Разработчик: SkyRiver Studios
Механоиды 2: Война кланов
Действие игры происходит в мире Полигона спустя некоторое время после завершения миссии игрока в первой части. Исчез контроль Супера, и механоидам стали доступны новые сектора, новые возможности. После Реформации — процесса, к которому, как думают Считающие, приложил силы сам Наблюдатель, — механоиды изменились. Многие старые кланы исчезли. Ушли в небытие их примитивные цели.
Новые кланы с механоидами пятого поколения во главе — это мощные формирования механоидов, с четкой стратегией и масштабными целями. Взаимоисключающие интересы привели к войнам, которые велись уже не ради рейтинга или иллюзии превосходства, а ради тотального уничтожения противника. Возможность контролировать ресурсы позволила сильным кланам уничтожить или изгнать слабые, действуя не только военным, но и экономическим путем.
Настало временное равновесие — никто не мог изменить ситуацию в свою пользу. Тогда Считающие, один из немногих сохранившихся с прошлых времен кланов, призвали того, кто сможет найти и вернуть в Полигон самого первого механоида пятого поколения. Такой герой нашелся. Им оказался один из лидеров клана, недавно проигравшего войну. Для него это задание стало возможностью попытаться вернуть былое могущество или даже обрести новое.
Все механоиды знали, кто ушел за пределы мира — непревзойденный воин, в одиночку способный противостоять могучим кланам. Однако никто не знал, что с ним произошло и где его можно найти. Хотя мысль заполучить такого союзника появлялась у многих. Считающие с помощью каких-то своих методов выяснили, что его можно отыскать и вернуться обратно. До этого момента такой возможности не было. Бывший глава уничтоженного клана получил все необходимые сведения и отправился в путь. Он выполнил миссию: первый из механоидов пятого поколения снова появился на Полигоне.
Данная версия игры была доработана для совместимости с современными ПК.
- Глобальный интеллект кланов станет достойным противником интеллекту игрока.
- Возможность создания и управления собственным кланом, состоящим из реально действующих механоидов.
- Возможность захвата баз и прочих строений вплоть до установления контроля над секторами.
- Расширенные возможности по взаимодействию с другими механоидами.
- Масштабный игровой мир, состоящий как из наземных, так и подземных локаций.
- Мощная система апгрейдов оборудования, позволяющая улучшать практически все элементы глайдера.
- Развитая торговая система.
- Интересные задания, дополненные бесконечным множеством генерируемых заданий.
- Три типа рейтинга: торговый, боевой и курьерский. Рейтинги, совместно с улучшенной системой отношений, позволят добиваться желаемого результата не только с помощью оружия.
- Улучшение совместимости с современными ПК.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian
Системные требования
- ОС: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
- Процессор: 1,5 GHz
- Оперативная память: 256 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce3 or ATI Radeon 7500
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible sound card
- ОС: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
- Процессор: 2,5 GHz
- Оперативная память: 768 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce FX5900 or ATI Radeon 9800
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible sound card
Отзывы пользователей
AIM 2: Clan Wars is a strange but enthralling game, rife with jank balanced out by interesting and ambitious concepts. If you like slavjank and hovercraft armed to the teeth with weaponry and equipment you may like this game if you are patient enough to stumble through your first 5-10 hours in the first zone.
Imagine Morrowind or Stalker but in hovercars (the game calls them Gliders) with a dash of faction management and an open world with mostly RNG quests which help you accrue resources as well as more complex story missions that offer a surprising amount of lore and text for you to delve into. Graphics are what they are, kind of nostalgic I think.
There are several sectors you can visit which all have their own unique setting, vehicles and mechminds as well as other cool random things like anomalies, ruined structures and ventilation shafts which take you to the dreaded underground. Traversing the underground zones is painful. Look up a guide if you need to go to a specific location within that area.
The Gliders are surprisingly complex in how you can outfit them and they all feel quite distinct with their own roles and capabilities. I personally love the Nightmare 2 for its ability to fly, or the Namtar/Black Namtar being one of the better endgame ships. You can upgrade internal parts of your ship too, get better shields, armour, thrusters and plenty more. Weapons are a tad hit or miss, I would recommend sticking to high damage hitscan weapons but you may find others work for you.
The faction system is pretty complicated as well, you use mechminds (the brains that control the Gliders) to form node clusters and control buildings, once your clan rating is 100% for that sector you have taken control of it and can move on to conquer a new sector.
As for combat, it's tough. Brutally tough. You can easily die in seconds to an enemy who punches way above you in terms of outfitting, but this can work both ways; if you're more upgraded, then the starting zone gets easier for example. I feel this game rewards turtling, so don't be shy to hoard crystals and get the best gear you can in the moment.
If you're really careful you can take out entire squads of enemies which feels like a huge accomplishment because of how easy it is to be critically damaged even with a strong hull and shields. There's potential for fun, but I mostly just abused quicksaves (F5) to avoid being killed as it broke the enemy AI and caused them to pause for 5-10 seconds before "waking up" and attacking me like normal. I guess if a section is a bit too tough, don't be shy to hit that button and momentarily confuse your enemy. I genuinely question if it's possible to beat this game in a single run with no deaths given how tough it can get.
In summary, this is a janky game with a multitude of bugs and flaws but I'll be damned if I can't put it down. For the asking price I'm surprised how much fun I had.
need a trainer for this game, I am too old to play this old-school thing!
Very fun so far, glad I stumbled upon this. I do warn that its unfortunately also *very* unstable due to its age, so keep that in mind.
Странное дело. В годы релиза, мне отчего-то вторая часть Механоидов не очень понравилась. То ли я в них не разобрался, то ли еще что, но играть я в них начинал несколько раз, и каждый раз возвращался к первым.
Сейчас, в 2022-ом году, стоило только запустить - и оказалось, что игра все еще способна затянуть не на один час.
И хотя в силу не самой лучшей оптимизации и многого прочего эта игоря понравится не всем, имею сказать - приватиров, товарищи, всего-то ничего, и это - один из них.
Can't recommend this game, crazy sensitive controls where a stiff breeze puts you in an uncontrollable tailspin, even on it's lower setting. Maybe i'm an idiot, but how would one pilot this thing? I've read the love people have, but this game is just...unplayable for me. Combine this with the fact i've spent upwards of an hour trying to get out of a frozen loading screen makes this a thumbs-down from me. Which is sad, because the price point and the setting info makes it sound like it's right up my alley. It's unfortunate that I, in good conscience, am unable to recommend this game to others.
So, The glider just bounces around uncontrollably... you can't even get it to fly in a direct straight line. Pointless game, with broken controls. I remapped the keys to make it work better, but still - it's like being a ping pong ball... no point. Useless.
Well I've played this game long before steam (2011/12 perhaps), and I got it again for the nostalgia. Pretty good if you're into the genre and otherwise fun to play as well. Safe to say it will run on any potato of a PC you might have. Expect a lot of crashes though.
Definitely a top 10 best ever game for me, A.I.M. has an incredibly rich world to play and explore in, coupled with an intriguing story and background lore.
You'll have to forgive it's two only real flaws though: ingame texts are not perfectly translated, and a high incidence of crashing to desktop.
However, there is a fix you can perform to mitigate almost all crashes, read this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=653777682
All said and done this is the definite apex of game design, you won't find a more original and immersive work of fiction anywhere else.
Altho old, and clunky with a few bugs, the game has that old charm that is iconic for most 1C games. The story is interesting yet not in your face all the time, you can go trough it at lightning speeds or you could soak up everything the game has to offer, trade and courier missions alongside just blasting the enemy gliders to bits and collecting the goodies. And with the fact that a new game is being made? just shows that there is still interest in this old, underrated gem. Best of luck to the devs of A.I.M. 3! Back to the range, well built mechmind.
great oldschool game AAA+ tittle this steam version seems to have a corrupted ogg music file in the games Music folder that makes the game crash to black screen res lock each time the player char dies =) the trick is to delete or rename that folder, or find the bad file.. the path is /steam/steamapps/common/AIM2/Data/Music
this solved that problem for me.
I have played the first one for years without issues, this one on the other hand the controls are stupidly sensitive even with it turned down, i often end up spinning on the spot in battles which is infuriating. but the biggest issue of all is any time i die i am just greeted with a black screen it doesn't do anything, i htt all the buttons on the keyboard and mouse but nothing. even when i try to use CTRL, ALT + DEL to get task manager up the game screen doesn't minimize so i can close it i have to restart my pc which in turn causes me to lose any unsaved progress.
One of the most original games i've ever played. Everything in this game is mindblowing, especially the plot and gameplay. I'm very happy that the sequel is in the pipeline after years.
Russia needs to make more games. Seriously.
This, along with Space Rangers 2, are games I'm dying to see re-made, or taken as inspirations and expanded on. Along with Hardwar.
Although the 'lore' and backstory here is a bit bizarre even for Science-Fiction fans, the gameplay is very fun, as you control sort of a Spaceship that was forced to be a Hovercraft.
Most of the bad things in the game are due to the likely low-budget (compared to its ambition) and tech limitations of the time. The game can get VERY repetitive halfway through, with weird difficulty spikes depending on how you play it. It's definitely not very friendly towards the player - which if you are a 90s gamer, you are very likely to appreciate.
If you like to be in a simulated world where every entity is trying to accomplish something (which may include murdering you and all your friends), where you are free to roam and progress as you wish, and don't mind some very clunky gameplay, this might be worth trying.
You can build your own clan and slowly repaint the map, and turn a very active area into a very dead area..or very friendly area. You can become overpowered by getting the right mix of gear, and wonder if being able to fly through the whole map was intended. You can brainwash every AI mind in the world into your loyal subjects, then watch as they all die when a random overpowered enemy from another area step into your territory looking for blood.
I really love 1C Entertainment for promoting and publishing this type of game. Come'on Russians, get back to making sci-fi simulation games!! :D
From what I've seen this could have been a pretty decent game when it first came out.
However it's clearly not optimised for modern PCs.
Everytime you die - crash.
Everytime you complete an objective - crash.
And these aren't your usual 'just Alt-F4 the program and close it down', oh no. These are your 'force reboot your computer' crashes.
If it worked - possibly a 6/10. On modern computers - 1/10.
I'd like to recommend this, and I feel like I gave this a pretty good shot, but it's really too quirky to play. I don't like the mouse movents or how I can't understand who my enemies are, and sometimes my own base shoots me for no reason. The entire game seems unpolished.
I bought it for the nostalgia and because it was on sale for a low price.
This game did not run well on my laptop but it was quite smooth on my desktop computer, though I had to turn the graphics level down or it would lag in some places. I could not play the tutorial as it crashed when I tried but it didnt matter to me since I've played it before so I skipped the tutorial. Make sure to run it in compatibility mode for Windows 98/ME and run as administrator. The game has worked well so far and I have encountered no bugs(apart from the tutorial crashing) which was quite surprising.
AIM 2 clan wars is a game where you take control of a glider as a mechmind and explore different sectors of the world. You can change or upgrade your glider in many ways which is quite fantastic. You can perform a variety of missions and earn energy crystals which are used like currency. The player belgons to the fifth generation of mechminds who are the only ones who can create clans and travel between sectors.
The player can 'convince' other mechminds(make them join your side) by spending energy crystals. The greater the rating of the mechmind, the higher the cost of convincing. You can use these convinced mechminds to capture bases and eventually control a sector once your clan becomes dominant.
The combat of the game can be a little furstrating but challenging since the enemies tend to jump around and evade your attacks and aiming is a bit difficult. There are a variety of weapons to chose from which deal various amounts of damage and use different levels of energy. You can also puchase and use rockets, bombs and mines which deal a lot of damage.
Overall the game is quite fun and can be addicting once you get the hang of it. I highly recommend you try this game.
I first bought the game about 1 year ago but couldn't stop it from crashing straight after the tutorial. I decided now to revisit the game and spent some time on the forums to get it to work. a simple download is all it needs http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=265182801
So happy as Larry I tried playing the game again. The problem is the missions get bugged out and often my ship refuses to move rendering me a sitting duck. Re-starting the game usually fixes it but sometimes you have to do it 2 or 3 times.
I reckon it would be a good game if it was working properly but as it is I wouldn't recommend spending money on it no matter how cheap.
Neither "Recommending" or "Not recommending"
There's a distinction between a review and a recommendation and both of them shouldn't be mixed together.
This is a review.
Setting is fantastic, the spirit of sci-fi is strong in A.I.M. universe.
But other than exploring the sectors, it's very tedious to actually play it after getting a hang of it. Interaction with enviroment is rather limited.
There are many gliders and upgrades to pick from, but they must be grinded for. Gliders and their equipment in hangar can be sold at the same price they were bought for, making amount of money (energy crystals) a substitute for an "experience bar" that measures character's (mechminds) progress besides the ranking system.
Controls are decent, and after getting certain add-ons and upgrading engine - it's really nice to actually glide over the sectors.
Combat is fun around places with busy trafic but it never reaches a scale of war. Just random dogfights. AI isn't challenging either.
Clan managment is rather limited (having two sliding bars for adjusting role ratio) and having clan doesn't provide any actual benefit as it simply serves as a plot point / plot key. Recruiting clan members just reduces things to shoot at, eventually eliminating the only source of action there is in game.
Side quests are mostly unmemorable (there are few that reveals interesting bits of lore).
While trading has the same patern acros all sectors and it's satisfying overall, each structure still has to be visited seperatly while searching for good oportunity to profit before starting trading runs, since there's no remote way to monitor stock even in captured structures that belong to the clan and that's bothersome. Without presence of the player in the sector economy eventually colapses - AI traders can't sustain sector on their own.
Graphics are fine.
Localisation could've been done better.
Had to disable music since it plays in loops due to some bug.
Experienced movement bugs as well.
Game crashes from time to time.
Great storyline, great rpg system, great lore, but the graphics for 2007th year are pretty bad. If you like an rpg game with a great storyline, and you don't care about the graphics, then it's totally what you need to try.
Creators had left this world leaving machines with a simple a.i. Most machines just followed his program - moving to perfection. For this they fought and traded. These machines could not die, because after the destruction of their "physical shell" - glider, all accumulated information and "computer center" - mechanoid remained intact. And behold, one momet in this world of eternal war without death, world of eternal race for perfection came mechanoid which first began to think about something that is not a direct consequence of initial program: what it is? who are the creators? for what they have left them on this planet and where gone?
best expressed by one reviewer. "AIM" can be considered pioneers of genre ciberhippy on our computers, under the blue sky over the green meadows intelligent machines lead leisurely struggle for universal unity of reason. I'd like to see these machines have become happy."
will tell nothing more :)
The one of the most undervalued games made by russian gamedev, in my opinion.
Good story, stylish design, great music, big open world with own secrets.
The game about Artificial Intelligence, enclosed in small indestructible ball, which controls a large battle machines, designed to exterminate all what it considers as enemy.
But these robots doesnt want to kill all humans, it's too mainstream, moreover they would worship humans if they had them on their abandoned planet. But no one forbids them to fight each other. Or to trade. Or to be a courier.
I strictly recommend you to also to play the first part of this game (AIM, 2004). In some aspects, it better than this part, better story, in particular. Sadly, we can't buy it on Steam.
On the other side - this game is a bit buggy. But i hope, it will be fixed in future.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | SkyRiver Studios |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 70% положительных (60) |