Dragon Kingdom War

Dragon Kingdom War

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Разработчик: Play Spirit Limited

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Добро пожаловать в волшебный мир игры «Dragon Kingdom War: Puzzle RPG» - приключение, которое объединяет привычную пошаговую стратегию, ролевую игру, карточную битву и состязание драгоценных камней

- 7 глав с 378 захватывающими уровнями
- 841 герой с уникальными способностями
- 378 уровней
- 5 видов героев, которые делятся за уникальностью и уровнем силы: обычные, выдающиеся, редкие, эпические и легендарные
- 5 видов элементов: земля, вода, свет, тьма и огонь
- 71 уникальная характеристика героев – заклинания/ способности/ особенные силы
- многопользовательская союзническая система для дополнительной помощи/поддержки
- возможность подружиться с другими геймерами
- алмазы как основной ресурс

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Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows Vista, 7/8/10
  • Процессор: Pentium IV 1.2 Ghz processor or faster
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 128MB Graphics card or greater
  • Место на диске: 100 MB
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система


  • ОС: Mac OS X 10 and above
  • Процессор: G4 800 MHz or faster
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory
  • Место на диске: 150 MB



        Отзывы пользователей

        Не рекомендую 22.11.2019 23:28
        11 1

        Abandoned mobile port with a good potential. For now it's not worth to play this piece of code.
        1. Diamonds. This f2p legacy have its paywalls, but don't have an ability to farm donate currency. 1 diamod per chapter is nothing, because you well need 1 for every 5 card slots and 100 for each legendary summon.
        2. Fusing and Evolution. There is no ability to sort the cards, so any activity outside battles become tedious.

        Время в игре: 519 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Не рекомендую 28.04.2018 16:25
        10 0

        This is some sort of CCG-match3 game. By playing, you get characters. These make up your party. Match matching stones and they damage the enemies. You can sacrifice unused chars for XP. Also, you can evolve the chars to better looking and mightier versions. And it is boring as hell!
        Evolution would be one of the more fascinating features, but either I was unbelievably unlucky, or four hours of gameplay aren't enough. Fusing is just trashing trash cards. The game is repetetive, the characters lack interesting features, I can't imagine why someone would keep playing it.
        The only thing - and an ingenious at that - is the match3 component. It is A: Plan your move, B:move one gem freely around the board until the timer runs out, C: during movement shuffle the passed gems around like in a slide-tile puzzle. This is quite amazing! And needs much better control than the game offers to be used precisely. So no recommendation here either.
        This game suffers from the insufferable mobile game market. You can smell the F2P-premium currency scam all over the game. You can buy it on PC, but I don't think, they accounted for it progressionwise.

        Follow my curator at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/28337205-Fair-Minded-Witness/

        Время в игре: 404 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Не рекомендую 01.01.2018 19:09
        5 0

        MEH, this is not a review I'm looking forward to doing. And the primary reason is cause this game is NOT listed with an early access tag. I see the potential in this game but this game was ported from a free to play model on phone, to a pay to obtain model on steam without too many changes to the game. Below I'm going to list several things that should have been implemented into the game before it should have been ported to Steam.

        I) A bestiary. There is no way in this game to tell where if you've encountered a monster which missions they spawn in. This for a PAID game is sort of a requirement for any monster catching game.

        II) There is no way to sort your monsters, this is something else that should have been a requirement before porting.

        III) There should be a way from the aforementioned bestiary for you to buy monsters you've already encountered at a premium (IN COINS) for example say you need X monster for an evolution and you can sell it for 2.5k coins, make it so that way people like me can buy that same monster for say 7.5k coins.

        IV) Increasing the team lv does NOTHING, this is a big problem in which you should honestly due to the paid model this is off of you should be giving us around say 5 gems (premium currency) per each team lv.

        V) Overall there should be more ways to obtain premium currency in this game, for example each completed chapter should give at least 2 if not 3 gems, or a better option may be in chap 1 give 1 gem per completion, chap 2 give 2 gems, chap 3 gives 3 gems etc. Likewise there are several common monsters that have the leader skill of 'gives 1 gem for each NEW level completed' if that was increased to 3 or 4 per new campaign that'd be a good balance OR allow it to give us 1 gem from completing ANY campaign with it including stuff we've already completed.

        VI) In the 'slot machines' for getting new monsters show us what is available in each machine and allow us to choose which monster we want so we don't save up gems for 2 rolls on the 100 gem machine (which is VERY frustrating with current mechanics) and get the same monster twice.

        VII) Allow some rare monsters to show up a little earlier, you don't get your first until chap 2, and a LOT of rare monsters are weaker than lv 10 common monsters, which makes them kind of hard to use.

        VIII) Make it easier to find evo materials, I've been searching everywhere (halfway into chap 3) looking for this darn light fox to evo my nosferatu.

        IX) Most monsters of the same element (especially light & dark) use the EXACT same evo materials to evolve. My LEGENDARY DARK DRAGON, uses the same evo materials as my little wimpy rare dark goblin.

        Needless to say don't bother unless there is a MAJOR overhaul.

        Время в игре: 829 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 18.02.2017 15:10
        10 0

        Good graphics and easy gameplay. A diversity with characters. Skills are amazing too.
        The play though is already addicting with the multitude of things to do.

        Very stable and fun. At least no crash and bug I can find.

        Great variety of characters, and I hope you keep introducing more and more.
        Anime-lovers would definitely can’t get enough of this.
        Would be great to have a hero album or something

        What I like:
        One of the most unique card game with its own graphics style.
        I’ve never seen a card battle game with cute anime characters so far.
        Highly recommended.

        Время в игре: 350 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 13.02.2017 15:39
        5 0

        It's really hard to get higher monsters and it needs more effort to make monster stronger and rare!
        This game will make you addicted to play more and more and discover more realms, fulfil more quests, slay more enemies...
        I'm trying hard to hatch my dragon egg atm... my only legendary hero that i summoned.
        For sure if you are a nerd like me you will love this game or if you are a fan of card games rpg/turn based strategy games.
        The game is awesome I like the whole concept of lvlin up your monsters and using fuse materials to increase their ability also being able to use skills while in battle
        The bosses are challenging and there are so many units to receive !

        Время в игре: 302 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 13.02.2017 15:37
        5 0

        This is one of the best puzzle games I've played in a long time. I haven't been really playing long enough to give a fairer rating, but for now, i'd say around a 9/10. with my rating here being where I predict I'll be mid-late game.

        The gameplay's pretty decent too, and the expansive roster of enemies from all over the kingdoms will leave you collecting. Older players might generally not enjoy this sort of genre, but younger players will most likely suck it in like a lollipop.

        I'm 23 and I enjoy this game a lot! There are plenty of puzzles to stimulate your mind, not just for kids but for young adults as well.
        There are many cute and awesome creatures especially dragons that get more intimidating as they evolve. Though I do wish they would put more dragons in the early missions and did a better job with creating a story line, but it's still pretty fun and with this pricing I can't complain.
        This is definitely one of my favorites for the Puzzle games, much more fun than expected, there's quite a bit of thinking that goes into building your teams and using skills/element weakness in order to win. It's a good game to pick up and go if you want to do a quick puzzle or play longer if you want to evolve and advance your team going to higher levels to catch more creatures to become stronger. It's also fun to learn different strategies in the way you move the gems to make combos, I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys a good and unique puzzle game.

        Время в игре: 302 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Не рекомендую 13.02.2017 11:49
        19 0

        Don't be fooled by the positive reviews. They are all similarly written, and they all say very generic positive things about this game that are often just wrong (eg. "story is interesting" when there is practically no story). Most likely fake reviews from friends and/or a paid service.

        This game combines several common mechanics of mobile games, and does it poorly. Anyone that has played some decent mobile games, even free ones, will instantly know this one is trash 10 minutes in.

        Время в игре: 17 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 12.02.2017 17:48
        5 0

        I like this game, graphics is so cute.
        Dragon Kingdom War. The features are so amazing i like the game so much add more heroes thank you!
        Managed to finish 3 chapters so far! I like the trading cards! they look amazing.
        Simply amazing. I greatly recommend this game to anyone who wants to kill time.
        You can't shut down your brain with this game... it is very exciting and challenging some times...
        You need to use everything you have to defeat some of the bosses and finish some of the missions.
        Sometimes i had to replay the same mission for more than 3-5 times... so i would say overall the gameplay is very nicely balanced.
        You have my thumb's up!
        This game is freaking awesome)

        Время в игре: 404 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 12.02.2017 14:05
        23 1

        This game is a great mix of my favorite elements. I enjoy RPG's with collecting and crafting as well as match 3 type puzzle games. This is like the hybrid of my dreams. I have not played another form of this (though my GF has been trying to convince me to play the mobile version but I do not like to play games on my iPhone). I'm about half way through the early chapters and it's very engaging. The first 10 missions were very easy (too easy IMHO) but it did build my confidence with how to use the skills, allocate the heroes, and really choose a good allies for the more challenging missions.

        The graphics are very cute for a puzzle game- nothing spectacular but not grainy and blurry either. Pixels look good on my PC and it loads very fast. I enjoy the graphic configuration feature which pops up every time you start the game. It allows you to select your screen resolutions & graphics quality. This makes a big difference if you only have a small tablet PC like I do.

        There is far more strategy involved in this vs. a regular Match 3 like BeJeweled. Here the heroes you use make a huge difference in how well the battle's go. It is exceptionally like Pokemon and I think adults who like Pokemon will love this game if they enjoy puzzlers. I enjoy the ability to fuse and enhance the heroes - this provides a level of customization you can apply to any hero you favor- and it's RPG based. I'm a leisurely player and don't rush through - I go back and replay older missions to get extra items to fuse with and I pay attention to the Heroes/allies information.

        Overall any gamer who enjoys games like Puzzle Quest and Puzzle Chronicles or other Match 3 games and RPG"s must pick this up - it's addictive once you pass the early missions which are too easy. There is only one save file - but that's ok for me as the game is priced at a good point. It's something you could pick up and do in a boring lecture or when you have time at work - unlike some RPG's which are tough to engage in without allocated time.

        Время в игре: 219 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 11.02.2017 22:42
        7 1

        Game is a fun tactics based rpg. Character designs are pretty original.
        One suggestion would be to make players vs player function.
        I'm a big fan of tactical games that require some thinking.
        Yes, the difficulty of this game isn't exactly the hardest, but it's fun to play and with all the heroes you could acquire, it has a lot of possibilities. Not exactly the most challenging game I've ever played, but I encourage everyone who likes the FE-series to play it.
        Given the amount of chars and skills, this forces a lot of tedious grinding to max out levels.
        I like the game, and will continue to play it for now.
        There are many classes that are generally well balanced.
        Seemed like a lot when I first started, because I'm the type who likes to read everything and understand before jumping in, but after playing for a bit, it's not difficult at all.

        Время в игре: 340 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 11.02.2017 22:22
        28 2

        Really awesome original music! I love to see developers spending the extra time on music and sound effects... makes me think they've put an effort into creating this.
        The graphics are cute, the gameplay is flawless and smooth. I love fact that you can use the useless cards as fusing ingredients to make your team stronger.
        I have just evolved my team leader and am noticing huge difference in her strength now. Good game idea, great execution.
        It feels like Dragon Kingdom War has endless number of missions and monsters... really money well spent.
        I'm curious how strong my team can get after a week of playing this... the enemies keep getting stronger too so its quite challenging and hard to keep up.

        I think that for this price, Dragon Kingdom War is totally worth it.

        New update patch now has even cooler looking dragons!
        It’s fun to see that on your trading cards.

        Is DLC soundtracks coming soon?
        Steam achievements?
        Real time Co-Op instead of current allies system?
        More heroes & Dragons?

        Время в игре: 268 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Не рекомендую 11.02.2017 15:16
        24 1

        There is no real story to this game. The "chapters" are just sets of battles. I suspect some of the reviews are fakes - they have no idea what they're talking about. Battle mechanic is poorly done and poorly explained. The game got stuck in fusing mode a few times. Caveat Emptor!

        Время в игре: 197 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 11.02.2017 14:00
        2 0

        Great game. The game is really nice for rpg gamers, the mechanics were hard to figure out at first, but that's because I'm new to these types of games.
        Has all the components I was hoping for and more! Takes a bit to wrap your head around it but it's worth it!
        Just an awesome way to pass the time if bored.
        I'm betting this is going to present some challenges which I'm going to accept and beat.
        Easily my all time favorite go to game.
        I LOVE quest based MMORPG games. I started playing them a long time ago. This satisfies all my cravings
        I like the way they need us to like get cards to evolve just one monster. Some people think it is hard to do.
        BELIEVE me I do think of that too. But this is also like other rpg games where you need to do some things to get something better. ^^ :)
        You won't be disappointed!
        A brilliant game!

        Время в игре: 207 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Не рекомендую 11.02.2017 13:11
        72 2

        What a pile of garbage.

        First, the basic controls barely work. It's physically painful to move gems around (mostly because you'll be bleeding from your ears - when the movement glitches and gems start to jump around like crazy, the game starts playing EXTREMELY loud sound at the rate about 20 times per second). Of course sound sliders in battle do not work, and the ones outside do not save their state, so your best option is to mute the game through Windows' volume mixer.

        Game mechanics barely exist. Developers copy-pasted the concept similar to Mobius Final Fantasy and a dozens of other games without even thinking about how it is supposed to work. Here you just have dudes with more attack+hp and dudes with less attack+hp. Tradeoffs? Strategy? Nah, of course not. Take dudes with less damage and feed them to dudes with more damage. And of course the UI will prevent you from doing any reasonable management of your dudes (no sorting, no filters, and the game resets the scrolling position of the list every time you open it, so the task "sacrifice 5 useless cards I just obtained" requires like 2 minutes of repetitive scrolling).

        Also, pay2win elements were not properly removed from this port. Like in most p2w games, gold doesn't mean anything, and you can only buy meaningful things with donate-based currency (gems). They switched off the ability to buy gems for $$$, but did not provide any ways to farm them (you'll get a fixed amount by completing all the missions the first time, but you won't be able to really get anything with this amount). So, basically it's like playing pay2win without paying - painful and completely pointless.

        Score: garbage/10

        Just to be clear: most of the positive reviews here are most definitely fake. Especially the ones that mention the story: there is literally no story in the current version.
        There is an extremely short and confusing tutorial with one character ("hi, I'm a goddes of something, click here and there to kill stuff"), and after completing it you won't see a single line of story.

        Время в игре: 225 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 11.02.2017 11:07
        13 1

        Great game. Love the character selection. My bf got me into this game and I'm completely hooked! It's super fun and challenging.
        Love the allies.. they help me a loooot! I hope to get some dragons or dragons eggs soon... i bet they are the most powerful ones.
        I know dragons eggs, once fully hatched/evolved will be very powerful heroes for later missions. Now I’m grinding to beat these dragons so that I do so.
        By the way, do you think it’s possible to make it PvP or Co-Op so that we can get help from other players? Just a suggestion though. Would love it if this is possible.

        Recommended for anime lovers!! Amazingly cute graphics.
        Love the anime characters and the overall aesthetic of the gameplay
        As I couldn't find any free CD key, I have decided to buy it.
        For less than $8 with 10% discount, this is still a steal, compared to Puzzle & Dragon that costs over $20 at Best buy.

        In short, it’s an amazing anime turn base game that you don't have to spend whole lot of money to actually play it.

        Время в игре: 517 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Не рекомендую 11.02.2017 02:54
        48 1

        this game physically hurt to play, the sound settings dont save, and when they do it means nothing, the game is completely unbalanced; some enemies do nothing to you while others will basically one shot you. the game boasts over 800 enemy types, but i played all the way until world 6 and fought around 50 at most. and on top of that i didnt see a single dragon at all, the screenshots are complete lies. on top of that it looks like a bad mobile port
        this game is just stupid russian shovelware

        Время в игре: 93 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 10.02.2017 23:11
        12 0

        The game play is loads of fun. Its simple and turn based but the game does a good job of making you feel like youre getting stronger without ever making you feel overpowered against a boss.
        The movement speed is quick which speeds up thr pace nicely.
        The story is nothing special but its good enough. Im pretty hooked
        Charming and fun. I'd say this game is worth every penny.
        Very good music and characters.
        Surpassed expectations.
        I've seen some unusual playable characters - beast people like the Earth Tribe, characters with wings, and deity characters - but a "slime" character? Now, that's fresh!
        And she gets stronger and stronger!
        I will get back when i finish the game to share my full experience with ya!

        Время в игре: 126 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 10.02.2017 19:51
        3 0

        Fun little game that doesn’t cost you a fortune to buy.
        With 10% discount offered at launch, this game is a steal.
        Combat is turn based but you can always target your enemy in whom to be attacked next.
        The start can be a bit hard but if you grind a few levels you'll be fine.
        Instead of saving the diamonds, I started by summoning a fearsome hero.
        Having a fearsome hero in your team will help you win some early battles.

        Please reward us diamonds by levelling up. I’ve been farming for diamonds and would like to summon a God-like unit.
        Battling dragons in later missions are a bit daunting… Hope summoning a God-line unit will help me.

        A fun and cute rpg.
        A good starter rpg if you wanted to try it out.
        An adorable little RPG with character and fun.
        Please keep up the good work!

        Время в игре: 385 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 10.02.2017 17:51
        30 0

        Very nice strategy/cards game... really puts your tactics to test. Using your brain is a must-do in this game
        try to form the best team you can... level up the monsters, fuse them together to create more powerful creatures...
        It feels like this game has a huge number of heroes and monsters so there are endless combinations for your team
        I guess its all a matter of taste, tactics and personal preferences in the end
        I am not sure where the last 4 hours of my life went... time sure flies when playing this cause it keeps you on your toes.
        This kinda game that will make you addict, try it!
        Amazing graphics, well balanced and cool heroes !!!

        Время в игре: 92 ч. Куплено в Steam
        Рекомендую 10.02.2017 16:51
        19 2

        I love it! This game really helps me pass the time plus I love the anime style characters.
        Smooth and fun game A more interactive turn-based game which runs really smoothly.
        The graphics are 2D, very anime like. I guess any anime-lovers will like the art style.
        This game is quite fun. All the card designs look nice.
        The monster’s summoning system is a bit unpredictable and the battle system is a bit more interactive than most CCGs.
        Play this if you are a big fan of card game or Puzzle & Dragons.
        When I first saw it I thought it would be not all that fun but after giving it a try I have to admit once I started time flied passed so far that I ended up playing for 9 hours without stopping literally.

        Update: I’ve been seeing some people commenting that those reviews are fake.
        What the hell? Who care to play for 9 hours for fake review?
        Haters always find a way to hate anyway.
        They’re going to miss out a lot.

        Время в игре: 560 ч. Куплено в Steam

        Дополнительная информация

        Разработчик Play Spirit Limited
        Платформы Windows, Mac
        Ограничение возраста Нет
        Дата релиза 01.02.2025
        Отзывы пользователей 71% положительных (45)

        Отзывы пользователей

        32 положительных и 13 отрицательных отзывов
        Обновлено: 27.01.2025 22:23


        Strategy RPG Casual Indie


        Single-player Steam Trading Cards Steam Workshop Stats Family Sharing