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Разработчик: Blackjard Softworks

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Defend your ship and fight pirates in Virtual Reality with the HTC VIVE!

In V ARRR you try to hunt down the biggest ship of all. On this dangerous journey you need to defend your ship, each time you set sail it gets harder to defend. Build a defense with objects around your ship and try to hold back the pirates that try to capture your ship. Pirates will shoot, swing ropes from one ship to yours and are not forgiving at all.

Your sole purpose in this game is to defend your ship, shoot guns and beat difficult fights. Your Ship sails for you. (You can't sail your ship or free roam).

To complete every travel sequence and win the final fight can be seen as a very hard challenge. V ARRR is a difficult and rewarding game, Beating this game asks training and skill.

When you actually beat the game, you are allowed to participate in the 100 pirate war. This mode saves your best score and can be played to compete with friends taking turns who gets the highest pirate kill count. And with maximum effort you can actually win the 100 pirate war. The hardest challenge of all.

Upgrade skills and weapons to get a edge in combat, and unlock rare upgrades by fishing up rare chests.

Good luck on your pirate journey!

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • OS *: Windows 7 or higher (Can work on older systems)
  • Processor: (Should run fine on minimum VR hardware)
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 290
  • Storage: 600 MB available space
  • Sound Card: AMD High definition Audio Device
  • VR Support: SteamVR. Standing or Room Scale
  • Additional Notes: Quality settings can be adjusted from high to very low to reach a decent framerate for your pc.
  • OS *: Windows 7, 8 and 10
  • Processor: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 390
  • Storage: 600 MB available space
  • Sound Card: AMD High definition Audio Device
  • Additional Notes: My personal settings. Can handle the highest quality level ingame.

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 15.02.2023 22:28
0 0

Played for one session and happily uninstalled after - its a good little game to play once or twice for the 69p I paid for it.

Время в игре: 19 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.06.2022 23:40
0 0

It's alright and quite buggy. I beat the game under 45 minutes first try and I was only excited for five. Spend the money on a better pirate, FPS, VR game.

Время в игре: 28 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.12.2021 23:42
0 0

Reasons why I can't recommend this.

1. Spends WAY too much time fading to black loading instead of just offering an on-ship store between waves.

2. Controls suck. Using Vive wands and just, throwing feels off. The need to hold up on the trackpad AND pull the trigger to pick up stuff sucks.

3. Spends way too much time after each wave of doing...well...not sure what it's doing...just sailing along WAITING WAY TOO LONG to take you to the black screen, where you wait more, where you level up if you choose. The after-wave should be WAY faster to move on and again, you should be able to level up then and there instead of having to do: FINISH WAVE, FADE TO BLACK, GRAB ROPE TO JUMP TO RAFT (also a bit disorienting), PURCHASE ITEM, GRAB ROPE TO JUMP BACK TO SHIP, GRAB ANCHOR TO START, WAIT FOR IT TO REGISTER, FADE TO BLACK, LOAD, START NEXT WAVE. Just seriously guys, it could be fun but way too much WASTED TIME!!

For real, it's a moderately fun game ruined by poor design decisions. It would be way better if the time spent standing and waiting were cut by 90% AND if you weren't pulled out of the game so much to black loading screens. I'd prefer to just stay on the ship and have the buy screen materialize in front of me. If those things were changed, I'd definitely recommend this, but since they aren't...and likely never will be...just skip it. There is fun to be had, but not enough considering how much waiting and staring at blank screens there are in between.

Время в игре: 30 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 01.09.2018 22:25
1 0

Sorry, can't recomend. Supported the dev by purchasing at around $20. Alot of what was promised never materialized and the dev moved on to other (sucessful) VR titles dropping this and the price to $1.00 for awhile. His other titles may be good but I'll never know as I won't suppoprt this dev again.

If you got this one sale for a dollar then definately worth that in it's current state. The devs others games have decent multiplayer, etc (from reviews I read) so he has honed the technical chops to update this. maybe even add oculus support, etc. and charge more?

There's a real lack of good VR pirate games on the market and this had some real potential. Sadly this is it and won't receive any updates :(

Время в игре: 60 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 10.10.2017 02:29
1 0

Gave this a go. The game is meh, but has some challenge. What I hate is the end of round music. Please let me at the person who made it long and mandatory.

It is a wave shooter. There is no sailing or strategy. Kill first or get killed. If you get killed, your punishment will be repeating the previous level you passed. Annoying as frig.

Время в игре: 85 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.09.2017 08:09
3 0

As other have stated, this game does work on Oculus Rift with Touch Controllers. If you can't get past the tutorial, just remember to press down on your thumbsticks whilst pressing the grab button to reload. Press A or B (or X or Y) to bring up the rifle. You have to bring your hands together to reload the rifle, it's very wonky so you may want to press grab too while you do that. Trigger is the fire button. To grab the barrels, you just press the grab button while clicking down on your joystick then swing and let go. Using the focus ability I think is just pressing down by itself or grab. To set stail you have to put your hand on the sail and then press down on the joystick and then just physically take your arms down. To get to the shop I believe you simply press the trigger button when you don't have a gun.

Anyways, yeah the controls are wonky for the Oculus Rift but this game is fun. It's like a wave shooter on the high seas, defending your ship against invading pirates with quick aim and by dodging. I don't think it's worth $9.99, but I definitely recommend it at a 50% sale or higher (I think I paid .99 cents if I recall correctly).

Rate 6/10 buy on sale Arrghhh like a true pirate, never pay full price

Время в игре: 21 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 02.12.2016 17:46
2 0

I tried to get into this but everything is so tedious in this game. Having the hold down a button to select is not a good UX.

I was excited for the sea battles but turns out you just shoot a couple guys on a boat and thats it. I really wanted to get into this game but sadly I can't recommend it at this point. Maybe if there is a big gameplay/content update I will try again

Время в игре: 17 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.11.2016 17:16
7 0

"The content since release is almost doubled and it was cool to work on the game even after release. I would love to create even more content for V ARRR but since I have to pay my bills that is not possible for me to do.

I hope you understand, I need to create new things to make a living :)
Thanks for playing,

Thomas - Blackjard Softworks"

I can not recommend this game for anyone to buy. Mostly due to the above comment from the developer, and the too high price tag for the content that is available.

Время в игре: 12 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.07.2016 19:07
6 1

I often view Vive games in order of "User Reviews" and I must say that this one deserves a higher spot. While the visuals leave much to be desired, the game does a lot to distinguish itself from the other "wave shooters". You can upgrade everything (guns, boat, abilities), you can create cover for yourself and there are different modes to enjoy. Give this one a try! It's one of the deeper shooters on the Vive right now.

Время в игре: 24 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.07.2016 14:59
2 0

Extremely good fun. Fast paces gameplay that gets you moving, ducking, and dodging for your life. The Bullet time slowdown when enemy bullets get close is an extremely great mechanic. The hits do land pretty close to your "face" which can be jarring at first. Overall a great game and an interesting twist on a "wave" shooter. I would love if this game went multiplayer so I could be a pirate with my friends!

Время в игре: 98 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.06.2016 05:44
3 0

Absolutely awesome so far! So far this has brought a refreshing look at the wave type shooter. It has a lot of the fun of Assassins Creed-Black Flag with none of the annoying stealth game play. The cartoony graphics dont seem to detract from the fun and I worked up a little bit of a elevated heart rate dodging and shooting back at the neerdowells that stood in between me and my treasure.

About the only thing I didn't like was the rifle mechanic had a reload that I couldn't get to function half of the time. The pistol reload was solid though and I can see myself playing quite a bit more even with just the content they have so far.

Время в игре: 54 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.06.2016 03:31
4 0

I actually really REALLY enjoy this game. It feels like being inside Zelda Windwaker. The lite rpg elements are a welcome addition to the "gallery shooter" concept that many devs are tapping for the Vive right now. You can upgrade things like your health, reaction time (eseentially slowing time right before your hit with a bullet so you can dodge), your weapons and your ship. After beating the game on easy I wish there was a way to farm more treasure, which can only be done currently by completing missions. On your second play through the difficulty is cranked up and upgrades become more expensive which makes for a drastic difficulty change. As a result your unable to progress if you've upgraded the wrong way. I am looking forward to the planned updates and really wish there was a way to travel around and focus on maxing out all of my gear and abilities. I personally am fine with the $14.99 price that I paid, not sure that it's worth $20 as the content is currently light. But that content is addictive and fun within a wonderful atmosphere. Cheers!

EDIT: not sure why steam labeled me as receiving this for free, I purchased it for $14.99 but whatever I don't know how to change that.

Время в игре: 86 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
Не рекомендую 11.06.2016 22:03
41 1

Not worth $15. It s a good game but its not a $15 game. I enjoyed it and I like the idea behind the game. But it is very hard to look at... the visuals are SNES in VR. The enimies are not animated. Not a lot of effort went into making this game for me to recommend spending more than $5 on it. Usually I support VR games even if its not that great but I am not supporting this one for $15. I will be asking steam for a refund.

Время в игре: 25 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.06.2016 21:35
11 0

So far this looks like an Early Access title, but released as a full game. I gave it two chances today (relatively short, looking at my play time), however at the end of the day I decided to get a refund.

There are games which look bad, but make this up with gameplay. Here, unfortunately, it was not the case for me. Mediocre models, bad animations, really not much fun. Not to mention, some of the options in game look like some debugging-era leftovers, which were never changed into something more user-friendly (switching graphical settings with +/-? seriously? I have to take off my headset to switch graphical options in the game?). I tried to force myself and play the game further, but couldn't. This game needs lots of polish before being worth 15 EUR (not to mention, without the discount it is worth 20 EUR).

The concept is kinda cool, the execution is bad. The game feels incomplete and looks like it was quickly done to catch up with new VR market. Maybe I'll go back to it if developers decide to update and evolve it into a better product. In my opinion, right now it is not worth the money.

Although I must admit, reload mechainc on the Rifle was kinda cool.

Время в игре: 16 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.06.2016 12:53
8 0

Only played an hour at the time of this review but having real fun. The gun mechanics are pretty solid. The shotgun is acurate if you aim down the site. Pistols are great with a spin over reload. Good upgrades to weapons and aids.
For me i think for the price this is well worth it. Especially as there are good updates coming as well.
Its one of thoses games which is fun especially if you like the pirate theme

Время в игре: 180 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.06.2016 07:58
27 3

I found this game to be somewhat refreshing. We've been getting lots of "defense" type games, but V ARRR changes it up a bit (pirates instead of zombies?). While the animations are a little clunky and the gameplay is still in need of a bit of polish, I still found it pretty okay (and exhausting!). I do hope some sort of co-op/multiplayer gets implemented! ...and swords!

BUT... Can I recommend it at $14.99, as it is?
Eh, not really... I probably would for around half of that.

Check out some gameplay here:

Время в игре: 6 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.06.2016 21:21
5 3

Ahoy Me harties!

Firstly - V ARRR is actually quite a fun game and as close as your going to get currently to actually being a pirate - go check it out guys.

As an early release with lots of room to improve, i'd reccomend it!

It's basically a wave based game, where you defend your ship against other pirates - gets a lot harder, i got to day 10 and died. In between each wave you get a chance to buy upgrades to your weapons and ship but to get there, you have to look down at your feet where you will see some rope and some text which states "Jump to Shop" - however, this doesn't mean to actually jump, as i did - repeatadly - thinking that the game is broken as it's not porting me when i'm jumping. It simply means you need to bend down and grab the rope to jump the shop. I'm 16 stone in weight and was jumping up and down whilst my fiancee was laughing insanely at me.

Время в игре: 45 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.06.2016 17:07
28 0

This is a pretty fun game so far,

I just beat the Easy mode, which is 12 'days'. Each day, you fight a stronger enemy pirate ship. You have a rifle, which you aim with two hands, and a brace of pistols, with one shot each. At the start, you can only take a single hit, and use a power called Focus (basically, bullet time) with a long cooldown. You also have crates you can move around, hide behind, and throw, as well as explosive barrels and other things eventually.

After each day's battle, you are rewarded with gold and possibly an ability. You can take the gold to the Shop, and buy upgrades for you and your equipment (buy a better ship with more on it, upgrade weapons, or how many hits you can take, etc)

These are definitely important because the health of the enemies and amounts that show up each day increases, and the pirate that took 1 shot to kill a few days ago, might take 3 without upgrading your weapons.

After you beat easy mode, you unlock Hard Mode and the 100 Pirate War, which is a gauntlet that saves your highest score.

Время в игре: 35 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.06.2016 14:24
28 4

Pretty good actually. I can finally live out my fantasy and fight pirates and sail the seas. all in VVV RRRRRRRRG MATEY! now is it worth 14.99? well probably not... and certainly not 20 bucks...but I guess that depends on how bad you want to pwn pirates..:-) keep it up devs!

Время в игре: 70 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.06.2016 13:07
1 0

Weapon handling is good, aiming works as on a real gun. The game is fun and casual. Your room should be at least 3x3m to have space for cover and movement. Do not expect any kind of story in this one, its really just about shooting around with some pistols.

Время в игре: 24 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Blackjard Softworks
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 65% положительных (65)

Отзывы пользователей

42 положительных и 23 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 28.02.2025 07:07


Action Indie Adventure Simulation


Single-player Tracked Controller Support VR Only Family Sharing