В издании Total War: Definitive Edition выходит игра Total War: EMPIRE вместе со всеми обновлениями и дополнениями.
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Получите более 50 новых элитных боевых подразделений в наборах «Элитные боевые подразделения Востока», «Элитные боевые подразделения Запада», «Элитные боевые подразделения Америки» и «Особые боевые подразделения и бонусные материалы».
Total War: EMPIRE Definitive Edition подарит вам тысячи часов увлекательного игрового процесса и все созданные для этой игры дополнительные материалы. Подробнее см. ниже.
Игра Total War: EMPIRE
Повелевайте морями, контролируйте земли, выкуйте новую нацию и покорите мир.
Total War: EMPIRE переносит франшизу Total War в восемнадцатый век, эпоху Просвещения – время политических беспорядков, военных прорывов и радикального мышления, невероятно детально проиллюстрированное в игре.
Total War: EMPIRE содержит целый ряд революционных нововведений, включая морской 3D-бой. Впервые в серии игр Total War вы сможете легко командовать одиночными кораблями и огромными флотилиями на фоне морских пейзажей, полных исключительных водных и погодных эффектов, которые играют огромную роль в вашем итоговом славном триумфе или позорном поражении. Подавив врага пушечным огнем, подойдите ближе и возьмите корабли противника на абордаж, управляя своими людьми в ближнем бою на палубах этих деревянных монстров.
Кроме того, в Total War: EMPIRE дополнительно усовершенствованы 3D-битвы и карта пошаговой кампании, уникальные для Total War. Битвы в реальном времени с пушками и мушкетами поставят перед игроками новые задачи. Им придется овладеть новыми боевыми порядками и тактикой вследствие увеличения значения пороха для военных действий. А карта кампании, для многих являющаяся сердцем Total War, содержит различные новые и обновленные элементы, включая новые системы торговли, дипломатии и шпионажа с агентами; обновленный и оптимизированный интерфейс пользователя; улучшенных советников. Карта значительно расширилась и позволяет завладеть богатствами Индии, обуздать Европу и, впервые, реализовать невиданный потенциал Соединенных Штатов Америки.
Кампания «На тропе войны»
Новая подробная карта Североамериканской кампании расширяет сферу действия Total War: EMPIRE пятью совершенно новыми индейскими группировками, подразделениями и мистическими обрядами.
Примите участие в новой кампании «На тропе войны», возглавив в этой грандиозной войне одну из 5 новых группировок, чтобы защитить свои земли и вытеснить захватчиков. Также можно использовать эти формирования и их уникальные силы в сражениях для нескольких игроков.
• 5 новых задействованных в игре индейских группировок, включая ирокезов, виандотов, равнинных кри, пуэбло и чероки.
• Расширение североамериканских территорий: новая, более подробная карта Североамериканской кампании, содержащая новые регионы и новый срок начала кампании.
• Новые индейские элитные подразделения, включая элитных воинов из племенем могавков, псов шайенов, солдат-разведчиков навахо и многих других.
• Два новых типа агентов – проникните в тыл врага вместе с шаманом и устройте неприятелю диверсию с помощью хитрых разведчиков.
• 18 новых племенных обрядов, включая исцеление души, зов дикой природы и дорогу мечты, создают совершенно новое племенное древо обрядов.
• Новые амбициозные цели для каждой группировки.
Элитные боевые подразделения Востока
Дополнение «Элитные боевые подразделения Востока» добавляет 12 новых элитных подразделений к фракциям Маратха и Османской империи и расширяет территорию игры Total War на восток.
Опыта эти солдаты большей частью набирались на полях битв: некоторые из них – грозные разбойники, а другие – обученные воины, прошедшие академическую подготовку.
Они предоставят обширный арсенал тактических приемов, наводя страх и ужас на ваших врагов.
• Гайдуки (Османская империя)
• Валашские бояре (Османская империя)
• Боснийские пандуки (Османская империя)
• Черкесские кирасиры (Османская империя)
• Армянские лучники (Османская империя)
• Ливийские кулоглу (Османская империя)
• Палестинское ополчение (Османская империя)
• Каирские янычары (Османская империя)
• Всадники низам-и-джедит (Османская империя)
• Раджпутские заминдары (Маратха)
• Полигары (Маратха)
• Бараварди (Маратха)
Элитные боевые подразделения Запада
Это дополнение добавляет 14 совершенно новых боевых подразделений для всех западных армий. Новые отряды пехоты и кавалерии, экипированные самым лучшим оружием и прошедшие самую суровую подготовку, откроют максимум возможностей для реализации победных тактических решений на поле боя.
• Венгерские гренадеры (Австрия)
• Королевская конная гвардия (Великобритания)
• Швейцарские гвардейцы (Франция)
• Голубые мундиры (Соединенные провинции)
• Королевские телохранители (Соединенные провинции)
• Гренадеры-гвардейцы (Польша – Литва)
• 2-й гусарский полк (Пруссия)
• Боснийцы (Пруссия)
• Фрайкор (Пруссия)
• Конная гвардия (Россия)
• Семеновский лейб-гвардии полк (Россия)
• Валлонская гвардия (Испания)
• Легион США (США)
• Морская пехота США (США)
Элитные боевые подразделения Америки
Это дополнение добавляет 15 новых элитных боевых подразделений для американской, британской и французской фракций в игре Total War: EMPIRE. Во второй половине 18-го века политические волнения в тринадцати британских колониях в Северной Америке привели к принятию 1776 году Декларации независимости и навсегда изменили ход истории. Все 15 боевых подразделений сыграли значительную роль в войне за независимость США. Хотя они во многом следуют европейским военным традициям, их самоопределение тесно связано с судьбой Соединенных Штатов, что придавало этим людям исключительные мужество и отвагу на поле битвы.
• 1-й Делавэрский полк (США)
• 1-й Мэрилендский полк (США)
• 2-й Континентальный полк легких драгун (США)
• 2-й Нью-Йоркский полк (США)
• 33-й Пехотный полк (Великобритания)
• Брюнсвикские драгуны (Великобритания)
• Гесские гренадеры (Великобритания)
• Королевский Нью-Йоркский полк (Великобритания)
• Легион Ли (США)
• Резервный стрелковый корпус Моргана (США)
• Легион Пуласки (США)
• Королевский полк Дью-Пона (Франция)
• Королевские валлийские фузилеры (Великобритания)
• Рейнджеры Фрейзера (Великобритания)
• Легкие драгуны Тарлтона (Великобритания)
Особые боевые подразделения и бонусные материалы
В этом дополнении представлено шесть наиболее значимых боевых подразделений 18-го века. Эти уникальные элитные войска доступны на карте кампании при игре за соответствующую фракцию или при захвате определенной географической области. Также дополнение включает в сеюя три бонусных элитных подразделения.
• Флагман Королевского флота «Виктория»
• Следопыты Роджерса
• Османское органное орудие
• Гурки
• Герильяс «Корсо-террестре»
• Полк Балкели
• Гусары «Мертвой головы»
• Военный корабль «Конститьюшн»
• Дагомейские амазонки
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, russian, polish, czech
Системные требования
- Поддерживаемые ОС: Windows® XP с пакетом обновления 2 или Windows Vista™
- Процессор: Intel® Pentium® с тактовой частотой 2,4 ГГц и выше или аналогичный AMD® Athlon®
- Оперативная память: 1 ГБ (XP,) 2 ГБ (Vista™)
- Видеокарта: с 256 МБ видеопамяти, 100% совместимая с DirectX 9.0c, с поддержкой аппаратного ускорения и шейдеров версии 2.0
- Экран: разрешение экрана не менее 1280 на 1024 пикселя
- Звуковая карта: совместимая с Directx9.0c
- Жесткий диск: 15 ГБ свободного места, жесткий диск с файловой системой NTFS
- Устройства ввода: совместимые с Windows мышь и клавиатура
- OS: 10.8.5
- Процессор:2.0 GHz
- RAM память:4GB Memory
- Графики:256 MB*
- Жесткий диск:20 GB HD space
- Следующие графические карты не поддерживаются: ATI серии X1xxx, Intel серии GMA и NVIDIA серии 7xxx.
- OS: 10.9.3
- Процессор:2.4 GHz
- RAM память:4GB Memory
- Графики:512GB*
- Жесткий диск:20 GB HD space
- Следующие графические карты не поддерживаются: ATI серии X1xxx, Intel серии GMA и NVIDIA серии 7xxx.
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit)
- Процессор: 2 GHz
- RAM память: 4GB Memory
- Графики: 512 MB*
- Жесткий диск: 16 GB HD space
- Nvidia 600 series+, AMD 6000 series+, Intel Iris Pro
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit)
- Процессор: 3 GHz
- RAM память: 8GB Memory
- Графики: 1GB*
- Жесткий диск: 16 GB HD space
- Nvidia 700 series+, AMD 6000 series+
Отзывы пользователей
When I was 13, this game was one of the most exciting things I'd ever played. It still holds up pretty well, especially with darthmod.
Now they added grand campaign co-op, so it's time to revisit this classic.
The co-op is kind of janky, but they're working on it, I'm sure it'll be fine in a few months.
The best 17th century game with all the major player, naval battles, HMS Victory and now also with multiplayer campaign.
While Total War: EMPIRE did have some initial launch issues, I was finally able to fix it.
I think EMPIRE is a fantastic Total War game, and I recommend it. It features various nations and cinematic battles, however the battles and AI could use some work. In my opinion DarthMod is a must have.
So far, I haven't encountered any bugs, glitches, or faults (other than the starting error). The game is pretty old, though, and I'd love an EMPIRE 2.
⚠️ If you intend to buy this game, be aware of the problems you might get when attempting to launch it. ⚠️
9/10, I adore this game
A great chance to step into the powers of the old world and forge new timelines and empires.
Tactics are fun, difficult, and engaging
Very fun concept BUT It's to god damn old, the game runs on a rotten potato. Saved files gets constantly corrupted, AI is practically broken and braindead, random crashes and getting stuck on AI's turns.
It's super obvious the devs doesn't care about the game anymore. They need to make Empire Total War 2
Expecting this to be a step up in game play having several other total wars to build off of. The mechanics are clunky, the organization of units is terrible.... I try to group unit together and they try to place eachother miles apart because it gets stuck on the original straight line setup of every battle instead of accepting the formation you put your units into, which lead to units often getting isolated and destroyed instead of attacking or defending as a group. Cannon fire is terrible cannot loft over small hills, just shoots straight in front. Units struggle to cross bridges and first battle an enemy got stuck inside the fortified wall.
Gets to the latter stages of a campaign only to crash constantly. There's no fix. How does a game from years ago still crash with bugs today? SORT IT OUT
this game still don't work i spend 20 punds for this game and for nothing so dont waste your money because game still won't work
fun game. like learning about nations an the tactics one has to use
It is a great game and personally I really enjoy it but I recommend that you watch some reviews. If you're interested in the time period this is a must have
its an all around classic giving you the feel as if you where actually watching an actual battle from chosen era
This game is a brilliant Total War addition and if you enjoy naval battles then you'll love this. The detail on the ships is just fantastic and the sound of musket fire is something that never gets old especially playing this game. if you like the Total war games than you have to try this one out.
Amazing Total War game. I played through Road to Independence and was not disappointed. Graphically, the game is the same as Total War Napoleon. Mechanically, it functions the same as most other Total War titles, except instead of units suffering from attrition and automatic replenishment, you instead have to manually click replenish on your individual units in your army. Honestly I would rate Empire the same as Napoleon in terms of quality and relative enjoyability. Solid 8/10, this is a highly recommended Total War title if you're wanting to play through them all.
Keeps crashing. Too many bugs after latest (and last) update. Creative Assembly always ruins their games and then stops supporting them so I've decided to stop supporting CA.
Fun game, but keeps crashing on Mac. This has been happening for years now and the people who ported it to OSX still haven't fixed it.
If you can get around the crashing aspect of it then this is one of the greatest games ever made
I really enjoy this total war title. Sword and bow combat is fun and all, but there is something to be said about being able to use guns and cannons. Also, the naval battles are really fun.
i wish it had better graphics but its the only rts with ship and land combat i know of
In contrast to other total war games, this one is perfect (almost because the AI is not working properly). Hopefully they'll make total war empire 2 even though there are mods already.
Really great fun, endless scenarios to play. Would recommend.
¶ An innovative addition to the series that accurately represents the Age of Enlightenment. It offered stunning graphics and improved combat mechanics, and it introduced the Warscape engine. With dynamic, real-time naval combat, this innovation transformed gaming by giving players precise control over whole fleets in epic sea battles.
¶ The game spans spans the 18th century and includes extensive empire-building, politics, and warfare in Europe, America, and India. One notable aspect is the introduction of revolutionary naval combat. Real-time fleet control is available for the first time in the series, allowing you to maneuver ships, manage broadsides, and board opposing vessels—a strategic and exciting feature.
¶ The land battles feel immersive, with muskets, bayonets, and artillery shaping a new kind of tactical warfare. Managing your empire’s trade, diplomacy, and technological advancements adds depth, making every decision crucial.
¶ The Warpath Campaign is a good addition that provides a new angle on the colonial era.
However, the game faced significant technical issues upon release, with optimization problems and bugs that dampened its initial reception. Thankfully, many of these were later fixed through patches. Despite occasional AI issues, the game's scale and ambitions are unmatched.
It is the outlaying buildings that you need to defend against agants from taking or breaking. Would be better with just one city to defend, instead of a city and three outlying buildings.
Classic addition to the franchise, brings in lots of new elements including naval battles. One of the best Total War installments
i love this game, but of course still far from perfect, gotta get few mods to get the full experience
total war Empire 2:
immortal empires sized map
the perfect game imo pls make it happen ;-;
favorite game ever, wish it would be updated or something similar made
Really wanted to enjoy this game, big Total War fan. Way too buggy to run on a modern PC, keeps crashing. Very disappointed.
It is very addicting, I love it. It is very easy to replay the game.
Still an awesome game and my favorite of the Total War series despite its flaws. Currently starting my first campaign with the Pirates Uber Alles mod, which looks really good!
Solid game for the Total War series. I have played Medieval 2 extensively from the lineup. I'm a big fan of this era in history so figured I'd give it a go. Much more updated in terms of topography and mapping. Additional ways to utilize farms, government, etc buildings. Gameplay battles are also updated and more efficient in my opinion. Overall I say it's worth the few dollars to give it a go. Especially if looking for a game that can run on older laptops.
Strategic game I always wanted to play, natural development of total war series from roman times, medieval, to era of empires. For a strategy game lover it is just another jewel to collection
Just a great game for a little more than your basic strategy games. Playing Sweden is INSANE!!
it's a good game no doubt, however the AI in battles can be very frustrating on your side and the enemy side. I've given a unit an attack order just for them to charge but then just suddenly stop when they're close, forcing you to really have to micromanage units. Wack. And then the enemy AI is just straight up braindead. I still recommend just cause I enjoy historical total war titles, specifically gun powder and muskets. Like I said it's still a good game if you just get past some of it's flaws.
great combination of turn based and real time strategy. like the village building system compared to other total war games. massive map with different theaters with trading zones is a cool feature as well
Amazing game! Perfect to relax and play some single player strategy games
Honestly, this one is the most overhated Total War game. But I'm probably biased on this one since this was my first Total War game that I bought 3 years ago. And the reason why this game was hated was mainly because it was buggy and stuff and I heard that it took the Dev team 2 updates to fix it, and I bought this after that, so it ain't that buggy for me.
I like the balance of strategic turn-based and tactical real-time play, as well as historic accuracy of this game. Technology tree is interesting and economy is reasonably good as well. I wish the naval battles were a bit easier to understand - still using auto-resolve for them most of the time as I can't figure out how to reliably control the ships. Also, it would've been great if technology trading was done better. For example like in CIV where your AI opponents make counter-offers.
crashes sometimes after conquering England in the grand campaign but one of my favorite total wars other wise
Broken and outdated compared to other products of the same franchise which released around the same period.
Examples are:
-Steam Overlay still appears on the backgound even when closed.
-Graphics are very old and repetitive (same figures everywhere).
-UI is very old and uncomfortable (minimap cannot be enlarged, buttons are not properly set).
-Units do not respond properly.
-Very repetitive gameplay compared to similar titles of the franchise.
Also, the history telling is not good and not what I expected.
Yes, this game does have problems. The battlefield AI can be really dumb, so some of it can be pretty easy. History is badly distorted with no War of the Spanish Succession, and with the Americans getting rebellious far too early. The ship combat is also rather limited with only open-sea engagements.
BUT, it has a wonderful scope with North America, the Middle East, India and all those global colonial places. It has a rich tech tree, masses of interesting unit types, PIRATES, and lots of territorial and city improvements. And frankly it is just so much fun to play.
Has its issues, but its way more fun than napoleon for me
What is there to say? This game is absolute garbage, a reminder that Creative Assembly can't make anything more than a skirmish simulator.
it's okay, just okay though. Plays more like a modern mobile game
Eye wateringly shit.
Let's go over it.
The troop control is beyond awful, it suffers from the same issue many total war titles do, in that your gunmen will simply -not- fire until you tell them to fire. This is pretty danming giving it can cause you to outright lose many battles of the back of this alone, "fire at will" has no meaning.
The cannons are inaccurate to the point of comedy, using three cannon batteries and a hillside attack position I figured I'd have everything going for them, they killed a whopping total of 12 people over the entire battle, which is hysterical given this game's main selling point is the cannons.
Infantry takes a metric year to follow your orders when you tell them to move and default moving -slowly-, even when you tell them to charge the enemy, they'll walk slowly. And you better hope you take them out of melee mode after their engagement, or they -will- simply refuse to use their guns at any point, not that they would to begin with, mind you.
The ship warfare isn't too bad, mind you. About the only enjoyable thing here, the boats control nice, you have different types of shot and ways of attacking the enemy boats, such as shooting out the sails with chainshot.
The UI is physically painful, with the upgrade icons and explanations being written as small as humanly possible and the tutorial tips explain next to nothing. And for the few die-hard fans who treat this game as their only focus in life, in one moment in this game, I found I was not able to use naval bombardment, a fantastic feature of a previous total war title, so I figured, naturally, that other mechanics will likely be largely missing, and the helpful tutorial lady will tell me if they are going to occur.
I did not expect to lose half of my army to attrition from the enemy sieging me after one turn, I definitely did not expect this to occur whilst the helpful tutorial lady explained to me that my units required to be paid. (Turn 24) Very helpful.
I, for the life of me, cannot understand why this game has such high reviews. You'd probably like this title if you were locked in a Saudi Arabian prison for 14 years prior, I suppose.
All in all:
Combat: Unbelievably bad, can't find a single good feature.
World interaction: Somehow even worse, headache inducing and unrewarding.
Naval combat: Legitimately pretty good.
Only have played Medieval II and Empire so far in the total war series, love both of them. Empire definitely feels a bit harder, at least first couple plays. Easy to get the hang of though.
Probably up there with Shogun 2 as my favorite total war. The 2nd generation total war game presents the largest scale map ever created by CA. Dive right in to the world of line warfare!
Amazing game but buyer beware: it doesn't run on larger screens
I’m a fan of Rome and the Medieval entries in this series, and I approached this installment with the same enthusiasm—back on an old computer and before the Steam days (that’s why I don’t have hundreds of hours logged in this game—unfortunately).
This game has the power to draw you in for dozens upon dozens of sessions. The naval battles are outstanding, and it captures the spirit of the era beautifully. In essence, Creative Assembly took the best from their previous games, polished the graphics, and staged a massive conflict across Europe and its colonies. The game is tougher, with more emphasis on economy and diplomacy. The tech tree takes some getting used to—it initially struck me as a “throwback innovation,” but it's a deep system worth mastering.
The level of detail and craftsmanship in the units is superb, and the threat of revolutions adds an exciting layer. There’s a unique thrill in reaching the Ural Mountains and subduing every nation along the way.
This is the game where management became as captivating as building up an army and waging wars. It's a fantastic installment, but you’ll need to set aside time during a vacation or a break to truly enjoy it.
15 years later, this game is still fun. I always find myself coming back to start a new grand campaign to conquer the whole world during the 18th century. Battles and Sieges with friends are always a good time.
Игры похожие на Total War: EMPIRE – Definitive Edition
Дополнительная информация
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 22.01.2025 |
Metacritic | 90 |
Отзывы пользователей | 90% положительных (11056) |