Разработчик: One Wheel Studio
Latest Game from One Wheel Studio!
Deep Space Directive combines tower defense and real-time strategy mechanics in a base-building game about expanding, exploring, building, upgrading, and of course, defending. Add it to your wishlist!
About the Game
Fracture the Flag is not the usual hyper-click-fest of an RTS... Its a slower take on the genre. Lightening fast reflexes won't win the game but well placed buildings and well chosen upgrades just might do the trick! Build your economy, spread your control and then... smash the crud out of you opponent!
Fracture the Flag is a PvP oriented RTS, but has a growing single player set of features. The primary goal is to expand your territory and conquer your opponent's. Do this by planting flags to add to your area of control or taking out an opponents flag and erasing their influence, not to mention their buildings. Some territory is rich in resources other has tactical and strategic value.
Or you could just peacefully use the nearby trees for target practice... Can't promise that's a winning strategy, but all to their own!
Use siege weapons and hand delivered bombs to destroy opponents walls, flags, and maybe most importantly their economy. Stop a player's economy and you've got them by the tender bits.
A Few More Details
Each battle starts with a clean slate. All units, structures and weapons can be upgraded from a base level giving no in game advantage to more experienced players - other than of course their personal experience.
The early part of each game will be based around resource collection in order to build more weapons, add more workers and plant flags to expand. Resources are also used to upgrade effectiveness of all in game units. Siege weapons will become more accurate and more powerful with upgrades allowing longer range bombardments. Workers will move faster allowing quicker bomb delivery and faster resource collection. Upgrade also also access to more buildings and military units.
As players' territory expands the conflict will begin...

Flags? What's the Deal?
Flags are the mechanism by which a player controls land. A player may only build and place units within territory that they currently control. Need to add a mine? Better plant a flag. Want to be able to place siege weapons on top of a hill? Better plant a flag! Need another upgrade faster? Yeah, you better plant another flag.
If a flag is destroyed any buildings left without a flag nearby will burn to the ground. Flags can be destroyed by bombs or by siege weapons.
Workers take on many roles. There are no specialized NPCs. The worker that loads the catapults will just as happily deliver a bomb to the gates of you foe or gather lumber from the local forest. Each role is largely based around one or more buildings.
- Warehouse - the Center and Hub Of the Economy
- Construction Yard - Builds Siege Weapons
- Ammo Depot - stores Supplies For Siege Weapons
- Bomb Depot - Creates and store Bombs
- Lumber Mill - processes collected trees into usable wood
- Mine - supplies minerals
- Quarry - supplies stone
- Fire trap - explosive defense
- Plague trap - slow acting but long last defense
Players will be able to use a matchmaking service to connect with other players around the world - a broadband connection is required for multiplayer. Global leader-boards will track players progress and ranking.
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Win 7 or Newer
- Processor: Core i5 or Similar
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: A discrete graphics card from the last 4-5 years.
- DirectX: Version 10
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 350 MB available space
- Sound Card: Something with a output jack.
- OS *: Win 7 or Newer
- Processor: Core i5 or Similar
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: A discrete graphics card from the last 4-5 years.
- DirectX: Version 11
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 350 MB available space
- Sound Card: Something with a output jack.
Отзывы пользователей
Great game. wish more pple would play online :) If u wanna game some online here is a link to find some who do :) http://JungG.org
-- easy to pick up and drop
- Image quality
- - Easy on the eyes.
- Strategy can vary
- A few bugs
- - Such as unable to make or convert units
- Needs more people online.
Overall great game perhaps ill consider reverse engineering it to make some patches but most likely not. any fun as is :)
Bought this game knowing it would be basic, but I loved the concept and was hoping for a fun time-waster. I could not have been more wrong. I found out that it was a single developer so I didn't expect the game to imporve that quickly. I wasn't hoping for new units or buildings I just wanted bug fixes. When I actually saw the first bug patch I was pretty excited, but it actually didn't do anything. My friend and I still broke the game, because the builder cap was infinite. The gas traps never expired and just killed everything that came near it. The game is essentially unplaybale up to a point and multiplayer is useless. The last patch was in 2016 and I found out this year that the dev no longer works on the game. Instead he's focusing on creating another game. If you create a game in your spare time, that's awesome. However, once you start charging people money for it you become a real developer and you need to honor your commitment. This developer clearly doesn't care. Stay away from One Wheel Studios.
Really bad game, the concept is good but there are too many bugs it is unplayable
After a few minutes of playing, a few major bugs/flaws became apparent. After enough workers spawned, the game engine would begin to lag. After the lag would come a failure to follow commands, and ultimately the inability to add, remove or modify elements in the game world. Not to mention the buggy physics-based structures that explode or fall apart when placed on any sort of incline, or too close to trees, rocks, etc, or that some units fail to spawen visually, even in large numbers (about 10 on my mate's ballistae were completely absent on my screen). The game has a lot of promise, and would likely be fun if it was playable after reaching the current "cut-off point" where the game becomes unplayable.
Genuinely not a bad game but the amount of bugs really break the game. You cant move swordmen at times which can be incredibly punishing. The reloads for the catapults and ballistas are a joke and overall the chaos that ensues if you try to move your catapults but accidentally click on your base is just unbelievable. Vietnam ensues and you cant do anything because your game will be tormented by lag. It's really not a bad game and has a lot of potential but right now the amount of shit that ensues when you make one tiny click mistake just make the game unplayable. Please fix this dev and you'll have a beautiful game but right now your game is in kinda of a grim state. Please fix it because it's looking very promising. :)
YAY its working the bug is fixed good work one wheel this game is great takes a little bit for people to join a server though kinda sucks but ey its still a fun game just more people kinda need to play it!
nice graphics
cool idea
you can't post pravite survers
side note sinse their is only one person working on this game but he does a good job and is very nice and works one its a lot
Love the idea, fun game! not too confusing but too bad there's not a lot of people on for multiplayer games.. theres still bugs of course but it's getting better with these recent updates
Edit: Looked back and dev took everyone's money and ran away lmao.
This game, in it's current state, is EXTREMELY buggy and becomes unplayable after you've made your base with some workers
Before you bash me for giving it a negative review, this was me and a friend's playing experience:
We go test the game 1v1, with hints, all fun and games, then, after either selecting workers to swordsman: game literally becomes unplayable as you can't place or build anything, this is one of the few buggy things, of many. Game becomes unplayable, check my gametime, we played 3 matches and all of those ended with "oh I can't make any workers or anything anymore after either selecting my workers as swordsman because of attack, or if I made max workers, you couldn't replace ANYTHING".
-Has alot of potential
-Nice ish art style (although this depends on who)
-Extremely buggy, and that barely describes it. Literally unplayable after 20 minutes or so into a match
-No AI
-Few maps
-Weird multiplayer, took us 10-15 minutes to figure out. No joining through steam
-Not a whole lot you can do to stop the enemy for just straight up zerg rushing you with all his workers (because you can convert between the two so easily, well if your entire game doesn't clog up after getting some killed).
-Discovered around 6 game breaking bugs in the first 1.4 hrs, this game seems rushed out and not playtested AT ALL
Final verdict: Unplayable
The game is fun but there are to many glitches to have this game still be enjoyable. All ai from the villagers are good expect wood cutting the litterlay cut woods in the enemy's land when there's wood near your base. A few Glitches i got I built 50 civilians wich is a absurd low limit and makes the game way worse. If you achieve the 50 civlians you can't build anything anymore. What ends up happening one guy glitches the game and can't build anything anymore and the other guy wins. I didn't play the single player so don't know how the enemy ai behaves. Many civilians got stuck wich where like suposed to go to a watchtower or load and reload your catapult but the get stuck behind and you lose. The hole game is unbalanced because of the 50 civilian limit if you rush the enemy changes all his units in the swordsman and he's got an bigger army then you then if you don't want to ruin your economy while your atacking so basicly it comes down to a 50v50 sword man fight and then you can't kill the flags unless you resign the units that live if any do till loaders and the other guys just spams some sword man in 2sec and your attack has failed.
Fracture the Flag is a very cheap but very enjoyable multiplayer RTS Town building game. At £2, you can’t really complain about the price and the game is coming along very well.
In essence, you build a lumber mill, a warehouse (to store your resources), and then spawn some workers that you then assign to different jobs such as miner, lumberjack, quarryman etc. The workers will then go off and collect these resources and bring them back to your warehouse which adds them to your available resources. You then build other buildings which have a range of different purposes. Such as a barracks for turning workers into swordsmen, spearmen etc. The game also has an unlock tree in which you gain points while playing and use said points to unlock different abilities or buildings/units. Such as a faster worker speed to gather resources quicker or to unlock military units such as spearmen and catapults.
For an early access game, this plays really well and runs very well. It has some issues you might expect in an E.A. title such as some U.I. issues, but I am assuming those will be polished out as time progresses. From looking over some of the forums, the Devs seem to be very active in the community, replying to questions and accepting criticism/advice on how the game could be improved.
Personally, I have a few suggestions on how the game could be improved. These are:
- Make workers have different coloured shirts depending on their jobs. For example: Blue shirts for Mine workers, red shirts for lumberjacks etc. Just so it is easy to distinguish who is who rather than it looking like a mosh pit of blue shirts.
- Polish the U.I. Yes I know this is probably a given, but some of it needs more improvement. Such as the Barracks for example. You click on the barracks, then click the sword icon and any unemployed workers will run to the barracks and become swordsman. This needs to be much clearer and more obvious.
Apart from that, it is refreshing to see an E.A. title such as this and puts my faith back into the E.A. project as this is a fantastic little gem for such a tiny price.
Well worth a look and I hope to see this as one of the very few E.A. games that make it out of E.A.
EDIT: The recommendations I have put in this review I also submitted to a Fracture the Flag message board in which you can suggest improvements. This is the reply I received from the Developer.
“@TribalHarry Some visual difference could be possible. At the moment the colours are reserved for different players. Worth a thought for sure. Thanks for the suggestion.”
I cannot recommend this game more. With a Dev that’s in the community willing to listen to feedback and take it into account while updating the game. Well worth buying even if you don’t plan on playing until the game is out of E.A. just to support this Dev. We need more like him/her in our community.
Quality idea, with a very confusing UI. If the UI is made to be more user friendly, and if more people start playing, this game will be fantastic. Highly recommend, especially for the 3 dollar price tag. Once the UI is fixed up a bit, I would pay 10-15 dollars for this game full price.
In the game's CURRENT State: I highly recommend you try this game!-- HOWEVER: I suggest you buy a SECOND copy for a friend! As this game's playerbase, is less than optimal for this type of game (This game has NO server browser, not yet at least.) So, If you do try to jump onto the multiplayer, and look for players, You most likely will be waiting for a day or two.
But instead of talking about the game's MULTIPLAYER wait, let's talk about it's Pro's and Con's.
-A very slow, new look to an RTS game.
-Is very well optimised, and has a high FPS rate (So long as you are equal or above the required PC parts.)
-Has quite the unique playstyle to it, and requires patience.
-Is very bare-bones, and has NO singleplayer, other than time trials. (Let's face it, that's no singleplayer, just a time waster.)
-GUI Feel's a bit clunky, and has a required resource bar for creating things, that DOESN'T show you what you need.
Overall, I suggest purchasing this game as for it's price, and for it's unique take on a RTS game.
The developer also listens to feedback, and tries to fix the game, according to what has been said (as in bugs, or suggestions for new weapons, systems, and unit's to the game.)
This review was made on: 8/2/2016. Please note, since this game is in EARLY ACCESS that it means EVERYTHING can be changed, and most likely WILL be.
Game seems fun and is a good idea. I understand it's a work in progress. And feedback is key. Game loads fine. But when I try to rotate camera, the whole map goes crazy. I go through the map and it flips upside down and just doesn't stop. Other than that. Good work.
So far I am really enjoying the game. No bugs, no crashes, it looks and plays great. Everything is very straightforward and easy to pick up. Can't wait til more people hop into multiplayer. If you like RTS games but can't keep up with all the keybindings, I feel like this is perfect for you, or just anybody who enjoys RTS games. You really have to think out your strategy early on.
Really great game, but since it's early access you will experience bugs and glitches. I feel like most of the mechanics are great, but combat is very weak. When you battle with other opponents it may be laggy, glitchy, and unresponsive. This is very frustrating when your trying to take out an opponents soldiers, catapults, flags etc. . Since this is early access you will have to give it sometime to update and improve. Aside from some of these issues, I do reccomend this game especially considering the price.
Fantastic indie game with great play style. good for any age and enjoyed by almost everyone. Has its bugs but are easy fixes and has much potental for future players.
Fracture the Flag version 1.0.0 Early Access is a real time strategy game ... or at least it wants to be one some day. The game mechanics are very similar to "The Settlers".
Although the basics of the genre are in the game there is currently almost no balancing or tactics involved. Also, as far as I noticed, there is currently no unique selling point in the game. Everything you do you have done already in other games - only better.
If you want to play the game as a single player game you will be forced to collect a given number of resources and compare your achievement time with others. That's it. There are no tutorials, no missions and no A.I. Basically, you don't want to play the game alone.
As a multiplayer game things look a little different. There are two maps included (2 players and 4 players). In the current state of the game there is not much to do. You collect resources, you build an army, you attack - everything on a very basic level. It might be fun to play the game with a person you know personally. Sadly, you don't have the option to select your opponent. As an anonymous multiplayer game there is currently not enough content,
You can very easily rush your opponent. Buildings can be destroyed far too quickly. I managed to destroy the enemy baracks with only two swordmen while my opponent failed to kill them with 6 swordmen on his own in time. Combat is a chaos. If two armies attack each other they share a 1x1m spot. There are no spacial tactics involved and you can't even see who is winning until all soldiers of one side are dead.
The game may have potential (at least it's stable) in the future but there is a lot of work to be done. Currently, it's more of a prove of concept than a game.
Unfortunately, I cannot give a neutral review in Steam. At its current state I can't recommend the game even as an early access game. It needs at least another year of development before players will enjoy the experience on a regular basis.
My improvment suggestions:
- Please support the mouse wheel to zoom in and out
- Give buildings more hitpoints or don't allow basic ground units to damage them
- Implement a fighting system where not everyone fights at the same spot
- If you can afford a building don't use a red text color to show the needed resources
Finally: I don't think that it's a bad game but it's far too soon to be playable.
Currently this game is pretty bare bones but the mechanics are very unique for an RTS game and it definitely has a lot of potential. There's a surprisngly large but unfinished skill tree/unlock tree that you can use one of the 4 resources to unlock. There is Stone, Wood, Minerals, and Build Points. All resource harvesting is self explanitory except build points. Build points are produced via flags that can be places to also expand your build radius. The unlock tree is built in a way that each unlock will increase the price of the next, meaning you must be sparing and choose your unlocks strategically. It is very difficult and time consuming to unlock all of them, currently. There is plan for naval and air units as show in the unlock tree but is not yet implemented. The base building is similar to that of Age of Empires but differently paced and currently lacks defensive structures beyond walls. The current units consist of, workers, (upgradable) swordsman, catapults, and ballistas. There are currently 2 maps, a 1v1 and a 2v2.
- Really nice developer who is very active with the community and development
- Runs well, which is expected with Low Poly
- Real time destruction mechanics
- Unique and intuitive mechanics
- Graphically pleasing
- It's $3
Disclaimer: This game is still very early alpha and many cons are subject to change with coming updates
- Quite buggy
- UI sometimes doesn't fit on the screen depending on where the building is location on the screen when selected
-Upgrade tree information for many items does not work or has wrong information
- No resolution select or support for higher than 1080p resolution*
- No singleplayer campaign, skrimish, or bots*
- No private/hostable games yet*
- Very low player count
- Only 2 maps
The game is definitely fun and unique. I recommend picking it up if you want a new take on RTS games, to support development, engage in alpha testing (report bugs, suggestions, etc.), or have $3 laying around. I don't recommend it if you want a very polished and functional game and don't want to wait for that to change.
* represents that the dev is aware of and/or working on the topic from what I've seen in the discussions
From playing this game for about 45 minutes i can safely say im very impressed how fluid this game is at the moment.
The music, even though theres only a couple of tracks, is awesome and the units movement is pretty crisp. Ive only had my men bug out on the bridge once but to get round it i just quit their jobs and made them back into lumber guys.
Hope to see more people playing this game and for £2 its a steal :)
First Impression!
This game is fun! Simple stupid fun. There is alot of creativity in building a large army. The game now features great content and I wish that more people could come and see how much fun this game is. At first the controls can be a little hard but it takes like 5-10 minutes to fully understand. I would HIGHLY reccomend this game to my friends and other people who have $3.00 laying around and wants to have some fun dominating eachother. Ive been watching this game in development and it was absolutley awesome.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | One Wheel Studio |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 69% положительных (75) |