Разработчик: Grey Havens
Spiral Knights — это совместное приключение в изменчивом мире, основанное на быстрых, динамичных сражениях. Вооружитесь и вступите в рыцарский орден «Spiral Knights». Попавшие в незнакомый мир рыцари должны обследовать непрерывно меняющийся часовой механизм под поверхностью планеты, в надежде добраться до её таинственного ядра.
Ключевые особенности
Совместное исследование- В часовом механизме бывают препятствия, которые под силу преодолеть лишь совместными усилиями друзей.
- Боритесь с чудовищами, решайте головоломки и находите сокровища сообща!
- Получите доступ к многопользовательскому приключению уже через минуту после входа.
- Часовой механизм меняет доступные для обследования уровни в реальном времени. Мир меняется в каждый миг каждого дня.
- Можно обнаружить или создать сотни уникальных видов оружия и снаряжения.
- Отношения в гильдии имеют большое влияние на мир. Соберите мощные кристаллы, чтобы изменить ход часового механизма!
- Spiral Knights бесплатна, не требуется никакой подписки, чтобы насладиться всеми прелестями игры.
Специальное предложение:
Шляпа «Спиральный салад» для Team Fortress 2 Получите бесплатную шляпу в стиле Spiral Knights для Team Fortress 2, заработав достижение в Spiral Knights! Чтобы получить бесплатную шляпу в TF2, игроку необходимо достичь первого терминала Clockwork с помощью любых ворот в Haven Arcade и заработать достижение «Mission Accomplished» (те, кто заработал это достижение ранее, также получат шляпу).
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- Поддерживаемые ОС: Windows XP, Vista и 7
- Процессор: с тактовой частотой 1,3 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 512 МБ при Windows XP, 1 ГБ при Windows Vista и 7
- Видеокарта: с 64 МБ видеопамяти. GeForce 5 серии или ATI Radeon 8500. С последними драйверами.
- Экран: с разрешением не менее 1024 на 600 пикселей
- DirectX®:
- Жесткий диск: 300 МБ свободного места
- Java: версии 1.5
- ОС: OS X версий Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3 или новее.
- Процессор: с тактовой частотой 1,3 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 1 ГБ
- Видеокарта: с 64 МБ видеопамяти. GeForce 5 серии, ATI 8500. С последними драйверами.
- Экран: с разрешением не менее 1024 на 600 пикселей
- Жесткий диск: 300 МБ свободного места
- Java: версии 1.5
Отзывы пользователей
Spiral knights.... Where to begin?
Probably one of the best Free MMO's to come out of the early days, the game has it's flaws.
But between the pay-to-win garbage you can see glimpses of true brilliance. It's far from a bad game, and it has aged very well but... It's honestly a tragedy. The feeling of the old-school zelda games combined with fast-paced bullet hell, and some very creative and rewarding gameplay variance, all of this is there just mired under time and added on pay-to-win. Trinkets are a good idea, extra weapons slots? not really as the dichotimy of the three weapons types mean two is enough for everyone who aint a munchkin but the price for what you need is not too high, it is not unreachable in normal play- far from it. It just isn't instant. It takes a lot less time to farm then in many MMO's for most things you will need too.
This is probably one of my favorite games, but is also the single most I have ever been dissapointed by a game. Trinkets could have totally changed play-style by adding unique abilities like out Spirits do, but as it is they are a sub-par extra chunk of armor that costs real money to rent slots to wear it. Things like that, glimpses of true brilliance through the murk. I know it's there somewhere.
What this game lacks in grit and mastery, it more than makes up for with sheer joy. It may be a little cutesy for the average gamer, but anyone who gives it a chance will likely find themselves engrossed. I may only have .6 hours in the game via steam, but I have logged a couple hundred on the character previously.
It's no masterpiece of media, but it's a blast to play.
One of the best free-to-play MMOs I have tried! It's not a pay-to-win like many I've seen. Things seem to run pretty smooth. Players are very active and there are always things to do. Great game!
it's ok
-> if you're a fan of top down fighting and dungeon crawling, this game can suck up your free time like a sponge
-> it's also a lot of fun to play with friends, up to a party of 4 players, from real life or haven
-> art style isn't shabby and pretty easy on the eyes, fun for any age range in the whole family
-> this game is already pretty old, but there's still a lot to do for newcomers and old pros alike
---> combat is very flush, with tons of flashy weapons and even more bad guys to use them on
---> there's plenty of background lore and tidbits like that hidden in this game if you're into that
---> feeling fabulous? theres lots of armor and accessories to help you look fly, and thats pretty fun
---> join or create a guild to form a small community with more than just 3 other players
-> there's a lot of incredibly useful hidden mechanics that the game really should teach you, like using your shield to cancel attack animations and increasing reaction time
-> a lot of the better weapons and armor can only be achieved through unconventional ways or buying it at an inflamed price, which can throw a wrench in your plans for your perfect arsenal
-> the game makes you grind a lot for ingame currency to be able to pass through a lot of the game
---> a remedy to this is if you do your homework and plan out what arsenal you want by the end of the game so that you dont make stupid descisions too early on in the game
---> the main issue with the grind wall is because of the "alchemy orb" crafting system and the "hall of heroes" quests that make sure you have the resources and equipment to go into higher difficulty floors
-> there's not really any recent updates at all anymore, and the community is slowly shrinking...
i think this game won't last that much longer anymore,
but you should still get it and play if you like top down shooters and dungeon crawlers;
i'm pretty sure this game is worth the free time it swallows despite being a free game
Not gonna lie i think i lost the counter of how much i edited this review.
This game sadly is in a bad state currently in terms of content
Tough the few players who still play are nice
I personally loved this game alot, and i still do, well not the game itself, rather the community and its idea, its sorta complicated.
the gameplay isnt that complex, very simple infact, well most attacks are charge spams (unless its pvp, then its more complex) on hordes of enemies, this game feels like a mashup of bullet hell and a horde fighter if thats a used therm.
what i hate about it is well, the story didnt finish, to this day i havent heard how the story ends, how my character (or everyone's) saves Haven or something.
Im not sure about the Devs, if they have enough money or if theyre barelly able to pay rent, but i really wish to know how the story ends.
what could save this game is a workshop for items and such, hell maybe even map creators
all wraped up, i do and dont recommend this game, more like a "your own risk thing" due to the main story not being finished.
Takes everything good about Zelda games, adds it's own unique spin on it with added RPG elements and randomized levels. The customizability, crafting and levels to items adds another layer of challenge since you'll have to balance your collected resources with how powerful you can make your items. It's also one of the few MMO I can play with my game controller! It's truely an awesome game! :)
Welcome to Spiral Knights! Now, before I write this review, I'm going to tell you that if you don't like dungeons, grinding, or playing with friends, then you should probably look for another game. This game is solely based upon teamwork, puzzles, and hard-to-kill monsters. Theres a mission-based system in the game, and some of it is very hard to get to unless you pay for it. Such as, If i needed 9 advanced orbs to make some gear that i had to have in order to get promotion, It would be insanely hard to find them in the Clockworks.(Dungeon) So therefore, unless you are a master at survivability and grinding, you would most likely pay for the orbs. This game is incredible, its gone through some good and bad changes, (Mostly good) but it will always be my favorite dungeon game. its incredible how much you can do in Spiral Knights, and you can almost NEVER see the same level if you go into Dungeon mode. 10/10
It's a fan and simple game, the controls are great, graphics i enjoy, and the self held economy in the Auction house is a thrill when bidding, i also love the weapon and armor designs too with battle sprites (pets) to help you in times of distress
I have a love hate relationship with this game, I love the artwork and content (even though some say it needs more and it does, it is slowly dying) I can 100% say there is no other game like this game and that is what makes it so special.
Missions give you access to gear and items needed to play the game, they start from the beginning armor to end game gear (nothing thats 100% wanted but it gives you access to play end game content).
There is an arcade side of the game, which was the original concept. 4 gates consisting of 29 floors, but only 24 floors that have monsters. The arcade gates change every 7 days and its random, so every arcade run you do will be different from the last.
If you wanna merchant, there is plenty of promos you can sink your money into.
There is a ton of promos, one every 2 weeks. They throw promos out like they are candy and are not working toward new content and game updates.
If you have to submitted a support ticket then you should expect 2-48 hours of waiting for a reply. This is how they get money out of you, they force you into paying for in-game items with real money cause you cant contact support when you have issues of not getting back into a party.
The Develops and Gm's are not dedicated to running this game, and their minds are only after $$$$, but you are thinking what gaming company is not only after $$$$? All of them are, for the most part, but this one is one of the worst ones because as I stated they refuse to help you if you need help. I've heard "sorry we couldnt help you out in time, maybe next time" after they expected the rest of my party to wait 2-3 hours for me to get back into the party.
You need to see this game as it truely is, It is only about pretty costumes and accessories and thats it. This game is mainly used to see who looks the best and as a chat room. Just think of this game as a chat room version of Tinder with mini games to play like PvP and missions etc.
So end point is no i wouldn't recommend this game.
this game is very good but as well it would be much better if we could get a bigger dlc for this game cause it been 5 years since the realeased of operation crimson hammer and it really fun as you go through all king of enemys and all new floors but would be nice if there were the water temple that was suppose to be realeased and better weapon instead of being stuck at max rank maybe increased rank
So here is the thing I am going to say my OPINION on this game. (I hope you read what is on caps :P)
Q:Is the game fun?
A:Yes, if you like to grind it is pretty fun and if you have friends to play it with you it will make the grind easier since your loot is "shared".
Q:How is the community?
A:I am not someone that can answer correctly that because I prefer to play solo instead with friends xD But from what I saw and interacted with I must say that the community is pretty good.
Q:I played a bit and saw almost no one, is it always like this?
A:Now, unfortunally, yes. When I played for the first time (2010 maybe) it had a lot of people.
Q:Is it pay to win?
A:No, not even close. You can convert 10k crowns(the game's currency) into energy(the paid currency).
Q:Why would I want the energy?
A:To not grind xD
TL;DR: Game is very grindy if you don't want to pay. Community pretty good but small. If you don't like to grind stay away. :)
This is one of the games I played with a great community. Its unique concept is like none others. I'd definitely recommend this game. It has its "dying phase" but I'm really hoping that the Game Devs are still planning to update and put more content to the game. I'd purchase things that this game offer if it gets updated. ( SHOUT OUT: Paging Grey Havens, Please proceed to the Game Dev room now... )
I know. It's boring if you're playing it alone. Make some friends, talk to strangers, don't be aloof. It's very addictive when you have people to share your moments with.
Here's what I thought:
> Artstyle - Its cute and very unique
> Gameplay - Challenging. Well, not if you have good gears. Bottom line, its all about teamwork. Unless you like to play solo.
> Music - Lovely music you got there bud. Its engaging.
> Community - Its Great! That's why I love this game.
> Players - I'd say 50 - 50. Some players are nice and friendly, some are not.
> Concept - Can you name any game with the same concept? I can't.
> Auction House - Oh my fudgy bars! Those are very expensive!
> Supply Depot - Nooo! The trade market keeps on raising! Make it stahp!
> Grinding - Aw man, this is a bad RNG. Need 'em orbs please!
> Guilds - I don't know about you, but I love my guild. First and Last.
> Wiki - Eh? Is the sidebar really down there? Hmm, care for a fix?
> Steam Login - Why can't I login my Steam to Wiki page? That's crazy, man!
> Servers - Oh my, why do I have a red dot? Mind if you guys put up some Asian servers? Please?
> Patch Note - Oh come on!, Where the dang are the Patch Notes? I mean sure, you guys post updates on twitter... but....
> DLC - I'd be fine if you make more of 'em DLC's too. Like maybe, a side story like OCH?
> Price Boxes - Will you guys re-release Rageous Stuffs? I've been craving for them since I started playing...
> Coliseum - Ah, no ones playing there anymore. Make some more PVP. Maybe like Capture the Ball? or Chess? or Maze?
> Rank - Man, being a Vanguard ain't that good... What am I supposed to do now? Hoard stuffs? Collect gears?
> Story - The stoy is incomplete. We all got stranded in Cradle. So, there's more content you can actually make here... Like maybe go to the moon? Well, why not?, Cradle has a moon right there in the Main Screen. And what about our homeplanet? our homeworld? What? they're just... gone? Still so many plot holes. And maybe you can have a story on why the Snabolax, Jelly King, Roarmulus twins, and Vanaduke keep on respawning each time we delve deep into the unknow parts of Cradle. Maybe because TIME is reseting? Cause why not, it is the Clockworks... get it?
Here's hoping, like most of the Knights out there who still enjoys playing this game, that it'll live on for another 5 or more years. Because I know it's not abandoned yet. https://twitter.com/Cronus_GH/status/829819314475765760
Good luck to the Devs - Grey Havens.
Kudos for keeping this game alive at the moment!
This game is a thing, mostly it is enjoyable thanks to the gameplay and controls, also the artstyle it's really cute, even when it's a spooky theme, there are a lot of ways to play and a big variety of types of weapons, it can be really fun to go on levels testing stuff and seeing all kinds of monsters and themes
But sadly the community is dying, the developers are nearly not updating the game anymore and there are less and less players online, what kills the market inside the game, making getting stuff like vanity items really hard and making up your knight costume is one of the best things to do in the game
Although I still recommend it, specially to play with friends, but in the current situation, the game is only enjoyable for a few days
This is a fun game to play if your into mission type games. In this game you play as a knight taking on missions trying to recover lost valuables that have been lost when your ship had crashed. This game is an online game. Interact with others and make friends. Team up with people around the world or with your friends to take on missions. Level up your gear to take on harder levels. This game does not demand high system requirements to run. Overall a fun and interesting game to play.
A great game, I remember playing this when I was just a kid. I played through the stand alone launcher for a long time before moving to steam.
I can't recommend getting into now, not only is it dead or in the final stages of dying, but its also just not fun. The forge system broke it. End of story. I miss the good ole days of doing ten missions and getting off. I miss what this game used to be.
I had play and left it like 5 times, this game is too interesting when you start but, with the time, it gets boring.
Besides, the developers had left the game, they're never adding nothing, just sth like useless cloth, they only focus on get money
The graphics are good, the gameplay too, but it gets repetitive and the fact that you have to play the same mission like 1000 times just to get the sparks is sad .
A roguelike action-mmo thing with a light story, simple but fun combat mechanics with enough depth to keep things interesting, and a charming art style. Great for 1-2 hour play sessions of light dungeon crawling, looking for the next item you need to alchemize a cool sword. Also makes a good co-op game, as it's easy to pick up for new players.
Admittedly haven't reached the endgame, but that's not really why I play Spiral Knights.
except the starlight cradle update, it's dead
doesn't stop me from loving this game though
nvm i got banned i should've updated this review lmao
I started playing this game to get the free tf2 items. However, while playing I got fond of it. Its really fun so I recommend this to not just TF2 players but everyone.
I use to play this game quite alot back in the old days, when in order to change the world you had to sink your gems into the elevator machine and hope it changed to something you liked. I check back in this game last year or so, and it's just gone down the crapper. Try doing a mission to progress your story: no one's on to join, and if they do, one death and they quit. Most of the people i've run into are just standing in front of the auction house, hoping some hard to get item appears, and the most popular guild i know hasn't been active in years. Add onto the fact that almost 99% of the stuff you want can only be bought with/accessed with real money, (and don't say that they don't. try getting a key for the endgame dungeon crafting station from the auction house. never gonna happen) and this is just another game that had 'pure' beginings and is now 'corrupted' into a pay2win model. -1/10
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Grey Havens |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 08.02.2025 |
Metacritic | 64 |
Отзывы пользователей | 77% положительных (103) |