Разработчик: bumblebee
Ухаживайте за полями, принимая в расчет погоду и потребности местных жителей, и посадите разнообразные сельскохозяйственные культуры, чтобы впоследствии собрать богатый урожай. Заботьтесь о курах, свиньях и коровах, чтобы продавать продукты животноводства в фермерском магазине и зарабатывать. На вырученные деньги вы сможете восстанавливать и развивать свою ферму, а также нанимать работников, которые помогут вам справляться с увеличивающимся объемом работ.
К тому же, очень скоро вы повстречаете свою вторую половинку. Докажите ей/ему, что вы настоящий органический фермер и устраивайте незабываемые свидания, чтобы добиться взаимности. Ночи на ферме полны романтики: воздух наполнен ароматами цветов, а над землей кружатся светлячки.
И если вам вдруг покажется, что жизнь начинающего фермера недостаточно захватывающая, знайте, что приключения всегда можно найти в лесу, где водятся волки и медведи. Сможете ли вы защитить от них груженую телегу? Да и на самой ферме скучать не придется: то нужно разобраться с ульем разъяренных пчел, то найти собаку, потерявшуюся в подземелье.
Увлекательный симулятор фермы
Создайте собственную ферму и расширяйте ее новыми постройками, которые открывают дополнительные возможности.
Органическое земледелие
Выращивайте фрукты и овощи, производите молоко, яйца и мед и продавайте свои продукты, чтобы зарабатывать. Заводите свиней, коров, куриц, пчел и т.д.
Захватывающие приключения и задания
Вас ждут разнообразные задания и приключения - на ферме и в лесу, где обитают волки и медведи.
Интересные мини-игры
Вы столкнетесь с неожиданными опасностями и будете искусно решать проблемы.
Система уровней
Постоянно развивайте свои навыки и станьте самым знаменитым фермером в округе.
Настоящая любовь
Вас ждет волнующая история настоящей любви, свидания и свадьба.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, russian, french, simplified chinese, dutch, italian, spanish - spain, traditional chinese, japanese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7
- Процессор: Dual-Core: 2Ghz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 512MB
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.8+
- Процессор: Dual-Core: 2Ghz
- Оперативная память: 2 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 512MB
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04+
- Процессор: Dual-Core: 2Ghz
- Оперативная память: 2 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 512MB
Отзывы пользователей
Farming, fishing and adventure are all poor.
A degraded copy of other farming games.
Abandonware, barely functioning, made by someone who had no coding skills but desperately wanted to make a rip off of Stardew Valley. It is outrageous that this "game" sells for the same price as Stardew Valley as it's laughably bad and boring.
Don't waste your money even if they offer it on steep discount. It's so bad you will feel ripped off even if it's few cents.
Such a common theme among dirty devs these days: make barely functioning game, sell for a price of solid indie, run away and immediately start to promote your next game, asking people to buy it as well.
this developers goes on my ban list due their lies, lack of professionalism and awful coding skills. I've no time to waste on games that bad.
Actually the game is fun, and after very first launch I played for 3h.
But there are a few Buts:
• another crazy gaming fishing, but not as Hell-ish as in some other games. Also that successful "Yeah!" is worse than fishing itself!
• building is absolutely horrible. If you don't know how it works you can waste by accident all your coins! Also there's no moving.
• Poor game's settings.
• No proper map. Even some games with generated maps have maps!
• Crazy control.
• No character's clothing, and customizing.
• Sometimes pieces of the field disappear.
• Poor inventory of only 4 slots!
• Have to wait while the character is sleeping. No chance to skip it.
• Annoying stones and mushrooms which aren't even usable.
• When animals aren't in the stable they can go anywhere, even somewhere where you can't sell them.
• Very often animals stay on same spot what doesn't allow to milk cows!!!
cute little game, not worth full price however got it on sale worth it.
dislikes about it:
1. feels like its for a phone...
2. fighting needs a update its glitchy
3. there is no map! we need a map :/
1. TLC updates
2. customization, making a character is dull as ever
3. fix fishing the bobber is buggy when throwing it in, can be facing north and it be somewhere be hide you some where.
4. fighting to be fixed
5. have a inventory not just a few slots on a hot bar.
6. shared storage chest, makes 0 cents to have other chest if there not shared when added in items.
7. grandpas pop ups are annoying hopefully it gets fixed so he doesn't have to remind you about every little thing.
Theres better farming sims out there
Harvest Life is enjoyable...to a point. It's a very bare bones casual farm life sim which desperately needed more content before it hit full release. Yes, this game started life as an Early Access title whose publisher shoved it into full release. Why? The lead and sole developer died before he could finish his game. Harvest Life has since gone through a few owners who clearly don't care about it, so unfortunately bundle fodder it has become.
You have a half dozen crops to grow as well as chickens, pigs, and cows to raise. Acquiring food for the animals is a cute power generation mini game which grows old fast. Fishing is time consuming but very easy with upgrades. There is pet ownership and romance although after you've "unlocked" your dog and spouse they're basically useless (your spouse literally stands inside your house unmoving once you tie the knot, kinda weird). Two employees can be hired for a rather ridiculous salary, sadly their pathfinding tends to suck and they often stand idle all day unless assigned to easy tasks such as running the generator and watering crops. Wolves and bears hide in the four forested regions you'll visit, as do chests filled with moderate amounts of gold which comes in handy early-game.
All included achievements work but some of them are very mind-numbing, especially the final ones for fishing and harvesting milk from your cows. Expect 20 to 30 hours for full completion.
What you'll find here is a very janky but playable title, one which will hold your interest for a good 8 to 12 hours. Beyond this point the grind for certain achievements sets in and you'll likely be glad to see the end of Harvest Life after this. Recommended only if you've picked it up on steep discount or as a bundle leftover.
Run For your life!! It's too late for me but you still can survive by not buying this game.
On the cover it's look cute, but in-game is sucked!!! the first impression in create character is very sucked you can't even customize your character!! you have to choose a preset character which game forced you to pick but good news is you can type your name postman's, postwoman's and grandfather's name... for WHAT?!?
I buy this game for a long longgggg time I can't remember when so,I can't refund this!!
Run Run FAST!!!! Run like a sonic buddy.
A buggy, generic mess. Good concept but poor delivery.
This game as a concept is great but unfortunately has an endless list of bugs and mishaps. To start with the terrain itself is too obviously made in square patches and should blend together better. I get the intention but it just looks generic and bland and it doesn't work. The quests too simple and boring, there are barely any NPC characters to interact with. The fishing mechanic is generic and a very primitive version of Stardew Valleys, not to mention there is only one type of fish.
In order to feed the animals you need to keep producing power which is just completely unnecessary and over complicated. The cows often stand inside each other which makes it impossible to collect milk from them. There are barely any farm buildings to build, the farm is large but you are unable to build anything on half of the area as it is a buggy, broken mess. The music is generic and repetitive and the combat system is incredibly boring, not to mention there are just two enemy types.
I could go on and on but I don't like long reviews. Instead I will say that despite the negative points I mentioned, the game is actually possible to complete and get 100% of the achievements. As someone who has dabbled in game development myself I would be ashamed to have released this in its current state and could only recommend you play this if you want a fairly easy game to 100%.
[quote]Follow my curator page if this review was helpful and you want to see more reviews like this one.[/quote]
I'm going to give this game a real critic because I believe there are many things that can be improved upon if the game is worked on just a little bit.
- Only 3 inventory spaces
In a farming game where the goal is to collect crops and animals drops, inventory space is ESSENTIAL. Possibly update the game with a few more spaces?
- No map
The area may not be the biggest place, but it's still nice to have a labelled map to point out where specific stores are, where your farm is in relation to the town, and where are the places where you're gonna run into danger.
- Nothing is solid
It kinda takes away from the experience if I can just walk through my animals and other townsfolk, not to mention the monsters in certain places can just phase right through things to get to you. It just gives me the impression of a game in very early development.
- Very generic dialog
There's nothing that draws me into any of the characters and there's nothing unique about the way they speak to you.
- Inconvenient menus
You have to be in your house to even check on your stat progress and employees, which is kind of a pain...
- Random glitches
I woke up one day in game to discover that ALL my accumulated funds were literally at 0 and I had to start the whole thing all over again, so I just gave up cause I didn't think it was worth it.
- High price
This game is OKAY I suppose, as a last resort, but to charge 18 bucks for a game that looks half-done is a bit of a cashgrab in my opinion. If you ARE gonna buy this game, I STRONGLY suggest getting it on sale.
All in all... You're probably better off going with Stardew Valley, My Time in Portia, Worlds Dawn, or Harvest Moon. If you've already played through all of those, and you're looking for ANYTHING new, I guess this isn't the WORST game I've ever played...
It won't be updated any further than it is and it's a farm sim knockoff without seasons or diversity of buildings, animals, fishing, task lists and everything else. I don't believe you can expand your house either, it's just a game you will waste 4 hours on as I have.
Although I like the idea for this game, I bought it under the expectation that it was in-progress and would be updated with content in the future. Now that it will no longer be updated, I can't recommend it because it will never have more features than it does now.
There is not a lot of content currently in the game. There are a few plants and three animals. You can chop wood and do quests (kill 10 wolves, plant 2 pumpkins, etc) but nothing very exciting. This game needs more areas to explore or more crops to grow instead of just grinding achievements. It feels like an early access game that has now been abandoned/no longer in development. So much potential, but very little game play in it's current state. Pick up a game like Staxel or Stardew valley if you want a farming game with more stuff to do.
Visually, it's a very nice game. Unfortunately, it feels somewhat unfinished at times, like it's still in the early beta or something like that.
I know that's rather harsh, as I'm used to playing plenty of other farming simulators that tend to have better features, better UIs and controls, etc.
Compared to the other farming simulators out there, this one feels rather simplistic.
In a perfect world, a fairly decent game shouldn't ever be compared to other games and be unfairly stacked up against others... but it's a imperfect world, so I can't help but compare it to other games I play. So it is what it is. If people asked me to recommend a farming simulator game, I'd recommend other games over this one. sorry.
Alright, here's the deal with this game: it's a cheap, uninteresting farming simulator that won't hold your attention for no more than an hour. The game itself is presented like a mobile app ported to the PC (which it may have been, I'm not sure).
== Pros ==
+ Decent graphics
+ Perhaps the best thing about the game is the music.
+ Slightly more challenging when it comes to managing resources (water, fodder, and electricity).
+ The ability to restore various parts of the town with resources.
+ I didn't get to experiment with it, but there's a lot of things you can purchase and place around the farm and a lot of spacious land to utilize.
== Cons ==
- Boring and tedious tasks that you'll have to find the mayor for every day.
- Can't view relationships with other villagers.
- Almost every villager I talked to gave the same dull conversation: "Did you spin the roulette wheel?" Granted, some villagers actually had different things to say, but nothing interesting or funny.
- No map, so it's easy to get lost with the thousand acres of empty space
- Can't enter anyone's home - there are only a few shops you can enter.
- Combat is unpolished. There are no indicators or popups on how much damage you're receiving other than seeing the HP bar drain and no way of knowing how much damage you're doing.
- No loot? I killed three wolves and I didn't get anything for it - what's the point?
- The most obnoxious thing in this game is that the character sometimes refuses to run through corners of spaces with different land types (grass -> dirt) and immediately stops in their tracks.
Bottom line: if you're looking for a farming simulator - don't choose this game. Harvest Life offers a very poor experience and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
This game is utterly pointless. This is the worst farming type sim I've ever played.. nothing like Stardew, Harvest Moon, etc. You can't talk to anyone. There are simple, repetitive quests that you seemingly receive nothing for completing. You can expand the farm to a huge amount of space, but farming with the original animals and 3x3 plot of land you'll have more than enough to fill up the shop to capacity. Only a few people seem to buy items per day, and seemingly only while you stand next to the shop. Leveling up seems to have no advantages. Buying any upgrades feels like it involves endless grinding to come up with the cash, with barely any rewards. Buying better swords doesn't seem to have much or any benefit, and there's not much of a point to fighting anyway. In addition to grinding, the game is a constant search for food (apples) in order to not die, by cutting wood that otherwise serves no purpose. I guess there is one person you can date, but I don't know why I would continue to that point unless I was very bored. In conclusion, I guess I was left feeling frustrated, and thinking, "Is this it? This can't possibly be all there is?"
Avoid. Do not buy. The game should still be in early access. Quest system is garbage. Building on your land is unintuitive and the 'hints' cover up buttons you're trying to click on. Nothing has an explanation, at all! Do scarecrow even have a use? No one knows. Not even Google knows. The fishing is a total ripoff of stardew, and as far as I know there's only 1 type of fish. The combat is so bad it's beyond being funny and is just total trash. You can only romance 2 people. This game is empty, heartless, soulless. Any of the competition would be a better choice. Get My time at Portia, or Stardew Valley. If you own those, look elsewhere or find an early access game to follow.
For those who like simple farming game, this is an enjoyable game with decent gameplay. Good for spending your free time sitting and doing relaxing stuff. No complicated thinking
required so it is suitable for beginners and kids, or for days when you're too lazy to spend brain energy on a game.
The game still could use some improvements, or fixing, though. There are so many glitchy things in farming that had me ponder on quitting and getting a refund. For example, the cow would stack over each other so it became impossible to milk them. I had to resort to hiring a worker and set them on Shepherd task. Which is a big inconvenient, because sometimes the grandpa asks me to milk the cow for daily task, and I can't get it done using worker/employee.
Also, pigs and cows sometimes can't find their own food and water, even though the troughs are inside their fenced area and are properly filled. They would stay hungry or thirsty forever until I delete (sell) them and set a new animal on my farm. Or I have to delete my troughs and replace them in new spot every day to try to figure out which spot is the working spot, as sometimes the cows or the pigs keep walking in tight turns and repeating their steps in same spot of 2x2 plot squares, ignoring the troughs that are on the other side of the pen. This is really infuriating.
Morover, a cow escaped although I had never placed any of them outside of the fence. So I had a stray cow walking around very far away from my house and the cow pen. There was no way to move it back, even though someone answered in the forum that feeding will make the cow follow you for a while. No, it only followed me for 1 square and then stopped, then turned around to walk randomly again. And I can only feed it once per day. I eventually had to just delete the cow and place a new one inside the fence.
The throughs also has large "hit area" and sometimes when I tried to manually feed a stupid cow or milk a cow that stands next to a trough, I could not target the cow at all, my action menu would always be pointing at the trough, and if I'm not careful, it could make me fill the trough with the wrong kind of thing (like fodder instead of water, or the other way around) making me waste water and fodder. (Or if the trough is already full, and I clicked the fodder button, it refills the trough and wastes the fodder in my bag anyway.) There should be an option to select target easier. This is frustrating.
Last but not least, as I had to edit my farm a lot due to cows vs. fodder issues stated above, I had to spend a lot of time at my plotting table and while in edit mode, although the time seems to stop, my sleepiness bar doesn't. It keeps depleting, resulting in, for example, me having to go to bed at 6pm to prevent falling asleep on the floor.
If you ignore these flaws, the game is ok for the price.
However, for grownups oor those who are used to more complex gameplay, it gets really boring very quickly, especially when farming is a continual struggle against glitches or AI flaws. The daily routine is also quite repetitive and bland. Not much to do and not many variables. It is not really linear, just that there is so much grinding and the scope is quite narrow, with not much challenge and not many goals you would want to achieve besides collecting achievements for doing specific things for specific number of times.
This is the only game that has ever dissapointed me enough to request a refund. I love gardening games but the controls and click boxes on this game are just too wonky. This game does not work well with a keyboard and mouse and the mini games were also really wonky. While trying to generate electricity I would click while it was in the green and it would still say that I missed even if it was dead center. The whole thing was really frustraiting and I hope that the creators will fix these issues in the future. It could have been a really good game. :(
Cute and simple farming game for a few hours of fun. Most everything is simplified, so don't expect a stardew valley game. It could use more content, but it is still a fun game. I hope they add cooking to the game, especially since you are required to eat. So far, the only thing to eat is berries, eggs and raw fish.
Things They Don't Tell You:
1) How to eat: The game has 3 slots. For food in slot 1, hit #1 on your keyboard.
2) The only marriage candidate is the postman and postwoman. So choose your names for them wisely.
100% (bar one bugged achievement)
Go play Stardew Valley, this game is infinitely worse.
So little to do in all reality, some of the issues I have in no particular order;
The combat is janky, there's no clear hitboxes or health bars on enemies. Kiting is almost impossible with the movement system and lack of clues on when you hit/miss and enemies seem to be able to hit you from over a tile away. In the 100+ wolf kills for the achievement only about a dozen were killed without taking damage.
None of the upgrades seem to have any real effect bar the capacity upgrades, neither does the levelling system. Fishing with a base level rod at fishing level 1 seems no slower than at level 10 usingthe fully upgraded t5 rod, there did seem to be a small effect noticeable with the combat stats but it basically took 10 levels and 10 upgrades to drop a wolf from a 5 hit kill to a 3 hit kill.
Movement is annoying, especially with corner bonking, trying to go round a corner and hitting an obstacle edge early stops you in your tracks rather than simply letting you walk the edge to the corner.
Crops and animal produce are small in number and mostly useless, some of them can be consumed for health and energy but the game gives no indication as to which those are and there doesn't seem to be any consistency to which can and can't be consumed.
Money is slow to earn, the indended method seems to be RNG based, you store your surplus items in your 'shop/warehouse' and pray the locals will come and buy your things.Thing is, no more than ~6 or so will show up on any one game day meaning you will quickly out produce demand and simply be sitting on your hands most of the time while for money to walk itself to your farm.
Not to mention the inconsistent sleep wake up trigger, you seem to wake up anywhere between 3am and 8am when your sleep bar is full, but new day tick doesnt happen until 8am.
If I choose to sleep through the night, let me sleep till 8am, everytime. If I want to wake up earlier I'll use the nifty escape key you tell me serves that purpose. Its just annoying not being able to trust the game to let me sleep till a new day tick when thats the only reason I ever jump in bed.
my last annoyance is mainly just overall polish. things like the clock ticking over from X:59 to X:60 before going to (X+1):00 or the lack of consistency in how the game handles looted chests, sometimes they open and persist in the right orientation, sometimes they open and rotate indiscriminately and sometimes they just vanish once plundered.
But the biggest Issue I have with this game is that for me at least the escort quests are completely bugged, instead of being dropped in a forest with a cart to protect I'm just dropped in a screen of trees where I cant do anything except quit the game and load back into my farm, making the last achievement unattainable for me.
The game has been updated and allowed me to 100%, so while the escort mission is no longer an issue for me, the rest of my criticism stands.
In a word... eeeeehhhhhhh
I don't really want to give this game a negative because there is a lot of potetial here, but at the same time there are a lot of things that you would expect from a game of this genre that are simply not delivered (mostly due to the giants of harvest moon/stardew valley).
- The graphics are... okay. Theres enough to build upon and more focus can and should be given to gameplay.
- The NPC interactions are a bit sucky, (sometimes they auto-continue, sometimes not; sometimes the button to talk is available but they dont talk when clicked).
- The controls are orientated around a controller and the tutorial/button hints are fixed with that in mind and are useless for a keyboard/mouse. (which reminds me - the tutorial is really badly scripted and needs a lot of work). The way the game auto-selects an action depending on your location and requires you to press A (gamepad) harks back to the game being console orientated in design.
I've spent 3 hours playing this game and in its current state I can't recommend it but I am hopeful for it's future development.
About 3 hours into the game and i think i've done most of what can be done and plenty of things in my shop.... nothing else to do or happens it looks like. Great concept and fun for the first bit, i just kept hoping there was something different to do the next day but its not.
Compared to Stardew Valley this was a dissapointment. Would not recommed. Your daily tasks are random, ofthen getting the same one you already had. No real goal towards anything. Boring people. If you fill you shop with goods, people are too slow to buy them.
Eh... I really wish there was a neutral button for rating this.
I'll say this, if you're looking for a harvest moon/stardew type game, this really isn't the game to scratch the itch. Seems more aimed towards little kids. The whole game seems just kinda empty, and the things that the grandpa dude keeps asking you to get very repetitive and boring.
I think this game definitely has a lot of potential though.
Things I liked
-Farming/repairing reminiscent of harvest moon.
-cute animals
things that i really wish could be improved on:
-storyline. There doesn't seem to be one, or maybe it's just because I've only played a couple hours.
-Building thing really bothers me. Reminds me of Farmville where you just buy your stuff right out of a menu.
-crops/animal products need different tiers, something to make them unique.
-Random Events
-Moar weather.
I had originally given this game a 'thumbs down' and noted that the mouse controls weren't working. I spent more time clicking, trying to do the most basic functions (open doors, water plants, feed animals, etc.) than playing the actual game.
Fortunately, the developer, Stromsky, replied to my post on the discussion page in record time.
Turns out I needed to change the setting from mouse and keyboard to keyboard only. The next update should fix the mouse control problem, but in the meantime, I'm finally able to play the game--and it's a lot of fun, just as I thought it would be.
I can now easily give this a thumbs up, especially knowing the developers are quick to respond and working on fixes.
If you are looking for a Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley type game, this is not it. Many of the claims by the developers are false at best. The mini-games are not only boring, but still quite buggy (logs failing to get cut, bobber for fishing disappearing, etc.). The people are mostly stale and boring. The "quests" seem to give nothing for completing them. There seems to be little way to sell goods other than just keeping a wide variety and hoping that the villagers come looking for the right thing. The graphics are pretty good for the type of game it is, but that seems to be the only notable redeeming quality of the game. Overall the game isn't necessarily bad, it just isn't good.
I was looking forward to playing this game as I'm a big fan of Harvest Moon style games. Unfortunately this game is nowhere close to being playable. The controls are awkward and you keep getting stuck. There is tutorial or map so it’s quiet frustrating to figure out how to complete tasks given by grandpa. Btw if you wondering how to change seeds just use right mouse button while standing next to the field 😉 Some of the task seems to be broken, for example collecting 5 eggs – had 11 in my bag but task is not being updated.
In my opinion this game is not worth £10 at current stage with so many issue and I’m going to request a refund for it. Barely playable.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | bumblebee |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 04.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 43% положительных (105) |