Разработчик: Triumph Studios
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Косметический комплект Spacerpunk
Не позволяйте правилам и обычаям разрушенной галактической империи ограничивать вас.
Планета Infested Worlds и связанный с ней сюжет
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Age of Wonders Planetfall: Premium Edition — это самое полное издание игры. В него входят материалы из Deluxe Edition и сезонный абонемент, который дает доступ к трем грядущим дополнениям и моментальному бонусу.
Об игре

Помогите своему народу оправиться после краха галактической империи и приведите его к процветанию. Age of Wonders: Planetfall — это стратегическая игра от компании Triumph Studios, которая разработала популярную серию игр Age of Wonders. В новой игре вы сможете опробовать увлекательную тактику пошаговых сражений и продуманную систему развития государства, знакомую по ранним частям серии, в научно-фантастической вселенной.
Постройте свою империю, возглавив одну из шести уникальных фракций, в том числе воинственных представителей Авангарда, кибернетических зомби из Ассамблеи и отважных амазонок, которые приручили динозавров. Проявите хитрость, стойкость, смелость и чудеса дипломатии, чтобы создать собственную утопию. Изучите историю сгинувшей цивилизации, исследуя разрушенные планеты и встречаясь с другими уцелевшими фракциями. Вам предстоит сражаться, строить, торговать и развивать технологии в однопользовательской кампании с глубоким сюжетом, в мирах, которые созданы случайным образом, или состязаться с друзьями в сетевой игре.

Тактические пошаговые бои в научно-фантастической вселенной.
Разработайте собственную стратегию, чтобы победить в напряженных пошаговых боях. В вашем распоряжении множество фракций, настраиваемые отряды и разрушаемое окружение.Богатый и проработанный мир.
Какая тайна скрыта за падением галактической империи? Узнайте больше о судьбе Звездного союза, исследуя прекрасные миры, дикие пустоши и громадные мегаполисы. Вступайте в сражения с противоборствующими фракциями и находите свидетельства давно утраченных технологий.Строительство планетарной империи.
Будущее колонии зависит от вас. Развивайте технологии и возьмите на себя развитие общества. Что привлекает вас больше — идеальный армейский порядок или забота об экологии?Множество способов победить.
Вы можете достичь своей цели, побеждая врагов и порабощая их, ведя тонкие дипломатические игры или создавая пугающие технологии.Разнообразные режимы игры.
Благодаря продуманной однопользовательской кампании с генератором случайного окружения в новую часть Age of Wonders можно играть долго. Опробуйте новые тактики в режиме схватки и играйте по сети так, как вам удобно — через интернет, за одним экраном или в режиме асинхронной игры.
*Инструментарий для модификаций — это наш подарок игровому сообществу. Модификации могут отличаться от Age of Wonders: Planetfall системными требованиями, на них не распространяется клиентская поддержка и локализация.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, polish, russian, japanese, simplified chinese, korean
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 (64-bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 (3rd Generation) or AMD FX Series processor (or equivalents)
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GTX 650Ti 1GB or AMD Radeon HD 7770 (or equivalents)
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
- Дополнительно: Network connection required for cloud saves and multiplayer.
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 (64-bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 (7th or 8th Generation) or AMD Ryzen 5
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB or AMD Radeon RX 570 4GB (or equivalents)
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
- Дополнительно: Network connection required for cloud saves and multiplayer.
- ОС: MacOS 10.14 (Mojave); MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 (3rd Generation)
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon R9 M380; NVidia GT 750M; Intel UHD630
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- Дополнительно: Please note that modding tools are Windows only.
- ОС: MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 (8th Generation)
- Оперативная память: 12 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon Pro 560
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 20 GB
- Дополнительно: Please note that modding tools are Windows only.
Отзывы пользователей
Age of Wonders has always been the gold standard of fantasy turn-based strategy games, and Planetfall could well be the gold standard of sci-fi turn-based strategy games.
The first quest breaks if you conquer one of the AI factions, leaving you at 2/3rds completion with no other options and so I wasn't able to progress. The text pre amble before it implies you might have to fight them so I thought that conflict could be a solution. Not impressive given this is the first quest that you would assume would be the most tested.
The whole push to do quests isn't really my cup of tea generally, I'll try the sandbox modes later.
I have a 4 thousand dollar pc that has yet to struggle with any game. this game crashes, and it crashes a lot. i have reported dozens of crashes and i have yet to receive an email about any of them. i have tried and tried to fix the issue, but after all this time, the game is still coded like garbage. they have not fixed the issues by now, they never will.
Age of Wonders 4 in Space, but less polished and forgiving. Positioning is crucial. Go Team Borg eh Assembly!
After 100 hours of both games I can say I much prefer Planetfall than Age of Wonders 4. There are so much way to customize each separated unit in your army and it's quite fast and painless to do so. The only downside of this game is the outdated UI and UX.
fun combat system. complex but in the beginning you can ignor the more niche things
pretty fun!
Can't make sense of the map. Makes me feel stupid.
I don't really play turn based civ type games since I usually find the combat to be underwhelming but the combat here was very fun
git gut
I read about the game and decided to pay for it and download it. This is my first AOW game. I began with the tutorial, got really into it, and went into my first planet.
After a couple of turns, it started crashing at the end of the turn, with no warning. Again, and again, and again, and again. I tried every fix I could think of, and still crashing. Games that I encounter these types of crashes with are usually the kind that involve some type of graphics issue, but not this one.
It stinks that I paid a hefty fee and have no good result. I cannot recommend this game for that reason.
Plays like a civ game, more focus on combat and added account progression (galactic empire building) to incentivize replays. Highly recommended!
Devs, we can't wait for Planetfall 2!
Very good game, you could say the only viable sci fi alternative in Heroes genre.
It works with Proton 7.0-6 on Linux/Debian 11 Operating System.
Funcionou com Proton 7.0-6 no Sistema Operacional Linux/Debian 11.
Age of Wonders 40K. But where are my Orks?! We need ta teach tha rest of these gits a propa lesson!
This game is pure strategy crack. Don't start it unless you want to get addicted.
This game is for me what HoMM 3 is for other people; an instant classic and a game I will return to.
I see Planetfall as a great system for building combos and synergies of units and operations (spells). Of course, there is plenty of stuff to combine related to economy and expansion too. The amount of general content and possible strategies is staggering, and during my over 100h hours of playtime, I think I haven't explored even half of them.
The creativity put into this game is also quite impressive. There are many unique ideas in the general art style and design of units and the world.
Buy the game, buy DLCs and hope for Plantefall 2.
After 500 hrs on record, this game is the best and ever best.
The Galactic Empire system is very cool , I dont know why other game have not it XD
It seems like i'm the minority in this but I like this game more than AOW 4.
need to start requiring refunds for games like this that add a third party account after the fact.
this is one of the reasons off the top of my head steam will be sued in the future. "only 15% of play time was spent on newer games" gee. wiz... i wonder why when the companies keep changing the eula to cause denial of service issues if you wont let them sell your data. almost like the industry is better off without all of them for a reason.
My mistake was getting into AoW:4, then giving this one a chance right after thinking it would be a similarly exciting experience. Having Planetfall sit in my library for awhile now in the Technology catagory, wanting to get into it but never getting around to it.
There probably is a lot of potential, but honestly it is too alien to feel satisfying.
best strategy game ever made
i dont like this game.
i don't know why.
i feel its slow, and the battles inconsequential, and the heroe system overly complex.
its not a bad game. but i was bored to death. but hey, maybe you will enjoy it.
i like it
game is quite good!
Game good
I really wanted to love this game, but...
Think of a good science-fiction book. Now imagine it dumbed down and re-published as a comic series for teens? That's what the story and writing feel like in this. The setting had great potential, but the presentation is absolutely godawful.
The gameplay itself is okay. Nice base-building mechanics. Manual combat is... something, but not engaging enough to choose it over the automatic option. Decent if somewhat simplistic diplomacy. Too many upgrades and items to be fun. Also, gameplay variety sometimes interferes with the story: it's possible to win a scenario by diplomacy before completing the story quests, thus missing parts of the plot, such as it may be.
So yeah... no.
This game is really fun to play, even though it took me long time to invest the right time into it, to understand my ways.
You dont need any mods, its rich of story and the turn based fights are very fun.
I like the different approaches of the different races and their style to win... or loose the game :-)
In a sale its pretty cheap to grab and it will grant you alot of hours of fun.
One point feels really cool and remind me on the AOW series the most - levening up the heroes and their equipment! Its amazing to see how they get stronger and attain an enhanced playstyle with a developing skilltree.
Thumbs up, you cant really fail on this one.
Pretty good successor in Age Of Wonders series. Decent graphic, story-telling company, variety of combat scenarios depending on your choice of development strategy. Good time killer and brain refresher after daily routine.
The map and interface is pretty, but too noisy for me; I'll always miss the clean, perfect map & interface in the original AoW. But the gameplay is reliably great. Great varying play styles between each faction!
my favorite turn based strategy game by far and ive played them all
Having a lot a fun with age of wonders 4, I tried to return to this game but it crashes on paradox launcher, already sent report for crash
Yeah man, shit's good.
i enjoy the battles
I was having a lot of fun with this game until the game kept getting stuck on "opponents are moving." Very disappointed that this is a consistent issue.
Simply fantastic. Every sci-fi movie element thrown in with a twist of space "fantasy". Endless fun. Plays like AoW4 in space - only better. I wish more historical games like Civ etc. would use this games combat system.
Fun, everything is turn based, so if you like turn-based strategy games this one is good to try.
decent game . most people prefer age of wonders 2 . 3 and 4 . over this game . including me .
it is a decent alternative to classic Age of Wonders . and it has some mods . buy on sale .
Amazing 4X game, highly recommended.
Pretty good (6/10)
The user interface could be much better. The combat sound design is a complete joke. (it makes starcraft 2 ultralisk attack sounds, feel like raw terror compared to this games meek, unfocused, chopped together bullcrap) The mash of colours and indistinction of characters and background is terrible. Feels like I need glasses and im already wearing them.
Great voice acting, cool weapon/rpg customization elements. The combat strategy itself is gold but the sound and presentation overall heavily detract from the enjoyment. I gave such a high rating because the world building and creativity is actually worth it. There used to be a sound mod but its been outdated for years. A sorry miss for an otherwise great company
Excellent SciFi-derivate of a legendary series.
Economy is simplified but not dumbified. Combat is fun, units have interesting abilities. The moding system on units is cool. Haven't played a full game yet but I'm hooked. I've played Civ 5 and 6 (Gold standard), Humankind (Interesting but not as good as Civ), Endless Legend (not a fan of this one). This game feels similar but plays differently from all three of these.
Five hours is not enough to learn all the in and out of this game, but so far I'm enjoying it. Definitely would recommend it for anyone who like strategy games.
Like most Paradox garbage, it has good visuals, a nice soundtrack and slick trailers, but it is barely a game.
This is the third go-round of me trying to like this and I...just can't. Everything is slow and plodding, from city growth, to research to tactical battles.
Then, it has the sheer nerve to never give me options. How I mean is...let's take city development. Kind of a big deal in a civilization-like game, but I was never really able to improve my output of a given resource. I can't...develop my cities...in a game that seems to market itself on being half city development.
I'm sure I could do lots of things...40+ hours in, but I have to get there, you know that right, Paradox?
Then...the tactical battles. Even on easier difficulties you have to rely on a weird amount of save scumming, since the enemy frequently appears to "gets lucky" and do massive damage at the most inopportune times. Your forces seem to suffer the opposite, missing or doing barely anything at "interesting" moments, resulting in a pure gamble whether you can curbstomp an enemy force or if they wipe the floor with you.
If I'm saying those words, you've failed at making a tactical game...
The diplomacy is lackluster, the citybuilding and empire management is slow and, largely, pointless and the combat relies on RNG more than tactics. A neat sci-fantasy skin isn't enough to forgive those elements and that leaves out the childishness of the writing...
I'm sorry I ever bought this. It will do nothing for you, whatever you're eyeballing this for.
I like the game, I played AoW4 first and enjoyed that too. I dislike some of the UI downgrades from having played the newer game but once I got used to it, I really enjoyed the gameplay
Father of light.
Father of death.
Give us your wisdom, give us your breath.
Summoner says that Jupiter is the loneliest planet.
Игры похожие на Age of Wonders: Planetfall
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Triumph Studios |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 81 |
Отзывы пользователей | 80% положительных (2646) |