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Разработчик: DONTNOD Entertainment

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Лондон, 1918. Вас зовут Джонатан Рид, и вы недавно стали вампиром. Будучи доктором, вы должны найти лекарство от страшной эпидемии. А будучи вампиром, вы вынуждены кормиться теми, кого вы поклялись лечить.

Справитесь ли вы с монстром внутри себя? Вам предстоит выжить в борьбе с охотниками на вампиров, жуткими скалями и другими сверхъестественными существами. Используйте свои темные способности, манипулируйте людьми и вмешивайтесь в их дела, чтобы решить, кто станет вашей следующей жертвой. Вам придется жить с последствиями своих действий... которые спасут или обрекут Лондон.

БУДЬТЕ ВАМПИРОМ[/b] – сражайтесь и используйте сверхспособности.

ПЕЙТЕ КРОВЬ, ЧТОБЫ ВЫЖИТЬ[/b] – станьте спасителем и сталкером.

ОКАЗЫВАЙТЕ ВЛИЯНИЕ НА ЛОНДОН[/b] – городские жители будут реагировать на ваши решения.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, russian, polish, italian, simplified chinese

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
  • Процессор: Intel Core i3-2130 (3.4 GHz)/AMD FX-4100 (3.6 GHz)
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 2 GB, GeForce GTX 1050 (Legacy GPU: GeForce GTX 660) / Radeon R7 370
  • Место на диске: 20 GB
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
  • Процессор: Intel Core i7-3930K (3.2 GHz)/AMD Ryzen 5 1600 (3.2 GHz)
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 4 GB, GeForce GeForce GTX 970 / GTX 1060 / Radeon R9 390
  • Место на диске: 20 GB





          Отзывы пользователей

          Рекомендую 08.02.2025 20:45
          1 0

          This is probably the best in-game story I've experienced thus far, and I've played games such as Baldur's Gate series, Witcher, VotM Bloodlines, etc. I cannot believe I'm saying this.

          If you are a fan of Bloodlines, this is a must buy, w.e. the price is at the moment you are pondering to buy the game. All the ingredients that made that game are present in this one, too, adapted to the time and place of the story, and improved exponentially. A worthy successor.
          If you are a Bloodborne fan, you'll also love it. I recommend playing the game on Hard in this case, and go for the 'Not even once' achievement. This will exponentially increase the difficulty of the game.
          Music, Animations, Cinematics, Story, Sound: this game has it all and it aimed for the highest quality.

          The team that created this game are absolutely phenomenal! Bravo!

          Ps: Game is extremely well optimized. Yes, it has some glitches here and there, but they are rare: ex. if you look at mobs that are too far they may appear T posing, and during some boss fights if you kill em during an animation. Nothing too drastic, and considering the size of the team when they made the game, it is absolutely acceptable.

          Время в игре: 3017 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 08.02.2025 12:59
          2 0

          One of the best vampire games, and a great combination of deep lore, a slowly unfolding world, and lots of intriguing characters, combined with good gameplay.

          Время в игре: 3220 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.02.2025 21:40
          19 1

          The vampire had to resist the temptation of bloodlust and feeding on NPCs, and I had to resist the temptation to gain exp from them.

          Время в игре: 698 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 05.02.2025 14:34
          0 0

          SLOW gameplay, worst hack n slash I've played since ps1, annoyingly difficult on hard mode (and I can't change it, nor have the patience to start a new save in this SLOW and counter-intuitive game). Honestly, graphics are good and the plot is kinda ok but the main character is boring and it's all about gossip. I feel like I'm playing Bridgeton with a battle-mode developed by the devs of thor god of thunder.

          Время в игре: 523 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 04.02.2025 09:31
          0 0

          The skeleton of a good game is here. The combat mechanics is actually fine by me. There are characters and factions that game never really uses more than once in the story.
          Endings are just disappointing. Like you would think doing an Evil or Pacifist run would give you extra boss or something to come over. The love story is trash and comes out of nowhere.
          Great potential but wasted.

          Время в игре: 1259 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 03.02.2025 00:31
          1 0

          The setting is great, as is the voice acting, and the story. Too bad you have to put up with terrible game design and endless grinding to see it.

          TIP: If you choose to slog through the game hold down the O and P keys in level up menu. Its an infinite XP cheat the devs left in the game. If you choose to play, this is the way. Grinding for levels to progress the story is that bad.

          Время в игре: 938 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 31.01.2025 04:32
          2 0

          Fantastic premise, decent enough combat, definitely lacks some polish and honestly it could've been longer - but this is a fantastic game if you can snatch it while it is on sale. Highly recommend.

          Время в игре: 1832 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 30.01.2025 05:40
          2 0

          This was a really fun game. You just need to know what you are getting. It's 60% story and 40% action. It looks great and I was never bored. It's not perfect. There are some issues with the camera during combat sometimes but its not that bad. Also fast travel would have been a nice addition, but really the city isn't that big and its very doable. The game is about 30 hours playing time. I had a blast.

          Время в игре: 1865 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 30.01.2025 03:08
          1 0

          Amazing game despite having one of the worst combats i experienced in gaming

          Время в игре: 2156 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.01.2025 13:52
          1 0

          I'm really enjoying this game! I remember a PC vampire game from the 90's (unfortunately, I can't remember the name) and have thought that if they remade it, it would be really fun to play. This is not a remastered version of that game, but it certainly reminds me of it! My only complaint at this point is that I cannot use an Xbox controller and must use the mouse and keyboard. I find myself having to look down to make sure I'm hitting the right keys.
          I am not a "gamer" (in that I don't take gaming too seriously and just play for fun when I have free time.) It's fun to play without having to learn intricate controls and details to get the full experience. I would recommend.

          Время в игре: 28 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.01.2025 21:55
          0 0

          So far a good game. Mood is dark and you feel like a vampyre and the fighting feels good also.

          Время в игре: 121 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.01.2025 20:40
          0 0

          Great game.
          Lots of story. Lots of action.
          Want to slay vampires? This is your game.
          Want to be a vampire? This is your game.
          Choose your own adventure? Sort of.

          Время в игре: 535 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.01.2025 18:26
          1 0

          in short: enjoyed this game. it was fun, I blasted through the entire story doing a no kill run in one sitting.

          that said, there are some issues (spoilers)

          - in some combat scenes, it is made nearly impossible to effectively fight enemies due to the camera bugging out / not working properly in the space. same with the lock on system- the first fight with the sewer beast being a great example of the lock on issues. i ended up not using it at all, and it was easier than having the lock on swap over to a skal in the other room

          - dialogue isnt super super smooth nor does it make a ton of sense in some cases. youll get a lot of repeated phrases, and some characters just react in a way that would not make sense. theres even cases where i thought the main protag was being unreasonable in some things, but that might be by design. it just doesnt make sense to me

          - the romance with ashbury is forced and makes little sense. you go from 'my friend' to 'my love' with what seems very little build up, and interaction between the two. it felt extremely forced and while i got used to it, it was definitely noticeable.

          otherwise i enjoyed the game. neat lil rpg for 10 bucks, cant be mad.

          Время в игре: 753 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.01.2025 13:08
          1 0

          I love the setting, atmosphere and vampire storyline, and the boss fights are really cool too. But the gameplay is too tedious for me. Traversing the map is confusing and regular combat gets pretty tedious quickly. Also you'll be talking to npc's most of the time they will not shut up.

          Could be really good but it fails some area's (succeeds in others tho).

          Время в игре: 112 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.01.2025 09:11
          0 0

          First 2 hours were very cinematic/narrative, and hooks you immediately with intrigue. Then it devolves into tedium fast.

          Guns and two-handed weapons are useless, especially when stun weapons like the stake are downright necessary for biting (otherwise all you can do is craft really expensive blood serums that have limited carry).

          Unlike an actual vampire, or an "Ekon" I guess, my time in this mortal coil is limited and I'd rather not spend it playing Vampyr.

          Время в игре: 405 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.01.2025 02:14
          3 0

          I really wanted to like this game and tried my hardest to continue it however theres just too many issues and questionable game design that makes this game feel poorly made and a bad game experience.
          The combat is terrible. The third person player controller is chunky with camera issues that make it feel like a fixed camera angle at times. When you get jumped on by those freaks its cause the camera to freak out so you cant see whats actually going on. This combined with the painful combat and game design that punishes players for exploring makes it no fun.
          The aesthetics and voice acting of this game is great pity the rest is terrible.

          Время в игре: 438 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.01.2025 02:05
          1 0

          I don't know what to say about this game.

          Get AMAZING Pathologic 1and2 vibes, and the story and ambience are amazing. Limited resources and currency so scavenging becomes a must, deciding to feed is an AMAZING plotline AND game mech that increases difficulty no matter what built in different ways, cool. BUT if you don't plan your build and get good weapons, every sleep makes the situations more dire and you are QUICKLY facing impossible odds against you PLUS they are 3 or 4 levels higher.

          Combat is both dogshit but also something you can figure out?!? But seriously the lock on system that switches rather than allows you to pan around said locked charatcer AND all your dodges focus around them as the epicenter of your circle! Back up or dash too weirdly and you get backed into corners and cant anticipate the battlefields and the obstacles therein.

          I'm stuck with it though and will play on as far as I can take it, but honestly Can't recommend as it just doesn't quite have its identity or control scheme locked in. I actually enjoy wandering and having the soundtrack going, very goth and lovecraftian setting. The fear of enemies is REAL and I suppose you can grind but again time is against you and leveling too often can advance past questlines.

          Combat is Arkham Witcher Shadow of War but WITHOUT any chaining abilities or finishers. Just pop an ability, you have like 30 but they all cost the finite amount of blood or stamina you have. But it's also dark souls in needing to parry but you're being jumped on by 3 vamps and they can leap 4 meters and clip through friendlies to grab you

          and you switched your lockon target accidentally so now your clever dodge lands you RIGHT INTO THEIR LEAP!!!

          So, yeah, would be amazing to have mods or devs look at this again and maybe it'd be more fun than infuriating.

          Время в игре: 331 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.01.2025 01:38
          0 0

          The writing in particular the dialogue is so bad it is laughable, a lot of the times not even making sense and with the game just forcing the right ending with no reasoning as to why it got there. Ads are super repetitive after about 2 hours into the game new enemies don't get added and the game just starts ramping up ad health pools and spawn frequency with the only nuance being an area of effect that enemies get near the end that has no cure nor armor to prevent. Boss fights are good but the game feels less than half done not to mention if one of your requirements is good graphics for a game this isn't it. Had so much potential but lack of variety and no fast travel as well as a rather terrible story make this game not worth it

          Время в игре: 659 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 25.01.2025 10:09
          10 0

          I really wanted to like Vampyr, but unfortunately, I can't. Visually, the game is stunning – it has an incredible atmosphere, fantastic voice acting, and an intriguing story. However, all of this is overshadowed by the disappointing gameplay. The main issues for me are the combat system and the semi-open world – I expected something entirely different.

          For me, it's a pass.

          Время в игре: 150 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 25.01.2025 09:45
          6 0

          It had a lot of potential, but it feels underdeveloped. The setting is interesting, but the world feels linear and empty. The gameplay is weak, and while the idea was great, the execution doesn’t live up to it. The story and main character also lack depth, leaving the overall experience unimpressive.

          Время в игре: 564 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 25.01.2025 04:36
          6 0

          This is a brilliant and frustrating game. It is richly literary, pulling from history, mythology, folklore, Gothic fiction, vampire stories, and so on--but the dialogue, of which there is a lot, is often stilted and oddly phrased, while the books sometimes have phrasing and word choices that appear to be simply incorrect, diluting meaning. It is brooding and melancholy, but it can also be tedious. It is richly cloaked in dark colors and grimy textures, and the voice acting is often quite good, but the characters you spend so much time interacting with in close-up have rigid faces with minimal emotional expression, and a lot of the alleys and sewers of London look very samey before long. It has one of the richest, most interesting uses of choice to not just affect narrative but the actual mechanics of the game; playing a good and pure character makes things better for the people but harder for yourself, as you stay a weaker young vampire. There is a real sense of temptation to give in to blood lust and gain power; at the same time, the game is not all that difficult to beat with appropriate skill investments and weapon upgrades, even on a victim-free run on hard difficulty. And the insistence that you have remained pure, if you pursue that path, feels somewhat hollow since Jonathan can claim that he has not killed anyone after his sister, yet he must kill heaps and heaps of vampire hunters and immortals to get to the end. Lastly, what your choice actually entails is not always clear from the options, and the consequences of those choices can be frustratingly unexpected, with only a single autosave file available for a given narrative arc through the game; to have us commit to our choices like this, it would have been nice if the game telegraphed more what those choices would mean--but at the same time, nothing could better put you in the shoes of a confused, out-of-sorts young vampire struggling to get a grasp on his new role in the world, in a time of dramatic upheaval.

          Vampyr is a game that makes me think a lot about the good and the bad in it. Vampyr has a lot it wants to say, and it doesn't always say it well, but it says enough to allow the audience to form their own conclusions. It's an effective, messy story clearly made by passionate creators. It's not a perfect game, but it is a game worthy of attention.

          Время в игре: 6166 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 24.01.2025 15:15
          11 0

          this game could have been great but its got a lot of small things that could be improved. also long loading times and losing to a boss and not getting back the bullets and potions is really fuckign annoying. traversing is tedious, especially since theres no teleportation in the game

          Время в игре: 1499 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 23.01.2025 16:45
          1 0

          Never played a game like this. Looks good so far. Combat system a bit strange, it takes time to get use to it. Overall it is a good game

          Время в игре: 626 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 22.01.2025 04:46
          0 0

          The game has a very well written and elaborate story. Besides the plot, what caught my eye was the unique atmosphere of a dark early 20th century London as well as the option to guide your story with actions that have real impact in the end. The map does look like a maze and at some point you have to memorize it a little. Overall 9.5/10 and I wished there'd be a sequel

          Время в игре: 1948 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 21.01.2025 22:22
          1 0

          Initially this game looked very appealing to me, a dark open world RPG about vampires with very nice graphics and visual style. Right up my alley!
          However it didn't take long for my excitement to turn into disappointment and frustration. While the game's core premise is great, the execution is pretty damn bad.

          Incredibly clumsy and frustrating combat, a map that is basically a maze that is a pain to navigate, no fast travel to mitigate that at least a bit.

          But the worst thing to me is the writing, a lot of it is very amateurish and feels like it was written by a high schooler as a weekend assignment. There's way too many forced and immersion breaking moments, not to mention characters whose behavior and motivation makes zero sense in the story's context.

          I really wanted to like this game, but there's just too much wrong with it.

          Время в игре: 2257 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 20.01.2025 10:17
          8 1

          This is one of those games you really deeply wanted to enjoy and recommend but can't.

          The story is fantastic and the gameplay seems promising at the start. And then the tedium comes in. No fast travel. Fetch Quests. XP grind if you're doing the good ending. The combat is wonky with the dumb camera. The parry system is kinda crap. As it seems with the Dont Nod games, this game is 60 percent story and 40 percent gameplay but it feels like they gave 90 percent of their attention to the story and 10 percent to the gameplay.

          Great story & setting. Not so great gameplay.

          Время в игре: 1631 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 19.01.2025 07:16
          9 1

          The combat in this game is horrendous, the maze like map is horrendous, the quests are uninteresting and unrewarding, Even the story, when I'm approaching a choice in the game and I have 3 options, kill the person, get them to quit, or make them forget the blackmail. If you choose the 3rd option she becomes a vegetable with her full memory wiped and then the whole district gets overrun. What? Its also barely a choice since no option lets you side with her, and that may be a nit pick but whatever. The one good thing about the game is the concept.

          The execution on the other hand, is so poor, and I'm at my wits end with frustration so maybe I'm being overly critical, but I had started this game years ago played for 10 hours forgot about it, remembered it, decided to give it a fair chance I honestly wish I didn't. Bottom line, its just not fun to play. Its a grind, and not a fun grind. It's just not fun, Get the patch installed for vampire masquerade bloodlines. Play that instead. There is nothing I enjoyed about this game, I don't like to quit games, I try to beat most of what I play, but I can't with this one anymore it is literally sucking the life out of me.

          Время в игре: 2184 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 18.01.2025 10:13
          0 0

          I see a lot of dislike for this game online and while some complaints are valid i think most are missing the point of this game. I dont believe it will be for everyone. That being said, this is a beautiful Noir RPG about Vampires that hits all the great marks of a proper storytelling game. A splendid story and conclusion that really lets your choices make a significant difference to the gameplay. Much like the dishonored series the Chaotic to Pacifist variance to this game is done very well even if the Medicine delivery aspect of this game is a bit tedious.

          I did have a few crashes during the game. The autosave system is good so i never felt really bothered by crashes. I never lost any progress bc the crashes all stem from UI errors or menu navigation.

          Many have complained that the fact so many Citizens in the game are up at night makes no sense and true it does feel a bit awkward at times. Vampyr does an especially good job and commenting on the nature of being nocturnal in very tasteful ways. Never did the game commenting on it being so "late at night" feel out of place and it added to the immersion of the experience.

          The combat was another complaint that ive read. Ive seen it described as "souls like" which i feel is incorrect. Its much closer to the Ezio trilogy of assassins creed and Dishonored. In fact id call it a perfect mix of the two. This game does have some souls like qualities but thats typically just the difficulty of the one on one boss fights. That felt like a souls experience but the main flow of the game did not.

          The RPG aspect of this game is slightly lacking in the combat department. It feels like it fits the game very well but to be honest i only enjoyed about half of the abilities. I opted to stun and bite 97% of all enemies and built around making that my strongest abilities. it could have used a bit more razzle dazzle but i can see the studio opted for more depth in the storytelling experience rather than the combat experience. Fine by me, as the story was very engaging

          Bloodborne continues to be my favorite game of all time and i would put Vampyr right beside it. A Noir Vampyr game is something i love to see done correctly. I did not go into this game optimistically but was very quickly surprised and in love with the game. It was the scene where you first meet Dr. Swansea. I think it was flawless and truly no other cutscene in the game lived up to the standard. That is not an insult to the rest of the story, as the 3 conclusions that i know of for the game are all intriguing and fitting.

          Overall i rate Vampyr 9/10 strongly biased toward liking the concept before playing it. If Vampire Noir suits you then give it a try. It did not disappoint.

          Время в игре: 3401 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 15.01.2025 03:57
          5 0

          Super rich plot, story, and truly is one of the best embodiments of being a vampire. The game is extremely well made and it's such a shame there isnt a Vampyr 2, I hope someday it will come out!

          Время в игре: 2878 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 13.01.2025 15:14
          0 0

          It's imperfect but pretty good. Kind of a less obtuse but ultimately less good pathologic

          Время в игре: 680 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 13.01.2025 00:22
          3 0

          i've played this like 6 times on console, and it needs a sequel severely. jonathan reid's voice is like the best asmr video ever

          Время в игре: 267 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 11.01.2025 13:53
          0 0

          I really enjoyed it. The story, the atmosphere, the music and gameplay.

          Only downside was the ending. That could've been done better. Also, how your gameplay affects it. You're aren't allowed to kill anyone (not even the bad guys) to get the best ending. That's a bit disappointing. Ravaging the baddies in purifying self-righteousness hence is a no go. Too bad.

          Other than that it's a nicely made game.

          Время в игре: 2563 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 11.01.2025 07:18
          0 0

          Good game with interesting story. Very good voice acting. There are a few niggly bits that might make you a little crazy. There can be delay in button presses and the game but these can be overcome. There are a few shoehorned interactions that just feel... odd. But over all I'm very much loving the game.

          Время в игре: 2066 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 08.01.2025 01:48
          0 0

          Such rich story and innovative gameplay.

          Время в игре: 1421 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 07.01.2025 09:49
          0 0

          A good game marred by design mistakes.
          Alt+F4 if you don't want to commit to a dialogue. Auto-Save usually occurs when you walk through a door.

          Story & Lore are okay (6-7) but cut short when they got good.
          Dialogue is great but weighed down by the hint system imo (8).
          Combat is fun (7-8), other gameplay systems not so much (3).
          Style & Visuals are good by my standards. Sound / Atmosphere were also good.
          Overall solid 6/10.

          Seems like devs wanted every run to be different, but went about that in prohibitive and annoying ways.

          Main gameplay gripe with thematic spoilers:
          Damage dealt/taken is heavily affected by your level relative to the enemy's level. Used more intentionally, this would be fine; It's probably supposed to make you feel the sacrifice of refusing to drink. But in my opinion, all this actually does is punish you for investing points in what you want.
          You gain one level for each point investment, but some things cost 250-1000 while more interesting options cost several thousand. If you're fasting the whole game, things will randomly destroy you because of this, and I don't think it's even intended. Conversely, if/when you decide to feast, all difficulty will be gone.

          Время в игре: 3690 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 07.01.2025 00:37
          0 0

          Vampyr is one of my favorite games on the steam store right now because of how original the concept is and its environment. Set in 1918 London, you play as the world's predominant blood transfusion specialist who also happens to become a vampire (lmao) working to bring an end to both the outbreak of Influenza and a much more mysterious Vampire epidemic.

          What makes Vampyr special is its unique morality&leveling system, which forces you to constantly grapple with the the temptation to feed on the citizens of London (both as story-driving points and in the open world), each of whom has their own story, relationships, and role in the city's fragile ecosystem. Feeding grants you immense experience points, making combat easier, at the cost of the city's overall health. Choosing to resist your vampiric urges keeps the community stable, but it leaves you weaker, making each decision feel more impactful and personal. To get the most out of "embracing" characters, you have to whip out your detective cap and explore the city, as doing so leads to discoveries that enhance the game's story, context that allows you to make more decisions during major plot points, and (most importantly) experience gained from citizens you choose to feed on.

          The game's atmosphere is equally compelling, immersing you in a dark, foggy, and disease-ridden London. The haunting soundtrack, moody lighting, and detailed environments perfectly capture the bleakness of the time while also adding a supernatural aspect that keeps you on edge. Every alley and shadowy corner feels mysterious, pulling you deeper into the world.

          The combat takes some getting used to, as sometimes the controls can feel janky or unpolished, but these issues are relatively easy to ignore if the game otherwise compels you.

          I'm more than happy to recommend this hidden gem of a game, and wholeheartedly think everyone should keep it in mind when looking for their next purchase.

          Время в игре: 2024 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 04.01.2025 13:59
          1 0

          Great RPG game set in dark and gloomy early 1900s right after WW1.
          London is still dealing with the lack of proper resources, funding of facilities, and as if war injured patients weren't enough, now the doctors (including our main character) have to deal with an outbreak of influenza, slowly evolving bloodthirsty creatures of the night roaming the disheveled streets and alleyways, and their loved ones praying to live through it all...or at least be afforded a proper burial and not end up in a mass grave.

          First of all, the graphics and overall setting and mood of the game are splendid and immersive. The rainy British weather and gameplay happening only during the night only add to the truly unnerving and harsh vibes of the game.
          From wet docks with cargo ships, city streets and passages that haven't changed much since the dark ages with exception of more steel gates and printed warnings about quarantine or colourful army draft posters on every corner, to flooded and mossy sewers and underground tunnels and lastly the rich headquarters housing elites in their own mansions, lit up by the signs of nearby theatres or accompanied by restaurant and shopping venues.

          The game itself is VERY dialogue and NPC interaction heavy and it's those dialogues and actions that affect our progression the most. Discovering detective-like investigations for the citizens and even doing our job as a Good Doctor and curing fellow London inhabitants, to keep up the districts' health and safety meters up.
          ...Or learning more about the people to get more xp from embracing them and speed up our character levelling up at their cost.

          About character progression: The game REALLY prioritizes taking responsibility for your actions and choices, auto-saving often and having permanent follow-ups.
          The major npcs remember and are aware and affected by what you did, especially harshly on a dark "killing spree" route.

          The game purposefully slows down character levelling on a good route so even you, as a player feel compelled or at least VERY TEMPTED to embrace a citizen or two..
          Or all of them. After a few they just come in like Skittles, really.

          It's fully up to you if you choose to go on a high xp and max level bloody embrace streak, watching districts fall into chaos and their streets fill with harder and bigger amounts of enemies and citizens that weren't embraced go missing or die for other reasons...Or you play through the game as a *Good Doctor On A Mission To Fix The World*, and sacrificing your fast progression and nearly endless power, you watch the districts thrive as enemies are lesser and citizens' illnesses less frequent or severe....Good luck fighting the "bigger bads" of the world though.

          There's no fast travel in this game, so wherever you need to go, you'll be forced to deal or at least run past the hostile (or not) "consequences" of your choices.

          About fighting: The combat mechanics are pretty good. Nothing crazy, nothing boring.
          A bunch of melee and ranged weapons and abilities that can be levelled up, altered or modified to your liking and preferred fighting style.
          Enemies have their weaknesses and resistances, attacks that can be dodged or predicted if timed correctly, and bosses have fight "phases" based on the amount of their health.
          Consumables are crafted the same way as remedies for the citizens and used as syringes to boost hp/stamina or replenish blood.
          Blood being a resource for self healing and ability usage, an equivalent of mana of sorts, the tasty kind your stunned enemies are FULL of :3

          You can't really get the best of the best weapons out there on a good playthrough, but since enemies scale around your level (a lot of them will ALWAYS be equal or higher than yours, whether you're lvl 9 or 29, to keep up a consistent challenge.) You won't need them as much, and the ones you find exploring around the world can be levelled up to pretty powerful ones aswell.

          Exploration is also VERY WELL rewarded and valued.
          Whether it's for investigation quests, crafting materials, medicine recipes or finding safehouses to rest in.

          The game events aren't real time limited, and the day only ends and progress, aswell as the consequences, take place only after you rest.
          And resting is the only way you can level up yourself or unlock new abilities, so can't have one without the other.

          Lastly, honorary mention to an AMAZING romanesque castle ruins and a nature setting for the epilogue, reminding me of games like "Plague Tale"...Which also had the same OST Composer!
          The eerie tracks keep the player tense and on edge, or safe and warm depending on the district and area they're in.

          Great game, the ending story-wise was a bit rushed and could've taken an extra quest or two to summarize and wind down better, and the combat is target lock-based which also proved a bit unintuitive or slow to "trigger" during fights with more enemies.
          Those flaws aside, solid 9/10!
          "What is darkness but lurking sun? What is wall but enslaved stone? What is glass but tortured sand? What is song but a call to arms? What is hate but jilted love? What is life but death pending?"- Hardest quote i've ever seen a game start off, i knew it'll be a good one from that line alone.

          Время в игре: 2724 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.01.2025 23:58
          0 0

          The game is very good but was a few years too early i think.
          The concept: The XP system is used on making the "rigorous" choice, or choosing to become stronger and changing the game with HUGE impact. this is balanced pretty good. but honnestly most players will choose to go all good/bad all the way. Which on handside is pretty sad because it is excecuted very good. This game was developed before the soulslike hype, but playing without any benefits really feels like playing a soulsgame.
          The game could be improved by adding a lot more UX info. The weight of the bad/beneficial choices should be a lot more obvous. in the end game i tested a safefile, and from going lvl 26 vs 35, to 50 vs 30, it was an extreme difference. I had some moments that i was tempted to do the bad thing, but if they added a bit more on an empathy choice it might have worked. therefor the game might have been developed a bit before adding good facial expression.

          For its time its great. Even every different skill on gameplay, but due to putting most of its "temptation" on dialog which is skippable since there is a lot of it, it should've needed some UX on what your LVL does to your normal gameplay. If this had a modern version i could've been a really big hit i think.

          minor complain; expept for the bloodyroots achievement, it's fast auto-save, its so easy to scew up and make you miss a very strong passive-weapon in game. the punichment even while doing the pacifist playthrough is so significant, we dont wanna do a full restart for that.

          Время в игре: 1872 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.01.2025 22:09
          0 0

          I didn't expect a game to captivate me that much. Oh boy, Vampyr sure did manage to do that. I didn't expect anything, really, but I was more than bamboozled to be hit with such a scrumptious Storyline and such great characters.
          Sure, the game has its flaws, them either being bugs or unused/dropped story assets, but even with those things in mind, this game easily took its place in my top 10 list.
          Really hope Don't Nod would either remaster it (and perhaps pick up some of the scrapped ideas, which are already partially available in the game anyway) or even make a continuation. It doesn't even have to be with Jonathan or Elisabeth as the protagonist, but perhaps with a new young Ekon.

          Время в игре: 5277 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.01.2025 14:55
          0 0

          I'm having such a fun time with this game playing from the couch with a controller. The atmosphere is perfect, and they got voice acting for every single dialogue line which is kinda crazy, so it feels very immersive. I really love running around shithole London on dark and rainy nights.

          The combat on normal difficulty is surprisingly brutal. Enemies move fast and track extremely well, so you have to be sneaky, smart, and careful (or you can just eat a lot of people and get buff). You can just get absolutely stomped even by lesser mobs.

          In between combat sections it's a lot of dialogue, investigating crimes, snooping around people's private matters, spying on citizens, pilfering their loose change, and being a real hypocritical arsehole to everyone I meet (I ate a patient only last night, who am I to act so righteous?)

          There ARE a few bugs. including some progress blocking ones, which is insane that those haven't been fixed in all the years the game has been out. So far I've managed to get past them all with a bit of googling. Get it on sale for sure!

          Время в игре: 1382 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 31.12.2024 14:45
          0 0

          Was a good game with interesting mechanics. End game was a little let down as the story seemed to build up for a different ending.

          Can recommend for the general story though.

          Время в игре: 2477 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 31.12.2024 08:17
          0 0

          good story
          side quest its okay
          fighting overall its overall but could be better
          skills its pretty cool
          but the i hate the most is how horrible the map is

          Время в игре: 2564 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.12.2024 20:28
          1 0

          Playing as a vampire has never been so fulfilling.
          I liked everything: the dark atmosphere of the city, the plot twists (especially with the Jonathan's sister) and the choices you have to make during the game. Music in this game is especially great.
          The only thing I didn't like is moving around the city (it would be better if we could instantly move from one protagonist's shelter to another).

          Время в игре: 1571 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.12.2024 10:24
          0 0

          You’re a doctor turned a blood-thirsty vampire. How will you save lives now that you have become death?

          If such a gruelling pull between your humanity and monstrosity is what you have been missing from vampire games so far I strongly recommend you grab a copy.
          If you’re a sucker for vampires, story-driven games where your humanity is on the lines, if you’re hungry to sink your teeth in a fleshed out gothic setting *DO* give it a try. Games like this is hard to come by. I don’t think you will regret it.

          There is so much to love about Vampyr. When it comes to story, characters and making your choices matter I believe Vampyr is close to rivalling the likes of the Witcher although in a much smaller scale. Every character matters as they all have a story to tell. Choices can be hard, at times devastating to make, but you always have the option to gather enough intelligence to make an informed choice. The voice acting is for the most part superb, which gives a flavourful depth to the story. The music and the setting sets a nice, grim atmosphere. It's an experience unlike most others in the vampire genre.

          It must be said that this game isn’t perfect. Reading some of the reviews here I was almost discouraged enough not to buy it myself, but after finishing my first run I’m happy I did. If you are on the fence because of the negative reviews, here’s some complaints I see and my own two cents:

          • Combat system and enemies that don’t scale to your level.

            This is by design. Do not buy this game and expect a hack and slash. If you are underlevelled, and you WILL be if you go pacifist, you will need to learn the enemies’ movements and adapt accordingly. Before this scares anyone off: The enemies are never at a Dark Souls level of difficulty. Swarms of enemies are particularly difficult, however. Split them up, use the environment. Or invest in skills that target multiple targets. For reference I did a pacifist run without much difficulty, and I’m by no means a hardcore player. Your main source of XP will be helping citizens and/or eating them. It will be hard at times, but you are supposed to feel tempted by the blood – that is the entire crux of your vampire existence. If this pull between humanity and monstrosity isn’t interesting to you, if you don’t like being challenged a little, you won’t have much fun with Vampyr.
            I also want to say I’m not particularly good at building characters, but I found the levelling system in Vampyr to be intuitive and engaging. You also get a free re-spec so you can explore the different abilities in early game. Try new things, find your combat style and have fun!

          • No fast travel.

            This is so you are forced to fight enemies between areas. Often after completing a main quest the enemies in the area will change to higher levelled ones. This is meant to be frustrating and make you plan out your levelling. During the main-game this was a fun challenge, but whilst doing the side quests it got irritating and repetitive. I recommend talking to all citizens in an area, then do the side-quests in bulk. This way you minimize the amount of back and forth you have to do. That being said I would have loved if fast travel was unlocked, if not only right before the final boss. This way the player is encouraged to explore one last time before being locked out of the main area.

          • [*]Map design.

            Especially frustrating because you can’t fast travel. I often got lost. Sometimes a single door to an area will be open, and no other. You get no pointers on which door to access either, just the final destination. On the flip side this can lead to interesting exploration, but sometimes it won’t. This wasn’t bad enough to scare me away, though. Most times there’s a logic to where the game wants you to go (using main roads, finding the gates close to hideouts, paths being «blocked» off by more than normal high enemy levels etc). If all else fails, there's no shame in looking up walkthroughs, but stay away from main quest spoilers!

          Vampyr is not perfectly polished. Some aspects of gameplay is more frustrating than it should be. But it would be a shame if this was to ruin the things that DO work, that are great and worth experiencing with this game. For me the bad parts did not overshadow the good, and I'm glad I gave it a chance.

          Время в игре: 1903 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.12.2024 05:17
          0 0

          It's ok, the vampire theme with the London 1918 vibe is actually very cool, but I felt like running in circle and I became bored of the dialogues with his unbothered voice.

          Время в игре: 314 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 24.12.2024 17:03
          2 0

          Game is pretty good, the gameplay is pretty inovative but it is plagued by issues:

          - You constantly run into issues where you have to search how to proceed with the sidequest. There are multiple progress breaking bugs that you have to do a little dance to work around.
          - Running around since the game has no fast travel is frustrating.

          This game would be a perfect match for a remaster.

          Время в игре: 570 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 24.12.2024 17:00
          8 0

          I really wanted to enjoy Vampyr, but it ended up being a frustrating experience overall. The map design is one of the worst aspects of the game. It's confusing and unnecessarily convoluted, making navigation a total chore. On top of that, the lack of a fast travel system is absolutely maddening. Having to run back and forth across the map repeatedly, especially with its maze-like layout, quickly drained any fun I might have been having.

          The XP system is another huge letdown. You need XP to level up your skills, but the process feels like a grind. What made it even worse is how you lose all your blood after dying in a boss fight. This means you have to run around farming blood again just to have a chance at beating the boss. It's an exhausting and repetitive cycle that completely kills the flow of the game. Instead of feeling rewarding, leveling up and preparing for fights becomes an annoying chore.

          The one saving grace of the game was its story, which I’ll admit was interesting and kept me engaged to some extent. The narrative had promise, but the gameplay issues overshadowed any potential the plot had to shine.

          In the end, while the story was okay, it wasn’t enough to make up for how frustrating the rest of the game was. I honestly can't recommend Vampyr unless you're extremely patient or willing to overlook the serious flaws in its design.

          Время в игре: 1731 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 23.12.2024 11:32
          0 0

          In the shadowy realm of Vampyr, I found myself enthralled by the macabre beauty of this gothic horror RPG. As I delved deeper into the streets of 1918 London, now plagued by the undead, I discovered a world rich in atmospheric tension and moral complexity. The characters, much like the citizens of our own world, were multifaceted and intriguing, with their own dark secrets and desires. It was as if I was navigating a twisted love story, where the lines between right and wrong blurred in the moonlit fog.

          The game's focus on player choice and consequence allowed me to explore the depths of my own darkness, to indulge in the taboo and the forbidden. It was a liberating experience. If you're ready to immerse yourself in a world of shadows and desire, then Vampyr is the game for you, Just be prepared to confront the darker aspects of your own nature, for it's embracing the unknown that true freedom lies.

          Время в игре: 2114 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 23.12.2024 05:40
          2 0

          i couldn't WAIT to uninstall this game. god this is one of the most frustrating games for 2 main reasons, one self inflicted and one by design.

          first, as brought up before, the lack of guidance via minimap/quest directions/fast travel made me run around the map for hours trying to get things done.

          while this was the biggest time-drain, the worst are these ANNOYING enemies that don't scale to level. to preface, i chose to do a no kill run, and that wasn't an issue since all these bosses are a joke, but THESE NPC ENEMIES in SWARMS in the endgame (SPECIFICALLY MORGUE INSULIN QUEST) had me dying for HOURS. it doesn't help that the combat is clunky and the autolock never works how you want it to.

          im so glad i never have to play this game again, the story wasn't even that good and the romance is such a random blindside addition, it feels out of place.

          Время в игре: 994 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 22.12.2024 20:39
          2 0

          This game is sick, really underrated game. If you want something different and you like Victorian horror vibes (Like Lies Of P environment) You'll like this a ton. Hopefully we get Vampyr 2!

          (Its 200% worth it on sale as well)

          Время в игре: 230 ч. Куплено в Steam

          Дополнительная информация

          Разработчик DONTNOD Entertainment
          Платформы Windows
          Ограничение возраста Нет
          Дата релиза 07.03.2025
          Metacritic 72
          Отзывы пользователей 76% положительных (7900)

          Отзывы пользователей

          6,030 положительных и 1,870 отрицательных отзывов
          Обновлено: 15.02.2025 05:46


          Action RPG


          Single-player Steam Achievements Full controller support Steam Trading Cards Steam Cloud Remote Play on TV Family Sharing