Разработчик: Zemnott
- Двигайтесь вверх по служебной лестнице через 10 званий в 83-м Участке. Сможете ли вы стать заместителем комиссара?
- Обостряющаяся криминальная сложность с множеством злоумышленников и растущей сложностью Досок Маджонг.
- Разнообразные мини-игры — Допрос, Анализ ДНК и многие другие!
- 5 типов специальных фишек, открывающих при комбинировании важные подозрительные улики.
- Огромное гродоское пространство более чем с 20 локациями для исследования.
- Безграничные возможности для повторного прохождения с продвинутой системой генерации криминальных сценариев — никогда не попадается одно и тоже.
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- Поддерживаемые ОС: Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
- Процессор: Intel Pentium III 800 МГц или быстрее
- Видеокарта: 32 МБ видеокарта
- Память: 256 МБ ОЗУ
- Жесткий диск: 100 МБ свободного дискового пространства
Отзывы пользователей
Bought within a sale collection, I found "Mahjongg Investigations" interesting from the screenshots, but haven't tried it until now. Glad I did it now, revealing a true casual gaming gem with some nice twists. It's Mahjongg with different stones (glasses, knives, pistols, cars), but some tiles are really special: they give clues to a case which is completely randomly generated when starting a round. These clues help you identify suspects that are presented on a seperate screen, all with random abilities like height, hobbies, hair-color, and so on. The more clues you get, the easier it becomes to identify the right person. That's hell of fun, especially because you can decide to interrogate suspects for more clues, even pushing them to commit to the crime. When doing so, the game changes to a matching/memory kind of game, giving a damn good selection of different gameplays during one thrilling detective Mahjongg case.
I've played all manner of Mahjongg games, but this one has a unique aspect in that you solve crimes as you play. It's addictive but simple and I often play while waiting for something to finish on my computer, a download, a new installation, or anything like that. It's better than doodling. Steam is telling me I've played 6658 hours, so that should give an indication of how much I love playing this game. It's a good way to practice your logic and deduction skills.
A neat twist on mahjongg. I play when I don't want to have to focus too much.
I enjoy Mahjongg by itself, this game adds a little extra thematic flare and drama to the game. Highly recommended!
Since some people in the reviews mentioned not being able to run the game, I thought that I should mention that the game ran without any trouble on my Windows 10 PC. The game was what I was hoping it would be, for the most part. The only slight ding I would put on its report card is that the vocal track of police officers on the radio you hear while playing the game is on a pretty short loop (considering how long it takes to play enough games to reach the top rank). I am getting my Steam sale money's worth on this one.
Why can't a game ever bring up 'TRUE CRIME'? Why does it always have to be fictional? I don't get it. Do developers fear lawsuits? Are they not aware how big the 'True Crime' business industry already is? All they have to do is go down to a book store and read. Alas the closest I have played so far to 'True Crime' is 'L.A Noire' and they took a whole range of liberties with that one believe me.
Mah-jong Investigations is developed by a company which disbanded in 2009 http://www.mobygames.com/company/zemnott-inc . The game is somewhat similar to 'Criminal Case' found on Facebook but take out the Hidden Object Games and replace them with Mah-jong solitaire and instead of watching the case play out entirely itself, here you have to do some very babyish deductive work.
For those that don't know this is 'Mah-jong solitaire' (mah-jong itself is a completely different game) its a puzzle game based on finding the same tile strategy. The goal is to match open pairs of identical tiles and remove them from the board, exposing the tiles under them for play. The game is finished when all pairs of tiles have been removed from the board or when there are no exposed pairs remaining.
This games biggest appeal is also its greatest flaw let me explain. You play as a detective whose ultimate goal is to raise yourself up 10 ranks in the 83rd precinct until you become a 'Deputy Commissioner'. Every time you’re presented with a case and a map with several locations of interest. Once you visit a location a mah-jong solitaire game is laid down and as you match up certain 'special tiles' they have a direct impact on your case and also offers you an extra mini game here and there.
Magnify Glass - Means often mundane information will be presented to you such as there was a country music cd found at the crime scene. Does this have any relevance to the case? No. So you just ignore it.
DNA Pattern - This tile means that some DNA evidence needs to be analysed and you can match up a person's DNA with the evidence found if you would like. It means that you have to play a Tetris style mini game using arrow keys which feels somewhat awkward and long especially if you are checking it out against the wrong person. DNA evidence may not be applicable against perp 1 but it could be applicable against perp 2 or the other half the dozen suspects standing in your queue of queries. So more often than not you will learn to ignore this option.
Police Car - Not sure if this tile is connected but eventually you have to play a minigame each case where the police car is trying to a catch a suspected culprit and you have to link up matching tiles flashed in a trail behind the speeding car or the car gets away. This is actually quite fun at first, but the further you rank up it starts to get ridiculous in speed and time requirements and you soon learn it has no real bearing to the ultimate outcome of your case so you just ignore and let the car just speed away.
Security Camera - Adds additional perpetrators of a crime to your case. Instead of just finding one guy you might now need to find 4. These tiles you can't ignore. The game will request you to find the perps whether you click on them or not.
Fingerprint - These tiles often reveal info more pertinent to your case such as 'perp 1 has blonde hair', problem is that you might have a dozen suspects in your line up with blonde hair, so more often than not you will just learn to ignore this.
Telephone - Not sure if this tile is linked up, but your forever answering the bleeding phone and having people tell you mundane info like 'Barry likes Westerns'. Seriously I'm in the middle of a police chase and someone has to phone up and tell me that. Can't I hire a secretary? Since people lie on the phone, you will learn to completely ignore this facet.
Interrogation - You can play a mini game on each suspect which requires you to play a memory match up game like you have 20 chance to find the pairs to 48 tiles. Basically ridiculously impossible odds and so you will learn to ignore this.
Alibi - Finally the only tile that has a definite bearing on your case. Each time you match up one of these it takes a suspect off your line up because they have revealed a iron clad alibi. Collect enough of these 4 mah-jong solitaire games should do it, you have enough people off your suspect list to work out who committed the crime.
The game with all its additional add-on is dressed up to look like it’s something more than just a mah-jong solitaire game which makes it appealing, but since all those add-ons really don't have a significant impact to your cases you’re really just left with the realization that just playing mah-jong solitaire is your best option if you want to quickly move through the ranks. After about 50 mah-jong solitaire games you start asking yourself will this ever end?
Hence the game’s greatest appeal it's mini games is also its greatest weakness since they have no true bearing and just begin to look like unnecessary clutter. The multiple perps behind this crime is Zemnott. You’re looking for a blonde haired person, a dark brown haired, a bald person, and one who wears glasses, most average build, one tall, and one short, most normal height. Ok now with that info go get them. Wait it seems the culprits made a getaway back in 2009 speeding furiously down the highway, angry customers who hate mah-jong solitaire should start pursuit. HOLD YOUR HORSES! This just in "BARRY LIKES WESTERNS!!!"
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Absorbing mahjong title with a crime solving flavour.
Early levels seem absurdly simple, but later on it gets tense as you try and eliminate suspects before your time runs out.
Graphics are pretty awful but don't bother me. They are functional enough for my purposes
Pretty much everything I tried did not work, the game will not even start and I can't return it because not enough time shows for play due to the 'will not start' problem. The devs (it seems) will not respond to me or anyone else so I can only take that as a money grab on their part. I've tried it several times with more then a dozen variations for Compatibility.
I consider this a bad buy and a waste of time, stay away. I could not even post review without having 5 minutes in game so I had to start and watch it crash over and over, what a farce!!!!
Note: I finally got it to work after trying a few dozen different settings but the NEG stands because it was such a hassle to get working and no response from devs. I got it working because of my superior intergenanncee.. (< spelled like that intentionally)
Others have described exactly what you do in the game, so I won't go into that.
What I will say is I enjoyed this game immensely and will probably return to it from time to time. The atmosphere is set well, there's a lot of different elements and a few minigames that all gel well together. Even though the countdown timer should never have been a concern to me, its presence did make everything feel more urgent (which is something that really annoys me in most games, but didn't in this one).
The one negative is the continuous pop-ups of each new piece of information (Ted Whatshisface weighs 122 pounds!) gets a little annoying towards the end, particularly since with four perps and 20-ish suspects, you don't (and can't) really care about each piece of information but what it all tells you when combined on the case info page. There really should be an option to turn that off.
Actually, I tell a lie. There is a second negative, if you're playing the minigame where you're chasing a suspect and you manage to clear all the tiles before the last one appears, it glitches and you can't catch the suspect. Solution is, when you get down to the last two tiles to wait for them both to appear at the bottom of the screen before clearing them.
I bought it on sale, and while I would pay for it at full price, this game probably isn't for everyone. I'd recommend waiting for a sale.
You unearth clues by playing Mahjongg and use those to arrest criminals. Definitely not worth it for the full price, but on discount it's a fun Mahjongg game with a twist, especially if you enjoy the detective genre.
You really wouldn't think this would work as well as it does. Taipei-type tile puzzle, but as you solve it you get randomly-generated "clues" to logic out who done it. One time a guy was murdered by three women who were each missing a leg, acting together.
The minigames are optional (they give more clues) but they're fun; there's a memory game, Fake Tetris and some kind of speed thing that isn't particularly difficult. Still, it's a lot of terrible ideas that, all put together, make a really good, compelling whole. Way better for that Mahjongg itch than most of the ones with over-the-top pseudo-Asian themes.
I can't even remember how I ended up with this game, but I just tried it out, and I'm impressed. It's nothing flashy, but it's solid. As you solve Mahjongg boards (with non-traditional tiles), some tiles give you clues toward solving a mystery. Your goal is to make a Carmen Sandiego/Guess Who-style identification of the suspect(s) based on identifying details and obtained clues.
I enjoy Mahjongg, and I enjoyed this. It's a fun game, with straightforward puzzle gameplay and tutorials to gradually introduce you to your crime-solving tools.
Игры похожие на Mahjongg Investigations: Under Suspicion
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Zemnott |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 13.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 92% положительных (12) |