Разработчик: LongYou Game Studio
Особенности законной игры.
Классический рисунок линиями и гобеленовая роспись делают ее простой и элегантной.

Появилось более 1300 офицеров, в том числе исторических и вымышленных.
Классический рисунок линиями и гобеленовая живопись были приняты руководителями офицеров в качестве иллюстрированной книги "Три королевства". Его архаичный дизайн показывает традиционный китайский стиль.
Легкий для начала шаблон управления делами.

Основные вопросы, персонал, поиск, исследования все принимают заложенную схему управления, чтобы уменьшить частоту, что игроки работают, таким образом, сосредоточиться на других событиях. В ролевой игре игрокам необходимо только присутствовать на мероприятиях, посвященных управлению столицей и страной. Другие города могут управляться автоматически или дистанционно с помощью Политики.
Огромная интенция игры

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Более 300 независимых характеристик офицера показывают его индивидуальную разницу.
Более 500 исторических сокровищ удовлетворяют предпочтения игроков.
Почти 60 различных городов имеют более 200 актуальных специальностей и особенностей.
Огромное количество технологий и разработок объясняют, какое значение технология имеет для земли.
3 базовые единицы и около 20 уникальных юнитов образуют богатую армейскую систему.
Возвращайтесь к классической пошаговой битве, эмпезе о страшной оргинизации.

Климат, рельеф местности и высота суши подчеркивают, что время и место имеют значение для войн.
Полевые и осадные бои независимы. В осаде есть Батарейный Рам, Требуше и Осадительная башня. В обороне есть Катапульта, Баллиста и Тележка с копьем. Это объясняет баланс между осадой и защитой.
Постройте свой собственный мир Трех Королевств.

В нем есть внутренний редактор, который делает возможным редактирование сценариев. Создавайте новых сотрудников и редактируйте новую линейку.
Всесторонняя и интерактивная система взаимоотношений переводит отношения сотрудников в динамические изменения. Линейка может назначать браки и
Поддерживаемые языки: simplified chinese, traditional chinese, english, japanese, korean, vietnamese, french, german, spanish - spain, russian, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows 7sp1 or Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core2 Duo E6550 or AMD equivalent or above
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA Geforce GT440(512M)or AMD Radeon equivalent or above
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- ОС: Windows 7sp1 or Windows 10
- Процессор: I3 or AMD equivalent or above
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA Geforce GTX560se or AMD Radeon equivalent or above
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- ОС: macOS 10.14.4
- Процессор: 2GHz Intel Core i5
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 2GB Nvidia 680MX, 2GB AMD R9 M290, 1.5GB Intel Iris Graphics 540 or better (see notes for more details)
- Место на диске: 3 GB
Отзывы пользователей
was ok, until they started advertising their dlcs inside the game on new buttons that appear everywhere. dont appreciate that kind of marketing on a paid game.
What a blast from the past!! If you are a fan of older KOEI games for the RTTK series then this is just right up your alley. This game has been almost 4-5 years in the making with several DLC's ( 2 were free if you had the game prior a certain time).
I played it when it came out for about a year and so and it was not polished with bugs and glitches. I shelved it in the back and came back 2 years later and found many great changes and has enjoyed it ever since.
I just wish more people knew about this game so it will get wider recognition. The devs are quite responsive but they do take some time to get things fixed and taken care of.
Overall for the price, I have more time on this game than other triple AAA titles.
Like many I bought this game a while ago as it looked to be made with the soul of the older KOEI Romance in the Three Kingdom games, which I am a big fan of. While some of the familiarity is there, the quality of this game is poor at best. Particularly concerning English users (or anything other than Chinese), the translations and overall care of game quality is quite disappointing, even after years of "development". I have never been able to get much going in the game other than tinkering around with the menus and UI, of which there are far too many. I keep checking in with this to see if there have been any significant changes or updates but it always ends up the same. After about 45 minutes or so of fiddling with menus and such I give up and move on. I cannot recommend for anyone that is not a native Chinese speaker. 2/10
From I have seen of the game, it has potential, but it is buried in poor design and lack of quality development care. There seems to be a lot going on under the hood, but there is little to no information given on what any of it does or how it all manifests into a coherent game. If someone was very determined and inclined to do so, they could probably eventually figure it out with help of online translation help but even then it seems there are plenty of bugs to contend with. Hope springs eternal that someday a modern, well developed Three Kingdoms style game will be created.
Bought this game in EA years ago, at some point they dropped in a bunch of generic looking AI art and starting moving towards a mobile game format.
Gameplay Mechanics: 8/10
Narrative: 7/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound and Music: 7/10
Replayability: 8/10
Innovation: 7/10
Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord is a turn-based strategy game that immerses players in the chaotic and legendary era of ancient China, inspired by the classic Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Developed by LongYou Game Studio, the game offers a thoughtful mix of city management, officer recruitment, and tactical combat.
The gameplay mechanics are solid, allowing players to manage cities, oversee resources, and assemble armies of officers with distinct abilities. While the simultaneous movement system adds an extra layer of strategic depth, the real highlight is the tactical battles, particularly the siege engagements. These battles require careful planning and provide a satisfying challenge that rewards strategic thinking. Overall, gameplay earns a commendable 8/10.
The narrative is largely player-driven, set in a sandbox environment where players can recreate or rewrite history. The game’s attention to historical detail, including officer biographies and contextual events, enriches the experience, though the lack of a structured campaign narrative might feel directionless to some. Narrative scores a 7/10.
The graphics utilize a traditional Chinese art style with hand-drawn aesthetics that reflect the game’s historical roots. While visually unique, the simplicity of the design might not appeal to all players, earning graphics a 7/10.
The sound and music feature traditional Chinese compositions that complement the setting well. However, the soundtrack and effects, while fitting, lack variety and can become repetitive, resulting in a score of 7/10.
Replayability is a strong point, thanks to the large roster of officers, numerous factions, and scenario customization options. Each playthrough feels different, allowing for varied strategies and outcomes. Replayability earns a strong 8/10.
Innovation is modest but present, with the simultaneous movement system adding some depth to battles. The game’s historical authenticity and focus on tactical sieges further distinguish it from other titles, earning innovation a 7/10.
In summary, Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord is a thoughtful strategy game that captures the spirit of ancient China. The tactical battles, especially the sieges, stand out as a highlight, and the game’s historical depth and replayability make it a compelling choice for fans of the genre. While it may not boast cutting-edge visuals or a structured story, it offers a rich and engaging strategic experience.
Classic KOEI ROTK series-LIKE game with various interesting systems and somewhat boring battle.
The game still crash randomly during game play, the same issue i faced when I first bought the game in 2020 and 5 mins in game when I trying to check back some old games when this review is written.
Buyer beware. Being a fan of the older, SNES/PSX era ROTK games, I've been hoping for viable spiritual successors for years. The Last Warlord could've been it. But I'm greatly disappointed by its makers' disdain for English-speaking players.
The English language translation is a shoddy afterthought at best, incomplete and at times woefully incompatible with the game's own interface. It's all clearly designed and prioritized for Chinese characters, which means the generic Western font of the mechanical semi-translation ends up not fitting or overflowing in many places.
This is clearly a product for the Chinese-speaking market, with an absolutely minimal effort on the English translation front to barely, barely meet Steam's requirements to sell it as English-compatible and squeeze out a few more dollars from unsuspecting Westerners.
very good game of this type!
Regrettably, I must recommend that English language players not purchase this game. It is possible that my experience is unique and that everything will work fine for new players, but the developer has failed to address the issues I've experienced. If you don't have the problems that I have, and you are looking for a game to be a spiritual successor to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series, you may enjoy this, possibly a great deal.
I purchased the game in early access and I enjoyed it, however it offers a very specific experience which is not for all gamers. It is a grand strategy game set in an historical time period with strong influence from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms historical novel and Chinese folk tradition surrounding the characters explored in the epic novel. If you don't know what any of this is, you can probably pass on the game. If you do know about these things, you're probably an enthusiast who has played one or more Three Kingdoms games and/or Dynasty Warriors and you will want to read further.
This game, when I played it, very much resembled Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1-6, with elements found in 7-9, and produces a more nuanced and refined game experience in the tradition of those games. You play as a faction leader, not an individual officer as in RotK 7, 8, 10 and some later entries. The game includes elements which North American players did not have access to with those games; the Power-up kits or puk. When I was playing 7 and 8 in RotK, I was dismayed when I learned that these kits added the ability for married characters to have children. Three Kingdoms: The Last Warlord includes that feature and others which amount to mini-games, albeit woven-in with regular play.
The main game is something I probably don't need to explain if you've read this far. Your goal is to unify China under your faction's rule. You do this primarily with military conquest, supplemented by diplomatic actions and strategy actions. You will add and train soldiers, hire new officers, then expand when you're strong enough. It's all about resource management. At the same time, you can have your officers get married by awarding them a wedding gift. Younger officers will have a chance to produce children. Selecting which officers to pair up and setting up a school to educate them as they age can be an amusing pastime and can reward your efforts with strong officers.
Similarly, the game has treasures you can collect, including weapons, armor, and steeds. These can be used to increase officer loyalty and augment officer skills and abilities. You can also bring materials to the blacksmith to have items forged and there is a chance for very powerful items when you use quality materials. Horses are either for riding or breeding. Riding horses act like a treasure and give bonuses to the officer equipped with them. Breeding horses can be paired in the stable to produce horses of varying quality and ability.
I enjoy all of these features as well as the core gameplay. Games can become boring and tedious when forces are in a stalemate. Another drawback, which is always a problem for games of this type, is the CPU controlled factions. Enemy forces will make predictable moves and tend to be aggressive when they have what seems like a numeric advantage. The CPU only takes the strength of the target city into account, so if that city can call reinforcements, the CPU attacker can be put at a severe disadvantage. It is easy for forces to both demolish their own military in foolish attacks, and drain resources from their cities. They become easy to steamroll, but the cities will be in bad shape by the time you take them.
This is also true for battles, which are handled in a tactical map rather than on the main map. If you've played any of the RotK games I've mentioned you know what to expect. The CPU has simple, predictable strategies that the player can exploit. Battles are still challenging against a strong army, but unless they have an officer with really powerful tactics, you can usually develop an army capable of overcoming strong defenders as long as they don't have a very high numerical advantage.
So there you have the basics of what's good and bad about this game. Now I'll tell you about my experience. As I said, I bought the game in early access and I got the first DLC for free. When I wanted the sorta retro-RotK experience, I'd play and have fun. I kept up to date on DLC, but didn't notice much additional content. When the new art DLC came out, I bought it. After installation, I saw that there were no new images or features. Then I went digging around and found that only the Age of Turbulence DLC was active and available to toggle on/off. I reached out to the developer and they asked for screenshots, which I sent.
I didn't receive any further replies, but a few days after the first contact with them the V1.0.0.4002 update rolled out. When I installed it, I found that a lot of the text was no longer in English, but the new art was available. When I went in to play, not only did the new art show as unpurchased/installed, none of the DLC was installed and my game files were gone. I suspect this has to do with the fact that I use MacOS and that it may be that the developer's updates aren't compatible. I did not, however, receive any indication on Steam that there was a compatibility issue; the game is available for mac along with the DLC.
After learning that many hours of work on custom officers and items was gone and that I had not been receiving all of what I paid for (that is, the later two DLCs), I reached out again, but the developer has made no reply since asking for screenshots. I keep going back to make sure I'm up to date, I uninstalled/reinstalled, etc. but nothing gives me access to the DLC. At this point, I have the option to play the vanilla game, but without my custom content. The loss of what I invested up to this point is too discouraging, so I no longer play.
good game
nice game
Игры похожие на Три королевства: Последний военачальник
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | LongYou Game Studio |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 14.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 72% положительных (326) |