Eternal Card Game

Eternal Card Game

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Разработчик: Dire Wolf

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Вооружайтесь шестизарядными револьверами и магией, чтобы пуститься навстречу приключениям в новой стратегической карточной игре Eternal! Eternal сочетает в себе динамику игр категории AAA и бесконечные возможности карточных игр. Вы ограничены только собственной фантазией.

Игра изменилась

Вооружайтесь шестизарядными револьверами и магией, чтобы пуститься навстречу приключениям в стратегической карточной игре Eternal! Eternal включает в себя лучшее из обоих миров.
Сложный продуманный игровой процесс стратегии сочетается с динамичными тактическими сражениями с применением магии!
Игра подходит для мобильных устройств благодаря современнейшему дизайну и интуитивному управлению!
...к тому же в ней есть потрясающие механики и самая честная экономика в игровом мире!

Разыгрывайте любые карты

Eternal — это самая честная бесплатная цифровая карточная игра из всех. Мы искренне хотим даровать игрокам все необходимые карты, а также свободу фантазии, благодаря которой они смогут собрать нужную колоду.
  • Все карты и игровые режимы в Eternal можно получить, не заплатив ни гроша.
  • Вы ограничены только собственным воображением — Eternal позволяет вам сочетать любые карты в своей колоде!

Играйте так, как хотите
В Eternal есть несколько режимов на выбор.
  • Турниры: испытайте свою храбрость в соревновании, где можно выиграть денежные призы!
  • События: регулярно проходят события с забавными поворотами сюжета и временными правилами!
  • Настраиваемый: сражайтесь за первое место в самых разных форматах. А еще здесь есть списки лидеров по месяцам!
  • Режим тренировки: выполняйте эксцентричные комбо в увлекательных импровизированных играх. Творите что хотите!
  • Подбор: составьте колоду на ходу из 48 карт, которые передадут вам другие игроки!
  • Закрытая лига: вскройте 14 наборов и победите в закрытой лиге, которая действует весь месяц!
  • Промо-задания: каждый месяц игроки могут бесплатно получить новую карту, выполнив особые промо-задания!
  • Кампания: вступите в битву за трон Eternal в сюжетной PvE-кампании, во время которой в игре появятся новые карты!
  • Кузница: играйте против ИИ в Кузнице! Выбирайте карты из трех доступных и проходите испытания!
  • Полоса препятствий: учитесь новым трюкам, проходя полосу препятствий! Соберите колоду и проверьте, как вы справитесь с ИИ или безумными боссами, созданными лучшими профессиональными игроками в карточные игры!

Играйте, когда хотите

Межплатформенная игра Eternal позволяет перемещать ваши колоды и коллекцию на любую платформу. Вы можете войти в свою учетную запись почти на любой платформе, а значит, у вас всегда будет время для динамичной игры!

Игра Eternal доступна на перечисленных платформах

  • ПК в Steam
  • Xbox One и Microsoft Store
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Телефоны и планшеты на Android
  • Телефоны и планшеты на iOS

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, simplified chinese, portuguese - portugal, russian

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Процессор: Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Graphics card with DX10 or OpenGL 3.x capabilities
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 3 GB
  • ОС *: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ or better
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Graphics card with DX10 or OpenGL 3.x capabilities
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 3 GB


  • ОС: OS X 10.9 (latest version)
  • Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Graphics card with OpenGL 3.x capabilities
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 3 GB
  • ОС: OS X 10.9 or higher (latest version)
  • Процессор: Intel Core i3 or better
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Graphics card with OpenGL 3.x capabilities
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 3 GB

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 27.02.2017 01:19
3 0

So this game is a totally fine hearthstone clone with magic rule set for attacking, defending and most spells...
gameplay seems average (watched some streamers before) and kinda fun
cardgraphics are lame but well done atleast
the gameboard looks like its from 2008... not able to actually clone hearthstones decent boardstyle.

BUT IT DOESNT LET YOU CHOOSE YOUR PASSWORD>>> 2.3 hours of card progress lost. yes i did try mutliple random words with the asked for characters but never got a green confirmation arrow.

Apparantly it doesnt save your progress unless you make an account which this broken game is preventing from happening! Nice one! Never again gonna play this or a game of this company!

Время в игре: 136 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.02.2017 09:31
4 0

This is probably the best digital card game you will pick up.

As someone who has played Hearthstone, Magic (digital and non-digital), Spellweaver, and that random Might and Magic card game that really didn't do it for a lot of people, I can safely say that this game has taken the features I have loved the most about those games, and mashed them all together into something that is very clearly a winner for me.

But you know what? It's done something that I haven't seen in any of those other online card games, and that is the FREE Gauntlet. I don't think I have played a game where you can continuously fight with the AI, not a real person, and still find it (sometimes) challenging and always rewarding. Most games in this genre don't reward players who dislike playing real people, and put Versus AI mode as a practice mode with relatively few gains. I am aware Hearthstone has limited rewards for singleplayer challenges, but Eternal offers you packs, singles, and gold each time you challenge. That is probably the most redeeming feature for me, because in the end, it makes free-to-play really feel like free-to-play.

TL;DR: Congratulations to a development team who have done a bang-up job of sticking to their idea of "generously Free to Play".

Время в игре: 684 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.02.2017 00:20
2 0

Great take of the card game genre. Hearthstone meets Magic. Getting gold is relatively realistic so you really can play without spending money. Save money and do the drafts. There are many game modes, 2 which are drafts ( one vs AI and other vs people) and you keep every card you draft for your permanent collection. There are quests and campaign etc etc. Try it at least.... it's free.

Время в игре: 13393 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.02.2017 21:28
3 0

  • Enjoyable CCG with some flaws.
  • Borrows UI, visual design, and quality of life features from Hearthstone while moving the design space forward in satisfying ways.
  • Card combinations can be very powerful allowing for more interesting deck building options.
  • Single player options are interesting, but lacking long-term replayability opting instead to drive players to PvP battles. (While this makes sense when considering the genre, there is unmined opportunity that Eternal seems primed to exploit. Upcoming expansions look ready to offer more single player options.)
  • [*] Suffers from resource randomness.

The big challenge in Eternal is the very poor system governing resource draw. Resource cards are included and then drawn from your deck (like Magic, Hex, etc.), and there seems to be something wrong with Eternal's deck randomization system. It is common to encounter resource glut, sometimes drawing nothing but resource cards during a single match. While a hand redraw guarantees two resource cards, resource drought is also common. While I understand the wish of the design team to stay true to their Magic roots, the competitive, digital CCG space demands design systems that optimize the player experience. And while Hearthstone's steady resource gain system seems to take some of the life out of the CCG experience, it balances the competitive experience in a critical way. Imagine, for example, if Eternal had a steady resource gain mechanic with a 'random' color draw that could determine the type of the resource drawn. This random draw could still be based on a number of resources included during deck building while helping mitigate the game-breaking randomness of resource draw.

While the resource issue is enough to keep me from spending a ton of money on Eternal, I have enjoyed the rest of the game. If you're looking for a game with a strong MtG feel but with a mostly modern design approach to the digital CCG genre, I think Eternal is a good choice.

Время в игре: 698 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 12.02.2017 08:39
36 0

Eternal Card Game initially comes across as being quite a solid redo of Magic the Gathering. It has some very interesting mechanics that build upon previous concepts from other card games, and has made some effort to reduce the common issue of variance. Eternal uses a number of mechanics seen in MtG and hearthstone (such as trample, flying, death-touch etc), as well as a very similar mana system and turn structure. Eternal moves on from there though with a slightly different take on hearthstones weapon system, and some interesting mechanics that make good use of the digital format.
Unfortunately I cannot recommend this game, and instead recommend 'Magic Duels' instead. There are some flaws that hinder Eternals current potential, and 'Magic Duels' is simply a more balanced and newcomer-friendly environment. To explain, I will list the pros and cons below.


- Eternal makes good use of being a digital card game. There are a number of mechanics and unique card abilities (namely 'echo' and 'crown of possibilities') that are fun, reasonably powerful, and also very difficult to replicate in a paper format.

- Eternal is somewhat balanced. Some cards are great, some are not, and no cards (from what I have seen at any rate) are game-breakingly poweful. Ranked (Standard) definitely has tiered deck lists (ie, some decks are better than others), but budget or janky decks can still participate with an expectation to pull off a few wins

- Eternal is free to play, paying simply speeds up the process. All formats can be played with the in-game currency (gold), and all of the cards can be obtained through earning and using gold. Gold is also not too difficult to obtain, as you can complete quests, battle players, or battle AI to earn gold. Participating in drafts or sealed formats also awards gold and cards/packs, and doing well in draft will either cover the entire cost (winning 6 games and losing 3) or will earn more gold than what you paid (7 wins, 2 or fewer losses)

- Eternal is reasonably solid with very few bugs or systematic issues. It doesn't play well with certain GFX settings or GFX cards, but the only real issue I encountered was that certain parts of the UI might black out (while still being usable).


- Biggest first: variance. A lot of people will say "variance is in all card games, it's part of the game", and I will agree with them. However, when playing Eternal in any of its formats, there are far too many "non-games" - games where you have drawn too many sigils (lands), or too few, or are missing a colour entirely; games where you have drawn poorly and/or the opponent has drawn perfectly; games that are not really games, because either you, or your opponent, did not really participate.
Eternal is very much a 'value' game rather than a 'combo' game, 2-for-1'ing your opponent is always what you play to, and often what you lose to. While out-valuing your opponent can be fun, often a single 'out-value' moment can snowball into victory. Why? Deck size requirements are too high (45 for sealed, 75 for draft), you can only mulligan once, and games are a 'best of 1', which means that consistency is regularly quite low. With this, even the best decks can easily lose repeatedly to lower tier decks, even if the match-up is favourable.

Also, this issue of variance practically doubles in draft. The limited format is decent, and the card design makes it clear that MtG professionals have assisted with creating the set. However, the drafting stage takes place with AI bots (draft with bots, play against live players), and the AI often make strange choices that lead into odd drafting signals. Packs also have extremely poor variance, often only containing one card of a particular colour. Due to this, it's quite often that you will be passed a pack where there are literally no good picks for your colour(s) (even at pick 2), and even pack-1-pick-1 can be extremely poor. These issues exacerbate the previously mentioned variance issues, often leading to a bad draft experience.

In all, there are an alarmingly high number of "non-game"s, and be rare to experience actual games. Non-games are less likely in ranked, but even then the rate seems (purely based on experience, not at all researched) to be approximately 50-50.

- Eternal is not newcomer friendly. There is a tutorial, and you do get to play a relatively easy and straightforward campaign. 'Forge' (sealed) is also relatively easy, and can be a good way for new players to spend gold and learn pick order basics. However, there are a few mechanics that are not explained well, and a number of interactions that are not particularly intuitive. Good examples of this are 'Aegis' and 'Exhaust', as neither are explained fully by the in-game rules description. Thankfully this issue isn't too uncommon, but (without some prior research) you will likely lose a few games (some of which you may have paid for, like draft) due to not fully understanding a particular mechanic.

- Certain cards and mechanics are unbalanced. Anything that provides card advantage, and any mechanic that provides an easy and/or immediate 2-for-1 (eg. warcry and echo) are notably more powerful than other effects. While this would be fine normally (as you do need certain cards/effects to be pushed), the issue of consistency and variance makes this a bit more unbalanced.
I did say earlier that Eternal is "somewhat balanced" as a 'pro', and overall the game is good in that regard. The colours all do fine in limited, and nothing is game-breakingly powerful. However, you will experience more 'non-game's the moment you don't run some form of deck-thinning/card advantage/inherent 2-for-1s, as variance will simply punish you more often.

To conclude, variance is painful, and "non-game"s are the worst. The game is fun in a lot of ways, but sadly the sheer number of "non-game"s detract a little too much from the overall experience.
The game is still in development, and it still holds a lot of potential, and hopefully the developers will work toward some better solutions for the current issues. For now though, I suggest finding another game.

Время в игре: 6014 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2017 19:15
56 0

I've played Magic on and off my whole life and spent at least 1000 hours playing Hearthstone. I had MTGO since the very beginning, and Hearthstone since late 2013 near the end of the open beta. Eternal is the best online card game I've ever played. It combines the best aspects of Magic's strategic depth and Hearthstone's fast-paced accessibility while avoiding their flaws.
Magic will always be expensive because it's a tradable CCG with a reserve list of cards that can't be reprinted and expensive booster packs. Most cards lose tons of value when they rotate out of standard. MTGO is less expensive and more liquid than physical cards, but still expensive. Recently, Wizards have added features similar to other digital CCGs like treasure chests.
Hearthstone is "F2P" in name only. New players need to spend lots of money or time to earn a viable deck. Otherwise, enjoy scraping out wins with a crappy pile at rank 17. Rewards for winning games are meager. You can get big payoffs in Arena (where you don't get to keep the cards you draft)...if you're already an experienced player and/or lucky. Arena costs 1.5 packs to play with cards you don't own and win at least 1 pack of value. You don't keep the cards. New Arena players get trashed.
Eternal is truly F2P. The spoils of victory are frequent and generous. Each win either gives a treasure chest with gold and a card, or more gold and a better card, or even more gold holy shit and a booster pack. Each treasure chest has a chance of becoming a better treasure chest full of even better rewards. Single-player Gauntlet mode lets you face the AI for free to win big rewards. Forge and Draft are more expensive than HS Arena (2.5 and 5x pack price vs. 1.5x pack price), but you get to keep all the cards you draft in Forge and Draft modes while still winning big payoffs for playing well.
Magic is pay to play, try to recoup your losses later. Hearthstone is an evil slot machine that reluctantly hands out the goods. Eternal is a slot machine that always gives you something, but sometimes gives you something better, and occasionally gives you an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii.
Winner: Eternal
Gameplay and RNG
Magic is the deepest, most complicated, most strategically interesting CCG ever. Almost every type of card, zone and resource can be interacted with, during both players' turns. The mana system rewards intelligent deck building and decision making skills. However, the mana system has also been a constant thorn in its side. Mana screw and flood as well as color screw are a necessary evil of the game's design, and consistently ruin the experience and decide high-level matches. The mulligan system punishes you further for the crime of being unlucky. Magic Online makes no use of any digital-only design space (except Momir Basic) and the relief from shuffling physical cards. The metagame gets patched several times a year whenever the physical Banned and Restricted list is updated.
Hearthstone sidesteps resource problems with its mana system, but has different issues instead. It's a simplistic "My turn, your turn" game with a hard limit to how interesting and interactive it can be. The mana system means that instead of getting mana-screwed, you get tempo-screwed if you don't draw a 2 on turn 2, a 3 on turn 3, and so on. It's called Curvestone for a reason. Being able to attack anything directly means that losing the board first usually means losing the game. The mulligan system is good. Hearthstone explores digital design space, but leans overwhelmingly on random effects. The RNG is so hilariously pervasive that even top-level players meme about it on a constant basis. Omnipresent powerful random effects make situations that are impossible to play around. It's one thing to get outplayed, but it feels awful to get outlucked. HS is the game of getting outlucked. Also, the meta is prone to getting extremely stale as Team 5 moves very slowly to nerf problem cards and very rarely buffs weaker ones.
Eternal simplifies the essence of Magic's strategic, interactive gameplay. You can still interact on your opponents' turns and there's plenty of powerful spot and mass removal (at common and uncommon, even!) to deal with tall and wide boards. The mana and combat systems are similar to Magic's. Eternal mitigates bad opening hands by allowing you to redraw a 7 card hand with between 2-5 mana cards, guaranteed. Flood and screw are still possible, but not nearly as frequently as in Magic. The combat system is much more interesting less blatantly aggressive than Hearthstone's, with different advantages given for attackers and defenders. Eternal makes excellent use of digital design space. You can affect cards in any zone, some cards make copies of themselves when drawn, and card attributes will persist across different zones, resulting in creative combos. As far as the metagame, in the last few months Dire Wolf Digital has shown a willingness to alter cards and tune up the meta in a timely manner when certain strategies are revealed to be too oppressive or lacking in counterplay.
Winner: Magic for overall depth, Eternal for elegance and creativity with digital space.
Polish and Features
Magic Online is the laughingstock of the digital games world. However, it has many more features than HS, with a huge variety of formats available, a full-featured collection and deck manager, and the ability to trade tickets cards with bots other players.
Hearthstone is a beautiful experience with compelling graphics, music, animations and voice acting. However, it possesses a few game modes (casual, ranked, arena, tavern brawl) with only two formats for now (wild and tavern brawl). It possesses extremely few features despite its obscene profitability and years post-release. There is no tournament mode and the deck and collection managers are very weak.
Eternal's art direction, sound design and graphical effects are better than Magic Online (like every other game) and worse than Hearthstone's (like every other game), but far closer to Hearthstone than to Magic Online. It only has two single player and two multiplayer modes. It has an intuitive, full-featured collection manager and deckbuilder with analytic tools to help guide deckbuilding.
Winner: Hearthstone for polish, Eternal for features.
On the whole, Eternal refines and simplifies Magic's gameplay and creatively explores new design space while avoiding the egregious errors of Hearthstone. The gameplay finely balances a majority focus on skill with a pinch of luck. There is a wealth of interactions and strategies to explore. The online experience is elegant, enjoyable and full-featured. The game is generous with its rewards. You should stop reading this and install it right now. Why are you still reading this? Go away. Go play Eternal

Время в игре: 7045 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2017 07:00
3 0

I've played Magic on and off my whole life and spent at least 1000 hours playing Hearthstone. I had MTGO since the very beginning, and Hearthstone since open beta. Eternal is the best online card game I've ever played. It combines the best aspects of Magic's strategic depth and Hearthstone's fast-paced accessibility while avoiding their flaws.

PS:Though the mulligan will always drive you crazy,but I love this game indeed.


Magic will always be expensive because it's a tradable CCG with a reserve list of cards that can't be reprinted and expensive booster packs. Most cards lose tons of value when they rotate out of standard. MTGO is less expensive and more liquid than physical cards, but still expensive. Recently, Wizards have added features similar to other digital CCGs like treasure chests.

Hearthstone is "F2P" in name only. New players need to spend lots of money or time to earn a viable deck. Otherwise, enjoy scraping out wins with a crappy pile at rank 17. Rewards for winning games are meager. You can get big payoffs in Arena (where you don't get to keep the cards you draft)...if you're already an experienced player and/or lucky. Arena costs 1.5 packs to play with cards you don't own and win at least 1 pack of value. You don't keep the cards. New Arena players get trashed.

Eternal is truly F2P. The spoils of victory are frequent and generous. Each win either gives a treasure chest with gold and a card, or more gold and a better card, or even more gold holy shit and a booster pack. Each treasure chest has a chance of becoming a better treasure chest full of even better rewards. Single-player Gauntlet mode lets you face the AI for free to win big rewards. Forge and Draft are more expensive than HS Arena (2.5 and 5x pack price vs. 1.5x pack price), but you get to keep all the cards you draft in Forge and Draft modes while still winning big payoffs for playing well.

Magic is pay to play, try to recoup your losses later. Hearthstone is an evil slot machine that reluctantly hands out the goods. Eternal is a slot machine that always gives you something, but sometimes gives you something better, and occasionally gives you an all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii.

Winner: Eternal

Gameplay and RNG

Magic is the deepest, most complicated, most strategically interesting CCG ever. Almost every type of card, zone and resource can be interacted with, during both players' turns. The mana system rewards intelligent deck building and decision making skills. However, the mana system has also been a constant thorn in its side. Mana screw and flood as well as color screw are a necessary evil of the game's design, and consistently ruin the experience and decide high-level matches. The mulligan system punishes you further for the crime of being unlucky. Magic Online makes no use of any digital-only design space (except Momir Basic) and the relief from shuffling physical cards. The metagame gets patched several times a year whenever the physical Banned and Restricted list is updated.

Hearthstone sidesteps resource problems with its mana system, but has different issues instead. It's a simplistic "My turn, your turn" game with a hard limit to how interesting and interactive it can be. The mana system means that instead of getting mana-screwed, you get tempo-screwed if you don't draw a 2 on turn 2, a 3 on turn 3, and so on. It's called Curvestone for a reason. Being able to attack anything directly means that losing the board first usually means losing the game. The mulligan system is good. Hearthstone explores digital design space, but leans overwhelmingly on random effects. The RNG is so hilariously pervasive that even top-level players meme about it on a constant basis. Omnipresent powerful random effects make situations that are impossible to play around. It's one thing to get outplayed, but it feels awful to get outlucked. HS is the game of getting outlucked. Also, the meta is prone to getting extremely stale as Team 5 moves very slowly to nerf problem cards and very rarely buffs weaker ones.

Eternal simplifies the essence of Magic's strategic, interactive gameplay. You can still interact on your opponents' turns and there's plenty of powerful spot and mass removal (at common and uncommon, even!) to deal with tall and wide boards. The mana and combat systems are similar to Magic's. Eternal mitigates bad opening hands by allowing you to redraw a 7 card hand with between 2-5 mana cards, guaranteed. Flood and screw are still possible, but not nearly as frequently as in Magic. The combat system is much more interesting less blatantly aggressive than Hearthstone's, with different advantages given for attackers and defenders. Eternal makes excellent use of digital design space. You can affect cards in any zone, some cards make copies of themselves when drawn, and card attributes will persist across different zones, resulting in creative combos. As far as the metagame, in the last few months Dire Wolf Digital has shown a willingness to alter cards and tune up the meta in a timely manner when certain strategies are revealed to be too oppressive or lacking in counterplay.

Winner: Magic for overall depth, Eternal for elegance and creativity with digital space.

Polish and Features

Magic Online is the laughingstock of the digital games world. However, it has many more features than HS, with a huge variety of formats available, a full-featured collection and deck manager, and the ability to trade tickets cards with bots other players.
Hearthstone is a beautiful experience with compelling graphics, music, animations and voice acting. However, it possesses a few game modes (casual, ranked, arena, tavern brawl) with only two formats for now (wild and tavern brawl). It possesses extremely few features despite its obscene profitability and years post-release. There is no tournament mode and the deck and collection managers are very weak.

Eternal's art direction, sound design and graphical effects are better than Magic Online (like every other game) and worse than Hearthstone's (like every other game), but far closer to Hearthstone than to Magic Online. It only has two single player and two multiplayer modes. It has an intuitive, full-featured collection manager and deckbuilder with analytic tools to help guide deckbuilding.

Winner: Hearthstone for polish, Eternal for features.


On the whole, Eternal refines and simplifies Magic's gameplay and creatively explores new design space while avoiding the egregious errors of Hearthstone. The gameplay finely balances a majority focus on skill with a pinch of luck. There is a wealth of interactions and strategies to explore. The online experience is elegant, enjoyable and full-featured. The game is generous with its rewards. You should stop reading this and install it right now. Why are you still reading this? Go away. Go play Eternal.

Время в игре: 6908 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.02.2017 08:06
2 0

The similarity between this game and HS was obvious, and I was skeptic about it...

...Reading the positive reviews, I also learned that it plays like Magic, too,
so I decided to try the game...

And I'm glad I did!
Overall, I'm having fun with Eternal!, Good TCG!

Время в игре: 1544 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.02.2017 18:10
5 0

I love Card Games and i must say i realy love this one. I have trieed almost every card game on a PC a came along, but none of them keeped me playing like Eternal.
Like the other reviewers sayed, its a mix from hearthstone and magic, in a good way.
It can be frustrating when you didnt get the power cards (sigils) you need to play cards, bute hey: RNG!
But the most important Fact in this Game is the really good PvE Content, you never need to play PvP if you didnt want to and still can progress.
Just try it you have nothing to lose :)

Время в игре: 2086 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.02.2017 01:39
1 0

Enjoying it a lot more than other card games and I've played a lot, this is one of the best. It's a perfect combination of hearthstone and MTG and some others. (Hearthstone, ES Legends, Shadowverse, Spellweaver, Infinity Wars, HEX SoF, Nightbanes and some others I've forgotten)

Время в игре: 596 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.02.2017 02:27
1 1

This game is WAY MORE than a MTG wannabe, And a really well made one. It's made for the digital space and fixes a lot of mtg problems, It loses a bit of complexity compared to Magic, but the game's depth is fantástic.

Just have to add btw, the game is really F2P friendly.. amazing from the guys from Dire Worlf.

Время в игре: 9116 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.02.2017 06:25
2 0

Great CCG. Can be thought of as a Hearthstone++.

Major differences from Hearthstone:
- Combat happens in a similar way to Magic: you choose the attackers and then your opponent chooses which creatures blocks which.
- Damage from combat is NOT permanent.
- Uses the concept of lands (called sigils in this game)
- Multicolor decks
- Less focus on RNG
- Fast spells (spells that you can cast when your opponent declares an attack / ends the turn)

They took Hearthstone and then tried to make it feel a little bit more like Magic. While the changes may look small, they truly improve the gameplay.

Время в игре: 442 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.02.2017 11:45
14 0

A UI as good as Hearthstone with cards and a resource system more similar to MTG and a surprisingly competent AI makes going through the long tutorial worth it. As of writing this review game is very generous giving out commons and uncommons for simply completing quests and building up enough f2p coins to draft doesn't take very long either. I would say Eternal has the most consumer friendly model on the CCG market.

Время в игре: 2324 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.01.2017 22:02
2 0

I wish the reviews had a neutral option. The game has so much potential and with a few tweaks could be the top CCG. It by far has the best single player & AI of any game in the genre. There is a very fun and free single player mode vs the ai that gives you lots of cards / gold. They are very generous and make the collection building much easier than other games. The ranked system is actually very well done. You need 100 points to rank up and every win gives you some points and a loss takes some away. You gain more points for wins than points loss for losing.

I have a few key issues with this game which is the main reason I only really play to do daily quest now and instead play Elder Scrolls Legends with most of my time. Elder Scrolls Legends is by far the bes CCG available and it's a shame nobody has heard of. It's kind of funny that Dire Wolf is also doing Elder Scrolls, but yet that game blows away Eternal. Anyway, let's get into the actual problem.

The decks are just too large with 70 cards, but they do allow for up to 4 copies of each card. Carrying 4 copies of each with 70 cards is NOT the same as having a 35 card deck with 2 copies of each. Your extra copies or even all of the copies of 1 card can and often do end up in the latter 2/3rds of the deck which never see play. There are just too many total cards to be able to have very consistent gameplay. I have spent a little over half of my time playing ranked matches and I have had only a couple of games that actually felt like good solid games on both sides. Just for a comparison, Elder Scrolls has almost every game feel like a good close game with the winner being determined based on skill more than rng. The other 99% of games were just blowout wins or losses. Too often the game is decided in the opening hand. Whoever wins or loses is more often a question of which player gets a better distribution of their sigils rather than who actually played better or had a better constructed deck.

You put 50 cards into the deck and then you are forced to put at least 25 Sigil cards. If you want to play a 1 cost unit then you must first play 1 sigil. To play a 2 cost unit requires you to have played 2 total sigils and you can only play 1 sigil per turn. In theory this is a good idea, but their system needs some serious tweaking to make the gameplay feel balanced. 90% of the games end with 50+ cards left into the deck. Too often you will have cards in your hand, but then can't play them because you draw a sigil for 6 turns in a row. The other thing that happens is that you only draw minions / spells, but no sigils. I hate winning a game for no reason other than my opponent drew sigils for 6 straight turns while I bashed his face in. I also equally hate losing for this same reason. The mulligan system will allow you to either keep or replace all of your cards which does not help these things from happening.

If the developers will fix the sigil issue and cut the size of the deck by about 10 cards then would be a perfect game. The way the game is right now I would recommend it if you like Magic as it's really close in gameplay or hate the other CCGs you're currently playing. You would be better off checking out Elder Scrolls Legends because until this game is more balanced, ESL is just a better game all around.

Время в игре: 6825 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.01.2017 11:02
1 0

Like many others I grew up as a typical teenage Magic nerd and naturally I am interested in any digital version that could capture me the same way. Other than the timeless and amazing Shandalar, I have yet too find a really decent and accessible digital competitor, until now!

Eternal is far from archaic and has happily and correctly snapped up all the best things about Hearthstone, while also integrating the best of the more advanced mechanics from Magic the Gathering.

+ Clear and inviting interface. Smooth graphics and decent art for an indy title. Performance is very good and I have yet to encounter any disconnects or crashes. The cards and their actions are all very nicely and satisfyingly animated. It is very reminiscent of Heartstone in this regard. Lots of attention to details, like high power creatures having an extra 'oomph' when they do damage

+ The card-playing mechanics are significantly improved and much more in-depth than Hearthstone. One of the key factors here is the way blocking works. Just like Magic, you can't just attack whatever creature you want. Rather you declare your attackers and the opponent can then choose to block them (or not) and assign his blockers as seems best. This is a fundamental change from HS and it makes the game feel much more strategic. You also have interaction with the graveyard, interrupt spells, artifacts, attachments (enchantments) and plenty of dimensions you can build your decks around, including new ones not seen in classic MtG or HS.

+ Similarly, the game uses a mix between hearthstone and Magic when it comes to mana. You need to budget for mana cards and there are many variants of them. This adds an extra dimension to deck-building as many creatures and spells directly interact with them. It can result in some dead hands although this is very rare (the game secretly ensure you get two power cards should you decide to mulligan)

+ Despite offering more depth, the game is far more accessible and generous than HS. The devs have correctly understood that for a game like this to gain traction when HS is so dominant on the scene, you need to let players get a lof of cards quickly so you can open up the choices. Almost anything you can do in the game results in a constant flow of cards, be it Ranked, Gauntlet, Forge or Draft. You also get lots of crafting dust so you can get those key cards to make your deck work and there are plenty of quest rewards and themed decks coming your way.

+ The four game types mentioned above are likewise very well designed. Ranked is your standard ladder. Forge is very similar to Arena in HS. You pick from three options at a time until you have 25 cards, then you play against a gauntlet of AIs, each win upping your reward. Draft is a direct derivative of Magic's drafting format. You and other players take turns picking cards from 4 random booster packs, and then you craft a 45-card deck. You then have a gauntlet of 7 real players to beat. Did I mention that in both forge and draft you get to keep ALL cards?

+ Balance is on-point to the extent that it can be for the moment. So far I haven't seen any outrageous or unfair cards that cannot be countered. Some deck types will lose to others more often than not, but that's just card games for you. There is of course a meta and I'm sure the deck types narrow as you go further up the ranks.


- I honestly don't have any serious complaints to mention. The game is still early access but it certainly feels like a full game. The casual mode is not yet active, and that is a bit annoying. When you try out new decks, Gauntled mode against the AI won't really give you a good benchmark and you are going to be hesitant to take it straight to ranked. Luckily you can still play against your friends as much as you like, as if it were casual.

- I would like to see a tournament mode added into the game as well. It would be a lot of fun to participate in elimination-style competitions against other players and of course your friends on a daily basis, with rewards for finishing in the top 2 or 3. Larger seasonal tournaments would be really cool as well.


- One serious issue with the game currently is the mandatory campaign tutorial. You have to play 4 games for each color, for a total of 21 games, one of which can take a good few tries. You are limited to really poor starter decks that are very boring to play. This can really turn off a lot of players and it takes a good 2-3 hours to get through. If I hadn't already known this going in, I might not have continued playing and that would have been a great shame. I really hope the devs revisit and shortens this soon. 5 mandatory games would've been plenty. Gauntlet mode is already a great way to learn the game.

In summary: a great free-to-play title with a complete lack of paywalls or pay-to-win mechanics. It combines the best of Magic and HS into a brilliant mix and you will get addicted.

Время в игре: 3923 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.01.2017 04:37
30 0

Quick Review: Great Magic: The Gathering inspired digital CCG. Amazing UI, loads of features, brilliant draft system, and some truly awesome cards. But... as an MTG derivative, you have to be able to accept mana flooding/screwing.

Long Review:

I wanted to put some good hours into the game before reviewing (18 as of this post). I've completed the Tutorial Quests, four Forges, one draft and a ton of ranked games. Oh, and I've been playing Magic since Arabian Nights and Hearthstone since Beta.

To start, this is NOT Hearthstone. It is Magic the Gathering. Everything you know from Hearthstone doesn't apply here. You have to play "power" cards (mana/lands), so you need to know how to balance a deck. The system will try to do it for you and they start you out with a full set of 40 "dual stones", but to be good at the game you'll need to understand how to get the proper ratios. You also don't choose how you attack. You choose WHO attacks, and the opponent chooses blocks.

Once you accept that this is Magic on digitial steroids, you can really enjoy the game. Note: the initial tutorial quests are drudgery. Your decks suck and the mana ratios aren't great. They should really let you skip parts of this, but they don't. JUST PLAY THROUGH. It's worth it. You'll get a free Forge, which will net you a solid amount of packs and get you going.

The UI is AMAZING. You can get through games in 5 minutes and there is almost no waiting. Everything just works like you expect it to. WotC should hang its head in shame after seeing this.

There are a ton of cards for a first launch and lots of interesting deck ideas to build around. You could say that there are some balance issues - Black has a ridiculous suite of creature removal for a core set - but overall it does feel like every color have something truly special that it can do, and there are solid Aggro, Control and Combo strategies.

While I still love Hearthstone, I've been finding myself coming back to Eternal again and again, excited to play more. It's awesome and will be enjoyed by anyone who has played and enjoyed Magic at any time in their life.

Время в игре: 1870 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.01.2017 09:02
2 1

Short version: This is the best virtual CCG i have ever played, If you like cardgames, do yourself a favour and download this!

Eternal combines the best aspects of Hearthstone and Magic: the Gathering; It has Hearthstones flow and quick gameplay, but also Magics flavor, depth and overall feel in terms of decktypes and strategies. It is well balanced, and new players are eased into it with a short campaign and a completely free "Gauntlet" mode, which is great to get a feel for the game and farm some gold.

The free-to-play-model is very fair compaired to most other CCGs i have tried, you can farm gold rather quickly, and there is a draft mode which lets you pick the cards you want to add to your collection from the packs. Getting legendary cards is not that hard, which makes the collecting feel quite rewarding, even though the cardpool is quite big. It is possible to have more than one of each legendary card in a deck however. Still, i have been able to build really competitive and fun decks rather quickly.

Eternal has a very active Playerbase, i never waited in the ranked queue for more than 30 seconds, no matter when i played. The types of decks you will encounter vary greatly, no more stale face-hunter meta, like in Hearthstone! Sure there are very prominent aggro decktypes, like the rakano warcry archetype, but overall the metagame feels quite colorful and balanced.

Bottom line: Very Good!

Время в игре: 11451 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.01.2017 06:47
7 0

I'm updating this review to reflect on what I have gathered after two months of play. Sadly, my opinion about the game has quickly gone downhill as the fun factor has been drained by the effects of bad variance.

Eternal Card Game is Hearthstone’s UI with a Magic: the Gathering feel to it. And it features more of the bad from both those games, than the good. There are three main issues with it:

First of all, extreme resource variance, known within the community as power screw and flood, determines an unacceptable amount of games, and the tools to mitigate this given within the game, both as cards and game mechanics, haven’t been enough to solve it. This is particularly frustrating during draft, and has been highly criticized in the forums.

Second, swingy mechanics aren’t kept on check, and this is mostly related to the fact that changes in cards can still affect them while outside of play (?). This leads to some games being determined by players drawing into oversized units that their opponents can’t respond to, or recycling weapons that grant increasing numbers of armor and damage. As a direct consequence, tempo swings are immediate instead of gradual, and they set a quick counter towards defeat.

And third, it seems like the developers are digging into abilities that generate random cards. Concededly, there’s not a huge amount of them at the moment that I’m writing this review, and they’re not the most powerful effects, but it makes me scared that this is the direction we’re heading.

What’s most frustrating is that the developers are already engaging into releasing new content instead of addressing the current problems. This makes me concerned that the game might be released without any changes in these regards, which is why I’m advising that people don’t spend any kind of money in it.

***note***: I'm keeping the old review around, just in case someone is interested in the games best features, instead of it's worst.

Thought I’m giving this game a positive review, and I encourage tcg players and virtual ccg players to try it out, I advise against spending any money in it until you’re definitely sure that you want to stick with it.

Eternal Card Game is Hearthstone’s UI with a Magic: the Gathering feel to it. And it features both, some of the good and some of the bad from both games. Nothing in its core is original.

It is fast paced, and its familiar mechanics and simple UI make it easy to learn.

The main issue about this game, however, is that it falls in the “screw and flood” paradigm of any card game where resources are cards. While, additionally, forcing players to make at least one third of each deck to be resource cards. This particularly punishes low curve fast strategies by increasing the chances that they flood in resource cards with nowhere to spend them, while not solving the fact that they can still get resource screwed and not be able to play any most of their cards.

I do believe that it will be better in the future as the card pool grows in size and design mistakes are balanced.

Время в игре: 14921 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.01.2017 10:08
2 0

I'm enjoying this game, feels like Magic and Hearthstone had a baby and the result is the best of both worlds. Also it's more FTP than Hearthstone as each game win is worth a larger % of a deck than a game win in HS.

I'd recommend and I have.

Время в игре: 4754 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 26.01.2017 11:59
16 0

The power flooding/screwing, how you mulligan, and how inconsistent your decks play ruins what is a competent online CCG.

Magic the Gathering is already an exercise in frustration with its 60 card decks. Eternal has 75 card decks -- Why?! This just increases the odds of drawing a streak of cards you can't utilize resulting in many games where you literally lose the game without playing a unit. This, combined with the game's harsh mulliganing where you can only mulligan once to which you have to dump your whole hand, results in a crap shoot that often ends up with these wildly polarizing hands.

If you somehow manage to make a game more inconsistent than Magic the Gathering, then you're doing something very wrong. It's really fun when you get a reasonably balanced hand, but too often your options are to draw power for 10 turns in a row or not draw power for 10 turns in a row.

Время в игре: 700 ч. Куплено в Steam

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Strategy Casual Massively Multiplayer Free to Play


Single-player Multi-player PvP Online PvP Cross-Platform Multiplayer Steam Achievements Steam Trading Cards In-App Purchases Partial Controller Support