantastic, but I do think the hard mode AI reveals some weaknesses in the game itself in regards to best ways to play and fun. Though perhaps, if you are extremely competitive, it works well. As for competitive deck builder designs, I would greatly favor Puzzle Strike over this. But if you're looking for something between 'great competitive' (Puzzle Strike) and 'slot machine luck fest' (Ascension), this is great. The other downside is that this version currently lacks the expansions, which is a genuine shame, because the expansions are fantastic, especially the Coop one, which IRL is a fantasic 2 Player coop (I'd assume best at 2). As often is the case with digital board game implementations, the audio is a missed opportunity to have really reactive audio that changes depending on health. But I'm biased, I feel this way about many games, and I do audio for a living, so I never hold it against a game much, only wishing to point it out in hopes that they do better in the future going forward.
It's a great game if you like deck builders, the online player base is very small sadly but I played most of my hours vs the hard AI and I can't beat it every time and I've played the game hundreds of times. I wish it had all the expansions (I own the physical copies and love them) but it's alright without them too.
The game is easy to learn but very hard to master.
dude this game crashes SO MUCH, but its fun when it doesnt
Does it have spiders: No.
Great game to play against Hard AI, have it both on steam and in card-form to play 1v1 or teams, 2v2. Initially It's not that deep, you can play with newbies and they often "get it" after one game. If you are into deck-building however, you will probably have fun getting the balance just right between resources, damage, defence and combos
The game can be consdiered Ascension 2.0. This does note mean it's just another clone, on the contrary it brings some new card play options that make it unique. For one it has a Mastery track that could lead to an immediate win and an "immediate play" mechanism that allows you to use the effect of a specific card immedistely rather than add it to your deck for later use.
A very fun deck building competitive game. Even playing the AI is fun most of the time. Can't wait for expansions.
Ascension but with non of the expansions that make the replayability value high. Definitely worth playing for 2 or 3 hours.
I feel reserved about giving it straight up recommendation; maybe as a filler game. Typical deck builder. Easy to understand but feels like the complexity is sidestepped. I much prefer playing Mystic Vale. A few bugs here and there and one that prompts a crash and resume. I've had one game completely irretrievable (crashes on resume).
This game has some great balance, normally but there are a few powerful combos that make it hard to top if they are found early in the market row. Is still love playing it, even against the AI which has gotten much better, even though somewhat predictable. I'm really longing for the expansions that have been out in the real life card game for about 2 years. When are we getting new content?!?
So, I'm going to compare this to Ascension, because it's made by the same people and has some REALLY obvious inspiration.
Think Ascension, except instead of fighting monsters, you're attacking the other players to eliminate them in a last-man-standing setup. That's basically Shards of Infinity. And it works really well. It's like if M:TG was a deck builder.
Games are generally quite quick because by the time a player actually gets eliminated, the game is almost over. Furthermore, even though you can heal and block damage with certain cards, the game never stalemates because of the Mastery mechanic; Mastery is a stat you have that only goes up (except for one card that can lower it by 2). If it hits 30, and you play the Infinity Shard that everyone has in their starter deck, you instantly win the game. This stops the game from stalling due to someone turtling, but it's also really obvious to see coming once you see someone with 20+ Mastery (Mastery powers up many other cards too, so you have other reasons to raise it). Plus, even if someone HITS 30 Mastery, they don't win until they get to the Infinity Shard, which might be at the other end of their draw pile, so you have time to react by either taking them out (which progresses the game) or lowering their Mastery (delaying the inevitable).
There are some other new features, like Mercenary cards where you can optionally get their effects as soon as you buy them, but they go straight to the bottom of the center deck. The dynamic is a bit different than Ascension because of the faster pace; banishing cards is less important because it's unlikely you'll be able to purge all your starter cards, and Champions (the replacement for Constructs) get destroyed much more easily because anyone can blow them up with enough Power.
At the moment there are no expansions, but given that this is basically a PvP reboot of Ascension, I can imagine they will roll them out sooner rather than later. And they are sorely needed; without any monsters, and no Always Available cards like in Ascension, it's quite possible to exhaust the entire center deck in a 4-player game at the moment. But the game has a solid foundation on which to build and I look forward to seeing where it goes.
At the time of this writing (March 2020) the game loads and plays lightning fast; if there were previous stability or latency issues it appears they have been fixed.
While this is the beginnings of a game that is better than Ascension, it isn't there yet. With Ascension I like to mix things up by picking one or two expansions and omitting the rest. At this stage Shards of Infinity just has the one release of content, so all I really do is play the AI over and over and the variety by comparison is quite lacking. It will come though, and as of now I'd absolutely recommend this if you're a fan of how Ascension plays.
If you like deckbuilders, get this game! Get all your friends to get the game, too.
In terms of graphics, UI and sound, this game isn't anything too flashy. The artwork is cool and very nice, as you would expect of a game ported over from a physical card game. Being able to watch replays of your own games would be nice, but seems a feature that's not on the cards, as it were.
With that out of the way, this game manages to pull off something not many games achieve: it comes into an established genre but manages to be new and different.
The basics common to deckbuilders are there: we have a purchase resource (gems) for buying cards from a supply and a damage resource (power) to attack our opponents with. Some cards in the supply let you choose whether to add them to your deck or instead to play them instantly, which can trigger additional effects of cards you have in hand. This adds tactical depth to building your deck and also adds an extra element of decision-making to the game for extra suspense: if my opponent buys that really strong card, will he free up a slot that will hand me an instant damage dealer next turn? If I buy that strong healer card, will my opponent get a card to support his hand straight away?
Another element is the third resource we get: mastery. Higher mastery unlocks additional card effects, the most powerful of which is to increase power on one of the cards every player starts with to infinite for an instant win. I really love this idea, as it adds both an extra path to victory and another element to ramp up the tension and 'arms-race' feeling.
Once you know your way around the cards, you can put together combos that feel like a grand wizard casting a complicated spell. If that sounds like something you'd enjoy, this game is for you. Highly recommended!
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Temple Gates Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 84% положительных (106) |