Martha Is Dead

Martha Is Dead

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Разработчик: LKA

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Об игре

Martha Is Dead — это мрачный психологический триллер от первого лица, события которого разворачиваются в 1944 году в Италии. В этой игре стираются границы между реальностью, суевериями и трагедией войны.

На фоне обострения конфликта между немецкими и союзными войсками находят оскверненное тело утонувшей женщины... Марты!

Марта мертва, а её сестре-близнецу Джулии, юной дочери немецкого солдата, предстоит в одиночку справиться с тяжелой психологической травмой и негативными последствиями её убийства. Истина трагедии окутана таинственным фольклором и ужасом приближающейся войны.

Кто одержит вверх?

черты лица

  • Непринужденно аутентичная озвучка на итальянском языке.
    Первая инди-игра, в которой по умолчанию используется итальянский язык — для полного погружения в сюжет и жизнь персонажей.
  • От создателя The Town of Light
    Это вторая игра от LKA — разработчика игры The Town of Light, которая была удостоена награды, и специалиста по реалистичным повествовательным играм, основанным на сложных темах.
  • Мрачная история с глубоким смыслом
    Martha Is Dead — это игра с психологическим подтекстом о потерях и отношениях в мрачный период истории. Все действия происходят от лица девушки, которая ищет правду, скрывая собственные секреты.
  • Исследуйте детально воссозданные сельские районы Италии
    Свободно исследуйте захватывающую дух сельскую местность Тосканы пешком, на лодке или велосипеде. Реалистичная обстановка и исторический контекст игры Martha Is Dead появились на основе реальных фактов и мест, которые были точно воссозданы в присущей LKA манере.
  • Играйте с марионетками
    Играйте с многочисленными марионетками в театре марионеток, чтобы вспомнить подавленные воспоминания.
  • Смешение фольклора и суеверий
    Разблокируйте символы и используйте карты Таро, чтобы открыть новые аспекты игры и вызвать дух Дамы.
  • События на фоне войны
    Собирайте газеты, телеграммы и слушайте радио, чтобы быть в курсе того, что происходит в мире во время войны.
  • Величие виртуальных фотографий
    Делайте снимки просто для удовольствия, а также чтобы продвигаться по сюжету и узнавать больше об игровом мире. Вы сможете окунуться в процесс фотографирования 1940-х годов: проявляйте свои фотографии в фотолаборатории игры!
  • Аутентичная итальянская музыка той эпохи
    Погрузитесь в глубокий и атмосферный саундтрек, включающий в себя подводную музыку группы Between Music на основе их проекта Aquasonic; угрюмые, но завораживающие мелодии композитора The Town of Light, Асептика Войда (Aseptic Void); и сочетание переосмысленных версий классических композиций, включая Ave Maria Шуберта, O Bella Ciao, с оригинальными композициями, написанными и исполненными Франческой Мессиной, звездой диско 90-х, также известной под псевдонимом Femina Ridens.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, italian, french, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, japanese, portuguese - brazil, russian, korean, polish, traditional chinese, turkish

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 64bit
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5 or equivalent AMD
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 670 or AMD R9 270X
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 30 GB
  • Дополнительно: Game installed on SSD Recommended
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 64bit
  • Процессор: Intel Core i7 or equivalent AMD
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia GTX 1060 or AMD RX 5500
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Место на диске: 30 GB
  • Дополнительно: Game installed on SSD Recommended





          Отзывы пользователей

          Не рекомендую 17.02.2025 16:13
          0 0

          The game is atmospheric, story rich and moody. Unfortunately not really my style.

          Время в игре: 575 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 13.02.2025 23:32
          5 0

          This game isn't hard or scary in the traditional sense. The gore isn't scary. But the entire thing, is still quite disturbing and menacing. From the background soundscape, to the eerie environment set against the beginning of WW2, to our unreliable narrator.

          The game is an easy play if you're a casual gamer. Puzzles are pretty simple. Not much for jump scares. Just a lot of point and click and walking around. The story though could be quite triggering. Even if you aren't normally triggered by content that touches on mental illness, miscarriage, war etc... this one is done in such a personable way. I wouldn't suggest anyone currently pregnant play the game, I am glad I didn't when it first came out because I was. The game also includes self harm.

          I had tried watching this game online to see if I'd be interested, and it seemed boring. It's a different experience when you're actually playing it. One piece of advice, try to do your side quests and achievements during chapters that have daylight, and before the last chapter of the game. I didn't realise I was at the end and had to cram in a bunch in the dark, it wasn't easy!

          Время в игре: 474 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 13.02.2025 09:25
          0 0

          The Game itself is beatiful. The Story is intriguing. I would love to spend hours just roaming the italian Countryside in Summer here.

          I WOULD love to but I can't...because this Game is so poorly optimized that crashes are frequent and now I'm at a Point where I can't progress because it always crashes upon start.

          It saddens me, because I will never know the End of the Story and now I'm too bitter to watch a Playthrough.

          Время в игре: 221 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 11.02.2025 19:25
          0 0

          LKA the morbid dev from Italy...

          Время в игре: 16 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.02.2025 15:49
          2 0

          Even with some hiccups which are normal coming from a tiny studio, Martha Is Dead has a strong personality and it offers a story that will soak our brains for a long time. It's not for the faint of heart, that's for sure.

          Время в игре: 575 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 07.02.2025 04:59
          1 0

          I wanted to love this game, and I would love to reccomend it, but I just can't, and here's why.

          The crashes: Once I got IN the game, I had a single crash. But in the opening cutscene alone, the game crashed a total of six times, each requiring me to go through the same 3min+ scene again. I verified my files, I swapped to DX11, nothing helped. At some point, There was a save between cutscenes, then that one crashed once, and I was able to play.

          Speaking of crashes, the game froze up if I was in the photo album for too long. For a game where the photo taking was advertised, this is really frustrating. I ended up just taking screenshots of my photos directly after developing them to circumvent this.

          The Camera: I don't know what was going on with the camera for this entire game. My fps was stable throughout, but the camera was AWFUL. It was jittery and constantly stuttered (Why? I'm running an AMD 5800X3D/6800XT/64GB RAM and installed on an SSD, and the camera stutters never came with FPS drops) Tested with other games before and after this one, and had no strange issues. I also checked my mouse (a stray cat hair under your mouse can cause that issue, but it was not the case here). This issue also made certain I would have loved an FOV slider; playing on an ultrawide monitor felt a little too zoomed in. Speaking of zoomed in, the bicycle. My god, the bicycle. The camera while riding it made me entirely nauseous, and it didn't use the same sensitivity as i had set in the settings. I rode it for maybe 25 seconds the entire game. The map is small enough you don't even need it to get around, anyway.

          The Story: It was actually really good! There were a few scenes that felt like they could have been placed earlier/later in the story, and I think the game could have been maybe 30-45 minutes longer with lore that could have tied things together better. One of the side quests felt a bit shoehorned in, but I didn't complete it so I can't say for sure. I ended up dropping off of it as it felt like meaningless fetch quests instead of a story to be told. I'd play the game again to find out,, but my previous issues are stopping me from doing that.

          The nightmare scenes ranged from really, REALLY good, to just confusing. They tie in towards the end of the game, but just don't hit that "ohhh!" mark for me.

          The Map/UI: This was almost my biggest frustration with the game, and it had me ready to quit more than once throughout. The map is awful. It's embarassingly bad, even. trying to click and drag the camera barely functions; it could have been m made zoomed out by default and been fine, but instead, you click and drag and it jitters around before moving slightly, rinse and repeat. The icing on the cake, you press M/K to open the map/journal, but pressing those buttons again doesnt close them. You either have to press close on the bottom left, or escape (that closes the menu, but opens the pause menu) and then again to exit the pause menu. This doesn't seem like it would be a problem, but it gets really annoying really fast.

          The Audio: The soundtrack is incredible, but it tended to cut off awkwardly at times. I played in the Italian voice as reccomended, and the voice acting was very strong from the main character, but the parents voice actors didn't live up to the same quality. I did have some issues with some subtitles not showing, but this issue was rare. The audio balancing was a bit frustrating to deal with. The biggest scare in the game was a plate smashing, so loud it hurt my ears compared to the rest of the game. Another segment, the boat engine made me turn my audio down from where it usually sits at around 40, to 12, and it STILL felt very very loud. A small rant about the boat segment: it was awful. It felt entirely unneccesary and just a pain controls-wise to navigate.

          Final Thoughts: If it's on a large sale, maybe I would suggest it, but it's one of the games that I won't be thinking about in a week. There are similar games, with lower price tags, that convey a compelling message (like Martha is Dead tries to do) in less runtime. I appreciate the effort from the devs, though, and I think if it had more time, it could have come out much better. The bugs surrounding the game, and the strange issues I encountered took away a huge chunk of the enjoyment I got out of it. The potential is there, and this game wants to be amazing. I want(ed) it to be amazing. I will give the devs a massive shoutout for the warning pre self-harm scene and option to censor it, though. They didn't have to, but they did, and they deserve props for that.

          Время в игре: 386 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.02.2025 10:40
          0 0

          The game is good. It has beautiful artistic style, interesting plot and cool mechanics. Its like Town of Light but with better visuals and worse story. And let's talk some bad stuff:
          - violence feels unrealistic and unnecessary
          - story gets less and less realistic making it way worse experience as the game progresses
          - ending, without spoiling is just leaving you with nothing
          - and last irritating thing, the controls get fuzzy when there are many objects nearby

          Overall good game, but not for everybody.

          Время в игре: 476 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.01.2025 23:48
          0 0

          Great story kept me intrigued

          Время в игре: 1055 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 23.01.2025 02:17
          0 0

          heartbreaking game, so many plot twists. i loved it, there are side quests which i thought it was nice. it took me about 6-7 hours to finish the game. i just went back for a while more to try and get all the achievements!

          Время в игре: 572 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 19.01.2025 22:30
          0 0

          I enjoyed the small amount of this game that I played however I developed a terrible headache due to the motion blur/choppy character movements. I turned off motion blur in the settings but that seemed to make the problems worse. The story was very intriguing and I recommend it to anyone who's interested but I cannot play any without enduring pain. If you get headaches at games like me save your money.

          Время в игре: 47 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 17.01.2025 17:59
          0 0

          Compared to the first game this is quite the extraordinary step forward, especially if we consider the narrative style, the horror-themed tension and the pace

          Время в игре: 335 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 05.01.2025 00:33
          0 0

          "Martha is Dead" has bugged me in quite a lot of ways. I want to start by saying this:

          I did not like the game for various reasons and despite having played it for almost 12 hours, I couldn't bring myself to finish it. I actually watched a synopsis on Youtube for the last hour or so of the game. I have played a lot of horror games and/or walking simulators and yet this is the first time ever that I was actually unable to finish one.

          I will split this into 3 sections: graphics, gameplay and story/writing
          Only the writing part will contain Spoilers which will be marked accordingly.

          Graphics :
          At first glance the game looks absolutely beautiful. Not only does unreal engine 4 look clean as usual, it also has a lot of impressive visuals and you can at least tell that the devs put some effort in trying to model the entire scenery after the actual 1944 tuscany. I've seen a lot of people from the area stating that it actually looks pretty realistic.
          The only problem is that all of this only really works when you don't look at it to thoroughly. While everything in your close vicinity looks somewhere between very good and okayish, sceneries tend to look very poor from a distance. There is a lot of texture pop-ins, lack of antialiasing and some mechanics that just feel clunky as hell (more on that in the gameplay section). There's also some issues with frame loss and my PC is definetly beefy enough. It's pretty much a coding issue.
          Despite all of that, the game and it's scenery are in fact very pretty and you can easily immerse into the setting thanks to the graphics.

          Gameplay :
          I am very aware that this is a walking simulator and that it is supposed to have some point and click mechanics so I know it sounds a bit off when I say:
          There was too. much. walking.
          There was too. much. point&click.
          The walking speed is very slow paced even when running by holding shift and the entire premises are just too effing vast. Walking from one point of interest to another can easily take 2 - 3 minutes which does not sound a lot but feels like an eternity in a little walking simulation game. It gets even worth when the camera mechanic comes in.
          You have a camera, you have to take some pictures and everytime you do that you have to actually develop the picture with a little point&click/quick-time event.
          Every. damn. time.
          It's not an exaggeration when I say that around 40% of this game is walking into the forest, taking a picture, walking back to the house, developing the picture and repeat. It's interesting the first 2 times and after that you just wish for the game to offer you some way to speed it up. There is also the fact that the game has a lot of points of interest in some rooms and it's easy to miss some of them but somehow the game only tells you that you can actually SEE all of these points by pressing and holding the space bar when it is almost finished. I said "why would you tell me this NOW?!" out loud when I got the ingame hint.
          There are a few more "mini-games" that involve too much point&click or other things that feel like they're only as complicated as they are to blow up the games duration. For example there is a "little" game where you have to translate things into morse code and send them and then translate the answer back into english and you have to do that around 4 or so times and it takes around 20 minutes and it's NOT EVEN RELEVANT TO THE STORY.
          Which leads me to the final and most vital part.

          The Story :
          I'm gonna try to keep it as vaguely as I can and I will mark some spoilers in particular in the end.

          Now I know that psychological horror games often tend to have very twisted stoytlines that are supposed to lead you on and keep you guessing and I generally like that A LOT. Some of my favourite games have no definitive ending and are more or less open to interpretation. "Martha is Dead" has a very confusing storyline and you can tell from the very beginning that it is supposed to lead you on wrong trails and you get a feeling that something about the story feels "off" very early on. That's actually pretty great because at least in the beginning it doesn't feel too on the nose and it starts more as a little feeling in the back of your mind.
          But the more you progress in the Story, the more that feeling shifts into an actuall "Where the f... is this going" kind of feeling. The game loses itself in meaningless subplots that are not in any way relevant to the overarching storyline and even the element of horror - which is quite nice in the first 3 hours of the game or so - loses it's magic very suddenly and turns into a very graphic gore that won't make you feel scared at all. It will just make you go "Ewwwwwwww" for a solid minute and then it's just "How the fuck does that make any sense considering what we already know?!".

          Warning, Spoilers ahead!:

          1.) The ending is NOT ambiguous at all unless you really want it to be. It is hinted from the very beginning that either Martha or Giulia did not exist. It's not up for interpretation at all whether that was where the writers wanted to go or not. It's incredibly on the nose and the idea is so overused already that everyone who frequently consumes this genre will have at least guessed it jokingly after the first scene where "Giulia" explicitly states that her "memory of that time is foggy". It is heavily implied that it is of some relevance to the game that we see the entire story through the eyes of "Giulia". Of course some people will say "But what about the Photographs? The one where Giulia killed Martha or the one with the Fetus? Or what about the different people (Nanny, Mom, Dad, etc.) talking about the 2 sisters as different people? Well, you can decide for yourself whether that's lazy writing or not but I think it is because the very obvious explanation is that we see, hear and experience the entire story as a fading memory of "Giulia/Martha" who is desperatly trying to alter the events so that her mind does not implode on the sheer weight of her own madness. No one else has ever seen the Photographs. No one else has listened to the dialogues. It's only ever how Giulia/Martha tries to remember it. It is supposed to show how she herself beliefs this altered version of events. That's it. There is nothing more to it.The whole "open for interpreation" thing imo is just a relatively easy way to not untie all the knots the story left behind. This game severly lacks a second character that finds the pictures and sees that there is nothing on them or remembers the same dialogues and shows that there was never any meantioning of a second sister. They could have solved their own mess pretty easily. A story of that magnitude should never have an "open ending". It's just not good writing.

          The whole WWII setting had no impact on the game at all. You can argue that the onset for Giulia coming back as Marthas alter ego might have been Lapo r*ping her and using her to get to her father but honestly, any other traumatic event would have had the same effect. It never was about the war. It's completely irrelevant. Which also makes around 60% of what you do in the game irrelevant. The entire "helping the partisans" quest? Wtf was that? Why did I even do that? I found a hidden bunker under my own house and it was completely irrelevant?! The game took around 9 hours to "solve" and it could've been done in 2 hours. A majority of the game is just plain irrelevant to itself. That's incredibly disappointing. You constantly get the feeling of "free choice" and it actually does not exist at all. The game will always end in the same way.

          Over all it is with a heavy heart that I can not recommend this game at all. It feels like a waste of time in retrospective. The idea was great, the setting was just as good as any, the scenery was overall beautiful and after around 1/3 the game loses itself in its own writing.

          Время в игре: 562 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.01.2025 17:30
          1 0

          This game is beautiful. It's heartbreaking, gorgeous, will have you crying, and will have you smiling. It's gut wrenching and twisted but beautiful. The story is painfully brutal and sad, but it gives you the time to really enjoy it. As someone who cannot handle jumpscares, this game was amazing in that the horror aspect was in the atmosphere. The multiple story lines offer a unique experience and it paces itself nicely. Overall I cannot recommend this game enough.

          Время в игре: 582 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 03.01.2025 00:05
          0 0

          So I got to a point in the story when you get to play two characters in a single scene: a mother and her little daughter. In this scene the mother grab her daughter's dog, throws it in a pot, cook it and then try to feed it to her little girl while the girl keep crying calling for her father. A game is suppose to be entertaining but this is sick, disgusting. I already wasted my money, I hope you don't make the same mistake.

          Время в игре: 2059 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.01.2025 03:24
          1 0

          Amazing game still don't know what was a real and what was not.

          Время в игре: 917 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 01.01.2025 22:46
          0 1

          mein Name ist Hulk Hogan und ich habe das spiel "Martah ist tot" insgesamt ganze 0,6h gespielt und ich habe noch nie so ein "tolles" game gehabt. Es war ein kurzes aber unvergnügliches Erlebnis.
          ja... naja... vielleicht nächstes mal:(
          Hulk Hogan
          (Ich bin eine Diesel-Lok, bei Fragen, nicht Fragen)

          Время в игре: 34 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.01.2025 05:28
          0 0

          Personally I like this game, even though there are multiple story lines occurring at the same time they are all interesting and pull you in.

          Время в игре: 274 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 31.12.2024 03:41
          2 0

          Martha is Dead is a psychological horror game that delves into the dark and twisted tale of a young woman named Giulia, who assumes the identity of her deceased twin sister, Martha, after discovering her body. Set against the backdrop of World War II in the Italian countryside, the game masterfully blends historical context with a deeply unsettling narrative.

          The game excels in creating an eerie atmosphere, with its meticulously crafted environments and haunting sound design. The use of a vintage camera as a gameplay mechanic adds a unique layer of immersion, allowing players to uncover hidden messages and experience the chilling ambiance through Giulia's eyes.

          However, the game is not without its flaws. Some players have noted that the story can be perplexing at times, and the gameplay may feel restrictive due to its linear nature. Additionally, the disturbing themes and graphic content may not be suitable for all audiences.

          Overall, Martha is Dead is a well-crafted game that offers a gripping and unsettling experience for fans of psychological horror. Its strong narrative, atmospheric design, and unique gameplay mechanics make it a memorable, albeit disturbing, journey.

          Время в игре: 181 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 29.12.2024 16:14
          0 0

          A tremendously powerful and very disturbing game/experience which masterfully deals
          with sensitive and highly important subject matter.

          Highly Recommended!!!

          Время в игре: 1875 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 29.12.2024 13:38
          0 0

          Hi! the game is AMAZING but it has so many bugs towards the end. i would love some help with that!

          Время в игре: 494 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.12.2024 22:13
          0 0

          chill game and many nice motives to photograph

          Время в игре: 788 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 27.12.2024 07:53
          0 0

          end pretty cool. meh, tho

          Время в игре: 479 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 25.12.2024 21:51
          0 0

          totally in love with this game!!!! amazing story and very cool gameplay :D

          Время в игре: 340 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 25.12.2024 20:41
          1 1

          Truly masterpiece!
          One of my favourite game! It tastes like dry wine with onion bread
          The game have so big emotional impact that I rememder it even after 2 years of my first walkthrough
          I don`t understand the plot for sure, but it settled in my heart and in my mind
          For devs: please add Ukrainian language for your further games

          Время в игре: 448 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 23.12.2024 22:53
          0 0

          A very unique and interesting video game, with many interactive and conflicting tasks that make the game intruiging untill the very end. Also covers a lot of very interesting topics in a very interesting time period AND overlaps with another earlier game of theirs.
          It had some personal problems with glitching that sorted themselves out after a few reboots but otherwise pretty stunning visually.
          It is a game that runs at a slower pace though and it does have some rather unpleasant content (gore mainly), but if these things are no issue for you, It cannot be recommended enough - A full playthrough without lenghty breaks is recommended for maximum immersion.

          Время в игре: 534 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 21.12.2024 05:50
          0 0

          I wanted to play this game because the subject matter looked dark and interesting. Indeed it was. The story moves along fairly slowly at first but really ramps up at the end leaving you trying to make sense of everything that happened (or didn't happen). It's well worth a playthrough.

          Время в игре: 369 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 17.12.2024 04:33
          0 0

          This was a cool game, tip for people looking to play this game if you're looking to 100% complete it in one take you have to do everything properly in an order that wont progress the story line enough to lock you out of certain quests and photo opportunities. Really trippy message at the end that I think is really valuable for players to check out.

          NOTE: Be advised this game involves A LOT of self harm, mutilation, and graphic images so if you're bothered by that stuff easily don't play it. The game also warns you of this on start up.

          Время в игре: 397 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 11.12.2024 17:02
          1 1

          If I were mean, I would say that the true horror in this game lies in the performance. Or rather in the lack of performance.

          I really appreciate what the developers tried to do with the narrative, but seriously, the game runs like a slideshow at times. And the visual quality is not even that great. And if you turn down everything to Low, which at least gives you something above 30fps at all times, the game then looks worse than Half-Life (the first one, the one from 1998).
          This would not be a such a problem in itself, but due to the large area which you have to cover, exploration (which the game incentivizes) becomes almost unbearable. Sure, you can use the bike, but it's almost uncontrollable on low fps. And it tends to get stuck at times with no option to disembark, forcing you to reload the last checkpoint.
          My guess is that the team had never previously worked with the Unreal engine, because it is certainly possible to design performant maps which feature both detailed interior spaces and large open spaces, both at the same time.

          Again, I see what the devs tried to achieve here, and I can respect the idea itself. The technical implementation however is a major catastrophe. I had to force myself through the game, because I wanted to see the ending. And I usually see things through, even with games that don't manage to completely hook me. But this one made this pretty hard. The gameplay elements don't help here much either. The manual developing of photos is interesting at first, but it quickly becomes repetitive. That can be said about most of the interactive bits (dialing the phone, using the telegraph, etc.). Maybe the point here was to make things tedious by design? If so, then this goal was certainly achieved.

          Played this on Linux using GE-Proton9-13 on a AMD Ryzen 7 5800X and a AMD RX 6700 XT GPU with 1080p resolution.

          Время в игре: 815 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.12.2024 03:05
          0 0

          This is an excellent game , it deals with mental health and all the body horror you can imagine . But be warn you its not a game for the faint hearths or those who suffer with mental problems , may be it will be stressful for those who already suffer . The story is amazing and the setting . It feels like this really happened and we are witnessing it . No spoilers but this game has some crazy disturbing scenes . The gameplay is fine but sufferes from so many technical issues . Some times the textures dont load properly no matter what setting you are on ,some places becomes too dark to see in that case you have to close the game and reopen hoping it works this time . The game runs poorly but its playable , frame drops , stutters are all common to this game . Please lastly i have to say this Who the fuck made the cycle mechanic ........... Its a trash mechanic i rather prefer to walk than to cycle .

          Время в игре: 1187 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 08.12.2024 23:15
          4 0

          Love this genre, and have played several games along this same vein. This is one of my least favorites, I don't recommend buying at full price, worth a play-through if you can get it on sale for ten bucks though, I wouldn't spend any more than that.

          The story is all over the place and it feels like there were too many ideas and very little editing. What started as a promising ghost story quickly devolved into a mess of different genres with no clear direction. Game play was unnecessary at best, and tedious at worst. I don't mind a walking-sim with very little interaction, but don't make me click and drag my mouse twenty different times for no reason.

          Tone was another issue, there were only a few genuine horror moments in what is labeled as a horror game. Honestly the voice acting was so distracting at times, and its silliness diffuses any tension there would have been. There are definitely some great ideas, just poor execution. Truly how do you make puppets funny and not scary?

          Ultimately this game feels like a teenage wattpad "psychological horror". Everything feels very shallow with little to no substance.

          3/10 buy on sale.

          Время в игре: 366 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.12.2024 12:44
          0 0

          The story is really well done and I really enjoyed it.

          Время в игре: 874 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 30.11.2024 15:20
          0 0

          This game starts off so great and runs amazing. For some reason the more you play the more confusing this game becomes and becomes so much more is a game like this making my game lag? with high specs a game like this shouldn't do this...oh and theres quite a few bugs, the story can be quite sickening...

          100% achievements unlocked

          Время в игре: 1587 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 30.11.2024 10:46
          0 0

          Garbage game with boring unskippable annoying dialogue and unengaging story.

          Время в игре: 11 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 18.11.2024 15:44
          0 0

          Cruel, but breathtaking story

          Время в игре: 619 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 12.11.2024 14:19
          0 1

          Not my cup of tea. The English voice acting isn't the best.

          Время в игре: 39 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.11.2024 04:59
          0 0

          Game has film photography as that emanates my hobby in film photography, but there are a handful of disturbing moments where I can see why some parts are censored on PlayStation. One part genuinely made my insides squirm.

          Other than that, game is solid. 10/10

          Время в игре: 517 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.11.2024 22:53
          0 0

          Yes, yes, yes, yes!
          This one is really fu***d up in all the right ways.

          Martha is Dead tells a powerful story, revolving around mental health, and the journey is just incredible. Without going into spoilers, just the ending itself left my jaw on the floor, and I needed a good minute to collect my thoughts and come to a conclusion of what I have just watched. It was good, very good!

          As if the subject matter is not heavy and dark enough as is, it is beautifully underlined with the music, which I can hardly call it that given how the instruments are quite literally being slaughtered here, effectively rising the anxiety of the one playing the game, especially combined with the imagery on screen. This paints the perfect picture of a deteriorating psyche.

          I also really liked the scenery here - you're playing as a daughter of an important German officer, set in 1944 Italy. It felt like a breath of fresh air seeing a WWII game from this perspective. Forget the Allies vs Axis thing, forget the Good guys versus the Bad guys, you're just an innocent child. The war is just a background for the story, really - you can hear all about it through the radio or conversations etc but it does not really concern you as a child, you're just here, enjoying the joys of life as much as possible, and struggling, mainly with yourself.

          I can't really say much more about the game, it's worth a lot more to just experience it yourself. It's powerful, it's good, it's fu***d up.

          Время в игре: 488 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 31.10.2024 19:20
          0 0

          the story is great and has some disturbing moments, but is not horrifying like a horror typically is. a lot of reading and voice overs. but it is worth it for the story.

          Время в игре: 435 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.10.2024 20:46
          1 0

          The most gruesome and bizarre game I've played this year, and in a very long time as well.

          Worth playing through yourself, be warned it can be very unsettling to play.

          Время в игре: 441 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.10.2024 16:44
          1 0

          What a fked up depressing story this was. Don't play if you're so depressed, seek help first.
          Loved the narrative gameplay, visuals were great.

          Время в игре: 456 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 20.10.2024 14:07
          0 0

          It's so poorly optimised that I wanna cry :(

          The game itself has a potential to be a good game though, and probably plot-wise it deserves all it's awards.

          But it's hard to play an IMMERSIVE game when you face constant lags, glitches, pop ups, FPS drops etc.
          It was kind of frustrating and honestly I hate that I had to write this review, but for me it's hard to forgive optimisation issues and bugs in such hyper-realistic graphics, cause it ruins the whole point of the art style in my opinion.

          Время в игре: 60 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 20.10.2024 06:29
          0 0

          A true psychological horror experience. Deep and just blew me away. Was also the first game I streamed on Twitch. Simply amazing.

          Время в игре: 462 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 16.10.2024 00:23
          2 0


          Время в игре: 440 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.10.2024 22:42
          0 0

          its so addicting even my kid loves it 10/10

          Время в игре: 744 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.10.2024 06:01
          1 0

          Martha Is Dead is an absolutely remarkable psychological thriller. Story in this game is pure gold. There is at least 3 very disturbing scenes (Beginning of the game at the lake, Family crypt and ending), that are shown at explicit detail, if you have played the game you know what i am talking about.. I recommend everyone to play this game, awesome product. Only - that i give is FPS issues that appear often. FPS drops and the game stutters happen often and lasts couple of minutes... BUT overall this game is worth playing and is very positive experience.

          For new players.. GLHF, for trying to survive this disturbing and uncomfortable story.

          Время в игре: 307 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 29.09.2024 14:48
          0 0


          Время в игре: 479 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 29.09.2024 10:55
          1 0

          ‘Martha is Dead’ is a game created by LKA Studios (authors of the excellent ‘Town of Light’) and was released in February 2022. It tells the story of Giulia K., a young girl who is trying to find out who killed her twin sister Martha. The game is 7/8 hours long and the plot is truly intriguing from the start as we quickly realize that something’s wrong here. Really, really wrong.

          The game is a walking simulator in a semi-open world: we’re playing as Giulia (in FPP view) and we’re spending most of the time at exploring and looking for objects that are crucial to the story. We can also gather additional informations about some events or characters by reading notes and newspapers and sometimes we have to take photos of certain things to advance the plot. Gameplay-wise it’s just a typical walking-sim, so if you have played games like ‘Firewatch’ or ‘The Vanishing of Ethan Carter’ you know what to expect. There are also few QTE in the game, but they are very simple and almost impossible to fail, so they are not annoying.
          The in-game world is quite large (list of locations includes the house, the forest, the lake and several other interesting and sometimes also quite surprising places), but navigating through it is easy, because Giulia has access to the map and her diary, so we always know where we are and what to do next. It’s also worth mentioning that there are few optional side-quests available. They allow us to get a better understanding of certain events, but we also can completely ignore them and focus just on the main plot - it’s totally up to us.

          Before getting to the story I’d like to say few words about the setting. The game is set at the Italian countryside during World War II and the protagonist is a daughter of an Italian woman and a Nazi general. This alone gives quite an unusual (and basically unseen in video games) perspective, but there’s more - as it turns out, Giulia seemingly has absolutely no idea that Italian fascist and the Nazis are the bad guys (!) and she’s genuinly surprised that partisans are constantly fighting the Axis armies. Developers did a really good job here showing not only the girl's different (and ridiculous) perspective, but also how blind to the facts she is, because there’s enough evidence lying around to know what Mussolini’s and Hitler’s people really do. This whole thing is basically a detail always subtly appearing somewhere in the background and it’s really easy to miss if we’re not exploring carefully enough, but it is really well done.

          And now it's time to talk about the best thing about ‘Martha is Dead’ - absolutely fantastic story. I'll write it right away to make it clear – this is NOT a normal story about solving Martha's murder. The plot is really dark, heavy and reaches into the deepest, darkest parts of our minds making us wonder what's real and what's not. We’ll witness a lot of strong and very violent scenes (and I woudn’t be surprised if some people call them shocking or disgusting), but all of them make sense and are justified by the story the developers are telling. The story that at some point turns into the absolutely fascinating and messed up journey that keeps us hooked to the screen the entire time and does not disappoint at the end of the game. On top of that devs treat us like adults, so there is not just one simple explanation to everything and we should pay attention to details as some of them can totally change the way we’re understanding some events. Moreover, the atmosphere throughout the entire gameplay is simply incredible, because developers are revealing next layers of the story in very smart way and we know something unexpected is going to happen sooner or later.
          There’s also one thing that should be mentioned: even though the game is not a horror, it has some jump-scares in it. There are literally few of them (and they work as they are supposed to, because they are truly unexpected), but I know some people hate them, so I think it should be mentioned.

          As for the technical stuff – ‘Martha is Dead’ looks stunning, especially on the ultra graphic settings: the textures are razor sharp, the lights and shadows work just like they should and some of the views are simply gorgeous. It’s basically one of those games where we can just go from place to place and spend hours taking screenshot after screenshot. The same thing can be said about the soundtrack as the music is simply phenomenal and complements what we see on the screen in an incredible way. I played the game with the Italian voice acting (it’s really solid) and English subtitles and I think it’s the best way to do it, but English voice acting is available as well (can’t say anything about its quality though). And it’s also worth mentioning that we can save game anytime we want plus there’s also an autosave feature.

          Now the complains and luckily the list is not long.
          First and foremost - ‘Martha is Dead’ was released 2,5 years ago and the technical state of the game is still.... Well, disastrous. Regardless of the graphic settings and DirectX version (we can choose between DX11 or DX12) I was experiencing constant stuttering, freezes, FPS drops, texture pop-ups and a whole bunch of other problems, such as camera jumps, crashes or the fact that sometimes after closing the game it turned out that I have to manually kill the process in the task manager because it was still running in the background. I have really decent PC that allows me to comfortably play games like ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ or ‘Elden Ring’, so it's not a hardware problem on my end and there’s a lot of topics about it on the Steam forums and it’s constantly mentioned here in the reviews. It’s kind of surprising to be honest, because previous LKA game (‘Town of Light’) worked like a charm and I had no technical issues with it whatsoever. Obviously I know every game is different, but I just didn’t expect that ‘Martha is Dead’ could be THAT messed up technically.
          Apart from that I can complain about literally two little things.
          First – sometimes during the exploration ambient music just stops and restarts only after saving and reloading the game. Not a big deal, but still an issue.
          Second – backtracking is a little bit annoying sometimes. Developers seem to be aware of it, because there’s a bike available in the game, but because of the technical problems I described earlier it becomes completely useless, mostly due to the sudden camera jumps as they make it impossible to drive straight even just a few meters.

          To sum up this review – ‘Martha is Dead’ is really a great game. Dark, thought-provoking, incredibly intriguing and sometimes simply fascinating. And yes, it’s a mess on the technical side, but in my opinion the story makes up for everything. Give it a shot, I’m pretty sure you won’t regret it.
          TL;DR? Here's the short version.
          + Fascinating story with many unexpected twists
          + Creepy and disturbing atmosphere
          + Graphics are absolutely stunning
          + Beautiful soundtrack and really good solid voice acting
          + Manual saving system (and there's also autosaving feature)
          - Constant stuttering and framedrops
          - Random freezing and crashes
          - Backtracking can be kind of annoying
          It's a great game with a lot of technical problems, but the story IMHO makes up for everything. Is it worth giving a shot? Totally.

          Время в игре: 696 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 29.09.2024 05:17
          0 0

          This game had me hooked from the start. The story was deeper than I expected and well done!

          Время в игре: 730 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 23.09.2024 00:57
          0 0

          It's been a while since I've played a game that's really made me have to sit back and think about what I just experienced. This game, however, did just that. There were times where some things went a bit too far and some scenes were drawn out a little too long for my liking, but the story was amazing. This truly was an amazing experience.

          Время в игре: 470 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 19.09.2024 16:25
          0 0

          I was enjoying the game for 50 minutes and then it crashed. It keeps crashing the same place. I tried un-installing and re-installing but nothing works. I was enjoying the game up until that point but unfortunately I won't get to finish it because of this issue.

          Время в игре: 68 ч. Куплено в Steam

          Дополнительная информация

          Разработчик LKA
          Платформы Windows
          Ограничение возраста Нет
          Дата релиза 09.03.2025
          Metacritic 73
          Отзывы пользователей 76% положительных (916)

          Отзывы пользователей

          693 положительных и 223 отрицательных отзывов
          Обновлено: 28.02.2025 05:10


          Indie Adventure


          Single-player Steam Achievements Full controller support Steam Trading Cards Steam Cloud Family Sharing