Разработчик: Winter Wolves
Однажды их отец Лисандер вызывает их в Акру. У него есть большая новость: их мать, его жена, возможно все еще жива! По крайней мере, это сообщает ему таинственный персонаж, который кажется единственным, кто знает, что происходит, и готов помочь сестрам за определенную плату.
Им придется последовать по стопам своей матери, грабя богатых, чтобы удовлетворить все более невероятные требования своего таинственного благодетеля.
В то же время они встретят новых людей, которые могут стать больше, чем друзья:
- Тиберий, капитан стражи.
- Фредрик, владелец крупнейшего магазина в городе.
- Мелвин, человек, полный загадок.
- Мэри-Энн, кузнец города.
- Мойрган, официантка в самой большой таверне города.
- Терджалла, путешествующий ученый, работающий в качестве целителя в местном храме.
Игра имеет упрощенную РПГ боевую систему и игровой процесс, красивую мангу и оригинальную саундтрек с тематической песней.
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows XP and newer
- Процессор: 1Ghz
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: DirectX or OpenGL compatible card
- Место на диске: 100 MB
- ОС: Mac OS 10.4 and newer
- Процессор: 1Ghz
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 100 MB
- Процессор: 1 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 100 MB
Отзывы пользователей
I also played this game on my tablet its a fun little game
Story is OK and boring at times
Characters are fun for the most part
One thing i dont like is the combat at times, you have to wait like
5-7 turns before you even get to attack at times
Art design is pretty good
Alot of hate for this game I see but I liked it ! I admit tho it took a 2nd play through for me to appreciate it more. But its a solid stand alone story. Asahme we never got a follow up to that cliff hanger ending.
Look.. I really really like Loren and Cursed Lands but this game put me off in so many ways it's sad... for starters I liked their mom more than the main characters, plus there could've been more interaction between them and their love interests... the system of acquiring gold and etc was way too tiring and boring tbh...
But I guess what put me off the most was the ending..messed up what really happened to their mom.. I'd feel violated in so many ways... like wtf...
All of the relationships in this game are super toxic, but especially Thalias.
This was a bit of a disappointment. Interesting idea, but the gameplay just is kinda boring. There's a lot of fighting which is kinda boring since yo don't have a lot of ways to affect the outcome or to make it go by faster. The combat is very tough as well so it is easy to get defeated in the beginning which is discouraging.
The writing also seems kinda haphazard and rather juvenile not to mention the casual fatphobia. The artstyle is pretty nice, but dialogue seems naive and simplistic. I wanted to like it, but couldn't get past all the faults to pursue the romances far.
The combat system was repetitive, but as with all WW games it's the story that keeps you.
I was looking forward to playing an LGBTQ game centered around women! And within the first 15 minutes of playing they indeed deliver! Playing as 3 sisters, you encounter a woman (Moirgane) in the pub who starts to flirt with one of our main characters...
...but then our character remarks: "Moirgane had what some would call 'child-bearing hips'." and then another said "I didn't say she looked bad... Just I think she enjoys her food."
...Really? Wow.
I NOPED right out of this terrible writing. I'm glad it was apparent right away to get a refund back. So cringe-worthy.
Oh, I took the liberty of going through the credits... No female writer on board, let alone on the main team. If Winter Wolves is going to make a game about women, maybe having a woman's perspective on the team might be helpful? Like how women judging women on their weight might seem tacky and juvenile? Yep. Very disappointing dialogue.
Also, just fyi, all those women had exactly the same build. Even the one with "hips". It seems the art director needs to talk to the writer too.
I bought this game on sale, it is worth every cent back.
I constantly see a lot of people trying to compare this game to Loren the Amazon Princess- to be honest, I don't think that's really a very fair time. I mean, I'm having trouble comparing it to anything else they put out.
Long story short: A father calls his three daughters back to town from thier jobs from all over Aravorn, and hits them with surprising news: thier mother, who they thought to have been long dead, could still be alive. But the only way for them to figure out is to break into houses and get the money needed for the next piece of the puzzle, offered forth by a random hooded figure.
To be quite honest... it's not the best work from Winter Wolves, and I've got hours into things like Loren, Roommates, and Amber's Magic Shop to back that up. There's not much meat on this particular bone story-wise; and to be honest? Some of the goals you'll need to hit are kind of, well... they'll make you frustrated in a hurry once you've seen every relationship cutscene in the current step. I don't know if the step of the game puts a cap on the romance plots- if they don't, you're just better off picking your three partners and maxing those relationship points. for the bonuses.
I will give WW many kudos for making both straight and lesbian routes to romance, and for the ability to turn either or both off if they don't interest you, but I have to ding them on locking bonuses behind each one. Capping off each relationship gives you a bonus of some kind- maxing out the healer, for example, gets you half-off of all healing items. The blacksmith gets you half-off weapons, the waitress halves the time for thieving activities, and so on. If you stick to just lesbian or just straight relationships, you're depriving yourself of the opportunity to get the other three bonuses. Why not just make six of each and then let someone make a menu selection or something- present both of them during the first part of the game and let the player choose which one to put in charge of something?
Also, each love interest can only be romanced with one of two sisters.
The majority of the game, however, will be spent staring at the same screen- rubbing houses, and you'll be here for hours on end. You get four hours to spend every night- you can just randomly pickpocket people for chump change, you could scout out new houses to break into, find out info about a specific house, or you could get on with the break in. The only problem is, though... each of these options take up certain amounts of time, with variables- and you need at least two hours left to do a break-in each night. You can choose between three kinds of houses- merchants (easy), nobles (lots of $), and military figures (lots of XP). You creep through each house, selecting an entrance to try and get in silently, and then walking through the house casing rooms and stealing as much jewels and gold as you could get your hands on.
With luck, you'll end up with a few hundred gold and a few gems per house you hit. The only problem is, though, you'll need to do a LOT of grinding for the goals- on an ever-increasing scale, you'll need to make 1k, 5k, 15k, 25k, and 50k per "chapter" to advance the story, as well as be a particular level to survive the fights. Some of the latter chapters just started to drag on and on and on once all the other side stuff was finished- you can happily fast-forward shop days, though, but I would just go day by day until you clear all the romance stuff, and are of level to get stuff done physically, and then I would gun through multiple shop days to raise up money for supplies and gear to gain the most advantage I could.
The saving grace is that there's no time limit- you can take as long as you need to to finish the game, and can spend multiple years just grinding for cash as needed before moving the plot forward.
In the end, though... it just feels like there's not really a whole heck of a lot here. It's simply nightly grinding to raise XP and money, staring at the same screen. It would have been so much better if there's been more to this game- I mean, let's face it, something like Amber's Magic Shop managed to cram in so much more.
Does that make it a terrible game? No, it's still a Winter Wolves game, so I'll reccommend it; but I can't say that I would recommend this one as the first WW game someone should own, or even the first venture into Aravorn one should own.
I'd say buy this game if you like other WW stuff, after you've dropped for Loren, and then if it's on sale. It's still good fun, but it's not $25 good. If it gets under 20, pick it up then.
Now let me start off by saying I am a huge fan of this genre (visual novel w/ RPG elements) and of the developer, Winter Wolves. However, I cannot recommend anyone this game unless it is on sale. It seems that as the developer starts chugging out more games per year, the quality of them keeps dropping. None of his latter installments can stand up to the original Loren The Amazon Princess.
_Artwork (decent; not as good as previous games)
_Good soundtrack
_Diverse and distinctive characters.
_The writing is so bad. It's bland at best, atrocious at worst.
_The plot makes little sense, while the ending is very rushed.
_The gameplay is repititive; even more so than the one of Amber's Magic Shop, a crafting game with no combat system, and that says something.
Very enjoyable indy game, took approx. 15 hours on easy mode (there's a visual novel mode for those who just want story, and harder mode for those looking for challenge), lots of different skills to unlock for each girl, vanity gear to equip, found the yuri relationships charming, plus replay value as multiple romance options with both lesbian and straight to unlock.
Ending hints towards a sequal or spin off, I would love if this were the case.
Having now played Loren: Amazon Princess, made by the same company and set in the same world, I understand why a number of other reviews have rather harshly compared the two.
Loren was intended as this massive epic where you venture across an entire continent, fight dozens of different enemy types, and recruit a sizable party during your adventure (13 characters I think it was). Queen of Thieves (QoT) is a lot smaller scale, never leaving town - so rather than swamps, mountains, demon hellscapes, forests, and deserts that we see in Loren, QoT only has you raiding the houses of nobles and a single multi-level dungeon.
For this reason, QoT not only doesn't feel as epic as Loren, but its very grindy with limited variety to the battles as you raid house after house for gold to advance the plot, while in Loren you are always moving around the world map, killing new things.
That's said, I found the battles in QoT a lot more strategic. In Loren you have a party of 6, and I found myself easily over whelming the enemies with a back row of mages defended by a front row of warriors - every battle was curb stomp. In QoT you only have 3 characters (a tank, rogue, and mage), and because of this, I found myself actually having to use tactics, buffs, healing potions and aiming to take out certain enemies first. I never once came close to dying in Loren, but QoT almost got me several times.
The only downside to QoT’s combat was that you only have a few dozen enemy types (undead, giant insects, cultists, guards) compared to Loren's hordes (undead, elves, dark elves, guards, dragons, lizard men, ogres, demons, etc).
Honestly, I preferred QoT in terms of character development. Loren had a massive support cast, but many of them just felt as if they were there in case you need another tank or dps (there was a monk character, Shauzer or something, who looked like Ken from Street Fighter and I pretty much forgot he existed unless I was on the camp screen). Loren had a variety of characters, but some were very much underdeveloped.
QoT however has only 3 player characters, so we get to know them really well. We're with them start to finish, and unlike Loren there's no party members who felt tacked on to ensure you can field a full party of 6 if your main party was heavily injured from the last battle
I admit, this is why I play these games. For Loren, I went for the Elinor and Loren romance, and I enjoyed it. But the dialogue options are very simplistic - literally a drop down menu of joking/friendly/firm/romance response. Keep hitting romance, and you’ll end in that relationship, easy.
QoT instead provides you with the actual lines your character will say not just a one word summary of her tone. It meant I had to work at guessing what line will make someone like you or alienate them (granted, sometimes its not clear which will do what). And you can have ups and downs in the relationship as a result.
If enemy diversity is the big step back from Loren for QoT, then at least I can say dialogue and romance are a big step forward.
Also, as each of the 3 girls in QoT can date someone during a playthrough, there were simply more relationships to get invested in, which as someone who’s interested more in the story than the combat, I was grateful for. And I actually had to struggle at times over which npc to pursue for each girl; I eventually went with Thalia/ Mary-Ann, Kira / Moirgane, and Joanne/ Therjalla, but there was moment when I felt I may just have to let Thalia and Joanne brawl it out for the elf’s attention.
Loren definitely has more content. But I think whether it’s a better game depends on what you are looking for. If like me, you mainly play these games for the relationships I think QoB wins hands down, but if you are more interested in battle variety then its Loren (although in hard mode, because normal is easy when you have 3 mages).
If QoT gets a sequel, then I think the makers should looks at giving us more enemy variety, and not rely on the grind mechanic as much to save the game from negative comparisons with its sister series.
Weakest writing out of all winterwolves games so far, and that includes really old titles like Spirited Heart (which is a gem compared to this game). It's naive, amateurish at best (think really simple fanfiction), and not even properly proofread. The characters (especially the romanceables, but everyone else is no better) are all extremely cliche and have little to no important backstory (or feelings, for that matter), no one ever interacts with anyone else, so you can romance everyone at the same time and none of that will register with anyone. The main characters are dry and don't feel or treat one another like family. The combat, while tolerable, gets really repetitive thanks to the grindy aspect, and there's no real benefit in making your characters have diverse skills and a lot of power, because in the end the skills are similarly useless and the "pre-final" boss battle is simply scripted so that you'll always lose. Do yourself a favor and try the demo at the developer's main site first, and even then, if you like it, wait for a really big discount - otherwise you'll be wasting your money.
Not so much a fan of the rpg part of the game.
The main story always recommends a certain level (5-10-15-20-25)
And by the time I hit 20 I was really bored with it, and then of course it turns out you still need to grind to lvl 25.
At that point I just quit, and started a new playthrough in "visual novel" difficulty.
You only get to choose between 5 weapons for each character, and 5 armor sets (including the one you start with).
So after you get one of those, literally nothing changes for combat anymore.
Story-wise I was just disappointed that there was no comment when going for all 4 romance options for 1 girl.
And likewise if 2 girls were courting the same partner...nothing.
Totally worth it! :)
Hastly written and naive script, no cross romance interactions, poorly thought out combat, boring and repetative robbery missions. Feels like a cash grab, hardly comparable with previous products from this developer.
I love this game, probably my second favorite from winter wolves. I do however feel the price could be less. The combat is less in depth than say loren or seasons, and theres certainly much less story. Even the main robbing portions of the game i had repeat lines far too often. Dont get me wrong, i greatly enjoyed the game and dont mind purchasing it, but i do question the price compartievley to those other titles. Granted the art is much better or atleast more enjoyable in this game and i enjoy the characterrs more, but i still feel it was rather sllow for the price. Id recomend picking it up on sale if i were you.
The interface is confusing, but it's a good game once you figure it out.
Important notes:
You can select the type of heist (from the start) by pressing on the things that don't look like buttons at all, this lets you take more challenging missions and level up faster.
The weapon comparisons are a little hard to read, but all the weapons are basically equal so it's just up to your fighting style.
Another non-obvious thing is that you can remove gems from clothes.
And finally the story is a bit "much" with everyone wanting to do "it" with everyone else at the drop of a hat, but if you can get over that, it's quite fun.
This game is very nice!
Im not playing too many visual novel type games, but this is catchet me up. I only notice some annoying things:- lack of character poses in novel style; mostly the characters just standing on the screen and i cant find enough facial expressions drawed on the main characters.
- lots of silence in novel style...; this is a very bad mistake! some scene is not have backround music and the writing is alone not too good for making the mood in dialogue.
Not the best VN on steam, but the robbing and romancing combo is working. When u passed the "tutorial stages" u just sucked in the gamplay.
A very good game. I like the story and the gameplay is fun
so 3 hours in and i have to say i'm finding this game fun if simple my one issue is that it's a pain in the ass to level beyond that the romance can be turned off or you can have it set to one type of pairing (yuri/straight).
Игры похожие на Queen Of Thieves
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Winter Wolves |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 63% положительных (19) |