Разработчик: Positech Games
У вас когда-нибудь возникало желание стать президентом или премьер-министром? Вы уверены, что сможете лучше управлять страной? Будем откровенны - вы вряд ли сделаете это хуже, чем нынешние политические лидеры.
Преступность, безработица, государственный долг, терроризм, изменения климата... Вы сможете решить проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются развитые западные страны? Не упустите шанс выяснить это...
Целая виртуальная страна
Democracy 3 моделирует мотивацию, привязанности и желания каждого жителя страны. Специально разработанная нейронная сеть моделирует поведение отдельных избирателей, каждый из которых относится к определенной электоральной группе, политической партии и группе влияния. Моделируется доход каждого избирателя, а также уровень его удовлетворенности и недоверия. Данная игра - самая продуманная политическая стратегия из всех созданных на данный момент.
Уникальный интерфейс пользователя
Несмотря на обширную скрытую детализацию, создатели Democracy 3 разработали крайне удобный интерфейс пользователя, который позволяет легко проследить взаимосвязь между законами. политическими решениями, настроением избирателей и возникающими ситуациями. Государство представлено в упрощенном виде с использованием иконок, которые позволяют детально изучить взаимосвязь между политическими решениями и настроениями избирателей и быстро оценить их последствия. Политика в сфере торговли может повлиять на размер ВВП, от которого, в свою очередь, зависит уровень безработицы, от которого зависит уровень бедности, а следовательно - и преступности, от которого зависит привлекательность страны для туристов, от которой зависит ВВП...
Комплексное моделирование избирателей
Каждый избиратель - комплексный объект, который формируется по принципу принадлежности к подгруппам 21 электоральной группы, используемой в игре. К примеру, есть группа избирателей «молодые состоятельные люди, либеральных и социалистических взглядов, участвующие в маятниковой миграции», или «вышедшие на пенсию религиозные лица капиталистических консервативных взглядов». Ваши политические решения в долгосрочной перспективе меняют не только принадлежность к той или иной группе, но и то, насколько избиратели идентифицируются себя с ними. За счет осторожной и продуманной корректировки своих политических решений и законов вы можете со временем превратить свою страну в религиозное или атеистическое, капиталистическое или социалистическое государство. Функция «фокус-группа» позволяет изучить настроения отдельных избирателей и понять, почему они решили голосовать (или не голосовать) за вас.
Возможность использования модовDemocracy 3 легко настраивается под моды и адаптируется к ним. Техническая поддержка steam помогает в поиске и установке модов. Хотите создать свой собственный мод? Легко! Никаких навыков написания кодов не требуется, нужна лишь программа-редактор электронных таблиц, либо текстовой редактор. Все инструкции по созданию модов находятся здесь
Создатели модов могут редактировать политики, добавлять новые, изменять характер влияния одних объектов на другие, создавать абсолютно новые страны, ситуации и даже - полностью переписывать экономические и политические модели. Ко всему имеется доступ, можно отредактировать все, что угодно.
Код написан одним разработчиком. Democracy 3 - результат труда одного разработчика, англичанина Клиффа Харриса, который является ветераном независимого игрового сегмента, причем созданием игр занимается с 1997 года, а программированием - с 11 лет. Клиффу немного «помогают» его коты, хотя, если честно - не особо...
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, french, italian, spanish - spain, polish, portuguese - portugal, russian, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows XP
- Процессор: 2 gig
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 MB
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- Звуковая карта: any
- ОС *: Windows XP
- Процессор: 2 gig
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 MB
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- Звуковая карта: any
- Процессор: 2 gig
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 MB
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- Звуковая карта: any
- Процессор: 2 gig
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 MB
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- Звуковая карта: any
- Процессор: 2 gig
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 MB
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- Звуковая карта: any
- Процессор: 2 gig
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 MB
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- Звуковая карта: any
Отзывы пользователей
This requires a little reading and gameplay sometimes seems slow, but if you're into politics or international affairs you really get to explore how electorates can embrace autocrats or the challenge of balancing growth and the environment. It's a political psychology lab.
I'm very happy that someone made this game! And, while I am not super happy with the core gameplay loop or UI, it was released more than 10 years ago! Big thank you to the developers for releasing on MacOS. As a political science grad, I wanted to like this game but couldn't get into it like I could with, say, Suzerain. I need a bit more of a story to hang on to, or at the other end, more of a 'role-playing' experience than this, which is a pure simulator and it does it's job very well!
game isn't good
I replayed Democracy 3 recently just because I was bored and wanted to try my hand at being the president.
>be me
>President of ‘Murica
>Decide to expand railways to create jobs and cut down on road congestion
>Subsidize railway passes
>Put more money into healthcare
>Decide to tackle crime
>More money into prisoner reform
>More emphasis on early education and youth programs
>More money into worker’s rights and the market
>Subsidize farming
>Subsidize city farming
>Put emphasis on food safety standards
>Make sure our obesity epidemic trickles away
>Start prioritizing secondary and tertiary education options
>Make university more affordable
>Violent gangs go away
>Vigilante justice goes away
>Antisocial behavior goes away
>Obesity epidemic goes away
>New situation: Technological advantage
>Completely forgot I funded our space program
>GDP looks great
>Economy is fantastic
>Unemployment is low
>Thanks to reforms with immigration and naturalization, racial tension starts to fade away
>high approval rating
>cabinet is happy
>about to run for re-election
>get killed by a fringe group of liberals
What did Positech mean by this
This is the best game to scratch that political itch that you have
Enjoy the next few hours of fun
A very thoughtful foundation to political strategy games.
Some elements of foreign policy, resource reserves, park lands, epidemics, celebrity personalities, etc are missing but that is more-so due to funding and scope for a small development team in 2013.
Worth many hours of relevant policy experimentation in democratic nations.
Abolished Income Tax
Slashed the NHS
Slashed State Spending
The Right Wing still weren't happy and tried to kill me, very based.
A silly bit of fun. Its very easy so its the kind of game where you have to make your own fun but if making a socialist utopia and then trying to turn it in to a capitalist military state without it all falling apart sounds fun you'll like this game.
very cool and educational
Complex, not sure if it represents an accurate depiction of political values
Stressful. I'm very bad at this game and I'm not cutthroat or heartless enough to act as a "good" politician. I also feel this game is a bit overpriced. 7/10
It's fun, but the tutorial is very unfriendly, so I recommend watching a Youtube video instead (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiHMadFbAxw).
After that, you get a grasp of how to do things, but every time it's too easy once you handle the alcohol abuse issue, so after playing for ~10 hours I got bored of it.
So, while it's a good game, keep in mind that the play time isn't long.
Poor game with only binary choices, the gameplay doesn't allow any evolution, you'll get bored in few minutes :/
good game, small problem is everytime my economy reaches even a photon of light, like, 3 flash crashes hit it and it goes bye
but other than that, gud gaem
It kind of pains me to put a thumbs down on this game, but when the choice is binary, what can you do.
First of all - this is not a bad game. It's an interesting effort to show how everything is related to everything, and gives you a few important lessons along the way, enabling you to experiment with how different countries and cultures react to different things.
Of course, being a president or chancellor or whatever the top dog is called is a task not so easily made into a game without reducing complexity, and this balance is one of the most important choices for a game designer to make.
In one sense, this has been accomplished well - it's a game that is relatively easy to pick up, and casual playing works fine. However, you quickly realize that things are oversimplified to such an extent it's at times ludicrous. You know, you could just tax the mansions of all the wealthy, implement federal alcohol tax and reduce the military budget by 25% in a few quarters and watch the money pour in. Sure, the mechanisms of the game will make sure this affects public opinion, and not everything is implemented at once, stuff takes time, but still -- you're able to do it. Which leads us to the fact, that..
..democracy itself is kind of boring. With real democracy, you can't just do what you want, and a proper simulation of that is way more difficult to make (and probably play). So what we have here isn't "Democracy 3", it's "Dictatorship 3". Yeah, you have to win the election, but it's not that hard, and as a dictator you still have to be wary of public dissent and the will of the elite.
It was fun to play it through once, but that's it I guess. Maybe there's a few sequels to check out, I guess this game is old now..
The game is an intriguing political simulation, albeit with one significant drawback: it does not support macOS. Consequently, I had to resort to Democracy 3.
Despite the simplicity of the data presented, the sheer size and complexity of the metrics proved overwhelming, leaving me at a loss for words when faced with crises. One such dilemma was whether to raise taxes on the rich or the poor. Or perhaps both? Will taxes be reduced by any means necessary to secure an election victory, and how will the resulting economic instability be addressed?
A seemingly innocuous decree can precipitate a crisis of considerable magnitude, and the multiplicity of available options presents a daunting challenge at every juncture.
End corporation tax and tax the poor 90% what a great game
allowing abortion and teaching evolution sparks extreme religious terrorism;
despite having cctv on every corner, high tech spy satellite network, widespread wire tapping, armed police, and banned handguns, i still get assassinated by a handful of dudes with guns every time
This is peak Enlightened Centrism:
Banning Private Education is as "Extreme" as forcing people to sing the National Anthem at school.
I had fun for a while when relatively politically naive, but I wouldn't play this drivel in a pink fit now.
Too easy, and unnecessary complicated.
Very cool
not for the faint of heart there is no winning, but if you want to experience exactly how much politics is the ultimate "Kobayashi Maru"..no win but some good, you can try, VOTE OR RUN FOR OFFICE
One of the most significant issues is its apparent bias towards certain political ideologies. The game's mechanics often seem to favor more progressive or liberal policies, making it challenging to successfully govern with conservative or libertarian approaches when real life proves that more conservative and libertarian polices actually work compared to their liberal/socialist counterparts. This bias can detract from the game's realism and immersion, as it feels like some political outcomes are predetermined or overly simplified.
The devs are probably libtards.
Stupidly addictive political sim game.
Great fun, although I do keep getting assassinated >.<
Runs well on Linux!
I will slap your MOUTH.
This is a fun game. Like many games I play, it requires you to think. And not just about what your next search on X Vids will be.
Overall, I'd give this game a McDonalds Happy Meal/10. Anyone who replies to this will automatically have AIDS.
should let you dodge the bullets
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Positech Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 70 |
Отзывы пользователей | 75% положительных (4679) |