Разработчик: Planetary Annihilation Inc
Поддержавшие игру на Kickstarter в сентябре 2012
Поддержавшие игру на Kickstarter в сентябре 2012 получили TITANS бесплатно.
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Об игре
НОВОЕ КРУПНОЕ ДОПОЛНЕНИЕTITANS — это огромное расширение для и без того внушительной по своему размеру стратегии Planetary Annihilation. Оно включает основную игру, а также множество новых возможностей:
Уничтожьте ваших врагов с 5 огромными роботами класса "Титан", такими как сокрушающий землю Atlas и стреляющий молниями дирижабль Zeus!
Расширьте свой стратегический арсенал с 18 новыми юнитами, такими как универсальные танки на воздушной подушке, неукротимые орбитальные линкоры и ненасытные рои наноботов!
Достигните новых высот с новыми планетами с многоуровневым рельефом, которые доступны как в одиночной, так и в многопользовательской игре. Освойте азы еще быстрее с обновленным и более понятным обучением, а затем бросьте себе вызов в режиме Охоты для ИИ Схватки и мультиплеера.
Включает все, что вам нравилось в Planetary Annihilation:
- Эпический размах – Управляйте многотысячными армиями на разных планетах: на суше, на море, в воздухе и даже на орбите.
- Эпическая одиночная кампания – Галактическая война — это новый взгляд на классические кампании стратегий в реальном времени. Игрокам предстоит сражаться в динамичной галактике, наполненной процедурно-генерируемым контентом. Каждое прохождение будет отличаться от предыдущего.
- Эпический мультиплеер – Играйте с десятью друзьями (или врагами) в массивных командных матчах и матчах Все против всех. Или соревнуйтесь 1 на 1 и карабкайтесь по турнирной таблице.
- Уничтожайте планеты – Поставьте точку в игре, уничтожая целые планеты гигантскими лазерными лучами, ударами астероидов и новым титаном Ragnarok, который может разрезать планеты пополам!
- Продвинутая система управления – Используйте интуитивно понятные элементы управления и функции, чтобы автоматизировать свои армии. Вы сможете с легкостью создавать и управлять огромными армиями и производственными линиями на нескольких фронтах и планетах одновременно!
- Мгновенные повторы – Просматривайте записи матчей в реальном времени. Перематывайте сражение в любой момент и используйте функцию "Играть отсюда", чтобы переломить ход сражения в свою пользу.
- Локальный сервер – Проводите сетевые матчи с участием до 32 игроков, используя локальный сервер без DRM:
* Должен соответствовать минимальным системным требованиям для игры в автономном режиме
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, japanese, korean, russian, polish, dutch
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 64 bit
- Процессор: MODERN Quad Core Processor
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Shader 3.0 / OpenGL 3.2 +, 1 GB GPU RAM
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Дополнительно: 32 bit, Windows XP and Vista are NOT supported.
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
- Процессор: MODERN Quad Core Processor
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Dedicated Graphics Chip (Not Integrated) / OpenGL 3.2+, 1 GB GPU RAM
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Дополнительно: 32 bit, Windows XP and Vista are NOT supported.
- ОС: OS X 14.1+
- Процессор: MODERN Quad Core Processor
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3.2+
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Дополнительно: 32-bit versions of macOS are not supported.
- ОС: OS X 14.1+
- Процессор: MODERN Quad Core Processor
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Dedicated Graphics Chip (Not Integrated) / OpenGL 3.2+
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Дополнительно: 32-bit versions of macOS are not supported.
- ОС: Any Linux distribution supported by Steam
- Процессор: MODERN Quad Core Processor
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3.2+, 1 GB GPU RAM
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Дополнительно:
- Процессор: MODERN Quad Core Processor
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Dedicated Graphics Chip (Not Integrated) / OpenGL 3.2+, 1 GB GPU RAM
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 7 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Cool game but it would be much better if they added a coop option for the conquest mode.
Also it's much more better when we use some basically essential mods to make the game more dynamic and fun.
Almost 280 hours in game, and a no review?
There is a game breaking bug where at any time, with any number of units, the entire game just crashes. I can move the map, travel the solar system, pan my screen, give commands, etc, but the game will never recover. Even better, saving and quitting (specifically in galactic conquest, my personal favorite mode) does not save anything from the current game meaning ya gotta start over. This is INFURIATING when you spend 20, 30, 40 minutes, heaven forbid hours building an empire to wage conquest aaannnndddd deadlock freeze. According to reddit, this bug has been known about for over two years and the devs have done nothing to fix it. I have 0 mods installed, and I popped on for a quick decompress game, and 1 minute 37 seconds into my game, freeze.
I'm just done at this point.
If you can ignore the crashes, it's a great game. Very fun. Pretty balanced (some units are literally garbage until you get their Galactic War upgrade that make them OP asf which I love bc that means each GW can be radically different. It's like multiple games of age of empires taking place on multiple planets, THAT'S AMAZING!! But it's as stable as a house of cards, as fragile as crystal glass, and when it freezes it literally makes you so mad YOU LEAVE A REVIEW.
Play at own risk. #Ynowatertitan
Originally released Planetary Annhialation; however they added a small handful of units, enough that one might pay 5$ in a DLC for... but they completely retitled the game, and re-released under a completely different "game". do not be fooled, it is still the exact same game. Dev's should be ashamed for dropping support for the original title.
The game is very fun, but the game lacks basic timesaving features for multiplayer. The lack of easy rematch is the #1 reason I stop playing every day. Below you can see what I have to suffer for every single rematch.
M = Mouse Click
K = Keyboard Types
F = # of Friends Playing
W = Wait W/o Entertainment Offered by Game
Required for the Lobby Setup I Like:
• (1M) click multiplayer
• (1M) click to create a room
• (1M) click the room name text field
• (1K) type in a random letter for the name of the room
• (1M) click the password field
• (1K) type in a random letter as the password so randoms dont join
• (1M) set the room from private to public so friends can join (setting to friends doesn't work)
• (1K x F) tell friends the room and password letters
• (1M) while they're joining, click the game type dropdown
• (1M) click team battle (instead of default freeforall)
• (8M) click add team 8 times so there are 10 teams
• (10M) click add slot 10 times so each team has 2 team members
• ([19-F]M) click add ai 19 minus friends times to fill empty spots
• (2M) for each ai difficulty change, 2 clicks (clicking dropdown, clicking difficulty), subsequent adds keep the changed difficulty. Therefore I only do this once since I play with 2 difficulties.
• (1M) click the system of planets which defaults to unplayable empty (big brain dev)
• (1M) click recent
• (1M) click the top one for a rematch
• (1W) this unreadies all my friends, so wait for them to realize and re-ready
• (1M) click start match
Total Suffrage per Rematch:
• 3 waits without entertainment offered (W = 3)
• 2 instances of typing +1 per friend (K = 2 + K x F)
• 42 clicks -1 per friend (M = 42 - F)
It's another 80 clicks to change everyone's flag colors back to what you wanted them to be. I didn't include this because I decided it wasn't worth the effort every 25-35 minutes so we play with random colors. It's twice the number of clicks as making the room itself, just for color control.
Single player campaign was a joke. Picked navel guy which only has navel units, ability was more water and lava on planets, level 1 is a moon with no water. RIP.
I dislike the titans concept personally. Seems primarily designed to further bust turtlers, the most fun (if inefficient) way to play. They were already disadvantaged with regular PA, titans were not needed to smush turtles further IMO.
Lastly, I don't want to have to add freaking command line launch options to be able to have the advertised number of AI by raising the maximum you arbitrarily imposed without it. That's just so weird that you make us do that.
the best rts i have played lots of different units and ways to play the only units i would like to see is orbital transports that can take bots, vehicles or most importantly aircraft. it could carry up to 20 ish teir 2 units or more teir 1 units make it a little smaller than the orbital battle ships. the big reason is you can teleport land units but besides the fighter the other aircraft are stuck to the planet of origin. i suggest making all of the air craft planet based and have carriers. Just my opinion and suggestions love the game
Game play: 58 min of connecting to server attempts remaining 0
It was fun catching up on videos while waiting to connect
The main menu even has lag
10/10 would not do again
Really great and fun game even though im late to the party, matches can either be super quick or last 30 mins - hour or more depending on how each side plays and with a large selection of units and builds its a ton of fun. Only two grips I have are that the AI are both brain dead and overkill with them being super aggressive a large chunk of the time but putting up no proper defenses allowing you to steam roll them as long as you keep poking at them until you find the one thing they didnt prepare for (which is usually any form of nuclear weapon) and that the game isn't receiving anymore content updates.
This is a good quick RTS with a good theme of planetary invasions and annihilations. There is no story except for some blurbs but I guarantee you there isn't anything super deep. You are a Robot Commander killing other Robot Commanders most likely due to whoever started the war is already gone and every commander is just fulfilling its AI obligations.
I really like being able to move around the whole world, its a very specific itch I needed scratched with other grand strategy games which are very flat.
My biggest critique is that games are over within 15-20 minutes once you know what you are doing. Sometimes they can go on for hours if there is a stalemate and the need of super weapons are needed.
Campaign is a good remix where you will unlock technology as you play forcing you to try different tactics. But there is still a very active community for multiplayer, but I usually would just play with friends. The Multiplayer feels very competitive level focus and not casual.
This game is simply ridiculous. Many organizations would be very upset over what we're doing to these planets but interplanetary nuclear exchanges just look so darned cool!
i build myself up a nice attack force, go to attack a planet and the game crashes... becomes tedious restarting the same missions over a while
i like this game
just simple RTS with some *unbalanced* things and the fun is not that long
but overall it's good and worth to play if you don't have anything else to play
Pretty cool game took me about an hour or two to figure out what the best units are etc but once i found those it was a breez through bots atleast. :D
GREAT GREAT GREAT SERIES LOVE THE GAME AND WARFARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just wish Human resorces survived the death of uber entertainment. other then that this game is incredible and galactic warfare rocks.
Just remembered having this moment with my oldest buddy:
Coop vs A.I. and I was eliminated but still watching and cheering him on while he tried fending off the last of the surviving computer players by launching a planet at it's last and only base.
Watching the planet-sized bullet take off on its strange orbit towards the last enemy was like feeling the building of a crescendo in a hit piece of music... then right before it collided with the enemy it got stuck on the gas giant in the middle and just stayed there and I laughed so hard I cried while he rage quit like we were playing Dark Souls for the first time.
That is one of my favorite gaming memories next to our dual planetary fortress rush in starcraft 2 in ladder and it happened several months ago. This game is great and worth the price.
Beyond All Reason is better in every way unless you want to smash planets into eachother.
Defense is not an option in this game, only Aggro.
If you want to build engines in moons to smash into planets, play PA: TITANS.
If you want a well balanced RTS with up to 30,000 units, play Beyond All Reason.
I have been a HUGE Annihilation fan since Supreme Commander and was very disappointed when Planetary Annihilation came out.
It crashes far too often for me. Every few minutes.
great pvp tacticts satisfying destruction and for some reason turrets that can reach my commander half a planet awa- anyway good 9/10 a little unbalanced in the units but other than that perfect
finally learns to beat normal+ bots, gets absolutely stomped by hard bots
Pretty good, still needs some work here and there. A few bugs, but good
Brilliant game for casual playing. That's exactly what I was looking for. It's a lot of fun and damn satisfying (especially bombing of bases).
Edit: Changed opinion from positive to negative. The game crashes a lot (probably because of the amount of objects). I've literally lost many rounds because I didn't save often enough.
Best RTS game
Build a death star
or build mega thrusters to send a moon into a planet
or self destruct the planet
or perhaps deliver a nuke via teleporter
or play a typical RTS game with bazinga units
Its got it all
If you have ever played supreme commander it is a straight copy and paste of supreme commander with a little but of spice. fun for short amount of time but just play spcm 2 much better.
Got it during this week’s rts sale for 10$ it’s a super fun game, I’m playing the campaign now and I’m cheesing it by turtling and getting loads of resources, building multiple nuclear missile launchers and then erasing those funny dots that aren’t me, if I see a surviving dot near the missile it’s probably the commander so I drop another and win the game, it’s very fun, also the titans are very cool
My childhood fantasy of live action armies going at it. Now if only it was dead easy
I never wanted this, I never wanted to unleash my titans.
together we banished the ignorance of the early game, but you betrayed me, you betrayed us all.
You stole power from the annihilasor and lied to your teammates.
commanders have only one chance to prosper, if you will not seize it then I will.
so let it be war, from the skies of earth planet to the gas giant.
let the seas boil, let the stars fall.
though it takes the last drop of my energy, I will see the system freed once more and if I can not save it from your failure commander, then let the system burn
I can not stop playing... I haven't played a game that has me hooked onto it for so many hours. I had mix feelings for this game at first, and was scared i was going to refund it. But D*MN this games strategy, base building, and tactic moves, feels perfect for me. Even if I lose, I grow from the mistakes I made last game. 10/10 game, try it out!
Bugs noticeable in the tutorial.
Very small maps.
Insanely fast paced with little to absolutely no strategy.
Not worth the price.
This is a great game, however, it does crash often on MacOS running on Apple Silicon, so you have to save often. This is after having to run it in Windowed mode to stop Game Mode from interfering with the game as well. I can confirm, however, that this game runs flawlessly on Windows, a much better experience, I wish the MACOS version could be fixed as this could be an epic game on that platform!
Cool robots strategically smashing each other
I'm nowhere near qualified to speak to an RTS' strength. I like management games though, and tasking, prioritizing, and curating the resources and units to set up an offensive army or defended area is pretty fun. I've been playing with friends in private servers, versus bots, and it's a quality time with lots of good spectacle and great payoffs. Destroying the planets themselves is absurdly fun. I love the fast pace, it never feels like a loss is too much with how quick the whole game plays out.
played the game for 5hr and I all ready love it 10/10
Incredibly annoying, as you have no control over your own troops or have to micromanage every single task.
Since there is nothing in between, the best ways to win are also the most boring ones.
A time sink that just does not get any better.
play on easy, and it's way too easy, but the second you try to play anything higher and your nuked by the AI in less than 2 mins
It's a really fun RTS with solid pacing. I usually play against bots or with friends and it's a great time.
very fun
Great game. Lots of destruction
Funny orbital spam...
Game honestly doesn't have a lot of depth
If the campaign was any good it could be a great game
It's like if they remade Total Annihilation but with round planets instead of a flat planet like Earth.
Very fun to play. required fast pacts and going on and etc! i missed Planetary Annihilation first one. i heard they got removed. :(
very fun and cute
Decently fun espically with friends.
no family shareing
great game, i love rts
"you have been perma banned from chat" meanwhile I haven't said anything and, well, this game is dying hard. It's no wonder there are less than 100 players a a day.
Chill community, good game
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Planetary Annihilation Inc |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 87% положительных (7101) |