Разработчик: Weappy Studio
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Добро пожаловать в Шарпвуд, холодный приграничный город, раздираемый насилием, где все не без греха. Контрабандисты, преступные банды и горластые популисты чувствуют себя здесь как дома. Чтобы поддерживать мир и порядок, молодому шерифу Лилли Рид (Сара Гамильтон, The Longest Journey) придется объединить усилия с беглым преступником Джеком Бойдом (Джон Сент-Джон, Duke Nukem) – и молиться, чтобы ее рискованный план не вышел из-под контроля.Возглавьте департамент шерифа.
Ваши подчиненные – не просто какой-то безликий ресурс; они – живые люди со своими сильными и слабыми сторонами, собственными страхами и предрассудками, и вам придется считаться со всем этим, если вы планируете выжить. Кто-то из ваших ребят злоупотребляет алкоголем? Или постоянно выдумывает отмазки, лишь бы не выходить на работу? А может, вообще отказывается следовать вашим приказам? Вам придется проявить упорство и настойчивость, чтобы установить дисциплину в этом департаменте.Проводите тактические операции.
Во время самых опасных миссий игра перейдет в режим пошагового тактического боя. Соберите отряд из своих лучших копов (или пошлите на задание пьяниц и тупых лентяев – ситуации бывают разные!). Внимательно изучите местность, скорректируйте свои планы, незаметно подберитесь к подозреваемым и используйте нелетальное оружие и экипировку – если ситуация позволяет, конечно. Да, порой перестрелок почти невозможно избежать, но будьте осторожны: в This Is the Police 2 ни у кого нет шкалы здоровья. Одна пуля может стоить копу жизни.Станьте настоящим детективом.
Собирайте улики, изучайте материалы дела, допрашивайте подозреваемых (или пользуйтесь, кхм, более действенными методами) и отправляйте мерзавцев под суд. Что, подозреваемый оказался невиновным? Что ж, самое время узнать, насколько судья Шарпвуда неподкупен.Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, japanese, russian, italian, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows Vista SP1
- Процессор: Dual Core CPU
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD 4000, GeForce GT 330M, Radeon HD 4670 or equivalent
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Quad Core CPU
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 560 or higher, AMD Radeon HD 5830 or higher
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.9
- Процессор: Dual Core CPU
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD 4000, GeForce GT 330M, Radeon HD 4670 or equivalent
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: Soundblaster compatible
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04, SteamOS
- Процессор: Dual Core CPU
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD 4000, GeForce GT 330M, Radeon HD 4670 or equivalent
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: Soundblaster compatible
Отзывы пользователей
This game is absolutely amazing!
I played This is the Police a few years ago and was excited to see there was a sequel.
The cutscenes are awful: they take forever, the characters speak extremely slowly, and the dialogue could be written by a tween on ffnet: "I, uh... you know... well I was... maybe uh... a cop too once... you understand? I mean - well - it's uh... more complicated uh... than you think... do you uh, well... do you understand?" Can you fast forward the dialogue? Sure. It skips the entire 3-5 minute scene and dumps you into an interactive moment that I assume has something to do with the very last piece of dialogue from any given cutscene, because any time I did it the next moment seemed wildly unrelated. There's no way to simply skip line by line. There's no back button, if you stopped paying attention during a 30-second silent montage of somebody standing at a desk and missed the dialogue that came after.
Y'all, i'm tired. I bought this on sale and I'm still annoyed I spent money on it.
Game #50 of My Backlog Clearing Journey
Status: Completed
Aside from the management system and a new game mode that mixes SRPG with strategy, everything in this game is worse than its predecessor. The narrative is absurdly disjointed, the characters are bad, and the dialogues are poorly written.
40 minutes in and NOTHING IS HAPPENING. Ive been sitting here knitting for 40 minutes while clicking a button a couple times. tooooo longwinded and boring
I would absolutely recommend This is the Police 2 to anyone who is willing to give it a shot. I initially played it on the Playstation 5 and bought it again just to give this review (And play a great game).
As long as you enjoy the core gameplay loop and don't mind doing a little bit of reading each session, you'll love this game. The story to me is super enthralling and I love how it continues from the first game. Make sure you play This is the Police 1 prior because some things won't make sense otherwise plotwise. I love the addition of personal politics between officers, something that's more fleshed out in the sequel. Once I realised Sandra Spurlock wasn't going to be working with any low tier men, I crafted a girl power team and got all of my females officers pro ratings quite high. It's fun to experiment with your squad and see how they hate each other (Fuck you Kurosawa. Take a shower Woolbag). The 'raid' aspect of the game is also fun, and I have yet to try Rebel Cops but am excited after running through this again.
My positives are the story and characters are great and make sense, the gameplay is fun and funny at times, and the additions and polishing from the first game is perfect. The only negatives are the necktie base mission's difficulty and people potentially not enjoying sending squad cars out on calls. Regardless I think everyone should give it a try. Easily a 9/10 game for me
Its a good game, with good concept and visuals. But the only bad thing I feel about this one and its part 1 is that I have to do all the bad things and have no control over the choices so that I can become a good police chief. We have to follow the story and end up having to do bad things so that we can progress ahead in the game.
Meh. Nothing new here. Other games do the same, but with better graphics and better logic. Didn't like it.
I'm a whopping 30 minutes in and I think my actual "play" time has been 4 clicks. So many cut scenes. Can we get to the freaking point? I'm all for learn while you play but if I wanted to watch a poorly acted TV show for 30 minutes I'd of turned on the TV. Hoping it gets better but for now... not worth the time.
It tells a neat story... Like the first
Basically, this story is about a coward loser old man rape a little young cute girl,
If you just like it , go online to find some porn .
Because that's what exactly fit you,
If u micro tiny mind can just make up something like this?
If you have enemies just kill them all and your life will become calmer and easier... 10\10
Written-by Mr. Kim Dotcom, circa August 18, 2024:
"This may be the most important post you’ll ever read because it provides a simple explanation about why our world is being destroyed, by design.
I’m not antisem itic nor a N azi. I’m simply a former hacker with great analytical skills who understands what’s happening in the world.
At the end of this post I will quote from a world domination plan. You will recognize the truth immediately because that’s what’s currently happening in the world. Today’s reality suggests that this plan is real.
When you do your own research you will learn that the origin of this plan was discredited and that the alleged creators have nothing to do with it. But who was the person providing the key evidence?
It was allen dulles. The man who raised money from US industrialists to fund Ad olf Hi tler, his Na zi party and his war. The man who later became the director of the CIA during Kennedy and the head of The Warren Commission that investigated the Kennedy Incident. Why would anybody believe a man with such a questionable character?
The protocols of the elders of zion have unquestionably borrowed ideas from several authors but you can say that about most important writings throughout history. It was called a fabrication and is one of the first uses of the term ‘conspiracy theory’.
Why do zionists have a massive over-representation in the media, politics, banking, and world-affairs? How did such a small community get to dominate all the centers of power and information?
Why can isreal ignore UN resolutions, international-law, and commit a genocide in Ga za, to standing ovations in the US Congress? Why is isreal acting like it is above the law seemingly without any fear of consequences.
Read some of the alleged zi onist world domination plan below and compare it with reality. Is all of this just a coincidence?
“Our power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.”
“We shall absolutely control the media, so that not a single announcement will ever reach the public without our control. In this way we shall have a sure triumph over our opponents, for without the media, they are helpless.”
“We will distract the brainless heads with vain conceptions, fantastic theories, rotten amusement, games, and filthy passions, so that they will be unable to use what intellect they have. They will never suspect that they have been stage managed by us.”
“We shall establish huge monopolies, so that all will go to ruin when the political smash-up comes. We must, at all cost, deprive them of their lands, we must lower wages, and raise the prices of all necessities of life.”
“We shall create an economic crisis, which will stop dealings in all exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall throw onto the streets whole mobs of workers, simultaneously, all over the world, who will rush to loot property and delight to shed blood.”
“In our government, besides ourselves, there must only be the mass of enslaved people, a few billionaires devoted entirely to us, police, and soldiers. To do this we must create chaos and hostilities, and we must use all deceit, treachery and falseness, possible. Our greatest weapon is the media.”
“We shall establish one king over all of earth who will annihilate all causes of discord, such as borders, nationalities, religion, state debts, etc., and get peace and quiet which cannot be secured in any other way. To attain our ends we must foment trouble in all countries, utterly exhaust all of humanity with hatred, struggle, envies, torture, starvation, and diseases, so that the people will be forced to take refuge in our complete sovereignty.”
“Our master card has been, is, and shall be, the destruction of all privileges, on the ruins of which we shall set up our absolute autocracy.”
Please be mindful that most pro-isreal comments on social media are generated by the largest bot network in the world, not by real people.
Specifically, this is what has been done, using video-games to brain-wash, indoctrinate, demoralize, and fractionalize, young(er) people who would otherwise be focused-on family and community, is IN-YOUR-FACE, now, and is openly-known to be happening with the games we buy from Steam, and others.
Search for this article using the following search-terms: Zero Hedge "Leftist Consulting Firms Exposed Behind Wokification Video Games":
""How the tables have turned in the past decade. If you were involved at the inception of the culture war around a decade ago then you probably remember an abrupt and distinct change in popular media from 2015 to 2016. There was a surge of far-left and feminist propaganda in movies, television, commercials and even video games that was highly aggressive, perhaps even militant. Some people spoke out at the time and questioned the motives behind the trend, only to be smacked down by angry mobs of activists and corporate journalists with accusations of “conspiracy theory” and “bigotry.”
In other words, their claim was that you were not seeing what you thought you were seeing. There was no feminist agenda. There was no gay or trans agenda. There was no socialist messaging. It was only in your head.
If there is one rule that encompasses all political endeavors, it is this: If you have to hide your intentions and lie about your goals when trying to spread your ideology, then something is probably very wrong with your ideology. This is exactly the problem inherent in the attempt to spread woke doctrine – Activists and provocateurs never ask anyone if they want to hear about woke ideas; they seek to force everyone to see and hear woke ideas, to the point that people cannot escape the messaging.
Even more insulting is the fact that even though most of these activists claim to be fans of the media they target, they are usually discovered to be frauds. Woke ideologues have little sincere interest in nostalgia, movie making, video games, comic books, etc. They only care about these properties because they see them as a vehicle to be co-opted, infected and dominated. Leftists know well that if they control pop culture they can control the thinking of the next generation."...
12/10. Amazing. Perfect. Just play first one first
Twas good
I really loved this game! Personally I found it to be a very improvement in almost all aspects compared to the prequel. I loved the intro, loved the story, loved the cutscenes, loved the gameplay and loved the music!
I think the length of the game is perfect, the prequel was amazing, but it felt too long and it killed any sort of short-term replayability. Looking at the negative reviews, I actually ended up liking most of the things people reviewed as a negative.
I really liked the micromanagement aspect and the tactical assaults and combats. I liked the loyalty system and how once loyal, some cops will stop complaining about working two days in a row or being sent on a job with someone they dislike.
There are only two things that I wish were different: the difficulty and the number of tactical missions. For the difficulty, I felt that overall the game was quite simple, taking out one gang and selling some drugs and gold bars means you'll be fine financially without much struggle. And once I paid to have the food system be automatical again I never had any cop being disloyal. Once your cops have some stats maxed you'll be fine with 98% of the calls, almost always if you have max stealth and choose "sneak behind the suspect", or if you have max negotiation and pick "calm the suspect down" you'll succeed. Towards the end of the game I started sending full maxed cops and picking a random option without even reading what was happening and I was still solving all calls without any cop or civilian hurt or killed. The final assault of the game also felt quite simple, the last waves were basically just copy paste of the previous wave and you can easily spawn kill all of the enemies. I also almost never felt a struggle with the number of cops and equipment, I think the "shop" should have been more expensive.
For my other complain, I would have loved having more tactical missions like the circus assault and the ambush. It would have been amazing if some normal calls would actually ended up being some sort of ambush, with not only enemies coming at you, but also traps placed around. It'd also been fun if you could send some reinforcements after an ambush, and having them appear after a couple of turns.
But aside from these two points, I really liked everything else and I really recommend this game.
Storytelling, situations, gameplay style, animation, voice,... everything was so done so well. Every detail was so fine. I love this game
wow, i mean really, WOW, take notes, strategy game makers, THIS is how you make a video game.
this may been the BEST video game Weappy studios has every made, and i am SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS.
but now seriously, if you never play the This is the police games, you may wonder: John, what the hell is the This is the police games about? i tell you what it is, gamers: its breaking bad the video game.
Warren Nash, AKA Jack Boyd, is a wanted fugitive that is corrupt from the first game. Just like Walter White, he has NOTHING to lose. Now, you may be thinking: John, Weappy studios is sexist to women in This game, NO, dont you all get it? its Weappy studios, they make these games because it is what them makes special: they arent afraid and i am very proud of Weappy Studios. COD had the infamous No Russian mission, and guess what? THEY BUTCHERD IT IN THE REBOOT!!!!!!! that is why this game is great, because its a world full of criminals: they assault women, stab civilllians, and gun down guards and even inocent people: and all of you are complaining about Racism and sexism? GET THE F OUT OF HERE!!!! if all of you read this, go support the Devs of this game and other projects/games. donate to them, support them, EVEN 1 PENNY HELPS!!!! if 150 people share and like this, i will maybe, if the Devs allow it, send them ideas, and maybe spin offs of the This is the Police game series, so that we can enjoy the fun times and them the rightful earnings. Devs, if you read This, dont be afraid what they negative say to you, its why we love your games, especially this masterpiece.
PS, if you support them, The Adventure of Jack Boyd has just begone....
Very nice idea and a great story. I recommend to play the first game before you play this one. The experiece will be rewarding.
I proudly give this game the prize for:
"Worst intro in a video game ever".
And now it can just disappear in my library.
Love his game. Sure was hard and well worth playing.
Hidden gem 9/10
Minus one point for not be able listening vinyl music from the start
I had a lot of fun with this game! I do not recommend it.
This is the Police 1 was a fun simulator/ management type game starring Jack Boyd, a not so clean police chief trying to do his best to run his department and gain $500,000 before his forced retirement. This included managing the politics surrounding his position (keeping crime families happy, keeping the mayors office happy, doing favours for the public to get bribes, keeping the uniforms happy, etc. etc.). This was on top of managing arrests from time-to-time.
This is the Police 2 took that formula and iterated it, for better and (mostly) for worse. The 2 new features I liked were the respect feature among officers, and the tactical turn-based missions. The respect feature added a lot of personality and head-canons to individual officers and was kinda fun to deal with. The tactical-missions were also a nice change of pace and added an extra layer of strategy into the game that was entertaining to deal with. The forgiving nature of these missions also encouraged some creativity to approaches. Not all of these missions were great, and I wish there was more of these in the game then were present.
Where this game falls weak is everywhere else. It simultaneously created more micromanagement while giving you less to do. While the first game had you occasionally take charge of the actions of your uniformed officers, this game demands the player to make every decision an officer takes in every mission they're sent to do. This is annoying more often than not and takes away from the autonomy of the officers who have sufficient enough stats to be able to do things on their own. And the balancing act of different factions in the first game was completely stripped, meaning the macro-consequences of your actions are less present. The only thing you really have to do is not fail calls 3 days in a row, make 20k a week, and keep your officers happy every once in a while.
The game felt shorter then the first one. I suspect more was planned but was abandoned during development, and I think this can be felt in the narrative and gameplay experience. The story was a bit weak. I won't go into detail to avoid spoilers, but while it had its moments, it fell short of anything satisfying. And some of the cutscenes just dragged on and on. This burden is present because the story continues to follow Jack Boyd, and it has to give a lot of exposition as to why Jack Boyd, wanted fugitive who led a municipal military uprising and is wanted by law enforcment, can act as a defacto police chief in another town without consequence. I think the game would've been a lot better if Jack was some kind antagonist, even a minor one that you take out early on, hiding out in the town, with the focus being on a new character. Maybe have the new character slowly and begrudgingly become similar to Jack was just to achieve their own goals. The games insistence to continue Jack's story just created a half-baked narrative that doesn't change much from the ending(s) of the first game.
There are less gangs and investigations in general, most likely because of the micromanagey style of the game. Detectives don't exist in your precinct either, so you have to use your uniformed officers to investigate. The investigations themselves are actually well made and allow you to specify what your officers are looking for, they're just resource intensive since your officer pool is more restrictive. I wish there was more of these in the game - but there isn't, because the game is shorter days-wise and you don't have to officers to spare in order to consistently do this.
The recruitment and equipment buying system is also a bit jank. Your ability to buy equipment and recruit officers is limited by your performance; but, you can't improve your performance without adequate officers and equipment. Also unlike the first game, you're given a separate currency to purchase officers and equipment, rather than the ability to request expansion and hire them on for free depending on the slots you have available. It's just weird and I'm not personally a fan. You also lose access to recruiting officers in general late game, which just feels mechanically punishing and there's no payoff to this.
Played on the steamdeck. Issues with loading cutscenes and being buggy in general (having to restart of exit the game). I've seen reviews that cite performance issues on different platforms, which suggests optimization problems with the game in general.
This is the Police 2 is fundamentally an unfinished game and unworthy sequel to the first game. What sucks most of all is that the potential to be great was there, just unmet. I hope the talent behind this project do better in future games of similar style. 2/5
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Weappy Studio |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 22.01.2025 |
Metacritic | 66 |
Отзывы пользователей | 64% положительных (1258) |