Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages

Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages

Steam Store

Разработчик: HeroLabs

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Об игре

Тактическая настолка в мире Темных Веков!

Игровые особенности

  • Шесть фракций с собственным набором генералов и отрядов: ловкие кочевники Орды, дисциплинированные бронированные Имперцы, безумные Норманны в мохнатых шкурах, освоившие порох гильдии Союза, гордые рыцари Ордена, экзотические культисты Месопотамии.
  • Свыше 50 видов отрядов с реальными историческими прототипами. У нас не найти бронелифчиков и шипастых наплечников!
  • Выживая в сражениях, отряды набирают опыт и совершенствуют свои способности. Новобранцы и ветераны не сопоставимы по своим боевым качествам.
  • Генералы — предводители отрядов, чьи способности и навыки критическим образом сказываются на результатах сражений. Каждый генерал — это уникальная личность, заново генерируемая в каждой игровой партии. Внешность, параметры, черты характера и специальные способности. Невозможно предугадать, кто попадется в следующий раз: храбрый, но не далекий рыцарь, талантливый, но жадный тактический гений или кровожадный рубака, внушающий ужас, как врагам, так и союзник
  • Пантеон избранных генералов: занесите туда ваших любимых полководцев, чтобы переносить их из сценария в сценарий или наймите в нем тех, кем пугали и кому молились сотни лет назад, будь то Жанна Д'Арк или Чингисхан.
  • Набор сценариев предложит заняться самыми разными делами: победить в гражданской войне, отбить нашествие кочевников, разобраться с хозяйничающими на побережьях пиратами, сохранить охваченное чумой королевство, подавить крестьянское восстание.
  • Боевые формации: расстановка войск перед боем во многом определит его исход. Тактические уловки, обман и ловушки — побеждайте качеством, а не количеством.
  • Ландшафт и погода: даже идеальная армия может проиграть в невыгодных условиях. Заманите вражескую конницу в болото под стрелы своих лучников, но помните, что дождь и туман уничтожат все преимущества ваших стрелков.
  • Улучшайте оружие и доспехи своих бойцов в королевской кузнице.

«Время Тьмы» — это пошаговая стратегия в мире жестокого альтернативного средневековья. Викинги против боевых слонов, мушкетеры против монгольской конницы, античная фаланга против крестоносцев – в кровавой мясорубке сошлись самые смертоносные армии в истории.
Армии — ничто без генералов. Во Временах Тьмы отряды в бой ведут полководцы, каждый из которых – личность, со своими добродетелями и пороками, умениями и слабостями.
Займите трон небольшого королевства, раздираемого внутренними конфликтами, которое со всех сторон окружают воинственные соседи, и попытайтесь пережить Времена Тьмы.
Нанимайте войска и командиров, тренируйте и улучшайте их способности, займитесь тактическими изысканиями и создайте лучшую боевую формацию для ваших армий, захватывайте города и уничтожайте целые страны, развивайте экономику, не забывайте о дипломатии, исследуйте и покоряйте!

Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows 7
  • Оперативная память: 3 GB ОЗУ
  • Место на диске: 1500 MB

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 11.02.2022 13:37
0 0

At first glace "Strategy & Tactics: Dark Ages" (from here called STDA, yeah it sounds like a disease) looks like everything a hardcore strategy gamer would want. Collectible leaders ranging from Common to Legendary, lots of varied units, a wide game-play board with lots of areas to conquer, even a level up system. Pretty neat for it’s economic price. Sadly when you jump in STDA you soon realize that the complex strategy look is just that, a look and the game is simple, shallow, and dare I say it… ‘casual’.

It feels like STDA was suppose to be a much grander and complex product than we got with weird cues that feel like they had wanted to do more but for whatever reason they couldn’t. The one move per turn rule is very painful and makes the game dreadfully slow. Naturally your first instinct is to try to speed up movement so you focus on capturing roads, thinking (Like every other game) roads will reduce movement costs. They don’t. In fact… roads don’t do anything outside of give some minor boosts to certain unit performances. In fact… most terrain does nothing except give these small boosts. Movement costs is equal value on everything regardless of what it is so there’s really no point to terrain. What about those unit boosts I was talking about? Small and almost completely useless. The boosts are barely noticeable and will never be useful in large scale. You’re never going to win a fight because of terrain. You might lose less health value per unit, but not enough that you’ll ever feel like it matters. Even on defense the main AI opponents, not the random spawns like bandits, are actually smart enough to not attack you unless it has a chance of winning. This usually means a larger and stronger army and while in an even match a terrain bonus might give you a small edge the fact that you will mainly just be outnumbered means it won’t matter.

Tactics is also painfully absent. Like terrain there are a few abilities or formations that can give your army some small boosts. Again, in many cases this doesn’t matter because your biggest advantage is just being bigger than your enemy. The Dev teams apparently knows this which is why your biggest challenge when starting any scenario is a giant AI deathstack which outnumbers anything you can field early on. You circumvent this by just throwing trash and mercenaries at it until the numbers dwindle. Again, what leads me to believe this was the way the game was meant to be played is the fact that AI armies don’t reinforce. Sometimes they’ll hire a replacement unit, but I’ve never seen them reinforce or heal injured units even when they’re smack dab in the middle of a town they own and you know they have the money because reinforcing injured units is really cheap.

So simplified movement and lack of actual strategy and tactics? Could still be fun, right? Sure, but it’s also unstable. Almost five years after release and bugs are still be reported and fixed. Dev team is fixing stuff so that’s neat. The game is supported, but I still crashed about three times in the past 7 or 10 hours I’ve been playing. Sad thing is, the crashes feel really random and are hard to reproduce not to mention even know what causes it. There this weird thing that if you recruit units and then go to transfer those units to the city garrison the game crashes, no error report. This is random though and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t. Game also has this weird bug that if you alt-tab out to like answer a DM or maybe take a breather the game will randomly think you’ve changed resolution and close out. Again, this is random as sometimes you can alt-tab out no problem and other times the game just… is stupid.

Overall, move along. There’s nothing to see here that is worth your time.

Время в игре: 567 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.02.2022 22:12
0 0

Good concept, terrible execution. The game does crash once every 5-10 turns. The strategic level of this is not great enough to call it a "Strategy" game. This is a grinding game. You need to grind the same level 10 times (20 minutes each) before you can buy the average upgrade, which does scale. So you're doing 1 more game per level upgrade.

By the time you purchase your generals or upgrade your troops, you are going onto the next faction. You are not allowed to use your previous troop types or generals that you grinded so long for.

Only playable with cheating. Otherwise to beat this entire game (which is only roughly 10 levels/maps) it will take you around 200-300 hours of grinding.

If it wasn't for the worthless grinding only to reset you, it'd be 3/5. As is, it's not even worth a 1/5. Not playable.

Время в игре: 931 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.10.2020 11:49
13 0

What a mistake to buy this. I didn't believe all the reviews about crashing, but this game crashes every few minutes. And I have a high end computer. Don't waste your money,. Terrible!

Время в игре: 26 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.11.2019 00:13
12 1

This game has huge potential and interesting mechanics. All ruined by two things:
1) NO SAVES. You need to complete each scenario in one sitting, you can't close the game and resume on the other day.
2) CRASHES. You can expect at least one crash every couple scenarios. Usually at a late turn... which means all progress lost (see reason #1).

Due to these two shortcomings this game is not worth the time or the money. I seriously regret buying it.

Время в игре: 142 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.01.2019 11:07
6 2

Don't buy this game unless you like rng and bullshit AI. You wont recieve any notification if another nations declares war on you they just take what they wanted, the starting armies in EVER scenario are randomized aswell as the leaders. To top all this poor quality that belongs on a mobile, the AI will consistently flucuate in numbers (Which your own army lose strength for no reason.) I regret buying this game.

Время в игре: 51 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.12.2018 15:46
4 0

This game is very, very simple at it's core. The most similar game that comes to mind for me would be Battle for Wesnoth. This simplicity however did not prevent me from having a decent amount of fun, once you get the hang of it you begin to realize that the difficulty is mostly related to scripted events, like friends becoming enemies or a single army spawning in the middle of your lands, but that still didnt stop me from enjoying the game. It's accurately priced, the possible sales make it even a better offer. As a casual time filling game - it's great.

Время в игре: 1168 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.12.2018 22:46
18 6

This not a strategy game, it is a moblie game relying almost entirly on scripted events and bull---- starting balance proportions to feign difficuly. Its boring, frustrating and has all the stragetic depth of a limp d--k.

Время в игре: 92 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.10.2018 13:46
2 0

Its a good concept and all that, but I paid money for the conquest of Europe expansion, and it is too laggy to be able to play it, and it could be bigger. Also, you need to make an antiquity version. It would be great to lead legions against parthian horse archers and Macedonian phalanxes, not to mention spartan phalanxes. Idk why you don't have that already

Время в игре: 951 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.08.2018 05:17
13 0

Buggy as heck and crashes even just when attempting to change screen resolution. The tutorial gives so little information, I feel as though I'd be better off just attempting to trial and error my way through learning the game. Unfortunately, I can't recommend the game in this state. Pity.

Время в игре: 18 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.06.2018 04:39
8 0

This game is promising, but it crashes constantly. At least once every half hour or so of play. Until this is fixed, it doesn't really matter how good the game is as it is too frustrating to play and I would not recommend it. If these crashing problems are fixed I will update this review.

Время в игре: 118 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.04.2018 08:36
18 0

This game has potential however does not come close to living up to it.

Apart from the glitches and crashes, the game mechanics dont make much sense, there is no real information about troop types/advantages or why the force that suddenly invaded from nowhere right in the middle of your stronghold that was garisoned with troops can kick your ass even though they have half the attack points and dont look like they should have any real advantage.

I love hard to win games, but I hate games that are made to be hard by being rediculous or simply unfair or nonsensical.
If you manage to survive the first part of a level then the rest is just a slow grind with little in the way of actual strategy or thought.

Время в игре: 268 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.03.2018 14:07
18 0

Agree with all the reviews that tutorial is terrible and strategy is minimal. Looks pretty, but gave up on the tutorial, especially after I realized it sold for so much.

Время в игре: 59 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.02.2018 21:32
34 1

This game, although sold as full released, is abandoned; only 9 scenarios available (including tutorial scenario), no editor, minimal battle mechanic, few different types of units... don't buy it, in a standard FREE game-demo there is far more content than in this half finished game.

Время в игре: 986 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.02.2018 04:29
42 3

This game delivers some depth in thinking your strategy and tactics in terms of choosing the most effective formation and unit combination. The game might seem a bit difficult at first but once you start grasping the battle mechanics, the game becomes pretty easy to beat although somewhat time consuming depending on which scenario and how much upgrade you have invested on certain type of units. This game delivers some fun and challenge while providing a reasonable challenge and replayability for the price. What makes this game quite replayable once you beat all the scenarios is that you can choose and spend your glory points to keep highly skilled generals and use them again in other scenarios. Also once you have invested in weapon and armor for certain type of troops of your choosing, that upgrades stay for good so when you play other scenarios, you start those scenarios with upgraded stats for the units that you have invested in.

Although this game provides some fun with interesting combat mechanics, I have to say this is a game with some great potentials that are not fully developed. I will list them below:

1. Players are unable to try all different factions and units because of the limitations in current scenarios. (Ex. There are no scenarios that allows players to play with Caroligian faction or Holy Alpine faction so you are unable to try some of their units such as Caroligian Knights or imperial trappers.)

2. Besides adding more scenarios, the game will become infinitely more replayble if players have options to create custom games with random map generator that will allow choosing factions of their liking and also being able to set higher difficulty with more glory point rewards proportional to the level of challenge.

3. AI behavior definitely needs some work in order to make the game more challenging; Ex. Once you release enemy generals on ransom, the AI too often leave those generals with no troops instead of replenishing them with fresh army. The AI should be programmed to continuously hire more generals and recruit more troops instead of just sitting there once their army are beaten. On higher difficulty, the neutral AI players should be more prone to backstab or declre war on human players instead of fighting among themselves and thus making it easy for human players; in some scenarios you just need to wait a few turns until AI factions kill each other and you simply start taking their lands with little resistance. Also I never see AI generals using their special abilities such as building forts or storehouses so the AI is almost always poor financially and can not afford to create more army.

4. Battle mechanic needs improvement particularly when you are trying to launch attack on several enemy army on the same tile. The most idiotic aspect of it right now is that when you attack a multiple enemy army stack on the same square, your single army stack either has to kill all of them by itself or die trying even when you have your other armies on that same tile available to launch attack. This can result in losing your best generals and your experienced units because there are only 9 units you can give to any single army per general and no matter how good your general and how experienced your units are, there is no way to beat 3 or more full stack enemy army with your single army stack. Human players should have an option to pick another fresh army stack to fight the next battle on that same tile instead of having to wait until your initial army stack gets decimated trying to fight multiple enemy army stacks all by itself. After each battle, the human players should be presented with a choice to whether to keep fighting with that same army which might have taken heavy casualty in previous battle, or pick a fresh army to fight the second battle with one of enemy army stacks on that same tile and so on. This way your army is not forced to fight to the very last man and get destroyed even when you have reinforcements ready to fight on that same tile. I think this issue can be resolved either by letting players select more than one army at the same time and have them all attack all attack simultaneously instead of one by one, or by giving players an option whether to choose different army stack for the next battle taking place on that same tile on that same turn.

5. Lastly the game crashes often on some scenarios. I had to keep restarting the games multiple times when playing Babylonian and Mongolian scenarios so please fix this issue as well.

Overall, developers did great jobs on coming up with this game but please put some more contents to it and make the game more challenging by working on the issues I mentioned above. The game has a great potential to become even better with proper development.

Thank you.

Время в игре: 10885 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.02.2018 01:12
25 1

According to the tags on store page, this is a "sandbox RTS grand strategy atmospheric real-time with pause dark fantasy RPG strategy" game. These tags are completely wrong and deceiving. This is only a "minor" (casual) strategy boardgame, for there's nothing to do beyond the simplest supremacy/domination victory by moving and killing pieces.

Время в игре: 41 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.02.2018 03:21
44 1

Game is very simple and you win by using cheeze tactics like buying merc armies and riots to destroy ememy since your own troops will never get the job done. It also crashes a LOT. and in my current game it crashes every turn and riots do not work (they crash it). I regret purchase even at 45% discount. has some potential if not so buggy and full of cheeze tactics.

Время в игре: 710 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.02.2018 12:41
221 11

I have no idea how this game could receive a 73% positive rating. It does have potential but despite constant crashing has so many design flaws that it is mediocre at best.

The tutorial is a prime example. Instead of explaning the game it manages to run you through a "click this, click that, Horray you won, now you know the game" routine. Nowhere in this game the stats are explained. Hmm my warrior has an attack of 19 and a defense of 20 ... what does that mean? Yeah it´s better than an attack of 18? Brilliant ... but what happens when an attack of 20 hits a defense value of 10? Or one of 20?

Generals movement is a pretty big offender in my book as well. 90% of the generals can only move 1 province per turn. And so can your enemies ... meaning catching a fleeing enemy is a slog that takes several turns ... what is even worse ... if an enemy sends a 0 Troop General he can still claim your provinces ... meaning you now have to send a General of yours or will lose your income to a single General riding through your backlands.

Story ... dont get me started ... let´s say I was playing a scenario where I was leading an English Nobleman feuding with another ... not only was the most of the map occupied by French-Neutrals (that remain Neutral until you attack them, and otherwise just move troops aimlessly around their lands ... slowing down the AI Turns) ... nope suddenly I am attacked in the Back by a Mongolian Horde... that is just bonkers and shows the lack of polish this game received before release.

I could continue to pick the game appart, but that seems like more efford than what it´s worth.

Guys ... dont get this game ... if you want a fun Turn Based Strategy Game in medieval settings grab Battle Brothers ... that is just 1000% better. Or one of the older Heroes of Might and Magic (3 is brilliant) ... or Banner Saga .... or Civilization or ... or .. god there are so many better games out there. Just dont get this...

Время в игре: 159 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.12.2017 14:30
56 2

This game had much potential but the simple (close to non existing) battle-mechanics totally ruin the game for me.
There is no interaction for the player no "game" in the battle mechanics -whatsoever.
On top you can watch the battles after knowing the outcome - what makes no sense for me.
I made my point in the early access time and was told this would change - it didnt.
The nice art style is in vain. I dont understand the devs creating a game called strategy and tactics without battles.

Время в игре: 595 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 21.10.2017 15:04
9 0

Very good and simple game focused on generals, formations and strategic movements (not single battle tactict, but it's OK for me). Very interesting also the weather and the place of battle modifiers. IMO this game should be a base for a napoleonic or civil war era wargame.

Время в игре: 504 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2016 15:32
46 5

Nice game, a bit like rome total war with auto battles
Devs idea of medium difficulty is a bit trollish, 2 of the levels you're like wtf this is impossible. Can be done tho
Replayability is decent, you have the armoury to upgrade units and the pantheon where you can retain favourite generals.
Levels can be replayed and you get same amount of money etc

Couple glitches, Had an issue where if your windows desktop scaler wasn't set to 100% when at 4k you had mouse issues, devs seem to have fixed it now (im at 150 btw)
Does occasionally crash, but auto saves at start of round and fights don't seem rng(otherwise no point in good generals i suppose)

Время в игре: 2510 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик HeroLabs
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 28.02.2025
Отзывы пользователей 50% положительных (68)

Отзывы пользователей

34 положительных и 34 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 25.02.2025 17:05


Strategy RPG Simulation


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