Разработчик: Subsoap
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8 миров, 40 уровней, более 400 задач для прохождения, масса улучшений, доступных для покупки, и одно большое захватывающее приключение превращают Faerie Solitaire в игру, которая увлечет вас на месяцы, предлагая вам богатый игровой опыт, отличимый от других проектов.
14 часов игрового процесса в режиме приключения.
40 уникальных фантастических локаций для исследования.
32 удивительных питомца, которых нужно найти, вылупить из яйца и вырастить.
Фэнтезийная история с 8 нарисованными вручную кат-сценами.
Режим приключения: Исследуйте мир Авалона в Faerie Solitaire.
Режим испытания: Еще пять бонусных локаций!
Получайте достижения во время игры - соберите все 30!
Переигрывайте любую локацию столько раз, сколько захотите.
Верните Стране Фей былую славу!
Сможете ли вы спасти фей?
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Процессор: с тактовой частотой 800 МГц (минимум)
- Оперативная память: 256 МБ (минимум)
- Жесткий диск: 100 МБ свободного места
- DirectX®: 7 (минимум)
- OS: OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz
- Memory: 1 GB
- Hard Drive: 100 MB
Отзывы пользователей
A childhood favorite
I first got and tried this game back in 2015 and jumping back into it, I still would say this is a fun solitaire game. It's pretty simple golf solitaire style game with a goal of collecting eggs as well as evolving creatures. It can be pretty grindy (especially if your focus is on achievements), however if you're a fan of solitaire, then it's still a relaxing game. The graphics are pretty basic and I honestly didn't really read the creatures descriptions (something I don't normally skip but I was more focused on just playing the game).
Overall, the game can be a grind (a long grind) so if you're not a fan of that, I'd skip the game.. However, I do personally think this is one of the more fun solitaire games out there and say give it a try.
Basic solitaire game. If you like solitaire you'll like this. Achievements are grindy but that just means more solitaire to play.
This started out as an amazingly fun game. I loved playing it, until it the last achievement. The achievement says to fill the purple bar in less than a minute, but after replaying again and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, finally looked it up and discovered the description was wrong. You have to fill the purple bar under a minute AND successfully complete the hand. SO, back to the grind, playing again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, trying to complete the achievement. I never why developers think that extending the life of their games by turning it into a grindfest makes it better. Grinding drains the joy from every game. This game would be a 10/10 ii not for the grinding. At the very least it would be nice to have one the upgrades you can buy be a clock displayed on the screen so you can tell if you made the cut without having ti finish the hand just to see you failed.
years ago I was incredibly depressed and this game was a glint of sunlight in a monotonous period.
Get the remastered.
I must admit that I had more fun than I was expecting. I came here just looking for a solitaire game, and I found it. Not a FreeCell or Spider Solitaire, but it is an enjoyable and relaxing game nonetheless.
The grinding due randomness in the egg farming is easily avoided using some of the beta versions of the game. In such a way that by completing the campaign you should have already obtained practically all the eggs. However, you'll need to play a little further than that to get the resources to evolve them.
I have just now started to play the Remastered version of this game, so I decided to make a review for the original.
Faerie Solitaire is a great simple card game for the casual gamer or the hardcore alike.... but mostly casual.
A very atmospheric, mystical themed re-imagining on how to play a game of Solitaire. It's also an easier way to play Solitaire.
To be honest, despite the name, it's not really like how you play the real game of Solitaire. For one there's not different suits of cards. You might see multiple of the same card like an Ace or a 10 but there is no 10 of Diamonds and a 10 of Hearts or so on. Each card does have differences and even themes. Most have pictures of a creature on it. But they all act like they would be in the exact same suit if you were playing the real Solitaire. Just put a 2 on top of a 3, then put an Ace on that 2, followed by a king, then you can put an ace on the king again or a queen and so on and so forth.
You play by trying to clear a full hand of Faerie land themed cards. They are laid out in front of you with some cards turned face up. you have a card drawn and a stack of cards beside it. Say your card is a 9. Look on the cards laid down and find either a 10 or an 8 to put on it.
You can build up combos of cards to rack up more points and gold as well to buy upgrades for your Faerie Land. These upgrades grant things like more Undos, starting with the progress bar already partly filled, having the ability to peak at what the next card in your stack is, and even abilities like an Aura ring used to destroy any card you want after 7 moves of failing to move a card.
There are also Eggs you can find at random in this game. Which once hatched, become a baby creature. You can find magic dust, rocks, and wood under cards as well. And a varying number of each of these is needed to evolve each baby creature into an adult form. There are achievements for finding all the eggs and growing the pets.
Now this is where the main complaint comes from for this game for most players. But is fixed in the remastered version.
Finding an egg is completely random chance. and the more rare eggs like the Rainbow eggs, for example, are even harder to find. It can take a very long time just grinding through the game over and over waiting for a random egg to appear under a stack of cards you clear. I personally played through the story mode 3 full times and was on my 4th run before I got the last egg. This makes getting those achievements a bit tedious and a ridiculous grind that takes hours. I think took me about 90 hours of game time to get mine. I've heard that some people have had to play for upwards of 150 hours before they get their last egg. It's all random chance.
This though, has of course been fixed in the new version of the game. Where they added a time cap to how long it can go between eggs you find. So if you go for too long of time the game will give you an egg at mercy anyways. A nice improvement.
Also in this game you have a Spare card system that you can unlock. Where you can get cards 2 through 10 as spares and on the side of the screen. Just clicking one puts it on top of your hand and changes the card there to give more options on how to play and rack up even higher combos.
There are even some obstacles on the cards. Some stacks will be covered in thorns and cant be played until you finish a different stack and get the roots under it. And some cards are frozen in ice. The ice ones there is also a fire card in one of the stacks which you have to get and it melt's the ice card making them playable. It's a fun little feature.
The game's story is actually not bad. And surprisingly deep for something like Solitaire. But I won't go into details of what the story is, I'll leave that for you to discover. :D
The voice acting by the main character can be slightly annoying at time with his over dramatic delivery of the lines, but other than that he does a fine job.
Over all I give this game a great thumbs up but I will lessen it's score a little due to the Egg achievement issue. Which was fixed in the remastered version.
I give this game an 8 out of 10.
I mean, it's a solitaire game. I'm not sure what you're expecting. It was a fun little variant on what is an overdone concept at this point. If you want something to mindlessly click at while at work, watching tv, or whatever. This provides more entertainment than other variants I've encountered, but wait for a sale. It often goes down to ~$1.
If you're an achievement hunter though, be warned this is a heavy grind for a few of the last achievements. Took me 40+ hours and some sheer luck to 100% this game.
Faerie Solitaire is a wonderful remake of the classic Solitaire, with many tweaks. It incorporates a fantasy theme, being able to purchase building's within your land for added bonuses, and being able to find eggs, hatch them and evolve them, just by playing the game. The mechanics itself, have changed from the default Solitaire, which gave it a wonderful twist. The music was relaxing and non-repetitive, levels different unique and interesting and the game mechanics itself being quite unique.
The only negative of this game was the amateur voice acting, though besides that it was quite a nice small and polished game.
Overall, this game is an amazing twist to the default Solitaire, being able to have pets and build your town, providing benefits. All the concepts go hand in hand and create an amazing, enjoyable game.
For a card game like this, I think the plot isn't that new. It's not bad, but nothing special or exciting either. It had a twist that I guessed long before it was revealed, but it didn't really matter. The game's about matching cards anyway.
The artwork was nice and colorful which I really like about my games. At times, it was a bit dark and maybe haunting, but looked really good. The "map" is the only thing that bothered me because I never saw my "progress" or location in the game. Or if I could see it somewhere, I didn't see if you understand what I'm saying.
I don't have anything particular to say about the music, but the MC's voice during the stages was way too quiet. I don't remember changing any voice settings, so I wondered why it was so quiet and unclear...
About gameplay. I liked the eggs the player could find and how they hatched into different beings and gave us a little info about the animal. HOWEVER. I didn't get all the eggs despite being the game wholly and completing the challenge stages, and it annoyed me. I just finished the game, I don't want to have to play it completely again just to get a few eggs! Also, most of the powerups weren't particularly useful to me, which is a shame, considering how long it'll take to buy them all.
If you want the game, go for it. It's a bit typical, but it looks really nice. I bought it on sale, so I don't regret buying it, but for the full price? That's really up to you.
Hello there, you shiny little gem! What do we have here? Our age old, classic card game that we practically grew up with since Windows 3.0 - or as your grandmother's generic hobby - combined with a pretty fairytale and collectibles? I'm in!
The scene opens up to the realm of fairies, threatened by an unspeakable conspiracy. A dark, evil force that we fail to identify enslaves the inhabitants of the realm for its own dark purposes. A kindly old wizard approaches, and declares us as the only possible candidate to save fairies from their torment... with our solitaire skills? (I owe this joke to my friend Solanum Nigrum. It was originaly in his review, but I couldn't bear myself not to include it, due to the joke being perfectly definitive.) Yes, it is solitaire. Yes, it has a story... and the story actually ends with a huge cliffhanger, so you'll be anticipating for Faerie Solitaire 2 before you know.
Aside from your usual solitaire gameplay, Faerie Solitaire contains some surprises. You earn cash as you progress through various levels of the story - or in any casual game - to obtain upgrades for your gameplay. The gameplay also sets some goals for you in each level, that raises the stakes a bit more, either with time limits or a certain number of cards that you have to make a combo with. You are also entitled to collect some magical eggs that will hatch into various magical beasts. These beasties gain experience as you play and they may be raised into adulthood for their own achievement set.
All in all, it is a good game for a low price that you can pick to pass some mindless time, with interesting features. I also gotta mention that the art is surprisingly beautiful for a casual game. I adored the profile backgrounds and emoticons! I know, I know, it is girly... But I am a girl anyhow. So I am entitled to my fairies, damn it!
Please also check out Lady Storyteller's Curator page here - follow for regular updates on reviews for other games!
Faerie Solitaire is nothing more than what promises to be: a solitaire card game. The game itself, though, is wrapped up in a nice setting with beautiful drawings, pleasant music and sound effects, and a sort of story (don't expect to get hooked on it, though: it's nothing spectacular). The adventure mode presents you with objectives that you need to achieve in order to progress (all related to your solitaire games).
In order to keep you interested, there are also collectable eggs dropped randomly (as far as I can tell) while you play, that you can hatch and evolve into creatures. I think that this is a sort of missed opportunity, because in fact those eggs and creatures have no effects whatsoever on the game play. It would have been nice to get something out of them! On the other hand, the gold that you collect by playing can be used to buy upgrades that will make it easier to reach the objectives of the various levels.
All in all, I recommend this game, as each of its levels is a nice way to spend 15, 20 minutes while you are waiting for something like your meal to be ready, or just before going to bed.
Disclaimer: I purchased this game using my own funds, and I do not write a review on a game that I have not paid for myself, because I believe they should be fair and unbiased. I don't believe you can get that unless you invest your own funds and support developers, and provide a personal sense of "value".
This has got to be one of the more enjoyable solitaire card games on the market. I have put over 52 hours into this addicting game. It has a fun background story (which does not interfere with the game play, but merely keeps you involved to continue on your journey), relaxing music, and simple mechanics with fun powerups to assist you along the way. A good value at its current asking price of $10, but I think as a casual game, I would wait for it to be on sale for around $5. It has achievements, trading cards, and is guaranteed to waste a LOT of your time if you are a fan of Faeries whatsoever.
There are quickplay levels and extra hard challenge levels if you finish or need a break from the Adventure campaign.
If you have this in your library and haven't tried it out yet, you're missing out on a gem.
I read a review once that downvoted this because of no multiplayer option ... This is "Solitaire" ... Enough said LOL.
I wanted to add an edit into this:
If you are an achievement hunter, be forewarned that you have to collect a lot of materials and eggs while you play. This, of course, is governed by random odds. You may have to play quite a bit more to collect all the items you need, and several speculations and theories are presented in the forums.
A report on the randomness: After this review, and having put an extra ten hours here and there into this fun game, I am *still* working on the last two achievements.
Good hunting! :)
While I've played this game quite a bit I can't recommend it at full price. At its heart it is a simple take on solitaire with far too much fluff padded around it to give the impression that it's more than it is.
The pets and materials collection is a complete waste of time that has no (that I can see) impact on the gameplay. Collecting pets and evolving them (???) doesn't change what you actually do. The upgrades, such as they are, are too expensive and the challenges while giving you a slight interest adds little.
The game itself is fun to play for a while but it soon becomes repetitive and with each game being next to identical to the last you just run of interest. My playtime has been over the course of a number of years.
If you can get it for a couple of bucks then it might be worth it but otherwise I'd give it a miss since you can get more solitaire games online for free.
I bought this because it was only .49 during a sale and figured it wouldn't be a loss if it wasn't that fun. I ended up playing for 5 hours straight after I loaded it up. It's a lot of fun. I like solitaire, but get bored after a little while. This game has extra things like challenges, pets to collect, and buffs to purchase with money you make in the game that makes it a lot of fun.
If you like playing card games you'll love this.
My kind of game! I enjoy playing solitaire in real life so I need get this game and was not dissapointed. Lots of fun and I think small story is cute. In start I did not care about pets option but after some hours I have come wanting collect and raise them all. This is good kind of addicted. Challenges is nice add and there is much to do. Replay value is very big for me!
+ interesting story for a Solitaire game
+ nice UI
+ classic Solitaire experience
+ relaxing
- can get boring after a longer while of playing
- repetitive gameplay
- two achievements that are really tedious to get
The first 25 hours in this game have been fun. It's the concept of Solitaire combined with a story campaign. Poured into the mix are also RPG elements, challenges and some achievements. While not astounding this game is good. However I gave a point less for the tedious egg gathering which works in a really funky way. As you see above I have played about 68 hours in total, that's becuse of the totally random egg appearance combined with a bad way of generating them. And this game does not add enough fun and gameplay variations to play it for almost 70 hours (or more if you are unlucky with the egg generator) for most people. I would still recommend it as it is relaxing and fun for the most part.
If you liked this review you can find more on the Curator page or in my Review Corner.
People mock this game and I find that to be a damn shame. Yeah, okay - the storyline is you need to free the fairies and stock up on logs and rocks so you can upgrade your (utterly useless, literally do nothing at all) pets like the Unicorn and the Chimera but the fact is, the game - a spin on spider solitaire - is indeed enjoyable and quite addicting. This is my go-to game for relaxing at the end of a long day, needing some mindless repetition to keep my mind nice and still while I work through the days events. Perfect for a bit of quiet time before bed, when you want to be occupied but not over-stimulated.
Solid 4/5, if you're a fan of Solitaire games.
If you enjoy solitaire games, Faerie Solitaire is a fresh little twist on the formula and an incredibly addictive little time-spnner. I love the randomness of the game, compared to traditional solitaire, and the objectives change things up from hand to hand as well.
I'm not a huge fan of the theme, honestly, I think the artwork and story is a little trite and the voice acting is downright cringeworthy. Some of the upgrade perks can be nice but the pets are pretty useless. I also wish I could change the aspect ratio or at least resize the window since I play in windowed mode usually.
The game itself, however, keeps me playing for just one more hand. Or 20 more hands. Or hey when did it get so late is it really 1 am?
It might also be the hunt for that last egg, which after nearly 50 hours and 4-5 complete playthroughs still will not drop. (Achievement hunters, beware!)
A casual solitaire game that takes you on a long (no, really quite long) campaign to save the world.
There's a lot of content here, there are power ups you buy with the money you earn from the hundreds of levels you will go through and pets to collect and raise (...that then do nothing in terms of gameplay, but at least it's more stuff to do!).
If you're tired of the same old solitaire then this is an excellent alternative.
If you are a completionist and absolutely must 100% every game you own then stay well away, since waiting for the random drops of the last pet eggs you're missing will break your sanity.
Gra karciana zrealizowana w ciekawej formie. Grając zdobywamy fundusze, za które możemy kupić "krainy". Kupno "krain" daje nam ułatwienia w grze, przykładowo dodatkowe karty czy dodatkowy ruch.
Pomiędzy ośmioma głównymi etapami gry oglądamy filmiki (cutscenes) opowiadajace nam główną historię.
W trakcie gry rozwijamy również różne stworki, które ewoluują ze znalezionych jaj.
Polecam jako lekką i przyjemną gierkę dla zabicia czasu.
Card game made in an interesting way. During the game we gain funds for which we can buy "lands". Purchasing them gives us ease in the game, just like additional cards or additional move.
Between eight main stages of the game we are watching videos (cutscenes) telling us a main story.
We have also ability to develop various creatures that evolve from found eggs.
I recommend it as a light and pleasant little game to kill the time.
I really enjoy casual games. I like to have at least one game on the go that I haven't completed and that I'm able to play laying down, with only the mouse. Faerie Solitaire is one of the best casual card games I've come across. It's enough to rival Fairway Solitaire, another of my favourites. It's well polished and has an enjoyable (if somewhat grind-y) non-card side game to it.
Faerie Solitaire is a pretty little casual game with relaxing sounds and some kind of progress and challenge. In fact there's is even a story but I didn't mind it as it seemed to be very childish. Oh and don't to forget: you play Solitaire in this game! 6/10
Good storyline, cute pets, nice backgrounds, soothing music... This game is adorable!
As for gameplay - it 's a Solitaire, what else can be said? Fun and relaxing at the same time...
P.S. And trading cards looks cute too.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Subsoap |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 91% положительных (860) |